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SaLuSa 09-April-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

We find that the sense of expectation of a major change is growing, and that is very encouraging as it means more of you are aware of what is planned for your future. In any event there are so many who sense that changes are happening, even if they are not so well informed as to the nature of them. The collapse of the old ways could have hardly have passed by without being noticed, and all in all it means that people are very receptive to the idea of receiving something new. They will not yet see it coming through the present world governments, as there needs to be a complete change within the administration and personnel before it can go ahead. There may be rumors and speculation as to what is in store, but only the higher sources will be able to clearly define the details of the plan. Although it has been amended where necessary, it has generally speaking kept to its central aims which are the key requirements for your upliftment.

The coming Ascension has been the subject of many teachings and messages for a very long time, as the end times have been clearly defined since this cycle began so long ago. It is the whole purpose of everything that has been taking place, and the plan has been played out so that you have gained the maximum benefit from it. Dear Ones it is about experience so that your spiritual evolution moves further forward. It has been about opposites such as good and evil as you would define it, and duality having all but run its course it is time to bring it to an end. Although some souls go through the same experiences many times, there is always something to be learnt. Often there are groups of you that come together for that very purpose, and you help each other to progress. You play your parts fully immersed in the characters that you choose, and as far as you are concerned it is an absolute reality.

Through many lives you set yourself up in all different types of roles, and truly you are all excellent actors on the stage of life. The problem for some souls is that they become so deeply involved with their characters, that they leave no room for their inner self to surface. It is hoped that each soul has those moments of sudden realization that they are more than they seem. After all they carry their God spark with them at all times, and their Light cannot be completely subdued. Some will deny God, but often that comes from learning of an angry and revengeful God that is to be feared. That is the image of a false God and has no place where you are concerned. God is and always will be the totality of all Love, because Love Is. If you follow spiritual messages, there are few that depict God and the Higher Beings in anyway except as full of Love and Light. At their levels in the higher dimensions it cannot be any other way as only the Truth can exist. God gets the blame for so many things, and that can only arise from a misunderstanding as to what God is. Regrettably some teachings play upon the idea of an angry God that metes out punishment, and it is used as a way to keep people in a continual state of fear and obedience.

Go confidently into the future knowing that God is All Love, and no matter how far you stray from the true path of understanding, it will always remain so. After your sojourn upon Earth you are always welcomed back with open arms, even if you have transgressed and carry guilt. That is in fact unnecessary as all is viewed as experience, and through further opportunities you can overcome your weaknesses without self-punishment. On one level you are all equal, and it is only Man that chooses to see others as different or separate to himself. Duality of course encourages that view, but how to overcome it is the challenge that it presents. View all souls as from the same source and a part of God, and you will realize that they are as much a part of you, as you are them.

As time progresses all things will become clear, and you are already beginning to enter a period where anything other than the truth will be revealed to be transmuted. These are of the lower vibration and have no place in the future. As you are certainly noticing, the moves to reveal the truth about Man and his experiences are gaining momentum. We can say quite definitely, that by the time you come to the end of this cycle all stones will have been overturned. Nothing will remain hidden regardless of how much it has previously been covered up. In view of this it would help your progress, if you took a totally and truthful approach to all matters. Start putting it into action and become that which you really are, a Being of Love and Light. With time it will become easier to do so, as your levels of consciousness are rising much more rapidly.

Dear Ones, everything is being done to help you move ever onwards, and you should be able to focus more easily on your future and not be not be distracted. Tame those emotions that sometimes get out of control, and you will actually feel all the better for it. When you get upset you disturb not just the harmony of your body, but the energies around it. Such imbalances can even make you feel ill, and it takes time to recover. If it happens try to centre yourself as quick as you can, and surround yourself with the pure light of the green healing ray. It will help return you to a peaceful and relaxed state, and speed up your recovery. Think upon it for a moment as to why Man is normally surrounded by so much greenery, and trips to the countryside can be so uplifting. On a clear day, why does the beauty of a blue sky seem so peaceful as you lie down and peer into it?

In the higher dimensions you will be absolutely surrounded by beauty, and energies that are conducive to peace and stillness that has no equal on Earth at present. Any effort you put in now to move in the direction of Ascension will be more than worth it, as what you have now is little compared to what shall be yours very soon. No more shall you go through the experience of death, and ill health will be a thing of the past. Lack will be a word you will never use again, and life will be a heavenly experience in every sense of the word.

