Tag: reside (page 2 of 4)

The Source of All & the Multi-Dimensional Nature of the Universe

We are multi-dimensional beings and the fundamental ‘Source’ or ‘Universal Life Force’ energy is reflected through us on EVERY level of our being. This ‘Source’ may be known by many other names: Universal Love, Universal Light, God, The Goddess, The Divine, Spiritual Light, Spirit, Chi, Ki, Prana, Odic Energy, Orgone Energy, Ond…the list is virtually endless.

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4 July 2010 - 11:10am

Channeler: Blossom Goodchild

July 4, 2010

Blossom: Good morning to you. I wonder if I could bring up the issue of the ‘activation’ in our last communication? Many experienced ...

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It’s July! Here are the Keys to Your New Porsche

a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Meredith Murphy

Thursday, 1 July, 2010  (posted 4 July, 2010)

Clearing away anything which does not fit with your “future” incarnation...

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There’s more than One Dré, or is there?

Hey Dre!

Shot for an awesome site! Been reading it for many years. Post this if you keen. Take good care man!


Cool, mail from myself! Well, best to you also, brother. Well actually, this week I AM cancelling my TV subscription! Not that I'm convinced it is all evil, just that it feels a bit too pre-cooked.....

Love your Light, keep it cooperative....


Dear Friends

Through many years of cleansing, hardship, blurred vision and the chaos of absorbing integrated energy fields of myriads of free flow thought and projected intent patterns of others my eyes have finally opened to the peace and love that surpasses all understanding. I am filled with life and disconnected from fear. Being as we are, people that care, the overdose of toxic exposures of negative thought form/energy patterns via media, cellphone and alas people that buy into it has led to judgments projected on me during years of shining my light that resulted to a crash in my story of life. Disconnected for many years from my emotions, the sight in front of me and my sense of destiny has led me to the space of total and absolute surrender to the part of me that guides and directs my thoughts, my life, my flow. I experienced an unbelievable story of life, adventure but could not experience the feelings of the story that was happening in front of me. But non the less, I was lifted and relocated to a place of extremely high vibration compared to my previous realm of living. Angelic-like people came to me and helped healing me. I, by my own understanding could not possibly have done this. For the largest part of seven years I had only one weapon of protection and getting through my day – Faith. Faith in the knowing that I am divinely guided, faith in the knowing that events are happening that are beyond my control, faith in the knowing that I will awaken and live a life that resembles Heaven on Earth. During this process I disconnected without seeming conscious choice from all the things that were so sacred to me, my family, great friends, my beloved country (South Africa), myself. I understood deeply that I am going through a profound clearing phase. At my moment of total disconnection, standing naked in front of nothing, broken but as fearless as I could be, the pendulum of life started swinging in the other direction. Love came to me and started filling me, day by day, year by year (through my beloved one). My ability to absorb and see beauty escalated. As toxic thoughts left my heart and my body my sense of flow took on a new form. My surfing became expressive, my voice became eloquent, my light intensified. I stood unwavering in my belief, not fearing anything that came my way in the form of relationships, dangers in my surroundings or anything. I became aware that everyone and everything around me started showing glimpses of similar light, faith and joy when our movements brought us together. I have been thinking about Heaven on Earth for a few years now and have realized I have moved into this space, in my physical environment, in my relationships with all things and in my heart. I have become so sensitive to vibrations that I can not watch television any more, I can not engage eye contact with most people I find in magazines, I’ve moved away from conversations of any form of fear based material and ego based life styles or redirect thoughts/conversations that head in that way. For me, my surfing magazines are one of the portals to my parallel universe of beauty, the search. They share the love with those who love our planet expressed in their adventures, their clothing and the life lived. I have disconnected in thought and in lifestyle from the chase of nothingness, the material and the desire for acceptance. It was a long and amazing journey and I by no means got this right by myself. It was the part of me higher than myself that brought me everything at exactly the right moment to do, to read and to experience to move me into this seeming space of eternal love. Dear friends, feel yourself again by eating well, love yourself again by letting go of every single thought that is not focused on the best of the best, the most beautiful of beautiful. Move away from places and people that don’t care about you. Don’t buy their magazines of gossip because they lock you into feeling incomplete. Don’t listen to gossip because you are perfect and beautiful. PUT OFF YOUR TV. Can you hear the background sounds they use to lock you in and can you feel the lies they tell you in the media. It does not fulfill. Read amazing books. Let love pulsate through your veins. Your body can lift its vibration tremendously in one day. Fast, stretch, you deserve beauty and the best in life. You must believe! From living in a city surrounded by money hunters, my businesses that crashed, so broke at times that I lay sick on a tile floor with not one cent, no food, sick and nowhere to go seeing miracles taking place in front of my eyes. I believed, strong and unwavering. Kept my honor in tact and tried to never sell out on myself. And now I reside in my definition of the light worlds. Everything is breathtakingly amazing and filled with my most beautiful expressions of love. My eyes have opened to the natural world around me. I can sense the mystery (that I use to as a child) of the plants, the trees, the waves, the wind and space of stillness. I feel complete, wise, still and at peace with the world.

You must believe. You must know that you are fine. You must know that you are divinely guided, always and every step of the way.

Be strong. Heaven is here, in your heart, pure and truthful. Fill your all with beauty and realness. Keep it simple. Be fearless. We ARE warriors, We are Warriors of the Light!

My the spirit of the most high guide you, fill you and bless you in all your ways and all your days.


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Day 13 – I am…

 The book Heroes of the Now is in final stages before publication and the 2-week Journey to Remembering is nearing another beginning...  Thank you for your support and participation.  Thank you for being a Hero during these challenging times...  Love and Kindness, Marc...

Blessings on your Journey Brothers and Sisters…

These two very powerful words, speak volumes of oneself when used. Much of the times, I have experienced an unconscious relationship to them and have worked quite a lot with understanding their power. Realize, right now that when you speak these two words with something following great discoveries can be made. Think about it for a minute.

Write I am at the top of a blank page, a tabula rasa, before you begin today.

Today, we are nearing the end of the 2 week Journey to Remembering. It is a day of introspection and reflection. We take total personal responsibility for all of our thoughts, words and actions in all lifetimes, dimensions and realities. We cancel contracts, vows and agreements made against our highest good in all lifetimes, dimensions and realities. We forgive and release the past, so as to have better access to the moment right before us. We stand as Sovereign Beings, in Light and Love. In our clarity, we feel the rhythm of the Universe and our life experience is a Dance. We carry our presence with us always. Our helper spirits guides and teachers are ever present and we nourish our inner child. We are aligned to our highest good and cultivate tools of discernment to assist us in this endeavor. We are free…

In your meditation today, go deeper than ever before. Take your journal with you; observe and reflect.

Ask the question, Who am I? Why am I here? Then begin…

Receive the flow of information from your higher consciousness, tune in to the frequency of your higher self. Purify your mind and body, as an unkempt temple is a difficult place to worship. You are the One. It is all you and only you… Who are you and Why are you here? Can you tell me? Can you tell yourself? Listen and receive. The answers borne on the wings of angels come to those ready to receive. Cleanse the temple and awaken the spirit within. See your body, mind and spirit as one, manifest on this Earth Plane to do… What?

Now is the moment to see the Truth. Now is when you can see it. Open your closed eyes and see the ethers of reality swirling all around you, feel the energy within and surrounding your body. There is so much more to ‘life’ than meets our two eyes, so we must open the third eye to truly see. Allow yourself to see.

See the Light within you… Breathe your consciousness throughout the Universe, expand and build that light bright and full illuminating the temple with a golden-white light. Meet the Original Creator… Go past all representations of God until you meet that being that manifested All that Is. The essence of the Universe resides in your temple, Brothers and Sisters! You share Oneness with Creator…

Write on your tabula rasa all the words, thoughts and actions that you associate with I am… Allow the free flow to occur, the stream coming rapidly at first, writing quickly to keep up and as the page fills the waters become calm, still and reflective. Allow a few more moments to see if there is any more, then relax and center again.

Look at your list… Circle the things that are part of your everyday practice and acknowledge your way. If there are entries that are other than aligned with your present reality, ask why. Then proceed to honor yourself by allowing your intentions to change what needs to change. When you look at your I am list, allow yourself to be you.

Recognize that limiting statements proceeding an I am statement are a message to the Universe of your intention. Look in these areas to determine additional healing that may need to occur and start by changing your perspective to more expansive views. These are powerful intention setting words and plant seeds that take root and manifest into reality over linear time. We can work with these energies to truly transform our beings and become something completely different if we like. We can change… We can remember.

What did your list include? How do you express it? Please leave a comment or add the Facebook page and participate in a global discussion. Show the Universe who you are and light the way for others… You are a Hero of the Now, bringing consciousness to humanity. Thank you…

Love and Kindness,


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A New Spin on Earth

This channel showed the group at their best with a very direct channel to the citizens of planet Earth. Normally I would call this one "Earth Shattering" but I think we will find other words now, especially after this message. The spoke of the recent earthquakes and how it has shifted the earth to a new rotational axis that has changed our experience of time and gravitational pull. They said several interesting items that they said our sciences now agree with and several that they don't yet know. It will take us years to uncover all the events that took place in that one series of adjustments.

They spoke of what was ahead for humanity and directly ahead for our economies and especially the US. At one point they warned the leaders of planet Earth of what is ahead. They likened this a wave of energy coming in rearranging everything in its path. They talked of the sexual energy entering the planet as they described three years ago. This is why everywhere you look in the news there is some sexual incident being uncovered.

They also said the economies of the world will take another hit soon as the US will soon experience great difficulty unless it balances. At one point the group spoke directly to the leaders of the planet warning of the severe effects of polarity thinking. They challenged each of us to search for these beliefs within ourselves and all begin to look for ways we are alike instead of separate. The ride is less scary if we all hold hands.

Big hugs. Have a great month!


(You can watch the video version of this channeling)

Greetings from Home

We visit with you this day to tell you about what is taking place on planet Earth. First, let us share with you, dear ones, that you have already changed the outcome of planet Earth. You have already shifted the highest potential, for humanity is no longer limited by what you used to call your highest potential. There are opportunities now to find passion in ways that you only dreamt were possible. Each and every one of you has come with a part of Home that you need here to put this grand puzzle together in order to create Home on Earth. Some of you think you do not have anything. What do you have to say that has not already been said by someone else? Every one of you has a very unique piece of that puzzle and all of those puzzles are needed right now. Yet, it is becoming difficult. Not only are you transitioning and evolving incredibly fast, but so is the Earth.

Most of the changes that have already happened have set into motion some things which will affect all of you over the next 100-200 years. So, let us explain a little bit of what is ahead in a couple of different areas and how this will affect each of you personally. Let us go back a few weeks and talk about the Earthquake in Chile which was,one of the largest earthquakes you have had in this millennium.  Not only has it changed the face of Earth, but it has shifted more than you know and has actually confirmed a few predictions previously made. One of these shifts is that the atomic clocks on Earth will soon need constant adjustment. Your atomic clock is no longer accurate on planet Earth.

Inner Earth is Growing

The inner core of Earth is what you call metal. It is actually an iron core. The next level, which is actually a very good part of the Earth, is what you would call molten or liquid metal. This liquid metal has always allowed the inside of the Earth to travel at a different rate of speed than the outside of the planet. Although the inside of the Earth is actually spinning faster than the outside, recently it has sped up and is moving even faster. It could even be said that the inside of the Earth is pulling the rest of the Earth into its orbit. This has been known for a very long time. However, what we wish to tell you is that this energy is now changing and has been speeding up. Your sciences do not agree with this yet, but we will tell you what they do agree with and what they do not. They have not found this to be true, but we are telling you that it is absolutely true.

The other thing that is happening is that this ball of molten metal has been growing. As it reaches certain levels it hits pockets of emptiness, or pockets that have formed through volcanic activity. This is what you are starting to see as the eruption of the Ring of Fire. There is much more to come. You are going to see activity in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. You will also see further activity in the Atlantic Ocean, but it will be less at this point. These are triggers and things we spoke about so very long ago. Now they are happening and your world is changing on a regular basis.

