Tag: pursue (page 1 of 2)

7 Reasons You Need More Magnesium

Margie King, GuestMagnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in your body.  But few people fully appreciate this miraculous mineral. The human genome project reveals that 3,751 human proteins have binding sites for magnesium.[i]  And so far we know this one essential mineral activates over 350 biochemical processes in the body to keep things flowing.Here are just seven good reasons to get more magnesium today. 1. Prevent Migraines. According to University of Vermo [...]

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Mars Capsule Test Heralds New Space Age With Musk Alongside NASA

Excerpt from

The U.S. is preparing to launch the first craft developed to fly humans to Mars, presaging a second space age -- this one fueled by billionaires like Elon Musk rather than a Cold War contest with the Soviet Union. 

An unmanned version of the Orion spaceship built by Lockheed Martin Corp. (LMT) is scheduled for liftoff tomorrow to an altitude of 3,600 miles (5,800 kilometers), the farthest from Earth by a vehicle designed for people since the Apollo program was scrapped in 1972. 

Entrepreneurs such as Musk and longtime contractors like Lockheed are helping shape the technology needed to find other homes for humanity in the solar system with an eye to one day commercializing their work. 

“These are really exciting times for space exploration and for our nation as we begin to return to the ability to fly humans to space,” said Jim Crocker, vice president and general manager of civil space at Lockheed Martin Space Systems. “What Orion is about is going further into space than humans have ever gone before.”
Photographer: Brent Lewis/The Denver Post via Getty Images

Launched from Kennedy Space Center in Florida atop a Delta IV rocket, the Orion capsule will test the riskiest systems needed to carry astronauts far beyond the moon, although its first flight will cover only about 2 percent of the 238,900-mile distance to the lunar surface.

Speed Limit

After orbiting earth twice, Orion will accelerate to 20,000 miles per hour during descent, mimicking the speeds of a craft returning from a mission to deep space. The capsule is supposed to make a parachute-cushioned splashdown in the Pacific Ocean off Mexico’s Baja peninsula. 

To explore the universe, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration must first redevelop capabilities abandoned more than 40 years ago when the U.S. shifted focus from Apollo’s lunar forays to rocketing crews a few hundred miles to low Earth orbit.
NASA has used Russian craft to reach the International Space Station since the space shuttle program ended in 2011. 

In a strategic shift, the Obama administration canceled plans to return to the moon, turning some flights to commercial companies while setting its sights -- and limited funds -- on pioneering deep space. The Orion capsule was originally commissioned in 2006 for the defunct Constellation program.

Musk, Bezos

Those moves paved the way for technology chieftains including Musk and Amazon.com Inc. (AMZN) founder Jeff Bezos to pursue their own space ambitions. 

Musk founded Hawthorne, California-based SpaceX in 2002 with the goal of enabling people to live on other planets, a massive endeavor that would require innovations such as reusable rocket stages to lower costs. 

Mars is also in focus for NASA as the space agency maps plans to “pioneer the space frontier,” according to a May 29 white paper.

$22 Billion

NASA proposes an initial $22 billion effort that includes two other Orion missions over the next eight years and building a powerful new rocket. The Delta IV being used tomorrow is manufactured by United Launch Alliance, a Lockheed-Boeing Co. (BA) venture.

A new Space Launch System rocket being developed by the partnership is slated to hoist the next Orion craft beyond the moon in fiscal 2018, Lockheed’s Crocker said in a phone interview. The first manned Orion mission is slated for early in the next decade.
NASA’s plans are “sketchy” beyond that, aside from broad goals to capture asteroid samples in the 2020s and reach Mars a decade later, said Marco Caceres, director of space studies with Fairfax, Virginia-based consultant Teal Group. 

Average Distance

While Mars’s distance from Earth varies because of the two planets’ orbits, the average is about 140 million miles, almost 600 times longer than a trip to the moon. It’s so far that radio communications take as long as 20 minutes to travel each way, according to Bill Hill, NASA’s deputy associate administrator for exploration systems development. 

Entrepreneurs such as Musk will have opportunities to get involved as NASA refines capsule and rocket designs. NASA plans to develop two larger rockets beyond the initial launch vehicle, which will be capable of hauling a 70-metric ton payload. 

“We’re not taking any options off the table,” Hill said. “We want to be sufficiently flexible so that if we find a new path, we can introduce it and not change course.” 