I am SaLuSa of the Galactic Federation, and we so want you all to rise up when the opportunity presents itself. Become the loving souls you really are, and leave the physical dimension for your real home in the stars.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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You Are Creators of the Highest Magnitude

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 02:34 PM PDT

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry Creations.com

Dear Ones,

Please know that you are rare entities. Not necessarily because you are on earth at this time, but because you are of such an adventuresome nature that you have agreed to help with this New Age Transition. Of course, you are silently nodding in agreement that you are fully aware of that role and are trying to implement it to the best of your ability.

Perhaps helping others to navigate this Transition does not seem that challenging to you. We beg to differ. What you are accomplishing – with a great deal of skill and decorum – is something that has never been attempted on earth before. This thought is not to frighten you, but rather to allow you to understand how magnificent you are.

Please remember the actions and reactions of your youth. The peace movement. The Vietnam War. Drugs, sex and rock ‘n roll. Whether you were instrumental in that shift or a bystander does not matter. We merely wish to point out that shift was minor in comparison to what is occurring now.

Some of you may believe what you are experiencing now is of less importance and less traumatic than was the case of your parents during the Great Depression and World War II. We beg to differ. Granted they suffered physically and they explored issues that had not necessarily been explored previously because of limited international communication systems. But your parents and your grandparents continued the exploration of the physical world that was initiated eons ago.

What you baby boomers are now experiencing is the first and greatest spiritual shift, the shift that marks the beginning of the New Age. Let us be more specific. You baby boomers accepted two major roles in your lifetime. The first was to explore your emotional world. This you have done with a great deal of angst. You have completed the issues on abuse, chemical usage and other emotional hardships that have turned your world upside down. Now you are moving into yet another chapter of exploration – your spiritual realms.

Your parents, grandparents and many previous generations explored the physical realms. They discovered new worlds, climbed the highest mountains, survived the coldest temperatures and achieved a stability that you still cling to. You do not wonder or worry whether there is another piece of land over the horizon. You do wonder or worry about whether you can survive in space. And you are not terribly concerned about the mechanics of flying wherever you wish to in the world. It just is. Your parents and other previous generations completed that piece for you.

But they completed that piece over eons of time. You raced through the emotional elements and stand at the brink of fully exploring your spiritual realms. Yet you wonder what you have achieved in your life. Do you see how silly such concerns are given how much you have accomplished in the first six or seven decades of your life? And yet you are willing to do more. What brave and adventuresome people you baby boomers are!

You do not yet have a perspective of your life on earth. Let us outline what you have accomplished to date and then tell you what your current sense of urgency is all about.

You baby  boomers were the ‘wild children’ of the 60s and 70s. You demanded your freedoms in so many areas – areas your parents were not that concerned about. Yet you berate yourself for not completing what you thought should have been completed in a few years. Granted, there are some emotional freedoms that still need to be reviewed, but it is now acceptable for women to be corporate executives, abuse issues to be discussed and an African-American to hold the highest office possible in the United States.  Such freedoms were your goals in your youth. You did not require generations to complete those goals, you did so in a few decades.

Now you are initiating your spiritual freedoms and you are feeling as if nothing is happening or changing. We beg to differ. Your, and thereby the earth’s,  spiritual shift will happen within years not decades. Your spiritual studies will be expedited in a fashion you cannot even imagine now.

Know without a doubt that you baby boomers are adventuresome and brave. Then know that you have achieved so much in your life – both personally and in terms of group baby boomer thought. Then understand without a doubt that what you have achieved to date will pale in comparison to what you will achieve in the next few years, not decades, not even a decade – but a few short years.

You are going to move the earth into a spiritual arena that could not even be imagined twenty years ago. Your role is much larger than merely accepting that the New Age has arrived. Your role is to shift the earth on its emotional/spiritual axis. We will tell you without a doubt that the emotional work you completed, in such a lovely and efficient manner, is nothing compared to what you will achieve in the next five or so years.

Perhaps it is time for you baby boomers to start singing, “You’ve Only Just Begun.” That last thought is not to frighten you, but to allow you to know the depth and breathe of your skills, interests, resources and abilities.

