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Another View of the Polar Shift

Beloved ones, as these waves of Love now bombarding the world come into your life and shift you, as they turn upside down everything you have perceived as your reality and your identity as a human being, as they create in your life the polar shift from the world of duality to the world of only Love -- the change will be so dramatic that the only way to accomplish it is to give yourselves to Me, to fall into the arms of My Love, to surrender your current orientation.

Only as you let go of what currently is, can you make way for pure Love to enter and to make of you that which Love will. As your world shifts on its axis, trusting Me will bring you the most exquisite joy as your heart opens to the pure reality that there is only God and only Love here, and that everything else truly has been a play -- a dream of limitation created by the mind, a dream that you are ready to awake from. I Am here to hold you as you do.

Yet to do this requires a passionate decision. It requires the choice for Love to be your reality, your choice, that you might hold to Me as the waves of Love come and be clear and joyous as you see the change as every limited box that you have lived in, every perception of less than Love falls away and all that the ego fought to receive, you are free to give as part of this tsunami of Love that seeks the conduit of your glorious heart.

You will find that you experience such exhilaration as freedom calls you Home to your true identity as the vast and glorious consciousness of the Love I Am, and gives you access to the power of Creation itself, power beyond the imagining of the little mind, but power that only Love directs. It is power that when life on Earth shifts to the heart and all the ways of selfishness dissolve, that you might stand free as the open vast and giving heart, the center of the universe, the hologram.

You will be amazed as you reclaim who you truly are as the ecstatic outreach of My living heart. The world shall become the most intricate mandala of interwoven hearts of peace and consciousness that leaps beyond the boundaries of a physical world.

So the shift to the heart to which I call you now is dramatic, profound and brings the experience within you that sources every answer to every question, that the reality of Love makes it unnecessary for this shift to be mirrored or reflected in the outer world as some dramatic and difficult change.

The world is the reflection of your hearts and as you give yourself to Love, then all you see is shown to you through your heart's perception as a world of perfection, beauty and infinite grace in which the outcome of every movement is good. The experience of every moment as Love and the peace beyond the understanding of the mind is your ever-present Home as you rest within Me, allowing your heart to be the transparent and open heart of God that Love may shine itself forth to bring a world of unity and endless joy and gratitude for the gift of life that is ever given to you Now. It shall continue to be given that it may be amplified by your glorious heart continually.

This brings us once again to your choice. You are the Will of Love made manifest, a Will that has been obscured by the ego which has turned everything Love values backward. But the shift to the heart shall make your world "right" again, as the axis of your reality becomes the Vertical, as you step into the flow of life that is the eternal song of endless joy and the ecstasy of Love. Love will create through you a world of such beauty, it is beyond the imagining of the mind.

Are you willing to give your heart to Love, to allow these waves of Love to bring you freedom from all the ways that you have armored yourselves and hidden the vast and glorious magnificence of your true being? You did this in order to fit in to the consensual reality of life in the world as it is currently seen. I promise you the world of Love already exists. It is only a radical shift in perception away. It is the simple change from viewing the world from the two eyes of duality focused through the ego's dream of who you are… to the experience of the present and eternal explosion of joy that is the heart's reality and your identity as the vast unlimited vehicle of this Love.

The vision of the heart, the single eye of the Spirit of which Jeshua spoke will show you, beloved ones, a world so different that you will truly feel your axis change as you give yourselves to this pulsing River of Love that Love may not only do its work through you but give to you the vision of the instrument that Love created, the vehicle that Love can use that is your heart.

So, please, come Home to Me and take this leap in trust. Fall back into the ocean of this perfect Love. Give yourself the experience of true freedom, even if for only a moment, for that moment will change your life. That moment is the experience of the Now. It is the birth of all Creation awakening to itself and in one second, the change can come if you allow it.

Take back into yourself all the perceptions of fearful change that have been painted on the ego's canvas of the world. Bring them to your heart, trusting Me, and let Me show you what they really mean, that the shift of the polarities or the axis of the Earth symbolizes the shift from head to heart. It symbolizes the radical shift to trusting Me so profoundly that all separation between us ends and you are Home, Home in the endless cosmos of Love. Through your heart you see the world that Love creates and nothing else.