New Human Templates

Understand, dear ones, you are at a similar point where the dinosaurs disappeared from planet Earth but that is not going to happen to humans. Two things are happening: the Earth is changing to house a higher vibration not only of herself, but of humans, animals and every other part of it. The entire game is changing to begin a new game at a higher vibration. Secondly, your physical re-wire—your own physical bodies—are changing so that you can carry more of your own light and your higher self. Only a very small portion of your higher self is housed within the body for the temporary duration that you call a lifetime. Literally, only a small piece of it does…it is easy for you to see that you have one higher self and 11 aspects on Earth. So, 11 parts of your higher self goes into each one. However, the vast majority of your higher self does not fit into any of these aspects, including all of them together. That is about to change. You are now going to be able to carry more light than ever before in your physical body without having to go Home and without having to rid the Earth of the human race.

You will make this evolution while you are standing, walking, sleeping, playing, and loving on planet Earth. That has never been done before. That is the reason that all eyes in the universe are upon planet Earth right now. The six parental races that helped you form these physical bodies that you hold right now are back again to help. The interesting part is that they are fighting over who can help the most. But they are all here to work with you, because you are no longer limited by the same 500 human templates that you had in the beginning. You are no longer limited to that, which is part of the reason that your physical bodies are changing and your emotional bodies are growing.

Does Anyone Really Know What Time It Is?

We wish to tell you that the Earth has changed its relationship to time. Your relationship to time will also change, and what you do not know about it at this point is that you have control over how that changes. If you do not take charge in any way, the default answer is that time will shrink. Time has a natural tendency to shrink anyway. It is the nature of humanity because everything is relative. If you go back to when you were one day old, that one day is 100% of your lifetime. If you go back to the time when you were one year old that one day is only a very small percentage of your lifetime, so it has a tendency to naturally shrink as you age. Now we tell you that even the atomic clocks are noticing the difference. Big changes have happened as a result of the shift in Chile. Number 1: The Earth has changed axis; it is not on the same axis it was before. It has already shifted and your scientists are scattering frantically trying to figure out by how much and how we can measure it accurately, as they have noticed a major difference. It has been reported all over the world because the sun used to enter a window at a certain time of day and it now it is on a different schedule. Those times have changed throughout the entire world. Your scientists are looking for answers to describe what has taken place, but let us give you the short answer so that you can see what is happening.

We told you the molten part of the Earth has become larger inside the Earth and that part has been growing over the last few hundred years—especially over the last 60 years. As that has grown, the Earth itself is not as solid as you thought it was. The earthquakes in Chile and the earthquakes around the Ring of Fire, including the one in Haiti, have caused a shift of the planet not only on the axis. It has actually elongated the planet a little bit, almost as if was squished in the middle and got a little bit longer. Again, this is a point your scientists do not agree on, but we tell you that the process of making the planet just the slightest bit longer has also made it smaller around the middle. This means it rotates faster which is changing your relationship to time as we speak.

We encourage all of you to play with this concept you call time. Go back to some of your basics, for you have all studied ways of controlling time and learning how to project time into the future. You know that so much of it is held within your own belief systems. You believe it is accurate and you must live by this. The atomic clocks will not work for much longer, because they will need so much adjustment for what is ahead on planet Earth and some of the changes that are taking place. Embrace them. Do not fear these changes, for your reaction is actually what the earth needs to settle. Your reaction is the stability that you offer as Lightworkers not only with the Earth, but with other people around you.

A New “Wobble’’

These changes and the ones to come may create great fear throughout many different places. You are the ones that can hold that energy, the ones that can help to make it very positive evolution. Let us tell you this as well…because of the planet changing her axis slightly, what happened is that there is now a wobble. There has always been a wobble in the Earth’s rotation. It is nothing secret. It has always been known, but now that the wobble has changed and this can create a circumstance for you that we wish to tell you about.
As we mentioned before, you have these up and down periods that you are all going to be experiencing. But now it has become much stronger than we ever thought possible. Some of the physical reactions to this new wobble will be experienced as emotion. At times it will be uplifting, such as joy or exhilaration, while other times you may feel depressed as if you cannot seem to get out of bed. Those are simply normal cycles, because you are a part of the Earth and she is a part of you. As she is going through these changes they mimic and mirror themselves in your bodies. This is part of how you can help to ground this change and center this energy with her. Know that has affected you and find the ways it can affect you positively.

Riding the Wave

There are points on this planet where you can now launch yourself. This has been done before through using astronomy and astrology to help find the perfect time to start your new business or a new project. You would always know the rotation of the sun around different planets, their alignment and how that could or could not support you. Now in addition to that, there is an entire wave of energy that slides the rug beneath your feet and shifts it in such a way as to send a wave down its length. The pull of that carpet will create high and low spots, as well as spots where you can launch yourself very effectively or be wrapped up in it and shut down. Once you are aware of these highs and lows you can learn the timing needed to make the highest use of it. We ask you to be very aware of how you are feeling, where that passion is and how you get this in the outside world, as well as your effect on other people around you. That will tell you whether you are doing your work or not. Position yourself so that instead of being wrapped up in this carpet as the big wave comes through, and instead of being overwhelmed and having to protect yourself from it, you are in just the right spot to be launched by it. That is why you are here.

You are the ones that carried the secrets from Home—from Lemuria and Atlantis—in hopes that humanity would ever reach a stage where you could come back and do it again. You are here. You made it. Each one of you has this opportunity right now to step into this energy and to position yourself at that launching point. We will tell you, dear ones, it takes tremendous courage to do that for you can see the energy moving. Some of you might want to put your little toe in, but you are not so sure about jumping into the water completely. We will come along and push you, if you only try to put your toe in. It is time. Each and every one of you came with specific timings that you wanted to be here at this exact time, because this is the time of the big shift. This is the when it is said that the shift is really going to hit the fan.

It is the time where you are going to be finding things changing in every place that you have been talking about for centuries on this planet. You find yourself in a position to put yourself on that curve. This is on a personal basis for each and every one of you, for if you try to use the normal standards that you have used for your own evolution they are not going to work the same way. In other words, you cannot count the vibrational lines of your evolution the way it used to be done. During these times we ask you to be kind and understanding of each other, as tempers can flare easily.

Economics of Earth

We also wish to speak of economics on planet Earth. You have many systems in place that have allowed you to exchange energy and to exchange money. You have a system called the stock market. We are so fascinated by that, for is so interesting to us that you have built an entire system based on the perception of perception of perception. We would never have dreamt to do that. It took humans to invent this entire process. Because of that, you have a perception of perception which is what your economies have been based on. You have gone through one of these ripples, dear ones, and it has affected the entire planet. You have had an economic event on planet Earth and it is one of these ripples that have gone through. We tell you, there are more of these ripples coming. In fact, there is a big one that is liable to come very soon. We cannot tell you when it is, because you are the ones that have the perception that determines when it is going to be. We also tell you that it does not need to be negative, for it can be a positive event. That is entirely up to you, but what we do tell you is that change is imminent in this area.

You had opportunities as this wave came through which took the air out of the balloon. All of a sudden this overinflated balloon shrank down to practically nothing. Now you are perceiving an economic recovery. You are seeing it because you perceive it. That is the way your system works—because you want to perceive it. That is exactly what is happening, yet the underlying fundamentals that had a chance to change during that explosion did not actually change. For that reason, until you see some fundamental changes in the way you do business on planet Earth you will experience more difficulties in these areas.

We also wish to reach into an area that the Keeper loves to stay away from, and we are going to talk about politics for just a moment. You are seeing a very interesting thing happening. It is occurring all over the world, but you can see it in the United States very clearly. It has happened since the incredible pull into polarity. As the new field of triality starts to come in and you have three positions from which to view things instead of just two. You have a new perception to see everything from. Yet it is difficult to truly grasp that new perception, to trust it, to understand what it means and how it works. We tell you that many of you are going through your a time where your own perception, ideas, and relationships are going to change, but that also happens on an economic level throughout the world. One thing you have all learned from this recent economic stretch is that all of your economies are connected. That is incredibly beautiful, dear ones, because it really means that you can no longer have a world war. Who would you be bombing? Yourselves? That is perfect because the blending together is what will change all of this. There are many high level officials that are now looking for this to happen, but the changes on planet Earth are occurring very radically and very quickly. Not only does this include the changes in the planet, but the changes in you, as humans, are also happening very rapidly. Because of that the economic systems that have supported you are likely to experience another one of these. However, if you know about it and are aware, you can put yourself in the highest position to create something positive instead of something negative. There will be difficulties with your systems on planet Earth. Now, how do you fix them? How do you change that? We can tell you what it looked like in the days when these systems worked, when you had empowered societies and that was the essence of the society. It was not, “How do we make money? How do we support ourselves? How do we live better?” Instead it was, “How do we empower the people around us?” That was the key element that existed in the days of Lemuria. It happened so clearly that there was no need for laws and you only had customs. It was incredibly beautiful and those days are returning.

The Soul of Business in the New Energy

You have a challenge in the way you define business so far, so let us speak first of the challenge because each person who makes up one of these collectives that you call business has a soul. The overall corporation whether it is made up of one person, five people or 500 makes no difference, for that company has a soul because it has an energy that acts as one. The moment you identify that place in the world, you can change the whole prospect of the company from the top down…all the way. What we are telling you is that companies that have only been in business for the purpose of making money will no longer be able to do that, because you are finding out it is an empty shell. There is no soul there. In the future we see a time when in order for governments to issue a permit for starting a business, it will also require that the company has a consciousness and that the company will do the best for humanity even if it is against their own profit. The company will bear the same responsibility that each and every one of you has as you walk down the street and past other people. That has not happened at this point on planet Earth. Now is the time to consider what you can do at your individual level wherever you work, whatever companies you own, or in whatever structures whether it is government or religion. These are the collectives of humans that will have to evolve very quickly.

Growing out of Polarity

This is a time where you can make a lot of these changes to result positively, rather than experiencing the cycles of fear and challenge. When you had an election in the United States, dear ones, you could not decide who was going to be president. One moment you found an extra vote over here and the next moment you found an extra vote over there. That started a stretch into polarity that was almost as if you were grasping for it. You started to move into a field of triality, but grasped for that old, familiar part. You hung onto it so tightly, that the whole world was laughing at your election and what was happening with it. Did it make any difference who won? Not really, because the reality of it showed the duality and the difficulties. In the United States you have not evolved past that, but now is the time to start doing this quickly. Dear ones, especially those in the United States, you have a very short time-frame that you can take hold of this and make something of it. We pray that the leaders can hear some of this message, because you have stretched so far into polarity that you do not know where the middle is any more. It is very important to come back to a point where nobody is right and nobody is wrong. It is a time to start figuring out how you and your neighbors are alike, instead of how you are separate. It is time to start figuring out how you can empower your people instead of spending your energy trying to lead them. Re-member, you have some of the greatest spirits on Earth and they are just waiting to go to work and spread light on this planet. If you make a space for that to happen, you will see great changes throughout all of planet Earth. It is happening now. It is taking place in many cultures, very quietly for most. Make your voices heard.

Now, how does each one of you deal with it? You say, “What can I do? I am not a leader of a nation. I am not a politician.” Dear ones, every one of you has a strong hold in the field of polarity. Every one of you believes something is right or something is wrong. It is so interesting to watch your news now, because the fight has gone on so long that no one can even re-member what the original argument was all about. So much fear has been created intentionally to dissuade all of the information on planet Earth that you are all in danger of losing your grip on reality, because you are believing and buying into the fear. Enough! You can see what is happening. There are no more secrets on planet Earth. Trust your heart. Do not allow yourself to get wrapped up in fear, for that is a luxury you can no longer enjoy…no longer afford. It is time to get serious about what you wish to do on this planet. It is time to know that you have the power to create your reality. It does not matter where you are in this ripple, what is taking place with planet Earth, what is happening with your relationships, your job, your home life, or your work life. You have an opportunity to put yourself at the pinnacle, and to actually do what you came here to do. We are behind you 1,000 percent, because our job is not to be here to tell you which way to turn or what to do. Our job is to help you re-member who you really are, because you came here with a very specific purpose. We love you more than you could ever know. It is not easy taking your wings off and pretending to be a human. You walk into many walls that way and we love you for it, for this job can only be done in the way in which you will do it.

We leave you with three little reminders. Treat each other with the greatest respect you have. Nurture one another and empower each other every chance you get. Play well together.


