Tag: reverse (page 2 of 3)

HEAVEN #4112 You Are Not Humpty-Dumpty, February 27, 2012


God said:

It is easy to be happy when you are happy. It is natural to be happy when everything falls into place. It is less easy for you to be happy when you hit snags.

In theory, you understand that it is your place to have h...

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Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!


The Inner Earth & Realm of Aghartha

Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

The biggest cover-up of all time is the fact that there is a civilization of people living in the center of Earth, whose c...

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Heart @ Work – Childish Christmas Joy

I found her perched on my work bench the moment I came in and gently laid Netty on the opposite desk. Since she needed to preserve her strength to play with me on the road home, which as I found out just now will probably be long and winding..... No...

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7 July 2010 - 1:57pm

Channeler: Maureen Moss

Wow! What a time to be alive on Planet Earth. It's daunting and exciting all at the same time isn't it? On some days it feels like a liberating free fall into the ...

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Dealing with Change

a message from Christina Lunden

Tuesday, 6 July, 2010 

Can you believe we are half way through the year already?  There is a lot going on with Mother Earth and with our own paths as we mov...

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2 July 2010 - 1:31pm

Channeler: Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

July 1, 2010


In the past few mailings I have been discussing the opportunity that is being provided this summe...

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this message came as a direct result of my having asked Jeshua

"what can i do to extend my love into this appearance "  (the oil spill)

what you will read below is jeshuas response as to who we are and

how t...

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Alice Time: Choosing Six Impossible Things To Believe In

I am an “Alice-o-phile”. I adore Alice in Wonderland and have forever and ever. My basement stairwell is painted as a Rabbit Hole and I have a collection of Alice art and copies of Alice because early on, I understood the message of Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass at an archetypal level.

Alice is our escort into the many absurd notions, ideas, politics and policies, beliefs and attitudes that underlie society and the way we see “reality”. And oh how long and absurd this list is of beliefs we are so convinced are true, important, real, and urgent. Why just the other day, I overheard a woman at the gym say to her friend, “I’ve got to hurry. If I don’t get this report in to my colleagues, the business deal we’ve been working on will be toast.”

“That’s absurd,” I thought. “If that report were so important – if you were so important to the business deal - what on earth are you doing at the gym?” Silly, silly girl – and now, I thought, she is going to rush away from the gym in a state of “It’s all about ME-ness”. An “Alice moment”, if there ever was one – and there are plenty in my world because I see so much “through the Looking Glass”. (Seeing through the Looking Glass requires that you reverse what you’re looking at, viewing everything through its opposite. If something appears complicated, see it as simple. People always look for “something”. Note this classic line from A through the LG: “I wish I could see nothing as well as you can.” Brilliant…)

We live in a world that is completely in love with going in the wrong direction. For example, we live in a society that completely trusts the rational mind to structure and order “reality”. (For starters, just look at what the rational mind has produced: wars, weapons, bio-destructive forces, environmental disasters, politics of deceit, religious corruption, false gods and bogus religious myths, bizarre notions of what’s real and what isn’t – like the doctrine of creationism in this, the 21st century, though civilization is much older than 21 centuries.) The absurdity of what we believe to be true and yet, how we behave as a “civilized” people is incomprehensible – much less how we go about negotiating our definition of being civilized. But enough of that…you get the picture.

Let’s jump back into Lewis Carroll and his magic. He delighted in satirizing the love affair that members of Victorian society had with themselves and, in particular, their addiction to snobbery. He looked at what the upper class could not bear to examine about themselves, which was, in essence, their own lavish lifestyles, attitudes, and well maintained prejudices about the way the world was and simply had to remain in order to keep them happy. But it is precisely this addiction to one’s personal enclosed comfort zone that positions a person to become exactly what he or she believes an elite lifestyle and privilege protects a person from becoming: close-minded, irrational, unyielding, unrealistic, and completely out of touch with the world at large. To say this another way: The more a person has to lose in life, the less likely that person is to welcome change or to embrace the vast world of the imagination.

Social and political revolutions have always been initiated at the grass roots level because those at the “top” have the most to lose. They see no reason for society to change, because from where they are sitting (Wall Street), everything looks just fine. Those who can envision energy technology, for instance, and have urged the auto and other industries for decades now to invest in energy technologies, have done so for several reasons, among them these two: First, they can see the handwriting on the decline of the oil-based economic wall. That is, we have to move in the direction of alternative fuels. But secondly, these visionaries simply can imagine the impossible. These are the people who are not afraid to take a risk and go where others have not yet gone in thought, in action, and yes, in investment in financial resources.

Carl Jung adored the realm of the imagination. He may well be the master explorer of our age of this domain. For him, the imagination contained the passageways to the psyche and the inner voices of our archetypes. Active imagination was an essential tool that he introduced, establishing a form of communication between the conscious and unconscious self. Right there we have something to imagine as impossible: opening a portal of communication between your conscious and unconscious self. That may be getting ahead of yourself a bit, but such a mega-thought does qualify for imagining the impossible, if you have never, in fact, considered undertaking such an endeavor.