Take back all illusions to fearful states and all projections of ego of a future that contains any difficulty at all. Let Me show you how such difficulties can only occur when this Love meets a barrier erected out of fear. And yes, I know, beloved ones, that it is not easy to trust if you see the world through the lens of your human self. If you judge even the next moment from the past experience of duality that holds both Love and its opposite, then it is hard if not impossible to let go.

But if you allow this Love to turn your world to something else and to give you the experience Now of life through the heart, then I promise you it will be effortless to give yourself to this glorious flow, to become the conscious Twin Flame heart, the being who holds within the keys to all Creation that you become the force of Love through which Love manifests, and that the world you see is the truth of only Love. That is what I Am and thus, what you are and your heart will show you.

So, as you shift to your heart and let your heart turn your world upside down, you will find the prediction of the "end of time" is valid, but not as a human suddenly without clock or calendar. Instead it will be as a being of Light and Love for whom the galaxy, the cosmos, the All of God is your Home and who lives forever in the eternal Now that is the only moment where life is.

Let yourself recognize that every flood, every tsunami, every hurricane is the reflection of the fearful state of ego in its response to this great in-rush of Love that it places outside of itself and makes fearful that you might remain in this limited state, obeying the will of ego to believe in a world in which Love and other than Love are at war -- which in the truth of the heart is not possible.

As enough of you allow this polar shift to occur, fall back in trust into the ocean of Love I Am, as enough of you allow the world you live in to turn around, to become the flow of endless outward giving…then the magnetic power of your collective heart will create enough pull to flip the others, effortlessly and gently, into a whole new view, a whole new experience of what life is when seen through the single eye of the heart and perceived as Love's reality.

So everything the ego presents as pictures of collective possibilities of other than Love as you enter this time of change…bring it within. Bring it to Me and let Me show you what the truth is, the truth of Love that only the heart can recognize and you will find yourselves dwelling in the deep peace and ecstatic joy of the true reality of Love that is truly beyond the understanding of the mind and beyond the world perceived by the collective consciousness created by the ego mind.

Dearest ones, please welcome it! Welcome it all… Welcome the polar shift of your reality. Welcome this rushing, endless tsunami of Love. Welcome the end of the dream of dualistic time. Open your heart and step into the mystery of this change, surrendered to Me, that I might give you the fullness of your true identity as the heart of God.

As you find yourselves experiencing these waves of Love, they will show you life in its sparkling glory and bring to you the perfect communion with All That Is, with every molecule, with each dancing electron…that you might rejoice in the endless communion of the unity of life that the heart sees and the joyous experience of being that which holds in consciousness the very energies of Creation, the masculine and feminine entwined in a powerful and endless dance of co-creation beyond imagining.

Beloved ones, as you allow this shift, then you will also find that the heart then infuses the mind with Love and the ego's perception of separation disappears. Thought becomes the flow of the living Spirit and every word is an expression of the highest Love and the joyous life of God that we share.

Through the heart and this profound shift, all separation between us ends but what truly happens, what you will find is that the separation was never there. It was only an illusion, the result of a decision to perceive other than Love, to live other than this truth of God that has always been, shall always be, is ever alive in this glorious Now. Love is your true reality and I Am your Real identity. You are My heart always.

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Dear one
Much light has once again been delivering
The consciousness of christ
Upon the shores of time and the shores
Of non-time…

This light of purification is now effecting
All things on your beloved planet…
All forms of life are being purified
By the divine waters of grace….
This may be known to you as a “bubbling effect”…
There are rumblings and  earthquakes
Desiring to be released
Thru your bodies at this now moment
Yes….you are one with your mother earth
And she is preparing along with you
To “move into her new dimension
Of love and light”…
Flow with them…dear one
Flow with them…allow the bubbles to arise
And burst
For they will bring much clarity and wisdom
Long remembered
With each allowance of the “burst”
Thus allowing your Mother Earths
Transistion to be softer and gentler
For all upon her…

