Tag: sethd8 (page 1 of 4)

3² {4 < (ƒ + t³)} ±

I innate re-Memering SeTh: I am the true creative force of creation utilizing my imagination as the engine driving my reality in new and unique ways. I am change::.. All aboard:... InJoY!

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SETHD8 0620 Src Work Fractal Renders

ExPLoRE, expanding your perceptions through my work. Just when you believe you have found everything, I will guarantee you will find even more! Infinite viewing potential encoded here.

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Now is Here!

I moved to Rawlins 2 years ago after leaving when I was 10. I truly need to make some genuine friends who are into experiencing the full breadth of what our home (Planet Earth and our local system) have to offer. I am finished with friendships based on control and disrespect. I am a visual artist (I attached some art for you to see) and I am also a committed sovereign incarnate to earn the right to disarm the dysfunction patterns and distortions this collective chose to experience through the lucifer experiment. The allot time is over and we all must recognize that we are no longer in an illusion of separation. We are again one with all of creation. We have a clear choice. We can choose to again incarnate into another lucifer experiment in another aspect of creation or we may choose to rejoin the one. This will all occur within universal law. WIthin a free will creation all aspects or experience occur with full agreement of all parties or it would simply not occur. But how? For a violation to occur you would have to press against the mind of god or the one. We are all the one. Earth is a larger molecule within theone. ANd like any cancer that has grown within the body of god it is currently being treated. How do we here on earth treat cancer? I think you know the answer. It is self evident and the chemo, so to speak, is about to begin. What do you choose? Your timelines,experiences are now clearly before you. This transition phase seeded first in 1969 then amplified in 1986 put firmly into action within the consciousness of God in September 11, 2001 has been spirling and limiting each soul potential possibilities so the would be able to identify their truths in an undeniable manor so when this flash point occurs your choice would also be undeniably clear.

Now is Now.

Choose and InJoY!

~sethd8 and all of us fucking snarky Galactics.

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Check it out


Hello Art Fans!
I have just entered the Artist Wanted 2010 competition. One of the categories is for viewers choice award. This is the profile with the most views and highest votes. Please spread the word to all your friends via FaceBook, e-mail and twitter to go and rate my profile. I GREATLY appreciate your help, I have committed myself this year to fully developing myself from a fringe/hobby artist to a professional one. Being awarded recognition for my work would be outstanding and the money I would use to purchase new equipment to create even greater works of art. I have also launched sethdennon.com which will be my official artist website if you would like to take a sneak peak, it will be fully operational in a couple of weeks. Thank you all in advance for your support and help in achieving this years goals.
Loving You!
~Seth Dennon

P.s. Here’s the link: http://www.artistswanted.org/SethD8

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I am very pleased with this piece of artwork and alignment meditation visualization aid!

When preparing myself for collective lightwork I often create artwork to assist me in the visualization process.  I see what guides, spirits and beings are here to assist me on my journey and welcome them with love and gratitude.

There is allot in this animation, focus inward and gently notice all the beings coming together from small to large.  You will find beings from the Galactic Federation of Light such as SaLuSa and Ag-agria, Ascended Masters such as St. Germain, Buddha and Jesus and every day folk in this piece.  And of course they are all on the cusp of flying birds. This is an alignment animation to prepare for the Violet Flame meditation of 12 days.  Allow your self to relax and fully visualize through your higher eyes of consciousness and you will see and feel in the core of your being the fine tuning in frequency to a higher dimension which is occurring now, right now.  Observe the oneness of the masters and of yourself.

The 12:12 activation on December 12th is an opening that can provide a softening of the heart in order to receive the all-inclusive Christ Consciousness.  This powerful Light of the Christ becomes available in a way that allows all beings willing to open their hearts to receive Divine Love. As this Love permeates the atmosphere, it encourages a new level of transformational healing, with the recognition that Love is the greatest healer there is.