Imagining the impossible – what a delicious and positively enchanting notion. And yet, the realm of the imagination is a fully and completely threatening place to suggest to a person who fears the loss of the familiar. As children, the world of the imagination is an acceptable playground because children are not yet rational creatures and a child’s imagination is considered cute – to an extent. Children are supposed to have imaginations – for a while. Technically speaking, if one can say such a thing, the psychic boundaries of children are still porous; therefore, they are subject to the “hallucinations” of the imagination. These include, for example, imaginary playmates and perhaps seeing the occasional fairy or sprite. Dark spirits may even show up. But a child is likely to be told that these nonphysical visitors are not “real”, they are merely “imaginary”. Thus, early on the lines in the sand are clearly drawn: What comes from the mind is “real”; what comes from the imagination is, well, imaginary. Not real. A poof of a thing, no more than a whimsical passing thought form.

Now granted the mind has “poofs” all the time, ideas that run through it this way and that, but because such thoughts come from the mind, these are not the same type of “imaginary” thoughts because…well…because they can perhaps wear the label of “practical” or “provable” or “conventional”. A value is made apparent very quickly to baby humans: If you are going to delve into the impossible, just make sure it’s the “practical impossible” and that your ideas can solve problems or increase production or profits somewhere. Having ideas just for the fun of having ideas is well, impractical! A waste of imaginary income – not that a person imagines or visualizes income….well, perhaps people do. But do such thoughts really qualify for “imagining” or just wishing? That question leads us to this most important question: Do people really know how to fall down the Rabbit Hole? It’s an art, after all, and not an accident.

The Art of Falling Down The Rabbit Hole

I’m an expert on falling down the Rabbit Hole. I live in the world of the imagination and the impossible. I rely upon the imagination to fill me with ideas on a continual basis. If I lived in the ordinary world, I would disintegrate in short order because the ordinary world is a place filled with reasons why ideas can’t succeed and with the wounds of failure and painful memories of the past that keep reminding people that they should live fearful lives instead of inspiring ones. In fact, even while writing this, a friend called for a business-related matter but in warming up to our meeting, he asked what I was doing. I told him I was writing a piece based on Alice in Wonderland. He asked if I liked the movie. I said, “Not really, and I suspect Lewis Carroll would not have cared for it either. Alice was meant to be enchanted in Wonderland and not be disappointed by characters who were defeated by an angry Red Queen.” He asked me why I loved Alice so much and I carried on and on about my many reasons and even brought the wisdom of Alice into the nonsense of the politics of Washington – which was not all that difficult. But after all that, he said, “I have an idea,” and off we went into the realm of the imagination, into the world of what is waiting to be created, ideas just waiting for a chance to incarnate.

Falling down the Rabbit Hole requires the capacity to “let go” and allow your imagination to take flight, giving form and vision to possibilities and impossibilities – before you let your mind tell you they are absurd, ridiculous, too expensive, and then that final blow, “What will people say?” What do you care what people say? I never have – and that is the great secret of the Rabbit Hole. You simply have to get over your fear of what other people think. For what possible reasons do you care what other people think?

Now to be clear – I am speaking of creative ideas, not of running out on my responsibilities, incurring huge debts, shooting up drugs, or deciding on a life of theft. So let’s be realistic about what I am speaking about when I speak about not caring about what other people think. I still have my head on straight and my feet firmly planted on the ground – but not my imagination. That part of me is given full reign to go off to places known and unknown to me. My target is the realm of ideas, original thought, creativity, and accessing the deep resources of your soul from which springs your “charism” or your “unique creative grace.” Visionaries and creative geniuses know this inner sanctuary, as do great poets, writers, and pioneers of science and medicine. This is where Emily Dickenson dwelled as well as Shakespeare, Mozart, Bach, Einstein, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin. They all fell down their unique Rabbit Holes. They imagined worlds that did not yet exist and their lives became devoted to incarnating those worlds. I have no doubt that they imagined far more than six impossible things before breakfast every morning.

It’s easy to tell who has what it takes to sojourn down their Rabbit Holes. Within seconds of conversing with people, they say something that reveals whether they are courageous or frightened, or whether they essentially travel backwards all the time. They soon reveal whether they have the stamina of spirit to explore the unknown in their life or whether most of their decisions are aimed at keeping everything the same as it always has been. Backward travelers will never be able to find their Rabbit Holes. They have to be content with reading Lewis Carroll and simply wishing their life could be different. They will find it difficult to penetrate into the realm of the imagination, as there is a profound difference between wishing and imagining.

Wishing Versus The Power of The Imagination

Wishing has little, if any, real power. It’s musing at best and a passing thought or fancy in its weakest form. A wish is a temporary enchantment that lacks the backbone and substance to attract creative life force or power.

Imagination, on the other hand, takes effort, energy, and generates a substantial amount of emotional and psychic response once you make contact with a great idea. Merging with a unique vision is the same as having an unfamiliar download of grace rush through your system. In an instant, it penetrates into your intellect, your emotions, your mind, your vocabulary; your archetypal dynamics adjust themselves to new symbolic content – shifting your understanding of the cosmos. You can feel the power of that idea – that vision – take hold of you as it runs through your blood like a new drug, making its way into your neurology. And then it’s locked into your psyche. It’s yours. The download is complete and you are on a high that is unexplainable to anyone who has never been swept away by the thrill of contact with the realm of original thought. This is a love affair unlike anything on earth because it isn’t of the earth. But it soon will be – that becomes your task as the vessel of the imagination.

Original thought implodes someone who won’t do what’s required to be a container and vessel of that which others cannot see or comprehend. You have to be someone who can handle being misunderstood or keeping your own creative company or handling a vision others cannot understand. You have to be strong enough to believe alone – and for a long time – in what others cannot imagine. Many people have been able to do that, but most people cannot stand alone in the demanding realm of the imagination. So they live in the lesser world of fantasies and musings.