These bursts are simply old beliefs…
Thoughts and beliefs held deep…deep
Within your sub conscious which are
Ready to be released and let go of….
This is an “inner journey”
Know this dear one…
Any reaction to “any moment”
Is coming from within you
And it is yours to embrace
And bring within
To this shared heart of love….
All…all is transmuted and made whole again
Thru this very process…
So…dear one…do not hold back…
Allow the rumblings and inner quakes
To arise….
Embrace them…
Bring them within to our shared heart
Where all will be made “new again”
You see
You NOW have the power of your full Self
Within you
It is the very power of love ….
The only true power there is…
What is bubbling up
For you to remember and recognize
Within yourself
Is that anything other than
The power of love…
The presence of love
Is not real
And is holding you back
From your greatness…your divinity…
This very divinity is alive and well
Within you now
And if you will simply bring all unlike
What love is
I will
All you need do is embrace them
And bring them home to love…
This is a truth yet it must be practiced
To be re-alized….
Love’s perfect solution
Is within you now
As it was before you took
The thought of separation
From me…
All the reading and seeking
Will not actualize this truth for you…
It is for you to re-discover it
And then to take the action
Of “doing it”….
For you are love
And love always
Seeks itself…
Come within and find me there…
The voice of love…
Love is the answer to all things…
You simply have not remembered what
True love is….
It is the very power within you
That if remembered again
Will transform all things
If they are embraced “by you”

If you would like to be added to this list simply
Send me an email and I will add you

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The God Concept: Adamus

Channeler: Faye Rouchi

There exists a questioning regarding the God concept, creating some perceived conflicts with the idea of oneness and uniqueness, individuality. Understand that you are Source. Source created you. This is true in all creations, that you hold within you the totally of your creator, just as your creations hold the totality of you as their creator, but only if given freedom.

A creation that has not been set fully free is then not yet complete, and rests within its source yet still. Once given freedom, the creation is free to explore its Self. And, as it is the totally of that which has created it, all that it explores is twofold, its Self and its Source. This sets up an interesting dynamic and that is the introduction of the other. The moment any creation seeks to explore its Self, it introduces the concept and experience of the other. This is both real and perceived. Anything you perceive is real. ANYTHING. Perception is all powerful. It is that which makes you alive, seeing “alive” as being the awareness of Self. For to be unaware of Self is to BE unaware.

To start to see your Self everywhere, in everything, is truth. But it is equally true to see the beauty and to experience love held in the perspective that there is the other. These are new journeys, new explorations for you, and it is something you are just now moving into. So, this is exciting to you, to turn this perspective in all sorts of new angles, to see more, to experience more. And, as it is new, it therefore captures your focus. You find it compelling. This is being alive.

For me to answer this too conclusively would be to influence your personal journey of answering this question. Seek not for the answer; rather seek for the understanding of the journey, which is seeking the answer for your Self. This is the journey that will help you come to know what I AM truly means, and each will go about this in their own “individual” way. So, here is where there is uniqueness. You are unique in choosing perspectives by which you experience reality.

What one chooses may not be what another chooses. When you change your perspective you change your reality, so in this way you experience individuality. But, the underpinnings of these vast and varied perspectives remain the oneness of all being created, connected, unified, by this very act of creation that brought you into existence. These are experiences you will have and you will come to have a much better understanding of as you explore who and what you are. Remember, you are in between worlds right now, not really existing in either, the old world being what you are not. You are now beginning the journey of discovering who and what you are, so your questions and thirst for this are quite understandable.

But, remember this, you are just embarking on this exploration, and being that you are in between worlds causes confusion sometimes, as each world has different dictates. In just a short “time” you will feel more freedom in your explorations and as you journey you will glean much from your experiences. But if I gave you an answer, it would be from my experience, and right now if that were given, it would only be your mind that would evaluate and conclude based on what I might share. It would only be information regarding my experience.

It is time now to move into your own I AM, and have experiences that will allow you your own perspectives. You will always have this freedom, to choose, to choose your perspectives which will allow you to evolve into a different being, with a different understanding of what is its Self. Yours will be unique and yet you are everywhere, able to see all the many facets that make up your totality, as you were created by your creator.

