Tag: rubber band

How to Turn Milk Into Healthy Probiotic Medicine

Anna Hunt, Staff WriterOur sterile, pre-packaged, convenient foods, coupled with a diet high in antibiotic-filled, factory-farmed meats, have resulted in an increased need for probiotic-rich foods and supplements if we are to maintain a healthy gut flora. An ideal balance of good and bad bacteria in the digestive system means improved digestion and better body function in general.Probiotic supplements, such as the high-quality brands BioImmersion and Kla [...]

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Heavenletter #4153 The Tree You Want to Climb , April 8, 2012


God said:

Be open to life. Let life show up. It may not be as you expect. It may be quite different from what you expect, yet life appears, and life is to be welcomed. Love life, and yet not hold on to it. Life is a chimera. Life ...

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Our Vibrational Frequency Activates Fifth-Dimensional Timelines


29 January 2012

Channeler: DL Zeta

Your vibrational frequency is what determines your ability to access and experience fifth-dimensional timelines where unconditional love, limitless abundance, radiant health and boundless cre...

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The Arcturians: It Has Begun


5 September 2011

Channeler: Suzan Caroll Ph.D

Greetings from the Arcturians, we see that many of you, our grounded expressions of SELF, are now awakening, and are fully awakened, to your multidimensional consciousness. Consequ...

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Why Is Addiction The epidemic of Our Time?


a message from Caroline Myss

Friday, 19 August, 2011

Why has our society morphed into a society of addicts? You may balk at that question, thinking, “I’m not an addict,” but if that is your response, then yo...

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011  

I had a meditation in which I had a vision of an area (actually it is a frequency) of space that we are now entering. I heard that we are on the edge of entering this area/frequency of space right ...

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Tarmaine on Ascension and Sirius B


18 July 2011  

Channeler:  Suzan Caroll Ph.D

I am from Sirius B. I tell this story in hopes that you, our grounded ones of Earth, can learn from our ascension and integrate these lessons into your reality. Sirius and...

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Mercury Retrograde Aries: March 30th – April 22nd, 2011


a message from Kachina Houska

Saturday, 26 March, 2011  (posted 29 March, 2011)

Mercury turns retrograde on March 30th @ 25° Aries with direct station occurring April 22nd @ 13° Aries. The current phase of retrog...

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Energy Update: Intensifying the Shift to Crystalline

a message from Meredith Murphy

Friday, 19 November, 2010  (posted 22 November, 2010)

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Creating Our Galaxy to Support our Intentions

Has it occurred to...

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Feeling like a rubber band….

Sometimes I feel like I'm not there... where I want to be. Like the end of a rubber band knowing it is supposed to be somewhere near the other end. What doesn't matter is in which direction I'm being stretched, I know there's this force beckoning me...

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You Are The Divine Intervention That You Seek

We are one with all that has ever been created.  We are one with all that has ever been thought.  We are one with all that has ever been made manifest.  We are inherent within all spectrums of the earth, of the sky, of the water, of the air, of the stars and beyond.  We are inherent within aspects of yourself that you have thrown away and discarded.  We are inherent in future selves and probabilities that have not yet been birthed or sensed.

We exist existentially throughout time and space, light and thought, body and mind.  We are the molecules that were birthed in the beginning of the Light taking form.  We are the molecules that exist in the future and we are every layer of essence in-between.  We live within the dimensional portals that you seek, that you have walked through, that you have created, that you were birthed from.  We are the light beyond the light.  We are what instructs what is yet to be formed, what is yet to be birthed, and what is yet to be seen and felt per thought, per action, and per sequence of events.  We are unknown until we are felt.  We are unseen until we are heard.  We are the directors, the creators, the righters  of what you experience. 

And yet you are the co-producers.  You are who instructs us as to what the event shall undertake, intake, retake and remake of itself.  We switch the scenarios of your daily events in accordance with the essence that you call creation and manifestation.  As you are well aware of, we are busy and we number in innumerable measure.  We are at an intersection of your light and your holiness 15 realms below Original Creation.  You can refer to us as the righters as we assist you in re-righting and editing your life to create a performance of an academy acknowledgment.  We are the inklings in-between each thought.  We are the signs that your eyes see as you look out on your day. We are inherent within every paper clip that you have found when you have needed one, a rubber band that manifested in your purse when there was none.  We are instructs and we are instructions.  We are dwell within each level of your thought and being. We live within the nucleus of the cellular content of your thoughts, of your body, and of your light vibration. 

We are righting what went wrong by the last thought you had.  We are righting what is an upheaval as you pray.  We are righting what has tripped you up and made you eat humble pie in your daily events and manifestations.  We are righting per instructions by you.  When you do not instruct us to re-right (rewrite) then we do not.  Then we allow those underwritten creations to follow the sequence of events that they are destined to flow through.  You ask for divine intervention, but you realize not that you are the divine intervention that you seek, that you do have say-so in the curriculum of events that unfold by your own making and un-making. 