Expense, shifting political priorities and the lack of a clear NASA road map could still derail the latest effort as they did the Apollo program in the early 1970s, said Micah Walter-Range, director of research analysis with the Space Foundation, a non-profit organization based in Colorado Springs, Colorado. 

“All of the challenges that exist are surmountable,” Walter-Range said by phone. “It’s just a question of having the money to do it.”

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Galactic Federation of Light ~Sheldan Nidle June-11-2013

Sheldan’s update for June 09, 2013
0 Kayab, 3 Eb, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We return! At this time our associates are making the adjustments and orders of scale necessary

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Galactic Federation of Light SaLuSa April-17-2013

SaLuSa on Peace by Multidimensional Ocean — 17 April 2012

We are pleased to see your discerning and filtering of information being more and more reliable. Your conscious

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Galactic Federation of Light Sheldan Nidle April-09-2013

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

You are to rejoin the ranks of a magnificent array of Spiritual Hierarchies and Life Streams

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Veronica: To pursue a physical life with success…

     “In the linear it is often the goal to achieve something.  The denseness of physical often makes that a difficult endeavor.      Listening to one’s soulful energy is an opportunity to continue pursuing while struggling to be al...

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Cosmic Awareness Newsletter 2012-01


7 March 2012

Channeler: Will Berlinghof

Well...Anasazi1 just made me realize that there was no Cosmic Awareness message posted here recently,so here's the most recent one avaiable right one,as the CAC newsletter is for mem...

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Would it Work? Hardcore Service to Others…

I'm not happy with my attitude these last few days, but I figure I wasn't really conscious of it before either. 100% StS I'm definitely not, but 100% StO was also something I never even came close to, regardless of all the stuff I do for others: becau...

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Update by Sheldan Nidle – 13 April

Channeler: Sheldan Nidle

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

6 Etznab, 1 Kank'in, 5 Caban

Selamat Jarin! We return with more to tell you about your world. Right now, our Earth allies continue to work on undermining the present banking system. Since the start of fractional banking in the early 1810s, the dark cabal has managed to slowly gain control of the global banking system. This system, like its partner the nation-state, is beholden to the moneyed interests on your world. Opposing them is a group of enlightened ones who saw the gross inequities produced by these systems and sought to reform them. In the past few decades, the opportunity arose to pull off this massive reform. The desperate conditions now surrounding your world's economies are a pressing reason to do these reforms properly. We have watched as your greedy and arrogant cabal plotted to avoid tackling these issues, but this proved to be a more difficult avenue to pursue than the cabal originally anticipated. A large group of hardened profiteers has attacked the cabal with a savage vengeance to the point where it can be said that a sickening sort of cannibalism is taking place.

As this self-destructive feeding-frenzy continues, the cabal inevitably hurtles toward its demise. The world watches as this grotesque performance reaches rock bottom. Our intervention, meanwhile, strengthens the activities of our Earth allies. Your limited-conscious realm is governed by money and power, ensuring that the state is wedded to the whims of the wealthy. This symbiotic relationship now requires a quick end. Our Earth allies comprehend this and have drawn up a host of new agreements between various states, the powerful, and our allies. These rare birds understand how important it is to create a situation in which the "old ways" are put at risk in order to finally discard them. These strategies are close to achieving their objective. Many on your world are truly frustrated at the time this has taken so far. We sympathize and are using our own plans to hasten the long-overdue end of the old ways. Your old reality is visibly cracking under the combined strains of the activities of both the cabal and of our Earth allies.

While this strange operation is underway, Mother Earth has put us on notice to accelerate drastically our timetable for first contact. The recent increase in earthquakes measuring seven plus on the Richter scale is a clear warning of what she has in store, as is the extinction level of many endangered plants and animals. Meanwhile, the melting of the glaciers in the Northern Hemisphere continues unabated. The South Pole is temporarily a different story; here, millions of people are being affected by the huge rip in the ozone layer, and we have worked to repair this hole which is why the Antarctic glaciers are actually expanding again. Our next job is to give similar support to the Arctic ozone hole, but Mother Earth regards these as mere minor fixes. The slight shift in the Earth's 23.5 degrees of obliquity caused by the Chilean earthquake is yet another harbinger of what Mother Earth plans. We meet frequently with our Earth allies to discuss these vital matters and have begun a series of talks with major Earth governments.