The group

(You can watch the video version of this channeling)

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SaLuSa 19-April-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

We inform you so often that all is proceeding well and we really mean it, as you cannot know the full extent to which our allies and us are preparing a path for the many changes. There is an ongoing thrust to force a number of issues to be resolved, so that those charged with making important announcements feel safe to do so. There are certainly opportunities approaching that will strengthen the hand of our allies, and the energy with it is extremely powerful and will lead to the expected and required action. Each week that passes sees another step forward taken, and the announcement that is awaited draws ever closer. It is time to bring out the truth of your many Space friends and their links with Earth, and this will trigger many related issues that are hidden from you. It will also be instrumental in revealing who is behind the attempts to prevent you learning the truth, and also their reasons for doing so. The fight for control over you has gone on for a long time, and the dark ones were nearly successful. Fortunately, events have been used to limit the opportunities of the Illuminati to achieve any further progress towards their goal. They are struggling to maintain their stance, yet still plot to cause you chaotic conditions. However, they will not be able to achieve as much as they intended, as we are always limiting the likely effect of their covert actions.

Our allies are spread around the world which is very useful to our efforts to promote our own agenda. We have a number of options where the announcement is concerned, and in the ultimate it may come from a least expected source. What is certain is that it has become very near to being broadcast, and is one of the most important steps that we will be taken on your behalf. It has never been our wish that the truth is forced upon you, but we do want to feed you with information that will lessen the inevitable shock that some will experience. Not everyone is ready to have his or her beliefs shattered by learning too much, too quickly.

In recent years we have been able to influence your media and television programs. We have successfully been able to have our presence shown in such a way, that it reflects more truthfully what we are about and our peaceful approach to you. We have a mission that regardless of any interference carried out will proceed as planned, and we are motivated by our love and service to Mankind. You are for the moment like our children, but you will grow up at an exceedingly fast pace. The more you move into the Light, the more you are reaching up to the levels that we are from. It is our place to ensure that you travel the path to Ascension, and that all preparations are completed in time to include Mother Earth.

Each week that passes by is also another opportunity for you to raise your vibrations, as from outside of your Earth streams of high energy are being beamed to you. It is an ongoing process and you can so to say go with the flow, and be gradually uplifted so that you are ready when Ascension takes place. Simply do not allow yourselves to become actively involved in the negativity around you, but instead send it your Light and Love. You are becoming more powerful in this way, and perhaps have yet to realize your true potential. It applies for example to the healing of Self or others, and if you feel competent why not put your skills to the test. Become a channel of Light, and allow it to flow from you as you direct it into the aura of the person concerned. That is a very simple way to transfer healing energy to another one, or even animal if that is your desire. Accompany your healing with a mantra or prayer for help from a Master or Angel, and they will empower you.

You have untold powers that will come to you as you approach the end time, and you will take these with you and advance them to even higher levels. Healing for example would become instantaneous by the power of thought. Your creative skills will enable you to manifest exactly whatever you need, by pure thought. It will be the same when you need to move somewhere else, and that will also come through the use of thought. Even now you use such power, but you most likely have little or no idea of what you are really doing. Think of it this way, that whatever you place your focus upon will respond, and of course it can be for a positive or negative reasons. This is why you must guard against wishing harm to another person, as if you are responsible for something of that nature it will at sometime surely return to you. This is particularly true where you are dealing with those who are sufficiently advanced, to place protection around themselves. That person can be you if you remember to keep yourself surrounded by Light, and visualize it as a cocoon in which your body safely resides.

Your spiritual journey of many lives is reaching its end where duality is concerned. However, it will still continue with Ascension, and you will never stop learning as you make your way through the higher dimensions. That will take you further along your evolutionary path, until you reach the Source. You have all but finished the difficult bit by finding your way through the challenges of duality, and it has been a most trying time reaching up for the Light. Understanding the purpose of life is most important, and a step forward that moves you firmly onto your spiritual path. Also, accepting the Oneness of all life will raise you up to a point of higher conscious awareness. You can then express it by sharing your love and Light with all life forms. You will see things in a new light and separatism will no longer be something you contribute to, and it becomes redundant to your thinking.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and must tell you Dear Ones, that when you can put others before Self, you are truly well advanced along the path to Ascension. When you can also allow for the experiences of others without judgement, and accept that they result from freewill choice you have jumped another hurdle. We of the Galactic Federation look down at Earth, and see the negativity that takes place, but we judge not and know that ultimately it will all pass by and you will all be the stronger as a result. In this lifetime you have probably learnt more than at any other time, because the vibrations have recently started to lift you all up into a greater state of awareness. As the Light grows more powerful it is accelerating your personal growth, and it is a wondrous sight to see the Light shining out from Earth where once there was so much was in the darkness.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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The Nature of the Soul

by Owen Waters

Your soul is your immortal inner being. It existed before time began and it will always exist, even when you merge back in your ultimate spiritual home as a conscious aspect of Infinite Being.

Out of the 12 levels or density layers of existence, we, in this physical realm, are in 3rd density. The soul is in 5th density, and Infinite Being is beyond the 12th. Your soul is your individualized spiritual presence, operating in 5th density and it maintains communication with the souls of everyone with whom you interact in daily life.

The soul world of 5th density is non-physical, our dense physical world is in 3rd density, while 4th density – the afterlife or spirit world – is quasi-physical. The term quasi-physical means that the spirit world is solid to its residents, even though they are etheric or ghost-like when compared to our dense physical structures. Spirits can, and do, bump into each other in the spirit realms because they are solid relative to each other.

Life in the spirit world is much like life in our dense physical world, except that there are certain freedoms that come with having a less dense body. The ability to levitate is one such freedom and, better still, spirits can project themselves almost instantly to another location and suddenly appear there. It just takes mental focus and – whoosh – they appear at the target location.

You don’t see people wearing spectacles in the spirit world because their sense of sight works as a direct perception rather than through their eyes in the way that we use our eyes. They can focus telescopically on distant objects to make them appear near, and they can focus microscopically on a nearby object, right down to its atomic structure. Their sense of hearing, too, can be focused to pick up sounds at great distances.

When we in the physical world are able to replicate the principles behind ‘astral projection’, we, too, will have instant transportation to other locations. Then, it’ll be bye-bye to cars, trucks, trains, planes and rocket ships.

5th density is the start of non-physical existence, so your soul is a non-physical sphere of consciousness. It has the freedom to relocate both in time and space but it spends most of its time catering to the needs of its physical, incarnate self.

In 5th density, when one soul meets another they recognize each other, not from any physical appearance, but from their unique signature vibration. Each soul emits a unique signature tone which is a form of mental energy that is perceived as a subtle sound.

Your soul is the recorder and cataloger of all of your experiences as you add your contribution to the vast array of human experience on earth. A major portion of your soul consciousness lives right here in 3rd density with you, tending to your every spiritual need. As your inner self, your soul knows you better than anyone else in the world does, and it\'s available for consultation 24/7. The limiting factor is how much your physical mind will allow and accept intuitive, soul-originated thoughts.

In order to live a life inspired by intuitive, inner wisdom you need only make a decision to do just that. Open up your awareness to the whisperings of your intuitive nature. Practice following your innermost hunches. Make a note of them so that you can look back later and see how accurate they have become.

Most of all, don’t be deterred if your hunches seem inaccurate during your early attempts. It happens that way to most people. Just keep practicing and very soon your hunches will start turning into a resource so valuable that you’ll wonder what you did without it.

*If you enjoyed today's article, forward it to a friend! They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Owen Waters is the author of "Freedom of the Spirit: Four Powerful Steps to Spiritual Freedom". This deeply insightful e-book combines some of today's most proven and time-tested spiritual practices into one powerful and effective package.

Available now for immediate download at:

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Alice Time: Choosing Six Impossible Things To Believe In

I am an “Alice-o-phile”. I adore Alice in Wonderland and have forever and ever. My basement stairwell is painted as a Rabbit Hole and I have a collection of Alice art and copies of Alice because early on, I understood the message of Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass at an archetypal level.

Alice is our escort into the many absurd notions, ideas, politics and policies, beliefs and attitudes that underlie society and the way we see “reality”. And oh how long and absurd this list is of beliefs we are so convinced are true, important, real, and urgent. Why just the other day, I overheard a woman at the gym say to her friend, “I’ve got to hurry. If I don’t get this report in to my colleagues, the business deal we’ve been working on will be toast.”

“That’s absurd,” I thought. “If that report were so important – if you were so important to the business deal - what on earth are you doing at the gym?” Silly, silly girl – and now, I thought, she is going to rush away from the gym in a state of “It’s all about ME-ness”. An “Alice moment”, if there ever was one – and there are plenty in my world because I see so much “through the Looking Glass”. (Seeing through the Looking Glass requires that you reverse what you’re looking at, viewing everything through its opposite. If something appears complicated, see it as simple. People always look for “something”. Note this classic line from A through the LG: “I wish I could see nothing as well as you can.” Brilliant…)

We live in a world that is completely in love with going in the wrong direction. For example, we live in a society that completely trusts the rational mind to structure and order “reality”. (For starters, just look at what the rational mind has produced: wars, weapons, bio-destructive forces, environmental disasters, politics of deceit, religious corruption, false gods and bogus religious myths, bizarre notions of what’s real and what isn’t – like the doctrine of creationism in this, the 21st century, though civilization is much older than 21 centuries.) The absurdity of what we believe to be true and yet, how we behave as a “civilized” people is incomprehensible – much less how we go about negotiating our definition of being civilized. But enough of that…you get the picture.

Let’s jump back into Lewis Carroll and his magic. He delighted in satirizing the love affair that members of Victorian society had with themselves and, in particular, their addiction to snobbery. He looked at what the upper class could not bear to examine about themselves, which was, in essence, their own lavish lifestyles, attitudes, and well maintained prejudices about the way the world was and simply had to remain in order to keep them happy. But it is precisely this addiction to one’s personal enclosed comfort zone that positions a person to become exactly what he or she believes an elite lifestyle and privilege protects a person from becoming: close-minded, irrational, unyielding, unrealistic, and completely out of touch with the world at large. To say this another way: The more a person has to lose in life, the less likely that person is to welcome change or to embrace the vast world of the imagination.

Social and political revolutions have always been initiated at the grass roots level because those at the “top” have the most to lose. They see no reason for society to change, because from where they are sitting (Wall Street), everything looks just fine. Those who can envision energy technology, for instance, and have urged the auto and other industries for decades now to invest in energy technologies, have done so for several reasons, among them these two: First, they can see the handwriting on the decline of the oil-based economic wall. That is, we have to move in the direction of alternative fuels. But secondly, these visionaries simply can imagine the impossible. These are the people who are not afraid to take a risk and go where others have not yet gone in thought, in action, and yes, in investment in financial resources.

Carl Jung adored the realm of the imagination. He may well be the master explorer of our age of this domain. For him, the imagination contained the passageways to the psyche and the inner voices of our archetypes. Active imagination was an essential tool that he introduced, establishing a form of communication between the conscious and unconscious self. Right there we have something to imagine as impossible: opening a portal of communication between your conscious and unconscious self. That may be getting ahead of yourself a bit, but such a mega-thought does qualify for imagining the impossible, if you have never, in fact, considered undertaking such an endeavor.

Imagining the impossible – what a delicious and positively enchanting notion. And yet, the realm of the imagination is a fully and completely threatening place to suggest to a person who fears the loss of the familiar. As children, the world of the imagination is an acceptable playground because children are not yet rational creatures and a child’s imagination is considered cute – to an extent. Children are supposed to have imaginations – for a while. Technically speaking, if one can say such a thing, the psychic boundaries of children are still porous; therefore, they are subject to the “hallucinations” of the imagination. These include, for example, imaginary playmates and perhaps seeing the occasional fairy or sprite. Dark spirits may even show up. But a child is likely to be told that these nonphysical visitors are not “real”, they are merely “imaginary”. Thus, early on the lines in the sand are clearly drawn: What comes from the mind is “real”; what comes from the imagination is, well, imaginary. Not real. A poof of a thing, no more than a whimsical passing thought form.

