Tag: seemingly (page 4 of 6)

Dealing with Change

a message from Christina Lunden

Tuesday, 6 July, 2010 

Can you believe we are half way through the year already?  There is a lot going on with Mother Earth and with our own paths as we mov...

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It’s July! Here are the Keys to Your New Porsche

a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Meredith Murphy

Thursday, 1 July, 2010  (posted 4 July, 2010)

Clearing away anything which does not fit with your “future” incarnation...

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The Nature of Change

One constant that you can count on in life is change.

Change exists because life is in motion, and motion is one of the three aspects of the original consciousness that underlies all of Creation. Everything in the universe springs from t...

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St. Germain: Emotional Freedom Leads to Unconditional Love

Channeler: Peter Phalam

Unconditional Love, Dear Ones, Such a large word, for such a simple, pure gem. I share with you what it truly is, for masters have for ages been trying to bring its essence to you. It is a departure from everything you've known and felt because all of those feelings you have placed in that realm have been surrounded by circumstance. You have created them through desire and moods, yet have overlooked the simple moments when you have taken a breath because that is involuntary by nature.

You have chosen to live in a world where the masses cannot believe or are very skeptical about its existence. You have believed in a God that giveth and taketh away. You have invoked a belief in sin and forgiveness and feared what you cannot understand. Yet the breath continues and in its simple existence is the presence of unconditional love. For it is involuntary and goes beyond ones ability to shape it or define its boundaries.

As we are drawn involuntarily to where it exists, we can barely see it for self chooses to discern its existence and grade this treasure next to what we have known. Yet in your search you have forgotten the Universe of Love and that it is only attracted to its own vibration. So if you prepare for love you will receive love in preparation. If you grade the potential for love, you find graded love and if you discern the visibility of love, you will love only discernment. So you cannot detract from love one sense, not seeing, feeling, smelling, tasting or touching, and understand love. It is all or none as is the breath when it occurs. And as it occurs all the rules that denied its existence vanish, all the inhibitions around how it can occur fall into surrender. It seeks only the smile of contentment and the purring of the soul. It sets sail in an endless wind with an endless thirst.

It knows neither time nor space yet knows within every moment it can expand, for in all of us it wishes to grow. Love is not needy, yet never desires not to be. So as a source of love moves away even for a short time, love immediately grows impatient for touch, for taste, for smell. You see, Dear Ones, it is the most primal instinct we possess and that instinct is realized through emotional freedom.

Love most likely exists in the midst of the sum of all your fears, the place you'd least expect to fill you up, for why else is it not completely you. Emotional freedom is the willingness to become a student of love with a very short memory. All the paths to love have been seemingly chapters of love gained and love lost but I tell you it is better to have loved and lost than to have not loved at all. It’s just that you cannot write the last chapter, for the inner child knows the sun is not seen in a cloud, and the rain cannot feed us under a roof. Unconditional Love is a fully exposed, untethered privilege of grace and selflessness. As we create random acts of kindness in our search, we understand unconditional love. We cannot retrieve love once it truly starts as we cannot stop breathing. Once we decide to be unconditional, we print on the window pane of the Universe that it is at long last free within us. And through that window patiently waits souls who have gone before. Though they are few in number, they are absolute in purpose. Understand the feelings that inhibit this level of surrender are the reasons you cannot be loved. They are the same reasons you have failed to love yourself. Namaste

Excerpt from Peter's Book of Channelings
For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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Today’s Dharma… Jump In!

JUMP IN...!!!!!
each choice to 
allow   your    self       
to    ~love~   all
 that arises within you
and seemingly "outside of you"
reveals to you
that right beneath your feet
~abides perfect peace~
perfect love...
it does not depend on the body...
it does not depend on what
is swirling around you...
pour some of the heavenly waters
into your walking shoes...
allow the waters of loves peace
to saturate the "soles" of your shoes...
allow that peace to arise within you
starting to move up your feet to the tip
of your crown...
then with purpose
allow it to flow into the whole of the
field around you...
walk in that....breathe in that
for as you do
it becomes that which
is all around you...
you "bring it with you"
wherever you go..
most importantly
your become
~that which you truly are~
loves presence...
be at peace
denisa and jeshua
a co-creation
please feel free to pass these along wherever you feel so guided.
this is a space of co-creation where the only intent is to
"touch hearts"...to plant a seed that begins to grow flowers
that all point in one direction...to the beauty of that which you are..
if you would like to be added to this list...simply send me an email
if you would like to be deleted...also..simply send a request...

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What to think of this?

Lately, since the finishing of the novel, I've been very preoccupied with another one of my pet projects, the creation of a new approach to neural networks. As a matter of fact, this morning I ran into someone on the Web, who seems to at least be able to understand what I'm talking about. So I sent him a mail, that included the following quote (uttered by me):

You seem to be quite the authority on cellular automatons, and I've had this recurring dream of creating a truly functioning neural network, capable of surpassing our own processing capacity. Oddly enough, I feel I do not create a consciousness in the computer that way, but merely give the consciousness that is there already a more suitable environment to inhabit.