You baby boomers are truly God’s gift to the future.

Those of you who are the children and grandchildren of the baby boomers are wondering, “What about me? Am I chopped liver?” Not at all. You merely have a different role to play. Baby boomers agreed to ’set up’ the New Age. You are going to live it. Even though you also have transition aspects to consider, the work your baby boomer parents and grandparents completed allow you the emotional freedoms you take for granted – and of course, the communication systems, like the Internet, you cannot imagine not being part of your life. Baby boomers are the scouts and pioneers. Your generation and your children’s generation will live in those new emotional/spiritual realms created by the baby boomers.

Perhaps you are wondering why the physical realms were explored for eons, the emotional realms for decades and the spiritual realms for a mere few years? As many channelers have noted, time, as you understand it, is collapsing. There is no longer a need to spend generations understanding a concept now that you have the capability to flow between time periods and the physical, emotional and spiritual realms.

You are all now creators of the highest magnitude.  Allow yourself to accept that. Most importantly, allow yourself to live that. So be it. Amen.

Life Tapestry Creations.com   If you would like to receive my free blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscribe button on the upper portion of my subscribe page and then click – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your  e-mail address and accepting the e-mail request that you will receive in your inbox.

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Bridges to Light

“You must dissolve the borders of your perceptions that more and more of what IS can come into your conscious knowing…” IRSHA

I am a channel, though perhaps an unlikely candidate to fulfill a role as mysterious as many seem to perceive it to be. For more than twenty years, I had a successful business career in sales and field management, including a number of years as Vice President with an international research firm (very left brain.) In addition to my business career, I played the roles of wife, mother, grandmother and single parent. In order to raise my three sons – now grown – I have, at different times, worked as a writer, seminar and conference leader, professional singer and fashion model. I have also appeared on radio and television.

Six years ago, Beings of very powerful energy began to broadcast through my body for verbal communication into the dimension of human life experience. It was explained to me to be a mutual agreement made many lifetimes ago in preparation for this most important time this NOW – for human kind. The purpose was described as a necessary re-interpretation of ageless wisdom for contemporary understanding and application. New models, new myths, and new metaphors have been transmitted to provide ways to apprehend the unknowable, the unnameable.

From a basis of beginning to sense and comprehend realities not experienced through the filter of our five senses, the choice can be made by each to release attachments to things, places, beliefs and people which inhibit the evolution of conciousness. Introduction: Elmarilla’s Story

My creed for many years has been: GOD/ GODDESS is – therefore I am – and all that is! Spirit is REAL, vital and at work in the Universe and in us. Life has meaning and each of us has purpose. My purpose is to fully realize/actualize my Self and to make my contribution. I cannot fully realize my Self without making my contribution, and I cannot make my true contribution without realizing my Self. I am responsible for my Self – not my parents, my upbringing, the environment, the government, or what I had for breakfast. In suffering the pain of my own mistakes and in forgiving myself for me, I can learn to love my Self and others unconditionally, and to grow, and to serve.

It is my choice to be actively involved in this process until the day of my death/transition, and beyond. This process I see as my odyssey.

My odyssey is very personal (as it is for each of us) and is travelled inwardly before the changes in direction in the outward journey manifest. In fact, the signposts – symbols – of the inner journey indicate those directions for my outward way.

I feel somewhat ill at ease in sharing some of them, since I am basically a private person, but chose a number of years ago to plunge into the “sea of life” and run the risk of drowning, rather than watch in safety from the shore. I had a powerful and beautiful dream about that very figure of speech. It is still vivid in my mind and gives me the courage to risk to be open – letting myself out and allowing others in.

My journey started in the Midwest – lowa – on a farm. My childhood could be perceived as mostly idyllic: climbing trees, jumping into the hay from the rafters in the hayloft, riding ponies, swimming in a creek, picking wildflowers in the woods. Various life traumas occurred: the usual childhood diseases, including rheumatic fever at age 12; our home burned with all possessions lost at ~ 3; suffered through adolescence; experienced my first loss of a loved one – my very dear Grandfather; accumulated the wounds of life that happen to us all and got sidetracked for a while onto the “conform; do your duty; don’t feel too much; play it safe” track. Now and then my Self would pop out as when in the seventh grade Methodist Sunday School class, the teacher passed out W.C.T.U. commitment cards for us to sign, stating that we would never “touch a drop.” I refused to sign on the grounds that although I didn’t drink then, I might want to try it some day. I was not popular in the class after that.