Now granted the mind has “poofs” all the time, ideas that run through it this way and that, but because such thoughts come from the mind, these are not the same type of “imaginary” thoughts because…well…because they can perhaps wear the label of “practical” or “provable” or “conventional”. A value is made apparent very quickly to baby humans: If you are going to delve into the impossible, just make sure it’s the “practical impossible” and that your ideas can solve problems or increase production or profits somewhere. Having ideas just for the fun of having ideas is well, impractical! A waste of imaginary income – not that a person imagines or visualizes income….well, perhaps people do. But do such thoughts really qualify for “imagining” or just wishing? That question leads us to this most important question: Do people really know how to fall down the Rabbit Hole? It’s an art, after all, and not an accident.

The Art of Falling Down The Rabbit Hole

I’m an expert on falling down the Rabbit Hole. I live in the world of the imagination and the impossible. I rely upon the imagination to fill me with ideas on a continual basis. If I lived in the ordinary world, I would disintegrate in short order because the ordinary world is a place filled with reasons why ideas can’t succeed and with the wounds of failure and painful memories of the past that keep reminding people that they should live fearful lives instead of inspiring ones. In fact, even while writing this, a friend called for a business-related matter but in warming up to our meeting, he asked what I was doing. I told him I was writing a piece based on Alice in Wonderland. He asked if I liked the movie. I said, “Not really, and I suspect Lewis Carroll would not have cared for it either. Alice was meant to be enchanted in Wonderland and not be disappointed by characters who were defeated by an angry Red Queen.” He asked me why I loved Alice so much and I carried on and on about my many reasons and even brought the wisdom of Alice into the nonsense of the politics of Washington – which was not all that difficult. But after all that, he said, “I have an idea,” and off we went into the realm of the imagination, into the world of what is waiting to be created, ideas just waiting for a chance to incarnate.

Falling down the Rabbit Hole requires the capacity to “let go” and allow your imagination to take flight, giving form and vision to possibilities and impossibilities – before you let your mind tell you they are absurd, ridiculous, too expensive, and then that final blow, “What will people say?” What do you care what people say? I never have – and that is the great secret of the Rabbit Hole. You simply have to get over your fear of what other people think. For what possible reasons do you care what other people think?

Now to be clear – I am speaking of creative ideas, not of running out on my responsibilities, incurring huge debts, shooting up drugs, or deciding on a life of theft. So let’s be realistic about what I am speaking about when I speak about not caring about what other people think. I still have my head on straight and my feet firmly planted on the ground – but not my imagination. That part of me is given full reign to go off to places known and unknown to me. My target is the realm of ideas, original thought, creativity, and accessing the deep resources of your soul from which springs your “charism” or your “unique creative grace.” Visionaries and creative geniuses know this inner sanctuary, as do great poets, writers, and pioneers of science and medicine. This is where Emily Dickenson dwelled as well as Shakespeare, Mozart, Bach, Einstein, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin. They all fell down their unique Rabbit Holes. They imagined worlds that did not yet exist and their lives became devoted to incarnating those worlds. I have no doubt that they imagined far more than six impossible things before breakfast every morning.

It’s easy to tell who has what it takes to sojourn down their Rabbit Holes. Within seconds of conversing with people, they say something that reveals whether they are courageous or frightened, or whether they essentially travel backwards all the time. They soon reveal whether they have the stamina of spirit to explore the unknown in their life or whether most of their decisions are aimed at keeping everything the same as it always has been. Backward travelers will never be able to find their Rabbit Holes. They have to be content with reading Lewis Carroll and simply wishing their life could be different. They will find it difficult to penetrate into the realm of the imagination, as there is a profound difference between wishing and imagining.

Wishing Versus The Power of The Imagination

Wishing has little, if any, real power. It’s musing at best and a passing thought or fancy in its weakest form. A wish is a temporary enchantment that lacks the backbone and substance to attract creative life force or power.

Imagination, on the other hand, takes effort, energy, and generates a substantial amount of emotional and psychic response once you make contact with a great idea. Merging with a unique vision is the same as having an unfamiliar download of grace rush through your system. In an instant, it penetrates into your intellect, your emotions, your mind, your vocabulary; your archetypal dynamics adjust themselves to new symbolic content – shifting your understanding of the cosmos. You can feel the power of that idea – that vision – take hold of you as it runs through your blood like a new drug, making its way into your neurology. And then it’s locked into your psyche. It’s yours. The download is complete and you are on a high that is unexplainable to anyone who has never been swept away by the thrill of contact with the realm of original thought. This is a love affair unlike anything on earth because it isn’t of the earth. But it soon will be – that becomes your task as the vessel of the imagination.

Original thought implodes someone who won’t do what’s required to be a container and vessel of that which others cannot see or comprehend. You have to be someone who can handle being misunderstood or keeping your own creative company or handling a vision others cannot understand. You have to be strong enough to believe alone – and for a long time – in what others cannot imagine. Many people have been able to do that, but most people cannot stand alone in the demanding realm of the imagination. So they live in the lesser world of fantasies and musings.

What if you really could fall down the Rabbit Hole? Would you? Doesn’t it tempt you even a little – or perhaps more than a little? Wouldn’t you love to let yourself go and tumble into your own great unknown – the unknown that is your own unimagined life that you could imagine if you fell down the Rabbit Hole? You know you would.

You could tell yourself this is just a game, so let’s just say this is just a game. Okay – falling down the Rabbit Hole is just a game. (But what if it isn’t? I had to say that – I just had to.)

Falling down your Rabbit Hole requires that you dwell in the world of your imagination. But really dwell in it. Nurture it. And here’s the challenging part: You have to do what your creativity calls for, in order to bring forth the ideas you are imagining. They won’t just fall from the sky. Books, for example, don’t write themselves. Great discoveries in medicine just don’t happen. Poets actually sweat over their poems even though they’ve been completely saturated with the grace of imagination. You must understand that you form a working partnership with your imagination. Consider that one never forms a working partnership with a wish – how absurd is that? Fairy tales always lead a person to believe that a “wish” alone does all the work. Now really – a wish and a bunch of fairies – and people believe this more than they believe in mystical consciousness. And you talk about absurd????? Anyway – on to the impossible – which is utterly possible.

Believing in Six Impossible Things Per Day

This could be the most fun exercise I have ever given you, by the way. Do NOT answer these questions rapidly. Answering rapidly is an indication that you do not want to give reflective thought to these questions which – let me point out – you have never been asked before. Therefore, you can’t possibly know the correct response right off the top of your head. These questions require reflection. And they are questions in search of responses versus “answers”.

1) Define what’s impossible versus what’s possible for you. You’ve said to yourself, “That’s impossible.” What were you talking about when you said that and why was “that” – whatever that was – impossible? Too risky? Too much money? Would you risk looking foolish?
2) What’s the key difference between what you see as possible versus impossible? In particular, you are to carry this description all the way to the point of including “consequences”. That is, what would be the consequences of the things in your life that you declared were impossible – because in identifying the consequences, you are naming what you are really afraid of experiencing?
3) Everyone travels backwards because everyone has a history. The object now is to determine this: How often each day do you travel backwards in time? All day? Most of the day? Occasionally?
4) Are most of your decisions aimed at keeping your life as it is or introducing change? What is your rationale for your decisions: Safety or new experiences and adventure?
5) Do you tend to dismiss the creative ideas of others, looking for why new ideas of suggestions won’t work as opposed to why they could work?
6) Is there some part of your life that you would like to move forward that would be assisted by believing in six impossible things?

Imagining Six Impossible Things

Start anywhere. Or you can build all six impossible ideas around a strategy, all supporting the desire to break through something. Imagine something in your life that you would like to be other than the way it is. Imagine something absurd, for instance, or you doing something you have never done before. For example, imagine yourself wearing something you’ve always wanted to wear, or imagine yourself speaking to a neighbor that you really do want to meet, or imagine yourself climbing a tree.

Here’s the real point of this exercise: Holding these imaginings is symbolic of the White Queen in Alice – pure new thought. Consider the Red Queen the aggressive part of your mind that will come to do battle with pure thought, pure imaginings, pure creativity. The Red Queen will always try to destroy a creative gift as the Red Queen represents the opposition of the collective unconscious as well as your external world and your own inner saboteur, so you must meet that force on your inner battlefield. If you can grasp that, then you can understand that the object of imagining the impossible is a multileveled discipline that introduces you to the power of your imagination and creativity as well as to your inner saboteur.

But imagining is ultimately not enough. You have to do more than just imagine. You have to act on something that you imagine. You have to bring it forth and give it life. The “impossible” requires vigilance and dedicated attention and constant courageous choices as well as a willingness to allow your life to change in “impossible” directions – directions transcendent of north, south, east, and west. Imagine that.

How often should you make a list of six impossible things? That all depends on how daring you are and how bold an imagination you have. In this regard, there are no rules. You decide. My list is endless.

Just go for it. Enter the realm of impossibilities. One of the most delicious lines Emily Dickenson ever wrote was: Dwell in impossibilities. She obviously resided down the Rabbit Hole. It’s no wonder she is my favorite poetess.


© 2009 Myss.com - Caroline Myss is a New York Times best-selling author whose books include Anatomy of the Spirit, Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can, Sacred Contacts, and Entering the Castle. Defy Gravity: Healing Beyond the Bounds of Reason, will be published by Hay House in October 2009.
Listen to Caroline every week on www.HayHouseRadio.com

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The Art of Balancing Self is Achieving Neutrality


APRIL 14, 2010

"The Neutral Zone"

Blessed Are You BELOVED ONES! We Greet You with a Heart-Felt Welcome, Welcome One & All.

We invite each of you to take a moment here to settle into your chairs and become comfortable. And as you begin to settle into your seats feel your body being supported at this time.

We invite you to focus on your breath now and for the next few minutes as you quiet the mind leaving your cares of the day behind you as you breathe in the stillness of Peace into your Being as you breathe into your heart. Breathe with us now for the next few moments.

Allow your focus to settle into your Heart Center, into the Sanctuary of Your Sacred Heart Center as you continue to breathe. Feel the Peace... yes, feel the Peace as you continue to breathe in the Crystalline Golden Light particles which are now brightly illuminating within your Sacred Heart Center. Recall the Golden Chalice of your Heart Center, for you are the Holy Grail of Reunification, and know that as you continue to breathe you nourish your entire body and each cell of your Body as you breathe in the Crystalline Golden Light particles which are all around you...

Please pause here for a few moments to just breathe! KNOW that as you focus on your breath you Honor your body with Love & Acceptance for providing the vehicle for this amazing journey of Awakening. Please take these few moments to pause with Conscious Love & Acceptance of the Self and of your body as you breathe into your Heart Center.



We invite each of you to add your Love and your Light to the Consciousness Grids here on Mother Earth. As Often as you think of it we encourage each of you to send your Heart Light to these Consciousness Grids around Mother Earth. Hold the Vision of Heaven on Earth. Raise your heart and your minds above the 3D Grids to assist in the building of the New Consciousness Grids of Love & Peace.

Many of you may already be participating with different groups on this very project. For those who are not actively participating with a Group, you may simply visualize a "Golden Web" of Light surrounding the Earth as the Lightworkers around the planet participate in a conscious and/or non-conscious state to build the New Earth Consciousness Grid or Christ Consciousness Grid. For those of you who do not have inner vision yet that enable you to see these grids, in the simplest form of support you may simply close your eyes
and see purposely choose to see a beautiful new world at peace where every man, woman & child are living a joyful, rich and rewarding life.

For those who feel inspired there are Groups you can join to work together on this project. However all that is truly needed is your Heart Light holding the Vision of the New Earth! Remain calm and peaceful no matter what the news media are reporting. Focus on maintaining a "neutral" state of mind and inner balance. Remember to ask yourself; What am I feeding and nourishing in my world? Be the Co-Creators of the New Earth Energies and add your Love & Light to the WHOLE!


The Photon Energies is much lower this month, yet the energies are much gentler than past cycles when the Photon Energy has dropped this low. We are continually being "refined" by these cycles of "ebbing and flowing" in the Waves of Light.

The healing of the Mental & Emotional bodies continues to be the "subject" or "focus" of our Journey through Ascension. Family, loved ones, friends & the work place will continue to mirror to each of us just where we are still stuck in duality and where ego is ruling our lives. The beautiful part of this is, all of these areas will also mirror to us where we have found BALANCE in our lives and where we are functioning from our hearts and not the mental energies of the ego intellect that always need to be right.