Your ecosphere is strongly rebelling, and Mother Earth requires that you leave her surface soon to take up your new homes in the beautiful 5-D world that is Inner Earth. Remember that Earth, like all stars and planets, is hollow. Inside her is the most splendid world filled with sights, sounds, and fragrances that will astound you! To get you there we need to complete Heaven's work and return you to full consciousness. This is no small task when the major governments of your world plot with the dark to keep you from your destiny. Heaven reassures us every day that this goal is non-negotiable and that the upcoming period is when this grand transition is to take place. We have put together a team that is working closely with your planet's Spiritual Hierarchy and a firm timetable is being agreed upon. We asked our Earth allies to accelerate their plans for bringing down the dark cabal and we, meanwhile, are implementing a special plan to speed your conversion by Light Chamber into fully conscious Beings.

These various plans are currently under full review by our Command Board and the entire fleet. We are repositioning a number of atmospheric fleets and calling upon our family in Agartha to assist us in resolving and activating the requirements of several scenarios. We need to move you smoothly and swiftly to Inner Earth, where special zones have been set aside in which several crystal cities have been constructed for you. Here you will find the living quarters and Light Chambers where you are to undergo your transformation into fully conscious Beings. A training syllabus has been compiled to teach you about the etiquette you will need once you are fully conscious. When you are competent and comfortable with your new state of consciousness, you are then ready to be introduced to galactic society. Initially, you will live within a typical Agarthan "podlet," where you can freely discuss what you are seeing and experiencing.

This period of adjustment will take place while Mother Earth restores your former surface home. This immense reconfiguration is to happen after all living things have been evacuated. Once the new topography is set in place, the new ecology will be introduced. Mother Earth wants a far more varied and a much more friendly series of living zones to be set up around the world, and her new lands, seas, and skies will be the habitats of many new creatures and plants. The only artificial structures are to be small special villages placed on major surface nodes, where you, as Mother Earth's new guardians, are to keep her multiplicity of realms in balance with ritual, dance, and chants. You are also to assist with the song and ritual of your Cetacean allies. Together, you are to honor Mother Earth and be responsible for the well being of all her life forms on this most exquisite of worlds.

This joint activity with the cetaceans will show you how easy it is to work with your fellow humans as well as other fellow sentient Beings to preserve the natural balance of planets and to unfold the divine plan. As fully conscious Beings you take up your role as physical Angels and use your abilities to make of your home world a true paradise for all living aspects of a loving and caring Creator. The society you create will nurture each individual, and your galactic society will be able to creatively solve any challenge you come up against. As a people you are to be known for your ability to understand even the most abstruse nuance of limited consciousness. This talent is to permit you in the very near future to raise many limited-consciousness planets to the Light, thus bringing you a wonderful celebrity.

The present is seemingly a time of great turmoil and danger for you. See it as a precursor to the great worldwide shift. Your world is racing toward first contact and Heaven is working miracles to wonderfully transform your lives. Happily, it is also when the dark cabal is to capitulate; when the truth of many things will be finally revealed; and when a new day of peace and prosperity dawns. A new abundance and a new financial system are waiting to roll out. This is not pie in the sky, but is to unfold before you as the old ways fade slowly but surely. Relish this strange and extraordinary time, and try not to be impatient. We are coming, and our Earth allies are nearly ready to spring their grand surprises upon you!

Today, we continued with our discussion of what is transpiring on your world. We intend to see you very, very soon! Our ships are in place to do whatever is necessary to bring you to the magic moment that is full consciousness. The time of wish fulfillment is at last upon you. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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Adventures of the New Human

Iterations of Release and Giving Over Authority to the Soul

My beloved ones,

Many of you are experiencing enormous cycles of letting go. 

This includes the past re-surfacing to be healed and released.  The present being shifted into a more perfect alignment as you let go and let yourself re-orient to your own natural frequency and functional focus.  The future being shifted as the dreams and intentions you held based on what you would term a “prior” self felt appropriate and delightful are recalibrated to support your increasingly clear sense of function.  As you more and more spend time knowing yourself as unified consciousness, as you try on and get used to the power of wearing the wings of the New Human, as you spend more time with your physical, emotional, mental and spirit bodies in unity, oriented from the heart chakra, more and more--the soul IS the navigational system for your journey and this changes everything!

With an increase in your vibration, comes an increase in speed of experience and manifestation and your point of view is expanded. 