So, as you move about, seeing you everywhere, you are also seeing Source, and also the other, it is a triality, and it is a grand and rich experience. But, do not get involved with identity here, rather, I would advise you to stay focused on the feelings you have with any given experience as you move through what is now a transition. Once you have passed through this transition, you will see the value in these many words, and you will need no words at that time.


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Love Poem of Life (take III)

Hi everybody,

Here I go to dance and sing
Some poetry of light with a magical ring...
This journey begins from deep in my heart
It is my deepest life prayer in every part.
I truly hope it lifts your hearts up high
To spread your wings and fly in the sky.

I slowly remember, as it comes together again...
As above outside, so below within...

Life is like being within a round crystal ball
That reflects back to us our inner all.
The truth that I see in front of me outside
Is a different point of view
Than what can be seen to be true
From your own point of view.

Life is an amazing journey of adventure
In the discovery of just how far...
Who we each individually within
Really and truly are!

Our feeling heart (((❤))) is our key
That opens our door of our whole me
To really and truly feel and see
Into the infinite universal oneness
Of what I call the "we within me"!

What an awesome resonating feeling view
That feels to go through me connecting all of you.
Like waves of love dancing all over me
It really feels to be all we are truly meant to be!

As I bask in this infinite light
It all comes so fully into sight
And I truly feel in my heart what I see
That we really are all one within me!

Fully being me in the all that I now see
Includes being all of you
Felt in my heart to be so true!

What is true within you that I see within me
Is that as I do unto you,
I actually do unto the you of the "we within me"!

It truly is magic in the highest degree
This love from our heart of the "we within me".
It connects us all in every way
Inviting us to join in the ultimate play.

It's all about love! It's all about peace!
It's all about the infinite love that will never cease.
It's all in our heart where our healing will start.
In all of our thoughts and feelings within
Our love seeks to mingle with all and to blend.

Remember the caterpillar life that came to an end
Became the butterfly of new life from within!
It broke through the cocoon of fear without
To shine its love to the world all about!

Love is our light that shines up our day
To guide us from within and show us the way!
It calls us out from our cocoon to play.
Love isn't really in our heart to stay
But fully blooms when we shine it away.

I really and truly do love each of you!
Deep within your heart you know this is true!
I am your mirror shining your love back to you.
I am you from a completely different point of view.
Remember this love that you feel from me
Is really within your own "we within me"!

May love shine in your heart and lift you high
To soar like an eagle and touch the sky!
It calls us forth to come out and see
All the wonders of life that it means to be free!

There are no limits to how high we can fly
As we release it all to soar into the sky!
Allow your caterpillar to be a butterfly
And you will discover the reasons why!
Then from high above you shall see
That it's less about understanding
Than simply choosing to be
Our one true we in our individual me!

I really do feel love for all of you
And dream this poetic explosion of light
Will open up the we within you too!
As "I" am also you from another point of view!


Just writing and playing with this is an adventure in of itself for my "we within me".
Even now as I read it, I feel there is some that wants to evolve more and have fun.
So who knows where it will all go, as I share what I know in my own sort of show.... lol
It's so funny, because the more that I dance and sing,
the more comes out with a resonate ring...

Love you all from the depths of my heart,


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It is the soul pouring itself out into the world,
like a fisherman casting a net to gather in the fish he seeks;

with each cast properly made,
we will bring what we need to us,

but first, we must hurl ourselves into the depths
without knowing just what lies beneath us."

~David Spangler

This was posted on lightworkers.org, and feels very appropriate to me at this time. For frankly, I have no idea at all what writing this novel will bring me. While writing it, I come up with all these 'predictions' about the time between the life of my more advanced incarnation of myself in 4444AD, and my current self in 2010. The events surface effortlessly, but am I predicting, describing from that future viewpoint what already happened, or manifesting what will eventually happen?

That is in fact the whole central theme of it all: does this help bring me my much coveted dream future, or will it make me the dreaded messenger that drowned half his land of birth? Who knows, but then that is the hurling mentioned in the above: it feels like something I want to do, regardless of the consequences.