I went to college – studied art, music, psychology, teacher education; got married; gave birth to three fine sons and did everything that women of my generation were “supposed to do.” I never became angry – I did have stomach problems and heart palpitations. I was very very “nice” the perfect daughter, perfect mother, perfect wife, perfect ministers wife. My ex husband had gone to graduate school and then to seminary after we married. We were on the staff of various Methodist churches in Arkansas, New Orleans, Louisiana and Minneapolis, MN. for a number of years. I (my Sell] gradually began to emerge again and to question and to form my own beliefs about life in the Spirit and life in general.

My experience of the organized church was stifling. Operating within a structure which preached love but generated guilt and fear of failure to conform to the “shoulds” and “oughts” did not make sense to me. I could not comprehend a relationship between this kind of “Love” and the unconditional Love that it seemed to me was spoken of and demonstrated by Jesus and the other Masters.

Finally, after 19 years, my husband, the church and I parted company. It was a bitter experience which took some time to recover from. The shock and sorrow of suicide ended a brief second marriage with a mate who turned out to have a severe illness. I still love both men dearly and realize that I magnetized these situations into my life as necessary experiences for my preparation.

Irsha has given that, “… Grief has a sharpness to it like a wound from the thrust of a knife; sadness is personal with hard edges; but sorrow is attuned to the collective of human kind, so therefore is vast with soft borders and has within it the core of compassion and unconditional love.”

In the meantime, I raised my sons (all three today are genuinely caring, authentic, contributing human beings), I formed relationships (some brief – lives just touching in passing, but significantly so – and some lasting) with other honest, searching persons who accepted my eccentricities without judgment.

I embarked full steam upon a career in the business world that eventually led to a position as a vice president with a research firm in New York City. I took up the cause of women without becoming a flaming feminist by mentoring others and by example. In addition to my business career, I also worked at various times as a writer, seminar leader, professional singer and fashion model.

You may wonder how a so-called “career woman” involved with statistics and research suddenly became a channel for cosmic mind. My extra-curricular interests have expressed in the realm of spiritual/metaphysical studies for at least 20 years. However, the channeling started spontaneously six years ago with very little warning. I was ,guided to turn on my tape recorder and meditate. My consciousness stilled and upon coming to sometime later, discovered a lengthy teaching had been recorded. Since then, profound change has been my experience in life. I was directed to leave my career and my home – all that meant security to me, and for a Capricorn, that’s a “biggie” – and allow myself to be used as a channel for the reception and transmission of information and energy by unseen beings from another dimension. Those of you who come to experience or read about this kind of “unusual” event always bring a host of questions, especially if this is new for you. These are the ones most often asked:

Why do you do this?

Who is IRSHA, and where do they come from? How does it work?

How does it feel?

When did it begin? Where do you go? Could we be channels? How does this fit with Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, etc.?

Are you possessed, Crazy?

How do you know the information is true? How do we know the information is true? What is your background for this?

Here are the answers, and I hope that the reading of them will remove the mystique usually associated with channels and channelled information.

I do this because it gives me a sense of fulfillment of my purpose.

The process is relatively simple when it is understood that all that exists is of energy and that the human is an energy field living in an assortment of slowly moving molecules called a body. The energy field (Spirit) is part of All that Is. Our human consciousness doesn’t remember this, so we think ourselves separate. A leap of faith reestablishes the connection in conscious awareness – then it’s just a process of allowing oneself to be used. It’s literally becoming as a radio receiver and transmitter for other dimensional frequencies. The more refined and powerful the vibrational frequeny, the higher the consciousness being transmitted.

The Irsha energy flows into my body (circuits) at the back of my head through the occipital lobes into the pineal gland and then through my body like an electric current, but pulsating like radio waves. The frequencies are translated into words and broadcast through my mechanism.

It is a feeling of ecstacy – unconditional love – and very powerful. When channeling, it flows through my hands and into the room and is reported as being experienced similarly by those in the audience.