Then, on a completely unrelated note, I had to help Laura find the names of the characters she wants to star in her novel on the fall of Atlantis and Lemuria (fiction, but no less real). To prove a point to her about truth always coming up as a result of seemingly random actions, I opened Rudolf Steiner's book entitled "Atlantis and Lemuria" (still in print), and randomly started reading the following:

Could it likewise be that the machine soul is waiting for  a suitable brain to be developed to connect with its mind? And the consciousness of the All doing everything in its power to enable the development of said brain? Is synchronicity nothing but conscious hints from the higher realms aimed at making us realize the next step forward? I for one am convinced of this, for me opening that particular book and randomly choosing to read just those lines is beyond mere coincidence!

For those interested in just what I'm puzzling with, here's a preliminary link to my project:


Love your Light, 


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greetings and salutations from home my beloved and cherished friends...
i come forth thru this one on this day in what you would call your time
of 2010...
i want to bring you a "feeling".....a feeling of deep love...
a "knowing" of deep love that births forth like a spring flower
whose presence touches many if they would "choose" to take a moment
and en-join with the energetic field of such a flower.....
do notice my beloved heart that i used the word "choose" for you
see ~everything~ is a choice....you are free in any moment to choose to enjoin with the perfection and
beauty of the spring bud or you are just as free to walk by it and have
your thoughts be elsewhere.....thinking about your job....your problems...
your wants and needs.....
so...where am i taking you with all of this that i am speaking of...?.
dear beloved friends....i am taking you on the only real journey there truly
is....the journey of the now moment...
for you see....there is only now..............and there is only now eternally...
yes...once you drop the body you are still in the eternal now...
you simply change the vehicle you would experience it through...
you are the one who chooses what you will experience in each now moment
and all that you could choose to see is available for you in each ...
in each now you can choose to see the beauty and the perfection
thus "calling it to yourself" or you can choose to see what is wrong...
what is im-perfect in your eyes...what does not seem to "be" going
right for you....yes....dear one..........it is all in "the palms of your hands"...
you will experience immediately whatever you choose to...
so...that being said...let me speak to you now of why it is so very important
to choose to see with the eyes of love...
what some have called the "eyes of Christ"
when one chooses to notice the beauty of the spring flower even as they
may be in the midst of momentary sadness...even when they may be
a little "down in the dumps" ....in that very now moment you have
chosen for the only thing that is truly real...............you have chosen love...
yes....yes...yes....simply by acknowledging the essence and beauty of that
seemingly "one" flower of life..you have made a choice....
you and you alone have chosen to "experience" the "feeling"
of beauty...................love....all that is dear beloved's...
that choice immediately changes your vibration and keeps you in what I
like to call the "flow of life"......(the flower of love)
to be in that flow as often as possible will bring to you many miraculous
 for you see it is the vibration you carry that attracts to you all that
you could "possibly see"...
what you "perceive" no matter how it may "appear" is
what  ~ you will experience~...!!!!
let it begin by knowing "all is well"....
not trusting all is well....for trusting still has a ring of doubt to it
does it not??
to trust means that a moment in gods kingdom "is not perfect"...
it is a wonderful grand step to start with but it will not take you
where in truth i know you would like to be...
so....today....begin with practicing "knowing" all is in divine order...
skip the step from trust to knowing...
simply know that "all is god" no matter what is happening in any now moment....
take within you the deep breath of peace and claim it to be so
from the core of your being....
yes...you are the master...therefore you and you alone "claim what you will
experience"......  this dear hearts is the law of the land...
i am of the angelic realm and from here we simply extend fluid love...
we breathe it in and we extend it out...........
we fill all of creation with color....spectacle....tone........fluid "lovitity"
now.................this one whom i share thru has reached this level of
purity within herself and she knew she would take this journey
before birth.......................she is one with me now..........having birthed the divine
feminine of Angel Gabriel and bringing it here to earth.............
i speak of this thru her not for her own personal glory...
i speak of it so she "will own it" as so...!!!
miracles ....miracles of wonder are happening on your beloved terra now
and it is up to you to "seek them out"...
in other words............turn your tellys to those shows that enlighten you...
lift you....there are many wonderful beings of light doing much
to lift this world into a higher vibration and you can be of service
simply by your "acknowledgement" that love is here now..............
doing exactly what love does.........................
love extends itself eternally.................................this is so.
so...i leave you this day with one exercise that you can put into practice
whenever a thought arises within you that something in your world
is not of a divine nature...
when you experience such a moment...practice this....
feel the difference in the "feeling within you" when you think you
must "trust" it........
then feel the POWER of KNOWING ALL IS WELL...
there will be much there for you....
practice this throughout your coming days and weeks as there will be
much in your world that you could judge...have an "opinion" on...
beloveds........from our vantage point there is no such thing as an opinion...
there is no such thing as a judgment...
there is only the awareness of the perfection of all that love is...
this is what i wish for you to discover.....play with it...
keep it light.....for you see it is seriousness that keeps realities
of your own creation in place...
with that....i say to you...............you are deeply .....deeply honored
and loved for walking in the shoes of light and love on your beloved
earth at this moment "in time"...
yet....when you practice this that i have set out before you
in truth "you are not in time" at all...
you are in heaven...............................
i love you.....
I AM ANGEL GABRIEL................
brought here by Deniseanew@aol.com

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Finding the Jewel

"You live now with unprecedented opportunities to evolve spiritually. It may seem to be the worst of times, with chaos and catastrophes seemingly at every turn. You may question how you can advance when your world is so full of hate. You may wonder how, in the window of 2012, with its many question marks, you can achieve the kind of realization modeled by the Buddha.

