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Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 1 June 2018


Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 1 June 2018

Mike Quinsey
The space around you seems empty yet because there are many levels

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Mike Quinsey ~ Channeling his Higher Self ~ 30 March 2018


Mike Quinsey ~ Channeling his Higher Self ~ 30 March 2018

The vibrations are picking up quite quickly and are already having an effect that

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Mike Quinsey ~ Channeling his Higher Self ~ 23 March 2018


Mike Quinsey ~ Channeling his Higher Self ~ 23 March 2018

For some time now much has been happening behind the scenes, and if anything

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Mike Quinsey ~ Channeling his Higher Self ~ 16 March 2018


Mike Quinsey ~ Channeling his Higher Self ~ 16 March 2018

Be assured that all goes well and although it is chaotic in some countries.

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SaLuSa | September 10, 2010


There it was, hidden in alphabetical order. – Rita Holt

SaLuSa | September 10, 2010

Let no one deny you your rights to your own beliefs, but honor another soul who has chosen a different path. It should be possible to exist side by side, without causing issues that bring about confrontation. It may be hard at times to observe others who follow their faith that involves persecution of their own kind. However, it must be borne in mind, that all souls are following a path that they have chosen for themselves. It is therefore important that you do not interfere with them, even although your motives may be of the highest order. You experience what is necessary for your spiritual evolution, and there are no exceptions to it. So Dear Ones, you may ask how are you to deal with such a situation, and the answer is simply by example. If you believe that by doing so you can influence another person for the better, that is as much as you can do.

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SaLuSa 19-April-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

We inform you so often that all is proceeding well and we really mean it, as you cannot know the full extent to which our allies and us are preparing a path for the many changes. There is an ongoing thrust to force a number of issues to be resolved, so that those charged with making important announcements feel safe to do so. There are certainly opportunities approaching that will strengthen the hand of our allies, and the energy with it is extremely powerful and will lead to the expected and required action. Each week that passes sees another step forward taken, and the announcement that is awaited draws ever closer. It is time to bring out the truth of your many Space friends and their links with Earth, and this will trigger many related issues that are hidden from you. It will also be instrumental in revealing who is behind the attempts to prevent you learning the truth, and also their reasons for doing so. The fight for control over you has gone on for a long time, and the dark ones were nearly successful. Fortunately, events have been used to limit the opportunities of the Illuminati to achieve any further progress towards their goal. They are struggling to maintain their stance, yet still plot to cause you chaotic conditions. However, they will not be able to achieve as much as they intended, as we are always limiting the likely effect of their covert actions.

Our allies are spread around the world which is very useful to our efforts to promote our own agenda. We have a number of options where the announcement is concerned, and in the ultimate it may come from a least expected source. What is certain is that it has become very near to being broadcast, and is one of the most important steps that we will be taken on your behalf. It has never been our wish that the truth is forced upon you, but we do want to feed you with information that will lessen the inevitable shock that some will experience. Not everyone is ready to have his or her beliefs shattered by learning too much, too quickly.

In recent years we have been able to influence your media and television programs. We have successfully been able to have our presence shown in such a way, that it reflects more truthfully what we are about and our peaceful approach to you. We have a mission that regardless of any interference carried out will proceed as planned, and we are motivated by our love and service to Mankind. You are for the moment like our children, but you will grow up at an exceedingly fast pace. The more you move into the Light, the more you are reaching up to the levels that we are from. It is our place to ensure that you travel the path to Ascension, and that all preparations are completed in time to include Mother Earth.

Each week that passes by is also another opportunity for you to raise your vibrations, as from outside of your Earth streams of high energy are being beamed to you. It is an ongoing process and you can so to say go with the flow, and be gradually uplifted so that you are ready when Ascension takes place. Simply do not allow yourselves to become actively involved in the negativity around you, but instead send it your Light and Love. You are becoming more powerful in this way, and perhaps have yet to realize your true potential. It applies for example to the healing of Self or others, and if you feel competent why not put your skills to the test. Become a channel of Light, and allow it to flow from you as you direct it into the aura of the person concerned. That is a very simple way to transfer healing energy to another one, or even animal if that is your desire. Accompany your healing with a mantra or prayer for help from a Master or Angel, and they will empower you.

You have untold powers that will come to you as you approach the end time, and you will take these with you and advance them to even higher levels. Healing for example would become instantaneous by the power of thought. Your creative skills will enable you to manifest exactly whatever you need, by pure thought. It will be the same when you need to move somewhere else, and that will also come through the use of thought. Even now you use such power, but you most likely have little or no idea of what you are really doing. Think of it this way, that whatever you place your focus upon will respond, and of course it can be for a positive or negative reasons. This is why you must guard against wishing harm to another person, as if you are responsible for something of that nature it will at sometime surely return to you. This is particularly true where you are dealing with those who are sufficiently advanced, to place protection around themselves. That person can be you if you remember to keep yourself surrounded by Light, and visualize it as a cocoon in which your body safely resides.