What if you really could fall down the Rabbit Hole? Would you? Doesn’t it tempt you even a little – or perhaps more than a little? Wouldn’t you love to let yourself go and tumble into your own great unknown – the unknown that is your own unimagined life that you could imagine if you fell down the Rabbit Hole? You know you would.

You could tell yourself this is just a game, so let’s just say this is just a game. Okay – falling down the Rabbit Hole is just a game. (But what if it isn’t? I had to say that – I just had to.)

Falling down your Rabbit Hole requires that you dwell in the world of your imagination. But really dwell in it. Nurture it. And here’s the challenging part: You have to do what your creativity calls for, in order to bring forth the ideas you are imagining. They won’t just fall from the sky. Books, for example, don’t write themselves. Great discoveries in medicine just don’t happen. Poets actually sweat over their poems even though they’ve been completely saturated with the grace of imagination. You must understand that you form a working partnership with your imagination. Consider that one never forms a working partnership with a wish – how absurd is that? Fairy tales always lead a person to believe that a “wish” alone does all the work. Now really – a wish and a bunch of fairies – and people believe this more than they believe in mystical consciousness. And you talk about absurd????? Anyway – on to the impossible – which is utterly possible.

Believing in Six Impossible Things Per Day

This could be the most fun exercise I have ever given you, by the way. Do NOT answer these questions rapidly. Answering rapidly is an indication that you do not want to give reflective thought to these questions which – let me point out – you have never been asked before. Therefore, you can’t possibly know the correct response right off the top of your head. These questions require reflection. And they are questions in search of responses versus “answers”.

1) Define what’s impossible versus what’s possible for you. You’ve said to yourself, “That’s impossible.” What were you talking about when you said that and why was “that” – whatever that was – impossible? Too risky? Too much money? Would you risk looking foolish?
2) What’s the key difference between what you see as possible versus impossible? In particular, you are to carry this description all the way to the point of including “consequences”. That is, what would be the consequences of the things in your life that you declared were impossible – because in identifying the consequences, you are naming what you are really afraid of experiencing?
3) Everyone travels backwards because everyone has a history. The object now is to determine this: How often each day do you travel backwards in time? All day? Most of the day? Occasionally?
4) Are most of your decisions aimed at keeping your life as it is or introducing change? What is your rationale for your decisions: Safety or new experiences and adventure?
5) Do you tend to dismiss the creative ideas of others, looking for why new ideas of suggestions won’t work as opposed to why they could work?
6) Is there some part of your life that you would like to move forward that would be assisted by believing in six impossible things?

Imagining Six Impossible Things

Start anywhere. Or you can build all six impossible ideas around a strategy, all supporting the desire to break through something. Imagine something in your life that you would like to be other than the way it is. Imagine something absurd, for instance, or you doing something you have never done before. For example, imagine yourself wearing something you’ve always wanted to wear, or imagine yourself speaking to a neighbor that you really do want to meet, or imagine yourself climbing a tree.

Here’s the real point of this exercise: Holding these imaginings is symbolic of the White Queen in Alice – pure new thought. Consider the Red Queen the aggressive part of your mind that will come to do battle with pure thought, pure imaginings, pure creativity. The Red Queen will always try to destroy a creative gift as the Red Queen represents the opposition of the collective unconscious as well as your external world and your own inner saboteur, so you must meet that force on your inner battlefield. If you can grasp that, then you can understand that the object of imagining the impossible is a multileveled discipline that introduces you to the power of your imagination and creativity as well as to your inner saboteur.

But imagining is ultimately not enough. You have to do more than just imagine. You have to act on something that you imagine. You have to bring it forth and give it life. The “impossible” requires vigilance and dedicated attention and constant courageous choices as well as a willingness to allow your life to change in “impossible” directions – directions transcendent of north, south, east, and west. Imagine that.

How often should you make a list of six impossible things? That all depends on how daring you are and how bold an imagination you have. In this regard, there are no rules. You decide. My list is endless.

Just go for it. Enter the realm of impossibilities. One of the most delicious lines Emily Dickenson ever wrote was: Dwell in impossibilities. She obviously resided down the Rabbit Hole. It’s no wonder she is my favorite poetess.


© 2009 Myss.com - Caroline Myss is a New York Times best-selling author whose books include Anatomy of the Spirit, Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can, Sacred Contacts, and Entering the Castle. Defy Gravity: Healing Beyond the Bounds of Reason, will be published by Hay House in October 2009.
Listen to Caroline every week on www.HayHouseRadio.com

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SaLuSa 16-April-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

Every soul is being given the opportunity to resolve any outstanding karma, and since you are in your last lifetime on Earth some of you are living hectic lives. Karma is normally worked out when the best conditions present themselves, and do not necessarily occur in the life immediately after the one in which it was incurred. It is a major factor that determines your life plan, and more often than not is related to personal relationships. Each of you sets out in life looking for happiness and fulfillment, but often there is disappointment. Dear Ones, if you have failed to succeed in some aspect of your life, consider that it was planned and intended to give you lessons that are of value to you. After all, nothing that is important to your life plan happens by chance.