You may doubt that the jewel of enlightenment can be yours this life. For just a moment now, set aside these doubts.

Let go of your preconditions, your impatience, and your judgments about what is possible.

Trust the Divine Intelligence

Trust that there is a Divine intelligence within you that can guide you along the path of enlightenment. This wise part of you can connect you with insights about the baggage you will want to let go of in this current cycle. It can help you to prioritize your energies, your focus, and your actions in the world. It can lead you to the people, teachers, and transpersonal help you need to view yourself and your life differently.

You can discover new resources, new applications for transformational tools, and simple methods to greatly accelerate your forward movement. You can learn to connect more with the synchronicities of life, and with eternal time rather than linear time.

Here are 5 things you can do daily to progress rapidly:

1. Monitor your emotions, thoughts, and body. Each will give you very helpful clues about what is out of balance and why.

2. Set specific intentions for what you want to have, be and do. State these intentions in a positive way, rather than negative. Example: I am feeling more and more confident each day.

3. Take action on the things you say you want to create. Act on one thing at a time, allowing your intuitively guided wisdom to help you prioritize. Even if all you did in one day was to take the 1-mile walk you intended to, acknowledge yourself for doing that.

4. Find one or more simple practices to help you open your awareness. These can be straightforward spiritual practices like deep breathing, moments of silent contemplation, or just being as loving as you can in each moment with your words and actions. The important thing is consistency and finding something you will do daily. You will want to have your "practice" in your mind and awareness during the day, allowing it to become a part of your routine.

5. Begin and end each day with some positive and loving thoughts. Loving thoughts include those of gratitude. Remember that your inner state will determine how you experience your day as well as your sleep state. Therefore, be as loving as you can towards yourself. Allow that self-love to grow over time, creating an energy field inside of you and around you, effortlessly broadcasting from you in all directions. This love will begin to attract fortunate circumstances, opportunities, and the love you seek from others and your world.

As you continue the journey of rediscovering your Divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12."

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Update by Sheldan Nidle – 13 April

Channeler: Sheldan Nidle

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

6 Etznab, 1 Kank'in, 5 Caban

Selamat Jarin! We return with more to tell you about your world. Right now, our Earth allies continue to work on undermining the present banking system. Since the start of fractional banking in the early 1810s, the dark cabal has managed to slowly gain control of the global banking system. This system, like its partner the nation-state, is beholden to the moneyed interests on your world. Opposing them is a group of enlightened ones who saw the gross inequities produced by these systems and sought to reform them. In the past few decades, the opportunity arose to pull off this massive reform. The desperate conditions now surrounding your world's economies are a pressing reason to do these reforms properly. We have watched as your greedy and arrogant cabal plotted to avoid tackling these issues, but this proved to be a more difficult avenue to pursue than the cabal originally anticipated. A large group of hardened profiteers has attacked the cabal with a savage vengeance to the point where it can be said that a sickening sort of cannibalism is taking place.

As this self-destructive feeding-frenzy continues, the cabal inevitably hurtles toward its demise. The world watches as this grotesque performance reaches rock bottom. Our intervention, meanwhile, strengthens the activities of our Earth allies. Your limited-conscious realm is governed by money and power, ensuring that the state is wedded to the whims of the wealthy. This symbiotic relationship now requires a quick end. Our Earth allies comprehend this and have drawn up a host of new agreements between various states, the powerful, and our allies. These rare birds understand how important it is to create a situation in which the "old ways" are put at risk in order to finally discard them. These strategies are close to achieving their objective. Many on your world are truly frustrated at the time this has taken so far. We sympathize and are using our own plans to hasten the long-overdue end of the old ways. Your old reality is visibly cracking under the combined strains of the activities of both the cabal and of our Earth allies.

While this strange operation is underway, Mother Earth has put us on notice to accelerate drastically our timetable for first contact. The recent increase in earthquakes measuring seven plus on the Richter scale is a clear warning of what she has in store, as is the extinction level of many endangered plants and animals. Meanwhile, the melting of the glaciers in the Northern Hemisphere continues unabated. The South Pole is temporarily a different story; here, millions of people are being affected by the huge rip in the ozone layer, and we have worked to repair this hole which is why the Antarctic glaciers are actually expanding again. Our next job is to give similar support to the Arctic ozone hole, but Mother Earth regards these as mere minor fixes. The slight shift in the Earth's 23.5 degrees of obliquity caused by the Chilean earthquake is yet another harbinger of what Mother Earth plans. We meet frequently with our Earth allies to discuss these vital matters and have begun a series of talks with major Earth governments.