Your spiritual journey of many lives is reaching its end where duality is concerned. However, it will still continue with Ascension, and you will never stop learning as you make your way through the higher dimensions. That will take you further along your evolutionary path, until you reach the Source. You have all but finished the difficult bit by finding your way through the challenges of duality, and it has been a most trying time reaching up for the Light. Understanding the purpose of life is most important, and a step forward that moves you firmly onto your spiritual path. Also, accepting the Oneness of all life will raise you up to a point of higher conscious awareness. You can then express it by sharing your love and Light with all life forms. You will see things in a new light and separatism will no longer be something you contribute to, and it becomes redundant to your thinking.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and must tell you Dear Ones, that when you can put others before Self, you are truly well advanced along the path to Ascension. When you can also allow for the experiences of others without judgement, and accept that they result from freewill choice you have jumped another hurdle. We of the Galactic Federation look down at Earth, and see the negativity that takes place, but we judge not and know that ultimately it will all pass by and you will all be the stronger as a result. In this lifetime you have probably learnt more than at any other time, because the vibrations have recently started to lift you all up into a greater state of awareness. As the Light grows more powerful it is accelerating your personal growth, and it is a wondrous sight to see the Light shining out from Earth where once there was so much was in the darkness.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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SaLuSa 16-April-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

Every soul is being given the opportunity to resolve any outstanding karma, and since you are in your last lifetime on Earth some of you are living hectic lives. Karma is normally worked out when the best conditions present themselves, and do not necessarily occur in the life immediately after the one in which it was incurred. It is a major factor that determines your life plan, and more often than not is related to personal relationships. Each of you sets out in life looking for happiness and fulfillment, but often there is disappointment. Dear Ones, if you have failed to succeed in some aspect of your life, consider that it was planned and intended to give you lessons that are of value to you. After all, nothing that is important to your life plan happens by chance.

At our dimensional level we have long overcome the need for karma, and if we make the wrong choices we recognize them and make amends immediately. For us personal relationships are based on love and respect for each other. We recognize our Oneness with all that is, and acknowledge the divine essence that all life carries. Our caution concerns decisions that are made that effect many souls, such as our involvement with your future. The outcome is not always clear, but based on our experience and ability to read the future probabilities we are confident that little can go wrong. When an advanced civilization intervenes with one that is still evolving, much care is necessary to ensure that it does not interfere with their path of evolution.

On Earth, at almost every turn you have decisions to make and you are prone to build up karma. However, once you understand the purpose of life and acknowledge the fact that you are all One, you will approach life with a greater understanding. It is not necessarily bound up in religious beliefs, as sometimes these can have the opposite effect by isolating you from other people. Again such souls are working out their karma through such experiences, and in the scheme of things every experience adds to your total consciousness, accumulated through all of your lifetimes.

When you finally ascend you may be absolutely certain that you have succeeded in overcoming duality, and you will truly be looked upon as a Master. You are amongst the bravest of souls to have honed your spiritual awareness, by going through each experience in person. You may wonder what happens to those memories of the negative ones, as many have left you scarred for life. Please be aware that as your consciousness rises, you will set aside such memories and eventually only recall your triumphs and successes. You cannot in fact carry the lower vibrations into the higher levels, and that is the Law. Whenever you carry heartache and sadness, know that it will not remain forever and that the energies of love and happiness will replace them.

Life can seem cruel and very unfair, but remember that you have created your own reality. You cannot escape the Universal Law, but in no way are these in the form of punishment. In fact behind them is the great energy of Love and Light that is the life force of All That Is. Your progress is in your own hands but as we often remind you, the pathway you chose is one that you have decided upon. That is in accordance with the freewill you have been granted, so that you are not restricted in your choices. However you are not expected to necessarily know exactly what is the best path to take, and there are always greater Beings of wisdom and understanding that will guide you if you ask. Even now, although we are fully conscious Beings we consult them if we are uncertain as to the best course of action. Bear in mind we are dealing with the future of planets and their civilizations, just as we are with you. It is a great responsibility and care must be taken when decisions are made. At this time you stand at the gateway to Ascension, and once the changes commence that will bring it into being, they must take you to it with as little inconvenience as possible. Clearly in view of the massive changes to be made, we want it to go smoothly and it is why our plan is reviewed quite often. The timing must be right and we will not move until it is seen to be certain that it will succeed.

When you think about the worldwide problems that exist, and the extent of the changes that are coming know that it is quite an undertaking even for us. However, we have unlimited resources and have complete confidence in our ability to deliver the plan. Once we can openly visit you, your doubts and frustrations will disappear, as you will quickly realize that we are the Creator’s representatives on a divine mission. Your future is tied in with the total upliftment of the Universe, and you are as important as any other part of the plan.

