Tag: sentence (page 1 of 2)

The Quantum Resolution – I Am The Way, The Truth And The Life Well, It’s About Time… – Volume IV #QR-02b

The Quantum Resolution Series. Readings: LESSON 325: All Things I Think I See Reflect Ideas [1st Sentence], NEW TESTAMENT (KJV): John 8:13-32

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Are you Communicating with Your Spirit Guide or Cyberspace Agent? Take the Quiz! ~ Greg Giles

A U.S.cyberspace operations center It should be apparent to all by now that agencies within the U.S. Department of Defense and also within the U.S. intelligence community are actively engaged in programs that utilize the synthetic telepathy technolo...

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6 Supermaterials That Could Change Our World


Excerpt from gizmodo.com

Graphene isn't the only game-changing material to come out of a lab. From aerogels nearly as light as air to metamaterials that manipulate light, here are six supermaterials that have the potential to transform the world of the future.

Self-healing Materials — Bioinspired Plastics

6 Supermaterials That Could Change Our World 
Self-healing plastic. Image credit: UIUC

The human body is very good at fixing itself. The built environment is not. Scott White at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champlain has been engineering bioinspired plastics that can self-heal. Last year, White's lab created a new polymer that oozes to repair a visible hole. The polymer is embedded with a vascular system of liquids that when broken and combined, clot just like blood. While other materials have been able to heal microscopic cracks, this new one repaired a hole 4 millimeter wide with cracks radiating all around it. Not big deal for a human skin, but a pretty big deal for plastic.

Engineers have also been envisioning concrete, asphalt, and metal that can heal themselves. (Imagine a city with no more potholes!) The rub, of course, lies in making them cheap enough to actually use, which is why the first applications for self-healing materials are most likely to be in space or in remote areas on Earth. 

Thermoelectric Materials — Heat Scavengers

6 Supermaterials That Could Change Our World 
Power blocks with thermoelectric material sued inside Alphabet Energy 's generator. Image credit: Alphabet Energy

If you've ever had a laptop burn up in your lap or touched the hot hood of car, then you've felt evidence of waste. Waste heat is the inevitable effect of running any that device that uses power. One estimate puts the amount of waste heat as two-thirds of all energy used. But what if there was a way to capture all that wasted energy? The answer to that "what if" is thermoelectric materials, which makes electricity from a temperature gradient.

Last year, California-based Alphabet Energy introduced a thermoelectric generator that plugs right into the exhaust pipe of ordinary generator, turning waste heat back into useful electricity. Alphabet Energy's generator uses a relatively cheap and naturally occurring thermoelectric material called tetrahedrite. Alphabet Energy says tetrahedrite can reach 5 to 10 percent efficiency.
Back in the lab, scientists have also been tinkering with another promising and possibly even more efficient thermoelectric material called skutterudite, which is a type of mineral that contains cobalt. Thermoelectric materials have already had niche applications—like on spacecraft—but skutterudite could get cheap and efficient enough to be wrapped around the exhaust pipes of cars or fridges or any other power-hogging machine you can think of. [Nature, MIT Technology Review, New Scientist]

Perovskites — Cheap Solar Cells

6 Supermaterials That Could Change Our World 
Solar cells made of perovskites. Image credit: University of Oxford

The biggest hurdle in moving toward renewable energy is, as these things always are, money. Solar power is getting ever cheaper, but making a plant's worth of solar cells from crystalline silicon is still an expensive, energy-intensive process. There's an alternative material that has the solar world buzzing though, and that's perovskites. 

Perovskites were first discovered over a century ago, but scientists are only just realizing its potential. In 2009, solar cells made from perovskites had a solar energy conversion efficiency of a measly 3.8 percent. In 2014, the number had leapt to 19.3 percent. That may not seem like much compared to traditional crystalline silicon cells with efficiencies hovering around 20 percent, but there's two other crucial points to consider: 1) perovskites have made such leaps and bounds in efficiency in just a few years that scientist think it can get even better and 2) perovskites are much, much cheaper. 