As channeling is occurring, my consciousness could best be described as in a timeless, spaceless condition. I do not usually have a sense of what is being said, so I always tape record for later listening.

If you are alive and here on Earth, you are channeling. Your body is a channel for your own life energy. It has been given that all who are opening will channel higher frequendes in this new time, each expressing according to his/her agreed upon life purpose (whether it be as teacher, healer, musician, artist, gardener, animal husband man, food preparer, poet, storyteller, and so forth) for your greater joy and the enhancement of your service.

How does this fit with the organized religions? The information given includes all – excludes none. Presently, our many different religious systems divide mankind rather than unite. Irsha’s teachings do not conflict with any except those notions in each that are divisive. Rather, Irsha reveals the thread of unity in the diverse and colorful tapestry of creation.

Am I possessed, Crazy? If so, it is with commitment and zeal; crazy about the beauty, wisdom and energy of Irsha. It rewards me continually.

How do I know it is true? Most of it has been, and continues to be, validated by events and circumstances in my own life and the lives of others, and it just “rings true” for me.

How do you know the information is true? You don’t, until in your experience it is supported by your own discoveries, or the teachings resonate with your own deepest knowing. Irsha says, “Don’t let your brains go soft – become your own Guru. Truth is truth and knowing of it is within each. If what we say is truth, it is that which you already know and the hearing of it simply calls it up into your own remembrance.”

What is my background for this? In my odyssey you discovered that my background is much like yours – adventurers in the unfolding drama of human life.

© 1993 by Elmarilla Bailey    http://irsha.com/

This entry was posted on Sunday, May 18th, 2008 at 4:30 pm.

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Metatron March Update Mar 14/10

Sunday, 14 March 2010 12:54


As we move into the Spring Tidings over the next few days, be ever mindful and disciplined in practicing loving detachment. We are at a time on the Planet when tremendous and successive waves of LOVE are pouring in. The result of this is that each One will be experiencing greater and greater challenges. Anything you have put aside, which needs dealing with will pop up now. The sooner you face challenges and get your house in order, the easier the spring cleaning will move forward.

There will be added responsibilities as Earth changes go forward. The Ones who are awake and aware of their roles in these changes will have new jobs piled on which will need tending to. Offers will pop up which come unexpectedly. You will be challenged to the max and will find it nearly impossible to say no. There are many who will need hand holding, love, support, reassurance, and collaboration in order to surf through the massive changes which will be very rapidly thrown at them in waves. Be there for these Ones, as much as possible. You will see it in your close knit groups as well. Reach out and be assistance to your friends as needed. Help with answers, or be a shoulder to cry on. Praise Respect Thank and Allow these waves of emotion to float out over the stars. Acknowledge each new challenge as a reminder to move forward decisively and swiftly, taking action steps needed to move the energy through each day. This is what is needed to bring necessary Blessings, by allowing the flow. Follow the Path of Least Resistance in times of uncertainty. When unsure of what to do, go with your first impression, your gut instinct, and keep going. This is not a time to sit stagnant.

The saying is with the Showers come Spring Flowers. The Season change now in the Northern Hemisphere from the Death Season of Winter to the New Life of Spring will be at times turbulent, as high winds, thunderstorms, and Old Man Winter usher in the gentle breezes and warm Sun of Spring.

Ask and Allow your Dream to unfold. If you are asked: What will you do when the changes come? Have the Beginnings of Your Dream formulated. Ask for Guidance to fill out the unseen parts of the Dream. Do not be surprised when you are asked to experience new things and work harder than you imagined. All of this carries great dividends in bringing as many forward as possible to a place we call No Time at Zero Point. This is where we begin forming Terra Nova. We are moving rapidly into a World where everyone is well aware we are Galactic Citizens in the Universe called Nebadon.

The new US Government System will be Unicameral. This will be a change from our current BiCameral System. The Unity of only having One Entity representing all of Congress, will simplify the change over. With the 60 or so Senators who will be left after the arrests, new Ones, with come in to lend expertise to the mix. There are Ones waiting in the Wings, who are well known, who will join Government now. The exciting development will be that our Government Members, with Others from Governments from around the World, will join the Sirian Commander in meetings on a Galactic Level of Governing ourselves as Members of Planet Earth. These meetings will include Mother Sekmet, Archangel Michael, Maitreya and Metatron, St Germain, Lady Master Nada and King of Swords, with others. These meetings are the basis of forming a New Government and New Financial Systems on Terra Nova. In these meetings there will be representatives from Niburu, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, as well as others.