If you are able to trust in yourself, you will naturally orient to these shifts simultaneously and thereby have an understanding of what transpires in your life, what shifts and creates space, what is being magnetized and drawn to you to support the fulfillment of your function—you will be able to feel and know all of this as one unified vector moving in alignment with the everything.

When, however, you doubt yourself—and depending on where this occurs—you may find your mental or emotional bodies out of alignment with your entire Lightbody and this creates much confusion, disorientation and a sense of loss.

Your Soul knows your function.  It blends in at the appropriate levels to fulfill your role in the process of dimensional ascension.  All-That-Is or Spirit knows itself as one-ness and in this orientation; it does nothing, it simply IS.  Spirit also performs certain functions—as the Archangel Michael for example.  The portion of Spirit performing the functional of the Archangel Michael changes all the time—yet this energy understands the function of the Archangel Michael and retains the appearance of consistency and continuity.

The same is true of you in your various incarnations of Spirit.  You, in your various reincarnational existences (physical and non-physical) co-occur.  In the gestalt of “YOU,” you recognize the “progress of your functional expression” and feel a sense of gratitude comparing “later” circumstances to “earlier” circumstances. 

The people you have been and are, are like the childhood you remember—part of you entirely, and yet also having gone their own way.  Pursued different expressions and yet all interconnected.  You experience, unconsciously of course, the collective unfolding of all of these aspects of yourself, as well as the unified expansive perspective of All-That-Is, which guides and informs your functional role in each point of focus continually.

The immediate sharing of all of this information, and the way in which it is known, understood, integrated and shapes your sense of focus and desire is beyond comprehension in your current vessel.  Simply know that it exists and it is always connected to what IS; and as such, timely, relevant knowledge about your own experience is fully available to you.  You only need to ask and to learn to listen to yourself and to cultivate the way in which this communication works best for you.

For example—Meredith has been asked by many experiencing break-ups of existing relationships to comment on this seeming “trend”…

Knowing as you do, that all is shifting in to alignment, the read on breakups is an easy-one; the functions are no longer aligned.  The vibrations are no longer in sync.  The shared purpose has dissipated and/or the individuals involved have shifted to a new focus as a result of their own growth and no longer is the functional overlap present which made the relationship so primary in the experience.

The more one grows and expands the more continual adjustments relationships must go through.  For some this ongoing stimulus and realignment is refreshing and exhilarating; to feel oneself in a never ending experience of unfolding, re-inventing, creation—a thrilling ride indeed.  In some of your relationships, you continually inspire and elevate one another.  Your purpose is ongoing and these shifts become a means of discovery together and a catalyst for each of you living a happier, more fulfilling life.  For those, these shifts are not as difficult and not as much of a surprise. 

It is for those who would like to experience the illusion of solidity and/or those who desire a slower pace to change and life that these shifts are either difficult and/or avoided/denied.  The challenge comes when one member of the relationship aligns with a pace and a frequency or vibration, which is significantly faster or slower than the other. 

And it is this differing response to life, which complicates the natural completion or shifting of priorities.  One who is in sync with all-that-is will feel their priorities realign as there are significant shifts and as dimensional ascension brings them closer to their soul signature and to their innate function being embodied more directly on the earth plane.  If they are “partnered” with one who is not aligned or significantly related to this emerging function and the related sense of lifestyle, and especially if the partner is not also experiencing their own shifts and realignment; then at first they will find their partner possibly feeling “abandoned”—as their energy and focus is withdrawn or diminished as it shifts to the new point of creation in experience.  If this is discussed, the emotional body may become triggered and there is often an imbalance then in the vibrational frequency, as the emotional body becomes out of sync—vibrating out of harmonic ratios with the physical, mental and spirit bodies.  Now orientation has been lost.  Which leads to a feeling of being disconnected in the one who was connected and therefore, shifted.  Then there is more emotion and confusion.  Which creates further imbalance.

The solution is to let go.

Once you let go, naturally you will align with your inner sense of things.  Allow the emotions to flow through you; trusting in all-that-is and knowing that all is well, even if you do not understand what is taking place.  Once you are re-oriented to self and your inner connection, if the purpose which led you “apart” is still clear and present, then allow it to unfold, at the rate you desire and trust that all is well for BOTH of you, and All-That-Is. 