At our dimensional level we have long overcome the need for karma, and if we make the wrong choices we recognize them and make amends immediately. For us personal relationships are based on love and respect for each other. We recognize our Oneness with all that is, and acknowledge the divine essence that all life carries. Our caution concerns decisions that are made that effect many souls, such as our involvement with your future. The outcome is not always clear, but based on our experience and ability to read the future probabilities we are confident that little can go wrong. When an advanced civilization intervenes with one that is still evolving, much care is necessary to ensure that it does not interfere with their path of evolution.

On Earth, at almost every turn you have decisions to make and you are prone to build up karma. However, once you understand the purpose of life and acknowledge the fact that you are all One, you will approach life with a greater understanding. It is not necessarily bound up in religious beliefs, as sometimes these can have the opposite effect by isolating you from other people. Again such souls are working out their karma through such experiences, and in the scheme of things every experience adds to your total consciousness, accumulated through all of your lifetimes.

When you finally ascend you may be absolutely certain that you have succeeded in overcoming duality, and you will truly be looked upon as a Master. You are amongst the bravest of souls to have honed your spiritual awareness, by going through each experience in person. You may wonder what happens to those memories of the negative ones, as many have left you scarred for life. Please be aware that as your consciousness rises, you will set aside such memories and eventually only recall your triumphs and successes. You cannot in fact carry the lower vibrations into the higher levels, and that is the Law. Whenever you carry heartache and sadness, know that it will not remain forever and that the energies of love and happiness will replace them.

Life can seem cruel and very unfair, but remember that you have created your own reality. You cannot escape the Universal Law, but in no way are these in the form of punishment. In fact behind them is the great energy of Love and Light that is the life force of All That Is. Your progress is in your own hands but as we often remind you, the pathway you chose is one that you have decided upon. That is in accordance with the freewill you have been granted, so that you are not restricted in your choices. However you are not expected to necessarily know exactly what is the best path to take, and there are always greater Beings of wisdom and understanding that will guide you if you ask. Even now, although we are fully conscious Beings we consult them if we are uncertain as to the best course of action. Bear in mind we are dealing with the future of planets and their civilizations, just as we are with you. It is a great responsibility and care must be taken when decisions are made. At this time you stand at the gateway to Ascension, and once the changes commence that will bring it into being, they must take you to it with as little inconvenience as possible. Clearly in view of the massive changes to be made, we want it to go smoothly and it is why our plan is reviewed quite often. The timing must be right and we will not move until it is seen to be certain that it will succeed.

When you think about the worldwide problems that exist, and the extent of the changes that are coming know that it is quite an undertaking even for us. However, we have unlimited resources and have complete confidence in our ability to deliver the plan. Once we can openly visit you, your doubts and frustrations will disappear, as you will quickly realize that we are the Creator’s representatives on a divine mission. Your future is tied in with the total upliftment of the Universe, and you are as important as any other part of the plan.

Your participation in the changes requires no more than your dedication, in visualizing the happiness and joy they will bring to all life upon Earth. Stay in the Light and live your life to your best ability, as if you had already ascended. Spread love and harmony wherever and whenever you can, and allow any negativity to pass you by. You cannot fight it by approaching it at the same level of vibration, but you rise above it and surround it in love. This way you will be contributing to the overall vibration of the Earth, and indeed you will be helping lift it even higher. You will find that the more you think and act in the Light, the easier it will be to maintain your place at the higher level.

Remember Dear Ones that you are party to the cleansing of Earth, and it is your responsibility to do all you can to reverse the damage that has occurred over many years. We are of course doing our part although you may not necessarily be aware of exactly what we are doing. Much of our work goes unannounced, and it will not take place openly with your knowledge until we are able to work in unison with each other. Mother Earth continues to rumble away, and is waiting to finish her own preparations for Ascension. It is therefore becoming important that she is allowed to complete it very soon. There are reasons related to your safety that are holding back any increase in the cleansing operation, which must be completed in readiness for Ascension.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and bless you all and surround you in Light. May you be touched by it, and your consciousness awakened to a higher level than previously. Many higher Beings are also focusing their Light upon Earth, and it increases with your ability to ground it.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

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SaLuSa 14-April-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa 14-April-2010

The dark Ones continue to find that their covert actions are being revealed, and in a time of truth so will it continue. The extent and scale to which you have been used and manipulated, is beyond your full understanding. However, you will learn sufficient to know that something radical and far reaching must be done, to cut out the cancer of corruption that has spread all through politics and business. Such knowledge will ensure that whatever replaces it, is based upon honesty and fairness with the object of doing what is best for all. That a small number of people have amassed great wealth, while most of you work hard for less than your labors deserve must change. It indeed will change Dear Ones, and the plans are ready to be implemented. In so many ways you have been led to believe that you are subservient to those in power, and your rights have been deliberately eroded to keep you down. Again that will change and although it will take time to reverse the situation, eventually you will become sovereign Beings once again.

At a time when you have such a good system of communication, it is ironic that it is controlled by those behind the media who determine what you are allowed to know. What should be given a public airing is censored, and results in so many major topics of national interest being hidden away. There has not been such a thing as freedom of the Press to report on all matters of interest for a long time. Indeed reports are falsified to satisfy the aims Illuminati, and journalists comply rather than risk losing their jobs. When their lives and family are also threatened it takes a brave person to stand up to them. However, the truth does eventually come out, mainly thanks to the Internet and it needs protecting to ensure the principle of free speech. The false operations such as 9/11 are a good example of what the Internet can do to bring out the truth. It is true that it can also be used to counter truth with disinformation, but with discernment and intuition you will know what is true or not.