Your ecosphere is strongly rebelling, and Mother Earth requires that you leave her surface soon to take up your new homes in the beautiful 5-D world that is Inner Earth. Remember that Earth, like all stars and planets, is hollow. Inside her is the most splendid world filled with sights, sounds, and fragrances that will astound you! To get you there we need to complete Heaven's work and return you to full consciousness. This is no small task when the major governments of your world plot with the dark to keep you from your destiny. Heaven reassures us every day that this goal is non-negotiable and that the upcoming period is when this grand transition is to take place. We have put together a team that is working closely with your planet's Spiritual Hierarchy and a firm timetable is being agreed upon. We asked our Earth allies to accelerate their plans for bringing down the dark cabal and we, meanwhile, are implementing a special plan to speed your conversion by Light Chamber into fully conscious Beings.

These various plans are currently under full review by our Command Board and the entire fleet. We are repositioning a number of atmospheric fleets and calling upon our family in Agartha to assist us in resolving and activating the requirements of several scenarios. We need to move you smoothly and swiftly to Inner Earth, where special zones have been set aside in which several crystal cities have been constructed for you. Here you will find the living quarters and Light Chambers where you are to undergo your transformation into fully conscious Beings. A training syllabus has been compiled to teach you about the etiquette you will need once you are fully conscious. When you are competent and comfortable with your new state of consciousness, you are then ready to be introduced to galactic society. Initially, you will live within a typical Agarthan "podlet," where you can freely discuss what you are seeing and experiencing.

This period of adjustment will take place while Mother Earth restores your former surface home. This immense reconfiguration is to happen after all living things have been evacuated. Once the new topography is set in place, the new ecology will be introduced. Mother Earth wants a far more varied and a much more friendly series of living zones to be set up around the world, and her new lands, seas, and skies will be the habitats of many new creatures and plants. The only artificial structures are to be small special villages placed on major surface nodes, where you, as Mother Earth's new guardians, are to keep her multiplicity of realms in balance with ritual, dance, and chants. You are also to assist with the song and ritual of your Cetacean allies. Together, you are to honor Mother Earth and be responsible for the well being of all her life forms on this most exquisite of worlds.

This joint activity with the cetaceans will show you how easy it is to work with your fellow humans as well as other fellow sentient Beings to preserve the natural balance of planets and to unfold the divine plan. As fully conscious Beings you take up your role as physical Angels and use your abilities to make of your home world a true paradise for all living aspects of a loving and caring Creator. The society you create will nurture each individual, and your galactic society will be able to creatively solve any challenge you come up against. As a people you are to be known for your ability to understand even the most abstruse nuance of limited consciousness. This talent is to permit you in the very near future to raise many limited-consciousness planets to the Light, thus bringing you a wonderful celebrity.

The present is seemingly a time of great turmoil and danger for you. See it as a precursor to the great worldwide shift. Your world is racing toward first contact and Heaven is working miracles to wonderfully transform your lives. Happily, it is also when the dark cabal is to capitulate; when the truth of many things will be finally revealed; and when a new day of peace and prosperity dawns. A new abundance and a new financial system are waiting to roll out. This is not pie in the sky, but is to unfold before you as the old ways fade slowly but surely. Relish this strange and extraordinary time, and try not to be impatient. We are coming, and our Earth allies are nearly ready to spring their grand surprises upon you!

Today, we continued with our discussion of what is transpiring on your world. We intend to see you very, very soon! Our ships are in place to do whatever is necessary to bring you to the magic moment that is full consciousness. The time of wish fulfillment is at last upon you. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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Mainstreaming Yogurt or Make Love Not War!

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 12:47 PM PDT

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry Creations.com

Dear Ones,

Today is a day of joy, is it not? Spring has arrived for many of you and joy has returned for most of you. Some of you are perhaps thinking that you are not feeling joy – and such might be the case for your physical being. But your inner being/soul most certainly is.

You may not be aware on a physical level that a giant Universal shift has occurred in the last few days, but such is the case. We have told you baby boomers that you have accepted, and in fact, have been instrumental in introducing the New Age on earth. What occurred most recently is that the majority of people on earth have now embraced the possibility. There is a great deal of difference from the introduction of a new product to general acceptance.

An appropriate example might be yogurt. Forty years ago, very few people were familiar with the term or the food. Of course, those familiar with a variety of cultures might have been knowledgeable about this particular food, but the general population did not conceive of yogurt as a standard lunch or snack treat. Today, no one needs to have yogurt defined.

When we initiated this blog last fall, we told you that the New Age had been introduced, which was similar to stating that yogurt is a new food product that you might like. What has occurred in the last few days is that the New Age has become general information to the inner beings of humans now on earth and therefore, the Universe.

What does such a statement mean in terms of your interactions with others or in the political, religious and economic arenas? Nothing immediately. Yogurt did not because a household product overnight – but “word of mouth” most certainly generated yogurt sales that today are far beyond what anyone would have imagined thirty years ago. And so it is for the New Age.