Again, the challenge comes when one member of the relationship aligns with a pace and a frequency or vibration, which is significantly faster or slower than the other. 

You have, innately, your own frequency at which you vibrate.  You may not fully experience this when you are dis-allowing a full connection to your expanded self; but as blocks to clarity are removed and as the soul gains dominion in being your point of orientation, these natural frequencies appear and cannot be stifled, or adjusted significantly to keep pace with others, without significant negative experience within. 

Let go and BE YOU.  Trust in that way of being and all that is attracted and aligned with it.  Love everything with curiosity and interest; expecting something wonderful to unfold and rejoice in your own function!  Celebrate the variety of our purposes and rates of unfolding.  Invite grace into your life to smooth all of this out, and simply let go.

Becoming the New Human requires you learn to live from your soul perspective, fully conscious of your innate power and connectedness, as well as clear and allowing your unique function.  The wisdom as to how to blend your function with All-That-Is, moment to moment and point to point will be clear from within; much of this happens without evening needing to ask—it is simply non-verbal, non-thought knowing which leads you.  You only need trust your heart and move toward peace and what feels good next to stay in sync with this natural personal power through awareness which is YOU. 

Realize there is an enormous variance in our functions and frequency!  Let this be.  No.  Go further—love this!

For some their natural frequency is so rapid that what you experience as a lifetime is known in what you would call a moment.  {Can you imagine?  Ha!}  Since all lives are lived simultaneously, then any separation experienced is but a psychological one.  Your “future” personalities are as real as your “past” ones.  After a while, this will no longer concern you and you will live increasingly “in the flow” concentrated on the activity that is at each point, the perfect expression of your unique aspect blending and harmonizing with All-That-Is. 

These messages, your inner sense of things, the mingling of reality and experience, these messages from one system to another occur in various ways continually, emerging in your experience in one guise or another—as inspiration of many kinds.  All are doorways.  The door to the soul is open, and it leads to all the dimensions of experience.

The soul stands both within and without the fabric of life as you know it.  It is your point of power, peace, clarity and connection.  I invite you to let go and be SOUL; be who you are.

I AM the Archangel Michael.

© 2009-2010, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications http://www.expectwonderful.com – You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the following conditions: You must give author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work.  For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get the permission of the copyright holder.  Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by the author.

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Akashic Records for April 2010

What energy and experiences can we expect in April of 2010? 

This month it is time to take action.  You have learned a lot.  Most of you have been in what you would call survival mode because so many challenges have arisen.  Many of you have been facing your fears for so long that you have forgotten what it was like to feel free.  With so much to learn, you have only been able to deal with one thing at a time and feeling oftentimes overwhelmed and unable to fully grasp the bigger picture.  There is nothing wrong with you for feeling this.  In fact, almost everyone on Planet Earth has been feeling this for the last several years.  This month it becomes possible for more of you to see the bigger picture or get a sense of what is to come. 

This is an important month to take action in regard to those things for which you have been waiting for so very long.  All of you have a list of things you hope will happen in your lives at some point.  You will also have a list of reasons that you have not done those things yet or those things have not yet come to pass.  This is the month when it is finally time for you to take action toward those things you wish to come into your life.  If you want to have a larger family, take action toward having a larger sense of family.  If you want a better job, take action toward getting a better job.  You will not find that these things come to be all at once, but the shift that occurs this month is that it is now time for you to take action.  Waiting will not serve you in any way at this point.  There is no more information coming.  There is no more skill you need to develop that will enable you to take the next step.  The next step may be to begin to develop a skill.  There is no reason to wait before beginning to develop that skill. 

April 2010 is a month of action.  It is time to make a list of things that you are going to do and do them.  Anything that stands in your way -- a self critical thought, a relationship that takes too much of your time, self sabotaging behaviors -- anything that stands in your way must be removed at this point.  Even if the action you take on any given day is very, very small, it is still vitally important that you take action.  This is a month when you will find that you simply cannot wait anymore to move toward and create the life that you really wish to be living. 

How can we best use the energy this month?

For many of you, the energy will come as a sense of relief or empowerment, especially if you really worked on building your sense of strength and support in your life last month.  What you are likely to feel this month is a sense of relief.  As the strength you have been building begins to take shape and form, as the weakening things in your life that you let go of last month are gone, you will find yourself with more free time with more energy free and available to pursue your dreams.  If you do not find yourselves with the sense that there is more time and energy available for you, is vitally important now that you look at those things that take most of your time and find a way to readjust the way you spend your time so that you do have more free time to pursue your dreams. 