We are on the threshold of the greatest changes imaginable. Stay centered and come back to peace as you traverse the powerful Equinox Energies which are washing fast and furious over All of Earth now. As challenges arise remember to love the dark ones leaving the stage. Love the Ones who have committed the atrocities as they have made it possible to return this Planet to love. Remember to use Ho'oponopono to forgive yourself as well as the dark hats as the next steps are unfolding. Find the Peace Inside as you come into the Higher Form of You.


~Lord Metatron

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Ready for Dimensional Living?

“A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.”  -Robert Burton
(And when you truly begin to understand and know multidimensional consciousness you imeaditly understand the impact every unaligned thought creates.  These basic ‘private’ thoughts have created much of our demise not re-membering the power we each hold.  ALL-ways OBSERVE | EXPLORE!)

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Truth, Lies, Global Politics AND Evolution!

“Dishonesty, cowardice and duplicity are never impulsive.”
~George A. Knight



by SethD8 – 29 Jan 2007

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Universal Love Transmutes Dark Energies!

“SaLuSa Using Universal Love in Transmutation” by Seth D8

SaLuSa | 24 August 06

We sense your ongoing feeling of frustration, and that is understandable in view of the time you have been waiting for the final chapter in your lives to unravel. From different spiritual sources much encouragement has been given, and messages from us and other Beings have projected possible events that have not always materialized. That is the nature of the period you are in, with a number of paths having been opened up that have thrown up numerous possibilities.

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Time Waits for No Man!

Diane | 21 August 06

Time waits for no man, and this is certainly true of the present period that you are experiencing. There is a goal to be reached in good time, so that the remaining years are fully productive and as planned conclude in Ascension. The scene has already been set, and many are well along that path. You are also seeing the last attempts of the dark to hold on to power and disrupt this process. Their attempts are tenuous and fragile, and as each truth is finding the light of day another crack is made in their crumbling empire.

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Light, Dark? It all begins with You!

Ker-On | 14 August 06


What is happening before your very eyes is the polarizing of the positive and negative energies. Two paths have been open ever since the cycle of duality commenced, and now each of them are drawing even further apart. This is quite normal, and fully expected at this time as the cycle closes.

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Intergalactic Peace Corp

Intergalactic Peace Corp
by Helene Rothschild

Do you ever feel as though your drum beats to a different tune than the people around you? Have you possibly had the painful thought that you do not belong here, and that you want to go home? Are you sometimes plagued by a nagging thought that you are here for a purpose but you do not know what it is?

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Seth Speaks Newsletter – Vol. XXIII

Seth Speaks Newsletter

Volume XXIII

Riverbeing 1 by Tracy Marshall


In This Abreviated Blog Issue XXIII:

September 11th Foretold by Susan M. Watkins

Seth – “An Integral Conscious Creation Myth” Part 12 of 15 by Paul Helfrich

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Msg from St. Germain – 03 Aug 06

St. Germain | 03 August 06

You need hardly be reminded that you are in the end times, and are seeing a great clear out of the dark energies that have been holding everyone back. It is of necessity that they are dealt with before the next step in your evolution can take place. On the surface matters do appear worse, but it is necessary to bring matters to a head. Many of you as individuals are also in a similar position, and working hard to move out of the lower vibrations.

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Monjoronson Talks About Population & Earth Changes

Monjoronson Talks About Coming Changes!

Lesson preceded by centering and construction of the merkaba. There were numerous celestial beings present, some standing behind each one of us, with their hands on our shoulders. A ball of brilliant white light descended into the middle of the group. The merkaba whirred into action like a big dynamo and we connected the heart line, mind line, and became “one with each other, in mind and heart.” The group then used the merkaba for good, by bending its energy beam to wherever it was needed—for healing, abundance, prosperity, correct action, fulfillment, etc. We were surrounded by light and wisdom, an abundance of the universe radiated into each of us. Some of our work is to radiate that abundance back out into the world to those who need assistance and wisdom.

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