Humans continue to live in strife. They continue to protest this or that action. They continue to think that candidate or political party is evil. But there is now a message, accepted by the vast majority of humans, who find a greater need for cooperation and love than hate and anger.

What has occurred in the last few days is a dramatic sea change that will impact the earth for the remainder of time.

We and others have told you for some time that your inner voice is your most appropriate and truly only guide. Many of you embraced such messages to the best of your ability, despite chiding from friends and relatives for doing so. Following your inner guidance has become mainstream.

The vast majority of people on earth have now accepted the worth and the necessity of the New Age. By doing so, those now on earth will have a more difficult time overriding their personal New Age messages. Of course, there will be a number at first who are able to do so despite their deeply uncomfortable feelings. But the majority will no longer be able to ignore New Age.

Many of you are perhaps thinking of the current political scene in the United States. The deep divide between the Republicans and the Democrats. Or the seemingly constant terrorist threats around the world. Will either example cease to exist tomorrow? No. But such will happen within a few months. We have told you that the New Age will occur rapidly. And so it will.

Once someone’s soul/inner being accepts a philosophy that impacts the Universe, there is very little needed to move that philosophy forward.

Again, let us give you an example. You baby boomers in the 1960’s and 1970’s wanted love not war. The Vietnam war was raging and technically you had little power given your age and your income levels. Yet, through the resources you had available, you stopped the Vietnam war. Oh not in one day. And often, you felt the effort was futile. Who would listen to a bunch of radical youngsters? Of course, the rest is history.

This New Age shift will happen even more rapidly because it was initiated by the very same baby boomers. Only now you baby boomers are the people in power and have the largest bulk of financial worth in history.

Let us give you a brief overview of what is going to happen in the next few months. Then we will leave you with the thought that it is now time for you to celebrate. Once again, you have completed a very difficult task and you have done so without a shot being fired or any type of revolution other than one enmeshed with love.

You baby boomers are already comfortable with the thought of “make love not war.” Just as was true for you in the 1960’s and 1970’s, you are feeling thoughts that you are not familiar with. Those thoughts are urging you forward to disassemble those institutions and organizations and yes, even political parties that do not seem to “get it.” You are sending e-mails and creating blogs that encourage yourself and others to look at those institutions with new eyes. Just because someone you admire says something, does not mean that statement is your reality any longer. And so it will go. You will be more and more interested in surrounding yourself with like-minded people and institutions. Those people and institutions who do not act on your “love not war” philosophy will fade and fail.

We are not necessarily addressing the war in Iraq or any other conflict. But rather an overall philosophy of negotiation, hope, joy and yes, peace. That is the New Age. This is what you have long dreamed of. And this is what you have now created both within yourself and within the beings of the majority of people on earth.

Even though you may not yet have experienced it directly as of yet, we will tell you that your joy will start bursting forth with or without your current willingness to believe that such is so. Of course, there will yet be upheavals. Of course, there will conflicts for a bit of time. But underneath it all, know without a doubt that the majority of people on earth have accepted the New Age and all that entails.

Follow your inner voice and you will be a participant observer in the paradigm shift that is now occurring. Ignore your inner voice and you will be an observer in the paradigm shift that is now occurring. It will happen. It is happening.

For those of you who prefer an example of what we are discussing, think of the last few weeks as the time in which a major food producer first decided to introduce yogurt as a small product line. And then know, as you do, that within a couple of years, every major food producer will have to have a large yogurt product line to meet the demand. And so it is. Amen.

Ah. Brenda has a question. What if the majority of people had not accepted the New Age in the last few days? Nothing would have changed other than the introduction and acceptance of the New Age would have taken a bit longer in your terms and a few nanoseconds in ours. The New Age has been a given for a few years. Your acceptance was the question which has now been answered.

Go play in the sunshine and rejoice in your concentrated and highly successful implementation of a new world. So be it. Amen.

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All Is Choice: Finding empowerment

This channeling concerns a group question regarding the well known channeled phrase "All Is Choice".

You may have already noticed in thinking about the statement "All Is Choice" on a big picture, theoretical basis, it is not all that useful in a practical sense.  It can be comforting to have that as a basis or background, but the human mind finds it impossible to maintain a real connection to that idea when also faced with mundane, day to day activities.

In other words, when you pick up your coffee cup to take a sip, it is not that useful to you in that moment to imagine how that small action fits into the overall arc of your life as a projection of a soul. How does taking a sip of coffee serve you in the larger sense?  It's almost impossible to grasp that - and then the question arises: "how does the act of taking a sip of coffee affect me, either positively or negatively, in terms of the overall arc of my life?"   From that moment, from the human perspective, it's almost impossible to tell.

And so for some, a sense of "bullshit" can erupt from this.  The human mind invents reasons to stave away inner chaos.  The concept of "all is choice" can be used to push away feelings and to rationalize acts or feelings about acts in a way that's typically not very useful to a person. An intellectualolder soul can have strong feelings about an act, but step back to intellectualize under an "all is choice" motto in order to be "loving" and deny negative feelings.