The energy this month can feel really positive for those of you that have been facing your fears and owning up to and embracing the truth about yourself in your life.  You are going to find this month can feel really fun and energizing and like a relief.  Even though it will be a busy, productive, expansive month you will still feel a sense of relief.  It is as if the train is finally rolling out of the station and you can take a deep breath and move on. 

Are there any power days this month?

April 4 is a special kind of portal.  People usually talk about portals as being gateways to the heavens, but a gateway can also be a portal to the earth and that is what this month is.  It is your connection with Planet Earth.  The divine magical and sacred nature of every day life and mundane events is evident today.  On April 4 it is a great time for you to go about your day as a form of sacrament, as a form of meditation, dedicating the work you do on this day to the greater good of humanity and the divine.  This is a day when the sacredness of every day life will be evident and should be recognized and honored. 

April 8 is also an important day.  This day is a turning point.  Pay attention to anything that comes your way.  Know that anything that happens on this day is charged with meaning and you will not know until you get there what the meaning is.  Things will occur on this day that if they had occurred at any other point you may not have noticed.  But because they will occur on this day, they are going to catch your attention. 

It is important that you define for yourself your own sense of meaning.  Even if everyone things something wonderful has happened, if you do not feel wonderful about it, then consider that the event has more meaning for you; that there is something deeper.  Or vice versa.  If everyone tells you that something is terrible but you actually enjoy it, go ahead and define for yourself what the meaning is of the event.  There are deeper levels available on this day that makes it a turning point.  It is like you will understand yourselves in an entirely new way today.  It is almost as if you will wake up a different person.  Explore yourself and explore your life with fresh eyes on April 8.

Is there anything else the Keepers want to tell us about April 2010?

This is an important month for animals.  Animals always have messages for humanity, but particularly at this time animals are sending messages.  Animals are changing their behavior in ways that call your attention to humanity's next steps.  Pay attention to the animals in your personal life and also pay attention to animals on a greater scale.  Look for animal messages this month.  Look for ways that animals appear to you both as physical beings but also, an animal might appear in a movie or in a picture or photograph.  Pay attention to any animals that appear to you this month.  They have sacred messages.  This is an important month for working with animal totems and interacting with the wisdom of the animal world.

Copyright © Akashic Transformations 2005 - 2008 All rights reserved.

The Monthly Message Preview was channeled from the Akashic Records by Jen Eramith, M.A. Permission is given to copy and redistribute the Messages Previews provided that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author, and it is freely distributed. http://www.akashictransformations.com

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How to Find your life Purpose – part 1

Channeler: Pablo Morano

As we settle our energies together the purpose grows clearer.

The ideas become dim less and the motion is set forward in time.

As we get ready to answer the question about the soul’s purpose and how to find it, we gather the manifestation of many wanting to have a clearer perception of this.

“How do I know what’s my passion?” You asked.

It should be so clear! But the way your society has been designed makes it hard to grasp.

Since you were born you become conditioned to the fact that there are things that you can and cannot do. An order needs to be maintained, and so schools what really do is prepare people to maintain that status quo. Yes, some of you get creative, but you do it, nevertheless, within the rules of what can be accepted as new and what goes into craziness.

You are taught that life is what happens to you and not that you have the power to steer life, so when you hear things like the Law of Attraction you wonder: “why it does not work for me? This must be something crazy that is not true.”

Yet the ones of you who have actually been able to use it, because you have already found your passion, your thriving point, your vortex, know how easy it is to use it!

So the main topic here remains the fact of how can I recognize what I really want? Because, you know I want so many things, and I can be such a multitasker.

So the first step is to ask you, have you really been in touch with your true self? Has there been a time when you could really see it? Perhaps when you where a child before all the mental programming and life imitation from your parents begun to sink in?

Others might have had an “a-ha!” moment somewhere in their lives, but did not really pursue what the intuition told you and kept their curse instead of breaking away.

If you cannot get it right now, do not worry, the idea is to see and get a grasp of what the real connection with your soul, your spirit is, beyond your mind and your heart, untied from the mental activity and the emotions.

Did you know you can get addicted to both?

Anyway, try to focus on the most joyous moment of your life and see if you can recognize that connection, take a deep breath and let it sink back to you, and open the door for the intuition to rise again.