By your thoughts of healing, by your thoughts of love, by your thoughts of re-instructing circumstances in your life, we are awakened to perform for you.  We are the puppets and your are the puppeteer in reality for we adhere closely and only to how you instruct the molecules of your creation.  We are not a star being, nor a light master.  We can not be described by vocabulary and vernacular that you speak, but we can certainly describe you.  When we looked at you in the beginning when you were first birthed onto form, we described you in all of your perfection.  We described you in your longings and your wantings to grow, to become more.  We hinted to your parents that you were wet, you were dry, you were hungry, you could not hear, your tummy hurt.  We worked for you day and night as you moved into the fullness of your being instructing those around how to care for you, how to love you, how to touch you, how to hold you because you were a God in swaddling clothes. 

We listen to your declarations your decrees and your instruct-ions.  As you unfold from the tightness of your manifestation and creation ability and allow yourself to be stretched out as a roll of beautiful silk.  You will understand as that beautiful silk that you can move with waves of time, with waves of thought, with waves of light, and with waves of creation.  You are a natural commodity that the universe has invested in and you can look at us as your stockbrokers.  For we are in charge of what you take stock of.  We follow you around obediently, assisting you to re-do, un-do, pre-do, and release what serves you or what no longer serves you.  We are a short thought with no form.  We have no home, no direction except to be birthed to assist you.  We assisted original creation per the Creator, the Source, the All That Is’ instructions.  As you were birthed from the Home Light, the Source was so worried about these beautiful creations that he so loved, that he created us.  Some see us as angels, but we are way beyond that framework of thought. We have followed each creation throughout time obediently as we were created and designed to do.   Not to intervene, not to interfere, but to whisper nuances of creative suggestions to you.  Showing you outcomes of your creations before they were finished.  Using the vehicles of dreams, visions, inter-thoughts and inter- inklings, vibrating through the words and actions of others. 

You draw to you activation’s of your internal creations before they are ever birthed.  You see them within a telecast, a movie, through a loved one, through a friend.  Your world is always acting, re-acting, and inter-acting to show you how your thoughts will play out if continued down the same highway and byway of creation.  We are the instructs within that linkage of manifestation. We come to assist you in a fullness of understanding. As your world creates stages and outcomes of situations that you feel are not for your souls growth, then at that moment of seeing your creation played out in your world (somehow somewhere) you must shift.  To avoid world disasters, movies are created that show these biological upheavals, asteroids earthquakes and other planetary and human disasters.  When humanity views such events, they no longer need to be created because the outcome shifts by the viewing of such things. And thus it is ended and there is no longer a need to manifest it outwardly in the physical. 

Your everyday world plays out the same type of events in a personal universe.  These personal universes, previews of upcoming events, or trailers as you call them are there to help you decide whether you want to fully invest in that outcome or another. You have learned about creation, conversion and pulling sequence of events out of one format and placing them into another dialogue of light.  You have that same ability in all abstract events of your life.  Divine intervention is yours.  All things, believe it or not, are at your beck and call and creation. 

Humanity appears to be on the lowest rung of the ladder of Creation, but if the universe is circular and you are the lowest rung, the highest rung is within your grasp; it is the next step, the next sequence. Many species in the universe believe you are beneath them –they see you as less.  But we come to tell you that within your grasp, a breath, a thought, and a light vibration away, you are at the top of the ladder.  That is why, what you do, what you think, what you create is so important.  You will move through that portal.  The buck stops with you.  The future begins with you.  Whatever you create in this place, in this time is sculpting the next universe. 

You are in charge of birthing through your beliefs, through your engagements of energy action and thought and through your heart.  Many are angry that humanity has been given the ultimate gift to birth a universe.  That is why every single person that is on the earth is a Master and an Ascended Master of Light and of Time and of Space and of the Stars.  There is deliberate placement of who is here in the flesh – it is not haphazard.  The good guys and the bad guys and the guys that do not give a hoot are all here with you.  They will try and trip you.  They will try and trick you for all is fair in this game. 

You will succeed and we will assist you.  You will succeed from the earth into a new universe.  You will succeed in birthing and seeding the future, not upward and outward as you so think, but inward and onward.  That is why it is so important that you give the Temple of your body clear.  This happens from the inside out.  The seed that will birth the new universe is inherent within you.  You hold it.  We are the Righters and we are always with you.  We look for the sequential events that unfold.  They are dogged-eared pages that you are to look at

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 - www.thequantumawakening.com thequantumawakening@hughes.net

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