Tag: resonance (page 2 of 5)

Galactic Federation of The Light Landing Party Creates May-08-2013

Galactic/Earth Alliance The Landing Party Creates Suzanne Lie

The Landing Party Creates

I am not sure what I did, but I do know that I extended myself

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Galactic Federation of Light Landing Party Part 4 May-05-2013

Galactic/Earth Alliance — Landing Party Remembers 4 Suzanne Lie

The Landing Party Remembers — Part 4

Morning on Earth
I have not been feeling like myself

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Galactic Federation of Light High Council of Orion April-19-2013

Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood
Transcribed by Paul Marwood
“Greetings Dear Ones,

We are the High Council of Orion.

Today we would like to speak with you about hierarchy and stratification

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Galactic Federation of Light Hatonn and Altros April-17-2013

Wake up Call: Hatonn & Altros, April 17, 13 by, Nancy Tate

I am here today to let you know of something that is taking place in

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Galactic Federation of Light High Council of Orion April-12-2013

12th April 2013 Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood
Transcribed by Paul Marwood

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Finding the Resonance that Suits You



Hello Son,

Finding the Resonance that Suits You

In everything you do there is an inner feeling or intuition that resonates and tells you the state of being of oneself. This could be a variety of things from rea...

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Greetings from Venus

Meredith Murphy     3 April, 2012 I, dear ones, am Sanat Kumara and I speak to you with great love and with great resonance–for Venus, my home planet is near to you on Earth and the empowerment of this transmission is greatly amplified by this...

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Nnagala Illa ‘S – Fringe C of this Universe


Channeler: Christine Anne K.

Published March 14, 2012

Introduction in stellar language and melody

Greetings, Beloved and distant Friends and Brothers and Sisters of the Earth. For us the Solar system is barely noticeable, ...

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Galactic Federation Of Light Horus February 09 2012

Galactic Federation Of Light Horus February 09 2012

http://lightworkers.org/channeling/152524/wake-call-horus I am here today to give you a lowdown on many things that will be part of your world when the time comes for the changes that will be takin...

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The Arcturian’s Update on Ascension at the Stargate 11 11 11

Suzanne Carroll  Dear Arcturians,  Is there more I should know about 11.11.11? Will we leave 3D Earth at that time? Our Beloved Ascending Ones,  You notice that we no longer call you “grounded ones.” We have changed your names because you have c...

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What You Put Out Is What You Get Back by Deborah Sorkin, MD


Your Thoughts, Every Thought has the Potentiality to Manifest into Form. Energy modulated by thought, word, deed or action is a dynamic exchange of information.

Resonance provides the mechanism for this dynamic exchange. Very ...

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Heart Activations to All!

Circle of Light Spiritual Center offers Heart Activations to All!

The Messages from God at Circle of Light tell us that the Love pouring onto the Earth is now increasing exponentially, flooding hearts at this time of the Shift to the Heart. We at Circle of Light have been directed to offer a new service, Heart Activation, for anyone who desires to expand the opening of his/her heart more fully to receive this increasing influx of Love.

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Water as Fuel Unlocked by Frequency Resonance


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