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Heaven #3421 Energy and Greatness

You have a vitality that you don't know you have. You have energy beyond your awareness. You have unlimited energy.

Even when you feel your feet dragging and you can't stay awake, you have endless energy. It is all there. You have a huge reservoir of energy. There is no end to the energy you have. At rest or at play, your energy is intact.

Energy is a form of light, and you are a light being. A light being cannot be without light. Light does not really sleep.

When you feel energy-less, that is an idea of the mind. You have told yourself that you are without energy. You really know that you are filled with energy, for, at any moment, energy can be restored to your awareness. You could be the most tired person in the world, and, yet, what happens when you hear you have won the big lottery? Your energy revives! You have the energy to launch a rocket.

Do not interpret what I say to mean that your body is not to rest. Of course, your body is to rest. But you are to know that, at rest or swimming the English Channel, your body is filled with energy. That is what I want you to be sure to know.

Say to yourself right now: "Energy is always available to me. I am connected to an infinite source of energy. The yellow sun in the sky gives me its energy. God gives me His energy. I am energy itself."

Pause to refuel, yet know that you are an infinite source of energy.

Your intelligence is energy. You are not wanting for intelligence. Even when you do a dumb thing, your intelligence hasn't gone anywhere. Beloveds, even if you flunked school, your innate intelligence keeps your molecules intact and spinning. You can call the energy within you life, if you like. And that light of life does not even diminish when your erstwhile body drops away. You, without cease, are still energy. You, without cease, are still light.

Right now you have access to all the light imaginable and unimaginable, and right now, light being that you are, you are also the access to all the light imaginable and unimaginable. You are the Olympic Torch that is carried through the One World. You are that candle that lights another.

Here you are, all this brightness, and so often you may think of yourself and others as not much at all. You think you are limping through life when you are a high flyer. Will you please no longer downplay yourself? You are a Great Being in a Great Universe. Perhaps you have been reading too much fine print, or you have been writing disclaimers and printing them on your heart.

Now, I ask you to write exclaimers! Write in your heart now:

"I am a Great Being. I am great enough to do great things. From this day forward, I believe in myself. From this day forward, I acknowledge to myself that what God creates has to be great. How could I ever think it could be otherwise? What was I thinking? What could a child of God be worth but greatness? No longer will I belittle myself. No longer will I belittle anyone. I, who am a Great Being of God, uplift others to their greatness as well. I am a Messenger of God, so, from now on, I no longer deliver small messages to myself or anyone.

"From now on I acknowledge myself as a tribute to God. God created me to be a tribute to Him and His art. Now I accept that what God says is what I am."

Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™
Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts
Gloria Wendroff, Overseer

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SaLuSa 28-Mars-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

You have the potential to do whatsoever you desire, but seldom do you have that belief in yourselves. Your power lies in your ability to create through sheer intent, but because you do not see instant results you have doubts. Often what you focus upon is way in the future, and is not necessarily part of the life you planned beforehand. Certainly you have freewill, but your Guides will do their best to influence your decisions so that they are in your best interests. The most important thing is to put your efforts into raising your consciousness, so that you can be sure of being ready to ascend. Unless you reach a certain level of vibration, you will be unable to proceed when the opportunity arises. However, once you express the intent to ascend you are given every help to get there.

Nothing would please us more than if you all had a turn of heart, and every soul made the transition. However, at present there are less than half of you that are consciously making changes in your lives to do so. Yet as the energy levels increase, more of you are awakening and seeking your own path to understanding. The truth is there to be found, but not until you are prepared to move beyond the mindset you already have. You cannot accommodate new ideas if your belief system is rigidly held in place. Unfortunately, generations upon generations of families or institutions have passed on their own misguided knowledge in all good faith, but their understanding has been tainted by false teachings. Humans have a way of believing that a majority opinion makes it correct, whereas in spiritual matters it is often quite the opposite.

Your best guide in matters affecting your life choices is yourself, and through your intuitive feelings. Trust in yourself, as you have a wealth of experience to call upon that has been acquired over many lifetimes. Remember that the choices that are ideal for one person are not necessarily the best for all. You have your own goals to achieve, and you will instinctively know what they are. Do not be scared of being the odd one out, because as long as it is giving you fulfillment and satisfying your quest for knowledge, it will be correct for you.

You have been living in a reality that has been created by you, and served its purpose by fulfilling your desires. It was not however meant to be permanent, and would in any event have changed in response to the higher energies. Duality such as you have experienced it is not to continue beyond the end of the cycle, and that will also include the astral dimensions. Therefore all souls will make a freewill choice as to where their journeys will take them next. Your subconscious memories of having come from the higher dimensions will draw you back to them. You will instinctively feel that it is where your real home lies, in the realms of Light. Indeed your bodies are already changing at this very time, and your Light bodies are forming in readiness for Ascension.