Perovskites are a class of materials defined by a particular crystalline structure. They can contain any number of elements, usually lead and tin for perovskites used in solar cells. These raw materials are cheap compared to crystalline silicon, and they can be sprayed onto glass rather than meticulously assembled in clean rooms. Oxford Photovoltaics is one of the leading companies trying to commercialize perovskites, which as wonderful as they have been in the lab, still do need to hold up in the real world. [WSJ, IEEE Spectrum, Chemical & Engineering News, Nature Materials]

Aerogels — Superlight and Strong

6 Supermaterials That Could Change Our World 
Image credit: NASA

Aerogels look like they should not be real. Although ghostly and ethereal, they can easily withstand the heat of a blowtorch and the weight of a car. The material is almost what exactly the name implies: gels where where the liquid has been replaced entirely by air. But you can see why it's also been called "frozen smoke" or "blue smoke." The actual matrix of an aerogel can be made of any number of substances, including silica, metal oxides, and, yes, also graphene. But the fact that aerogel is actually mostly made of air means that it's an excellent insulator (see: blowtorch). Its structure also makes it incredibly strong (see: car).

Aerogels do have one fatal flaw though: brittleness, especially when made from silica. But NASA scientists have been experimenting with flexible aerogels made of polymers to use insulators for spacecraft burning through the atmosphere. Mixing other compounds into even silica-based aerogels could make them more flexible. Add that to aerogel's lightness, strength, and insulating qualities, and that's one incredible material. [New Scientist, Gizmodo]

Metamaterials — Light Manipulators

If you've heard of metamaterials, you likely heard about it in a sentence that also mentioned "Harry Potter" and "invisibility cloak." And indeed, metamaterials, whose nanostructures are design to scatter light in specific ways, could possibly one day be used to render objects invisible—though it still probably wouldn't be as magical as Harry Potter's invisibility cloak. 

What's more interesting about metamaterials is that they don't just redirect visible light. Depending on how and what a particular metamaterial is made of, it can also scatter microwaves, radiowaves, or the little-known T-rays, which are between microwaves and infrared light on the electromagnetic spectrum. Any piece of electromagnetic spectrum could be manipulated by metamaterials. 

That could be, for example, new T-ray scanners in medicine or security or a compact radio antennae made of metamaterials whose properties change on the fly. Metamaterials are at the promising but frustrating cusp where the theoretical possibilities are endless, but commercialization is still a long, hard road. [Nature, Discover Magazine]

Stanene — 100 percent efficient conductor

6 Supermaterials That Could Change Our World 
The molecular structure of stanene. Image credit: SLAC

Like the much better known graphene, stanene is also made of a single layer of atoms. But instead of carbon, stanene is made of tin, and this makes all the difference in allowing stanene to possibly do what even wondermaterial extraordinaire graphene cannot: conduct electricity with 100 percent efficiency.

Stanene was first theorized in 2013 by Stanford professor Shoucheng Zhang, whose lab specializes in, along other things, predicting the electronic properties of materials like stanene. According to their models, stanene is a topological insulator, which means its edges are a conductor and its inside is an insulator. (Think of a chocolate-covered ice cream bar. Chocolate conductor, ice cream insulator.) 

This means stanene could conduct electricity with zero resistance even, crucially, at room temperature. Stanene's properties have yet to been tested experimentally—making a single-atom sheet tin is no easy task—but several of Zhang's predictions about other topological insulators have proven correct.

If the predictions about stanene bear out, it could revolutionize the microchips inside all your devices. Namely, the chips could get a lot more powerful. Silicon chips are limited by the heat created by electrons zipping around—work 'em too fast and they'll simply get too hot. Stanene, which conducts electricity 100 percent efficiency, would have no such problem. [SLAC, Physical Review Letters, Scientific American]

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Elon Musk drops space plans into Seattle’s lap

Excerpt from seattletimes.com

Elon Musk thought three major trends would drive the future: the Internet, the quest for sustainable energy and space exploration. He’s got skin in all three games.