As we approach 12:12 it represents a culmination of all your efforts which came before. It is an Initiation into the Higher Realms which you have earned through your long determined efforts of raising the Harmonics of the Earth Grid. Call on me, Metatron, during your Meditations to Effect Profound Healings which are available Simply by Asking.

The violet flame cleansing will be in 12:12:12 for 12 days this is when earth energies along with human consciousness will birth us all into galactic consciousness into a 5D reality and a Star Nation will be born at the New year 2013. Become aware of the 12’s and 21’s.

So this alignment animation aids in connection with all that is, all the guides, masters, beings everything to we are one I-am presence.  It also focuses on all 12:12 activation gateways.

Please let me know how you experienced my artwork and alignment visualization aid.

Loving our Light!




12:12 Meditation & Violet Flame Links



FACEBOOK PAGEhttp://facebook.com/sethdennonTWITTERhttp://twitter.com/sethd8YOUTUBE


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When the String Breaks! – Artworks of Seth Dennon Animation

Art is science made clear. ~ Jean Cocteau


When the Strings Breaks is an animation of selected visual artworks from 1995 thru 2010. by me, Seth. This mostly contains digital work (some 268 pieces) I could cram into 10minutes. If you follow my work, it tells a very interesting story with the animation, sit back and let the art speak to you and let me know what story comes to you in the comments.

+ I am really interested in gathering others perceptions of my body of work, please comment!

+ Don’t forget to visit my official artwork and animation blog Kreatorisms.com.

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NEW ART! Veronica <-> Feedback Requested ::…


Men live in a fantasy world. I know this because I am one, and I actually receive my mail there. – Scott Adams


Meet Veronica

She and her many aspects live in the high dessert. She love to observe the moon cycles, with a perfect half harvest moon being her favorite. She is a light worker infusing her being and the earth light grid with new rays of higher vibrations as they come from the higher dimensions.

Artwork Feedback Needed

I am asking for allot of feedback as this piece is where I am starting to get into this particular series of fractal beings and would appreciate any feedback as to what my viewers like and dislike. I am evolving my style everyday and you are welcome to join in this process.

Helpful Links

My artwork portfolio on deviantart.com: http://sethd8.deviantart.com/

My artwork portfolio on flickr.com: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sethd8/

You may also browse my galleries of work by clicking on the Art Gallery menu on my dimensionalbliss.com blog: https://db.sethdennon.com/art-gallery/




p align=”left”>

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NEW! Jellyfish Spirits Animation

Realism…has no more to do with reality than anything else. ~ Hob Broun


NEW! Jellyfish Spirits Animation

The Jellyfish Spirits animation demonstrates the many faces of the jellyfish spirits, graceful and all loving they peacefully float through the sea enjoying wherever the current brings them. They live in the moment of now within the abundance of gods love all knowing their needs will in all ways be met before they require them. We humans could learn a lesson or two from the Jellyfish Spirits.

+ Sit back and ENJOY! ::…

+ Feedback highly encouraged (I’m fairly new at fractal animation) ::…

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Help support SethD8, his Artwork and his On-Line di.giverse of sites.  I have created this t-shirt design to embody the way in which I am being in my life.  I have my heart deep inside me and I allow gods love to power me with every beat it makes.  Are you powered by Gods Love too!  Is it not a truly amazing feeling when you have the experience which leads you into knowing of this universal force binding and powering us all in every moment of now.  Enjoy and spread the word about this new design.  All proceeds go towards maintaining on-line services and spreading love throughout my di.giverse!  Thank you for sharing.

VISIT:  http://poweredbygodslove.com

In Love!




VISIT:  http://poweredbygodslove.com
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Mira of the Pleiadian High Council

The folly of mistaking a paradox for a discovery, a metaphor for a proof, a torrent of verbiage for a spring of capital truths, and oneself for an oracle, is inborn in us. – Paul Valery

Through Valerie Donner

On October 16, 2008

Greetings, I am Mira.