Our presence and that of the many other Beings from Higher dimensions are here to ensure that the end times fulfill everyone’s promise. It does not matter whether they remember what they planned; the important thing is that in the end they will stand at the door of their choice. Position, power and wealth will count for nothing once you leave Earth, and any measure of your success is purely by your level of spiritual understanding.

You are immersed in aspects of time that controls your lives, but once you ascend it is no longer applicable. Past, Present and Future are all one, and you will find that all is simply in the Now. We can view your activities as one and therefore see what lies ahead of you, and it is why we can confidently predict the outcome of duality. We see success and there are many paths that lead to the same conclusion, and you have created these through your many different beliefs. It is an example of your creative powers, although you may not realize you have been responsible.

Meanwhile back on the Earth, changes that you are striving for are getting nearer as our allies clear away the last remaining obstacles. The unwarranted and unnecessary attacks on our craft have at last ceased, allowing us to proceed with our plan for open contact with you. We have never represented any type of threat to you, and in fact take pride in having protected you for thousands of years. We have kept unwelcome visitors away from Earth, and carefully monitored on-earth activities whether they have been natural or man made. The Galactic Federation are just one of many groups working for the Light forces, that closely follow your personal progress. Our mission is to ensure you reach completion of the cycle of duality, as decreed by the higher authorities that include the White Brotherhood.

It has taken many years to maneuver the dark ones into a position where their power and influence has waned. Sometimes we can use the very same tactics they use to control you, against them. They rely on creating fear to accomplish their aims, but you are gradually becoming wise to their methods. All in all, you are beginning to see the bigger picture and are not fooled so easily as you were. Now you walk with your heads held up high knowing you have the power to change the circumstances that affect your lives. You not only know that you are great Beings, but are using your creative powers to do so. The more you continue to focus on a peaceful and happy future, the more energy you are creating that will manifest it for you.

We desire the best for you, and work towards the return of your sovereignty. By rights acceded to you as a child of God, it is law that you are allowed to claim them. They have been denied you because you have been deliberately kept in ignorance of them. However, you are awakening to your true selves and insisting on being treated with respect, and your rights acknowledged. Be assured you also have us alongside you, and you will be restored to your true levels in readiness for the end of this cycle. It is all part of the process of Ascension that will see you lift up into the higher dimensions.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased to be part of the armada of Spaceships that bring you release from your oppressors, and immense love for your well being and happiness.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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A Glimpse into Earth’s Future

Channeler: Peter PHalam

From Celestial Reunion, A Channeled Tale

Gala and Gelacius ascended in 2012, and Pi and Dyinian have assumed tenure as planetary Sentient Beings. The Mayan calendar has lapsed and the sub-terrestrial civilizations are coming to the surface to test the new vibrations of Earth. They are amazed at the makeover and the restoration of the garden. Small numbers of seventh root race beings remain and are teaching the new caretakers - the meek who inherited the Earth - about the restored ecological balance.

The Phase Two stage of Earth allowed free will to permeate the planet. Over five and one-half billion souls heralded the conclusion of this stage in the greatest demonstration of free will ever known to human creation. At that point we existed farther away from the womb of our origin than at any other time. Yet in this absolute polarity, we had the greatest access to movement toward Light.

The Phase Three stage of Earth does not preclude free will, but only the mature will is allowed to participate here. Since there are nearly eleven thousand other human experiments occurring in this galaxy, and many of the younger souls on this Earth are indigenous to those Starseed experiments, it was not difficult for them lo reorient their will to a higher Phase Three frame of perception based on their prior experiences.

At this point, Earth is known as a place where the manifestation of virtual reality follows the will everywhere it goes. If you think it, it happens. With that inspiration, the will is relentless on a moment to moment basis; thus you can never escape the thoughts of your mind or the divinity of your soul. This effectively precludes the inherent will from being used the way it was during Phase Two. Yes, people everywhere are basically good. But this experiment was not about goodness, it was about divinity...

When all is said and done, approximately one billion souls will have learned how to properly caretake the Earth and will have expelled the consciousness of fear. They will receive a markedly higher personal vibration in their souls for their efforts. Most of those will travel on to other planets in need of responsible caretakers.

Another four billion or so souls will move on to other third dimensional planets for further karmic evolution. They will recreate governments and societies; they will create karma, organize systems for banking, taxation, and religion, as well as new architecture, art, and music. And they will innovate education in language, mathematics, and logic based on energy from structured grid programs. Perhaps they will be open to consciousness from the more advanced sixth dimensional grids, and will create social systems that teach responsibility and love.