Many are still experiencing a rewire, however to a lesser degree than previously as this rewire phase is reaching completion. Which is good, many of us are ready for a "pause" to regroup and integrate the new energies. Many of you are already experiencing the new levels of awareness and inner communication arriving for each of you.

Those of you who are still feeling isolated and feeling the need to sleep a lot, do not concern yourselves. During these periods your Higher Self is doing much work on inner levels with the Consciousness Grids of the Planet. So simply be gentle with yourselves knowing you have been working the "Night Shift" on the Consciousness Grids.

Many have continued to feel challenged by ongoing Life Lessons as the energies have continued to accelerate in clearing the Mental & Emotional Bodies for the individual and well as the Group Consciousness. The increasing frequencies of Light are pushing all of us to transform, transmute and adapt to the incoming Waves of Light. For those who are less conscious they will be acting out that which is in need of clearing, those of us who are choosing to remain more conscious will have the "pleasure" of clearing out all that is need of resolution and balancing.

Now is a perfect time to eliminate and release the old, outworn, outdated and obsolete in our lives. We will be urged to let go of old attitudes, communication and thinking patterns that no longer serve our purpose. We may feel the need to re-evaluate our needs for security and asked to eliminate rigid emotions that no longer serve us. This is an excellent time to undergo an internal form of house cleaning, and look into ourselves to determine exactly what we do and do not need.

Since the recent Equinox of March 21 most of us have felt an increased intensity in the energies around relationships in general, all relationships, for life experience is all a relationship to something/someone else. Most of us have noticed that everything "feels" a bit different than in the past, yet "appearances" have not changed much. For myself personally even though the energies have certainly "shifted" what I have noticed as being different than in the "past" is how the "Aries" energies are much softer than in years past, and I am able to move through the intensity with greater ease than before. We are certainly in "New Territory" so to speak.

But don't hold your breath.... We are moving into a potentially intense time. There are some very powerful alignments later this summer, living in your heart is the only answer to moving through the times ahead. We will not go into the Astrology of it all here as our Channel is not an Astrologer and that would be too intricate for her mind to process.

(Please remember here Dear Ones as we cover the potential intensity ahead that you are the Creators of Your own Reality and have been given the Birthright of having Dominion over your Life and your Reality, that said let us proceed)

We can see & hear intensity in the news and media groups. We can witness the emotional turmoil among the US Citizens as President Obama's Healthcare Plan passed. We can also see the intensity in the recent storms, earthquakes, potential tsunami etc. (Remember Dear Ones that All is in Perfect Divine Order even when you have not understood the Perfection yet). Remember that each Soul has a Blueprint and those who leave in large groups during these horrendous events are their Plan. Have compassion for their families yet, know that all is in Perfection. These Souls are simply going to be experiencing from the other side of the veil now.

Many can also see some of the intensity in the lives of people you know (or very possibly even ourselves), as decisions that need to be made are up-front and center in your world. Many are moving in new directions, whether it refers to one's home or place of residence, as well as the work place.

For those who have denied any of your heart-centered needs, you will feel these needs push themselves into your awareness even stronger than before. All energy that is in need of resolution will find a way to manifest the desired outcome. Any of you who have experienced feeling overwhelmed or overloaded and as if you have reached your limits (physically, emotionally, or mentally), are looking to find a new way. Remember to ask to be shown the way... Then... Watch & Listen for the synchronicities of life to show you the way.

Now is the time to find the courage to follow your hearts lead. Love yourself enough to make the choices needed to free yourself from "Old Energy Patterns of Experience". Now is the time to overcome your "fear of the consequences" whatever they may be. These are times when our heart's choices take the reins.

Mercury will be entering a retrograde phase between April 17-May 11. This will be a period to reveiw, reorganize, redo items you are currently working on. Be very aware if you must sign contracts to read everything carefully before signing. Be aware that misunderstandings are often experienced and clarify that you understand what you are hearing.

Now is a perfect time to organize your thought processes around making these potential changes. Take a sheet of paper make 2 columns, PRO'S & CON'S. This will help you to actually SEE the benefits of making a change, rather than continuing to procrastinate. "Make Note" of the fears you may have, and look closely at the benefits you will receive if you work through your fear. When there is clarity the solutions will align and you will "Shift" your perspectives.

We are integrating great waves of higher frequency and now is a perfect time to Observe Everything in our outer lives as an indicator of our inner vibrational relationship and partnership with Soul. The question of "How am I feeling in this Now Moment" is the Most Profound Key to understanding the vibrational match we have with the thought or feeling of the people, places and work environments in our lives. For those who find themselves feeling less than a perfect match we invite you to spend more time each day in developing your Inner Relationship with Soul.


The most important thing for anyone to do right now is to develop your inner communication with your Soul. Many of you have an open channel with your Soul. For those who have this connection and are not using it currently we encourage you to resume this relationship now more than ever. You will find this ultimately important as we move forward in the days ahead.

Automatic Writing is one of the most powerful forms of communication to open up as a way to communicate with your Soul. This will also expand any connection you may already have with Soul.

We invite you to sit down with a pen/pencil & paper available and then to state your intentions out loud.

Then close your eyes as though you are about to go into a meditation. Take several deep cleansing breaths and just before you begin to go more deeply into the meditative state open your eyes and just allow the pen/pencil to move in whatever manner the energies bring through, if you need to close your eye again just to re-enforce the energies then please do so at any time in the process...

Don't judge what comes out, don't worry about your penmanship, or punctuation... simply allow the words to just flow out. You will be surprised at what a powerful tool Automatic Writing can be! We recommend keeping a notebook, file, or journal of these writings as they will prove to be very "enlightening" as you reflect back on them at a later time.

As you develop the Automatic Writing you will expand the "portal" of communication in your brain. After having used Automatic Writing for a while, soon you will be able to just have regular conversations with Soul on a regular basis without the need for Automatic Writing, and yes even you can do this! At one time we all communicated in this way and will again. This is telepathic communication. (The benefits of Automatic Writing act like "a Chimney Sweep", cleaning out the "proverbial cobwebs" of the mind.)



What we would like to expand on at this time, is a greater understanding of what it means to "Integrate Polarity".

We have discussed achieving the "Neutral Zone" as we wish to call it today. This means not becoming polarized in opposition to anything. Now the "main point" we wish to focus on today is that this is not achieved by IGNORING polarity/duality.

If you will refer back to our messages on "The Power of Conscious Choice" and how by Mastering the Art of the "Observer Self" or "The Silent Witness. What this implies is Consciously Choosing to be "Fully Present in the Now Moment" and not functioning in " Auto Pilot" mode.

By continually choosing to be in "the Now Moment" we are witnessing each moment and being "fully present" which enables such clarity as to be aware of what our choices are in any given moment. We can divert a potential disagreement, or argument with an individual who may not be quite as conscious in that moment, by simply choosing not to go into a reactionary mode of needing to defend one-self, or needing to be right.

You may find yourself not able to understand the other persons point of view in that moment, yet the Key is not to "judge" that persons perceptions. In that moment use whatever method you prefer to transform/transmute the energies of polarity. My choice is simply to stop and breathe into my heart, or when more deeply triggered to use the Violet Flame of Transmutation to burn off any polarity in that moment.

A beautiful practice that I only know in a minimal way is to use the Hawaiian Healing Practice of "Ho 'O Pono Pono". Which goes like this:
"Thank You, I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me, I love You".

In my perception this is a perfect way to "neutralize" polarity issues. All anyone ever wants is to feel loved and accepted.

The Beauty of "Ho 'O Pono Pono" is, when you say "Thank You", you are expressing your Gratitude to the individual for being given the opportunity to CHOOSE LOVE and to Master in That Now Moment the Perfection of Neutrality and Balance.

As you say "I'm Sorry", the other person feels acknowledged, while on the other hand you are also saying you are sorry to yourself as well for not having been more fully conscious and present in that Now Moment.

"Please Forgive Me", honors the other person as it honors you, for most often we do not recognize that we are usually unhappy with ourselves when we may have "played out" for another person that their feelings have been overlooked somehow.

Any time we say "I Love You" is a healing to all involved and nourishes the Unity of which we are all a part.

If you find it infinitely impossible in a given situation to move into this space, a position that can neutralize a situation is to simply say. "Let us just agree to disagree on this matter, and I Love You", and move past the need to CONTROL another Being or situation. Realize that any need to control reveal an unconscious level of fear that has not been resolved.

When One is in a state of Balance within the "Neutral Zone", this means you have no need to create attachment cords, control circumstantial outcomes or engage in karmic relationships that energetically feed off of something external to yourself. This can look like the need to control another. This can look like judging another. This will also look like anger, or resentment or any expression of Duality Consciousness.

As we move forward on the Ascension Path it is of upmost importance to become "Self Contained" without the "need" to be attached to another emotionally or energetically. This is very challenging in family and intimate relationships to achieve, yet is a very important part of "Self Mastery". It is not to diminish the Love you have for anyone, it is to achieve freedom from "dependency" so that you may attain your Full Sovereignty as an integrated Divine Human who is whole unto themselves.

And so in last month's message we brought into focus the GREAT IMPORTANCE of LOVING THE SELF. As you refine your ability to Love Yourself you move into greater levels of Self Mastery and Balance enabling you to function in the "Neutral Zone" more, and more.

Spend time each day reflecting on the Truth of Your Being re-enforcing the TRUTH, THAT YOUR ESSENCE IS LOVE. Breathe this Essence of Your Own Light into your Being daily for it Nourishes your body and your Soul Essence and assists in building the Light Body. TRUST with a PASSION THE LOVE THAT YOU ARE, for this will nourish your Mental Body and Emotional Body as you find your Perfect Balance within. RE-MEMBER THAT YOU ARE GOD INDIVIDUALIZED AS YOU!

We invite you to embrace the Self with sincerity in your hearts as you affirm these words as your TRUTH!

And So It Is Beloved Ones, That We Honor You for The Journey You Have Chosen, You Are Loved beyond Measure!

Blessed Be,
We Are One, Master Dakon, Sariniela, Anjuriel, and the I AM That I AM

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Your Ascension Process

Sunday, 04 April 2010

First of all this channel came on the 7th anniversary of the Goddess and I offering these teleconferences.I can remember how in the beginning there were three or four people who would show up to share the journey with me! The Goddess then went on to speak of the ascension of the earth and our part in this creation. The channel took place on Easter Sunday, so the energies of ascension were even stronger than usual.

The Goddess spoke in general terms of the ascension of the earth.She spoke of how the shift of the Earth into the higher dimensions has created so much more potential for each of us as humans.She then spoke of creating and manifesting through ease rather than struggle.What are you doing in your life? Emotions such as anger, fear, rage, control, anything along those lines; will keep you feeling separate from your divinity.

Through this channel you may experience the shifting energies that are taking place upon the Earth.You may also experience your own process and where you are along this path.This is a chance to shift your alignment and vibration.The is a clear alignment between the you in your daily life and you as you make choices in your life.Choosing life, choosing ease, choosing alignment with your divinity creates amazing changes within your life!

The Audio CD & Free MP3 Download versions of this teleconference are available here.


Nama sika; venia benyaI AM the one, I AM the whole

I greet you beloved family.I come into each one of you with my heart wide open as I reach out to align with you; you as you are in your space upon the Earth plane.You as you are very present within your own life.

I am ever with you; I constantly flow my love, my light, my energy to any and all who seek an alignment with me.

I take this moment to speak of the anniversary taking place for Shelly and myself.As she said it's been seven years that we have been ‘public' with our messages for people.She and I have been together even longer than that.

During this time amazing transformations have taken place upon the Earth. Some of you have a sense of feeling every single bump and pothole along the way.Others of you may be new to this process and just discovering what it means to you.No matter where you are within your process, you always have a place with me.I love and so adore each one of you.

Humans have a very unique process that you call life.In some regards as I look at you and all that is happening within your life, my consideration is why do you take the hard road?It does not have to be as challenging as it is.I of course share my opinion with you and from the human perspective as I look at your life; it's quite different than mine.

I will share my thoughts.Consciousness has been upon the Earth for millions of years.The human consciousness from the time in which it took form until where you are today, is so significantly different it would be useless to try to compare.During the times of Lemuria, many of the extra-terrestrials chose to come and live and experience their lives upon the Earth.