We come to you in peace and love. We feel your hearts that welcome the potential of some of your space family. We know that you want to see us for real. This makes us feel happy. We know that you are getting ready for us to appear. We stand ready. We stand by you and your worthwhile pursuits. Our intentions are the same.

We will tell you a few things that are going on now. The Galactic Federation has plans to show themselves to you in various ways. This is an involved operation. We need to preserve and protect life in the process. We need to continually monitor the consciousness and preparedness of humanity for this to happen. You might be ready but most of humanity is still being manipulated by the media and forces that want to hold us at bay.

The third dimensional need is there and the timing is most important. We do not want to do anything that will interfere with important political outcomes around the planet. We are obligated to honor free will. We are also charged with assisting the Earth where it is needed during the earth changes and the process of ascension. It is true that we will be working together—not taking over—not rescuing—simply re-uniting with you.

Those of you who have been aware of us for some time know that we are a part of a large collective of other planets and star systems. We happen to be very close to the Earth since we have been involved with the Earth from the beginning. We have many with Pleiadian origins living on the Earth. Some of you have twin flames and other loved ones here in the Pleiades who also want to reunite with you. There is abundant love coming from the Pleiades to Earth. This is most important that you know this fact. We are one with you.

You are coming to a time in the evolution of the Earth where separation will fall away. You will realize there is no “us” versus “them” in any aspect of life. This is going to open up the gateways of communication and travel into different realties and ways of being that have never been possible on the Earth.

Your dear planet is greatly loved by all. You know that she is considered a prize—a jewel of the universe and beyond. Due to the warring state that she has been in many loving beings have not been allowed to be around the Earth. They too welcome the day that they can visit you.

Some of the ground crew will be called upon to be emissaries for us. You will act as ambassadors, translators, interpreters and teachers. You will assist us in learning about you and vice versa.

We plan on having a stellar good time with you once the ball gets rolling. By this we mean once our presence is known it will open the channels for many things of good measure. We can tell you that we are a professional group and that we and the Galactic Federation know what we are doing. Stand by and know that you are included in the worldly events that will unfold.

We love and appreciate all that you do. We thank you for welcome.

I am Mira.


E.T. 101: The Cosmic Instruction Manual: An Emergency Remedial Edition

ISBN: 0962695807
ISBN-13: 9780962695803

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When The String Breaks?

The significance of man is that he is insignificant and is aware of it. – Carl Becker

Hello Everyone!

I am currently developing my first coffee table photo book of my artwork.  I am planning 100 full color pages of SethD8 kreatorisms ranging from 1978 to now.  The title of the book is going to be “When the String Breaks” which I think is appropriate.  I am going to use shutterfly.com to print the books with a full color hard cover.  The current cover of the book is above.  Should you have intrest in possibly purchasing a copy of this book for your collection please let me know, believe me it will keep me inspired to complete the project.  Any feedback is appreciated.

Thank you,

Seth Dennon


Alex Grey 2009 Wall Calendar

ISBN: 1602370524
ISBN-13: 9781602370524

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Ela – 13 August 2008

I could prove God statistically. – George Gallup


13 August 2008

The Galactic Federation is a gigantic organization that serves your Universe. Certain Star Nations such as ours from Arcturus have a more direct connection with Earth, having been involved with your civilization for thousands of years. We are not just the peacekeepers, but also seek to ensure that the plan for all galaxies within it, flow with the plan for its growth. We can travel quickly and efficiently within the different dimensions, and can reach our destination quite easily regardless of its distance from us. In fact neither time or distance are such important factors as upon Earth.

You and Earth occupy much of our time as you approach a milestone in your evolution, and we monitor the changes that are well under way. We will ensure that each and everyone of you, is given the maximum opportunity to join the Ascension process. Because of the nature of life within duality, our task is focused around the actions of the dark forces that would delay it if possible. Your experiences still serve their purpose, but time has been called so as to allow you to proceed unhampered onto your path of Light.