Of all the newcomers we’ve seen here lately, one of the more interesting is Elon Musk.

The famous entrepreneur isn’t going to live here, at least not yet. But earlier this month he did announce plans to bulk up an engineering center near Seattle for his SpaceX venture. The invitation-only event was held in the shadow of the Space Needle.
If the plan happens, SpaceX would join Planetary Resources and Blue Origin in a budding Puget Sound space hub. With talent from Boeing, the aerospace cluster and University of Washington, this offers fascinating potential for the region’s future.

Elon Musk sounds like the name of a character from a novel that would invariably include the sentence, “he had not yet decided whether to use his powers for good or for evil.”

He is said to have been the inspiration for the character Tony Stark, played by Robert Downey Jr. in the “Iron Man” movies. He’s also been compared to Steve Jobs and even Thomas Edison.

The real Musk seems like a nice-enough chap, at least based on his ubiquitous appearances in TED talks and other venues.

Even the semidishy essay in Marie Claire magazine by his first wife, Justine, is mostly about the challenge to the marriage as Musk became very rich, very young, started running with a celebrity crowd and exhibited the monomaniacal behavior common to the entrepreneurial tribe.

A native of South Africa, Musk emigrated to Canada and finally to the United States, where he received degrees from the University of Pennsylvania’s prestigious Wharton School. He left Stanford’s Ph.D. program in applied physics after two days to start a business.
In 1995, he co-founded Zip2, an early Internet venture for newspapers. Four years later, he co-founded what would become PayPal. With money from eBay’s acquisition of PayPal, he started SpaceX. He also invested in Tesla Motors, the electric-car company, eventually becoming chief executive. Then there’s Solar City, a major provider of solar-power systems.

Musk has said that early on he sensed three major trends would drive the future: the Internet, the quest for sustainable energy and space exploration. He’s got skin in all three games.

At age 43, Musk is seven years younger than Jeff Bezos and more than 15 years younger than Bill Gates.

His achievements haven’t come without controversy. Tesla played off several states against each other for a battery factory. Nevada, desperate to diversify its low-wage economy, won, if you can call it that.

The price tag was $1.4 billion in incentives and whether it ever pays off for the state is a big question. A Fortune magazine investigation showed Musk not merely as a visionary but also a master manipulator with a shaky deal. Musk, no shrinking violet, fired back on his blog.

SpaceX is a combination of the practical and the hyperambitious, some would say dreamy.

On the practical side, the company is one of those chosen by the U.S. government to resupply the International Space Station. Musk also hopes to put 4,000 satellites in low-Earth orbit to provide inexpensive Internet access worldwide.

The satellite venture will be based here, with no financial incentives from the state.

But he also wants to make space travel less expensive, generate “a lot of money” through SpaceX, and eventually establish a Mars colony.

“SpaceX, or some combination of companies and governments, needs to make progress in the direction of making life multiplanetary, of establishing a base on another planet, on Mars — being the only realistic option — and then building that base up until we’re a true multiplanet species,” he said during a TED presentation.

It’s heady stuff. And attractive enough to lead Google and Fidelity Investments to commit $1 billion to SpaceX.

Also, in contrast with the “rent-seeking” and financial plays of so many of the superwealthy, Musk actually wants to create jobs and solve practical problems.

If there’s a cautionary note, it is that market forces alone can’t address many of our most serious challenges. Indeed, in some cases they make them worse.

Worsening income inequality is the work of the hidden hand, unfettered by antitrust regulation, progressive taxation, unions and protections against race-to-the-bottom globalization.

If the hidden costs of spewing more carbon into the atmosphere are not priced in, we have today’s market failure exacerbating climate change. Electric cars won’t fix that as long as the distortions favoring fossil fuels remain.

So a broken, compromised government that’s cutting research dollars and failing to invest in education and forward-leaning infrastructure is a major impediment.

The United States did not reach the moon because of a clever billionaire, but through a national endeavor to serve the public good. I know, that’s “so 20th century.” 