Your participation in the changes requires no more than your dedication, in visualizing the happiness and joy they will bring to all life upon Earth. Stay in the Light and live your life to your best ability, as if you had already ascended. Spread love and harmony wherever and whenever you can, and allow any negativity to pass you by. You cannot fight it by approaching it at the same level of vibration, but you rise above it and surround it in love. This way you will be contributing to the overall vibration of the Earth, and indeed you will be helping lift it even higher. You will find that the more you think and act in the Light, the easier it will be to maintain your place at the higher level.

Remember Dear Ones that you are party to the cleansing of Earth, and it is your responsibility to do all you can to reverse the damage that has occurred over many years. We are of course doing our part although you may not necessarily be aware of exactly what we are doing. Much of our work goes unannounced, and it will not take place openly with your knowledge until we are able to work in unison with each other. Mother Earth continues to rumble away, and is waiting to finish her own preparations for Ascension. It is therefore becoming important that she is allowed to complete it very soon. There are reasons related to your safety that are holding back any increase in the cleansing operation, which must be completed in readiness for Ascension.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and bless you all and surround you in Light. May you be touched by it, and your consciousness awakened to a higher level than previously. Many higher Beings are also focusing their Light upon Earth, and it increases with your ability to ground it.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

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SaLuSa 14-April-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa 14-April-2010

The dark Ones continue to find that their covert actions are being revealed, and in a time of truth so will it continue. The extent and scale to which you have been used and manipulated, is beyond your full understanding. However, you will learn sufficient to know that something radical and far reaching must be done, to cut out the cancer of corruption that has spread all through politics and business. Such knowledge will ensure that whatever replaces it, is based upon honesty and fairness with the object of doing what is best for all. That a small number of people have amassed great wealth, while most of you work hard for less than your labors deserve must change. It indeed will change Dear Ones, and the plans are ready to be implemented. In so many ways you have been led to believe that you are subservient to those in power, and your rights have been deliberately eroded to keep you down. Again that will change and although it will take time to reverse the situation, eventually you will become sovereign Beings once again.

At a time when you have such a good system of communication, it is ironic that it is controlled by those behind the media who determine what you are allowed to know. What should be given a public airing is censored, and results in so many major topics of national interest being hidden away. There has not been such a thing as freedom of the Press to report on all matters of interest for a long time. Indeed reports are falsified to satisfy the aims Illuminati, and journalists comply rather than risk losing their jobs. When their lives and family are also threatened it takes a brave person to stand up to them. However, the truth does eventually come out, mainly thanks to the Internet and it needs protecting to ensure the principle of free speech. The false operations such as 9/11 are a good example of what the Internet can do to bring out the truth. It is true that it can also be used to counter truth with disinformation, but with discernment and intuition you will know what is true or not.

Some of you ask what can you personally do to help change things, and our response is to advise you to talk amongst yourselves so that the truth is known by as many as possible. If action groups can be formed all the better, and along with others you will continue to apply pressure for the full truth to be revealed. Otherwise individually concentrate on how you visualize the future where you are free and your sovereignty is restored, and you will be helping it to manifest. Of course we have a great input into such matters, and working with our allies behind the scenes to speed up matters so that our plan for your future can fully commence. Have no fear as to the outcome; it has been decided in the higher dimensions by great Beings who see the whole picture from their perspective. What has been decreed by them will come to pass, and all will be manifested by the time this cycle of duality has been completed. You are so near to major changes upon Earth, whilst the Sun and your solar system continue to move into a higher vibration. That is already being noted, but again such information is not readily made public but held back. There has been a policy of secrecy for many years, none more so than the findings of NASA who have deliberately set out to keep you from knowing about our activities and us.

Dear Ones, we are near to announcements that will reveal the truth about us. No amount of denial will make any difference, and the secrets about our involvement with you and your governments will come out. They have known of us for many, many years and have repeatedly refused our offers of help. The benefits that we are bringing you could have been yours a long time ago, and you have been stopped from progressing to satisfy the greed for wealth and power of the elite. It is time to remove the dark Ones and their cronies, and they will not be able to stop the tide of change that is sweeping through the corridors of power. Governmental changes are a high priority and we will ensure that the right people represent you when we openly arrive on Earth. Our ways are ones of peace and love for all life, and those in power that are not working on a higher vibration will be removed. We shall use legal means to bring about such changes, and there will be no hiding place or way to defeat justice. We know exactly what each individual has done during their time serving as your representatives, and hold the proof should it be needed.

The dark Ones have had their opportunities to have a change of heart and move towards the Light. It is their choice as to where their future lies, and we seek nothing other than their removal from office. Like any soul, they will one day judge themselves, and there is no retribution or punishment except that they may answer to Mans laws. You have learnt much through the cycle of duality, and it has served its purpose in bringing you to understand the opposites and still rise up. You are clearly spiritually stronger than when you started your epic journey through the darkness and lack of Light. It is in fact quite remarkable that given the loss of your true identity you have still managed to find your way back, and today stand at the door of Ascension. It is truly a wonderful achievement and you are to be applauded for it.