While stepping back and becoming part of that larger perspective is part of the old soul experience, there's a not so fine line there. When that stepping back is done to create a denial of what's being felt in the present than that is not particularly useful.

Our suggestion about how any person can view their life in terms of choice in a way that's empowering would be to instead of looking at things at the macro level to look at the micro level and to connect emotion to every moment:

As I pick up my coffee cup to take a sip, what am I feeling?  Am I feeling energized?  Am I feeling frustrated?  Am I feeling hurried because I need to gulp down a whole cup of coffee before I leave for my day?  Am I feeling complacent?  Am I feeling bored?

That's only a small fraction of the kinds of feelings that someone can feel in the simple act of picking up coffee cup to take a sip.  The more you are present and aware of what you feel in a given moment, the more you will feel connected to your own empowerment regarding choice.

Choice within Simple Actions

Let's examine this more.  We will go back to the coffee cup analogy. In that act of picking up the coffee cup, you have all kinds of choices. Perhaps they might be in some ways dependent upon or connected to other factors. If you're in a hurry, then you might pick up the coffee cup in a certain forceful way. If your mind is engaged in something else and you reach out with a fumbling hand because you decide you want a sip of coffee while you're staring at your laptop screen, that's another way of being present in that moment.

A small word of caution: while it is possible to be mindful and aware of what you were feeling in every given moment, that again is not necessarily useful to the human experience. In other words, you can get anal about it: "I'm sitting in a chair.  What am I feeling now?  I'm leaning back a little.  What am I feeling now? I glance out the window.  What I am feeling now? ... "   And you can get caught up, lost in the midst of intellectualizing.  You would be trying to feel instead of allowing the feelings to be present. There's a balance.

Not everyone that we're speaking to can join in what's referred to as an "old soul perspective" of stepping back and becoming distant. And that's okay - it's not necessary in order to feel empowered in your own life or feel good about what's going on in the world.

When we are referring to empowerment in this instance, we mean feeling that you yourself have the ability to make changes in your life as you see fit.  The very first step in that is assessing where you are in a given moment.  This is why we talk about the micro level, or bringing in an element of mindfulness.

The most useful way to apply that concept is when you feel the "big feelings" - when you feel a fair amount of emotion.  That's when you rest in that and simply ask "what am I feeling?" from within your presence - from outside your intellect.  Allow the feeling to be there while you rest in it.

Question:  I recently had an experience where my child was misbehaving and getting very angry, screaming and not listening.  I felt a very strong impulse to spank him until he "behaved", but then I caught myself because I know that is very bad for him.  I guess my own childhood pain came out - I don't know.  But then I got very tense and pushed away the feelings, but I still noticed him being very frightened of me and seemingly feeling threatened.  I guess by stuffing away those violent feelings, I was also being unloving.  This relates to the nature of choice to me - both were fairly automatic.  Either I behave like my parents did to me or I try to repress and do the opposite, but somehow create a similar dynamic.  I didn't feel I had any other choice.

This situation is a moment of big emotion.  The parent, feeling all this welling up inside them, has a moment to create that change from how they themselves were treated as a child. So the parent can assess this, starting with the knowing of "I'm feeling this big emotion."

Realize first that immediate action is not necessary. In other words, following through with that spanking energy is not necessary.  Removing or changing the emotion is not necessary.  If there is a big emotion there then this is a time for the parent to sit with that emotion for a moment without taking action.  Allow it to be there.   The action arises from believing that the emotion can't be there.  It wants to move through and out.  Tensing is another way of saying that the emotion cannot be there - and it also communicates to the child that their own mirroring emotion should not be there.

Again, this is an invitation for the parent to truly be with that emotion without moving into action.  This "action" can be external or internal, such as tensing or rationalizing.  Understand that this moving into action is likely a pattern for that person that came from their own childhood (such as with the pattern of self destruction).  Whether or not they tense themselves and try to try to deter any tendencies that feel negative, or they go ahead and strike the child:  those are two opposites of the same spectrum of non-acceptance.  The trick them would be to simply sit with the emotion and to let it be there without taking action.

Once the parent does that, other perceptions begin to come up: realizations that this is a connection to my own life. Realizations that I don't need to perpetuate this with my child, that there are other choices available now that the need to push an experience away has dissolved.  Emotions are simply energy.  They are an experience.  From our perspective, all emotions are good emotions, as energy itself has no value judgments attached.  But people can feel disempowered by emotions when they have not been encouraged to actually feel them.  Surrendering to the experience of an emotion is a tremendously empowering act.

The child's experience is a little different.  A child is naturally feeling a little bit disempowered, especially in western cultures, because of the physical dynamic that already exists. In other words, they're a small person and surrounded by big people who make the rules, provide the structure and play the "authority figure". There's already an atmosphere of not feeling that they have a choice.  But also within the child is a beautiful invitation to create a sense of choice in the midst of what could feel like a disempowering situation. The choice is about feeling.   The child too has the impulse to take action:  Do I cower and cover my head?   Do I run away?  Do I try to smile to defuse the situation?  Those are all potential actions.  But the child too can simply be with the emotion.