We call them the extra-terrestrials, or the ETs, because you think of yourselves as humans and being of the Earth plane.The reality is all of humanity came from someplace else as it began to inhabit the Earth.It was a choice; it was an experiment some might say; so the Earth forms were quite different.I feel I am a little bit getting off on a tangent so let me simply come forward from there.

As each one of you originally came to the Earth plane, it was thought that the Earth was about experiences; about struggle, about experiencing diverse reactions.One could say good versus evil, easy versus hard, and that is of course one perspective.Through it all there have been groups of people intermixed amongst all of you who came in with the intention of finding their experiences through ease, through joy or through a space of balance.

At the time of Lemuria it was a little bit easier to do that.The time in which you live right now is the second time that the vibrations and the energies have set themselves up to give you greater opportunities and potentials.

We've been through the history of the Earth many times and we need not revisit that.I did want to share with you on this day that the intention put forth when we began doing these teleconferences was to create a place of assistance for individuals to find their divinity within and to manifest that divinity within their lives.

Looking forward to the next seven years or however long we continue to do this, that is essentially still our main intention.The minor things change as we flow with the energies and the experiences that are evident upon the Earth.

With that I invite you to take one more deep breath in, breathing deeply all the way down within yourself.As you do so feel that connection and then release your consciousness as if it shifts upward, as if it moves out from your physical body and you allow it to align with the magnetic grid.

Look around; feel the space in which your higher self resides.Look at the impulses of light and energy that represent thoughts that are transmitted from one person to another or from one group to another.All of these impulses are forms of communication.Remember the first time we aligned with this space; I'll bring it up so you may feel what it was like.It felt heavier; the speed moving through the pathways was slower.There were in fact less pathways.

The intention of hundreds of thousands of people to work within this space is what's created this finer, lighter vibration.You are all a part of that creation.Have a sense of shifting; allow your consciousness to move through until you come into space with the crystalline grid.As you find yourself within the crystalline, you've let go the magnetic pull of the Earth.Take this moment and feel the balance that is just intrinsic within here.

Allow that balanced energy to flow through you; it flows up and down, in and out.Again, at the very beginning [meaning when we started the teleconferences seven years ago] we did not align with the crystalline grid. And then when you first began to do so it was as if you were within a small tunnel and you could actually have a sense of crystals around you.Do you remember those experiences?If not take a moment and I will transmit them to you for your perception.

Once the Earth itself ascended into the fourth dimension, the crystalline grid was able to make those quantum leaps forward or upward or outward, howsoever you want to think of it.The crystalline grid as you see it today represents the amazing expansion that is going through the world and consciousness.

This is not about people and new traits or habits; this is the actual consciousness of the Earth and of your own personal self that is reflected within.Feel the flow and the essence.From here I invite you to shift your focus into the soul plane.

As you arrive within the soul plane have a sense of reaching out or opening up to feel your I Am presence.This is you with all of your divinity; this is you in complete alignment with your consciousness.

I the Goddess come into this space in which you are located.As I do so I reach out to each one of you.I reach out and embrace; I merge my energies with yours.As I do so you may find yourself shifting into the All That Is.

This too is a place of creation.There has always been a place in which the consciousness of the Universe mingles with itself.Here in the All That Is that is a portion of what takes place.As you come into this place feeling your alignment, allow the flow to move through you.

There is so much that I would love to do with you this evening.This is taking place on the actual day that the Christians are celebrating Easter so there are very intense and powerful energies about ascension.Ascension itself may have a different meaning to different people.

Each one of you who is here, who is interested in this type of journey, or this type of experience, is interested in ascending within this lifetime.There are some individuals that have had an experience as if they experienced death without leaving this physical body and they then came back as a new person or a different person.

Others of you have sought to expand your conscious awareness so that you have more of your divinity within and around you; this too is ascension.There may be various individual definitions and whatever makes sense to you or resonates with you is your reality.

What I would like to say to you is that 100% of you who have come here, who have chosen to be a part of this, have shifted your consciousness into the fourth through the fifth, through the sixth and seventh dimensions.It used to be unheard of that someone would be able to live for extended periods of time in the fifth dimension, let alone the sixth and the seventh.

The more that you allow your physical body, your mental and your emotional, to be in the alignment of the higher vibrations; the greater your ability to live in these higher dimensions.It used to be only the angels were able to sustain a presence on the Earth at these dimensions.This is one of the reasons that people were unable to discern the angels were within and around them.The vibration was such a difference from that individual's vibration that they were unable to discern.Now this may still be your experience; the difference is you now have the ability and the greater capacity to create this type of alignment if you so choose.

Another dramatic change is the lightbody energy.We have worked with this quite in depth since last August.We were working with the preparation for that for probably 18 months to two years before that time.Allowing the crystalline vibration to integrate with the Earth is what has allowed the lightbody energies to become available to each one of you.

Your higher vibration of yourself is manifested in your lightbody energies.So coming back around to the ascension; if you consider where you were - we could say five years ago, or 10 or 20 years ago, it matters not - well, probably five years or greater we shall say.If you consider where you were and where you are now various degrees of changes have occurred.We are here on the precipice of yet another large integration which is the next step forward.

Every time you create change for yourself, that you manifest your divinity or whatever it is that brings you into this alignment, it's assisting the collective whole.So let's do that with you right now.Consider where you are within your life.Consider what comes to you first and foremost.Is it the struggle?Is it what challenges you?Is it the aspects that have greater ease?

I then invite you to consciously reach out while here in the All That Is and have a sense of expanding into a greater amount of your divinity.In doing so allow that energy to flow through whatever it was that was first and foremost in your thoughts.Do you have a new perception?Does your awareness expand in such a way that whatever it is that's within your life right now is able to transition?

As you consider whatever it is, I then ask you to have a sense of letting that go from your thoughts.This time I invite you to deliberately bring up anything that is holding you back or gives you a sense of being held back.Is there any time in your life that it feels as if you're running in place and not getting anywhere?

Allow whatever this is to become infused with your divinity.When there are things in your life or within yourself that give you a sense of holding you back or keeping you constricted, that sense of lack comes from a sense of feeling isolated from your divinity.Therefore especially as you are in this place of your divinity, allow that essence to flow through.

As you consider whatever that was, ask yourself ‘is there a reason to hold onto it?' Is there a way that this is benefiting you?And then allow more of your divinity to flow through.When you consider emotions such as anger, fear, rage, control, anything along those lines, you also will find that you feel separated from your divinity.Therefore the more that you practice allowing your divinity to flow through you and through any given situation, the more that you will become reconnected in that Earth-bound existence.

Now as you look at your life, as you consider perhaps those things that came up the first time I asked you what's in your life; those things that you sensed were holding you back.Having allowed that deeper connection to your divinity to move through those experiences; look towards the future.Look towards what you seek to have within your life.For so many of you I get a sense that you're saying ‘more of my divinity, greater ease in manifesting, greater abundance, greater flow, greater whatever' within your life.

Look at where you are right now.As I say that I see how some of you begin to constrict or make narrow your focus.So once more breathe in or expand your consciousness, do whatever resonates with you, but allow yourself to feel that open flow of your divinity.

In doing so you can align with much greater ease where you are right now.Then as you look towards what you seek to manifest, you can create a subtle change or difference so that the vibration and the flow of energy moves with ease, moving back and forth through what you seek to have and where you are right now.

The ascension process is about your Earth-bound reality being in greater alignment with your divinity.You are already doing this more so than what you realise.As you are here in the All That Is, it's so easy to let your consciousness shift to be in the flow, to be open, and to be welcoming of these energies.So truly ascension is about you, the human, accepting who you are as your divinity.

The greater amount [of your divinity] that you are able to accept, the greater your ascension.And just as we spoke of, those energies that kept you from being able to perceive your divinity, in that sense it keeps you from being able to manifest for greater lengths of time the greater amount of your divinity.

I invite each one of you to consciously remove any veil, remove any barriers, remove anything that separates you from your divinity.Even here within this space as I say that, I see an even deeper integration for each one of you.

You will find that the more you explore your divinity, the more there is.You cannot get to the complete access as a human.When you allow your consciousness to expand into this space, or you merge with your I Am presence in the soul plane, at that point you have the opportunity to let your energies swirl through and you can take in all the various information and perceptions of who you are as your divine essence.

The way to allow for this within your daily life upon the Earth involves a few what could be very simple steps but this is where things become difficult for people.When you as a human are in a space of complete love and acceptance for who you are as a human, you're in complete alignment and balance with your divinity.When you have thoughts or actions or beliefs that push you out of that alignment less of your divinity can be perceived.

So think about your life; most of you have periods of time that you feel good, you feel as if things are flowing, you feel happy and then something may come along that seems to push you off that space of balance.You might at that point go into self-doubt, criticism, judgement, whatsoever that may be.And that's when again your perception is that either your divinity would no longer love you, or that there's just not as much of your divinity there.

Your divinity is immense.It is always there; there's absolutely nothing you can do as a human that would disconnect you from your divinity.Any sense of disconnection comes from you in your human perception.Therefore as you are moving through your days, again we go back to that space where you feel good, where you feel yourself in the flow, you feel like things are happening, there's movement, there's action and then again something pushes you off.

If you acknowledge ‘Yep, I've been pushed off but I choose to come back around into my space of self-love and acceptance'.Then you find yourself right back in that balance and that alignment with your divinity.

It's not necessarily a matter of if you get pushed off, but when and for how long.You will find that you stay in that space for less and less periods of time the more that you have accommodated your divinity.Feel it move through and open to the feeling. You may say it in your heart, in your mind or out loud - ‘ I love and accept myself because I am that I am'.

Feel the energy move through you, feel how good it is to know that you are within that space.On this day as so many have focused upon ascension, I support each one of you in whatever your path is following.I encourage you to find a means that is with ease; I encourage you to find a way that you feel open, comfortable and good about loving yourself.

The last aspect that I will speak about tonight in regards to this ascension is the lightbody energies.Feel their energies move through you.You have your own aspect of that energy; you have created an alignment.

So as you consciously choose to reach out towards the lightbody energies and as you consciously allow for them to move through you - you as your consciousness, you as your physical self with your mental, emotional and spiritual aspects - you find it's another way of solidifying your ascension.

The lightbody energies are the alignment with the crystalline; they are the alignment with your expanded DNA.They're your alignment with the sixth and seventh dimensions.They're your alignment as you ascend to these higher vibrations within your daily life.

Allow yourself to feel the flow, feel the open acceptance of what that is for you.You find that as you move through this transition more and more of your physical essence is becoming transparent.This too is a part of the ascension process.Look at your life without limits.Look at your life as integrating as much of your divinity as you possibly can.Work with your lightbody energies as you assist this integration.

Feel where you are right now and know that everything is in motion and where you are now is but a stepping-stone to where you will be in days, weeks, months or years.It's all good because it is that it is.

So with that, beloved family, come back together as a group.Feel your energies as you create somewhat of a loose circle.As this occurs have a sense of seeing a hologram of the Earth and Ariellis, also known as the New Earth, as they come up within this group.As you look at these holograms you may have a sense of the transformation that's taking place within each space.

I invite you to infuse your experience tonight, your deeper alignment with your lightbody energies and your divinity into this hologram.It's as if sparkles and beams of multi-colored lights radiate out as this gets transmitted within.

You then have a sense of seeing these holograms, they move through space and time until they align with the crystalline grid.As they do so it's as if a shift takes place, with Ariellis moving towards Ariellis and Earth's hologram moving towards the Earth.Each one merges with the physical Earth and we focus upon the Earth and this hologram going within.It goes inside until it encounters the center or the core essence of the Earth itself.

There is a sense of linking with the crystals and then everything that you transmitted into that hologram begins to radiate out through the Earth itself.This is another means that the Earth has allowed or integrated so as to be able to ascend.Feel your own energies as they come back up within and around you.And then it continues to flow.

Let your consciousness shift. You may find yourself coming back within the All That Is, but now there is an excitement to return to your physical body, to return to your physical reality so that you can more fully experience everything that took place during this journey.You may feel yourself shifting through the soul plane.

You feel that increased flow with your divinity that is open and moves back and forth with ease, and you allow your consciousness to shift, moving into the crystalline grid.