Love your Light, 


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The 11:11 Gateways

“So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause” – George Lucas

by: Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

When the forces of Eleven become fully activated they have the power to change history in the making. Within the number and sequences of Eleven (29, 47, 38, 56, 74, 92, 83, 65) lives all answers and even more questions. Eleven teaches us every problem comes as a divine opportunity to learn. It shows us how to see beyond what is everyday and boring. It try’s and tests our faith and our belief system and our faith. It forces us to listen to that small still quiet voice within the silent witness. It reminds us we are all vast beings who have come to earth to help with the healing and awakening process starting with ourselves. It asks you to locate the light within and share it with all. Eleven is our Best Friend and Teacher.

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Arcturus .:. October 14th Event

The folly of mistaking a paradox for a discovery, a metaphor for a proof, a torrent of verbiage for a spring of capital truths, and oneself for an oracle, is inborn in us. – Paul Valery

by Kathleen Long

There is a commonality among those who have announced this event and it is that they feel within them thus they ‘hear’ onto themselves of this ‘event’ because what they know is that there is to be AN event however it is not quite as defined. You live in a reality that is based in time itself, it is 3D and therefore you must define things as such meaning that you must define things from other dimensions within your own understanding and the most obvious of your defining is based in physical ‘things’. You must define those physical things in terms of your vision. It is difficult to present an ‘event’ to you when in order to realize the event through 3D you must put it in ‘time’, you must then translate it to a ‘view’ or a ‘picture’ of something when in reality, our reality the ‘result’ of the event is what is paramount and the result that the consciousness seeks is what that event would/might do to them EMOTIOANLLY because it is through and within emotion that all of the human race will change the world, change their own lives and the consciousness in/of which they live.

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Ready for Dimensional Living?

“A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.”  -Robert Burton
(And when you truly begin to understand and know multidimensional consciousness you imeaditly understand the impact every unaligned thought creates.  These basic ‘private’ thoughts have created much of our demise not re-membering the power we each hold.  ALL-ways OBSERVE | EXPLORE!)

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Life in then Cosmos!

“I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.”

~A. Whitney Brown

“HAMANITIES NEW RECORDS”    illustration by SethD8 – 15 Feb 2007


Diane 7 February 2007

Your expectations are now rightly high as you cannot help but note the changes that are occurring all around you. It matters little what level they are taking place, the collective effect is one that can be felt and seen. Outwardly you see moves within the political circles, suggesting that a common consensus of opinion is developing. One that augurs well for bringing a halt to the escalation of the war in the Middle East. Inwardly you feel a releasing of the pressure brought about by negative energies that impound upon you. You find a resilience that comes of having built up a resistance through raising your vibrations.

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11:11 Master Numbers!

Created, Channeled, Written, Published and copyrighted by Gillian






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Perilous Mayhem!

St. Germain | 01 September 06

Matters still remain very perilous as the last cabal see the final chance to continue their mayhem. They do not realise that their continual threats against the Iran alliance, is highlighting the very action that horrifies the majority of people. A sudden turn of events can take them by surprise, but the specter of enlarging the Middle East confrontation has been hanging over those countries for quite a long time. It has been continually placed in the front line of the news, and the prospect of a total war has been found most chilling.

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Greetings from the Angelic Realms!

There are a few things that We would like to address in regards to money and abundance. We have noticed that many of our Lightworker friends have been struggling with paying their bills and with remaining in the Universal Flow of Abundance, in general, and We have some helpful guidelines in regards to this. It is important for you to first establish that there really is a Universal Flow, a “Universal Bank,” if you will, which essentially contains everything that your heart desires!

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Seth Speaks Newsletter – Vol. XXIII

Seth Speaks Newsletter

Volume XXIII

Riverbeing 1 by Tracy Marshall


In This Abreviated Blog Issue XXIII:

September 11th Foretold by Susan M. Watkins

Seth – “An Integral Conscious Creation Myth” Part 12 of 15 by Paul Helfrich

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