Some of you ask what can you personally do to help change things, and our response is to advise you to talk amongst yourselves so that the truth is known by as many as possible. If action groups can be formed all the better, and along with others you will continue to apply pressure for the full truth to be revealed. Otherwise individually concentrate on how you visualize the future where you are free and your sovereignty is restored, and you will be helping it to manifest. Of course we have a great input into such matters, and working with our allies behind the scenes to speed up matters so that our plan for your future can fully commence. Have no fear as to the outcome; it has been decided in the higher dimensions by great Beings who see the whole picture from their perspective. What has been decreed by them will come to pass, and all will be manifested by the time this cycle of duality has been completed. You are so near to major changes upon Earth, whilst the Sun and your solar system continue to move into a higher vibration. That is already being noted, but again such information is not readily made public but held back. There has been a policy of secrecy for many years, none more so than the findings of NASA who have deliberately set out to keep you from knowing about our activities and us.

Dear Ones, we are near to announcements that will reveal the truth about us. No amount of denial will make any difference, and the secrets about our involvement with you and your governments will come out. They have known of us for many, many years and have repeatedly refused our offers of help. The benefits that we are bringing you could have been yours a long time ago, and you have been stopped from progressing to satisfy the greed for wealth and power of the elite. It is time to remove the dark Ones and their cronies, and they will not be able to stop the tide of change that is sweeping through the corridors of power. Governmental changes are a high priority and we will ensure that the right people represent you when we openly arrive on Earth. Our ways are ones of peace and love for all life, and those in power that are not working on a higher vibration will be removed. We shall use legal means to bring about such changes, and there will be no hiding place or way to defeat justice. We know exactly what each individual has done during their time serving as your representatives, and hold the proof should it be needed.

The dark Ones have had their opportunities to have a change of heart and move towards the Light. It is their choice as to where their future lies, and we seek nothing other than their removal from office. Like any soul, they will one day judge themselves, and there is no retribution or punishment except that they may answer to Mans laws. You have learnt much through the cycle of duality, and it has served its purpose in bringing you to understand the opposites and still rise up. You are clearly spiritually stronger than when you started your epic journey through the darkness and lack of Light. It is in fact quite remarkable that given the loss of your true identity you have still managed to find your way back, and today stand at the door of Ascension. It is truly a wonderful achievement and you are to be applauded for it.

Keep your focus as ever on the future, and the past will take care of itself. Your energy is best used in this way, as the more of you who do so the quicker your vibrations will rise up. It will also increase your protection against any intrusion from the dark Ones, and you will easily ward it off. As you rise up your consciousness levels increase and a stronger link is formed with your Higher Self. This is just but one step on the path to super consciousness and your return to the higher dimensions, where your awakening will be complete. Even now your awareness is growing and you are becoming more intuitive. You will gradually find that you do not need outside help to the extent you did previously. These are sure signs that you are progressing very quickly, and you will undoubtedly succeed in reaching Ascension.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and delight in giving messages to you, as it helps create a bond between us that will a carry us all far. We have so much in common that it will not take you too long to reach our levels, and that will restore you to where you should be as one of us. Let your imagination run free and you will pick up much that is on its way to you. Your happiness and freedom is to be returned to you, before you leave Earth.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.


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SaLuSa 12-April-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

The meek shall inherit the Earth, and these are of course those of you who have found your Love and Light within. Not only that, you live by your understanding of what that means where your relationship to other souls are concerned. To see each other as One means you accept that all are from the One Source. Therefore you would no more raise your hand against your brothers and sisters, than smite yourself. True love of others raises all of you together and once you understand the purpose of life, you see there is no gain to be had at their expense. The problem for eons of time is that you have been taught to put Self first in the pursuit for survival. The survival of the fittest and strongest is the Law of the Jungle, and not for Man who has the potential to become a God. You are powerful Beings, who have the capability of reaching levels of Christ consciousness.

What you have been in the cycle of duality is but a shadow of your real Self. Albeit that you have had to experience much negativity to find your Light, but with the intent to lift yourselves up you have succeeded in discovering the true path. You have progressed at such a fast rate in this lifetime; you now stand ready to take a quantum leap forward. Instead of despair and little hope, you have found that the true path is the promise of return to the higher levels of Light. The Earth may have its attractions, but your paradise will not be found in the lower dimensions. Everything that you have ever dreamt of awaits you with the coming of Ascension, and subconsciously you know that to be so and it drives you onwards.

Now you see the last acts of those whose eyes are still shut, and would prevent your upliftment if they could. However, they are doomed to failure and are already in disarray, as they can no longer hold to their plan for total domination of Mankind. In fact, the Illuminati have accepted that their cause is lost, but they still harbor thoughts of somehow restoring their power. We can assure you that they have no chance of doing so. It is the Light that is now the controlling force, and is growing stronger by the day. Allow matters to act themselves out, and as they do so it will become quite clear that the promises made to you will be fulfilled. Indeed, the signs are already beginning to show the destiny for Mankind, and you will find that your sovereignty will be restored.

If you reflect on your experience of duality, you will surely see that there has been a divine plan to release you from it. It was never intended that it should completely engulf you, although many of you have touched the depths but have risen up again. All of your experiences have been placed within the mass consciousness, and each of you will benefit from them as it is unnecessary for each of you to experience everything personally. There will come a time when you will review your many lives, and it is as well that you remember that you chose your experiences. Even now you are moving through your final experiences, to bring your karma to an end.