Keep your focus as ever on the future, and the past will take care of itself. Your energy is best used in this way, as the more of you who do so the quicker your vibrations will rise up. It will also increase your protection against any intrusion from the dark Ones, and you will easily ward it off. As you rise up your consciousness levels increase and a stronger link is formed with your Higher Self. This is just but one step on the path to super consciousness and your return to the higher dimensions, where your awakening will be complete. Even now your awareness is growing and you are becoming more intuitive. You will gradually find that you do not need outside help to the extent you did previously. These are sure signs that you are progressing very quickly, and you will undoubtedly succeed in reaching Ascension.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and delight in giving messages to you, as it helps create a bond between us that will a carry us all far. We have so much in common that it will not take you too long to reach our levels, and that will restore you to where you should be as one of us. Let your imagination run free and you will pick up much that is on its way to you. Your happiness and freedom is to be returned to you, before you leave Earth.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.


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SaLuSa 12-April-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

The meek shall inherit the Earth, and these are of course those of you who have found your Love and Light within. Not only that, you live by your understanding of what that means where your relationship to other souls are concerned. To see each other as One means you accept that all are from the One Source. Therefore you would no more raise your hand against your brothers and sisters, than smite yourself. True love of others raises all of you together and once you understand the purpose of life, you see there is no gain to be had at their expense. The problem for eons of time is that you have been taught to put Self first in the pursuit for survival. The survival of the fittest and strongest is the Law of the Jungle, and not for Man who has the potential to become a God. You are powerful Beings, who have the capability of reaching levels of Christ consciousness.

What you have been in the cycle of duality is but a shadow of your real Self. Albeit that you have had to experience much negativity to find your Light, but with the intent to lift yourselves up you have succeeded in discovering the true path. You have progressed at such a fast rate in this lifetime; you now stand ready to take a quantum leap forward. Instead of despair and little hope, you have found that the true path is the promise of return to the higher levels of Light. The Earth may have its attractions, but your paradise will not be found in the lower dimensions. Everything that you have ever dreamt of awaits you with the coming of Ascension, and subconsciously you know that to be so and it drives you onwards.

Now you see the last acts of those whose eyes are still shut, and would prevent your upliftment if they could. However, they are doomed to failure and are already in disarray, as they can no longer hold to their plan for total domination of Mankind. In fact, the Illuminati have accepted that their cause is lost, but they still harbor thoughts of somehow restoring their power. We can assure you that they have no chance of doing so. It is the Light that is now the controlling force, and is growing stronger by the day. Allow matters to act themselves out, and as they do so it will become quite clear that the promises made to you will be fulfilled. Indeed, the signs are already beginning to show the destiny for Mankind, and you will find that your sovereignty will be restored.

If you reflect on your experience of duality, you will surely see that there has been a divine plan to release you from it. It was never intended that it should completely engulf you, although many of you have touched the depths but have risen up again. All of your experiences have been placed within the mass consciousness, and each of you will benefit from them as it is unnecessary for each of you to experience everything personally. There will come a time when you will review your many lives, and it is as well that you remember that you chose your experiences. Even now you are moving through your final experiences, to bring your karma to an end.

We of the Galactic Federation do not consider you as lesser Beings, simply because your vibrations are lower than ours. We know that duality was your choice, and that you left the higher vibrations to face its challenges to lift up and find the Light once again. We see you as an ascended Being already, and admire your strength of character to take on such a challenge. When open contact commences, you shall see that our approach to you is as equals. We wish you to work with us and will introduce you to our technologies that we know you will quickly adapt to. Even now your knowledge borders on ours, and it means that once together no time will be lost before we get started. There is so much to do in a relatively short time, yet all will proceed as planned and completed by the end of your cycle.

Is it not strange Dear Ones to think that some 70 years ago, you would not have accepted the possibility that Beings like us existed? You held the idea that we could not reach you, because it would take too many Light Years to do so. Yet in that comparatively short time since, you have learnt about other dimensions, and how we can use them for inter-dimensional travel. Now you accept that intelligent life can reach you from far-flung constellations. Indeed you are also aware of parallel Universes, and your understanding of life expands even further. Life abounds everywhere and yet most of it is invisible to your eyes, as it vibrates too highly to be registered by you. However, when you have ascended the whole Universe opens up to you, and you will meet Beings of all types in addition to those more readily recognized as human.

In your own way you have plenty of excitement and adventures on Earth, but when you have earnt the right to Galactic travel they will be far more fulfilling. Think about what you have learnt from the different races upon Earth, such as their cultures and religious beliefs, then think of it on a Universal scale and imagine how much more there is to consider and understand. On Our ships you will meet some Beings that are not humanoid, and they are also Galactic Federation Members. You tend to judge people from their outer appearance, whereas we see the inner soul and know we are One.