As you find yourself blending within this space, you have a sense of letting your consciousness merge as it moves backwards.You have a sense of blending with the magnetic grid as once more you feel this space, this energy, this pathway.

This shift in perception from when you were here as you went out on the journey and as you come back is a very evident way to show you just how much of an impact you have not only upon yourself but upon the Earth.

Once more, have a sense of shifting.This time you feel yourself as you come down within the Earth.As you are here within this space you begin to feel and become conscious of your physical body.As this energy continues to integrate feel the flow of your divinity as it moves within and around you.

As your divinity continues to flow I invite you to consciously put forth that sense of self-love.As you invite self-love to come within you, see what that feels like.The majority of you already feel this to a degree. Let's now shift it into unconditional self-love.

What that means is you realise that you are human, you realise that as a human things happen in your daily life but you choose to accept yourself no matter what is happening.And by accepting yourself you feel compassion, you feel love, you feel awareness.

As you consider what you seek to have, be it in regards to your ascension process or your daily life or everything, recognise where you are when you are here in the space of self-love and acceptance.And then send that vibration that flow, that awareness out towards the Universe, your Earth plane, your existence and everyone that you come into contact with.

As you do this begin to feel yourself and be comfortable with your physical body.As you are becoming comfortable with your body, allow your energies to begin to ground.Feel what this means to you, feel your sense of awareness.In this regards the All That Is, is not so very far away.

As you are coming back within the conference room I invite you to press *7 upon your phone and this will bring you into the queue so that I may speak with you about any questions that you may have.

[For those people on the call there were a number of technical glitches at this time.It was 20 minutes before they were resolved which is why there are so few questions.]

Question: I have a question, my name is Peggy.I have been having considerable nerve damage that results in great pain and tremendous heat.I have to stand in front of a fan to cool myself off.It happens like hot flashes but worse.Sometimes it happens 2 or 3 times a day and at night, it's just making my life terribly uncomfortable.

Answer:As far as the heat, that feels different than the nerves that you are talking about.The heat does feel like menopause type symptoms.How old are you? Do you mind if I ask?

I just turned 84!

Eighty four and a revisiting of hot flashes there, huh?

More so because it makes my feet not numb, but the atrophy feeling, it's like they are attacking and my feet are stiff.In fact I moved from where I was upstairs to downstairs and my legs are getting tremendously hot now.(um hmm) I also have pneumonia; I just got out of the hospital last week, so I get short of breath also.A lot of doctors don't want to handle me, they say I'm too complicated (Okay) I'm sensitive to the drugs they give me.

Okay, Okay. So what I need to say. As far as the nerve problem and the heat you are feeling it feels as if there is blocked energy throughout your body.It feels like there have been a number of separate individual type illnesses or type processes that we see going on with your body.It's like one part of your body is not communicating with the other part of the body.We can't spend too much time here because we know others are waiting, but what we will do for you is invite you to take a deep breath in and breathe down into your heart center.As you do that, as you focus on your heart expanding and moving outward; consciously let our energies flow up and down through you.It's like a circle that gets bigger and bigger and bigger.It clears out everything within you.We consciously put forth the intention that there will be a flow of energy that moves through.It feels to us as if even your chakras are disconnected from one another because of this lack of flow.So if you will focus on consciously letting the energy and vibration circling through and around your body.You can do this by taking deep breaths in through your lungs, through your heart and consciously move throughout the rest of your body.This is the way of increasing the flow of energy as it moves through you. If you will then consciously focus on each of your chakra centers as being open and radiating energy as a transmitter in that form, we sense that will help number 1with the hot flashes because that feels very much like disconnect inside. But we also think that when that is flowing better, the nerve damage you are feeling in your feet is also going to improve for you because it will then be that there is a great flow of energy and circulation going through your legs and that will help with the symptoms on your feet.Alright beloved?

Yes, will that help the lack of circulation as far as blood flow? It goes out but doesn't want to come back up.

Exactly so by focusing on feeling the flow of energy moving through you, it doesn't mean it goes out and stays out there; it goes out and comes back, goes out and comes back. The flow is not just one direction; it's a continuous movement through your entire body.We see that this is going to help relieve some of those symptoms.We feel there are many things going on with you this is but one step that will help you to feel better.

So I just concentrate on deep breathing into my heart.

If you consider your heart as it beats the blood through your body; let that consciousness and focus from your heart move throughout your body, move throughout your bloodstream.

Okay, thank you very much.

You are welcome.

Question: I have a question about moving forward in a career and finances at the same time discovering this joy in Reiki healing. I don't know what to call it, it feels like channeling but when I was practicing Reiki I felt all these things that I wanted to tell the people I was practicing on about their next step, what they could do to heal themselves, what different things they could do about eating or activities or things like that.I shared it with them and it seemed to resonate with them.I am just wondering about a possible career, focusing on that for my future, acting and moving on.My question is kind of vague here.

Answer:Well actually you are asking a number of different things here.We want to address the Reiki since you talked of that at length.Reiki is a means of channeling energy.When you are giving a Reiki treatment to someone you are the conduit and that energy is coming from the universe moving through you and into the patient.Therefore it's very common to receive information about that patient because you are there, you are open, you are in a place to receive. This is what we see is very much a part of what is going to be happening to you in your future.Whether you decide to do acting, energy healing, any type of work you decide to do; by being in the flow of the universal energy, letting it come through you and hearing the voices and the information, the energy; will all assist you no matter what you are doing. Just as you are able to convey to a person whatever you are working on, so too you can convey that information to yourself.We see that it's not that you have blocked things in the past, it feels as if you have been somewhat distracted or trying to figure out how to do everything at the same time.You absolutely can if you so choose!But we would also say to you that if you let your focus be on drawing that energy through you, letting it flow through you in whatever form it needs to and then seeing what comes to your awareness, what allows you to focus that intention and then see whatever insights are there for you.Alright?

Yes, thank you!

You're welcome.

Question: I have a question related to that Sandra.(She meant Shelly.)I have been in the healing profession for 17 or 18 years.Recently like within the past month, I have put it on a back burner and gone back into the mainstream to return to work.I am wondering if you can speak to that for me. It feels like the next thing, but I am wondering if I will ever get back to what I was doing before in the way that I had originally intended.

Answer: we think the reason that all shifted for you is because you had run your path in the way that you originally set it up and originally put forth your intention.Our sense in looking at this is that it's time for you to begin to look at the energy work you were doing from a different perspective; one that includes consciously expanding your vibration and consciously moving into a new dimension.We know that's a little bit vague, but the sense we get is that you've been doing something and it's time to change.There's a part of you that says you don't really know what to do, this is what you've always enjoyed, I really love this kind of work.What that was doing was bringing up short your creative process.It came to the point where we get a sense of shorting out.From the shorting out you decided to go back to main stream because I know I can count on the income and then try to figure it out in the future.No you we don't see you staying in the mainstream for long, only perhaps 6 months or a year, maybe even less than that.You are in the process of creating this change within your own self that allows for this higher integration of not only the energy work you were doing before but new and different modalities.It feels as if there is something you have created that is a blend of different things. It involves crystals, it involves colors, it involves light, it involves tones; many different things.It feels as if you are in the process of bringing this into a new place or a new perspective.By allowing yourself to let that flow and let the creativity move through you in whatever way it does, you will find that you will get back around to that in a very short period of time.Does that resonate with you?

It does, it really resonates with me, it's very confirming. Do you have any suggestions of how I can manage my energy of working in a mainstream setting so that I am able to nurture this creative thing that is getting ready to surface?

Well we think that number 1, as you've gone back into mainstream you have a little bit been kicking yourself about it; ‘gosh, I guess I couldn't succeed' ‘I must have been doing something wrong'. It's as if it's a negative thing to go back into mainstream work.What we would like you to do about this is first of all recognize it's not a negative, it's not a failure.It's not anything at all like that. It is simply where you are right now as a means of making ends meet in your life.It is just going in another direction.Then if you do that first and number 2 you step into more of a place of enjoying this type of work, enjoying being back in the work force, enjoying everything that that has to offer you.Then when you come and say ‘okay now I'm going to do my play time, I'm going to set aside time for myself and begin to see what insights come to me'. We see you journaling, we see you practicing different things and working on people because we sense you still have a few clients you see.As you work with them in particular, but also as you work for yourself and on yourself; then you will see what direction you need to go.Does that resonate with you?

Yes, you have made it very clear.Thank you.

You are welcome!

Question: I have talked to you about the same problem I have had for quite a while now.I am raising my vibration a lot.As I do that, the other side ramps up against me! I am not just attracting random negativity, it's an opposition here.I am asking at this point for a divine intervention.I really don't know what else to do but continue to work on myself and hope I survive.

Answer:we are unclear where this is coming from and why it continues to persist with you.On the journey tonight when we spoke of being outside of that place of complete love and acceptance of yourself that is when that resistance will come in. When you have the feelings that you have, the attacks or that type of energy that is pulling down or back or into that other space it's coming in and aligning with an aspect of you that allows it to come into being.What we would say to you is that the more that you..... and that is part of the example of what I was speaking of when I mentioned how your perception of things and as you looked around at came from that place of fear, pain or sorrow.That's what generates that place of disconnection from your divinity or the perception of disconnection.So as you keep ramping up your vibration and as you keep integrating higher aspects of yourself and divinity yet this keeps remaining there pulling you back and pulling you down it's because there is something within you that is not being nurtured and nourished because it does create this resistance.We will blend with you; we will move through you, we will assist in releasing anything that is masking this from you so that you can have that much greater awareness within yourself.It may sound crazy, but anytime you feel that attack if you will go into a place of loving, honoring and nurturing yourself.The way you will do that is breathing deeply and breathing in your divinity, letting it move through you in every aspect.That is how you are bringing in more of your divinity. Instead of trying to ignore or fight something, you are now trying to love and nurture it. Does that resonate with you?

Yes, but what's happening and it's happening to a lot of people, I'm not the only one.The dark side, just to call it that for simplicity; they have a lot of different means that they can use.Some of it is artificial and can override my vibration I think but I don't know if that's possible with the larger energy.

We disagree.It cannot be possible.If your vibration is such.... Pause for a download....

It's okay, I know what you are going to say.

We simply do not agree with that.There is something within you that is allowing that to come in.Simply calling it the dark side and you bring in the light makes a split. It's a judgment of dark/ light; good/bad; hurts/ not.All of that is the type of energy that keeps you in separation and keeps you apart from your divinity.That's why if you consider it the dark side then flow the energy of love and acceptance to the ‘dark side'.If it's a low enough vibration-Shelly has experienced this and we have experienced it through Shelly when we work with individuals-we just flow the beautiful, unconditional love of divinity and the dark side as you call it or that lower vibration can't stand it, it doesn't like it, it just goes away.The light will make that dark side uncomfortable.It keeps coming back because there is something inside of you for it to align with.

Okay, I realize that it isn't really dark if it makes me evolve faster.It's very hard for me to be articulate after going on these journeys because they are so formless and beautiful.

Right, so coming back we would say just love the pain so to speak, love whatever it is that comes in.Whether you even think of it as love, acceptance or something else; just keeping it in that nameless form of that place where you go on these journeys it will burn it out.It will keep it from coming back within.But if you find yourself in the place of pain and resistance; it will keep it hanging on.

Let us just flow an energy through you.We will send through this bolus of light and we are going to let it go through you and assist you in clearing out. We can see that this feels like it's based in fear and old belief systems. So if you will, go through and work on that for yourself.Work with releasing it through compassion, loving and honoring, you will find that it will happen less and less until it no longer bothers you.



So for everybody I remind you to take in that opportunity to breathe into yourself; your divinity.Breathe in your self-love and awareness as simply that - your divinity flowing through you.You need not give it a name, or a shape, or a form or anything. Simply feel it as the flow and let it move through you doing whatever it may do.

I am ever with you and within.


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Where is Your Nirvana?

Posted: 08 Apr 2010 12:44 PM PDT

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry Creations.com

Dear Ones,

Let us look at an issue you have tried to ignore. Many of you feel as if you have done all that is required of you and yet you have not achieved nirvana. What is wrong? Or more to the point of this piece – what have you done wrong?

Absolutely nothing. Most historical shifts were not brought about instantaneously but as a process. And even those most involved, questioned their direction and their intent. So it is with you.