We of the Galactic Federation do not consider you as lesser Beings, simply because your vibrations are lower than ours. We know that duality was your choice, and that you left the higher vibrations to face its challenges to lift up and find the Light once again. We see you as an ascended Being already, and admire your strength of character to take on such a challenge. When open contact commences, you shall see that our approach to you is as equals. We wish you to work with us and will introduce you to our technologies that we know you will quickly adapt to. Even now your knowledge borders on ours, and it means that once together no time will be lost before we get started. There is so much to do in a relatively short time, yet all will proceed as planned and completed by the end of your cycle.

Is it not strange Dear Ones to think that some 70 years ago, you would not have accepted the possibility that Beings like us existed? You held the idea that we could not reach you, because it would take too many Light Years to do so. Yet in that comparatively short time since, you have learnt about other dimensions, and how we can use them for inter-dimensional travel. Now you accept that intelligent life can reach you from far-flung constellations. Indeed you are also aware of parallel Universes, and your understanding of life expands even further. Life abounds everywhere and yet most of it is invisible to your eyes, as it vibrates too highly to be registered by you. However, when you have ascended the whole Universe opens up to you, and you will meet Beings of all types in addition to those more readily recognized as human.

In your own way you have plenty of excitement and adventures on Earth, but when you have earnt the right to Galactic travel they will be far more fulfilling. Think about what you have learnt from the different races upon Earth, such as their cultures and religious beliefs, then think of it on a Universal scale and imagine how much more there is to consider and understand. On Our ships you will meet some Beings that are not humanoid, and they are also Galactic Federation Members. You tend to judge people from their outer appearance, whereas we see the inner soul and know we are One.

With regard to what we have told you, you will understand that we cannot flood you with information too early on our initial contact. The fact that we really exist will be too much for many people, who have shut their eyes and closed their minds to such a possibility. However, in a gentle way we shall gradually bring out the truth about us, and how you are linked with us from times long gone. Many civilizations have had a hand in your evolution, and more you shall learn in all good time. Think upon it Dear Ones, why is it that in this Universe that all Beings are of the Human form; does this not tell you that the hand of God is in all things?

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and as I look upon Earth I see a glorious Light rising up from the grids around it. It tells us in no uncertain terms that it is so powerful, that it cannot possibly be reversed or stopped from fully manifesting. That is the most wonderful sight and your future in the higher dimensions is assured.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey.

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SaLuSa 22-MARCH-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

Be in mind of the changes and be prepared, but do not allow any sense of foreboding to fill your mind. Although there will be some that affect your day-to-day lives, remember that these will only be of a temporary nature. They are a means to an end inasmuch that to cleanse Mother Earth, requires wide scale changes that will cause upheaval depending upon which area you live in. The changes have already started, and we are carrying out damage limitation exercises. Once we can openly work with you, preparations can be made in advance that will protect people from the outcome. Better still, we can quickly arrange for you to be transferred to another safe place. The time for a disclosure of our ongoing presence and the purpose for it looms large. We expect the energies of those intent on bringing it forward, to manifest within a few months, and once it commences it will be followed by a quick succession of revelations. It is through the official recognition of us and the work we do on your behalf, that other projects can be put into action.

The waiting is nearly over, but as usual it is not easy to get your officialdom to agree on the actual date and who shall lead the disclosures. There have been many governments or officials, prepared to come out with information that has been kept from you. However, they have looked for guidance from the U.S. as the biggest world power, but it has never been clear and precise. Truthfully, most of them know that the U.S. has a vested interest in maintaining secrecy, and have given up with their expectations that they will take the lead where disclosure is concerned. The pressure to release the truth has become so great, that some countries are prepared to make an announcement without prior consultation. There are numerous new energy devices that are being held back, because of the current situation that makes any progress very difficult. In fact, there are major companies in the West who will do everything in their power to prevent them from being released.

You have been held in a virtual time warp because of the Illuminati and their cohorts, who have prevented the release of new technology except where it can be used for their own advantage. That has largely been to strengthen their military forces, and their stranglehold on lucrative industries such as oil. With a strong power base they have sought to achieve world domination, but with the Galactic Federation on your side it has been prevented. The dark Ones fail to comprehend the divine power we can wield, to ensure that your cycle of duality is completed as decreed by the Creator. The authority we carry does not mean we can proceed just as we wish, as there is a correct way to approach such matters that are important to your evolution. However, we will confirm that in the whole context of your Ascension, there is an ultimate date given us by which we must be able to commence our activities. We may find it necessary to make the first move, and remove those who are holding us up in our mission to Earth and all life upon it.

Dear Ones, have no doubt about us as we will fulfill our plan, and that means you can also fulfill yours which is vitally important. Up to now you have been often left to find your own way onto the Ascension path, and are admirably making much progress. When the Masters and we can address you directly, you will go forward more rapidly and with full confidence. You are special Beings of a highly evolved state, except that very few of you are aware of it. You are slowly but surely beginning to understand your spiritual history, even although the idea that you are Angels is quite astonishing to you. The fact that you already have a link to your higher consciousness means that you will sub-consciously know when you are being offered truthful information. Think intuitively as in reality you are your best guide, and will be enriched by what you learn. Because you are all at different stages of evolution, you cannot absorb every piece of information that comes your way. Some of it you will be set aside, and at some later time it may find a place in your thinking. As time goes by you will find it easier to take in what is being given to you. It will be because of the expansion of your consciousness, that is being greatly helped by the incoming energies. There is so much help coming to you from many quarters, as the Universe follows the events upon Earth very closely. Your evolution is viewed as being most important, and a successful outcome is essential to the future of Mankind.

