Tag: reference (page 2 of 8)

Cosmic Awareness Newsletter 2012-01


7 March 2012

Channeler: Will Berlinghof

Well...Anasazi1 just made me realize that there was no Cosmic Awareness message posted here recently,so here's the most recent one avaiable right one,as the CAC newsletter is for mem...

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July 2010: Divergence

a message from Polaris channeled by Karen Murphy

Saturday, 10 July, 2010 

We spoke last month about a divergence in energy — internal vs. external — which continues on in the present...

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7 July 2010 - 1:57pm

Channeler: Maureen Moss

Wow! What a time to be alive on Planet Earth. It's daunting and exciting all at the same time isn't it? On some days it feels like a liberating free fall into the ...

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Healing the Waters, Healing the World

5 July 2010 - 12:22pm

body {background-image:url("/files/background/Kjetil-Skogli2.jpg"); background-repeat:repeat; background-attachment:scroll; background-position:center}




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4 July 2010 - 11:10am

Channeler: Blossom Goodchild

July 4, 2010

Blossom: Good morning to you. I wonder if I could bring up the issue of the ‘activation’ in our last communication? Many experienced ...

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Nassim Haramein in Australia

Dear Supporters,

Nassim Haramein is coming to Australia! He will be speaking at the upcoming Nexus conference as well as several other events and workshops in July and August. Please see the following information for dates and locations...

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2 July 2010 - 1:31pm

Channeler: Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

July 1, 2010


In the past few mailings I have been discussing the opportunity that is being provided this summe...

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An Electromagnetic Storm

15 June 2010 - 11:44am

 Channeler: Jennifer Hoffman

Monday, 14 June, 2010  (posted 15 June, 2010)

Do you know that our angels and guides are around us all of the time, giving us hints, support an...

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Messages for Mankind -The Crown of the Universe

1 July 2010 - 2:39am

Channeler: Samantha von Daniken - The Magicians Daughter

Messages for Mankind -The Crown of the Universe

Channeler: Samantha von Daniken-The Magicians Daughter 25th June 2010 ...

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Archeological Find of the Millennium!

Washed out by the recent rains, I came across this artefact this morning on the way to work. It was found near a pasture, with grazing cows and all, but definitely did not originate with this species. For that, optical corrosion dating indicates it was there for far too long:


more later, still writing as research continues.....

Preliminary Conclusion:

This must be what we would like to call Junk Transformer DNA: The striplike configuration and repetitive pattern indicate a tendence to return to their former spiral shape. However, logic dictates that in order to reach a higher information density, the material needs to be spatially folded rather than torqued. Normal biological DNA would leave by far too much space unused, so it stands to reason that this mechanical form of DNA is no longer helical but linear in shape, with regular indentations to allow for folding at specific intervals. 

Notice please the symbolic numeral codes used, and their self-similarity in the left digits:

These codes are numerical, and decimal. We would gather that this race has not yet reached it's full potential, since higher compression rates are definitely achievable using higher cardinality, or just larger character sets. Since these codes just increment regularly, we figure this particular strain of DNA does not have any significant function within the grander scheme of things.

The dark holes on the left are obviously start markers, indicating where the higher values can be found.  The fold at the right side indicates a halfway reference, signifying to the double redundancy these systems are equipped with. On the back there are similar markings for the backup system. 

We are excited at the prospect of trying to clone this system from the remaining partial codes. Our knowledge that the Cosmos is fractal and holographic, we figure that enough information can be gleamed off the sample to facilitate reconstruction....

(S)He'll be back !

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This site runs on Pivot, a great little piece of assorted open source that enables us all to stay in touch. The version installed at moorelife is very synchronistically codenamed 'Dreadwind'. To you, that may read as 'Dread Wind', as it will to most of the sheeple. But at the same time, it is a very personal message to me: 'Dré add Wind'!

So I guess that is what I'm doing: fanning the flames of ever wanting to get higher and higher, in a space of Relativity, where no known reference points exist other than the center, and that's not even the center of Gravity! And the only thing I'm achieving? Nothing, since the sail and me are on the same boat...... 

So I'll just grab another coffee and a piece of apple pie, and be done with it!

Love going NowHere....


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The Importance of Alignment ~ Channeled Message by Archangel Gabriel

Channeler: Shelley Young

We understand that you wish to examine what is going on with the some enlightening human beings at this time. We are hearing that many are falling into despair. They are bone weary, soul weary if you will, and wonder where on earth they will find the energy to go on. Our answer is nowhere! You will not find the energy on earth to continue, however, through aligning with the endless spiritual supports that are in place, you will be able to navigate this quite beautifully.

We understand that this is a play on words. However, we wish to point out that if you are looking around you on the earth for support, that is not where it exists. It exists in your alignment with Source. Do you see? All of the loving supports are in place for you. You have worked hard to move yourself into this alignment yet many choose to step slightly out of it. When you are in your highest alignment you understand that there is nothing to do but just Be. You understand that everything is divinely perfect and you can observe without being unpleasantly effected by what is going on around you. By being in alignment, you choose to take that higher perspective that brings peace and love, acceptance and excitement for the change energies that are swirling around.

Now if you have, for whatever reason, stepped out of your highest alignment, you will find yourselves very uncomfortable indeed. When you are out of your highest alignment you lose your sense of Creator Self. You fall into the illusion that things can be wrong or bad. You lose sight of the purpose of the wonderful process that is going on around you. Sadly, you lose your view of the beauty and the sense of love and support that is always available to you. You buy into the illusion. It is so unnecessary, Dear Ones.

This is an amazing process that is happening on the earth right now. You have chosen to be here, to experience this. It is a great highlight to your existence. You planned for this. You were filled with the excitement of the potentials of the planet when you were planning this life expression. Most of you couldn’t wait to come in and have this experience. There is no way that you ever would have chosen more than you can handle. It will only feel that way if you allow yourself to step out of your highest alignment.

People will ask, well Gabriel, how do we do that? Give us the steps, give us the instructions. It is very simple, Dear Ones. You get there by choosing it. We tell you to simply Be. This instruction is dissatisfying to many. They say that it is too simple. We laugh at this because in it’s simplicity, it seems like it is a very difficult thing for the enlightening human being to do! We say, do whatever brings you joy. Again, this advice gets dismissed.

In reality dear ones, when you are just Being, you are allowing yourselves to align. When you choose activities that bring you joy, it is through that joyful activity that you align. When you allow yourself to stay in your highest alignment, you will not only see things from the higher perspective where everything is divinely perfect; you will also be embracing your Creator Self. And while you are doing this, you will be doing exactly what you came here to do which is supporting the planet and each other during these amazing and unprecedented times.

Honor yourselves, Dear Ones! Just for a second allow yourselves to see yourselves as we see you, shining in your light and integrity, your courage and your love. Take a moment to see, truly see, how far you have come in the last year, five years, ten years of your time.

Nothing can be wrong in this process because you are the ones who are creating it! And you truly are doing it magnificently. It is simple, Dear Ones. Do not make it more complicated than it needs to be. You have an entire universe supporting you and cheering you on. This is all we have for you today.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Transcribed by Terri DeMarco

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