This is the pureness of the moment, there is no past nor future, just now, and this is what you need to be able to tune into to hook into the connection with your true self.

Bear with yourself for a while as you read this and the ideas start to flood the mind, and the connection begins to grow.

It is the moment to start compartmentalizing your life in a way that you can see how your body, mind, emotions and spirit work together so you can process the world that you create and your existence in a way that allows you to find your life purpose, by listening to the one part of you that knows it for sure with its true wisdom, and not the parts that think they know what you want.

Life is about empowerment and we smiles at the idea of the beings that thrive beyond their human form as they walk on earth.

This is the second part of the series, and they should be complemented by work from the channeller as he will be able to teach this in a form that will better fit the establishment of communications.

For now, we say goodbye.

We are jakob.

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How To Stop Absorbing The Energy of Others

How do you constructively deal with intuitive empathy? What practical methods can you employ to avoid becoming overamped or depleted? I'm going to present some strategies I use. Try them. See which appeal. One is not more preferable than another. Most important is if your choice works.

Walk away

Let's say you're chatting with a man you've just met at a conference and your energy starts bottoming out. Here's how to tell if you're being zapped: Don't hesitate to politely excuse yourself; move at least twenty feet from him (outside the range of his energy field). If you receive immediate relief, there's your answer. Most people are oblivious to how their energy impacts others. Even energy vampires--people who feed off your energy to compensate for a lack of their own--aren't generally intending to sap you yet still they do. Obnoxious or meek, vampires come in all forms. Watch out for them. For years, reluctant to hurt anyone's feelings, I needlessly endured these types of situations and suffered. How many of us are so loathe to appear rude that a raving maniac can be right in our face, and still we don't budge for fear of offending? Whenever possible--if your well-being feels at risk with an individual or group--give yourself permission to make a tactful and swift exit. In a spot, physically removing yourself is a sure quick solution.

Shield yourself

A handy form of protection many people use, including healers with trying patients, involves visualizing an envelope of white light (or any color you feel imparts power) around your entire body. Think of it as a shield that blocks out negativity or physical discomfort but allows what's positive to filter in. For instance, your sister is on the rampage. She's about to blow up; you don't want her anger to shatter you. Now--take a deep breath, center yourself, engage your shield. Literally picture it forming a fail-safe barrier around you which deactivates anger. It simply can't get to you. Shielding is a deliberately defensive technique aimed at guarding your feelings, not repressing them. It works by establishing a perimeter of protection around you that functionally doesn't permit harm in.

Practice vulnerability

One tenet of my spiritual practice is to remain as vulnerable as I can to everything; not to shield, the antithesis of defense. Some people prefer my strategy, some don't. Use it if it succeeds for you. Here's the premise (not madness) behind this: if we solidify our bond to our inner self, we'll become centered enough not to need to defend at all. Thus, the best protection turns out to be no protection--a stance that initially alarmed me. It didn't seem possible I could do hands-on energy work with someone who had cancer or depression, for example, without absorbing their symptoms myself. But it was. What could be more liberating than to find I could hold my own and still remain open! Too often we're taught to equate vulnerability with weakness. Not so. I like being vulnerable and also strong. This disarms people. To me, the appeal of such an approach is that it's a non-fear-based way of living in the world. It requires that, increasingly, you harmonize with whatever you confront, let it flow through you, then recenter again, stabilized by your own resilience. Pace yourself. A vulnerable posture will feel safer the stronger you get. It is a choice and a life-long practice.


To cement your inner bond and hold your center in any situation, I recommend a daily practice of meditation where you focus on the spirit within. Doing so gets you into the habit of connecting with yourself. Start with a few minutes, then gradually increase the duration. The technique is simple: follow your breath and explore the silence. It is not void or empty; that's the mystery. As thoughts come, and they will, continue to refocus on your breath. Every inhalation. Every exhalation. The spaces between thoughts are where your spirit waits to be discovered. There is something real in there worth finding. My spirit feels like a core of head-to-toe warmth vertically aligned though the center of my body. Imbued in the warmth itself is an intelligence and intuitive responsiveness to my rhythms and questions. It speaks only truth, which resonates like a chiming in every cell. Silently become acquainted with your spirit. You can return to it to reinforce who you really are--not just the self you present to the world, but that part of you that is timeless. Make room to pursue it.

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