Tag: situations (page 2 of 6)

Science of frustrated magnets: Hall Effect experiment reveals clues to their discontent

Excerpt from thewestsidestory.netA scientific study carried out in Princeton has brought about the discovery of unlikely properties in materials called frustrated magnets using the Hall Effect.Hall Effect is the property of magnetic fields having inf...

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Bees Do It, Humans Do It ~ Bees can experience false memories, scientists say

Excerpt from csmonitor.com

Researchers at Queen Mary University of London have found the first evidence of false memories in non-human animals.

It has long been known that humans – even those of us who aren't famous news anchors – tend to recall events that did not actually occur. The same is likely true for mice: In 2013, scientists at MIT induced false memories of trauma in mice, and the following year, they used light to manipulate mice brains to turn painful memories into pleasant ones.

Now, researchers at Queen Mary University of London have shown for the first time that insects, too, can create false memories. Using a classic Pavlovian experiment, co-authors Kathryn Hunt and Lars Chittka determined that bumblebees sometimes combine the details of past memories to form new ones. Their findings were published today in Current Biology.
“I suspect the phenomenon may be widespread in the animal kingdom," Dr. Chittka said in a written statement to the Monitor.
First, Chittka and Dr. Hunt trained their buzzing subjects to expect a reward if they visited two artificial flowers – one solid yellow, the other with black-and-white rings. The order didn’t matter, so long as the bee visited both flowers. In later tests, they would present a choice of the original two flower types, plus one new one. The third type was a combination of the first two, featuring yellow-and-white rings. At first, the bees consistently selected the original two flowers, the ones that offered a reward.

But a good night’s sleep seemed to change all that. One to three days after training, the bees became confused and started incorrectly choosing the yellow-and-white flower (up to fifty percent of the time). They seemed to associate that pattern with a reward, despite having never actually seen it before. In other words, the bumblebees combined the memories of two previous stimuli to generate a new, false memory.

“Bees might, on occasion, form merged memories of flower patterns visited in the past,” Chittka said. “Should a bee unexpectedly encounter real flowers that match these false memories, they might experience a kind of deja-vu and visit these flowers expecting a rich reward.”

Bees have a rather limited brain capacity, Chittka says, so it’s probably useful for them to “economize” by storing generalized memories instead of minute details.

“In bees, for example, the ability to learn more than one flower type is certainly useful,” Chittka said, “as is the ability to extract commonalities of multiple flower patterns. But this very ability might come at the cost of bees merging memories from multiple sequential experiences.”

Chittka has studied memory in bumblebees for two decades. Bees can be raised and kept in a lab setting, so they make excellent long-term test subjects.

“They are [also] exceptionally clever animals that can memorize the colors, patterns, and scents of multiple flower species – as well as navigate efficiently over long distances,” Chittka said.

In past studies, it was assumed that animals that failed to perform learned tasks had either forgotten them or hadn’t really learned them in the first place. Chittka’s research seems to show that animal memory mechanisms are much more elaborate – at least when it comes to bumblebees.

“I think we need to move beyond understanding animal memory as either storing or not storing stimuli or episodes,” Chittka said. “The contents of memory are dynamic. It is clear from studies on human memory that they do not just fade over time, but can also change and integrate with other memories to form new information. The same is likely to be the case in many animals.”

Chittka hopes this study will lead to a greater biological understanding of false memories – in animals and humans alike. He says that false memories aren’t really a “bug in the system,” but a side effect of complex brains that strive to learn the big picture and to prepare for new experiences.

“Errors in human memory range from misremembering minor details of events to generating illusory memories of entire episodes,” Chittka said. “These inaccuracies have wide-ranging implications in crime witness accounts and in the courtroom, but I believe that – like the quirks of information processing that occur in well known optical illusions – they really are the byproduct of otherwise adaptive processes.”

“The ability to memorize the overarching principles of a number of different events might help us respond in previously un-encountered situations,” Chittka added. “But these abilities might come at the expense of remembering every detail correctly.”
So, if generating false memories goes hand in hand with having a nervous system, does all this leave Brian Williams off the hook?

“It is possible that he conflated the memories,” Chittka said, “depending on his individual vulnerability to witnessing a traumatic event, plus a possible susceptibility to false memories – there is substantial inter-person variation with respect to this. It is equally possible that he was just ‘showing off’ when reporting the incident, and is now resorting to a simple lie to try to escape embarrassment. That is impossible for me to diagnose.”

But if Mr. Williams genuinely did misremember his would-be brush with death, Chittka says he shouldn’t be vilified.

“You cannot morally condemn someone for reporting something they think really did happen to them,” Chittka said. “You cannot blame an Alzheimer patient for forgetting to blow out the candle, even if they burn down the house as a result. In the same way, you can't blame someone who misremembers a crime as a result of false memory processes."

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Galactic Federation of Light Jesus May-10-2013

The emotional issues coming up for you are your attachments
May 10, 2013 by John Smallman

Humanity has always been enveloped by, but unaware of, the divine field of

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Heaven Letters April-21-2013

Heavenletter #4531 Loving and Appeasing Are Two Different Things, April 21, 2013
Gloria Wendroff

God said:
Sometimes you have to draw the line. Sometimes you have to say

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Galactic Federation of Light The Ascended Masters April-17-2013

The Ascended Masters: Continue to Expect and Believe in Miracles
APR 17 by Wes Annac

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Note from Wes: Exampling the turn-away from channelings that are too

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Galactic Federation of Light SaLuSa April-17-2013

SaLuSa on Peace by Multidimensional Ocean — 17 April 2012

We are pleased to see your discerning and filtering of information being more and more reliable. Your conscious

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Galactic Federation of Light Saint Germain April-14-2013

Saint Germain ~ Nesara: As you know, all new pairs of shoes have to be walked in before they feel comfortable ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont

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Galactic Federation of Light Matthew Ward April-11-2013

Matthew’s Message — April 11, 2013
APR 12 Thanks to Wes Annac: http://aquariusparadigm.com/2013/04/12/mattews-message-april-11-2013/

Original Link: http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm

April 11, 2013

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Cosmic Awareness Newsletter 2012-01


7 March 2012

Channeler: Will Berlinghof

Well...Anasazi1 just made me realize that there was no Cosmic Awareness message posted here recently,so here's the most recent one avaiable right one,as the CAC newsletter is for mem...

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HEAVEN #4015 One Big Flower, November 22, 2011


God said:

This thing of love is a bond. It is a bond that builds, and it is a bond that frees. Because there is Oneness, love is huge. Love may have many petals yet it is One Big Flower. Love is so big that it fills up the Univers...

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417 Hz Frequency Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change


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Thank You Thursday: Our Divine Purpose

a message from Hillis Pugh

Thursday, 14 October, 2010 

Be thankful this day for divine purpose.

As we go through life we carry out multiple purposes and experience various lessons for each purpose. Through life, each experience ...

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Energy Update: August’s Cardinal Grand Cross: the Storm before the Calm

7 August 2010 - 10:29pm

Channeler: DL Zeta

Energies that have been amping up throughout the summer of 2010 reach a climax now as each person faces their own personal test. This is the final exam and completion ...

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