With regard to what we have told you, you will understand that we cannot flood you with information too early on our initial contact. The fact that we really exist will be too much for many people, who have shut their eyes and closed their minds to such a possibility. However, in a gentle way we shall gradually bring out the truth about us, and how you are linked with us from times long gone. Many civilizations have had a hand in your evolution, and more you shall learn in all good time. Think upon it Dear Ones, why is it that in this Universe that all Beings are of the Human form; does this not tell you that the hand of God is in all things?

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and as I look upon Earth I see a glorious Light rising up from the grids around it. It tells us in no uncertain terms that it is so powerful, that it cannot possibly be reversed or stopped from fully manifesting. That is the most wonderful sight and your future in the higher dimensions is assured.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey.

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SaLuSa 09-April-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

We find that the sense of expectation of a major change is growing, and that is very encouraging as it means more of you are aware of what is planned for your future. In any event there are so many who sense that changes are happening, even if they are not so well informed as to the nature of them. The collapse of the old ways could have hardly have passed by without being noticed, and all in all it means that people are very receptive to the idea of receiving something new. They will not yet see it coming through the present world governments, as there needs to be a complete change within the administration and personnel before it can go ahead. There may be rumors and speculation as to what is in store, but only the higher sources will be able to clearly define the details of the plan. Although it has been amended where necessary, it has generally speaking kept to its central aims which are the key requirements for your upliftment.

The coming Ascension has been the subject of many teachings and messages for a very long time, as the end times have been clearly defined since this cycle began so long ago. It is the whole purpose of everything that has been taking place, and the plan has been played out so that you have gained the maximum benefit from it. Dear Ones it is about experience so that your spiritual evolution moves further forward. It has been about opposites such as good and evil as you would define it, and duality having all but run its course it is time to bring it to an end. Although some souls go through the same experiences many times, there is always something to be learnt. Often there are groups of you that come together for that very purpose, and you help each other to progress. You play your parts fully immersed in the characters that you choose, and as far as you are concerned it is an absolute reality.

Through many lives you set yourself up in all different types of roles, and truly you are all excellent actors on the stage of life. The problem for some souls is that they become so deeply involved with their characters, that they leave no room for their inner self to surface. It is hoped that each soul has those moments of sudden realization that they are more than they seem. After all they carry their God spark with them at all times, and their Light cannot be completely subdued. Some will deny God, but often that comes from learning of an angry and revengeful God that is to be feared. That is the image of a false God and has no place where you are concerned. God is and always will be the totality of all Love, because Love Is. If you follow spiritual messages, there are few that depict God and the Higher Beings in anyway except as full of Love and Light. At their levels in the higher dimensions it cannot be any other way as only the Truth can exist. God gets the blame for so many things, and that can only arise from a misunderstanding as to what God is. Regrettably some teachings play upon the idea of an angry God that metes out punishment, and it is used as a way to keep people in a continual state of fear and obedience.

Go confidently into the future knowing that God is All Love, and no matter how far you stray from the true path of understanding, it will always remain so. After your sojourn upon Earth you are always welcomed back with open arms, even if you have transgressed and carry guilt. That is in fact unnecessary as all is viewed as experience, and through further opportunities you can overcome your weaknesses without self-punishment. On one level you are all equal, and it is only Man that chooses to see others as different or separate to himself. Duality of course encourages that view, but how to overcome it is the challenge that it presents. View all souls as from the same source and a part of God, and you will realize that they are as much a part of you, as you are them.

As time progresses all things will become clear, and you are already beginning to enter a period where anything other than the truth will be revealed to be transmuted. These are of the lower vibration and have no place in the future. As you are certainly noticing, the moves to reveal the truth about Man and his experiences are gaining momentum. We can say quite definitely, that by the time you come to the end of this cycle all stones will have been overturned. Nothing will remain hidden regardless of how much it has previously been covered up. In view of this it would help your progress, if you took a totally and truthful approach to all matters. Start putting it into action and become that which you really are, a Being of Love and Light. With time it will become easier to do so, as your levels of consciousness are rising much more rapidly.

Dear Ones, everything is being done to help you move ever onwards, and you should be able to focus more easily on your future and not be not be distracted. Tame those emotions that sometimes get out of control, and you will actually feel all the better for it. When you get upset you disturb not just the harmony of your body, but the energies around it. Such imbalances can even make you feel ill, and it takes time to recover. If it happens try to centre yourself as quick as you can, and surround yourself with the pure light of the green healing ray. It will help return you to a peaceful and relaxed state, and speed up your recovery. Think upon it for a moment as to why Man is normally surrounded by so much greenery, and trips to the countryside can be so uplifting. On a clear day, why does the beauty of a blue sky seem so peaceful as you lie down and peer into it?