You expected your life to shift instantaneously from pain to joy. And so it has. But not in the sense that you anticipated.

You are composed of numerous layers, if you will. And each layer is adapting to the recent energy shifts in their own fashion. Let us be a bit more descriptive. Perhaps you try to put out the flames in a burning building with your hands. Your adrenaline will most likely prevent you from feeling pain, even though your mind might register that putting your hands into the fire is not the best idea. So your mind is thinking one thing, your inner being is encouraging you to do another and your physical being has not yet registered the damage and thereby the pain to your body. All of the aforementioned parts of you are instrumental in your daily activities, yet not all have a similar “computer chip” if you will.

It is quite possible for your mind to think one thing and your body to do another. Or for your inner being to calmly direct you to a specific activity which your mind overrides. You have all experienced similar actions and reactions throughout your life on earth. Yet, you have not yet acknowledged that such might be the case for your movement into joy.

Your physical being is not as strong or stable in terms of energy impulses as is your inner being, your soul. Directional shifts are therefore most frequently registered and implemented from a soul/inner being level before they are activated by your physical being.

Perhaps such thoughts sound  like “hooey” but we wish to address it in a fashion that you may not have yet acknowledged to yourself.

What if your newfound joy life had happened overnight? Does that last thought not sound absolutely delightful? Yet, if such would have occurred, your life would have shifted as dramatically as is true of a time traveler traveling hundreds of years into the future. Let us explain.

We have told you that the new energies, the New Age would happen rapidly and such is the case. But it is not happening so rapidly that you feel like a “stranger in a strange land.” Your inner being, your soul is fully aware that even though the process seems slow by your standards, it is much more rapid than you can now comprehend. You are indeed moving at warp speed, but at a speed that is not beyond what your physical body can maintain.

We have told you that movement into  joy would shift many of your relationships. We have also told you that you will be able to create in joy whenever and wherever you wish. Both statements are true. It is just that your physical body could not make the changes as rapidly as is true for your inner being. Your inner being has shifted. But your physical being needs a bit of time to catch up.

It is not possible for you physically to move from pain to joy and all that entails in a second, a day or even a month. But it is possible in a few months. Let us give you two examples of inner being shifts that indicate that your world is moving rapidly into the New Age and all that it entails. The United States elected a Black president and that president was instrumental in passing a healthcare platform that has long been discussed but not possible before now.

Neither President Obama nor the healthcare bill are perfect. But both indicate a paradigm shift that could only be discussed in whispers a few years ago. Of course, some people view both President Obama and the healthcare bill as a step backwards. That is neither here nor there. We are not proposing specific legislation or a particular candidate. We merely wish to point out that both new directions indicate your inner beings are working in unison for solutions that were only dreamed of a few short months ago.

This shift is not about good and evil. It is instead about a cohesive movement into joy that starts with your inner being, which in turn joins with other inner beings of a mutual interest, and moves into your physical life when your physical body is capable of undertaking the trauma of such a shift.

Many of you are stating quite clearly that you are strong, brave and true so “bring it on.” Such thoughts are delightful – but the reality is that your physical body needs more adjustment time than any other layer of your total being. Allow yourself to move into joy at a pace that is correct for you. If that means you decide to move to an island in the Pacific Ocean tomorrow, that is fine and good. And if that means that you wish to remain connected to all of those you hold dear in your heart no matter whether they are living in pain or joy, that is also fine.

There are no rules now. More specifically, it is time for you to let go of rules of how fast and how far you should move into the New Age. You are trying diligently to clear yourself of beliefs and patterns that have held you captive for eons. Why would you wish to exchange those rules for new ones? Allow yourself to flow. Allow your inner voice to direct you. And you will move at a pace that is correct for you.

There are no time frames that you must accept. You are not a terrible person if you do not find the need to sell all of your possessions and leave your community. And you are not a terrible person if you decide to stay in your community, holding a job you only tolerate. Listen to your inner being and it will help you move at a pace that is correct for you.

Such has been the case for every major shift. The writers of the United States Constitution did not all wake up one day knowing that they were going to be instrumental in a revolution with international implications.

And so it is for you. Listen to your inner voice and you will move at a pace and in the direction that is correct for you. There are no other guidelines. There are no rules. So be it. Amen.

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A New Meaning for The Polar Shift and the End of Time

Beloved ones, I Am this Love that flows into your life right now and sings into your heart your purpose as the perfect expression of this Love I Am, unique and beautiful in every way.

I create for you an experience of God that lifts you up and opens you that you might be these wings of Love extending into the world to fulfill the call of Love's outreach and the fulfillment of Love's purpose that is you.

The pulses of Love now inundate the world and call to your heart so powerfully that your heart rises up and opens, dear ones, regardless of what you are perceiving right now in your experience of life through the mind.

What I call you to now is to attune to your heart in the deepest and most reverent way, that you might be fully aware of the awakening of Love that rushes right now to uplift you and to sing you forth as My celebration of life -- My very own shout of "Hallelujah! Life is endlessly perfect and glorious, and so too, beloved ones, are you!"

This world is changing -- or so it seems -- in so many ways. But what is really changing is that your hearts are calling you to make a turn so powerful that it changes your whole orientation to life and takes your focus away completely from the world that the mind creates.

Until now you have perceived a world of separation from Me, separation from the Love that is your truth. This has manifested as seeing your life as happening outside of you, as experiences of the world that then "happen" to you. It has meant seeing your Love as outside of yourself as well, perceiving it as needing to come to you through another person. It has meant perceiving your livelihood, your sustenance as coming from that which you do in the world, again.

It has also meant perceiving Me as something that you must find, search for through many different avenues when in truth I Am the Love of which you are made, in which you reside and which gives you life dynamic and whole, now.

So this shift, this change, this call to your heart will turn you around to find Love through the instrument of perceiving the unity of God which is your hearts in all their glory. In this turn you will come to experience yourself in such a different way, I cannot describe it to you. Yet already your heart begins to give you glimpses of this ecstasy and the miracle of life being expressed brand new, through you, as the pure vehicle of Love without limits.

This is a change in orientation from looking outside through the mind to living within through the heart. The mind is the tool created to uphold the perception of being separate from Love. What it sees as dramatic or sometimes traumatic events in the world before us, the heart sees quite differently.

Thus, what the mind sees as dramatic (and sometimes traumatic) events that will affect you through the world outside, the heart sees as a shift within, to experiencing life as unity. What the ego fears as cataclysm, the heart will show you as an explosion of ecstasy as your heart connects you to the glorious life you are in Me.

So the idea now circulating through the collective consciousness of humankind of the Earth shifting on its axis is a perfect analogy for the turn to the heart. In truth, it is not happening outside of you, dear ones, It is happening through this call from within.

This shift when seen or interpreted through the ego-mind has also been seen as the end of time. And it is! It is the return to the pure presence of Love, to the Vertical state of life where you are alive in the present, and receiving your life from Me directly, where you accept the gifts of Love. You move forth perfectly as part of this living flow of the outreach of the Love I Am as you.

It is time to make this turn, to make the shift to your heart that your heart might show you the life of unity in which everything is seamlessly woven of Love and given life in each Now Moment perfectly. The rush of Love and the Will of the Love I Am gives itself forth endlessly to multiply the blessings of Creation through the heart of Love which is you, dear ones. Accept this gift. Allow this shift and let your hearts be activated. Bring this into expression as a blessing that all might return to this wholeness.

Let the polar shift occur, beloved ones. Let Love call you to turn your life around, to shift your perception so dramatically that your experience of life is completely different. Let the single eye of the heart, the eye of unity begin to show you the world that Love creates, that is held in the embrace of this endless, dynamic, magnificent life I Am and is felt as the outreach of this streaming life, this joy of Love that is your heart flowering to make itself known, to make manifest the gifts of God.

When you allow your heart to be the center of your life, when you step free from the realm of time and mind, then this rush of Love, this pulsation of joy, this ecstasy of creation becomes embodied as you and knows itself as Love being extended as God meets God in every moment, in every experience of life.

Let time fall away in the realm of the heart as you fly free from every limitation, from every way that you have settled for the dream of separation from this whole and holy experience of life in which you are the energies of Creation made manifest as the outreach of Love giving of itself in endless ways.

Can you feel Love rushing through you now and can you feel its message: that if you allow it to carry you, not only will it open your way but will bring with this flow every provision of life that you might be this celebration of joy in every way.

As you shift, as you turn, as you allow the flip, as your heart becomes your avenue of experience, then you recognize from deep within that your livelihood means life in Me, given to you directly with each breath, rather than coming from somewhere outside of you in the world. It bubbles up and rushes forth from within through the open doorway of your heart.

So My call now is to the fulfillment of Love's purpose, and every heart in the world is responding. The question is will you allow the heart to be what guides you? What speaks to you, what shows you your reality? Or will you settle for the limitations of the mind and a life perceived as separate from you?

As you allow the heart to be who you are, your instrument of perception, that through which you live, all divisions will fall away and your life becomes truly a sampling endlessly of the banquet of Love. Each experience in every day is an experience of coming into the heart's temple and worshiping the God of Love I Am in everything, as everything your heart touches. Each blessed being that stands in this flow will see truly the lilies in My field, hearts in the field of God that is the endless and perfect cosmos -- that drink the rain of Spirit and live on the waters of Love.

One moment washed in your hearts magnetic flow can bring the active awareness of what is happening to the person's heart before you. Dear ones, Love will have its way and Love is gentle, sweet and tender. Love is My arms that wrap everything and show to every life its perfection.

But until you allow the turn to Me, allow the shift from the ego to the heart, it is as if you are standing with your back to the sun and all that is before you lies in shadow. It is difficult to see, so the mind makes up what it wants to. But the heart always knows the truth of Love, and receives its true identity as My heart continually as you are funded from the treasure house of God with all the creative energy that I Am, seeking to be expressed through you in your unique and perfect way.

Let Me promise you that if you will let go of the old way of seeing your reality…if you will release the perceptions of the ego mind, release, dear ones, the dream of duality and let your heart have its way -- then even as you feel your world turn upside down, even as you feel that polar shift, I will be with you every moment and will shift your experience into ecstasy, into joy as you have never known it, if you will trust Me. This I promise you.

Trusting Me is difficult for the ego, while it is natural, effortless for the heart. So if you find yourself, beloved ones, feeling fearful at all, then you know you must make the shift, the choice to move into your heart's reality where Love is the only experience, and it is wonderful.

To do so, dear ones, may take practice, for you have lived through the mind for so long. Yet the shift to the heart is now imperative. So I ask you to place your focus on becoming ready by exercising your ability to fall into My arms, to give yourself to Me and to Love, to let your heart open and inform you that life is filled with grace and endless joy and the heart's reality is the only true one. And this I promise you also.

If you were about to go on a physical expedition and your life depended on your body's strength, you would exercise. You would do strength training. You would feed your body well, and you would put effort continually into being prepared. Your life certainly doesn't depend on making this shift. Life is yours forever, eternally. But your experience of this change that is happening most definitely depends on your ability to be ready to make this shift to the instrument of the perception of only Love.

Therefore, beloved ones, please take the time, put forth the effort to practice softly giving your life to Me, sinking into your heart and feeling it, and letting your heart begin to communicate your reality. Do this even if at first it is only the tiniest of glimpses. With every moment that you choose your heart, you open yourself to the living flow of Love. You open yourself to the life that I Am, rushing forth Now as you.

You open yourself to the experience of the reality of Love that embraces your identity as the heart of God, and you become fully aware of this unity and joy. With it you come to know the feelings of ecstasy -- with it, the awareness that you are a Twin Flame of Love.

You are truly the Double Helix of God that holds within you the living codes of all Creation, waiting to be expressed as Love's blessing through the artistry of your uniqueness -- that this grand explosion of life can become My experience of what joy is, and the constant expansion of the purpose of Love which is giving.

I Am with you and this is the gift and the mystery. We are one life and we also have this tenderness, this relationship where you are constantly informed of your perfection and your ability to bring Love forth as the reality of an ever-expanding experience of God. Let your heart bring you this perfection Now, until your heart is so alive and so expansive that your ego, your mind is fully encompassed by it and then becomes the pure conduit of inspiration and the unfolding vision of the perfection I Am.

Let this breath be the beginning.

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