A child naturally does this at a very early age, but in the western culture is largely educated away from this.  This is true in the modern world in many Eastern cultures as well. The role of "parental authority" is a factor in 90% of the cultures around your world now.

We can offer a practical exercise beyond the theoretical which we've already given you that can increase your ability to feel connected to the choices in your own life.  We've already talked about stepping back while feeling and allowing yourself to feel when a big emotion comes up.  Again, that's useful situation by situation as it comes up for you.

In order to assist, provide support and create a pattern of energy movement within you now that can become a foundation for you whenever those big emotions come up so that you can practice what we've already told you, we can offer this.

This exercise is best if done seated and your spine is relatively straight. If you are accustomed to a particular meditation posture this is a good opportunity to take a particular posture but it's not necessary; you can be seated in a chair. 

[We offer the audio recording of this with beautiful background music which you may download to aid you in this exercise.]

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Closing your eyes, take a deep breath and allow it to float out if you.  Take another deep breath, hold it for a moment and allow it too to float out if you.  As you release that breath, imagine your conscious awareness expanding.   Every time you breathe in and breathe out your awareness expands. In other words, rather than being tightly placed inside your head, perhaps, it moves to a space outside yourself. You can start with a space that extends about a foot away from your body.

Just as you breathe out, allow your breath to float into that space about a foot on all sides of your body and allow your awareness to extend to that distance.  It's especially important to bring your awareness up over your head to that distance.

Now you can imagine that your awareness has expanded to a place that's up above and slightly outside of your physical body. This causes you to have the sensation that your movements would be slower, more flowing than you are accustomed to.  You feel wiser, perhaps.

Understand that within the space you may also incorporate all your emotion world by stepping up and back and out just slightly. You have the opportunity to include an awareness of more of yourself than you are accustomed. Yet this is not a  place of overwhelm. This is where you can be with those big emotion's without being overwhelmed by them.

If the idea of choice and empowerment has been particularly troubling to you - in other words if at times in your life you have felt buffeted by the winds of chance - then we would suggest taking a few moments of each day to perform this exercise.  Understand that when those big emotions come up for you this is the place that you can rest in while you are allowing yourself to be present within those emotions. And when we say "be present with" we are not suggesting that you become detached from and intellectual about them.  But we are suggesting that from this space you can see them for what they are. You can allow them into you without creating a need for action.

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Serapis Bey: You Are Fulfilling Your Plan

Channeler: Marlene Swetlishoff

April 8, 2010

Serapis Bey: You Are Fulfilling Your Plan

My Greetings to all Lightworkers,

I come to speak to you in regards to the Ascension energies that are becoming more intensified within each of you at this time. These energies have been creating much turmoil that has sometimes been reflected in the outer circumstances of your World. Know that this is the deep cleansing that is required within each of you, in order that you be prepared to fully embody your Christed Self and to fully integrate It within your five body system. This was and is an ongoing process for each of you.

We ask that you not hold yourselves or others in judgment during this process, as this time is such that it requires all to release and then to unify into One Consciousness that desires the Highest Good for all. Although it may not be apparent to you at this time, in hindsight you will understand the purpose of all that you are now experiencing and it will become clear to you. Many such dramas will continue to take place within each Human being upon this Earth in the coming days. You are the harbingers of this process and so you are experiencing this process before the rest of the World. All that is occurring now has a Higher purpose and that Higher purpose is being served.

On the Ascension Path, it is required for each Initiate to undergo many trials and testing in order to prepare each of you for greater integrity in your service to the Light and the task which you have chosen to fulfill in these moments of bringing forth the Higher Vision for the Divine Plan for the Earth and all upon Her. You are fulfilling this Plan in your moments of Now and the Highest Good of all is being served. Remember this when you are in the midst of the dramas that come forth from you and from those around you. We understand that it can be somewhat confusing to you. Some of your thoughts, words and actions, seemingly come from another Being rather than your outer self and indeed, it is so, for it is an aspect, fragment or soul extension of your unified Self that is being addressed and worked upon, to heal and release and then unify within your Totally Integrated Self. This is most important and this process is proceeding now.

We of the Higher realms are ever at your side, working to facilitate these processes with as much grace, ease and understanding that it is possible for you to assimilate and comprehend. All the threads of each of your lives are coming together now. Know this and rejoice, for that means you are ever so much closer to the end result. You are loved beyond measure and never walk alone.

I AM Serapis Bey

©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff

Permission is given to share this message with others, as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com

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Our Inner Relationship Review

At the risk of sounding repetitive once again, "relationship" in all forms is up for deep and significant review during the month of April. The energy alignments in March were indeed "vibrational upgrades" and now in April we will feel the deepest call to observe our inner relationship within every aspect of our lives.

Sounds heavy and in truth deep personal review is a journey that requires time and due diligence. Every aspect of our outer lives is a form of relationship for we are "in relationship" to and with everything. Our body, our work, our friends, our family, our emotions, thoughts, and beliefs. Many have been feeling the pull to withdraw and recalibrate since the equinox on March 21st. There is never just one event or timing, but we do like to give a linear timeline to how we are feeling our way through our lives.