In the higher dimensions you will be absolutely surrounded by beauty, and energies that are conducive to peace and stillness that has no equal on Earth at present. Any effort you put in now to move in the direction of Ascension will be more than worth it, as what you have now is little compared to what shall be yours very soon. No more shall you go through the experience of death, and ill health will be a thing of the past. Lack will be a word you will never use again, and life will be a heavenly experience in every sense of the word.

I am SaLuSa of the Galactic Federation, and we so want you all to rise up when the opportunity presents itself. Become the loving souls you really are, and leave the physical dimension for your real home in the stars.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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SaLuSa 05-April-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

This particular time in the Western calendar is one where there is much introspection, as the celebration of Easter is in remembrance of Jesus. It is perhaps sad that it focuses more on the crucifixion, and less on the works that this great soul achieved in his lifetime. Your history shows that periodically a leader emerges from within your midst, who is a Wayshower with teachings appropriate for the time. Jesus came not to start a religion, but show by his example the way Man should live. He was the perfect example of One who lived his word, and when he preached love that is exactly what he was - Love Incarnate. There is nothing else in your lives that is of such importance, and it starts by loving Self and then others. Since you are All One, why would you treat another part of yourself any differently from anyone else. Your principle lesson is to be able to express Unconditional Love, and when you can do so you can claim to have found the Way. We know that it is not easy to suddenly view life quite differently to what you have been used to, but if you are to progress you will need to change your beliefs.

You can stand still and even go backwards, but with the experience gained you will eventually go forward. The nature of duality is to help you confront what you call good or evil, so that you understand what it is like to experience lack and separation. These challenges further your spiritual evolution, and through your understanding you rise above your limitations. You too can then become a living example of the truth in action, and be assured that others will take note of it. Humans are surrounded by examples of falsehoods and outright lies, and there is a feeling that it is acceptable to achieve success in this manner. Even those you look up to and revere are often prone to giving out less than the truth, and honesty becomes a rare attribute. Try it dear Ones, go through a day without speaking other than the truth, it is far more difficult than you can imagine. Yet if you wish to rise up and attract the pure vibrations to yourself, you will need to aim for nothing less than a truthful relationship with all you meet.

We of the Galactic Federation have no such problems, because we have long gone beyond the ways of Humans. It may sound odd to you, but at our level only the truth can exist, because anything less is “felt” by a change in the energies accompanying the spoken word. It is also seen within your aura, as the purity of the colours looses its brilliance. This also applies to telepathic contact with each other, which is our normal means of communication. Do you see now that when we talk with your government officials, we cannot be fooled by any deceitful intent on their part? Most of your representatives have broken their oaths to serve you, and we are totally aware as to the ones amongst you who have your best interests at heart. When the governmental changes are made, as they will very soon, you may be sure that only those who are spiritually motivated will be reappointed.

Many of you wish to join us but that is not as simple as at may appear. You can do it through your application to raise your vibrations, in the manner we have informed you previously. As unless you can match the vibrations of the higher dimensions, you cannot move into them. Where it is your intent to do so you will be given every help, and in that event you would almost certainly be successful. Each of you has the potential to ascend but the desire has to be strong. You cannot approach it half heartedly, and it does require some work on your part to achieve your goal. It does not matter if you do not succeed this time round, as any progress you make will place your feet firmly on the next path to Ascension. The cycles of life continually give you the opportunity to evolve as no experience is ever wasted.

Theses times are exciting if you look at what lies ahead, because out the chaos will come a definite plan that all will understand. Once it gets going there will be one change after another all aimed at bringing in the New Age. You have a lot to catch up on, and it will lift your spirits in next to no time. The goals will be quite clear and you will be given sufficient information to help you understand. Anyone who follows the messages about Ascension will already have a good idea as where everything is leading. After many promises of action we can say that matters are coming to a head. The dark continue to be weakened by their lack of cohesion and power. For a time this makes them dangerous, as like a cornered animal they will lash out. However, we monitor their activities and do not expect any dramatic happenings. Our allies are well placed to contain any sudden move.

Let this period be one where you reflect upon your achievements to date, and if you take time to look at yourself open and honestly, you will know how far you have to go to be prepared for Ascension. Apply yourself to the task of going further with your preparations, as the rewards are so great. Right from the time you first dropped into the lower dimensions, you knew this period would release you from duality. So take it with both hands, knowing that you will not do have to do this journey again. Let the distractions pass you by, as they have no pull upon you unless you allow it. Indeed, you should by now have a strong defence against them, knowing that your willpower is all-powerful.