Mother Earth still rumbles away, and is anxious to get her own evolution into full swing where the cleansing is concerned. Her destiny is the same as yours and it is therefore essential that you work together. Already powerful groups are urging that steps are taken, to counteract such disastrous industries as logging that is leading to de-forestation. The consequent result of such actions is being understood, and there must be a halt to them. It also applies in general, to activities that damage the Earth when her resources are removed. The extraction of oil and fossil fuels has led to the decimation of it, but worse is the resultant pollution where land is left permanently destroyed. Naturally these problems are high on our list of projects, to reverse the damage that has occurred. The introduction of alternative technologies will do away with the need for the continuation of such industries; so the quicker we can get started the sooner we can tackle the problems. Be assured that we shall have first put forward new ways of decreasing your dependence on the old forms of energy. The Galactic Federation stands ready to speedily implement the new technologies, that will release your reliance upon them.

No matter how little you can personally do to reduce the damage to Earth, you can keep your focus on how you would like to see it. By visualizing a clean and beautiful Earth, you are helping manifest it. Indeed there will come a point in the Ascension process when the new Earth will emerge, and be seen as it originally was when in its pristine condition. Nothing that caused pollution or damage to the old Earth will continue to be used, and a new way of living will replace your existing needs. In a physical body you experience hunger, but as an Ascended Being you will have a lighter body of a higher vibration, and that will no longer be your experience. Your requirements for sustenance will be largely served by the energies all around you. When you always feel vibrant and healthy, you do not stop to think about fuelling your body. However, there are occasions when light foodstuffs and liquid refreshment are taken and enjoyed.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.



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Awareness, Internet, Time, Karma, Joy – Emmanuel

12 March 2010 - 9:25pm
Channeler: Langa

Random questions from readers.

Beloved Brothers and Sisters of Earth, I AM Emmanuel and I welcome you to this moment.

Question: You said that two people -even close neighbors- would experience different outcomes from the 2012 events, like one will experience ascension and the other one catastrophe. Could you please elaborate on this?

For two individuals to experience the same event they have to share the same portion of the vibratory spectrum. All possible combination of frequencies, including all planes in all universes exist within your consciousness, but are only the vibrations that passes through your awareness are the ones you perceive.Many of you believe that previous to incarnation you choose the life-events you wish to experience in order to learn certain lesson and grow as individual, but in fact you did not choose the life-events but the vibrations you want to experience. After incarnation is all up to you. It is you, acting on free-will, who creates the events that occurs in your life, and if those events lead you to experience the vibrations you choose to experience as part of your spiritual growth, you have achieved. Then you can move on, otherwise you will have to try again.

So after incarnation you have two ways of succeeding, the first one is to create the right life-events, and the second one is expanding your awareness. It is up to you to choose the way with which you the greatest affinity and therefore the greatest chance of success.

The frequencies of all the universes can be seen as energetic lines or strings.

Like the strings on the guitar, and the sound-hole is your awareness.

The larger the sound-hole is, the more strings will resonate.

When you expand your awareness the world you perceive expands, allowing more energetic lines through, expanding the segment of the vibratory spectrum accessible to you, hence increasing exponentially the chances of experiencing the group/kind of vibration you came here to experience.

Awareness can be seen as circles, two individual’s circles may intersect or not. Two individuals will share the same world only in the area of intersection.

When one of those individuals expands his/her awareness and the other one’s awareness remains the same the intersection area become smaller because awareness expansion moves the center of the circle away from the two intersecting points, until there is no more intersection. And when this happen these two individuals will be living in different worlds, vanishing from each other reality.

In human history have been thousands of individual ascensions before, but this time is different because never humanity as a collective has been where you are now.

Your planet is increasing energy, expanding awareness, and hence increasing her vibratory frequency rate. It is a monumental change, a universal happening. Observers from many planets and distance constellation are here to witness such unique event in Galactic History.

But the higher your planet raises its frequency, the greater the separation will be between Gaia and those individuals with no awareness expansion. The centers will be further and further apart until the two intersecting points disappear and there is no more shared intersected area.

Those individuals whose awareness is in harmony with Gaia’s frequency will continue living on the new 5th density Gaia. The rest will have to repeat the cycle in 3rd density.

Gaia is changing, if you do not change with her by means of expanding your awareness, you will experience the 2012 outcome as highly negative events. On the other hand, if you change with her and keep your awareness expanding, you will never be in harm’s way.

Many of you believe that the soul grows through difficulties, when the real growth is through responsibility. Awareness expansion is your responsibility, in all four levels of consciousness.

Every new day brings the opportunity to be responsible. Life is an adventure into the infinite, viewed this way it is easy to continuously expand your awareness from every new experience gained in the course of living.

Causes do not exist outside your consciousness, they are all within you. You are the cause of your life, only when you understand this and take responsibility for it; the journey of divine transformation begins.

From this moment start taking total responsibility for your own being. This is the meaning of being a Lightworker.

Question: My awakening started when watching a series of video interviews from Project Camelot on the Internet, and I read dozens of post in forums saying the Internet helped them to awake. I know it has bad things too, but so far is helping many people to find some truth. What can we do if the Internet is shut down?

