Tag: Sirius (page 2 of 5)

The Little Things That Hold Us Back. A message from Rastran of Sirius

AuroRa Le Yesterday morning was a fairly typical one in my house. Got up. Took out the dogs.  Made a triple-sized batch of M&M pancakes, and then curled up on the sofa with my coffe to watch the latest episode of The Fashion Police.  No big deal,...

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04-04-2012 ~ The Fourth Initiatory Gateway of Light

~ 04-04-2012 ~ Fourth Initiatory Gateway of Light ~

You Tube http://www.youtube.com/user/AnritaMelchizedek

Mp3 download www.pleiadianlight.net/dl.htm

On April 4th 2012, we enter into the fourth initiatory Gateway of Light through the Overlighting of the fourth ray of harmony through conflict, and a beautiful Emerald Green Flame of Light, amplified in focus through the Christ Full Moon on April 6th, and taking us into deeper levels of the knowing of ourselves as these Christ Conscious Beings of Light. This initiation, esoterically referred to the Initiation of Renunciation, takes us off the Wheel of Karma onto the Spiral of Forward Evolution through our ability to let go of any perceived conflicts within our lives and experience a deeper expression of our creative natures through the wild man/wild woman archetypes. As co-creators to the Company of Heaven and these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, this ray offers us an opportunity to experience the Christed Timelines and New Earth Templates through a deeper understanding of our service work in peace, freedom and joy, creativity and Love; individual and collective signatures of our magnificence and preciousness, while bringing a focus to greater levels of universal abundance and interconnectivity with one another.

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Aleanndor Ss-N, Vega II – No. 6


19 March 2012

Channeler: Christine Anne K.

Published March 14, 2012

Please receive my greetings, Brothers and Sisters Friends of Earth.You know me, I'm Aleanndor from Vega II, I belong as you know to the Galactic Fleet...

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Disclosure (all levels) and Appearance of Fly-Overs | UFO Digest provides video proof of ufos, alien abduction and the paranormal.


Feb 3

Submitted by Arrai’El on Fri, 01/27/2012 – 12:36

Disclosure is said to be near…with Fly-Overs becoming a pre-cursor for First Contact

On NASA website, by Apollo 16 (April 1...

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Drekx Omega: Who are the Blue-Skinned Gods…??


Jan 23

Posted by Wes Annac

Drekx is a friend and ally, as well as a soul who is helping the advancement of humanity and the reuniting of humanity with the Galactic Federation and our benevolent extraterrestrial Family. I hope ...

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Galactic Federation Of Light High Council Of Sirius January 17 2012

Galactic Federation Of Light High Council Of Sirius January 17 2012

http://lightworkers.org/channeling/150861/message-high-council-sirius-b-c-and-more Here is now, dearly beloved Brothers and Sisters of Earth, the Council of Elders and Youths speaki...

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Ben Arion – Galactic Federation First Contact – Through Diversity We Find Unity – 16 January 2012


Jan 16

(The links are mentioned in the picture and at the end.)

Keywords in this first contact is Love and Truth. Nothing will be as before. A reunion together with thousands of Cosmic Civilizations, only in this galaxy. It&ac...

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The ‘Lion People’ Make Their Presence Felt On Earth


10 January 2012

Hello dear family

We, the Lion People (Lyran Feline origin) wish to introduce ourselves. We have waited patiently watching and observing the Ascension Process here on your beautiful planet Earth, as you call it...

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SaLuSa to Me 30 Dec 2011 – 2012 Wishes


By Laura Tyco

We are so glad to be here at this time to witness your awakening individually and as a Galactic Civilisation. Your connection to us is ancient and beautiful. We have been linked to you genetically and your history an...

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17 / Maybe Our Home Is Here — Or, Out of Sight, Out of Mind


Channeler: Pleiadian Renegades

17 / Maybe Our Home Is Here — Or, Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Nov 21

In the annals of what has been called alien visitation in various and sundry ways are passages and pictures th...

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AA METATRON – Revisiting the Story of the Law of One in Atlantis – Part 1&2


13 October 2011

Channeler: James Tyberonn

Archangel Metatron Channel

The Energy of the 11-11-11 The Platinum Crystal of Bio-Plasmic Interface (Revisiting the Story of the Law of One in Atlantis) Part One of a Three S...

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Great White Brotherhood’s channeling: First contacts


Channeled by Fabio Dell’Aria.

Beloved Masters we are here as your Planetary Tutors, we are the Order of the Great White Brotherhood, and we are honored to be able to embrace you again using this new form of contact!

Our ...

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Renegades, Elenin, Sun & Starships


By Admin on behalf of Mahala, on September 26th, 2011

My friend Krsanna is an ET contactee who gets information from her ET friends. Here is her interpretation of what just happened.

Guest article by Krsanna email: timestar@ti...

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