Dear Ones, you are generally so patient, and we still have some time to go before we can announce details of our presence. It is not that we consider it urgent, as there is already so much acceptance of us. However, a whole string of events are lined up, and once they become public knowledge they will go speeding ahead. We are in what you might call “nearly times” because on a number occasions we have been so near to making our announcements. Keep your eyes open and you will get wind of when something important is about to break.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the amount of Light on Earth has grown immensely just lately. So you can rest easy knowing that the vibration is rising as necessary to bring Ascension about. The shadows are dispersing as the Light penetrates every corner and transmutes the dark energies. Keep up your wonderful work, as you are all needed and much loved.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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SaLuSa 28-Mars-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

You have the potential to do whatsoever you desire, but seldom do you have that belief in yourselves. Your power lies in your ability to create through sheer intent, but because you do not see instant results you have doubts. Often what you focus upon is way in the future, and is not necessarily part of the life you planned beforehand. Certainly you have freewill, but your Guides will do their best to influence your decisions so that they are in your best interests. The most important thing is to put your efforts into raising your consciousness, so that you can be sure of being ready to ascend. Unless you reach a certain level of vibration, you will be unable to proceed when the opportunity arises. However, once you express the intent to ascend you are given every help to get there.

Nothing would please us more than if you all had a turn of heart, and every soul made the transition. However, at present there are less than half of you that are consciously making changes in your lives to do so. Yet as the energy levels increase, more of you are awakening and seeking your own path to understanding. The truth is there to be found, but not until you are prepared to move beyond the mindset you already have. You cannot accommodate new ideas if your belief system is rigidly held in place. Unfortunately, generations upon generations of families or institutions have passed on their own misguided knowledge in all good faith, but their understanding has been tainted by false teachings. Humans have a way of believing that a majority opinion makes it correct, whereas in spiritual matters it is often quite the opposite.

Your best guide in matters affecting your life choices is yourself, and through your intuitive feelings. Trust in yourself, as you have a wealth of experience to call upon that has been acquired over many lifetimes. Remember that the choices that are ideal for one person are not necessarily the best for all. You have your own goals to achieve, and you will instinctively know what they are. Do not be scared of being the odd one out, because as long as it is giving you fulfillment and satisfying your quest for knowledge, it will be correct for you.

You have been living in a reality that has been created by you, and served its purpose by fulfilling your desires. It was not however meant to be permanent, and would in any event have changed in response to the higher energies. Duality such as you have experienced it is not to continue beyond the end of the cycle, and that will also include the astral dimensions. Therefore all souls will make a freewill choice as to where their journeys will take them next. Your subconscious memories of having come from the higher dimensions will draw you back to them. You will instinctively feel that it is where your real home lies, in the realms of Light. Indeed your bodies are already changing at this very time, and your Light bodies are forming in readiness for Ascension.

Our presence and that of the many other Beings from Higher dimensions are here to ensure that the end times fulfill everyone’s promise. It does not matter whether they remember what they planned; the important thing is that in the end they will stand at the door of their choice. Position, power and wealth will count for nothing once you leave Earth, and any measure of your success is purely by your level of spiritual understanding.

You are immersed in aspects of time that controls your lives, but once you ascend it is no longer applicable. Past, Present and Future are all one, and you will find that all is simply in the Now. We can view your activities as one and therefore see what lies ahead of you, and it is why we can confidently predict the outcome of duality. We see success and there are many paths that lead to the same conclusion, and you have created these through your many different beliefs. It is an example of your creative powers, although you may not realize you have been responsible.

Meanwhile back on the Earth, changes that you are striving for are getting nearer as our allies clear away the last remaining obstacles. The unwarranted and unnecessary attacks on our craft have at last ceased, allowing us to proceed with our plan for open contact with you. We have never represented any type of threat to you, and in fact take pride in having protected you for thousands of years. We have kept unwelcome visitors away from Earth, and carefully monitored on-earth activities whether they have been natural or man made. The Galactic Federation are just one of many groups working for the Light forces, that closely follow your personal progress. Our mission is to ensure you reach completion of the cycle of duality, as decreed by the higher authorities that include the White Brotherhood.

It has taken many years to maneuver the dark ones into a position where their power and influence has waned. Sometimes we can use the very same tactics they use to control you, against them. They rely on creating fear to accomplish their aims, but you are gradually becoming wise to their methods. All in all, you are beginning to see the bigger picture and are not fooled so easily as you were. Now you walk with your heads held up high knowing you have the power to change the circumstances that affect your lives. You not only know that you are great Beings, but are using your creative powers to do so. The more you continue to focus on a peaceful and happy future, the more energy you are creating that will manifest it for you.