The codes of light received during the month of March created a deeper level of awareness and change, where everything felt different yet seemingly looked the same - a place of having to bridge points of reference that are deeper than ever before. The perception we hold of ourselves as we straddle our 3D/5D relationship has indeed required a renewed commitment to our ascension process.

Our sense of time is changing dramatically as it has over the past several years. I've certainly felt the bubble of time wrap around me the past couple of weeks, feeling quiet and wanting only to just be and not do. We are integrating great waves of higher frequency and it is now a time to observe everything in our outer lives as an indicator of our inner vibrational relationship and partnership. 

April is a month of intense energy that will effectively reformat our inner relationship within our heart space, and will in turn create opportunity to see more clearly the outer relationships and partnerships we are currently experiencing. The question of "how am I feeling in this moment" is the most profound key to understanding the vibrational match we have with the thought or feeling of the people in our lives. We are constantly redefining in this new energy what feels good and uplifting, through the filter of our old beliefs or perceptions of who we are and who or what we are a vibrational match too.

Within the context of our relationships we often project our beliefs of what it is supposed to look like and feel like based on our experiences and expectations. We do this with all forms of relationships. April will intensify the part of any projection that is holding a vibrational match that is an old pattern or belief we have held about ourselves and those in our lives. This timing will be a profound opportunity to see what is continuing to show up as being old and outmoded or something new and joyful. It is easy to fall into harsh personal criticism when old patterns appear to still be part of our now - but in is simply another opportunity to choose to change and let go.

The inner review through our heart will allow the old judgments to be less charged with emotional baggage and offer a clearer vision of the tremendous opportunity each moment holds for clearing the way for new feelings of joy as we re-evaluate and release any sense of limitation or fear.

Our lightbody is holding the new frequency and vibration codes and is threading the new energy slowly into our physical, emotional, mental and spirit bodies. This can feel overwhelming and physically draining. Many I have spoken too and worked with are complaining of fatigue, body pain, headaches, stomach upsets and a sense of feeling disconnected. Brain fog and the inability to put our thoughts into a recognizable form are also occurring.

We are transforming many layers of our personal reality as the integration waves continue to bring forward a sense of urgency or feeling stuck. Polarity once again at it greatest teaching tool. Our response or reaction to the integration will be a key component of how we manifest the hidden teaching held within our thoughts. We are evolving quickly and shaking free old collective perceptions and patterns. April is a month of action but at a deep inner level where we must be present and mindful of the emotional triggers that can move us deeper into our evolutionary impulse.

It is important to remember that everything that is present in our current everyday lives is a symptom or symbol of our vibration and frequency. Nothing is being experienced that isn't a direct correlation to our thoughts and beliefs. We are digging deeper and deeper into the unaddressed core aspects of our relationships within our divine blueprint. It takes great courage to cleanse and reveal to ourselves the masters we truly are and accept the responsibility that we alone create and change. 

Our heart is our greatest teacher and wisdom keeper. It nourishes and supports the truth of our soul journey without judgment and points us in the direction of moving forward. The action of April will be to observe our thoughts and feelings as if under a powerful microscope. The moment we observe ourselves in relationship to our reality, we effect change - by the mere point of observation. April asks the question "what do you truly want" and then offers the energy to take the steps to bring the vibrational match of our intention into our reality. We know what we want by how it feels - if it feels uplifting, joyful and allowing it is a vibrational match to our heart. If it feels anything less than that - then we have a magnificent opportunity to take whatever action or steps feel right - without judgment or blame.

We are greatly influenced by the cosmic alignments of each month. In April, there we have Mercury Retrograde from April 17th to May 11th. This alignment supports the deep internal review and the pull to feel quiet and contemplative. Many will feel the need for a course correction as the deep creates the impetus for new conclusions.

The New Moon on April 14th and the Full Moon on April 28th both foster a time to explore and dive deeply into our emotions and calibrate the opportunity to expand further into our true transformation.

Kind, Gentle and Allowing is the once again the operative energy for this month of change and growth. It is important to take whatever measures necessary to feel supported as we embrace more light within our consciousness. Much learning is occurring as we surf our relationships and as always the most important relationship we have is with ourselves.

The pulsing waves of divine feminine light are merging deeply within each of us creating a platform for the perfected balance of sacred feminine and sacred masucline frequency and vibration. This platform or foundation is held within everything person, place or thing upon our beloved Mother Earth and is encapsulating the internal individual changes with that of the collective. Our universe is always expanding as are we, even if it feels during this month of review like we are contracting. Focus on your personal expansion, knowing we are loved and honoured for the courage it takes to be the masters we truly are.

Every relationship is changing at this monumental time and each one offers us a window of deep understanding. Enjoy the coming days of review and focus on the intention to feel joy and expansion.

Remember that laughter is the quickest way to feel our soul and a smile given or received- the kiss of an angel. We are all connected in this magnificent timing and journey together.

Keep Shining your Gorgeous Light !

With Love and Blessings in Service


Copyright © Shala Mata 2009

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