Also, as Northwestern University economist Robert Gordon might argue, visionaries such as Thomas Edison grabbed relatively low-hanging fruit, with electrification creating huge numbers of jobs. 

Merely recovering the lost demand of the Great Recession has proved difficult. Another electrificationlike revolution that lifts all boats seems improbable.

I’m not sure that’s true. But it will take more than Iron Man to rescue the many Americans still suffering.

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By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan Throughout time and incarnation there has always been one theme, over and over again, we hear the words echo in our head and heart, just love.  Just love these people, just love this planet. Remember child you are here to l...

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HEAVEN #3878 Smile at God, July 8, 2011


God said:  

You give Me great happiness. You make Me Who Knows Only Happiness happy. I am already smiling, and you make Me smile. Although I know true happiness that is beyond happiness occasioned by this or that, I will ne...

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Speaking The Language Of Love


a message from God

channeled by Yael and Doug Powell

Tuesday, 29 March, 2011  (posted 15 April, 2011)

Beloved ones, when you speak the language of Love, all of life speaks with you. You engage in a communication with...

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a message from Christina Lunden

Thursday, 7 April, 2011

“I believe I AM worthy to receive all that I ask or dream of.”

I have waited for three days for a message to give to you. Three days ago, I received one...

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Wouldn’t wanna be like them…. ;-)

But come to think of it, at one point in time I probably was: tied down by the full catastrophy, never having come to the idea that 'reality' needed the prefix '3D' in order to distinguish it from that other realm. They were sitting in my train this m...

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Feng Shui for Better Living

a message from The Brotherhood of Light channeled by Edna G. Frankel

Sunday, 4 July, 2010 

Greetings, dear ones, from the Brotherhood of Light! We are excited and delighted to be sharing e...

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4 July 2010 - 11:10am

Channeler: Blossom Goodchild

July 4, 2010

Blossom: Good morning to you. I wonder if I could bring up the issue of the ‘activation’ in our last communication? Many experienced ...

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Realignment: Find the one action that does it all

Last week I shared an exercise you can use when you get your buttons pushed (or to re-center yourself when you feel off track). You can find it here. This week I want to focus on the last part of the exercise - the final sentence stem to be completed:

The best actions for me to take to get back in alignment with my Highest Self are...

The ideas generated by this sentence stem are the most important of all. Think about it. When you know exactly (and specifically) what you need to do to return to a productive and healthy state of mind, you increase your chances of behaving in self-affirming ways. When this happens, life gets better - quickly. You eat better; you make nourishing rest a priority; you become truthful in your relationships; you feel confident enough to ask directly for what you want or need; and you create a state of balance in your life that supports your emotional and physical wellbeing. Sounds good to me!

Here are some examples we received from our Facebook Fan Page last week.

When you feel out of alignment with your Highest Self, you could:

Stop, close your eyes, and take ten deep breaths

Move your body immediately

Write one page about how you feel in a journal

List ten things you feel grateful for

Help someone in need

Pet or play with your cat or dog

Take a nap

Listen to inspirational music


Write down ten positive affirmations

Find something to laugh at

Read something inspirational


Make a cup of tea and take a time out

Get out into nature

Have a good cry

Once you have several ideas of what you might do, it's time to take this exercise one step further. Think about this: If you had to choose ONE powerful action that will always realign you with your Highest Self, what one action would it be?

It's a coach's job to challenge clients to think outside the box. The idea that you can identify or create one specific action to turn your life around in a matter of minutes is the kind of challenge I love to take on. I'm working on my action today.

Now it's your turn. Complete the Take Action Challenge below and see what happens this week!

Take Action Challenge

Once you've read through the examples above, write down anything else that occurs to you. Then, take some time to design one specific action that will get you back on track. Be very specific. For example, instead of saying: "Take some quiet time for myself," try, "Go to my bedroom, sit on the bed, close my eyes, and take ten deep breaths." Or, instead of "Count my blessings," how about, "I'll take out a piece of paper and list ten things I feel grateful for and then write five affirmations that relate to what I most want to create in my life."