There is absolutely no way that any interference in your lives will be allowed to prevent your upliftment. The energies of change have long been in place, and continue to become a powerful force that cannot be stopped. It is therefore simply a matter of time before they enable far-reaching changes that will alter the course of your lives. It is moving from one track to another, as both have been running alongside each other for eons of time. You now have a monumental choice to make, and no one shall be able to say that it was not offered to them. It will be made quite clear that Ascension is open to any soul that feels ready to move out of your present dimension.

Once we are given the go-ahead to contact you as part of the imminent changes, you will be informed through numerous sources of communication the exact nature of the remaining years of this cycle. It will be a time of intense education so that you are all aware of the significance of the period leading to Ascension. There are only a few years remaining in which fantastic changes will occur. The greatest ones will be within each of you, as you are enlightened and open up to the truth of your journey through duality. It has been one of wonderful experiences that you will carry with you. You may have slipped into the lower dimensions, but your link with the Light has always remained true and strong. Now you shall discover your true selves as immense and beautiful Beings of Light and Love.

You have the potential to be anything that you desire, and as you lift your vibrations your creative powers will increase incrementally. The difference from your present experiences will be that your power will come with each step you take along the Ascension path. Your intent and desires will be able to manifest in the Light, and be of the highest order. You will quickly reach a point where you will have again become Beings of Light, fully connected with your Higher Selves, and the dark energies will no longer be able to touch you.

You wonder what it will be like to move into the Light, and we will tell you that it will be unlike anything you have experienced so far. You shall feel fulfilled and complete, and aware of your immutable connection with All That Is. It will seem most natural, for indeed you are returning to a state of being that was yours before you willingly dropped into the lower vibrations. Some of you are already beginning to sense the changes within Self, and with it comes the ability to create space around you that becomes your safe haven from the lower energies. These cannot possibly affect you unless you allow them to intrude upon you, by linking your energies to them.

Emotions are one of your strong characteristics, and your task is to manage them in a positive way. If you allow anger and other negative expressions, these will diminish the power of your Light. As you become more enlightened, you will find that even the slightest signs of negative feelings will be immediately noticeable. Quickly dismiss them and relax, and through your breathing restore balance and harmony. You will not take long to master these techniques, and will find that you can exercise complete control over yourself.

It is a fact that as you become lifted up, you see life from a totally different point of view. You will understand why duality led you into many different expressions of your Self, and that none of them has a lasting effect upon you. You will also accept that there is no need to carry the burden of guilt, as all of you have been players in a repeating scenario, allowing you to experience every facet of duality. It is the very reason you wanted to adopt new identities in the lower dimension, and accept the challenge to pit your wits and determination against the opposition. You have of course had lives that have lent towards both sides of duality, and the experiences have enriched your understanding. You have grown in consciousness, and will have added another level in addition to what you had originally.

I am Ela from Arcturus, and we clearly see you in the midst of far reaching changes, and turmoil that would seem to be all enveloping. However, be assured that it is because of the very fact that the old is disintegrating and losing its power very rapidly. It is an unpleasant time to experience, but keep calm and help manifest the Light and cast it where it is needed. There are many hostile areas upon Earth, and we for our part are flooding them with uplifting energies. However, it is difficult to get through to people who suffer and feel all is lost. Keep faith with us, and the higher forces which never stop for one moment in their efforts to bring everyone into the Light and Love.

You have the power to change the direction of Man, and we see the great centers of Light upon Earth that are continually sending out wonderful positive energies that are clearing away the darkness. Even as an individual point of Light, you also help by spreading it out from wherever you are, and sending out thoughts of love. Together with our input of Light, you are lifting everything up out of the darkness of ages past. We have immense love for you all and anticipate a great celebration upon our coming together.

Thank you Ela.

Mike Quinsey.

Now Playing [?]: Honeycut – The Day I Turned To Glass – Crowded Avenue

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