The Internet is far more important than you can imagine.

It is the physical manifestation of the collective consciousness, therefore cannot be shut down. If for any reason the existing Internet disappears a new one will be created in the formative plane through the collective consciousness.

For thousands of years individual consciousnesses have been activating subtle energetic fibers and structures that enable direct and easy communication between human consciousnesses, as well as accessing collective knowledge.

The Internet is the manifestation of all those quantum energetic fibers in the material plane, and although is controlled by few, belong to everyone.

When individual thoughts become collective thoughts, the vast majority of human awareness shares the same group of frequencies and their personal awareness’s circles intersect the same portion of the vibratory spectrum, sharing the area where those thoughts will manifest the same aspect of reality. The Internet is a clear example of these energetic structures in motion.

The groups in power know this and they are using the same mechanism in reverse with certain results, they try to control the collective consciousness by controlling the Internet.

Question: I watched a video…, it says that exist more than one ‘creator’ of the universe, actually it says there is more than one ‘main’ God and many ‘creations’ or universes, could you please tell me if this is correct?

This is incorrect and partially correct at the same time.

There are many Universes, many Gods and many creations, but at the beginning and at the end there is only one Infinite Creator, there is only one God, there is only one Soul, there is only one Being, there is only one Thought, and there is only one Creation.

Question: I’m seeing that most of the theories about the end of the world in 2012 are based on the Mayan calendar, I’d like to know if the Mayan calendar is correct and accurate.

The Mayas used three separate calendars, and no one of them predicts the end of the world.

The 260-day based, the 52 year/Venus based, and the Long Count 1,872,000 days based. These calendars have been given to the Mayan people by a very advanced extraterrestrial civilization and the Long Count (13 periods of 144,000 days each, starting on August 11, 3114 BC and ending on December 21, 2012 AD) is the most accurate calendar ever found on Earth.

Question: You mentioned that time doesn’t exist, but in fact we can measure it. How is this possible? What is time?

Time does not exist. It is an agreement.

Before incarnation you agreed to the rules set by the Logos, otherwise you wouldn’t be here. This means that one portion of your awareness is focused upon the frequencies that create the illusion of time. These frequencies are shared by every single individual consciousness/awareness in your planet, fulfilling the collective agreement, thus manifesting time.

The Infinite Creator gave to every Central Logos the freedom/choice of creating collective agreements in order to help you in your evolution process.

Time is one of those agreements, as is gravity.

Gravity –like time- does not exist. Your scientists can measure it, but it is simply a collective agreement.

After physical death, these are the first two agreements that you do not have to honor anymore, only then you will understand that Time and Gravity do not exist, and you will have a big laugh about the whole concept of your Time.

Question: You said that unconditional Love is the Key, which will open all doors. Also you said that the power of one who is in this state of consciousness counterbalances for thousands of unaware individuals. Where can I find the key? How many of the existing population on Earth have founded it? And how many people counterbalance each one of them?

Love is the master-key, but is a key you cannot possess, it posses you. Approximately 25,000,000 individuals have achieved the unconditional love state of consciousness in your planet.

One Individual with this level of awareness atones for almost 900,000 individuals in the ‘absence of Love/Fear level’ state of consciousness.

Question: You said enlightenment happens when the human consciousness merges with the higher-self consciousness, how can we do that? And how ‘high’ in the universal hierarchy is our higher-self?

Higher refers to a state of consciousness, not to a position in any hierarchy.

The actual merge of your consciousness with your higher-self consciousness is the peak of enlightenment, and is the divine attainment of the ultimate truth of existence. But enlightenment starts much earlier, with the simultaneous realization of Compassion with Wisdom. This is soul-alchemy and leads to permanent Joy. Joy is another name for enlightenment. Each moment of existence is a source of Joy/Enlightenment.

Question: Does karma really exist?

The realm of Karma is where your human rebirth begins.

Before incarnation you choose which frequencies you wish to experience in your next life in order to continue growing as an individual consciousness. But you cannot choose just any vibrations but between a limited number of options. Your karmic record sets the limits. The more negative oriented karma you carry from the past, the less options you will have. On the other hand, when you live a life with good heart you automatically expand the number of groups of frequencies you can choose for your next incarnation.

You see, nobody else is imposing the decision on you, you are totally free before choosing, but once you have decided, your very choice brings in the limitation.

This is a natural process that every human being has to pass through prior incarnation.

Question: I see bad things happening all around the world to people, more frequently and with more intensity, and at the same time many like you talk about hope, love, light and ascension. What is going on!?

The night becomes very dark just before it is going to end. In the same way negative events coming with great force is an indication that soon they will end.

Question: Why we have to live so many lives before going back to the Source?

Because unless you find your real home you have to go on traveling.

Question: What exactly is death?

Death is nothing but a change of frequency.

Question: You said everybody has a reason for being here on Earth at this time, a duty to fulfill. What about if I don’t know my reasons or duties?

Your only duty is to be happy.

Your soul knows the reason for you being here, look inwards.

I will give you a hint: Joy.

Joy flows vibrations of the highest frequency through your system; it brings knowledge that transcends space and time. True Joy sets in motion powerful love/energy/forces that outpaces the earthly understanding that comes from third-density learning. Joy creates its own momentum and enables you to acquire all answers from within.

I AM Emmanuel

©2009 Langa www.emmanuelmessages.com

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