The remaining one-half billion souls will be fortunate enough to ascend as Masters from this, the most difficult human experiment in the galaxy. They will have mastered perhaps the most important aspect of this experiment - how to transcend this octave. This twelve-dimensional octave is karmic by nature and has thus provided Starseeds with a broad range of emotional experiences. This has, in every sense, been “graduate school,” and mastery of it will enable a shift into non-karmic octaves. So, by enduring and persevering through the density of this Earth's process, they will earn the right to exist where there is no karmic load.

They will travel to more advanced worlds where new population are beginning, and spiritual hierarchies are being formed. They will become the Jesus or the Buddha, or an Elder within the hierarchy, and will help to form the evolutionary plots for worlds which are coming into Phase Two experiences totally in the absence of karma. These planets are gardens, just as Earth will become again. And from the fruits of this experiment and all that was learned on Earth, the populations will have the privilege of existing on a planet where no matter where you are, you can reach down into a stream to get a fresh drink of water.

Excerpt from Celestial Reunion, A Channeled Tale by Peter Phalam
For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.”




“I (WE) AM!” an illustration by SethD8 – 25 Feb 07

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Why 2012?

The End of the Mayan Calendar is scheduled for December 21, 2012 (give or take a year). The possibilities of what this “end” might mean is an increasingly hot topic on the Internet, in conferences, printed articles, and in discussions all over the globe. This is because it just might be an incredibly important moment in history — e.g., the end of history!
the Mayan Calendar is not your average, run-of-the-mill calendar. It is, among other things, reputed to be the most accurate in the world. This is due in part to the fact it is also a relatively complicated calendar, using cycles of 13 and 20 (weird!), relating to the cycles of other planets (e.g. Venus), and in general incorporating some 22 (at last count) different sub-calendars, such that every contingency can be accounted for.

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Time Waits for No Man!

Diane | 21 August 06

Time waits for no man, and this is certainly true of the present period that you are experiencing. There is a goal to be reached in good time, so that the remaining years are fully productive and as planned conclude in Ascension. The scene has already been set, and many are well along that path. You are also seeing the last attempts of the dark to hold on to power and disrupt this process. Their attempts are tenuous and fragile, and as each truth is finding the light of day another crack is made in their crumbling empire.

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Returning to the Light!

St. Germain | 17 August 2006

There are many revelations waiting to open up for you, as you have reached a point where the time has arrived for your coming of age. You are to become enlightened in more ways than one, and the truth of your past is essential to your understanding of the future. Few people have the knowledge of Man’s real heritage, as it has been veiled from you for millennia of time.

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Again, It All Comes Down to You!

SaLuSa | 16 August 06

Time shortens as the days speed up in their onward flight to a new paradigm. Eventually nothing will be the same, as the old ways that are Man’s creations will be left behind. People cling to that which is familiar as it gives them comfort and a feeling of security. Change must however precede the new, and you are in the final break up of what was before, and has now served its purpose.

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Message from SaLuSa – 25 July 06


SaLuSa  | 25 July 06


Dear Ones, I am back with Michael after a period away from my Mothership, as duties take us far and wide. My speciality is in the application of energy and it keeps me quite busy. As you progress you too will decide to dedicate yourself to a particular branch of service. Unlike the demands placed upon you in your earthly occupations, you will enjoy your chosen service and have adequate time for other interests.

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Message from Ker-On | 24 July 06


Ker-On  | 24 July 06


Events are developing very quickly upon Earth, and it is clear that decision time is being forced on to many people who are involved in determining the path of Humanity. Either you choose to stay on one that leads to continued death and destruction, or pressure is brought to bear to change your present course.

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Message from Ker-On 07-July-06

Ker-On Talks!


What is a day in your life, just a mere fraction of the time you spend on Earth. For some it can be very repetitious and nothing very exciting seems to happen, but it is not necessarily the outer events that are the most important. You observe what is happening around you, and are accessing the information and placing it in your belief system. It shapes your perception and understanding, which is perpetually changing around.

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Message from Ag-agria 06-July-06

Ag-agria  Gives Lesson!


You chose the cycle of duality as one in which to have your experiences. Even now some of you are choosing whether to take the opportunity for Ascension, and there is no pressure upon you to do so. In repeated cycles you are continually making decisions that suit your evolutionary path, and it may not for example always be in the Human form as you understand it.

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Message from Atmos 03-July-06

Atmos Speaks


Events upon Earth are speeding up, but many of you wait for those of a significant nature that indicate the closing of this present cycle. If you follow these and other messages, it will be quite clear that they are going to come as special events that will be a culmination of efforts by The Galactic Federation and their allies. It will allow for what would have been the unthinkable, the removal of your President. It will be carried out in accordance with your laws, and although resisted will result in complete success.

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