We desire the best for you, and work towards the return of your sovereignty. By rights acceded to you as a child of God, it is law that you are allowed to claim them. They have been denied you because you have been deliberately kept in ignorance of them. However, you are awakening to your true selves and insisting on being treated with respect, and your rights acknowledged. Be assured you also have us alongside you, and you will be restored to your true levels in readiness for the end of this cycle. It is all part of the process of Ascension that will see you lift up into the higher dimensions.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased to be part of the armada of Spaceships that bring you release from your oppressors, and immense love for your well being and happiness.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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SaLuSa 16-March-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

Time marches on gathering speed, and it is bringing the changes ever nearer. No time has in fact been lost, although we would have liked to commence First Contact earlier. However, regardless of what you see happening around you, we place ourselves in a position where we can move into action at short notice. There is a clear defined plan for your future, but we can easily accommodate any changes necessary. We follow all events taking place on Earth, and as a result can adjust our actions accordingly. However, there is a core plan which shall manifest and take you through to Ascension as intended. As the dark Ones continue to lose their power and authority, so the chances of them escaping the inevitable collapse of their power base is unavoidable. Stubbornness and arrogance motivate their resistance to admitting defeat, but it shall be so. In ways that are legal and carry the authority of the Galactic Federation they will be removed.

In a manner of speaking, life goes on as before in spite of the many problems facing you. However one thing is for certain, it shall not return to the previous period that started at the commencement of this Millennium. Since that time you have progressively lost your way, and through contrived situations have been steadily subjected to draconian laws. The dark Ones played their hand realizing that time was not on their side, but have failed to achieve world control as intended. Their attempts to do so have left you with few rights and subject to rigid controls, that have taken away your freedom. Have no fear all of that will change, and the unjust and unnecessary laws will be repealed. The path to Ascension is to be cleared of any attempts to prevent it from manifesting, and be sure Dear Ones, that when a divine edict is given it is the Law of the Creator.

We know that some of you wonder if every soul on Earth has the same opportunity to ascend, and you think of those who are living a simple life away from the influence of the West. You may not be too surprised to learn that in their own way, they are nearer to God and Mother Earth than you are. They live in a way that respects nature and all life, and understand its cycles and the energies all around them. Their needs are few, and when they leave there is no trail of damage and pollution. They may not have your awareness of the end times, but lead a highly spiritual life and have every opportunity to ascend. It is not wealth or intelligence that is necessary to create your own pathway, but your spiritual wealth and knowledge and its application to your way of life. After all you do realize that upon leaving the Earth, you cannot take anything of material value with you. Furthermore, there is no such thing as rank or importance in the higher realms such as you experience on Earth. In Spirit souls are equal except that their Light will determine which level they are entitled to be in. Of course there are Masters in the higher realms, but their spiritual achievement to reach such a level in no way elevates them over anyone else, but they do command great respect and acknowledgement.

The Earth has proved to be a distraction to your spiritual advancement, but when you succeed in finding your true Self your achievement is all the more commendable. You have had so much difficulty in deciding who you can trust or otherwise, and there have always been those who would mislead you for their own gain. It was not too long ago that only the priests were privileged to interpret the scriptures, and you had to rely upon them for guidance. As has been proven, it has not always been accurate when compared to the truth. The pathway of those seeking it has therefore been extremely difficult, and ultimately you have had to use your own discretion as to what to believe. Also bear in mind that in the course of many incarnations you will have had lives touching upon the different religions and beliefs. Subconsciously all that you have learnt forms your present beliefs, even if you have no awareness as to how it came about. You are therefore continually reassessing your beliefs, and gradually you make positive spiritual progress.

In this present age you have so much information at your fingertips, and can follow whatever path takes your fancy. You may even be spoilt for choice, but this is where your intuition will serve you well. It will not mislead you, but direct you to the experiences you need at the time. This is why it is important to be open minded and able to assimilate knowledge without being tied down by it. Be ever ready to move on when a new idea or understanding comes your way. Also remember that once you are on a spiritual path, you will attract Guides or Teachers to yourself who will help you make decisions. The truth is quite simple and uncomplicated, and can be summed up as Love Is All That Is. Applying it to your life in duality has been your sternest test, and if you are succeeding you have surely found the key to understanding. You can only take one thing at the time, and one of the ultimate achievements is to live in the Now.

Whatever you consider life is about, there is nothing wrong in experiencing pleasure or even wealth. It is how you acquire it and how you use it that is important. Spiritually you can lose or gain, and it is a fact that the more wealth you accumulate the greater responsibility falls upon you. Some become greedy and hoard money and valuables, whilst others will invest in people for the good of all. Money will not create happiness, but simply security in a material world. Imagine being in the higher dimensions where money has no use and is unnecessary, because that is what you will experience. Of course that is possible because all of your needs are supplied for free, and in many instances you will create what you need for yourself. We know that the idea of bartering is active in some areas of your world, and it shows what can be achieved without money. All of these things enter your mind, and sometimes it brings you to desire something different to the traditional way of doing things.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and Dear Ones you know life is one experience after another and it moulds your future. Sometimes you benefit from another souls journey, but often you choose to experience things for yourself. When you become part of a group consciousness, then you shall benefit from every soul that is part of it. Sharing is a very spiritual gesture that comes with awakening to the Oneness of all life. We love to share with you for the happiness it gives us and being of service to you.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey.

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