Once you've identified your one specific, action step, practice using it every day this week. Pretty soon you'll be able to rely on this one behavior to turn any difficult situation around. It will become a trusted support system that gets you into alignment with your Highest Self in no time!

I just LOVE this week's video sent to me by Mokey. It's so inspiring and it makes me want to get out and hug everyone. You'll find it here. Thanks Mokey (call the show ☺)!


Do you have an important message to share with the world?

April 23, 2010 in Boston
Only a few days left to join Cheryl Richardson and Reid Tracy (HayHouse CEO) for the new and exciting program called Movers and Shakers. Two workshop participants from each city could earn a chance to either host a weekly radio show on Hay House Radio for one month or host a live online event.

Life Makeover for the Year 2009(sm) is written and produced by Cheryl Richardson.© Copyright 1999-2009 Cheryl Richardson, P.O. Box 13, Newburyport, MA 01950, www.cherylrichardson.com. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Have a question for Cheryl? Call in during her live Internet radio show -- Coach on Call -- on the Internet at www.hayhouseradio.com. The show airs live on Mondays at 5pm ET (2pm PT) and is replayed throughout the week.

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Buttons Pushed

Last week I had a conversation with a good friend who shared a smart (and effective) exercise she uses to re-center herself when she gets her buttons pushed. As I listened to her describe the process, I knew I had to share it with you.

The next time you get your buttons pushed and you find yourself fixated on a negative experience, in the middle of a shame attack, or ruminating about something that's upset you, try this. Take out four pieces of paper and put one of the following four sentence stems on the top of each sheet:

1. I know I'm acting in alignment with my Highest Self when I...

2. The things that knock me out of alignment are...

3. When I'm out of alignment, the behaviors I engage in are...

4. The best actions for me to take to get back in line with my Highest Self are...

Once you have each sentence stem listed on a separate piece of paper, set aside twenty minutes to do a "mind dump" for each category. List lots of examples for each one. What do you do when you're at your best? How do you think? What actions do you take? What kinds of situations knock you off track? And then, what habits or behaviors do you engage in that keep you off track and feeling stuck? Finally, what do you do that helps you to re-center so you can get back in alignment with your Highest Self?

I intended to give you examples for each category but, after doing the exercise myself, I discovered that it's better not to have any preconceived ideas. They interfere with the process. So, let yourself go, write down whatever thoughts or ideas come to mind, and when you're done, I'm sure you'll learn something valuable about yourself. I know I did. I'll give you a way to share your experience in this week's Take Action Challenge. Have fun!

Take Action Challenge

Don't wait to get your buttons pushed before doing this exercise. Instead, give yourself the gift of twenty minutes and use what you learn to respond differently the next time you're faced with a challenge. I'll post each individual sentence stem on my facebook page this week and invite you to share your ideas. But, don't look until you've done the exercise yourself . And be sure to use what you learn to keep yourself empowered and on track! 

This week's video is of the first woman on Rolling Stone's Guitar God list. I may have shared it long ago in a newsletter, but it's worth seeing again. She's fantastic! If you loved the movie August Rush, you'll recognize the playing style. Enjoy! You'll find it here.


Do you have an important message to share with the world?

April 23, 2010 in Boston
Join Cheryl Richardson and Reid Tracy (HayHouse CEO) for the new and exciting program called Movers and Shakers. Two workshop participants from each city could earn a chance to either host a weekly radio show on Hay House Radio for one month or host a live online event.

Life Makeover for the Year 2009(sm) is written and produced by Cheryl Richardson.© Copyright 1999-2009 Cheryl Richardson, P.O. Box 13, Newburyport, MA 01950, www.cherylrichardson.com. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Have a question for Cheryl? Call in during her live Internet radio show -- Coach on Call -- on the Internet at www.hayhouseradio.com. The show airs live on Mondays at 5pm ET (2pm PT) and is replayed throughout the week.

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