Tag: punishment (page 2 of 3)

Entering The Sector of Deserving


a message from Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Tuesday, 18 October, 2011  

The opulence, the prosperity, the role of Creator-ship that you so seek is within the cellular structure of your being.  It is not housed in a thoug...

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Blossom Goodchild – August 10, 2011


August 10, 2011

Hello once again. I've been rather busy ( as you probably would know). I 'get the urge' to say hello when I haven't been in touch for a while.

Yet for us dearest one, it is but from one momen...

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HEAVEN #3803 Can a Great Body Compare to a Great Soul?, April 24, 2011


God said:  

Let your thoughts not always be centered on yourself. There are many reasons for this. One reason is that by having your thoughts centered on you, you don’t find happiness. Another reason is that, with you...

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Project Blue Beam

By Serge Monast
Originally Published 1994

[Note: Serge Monast [1945 – December 5, 1996] and another journalist, both of whom were researching Project Blue Beam, died of “heart attackswithin weeks of each other although neither had a history of heart disease. Serge was in Canada. The other Canadian journalist was visiting Ireland. Prior to his death, the Canadian government abducted Serge’s daughter in an attempt to dissuade him from pursuing his research into Project Blue Beam. His daughter was never returned. Pseudo-heart attacks are one of the alleged methods of death induced by Project Blue Beam.]

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It does not make sense that a loving god would create such a world


01/16/2011 by John Smallman

As you know deep within yourselves, you are perfect beings, created by God for eternal joy and happiness.  As you experience life in the illusion, it is very difficult for you to bring this knowled...

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SaLuSa | September 10, 2010


There it was, hidden in alphabetical order. – Rita Holt

SaLuSa | September 10, 2010

Let no one deny you your rights to your own beliefs, but honor another soul who has chosen a different path. It should be possible to exist side by side, without causing issues that bring about confrontation. It may be hard at times to observe others who follow their faith that involves persecution of their own kind. However, it must be borne in mind, that all souls are following a path that they have chosen for themselves. It is therefore important that you do not interfere with them, even although your motives may be of the highest order. You experience what is necessary for your spiritual evolution, and there are no exceptions to it. So Dear Ones, you may ask how are you to deal with such a situation, and the answer is simply by example. If you believe that by doing so you can influence another person for the better, that is as much as you can do.

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SaLuSa 16-April-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

Every soul is being given the opportunity to resolve any outstanding karma, and since you are in your last lifetime on Earth some of you are living hectic lives. Karma is normally worked out when the best conditions present themselves, and do not necessarily occur in the life immediately after the one in which it was incurred. It is a major factor that determines your life plan, and more often than not is related to personal relationships. Each of you sets out in life looking for happiness and fulfillment, but often there is disappointment. Dear Ones, if you have failed to succeed in some aspect of your life, consider that it was planned and intended to give you lessons that are of value to you. After all, nothing that is important to your life plan happens by chance.

At our dimensional level we have long overcome the need for karma, and if we make the wrong choices we recognize them and make amends immediately. For us personal relationships are based on love and respect for each other. We recognize our Oneness with all that is, and acknowledge the divine essence that all life carries. Our caution concerns decisions that are made that effect many souls, such as our involvement with your future. The outcome is not always clear, but based on our experience and ability to read the future probabilities we are confident that little can go wrong. When an advanced civilization intervenes with one that is still evolving, much care is necessary to ensure that it does not interfere with their path of evolution.

On Earth, at almost every turn you have decisions to make and you are prone to build up karma. However, once you understand the purpose of life and acknowledge the fact that you are all One, you will approach life with a greater understanding. It is not necessarily bound up in religious beliefs, as sometimes these can have the opposite effect by isolating you from other people. Again such souls are working out their karma through such experiences, and in the scheme of things every experience adds to your total consciousness, accumulated through all of your lifetimes.

When you finally ascend you may be absolutely certain that you have succeeded in overcoming duality, and you will truly be looked upon as a Master. You are amongst the bravest of souls to have honed your spiritual awareness, by going through each experience in person. You may wonder what happens to those memories of the negative ones, as many have left you scarred for life. Please be aware that as your consciousness rises, you will set aside such memories and eventually only recall your triumphs and successes. You cannot in fact carry the lower vibrations into the higher levels, and that is the Law. Whenever you carry heartache and sadness, know that it will not remain forever and that the energies of love and happiness will replace them.

Life can seem cruel and very unfair, but remember that you have created your own reality. You cannot escape the Universal Law, but in no way are these in the form of punishment. In fact behind them is the great energy of Love and Light that is the life force of All That Is. Your progress is in your own hands but as we often remind you, the pathway you chose is one that you have decided upon. That is in accordance with the freewill you have been granted, so that you are not restricted in your choices. However you are not expected to necessarily know exactly what is the best path to take, and there are always greater Beings of wisdom and understanding that will guide you if you ask. Even now, although we are fully conscious Beings we consult them if we are uncertain as to the best course of action. Bear in mind we are dealing with the future of planets and their civilizations, just as we are with you. It is a great responsibility and care must be taken when decisions are made. At this time you stand at the gateway to Ascension, and once the changes commence that will bring it into being, they must take you to it with as little inconvenience as possible. Clearly in view of the massive changes to be made, we want it to go smoothly and it is why our plan is reviewed quite often. The timing must be right and we will not move until it is seen to be certain that it will succeed.

When you think about the worldwide problems that exist, and the extent of the changes that are coming know that it is quite an undertaking even for us. However, we have unlimited resources and have complete confidence in our ability to deliver the plan. Once we can openly visit you, your doubts and frustrations will disappear, as you will quickly realize that we are the Creator’s representatives on a divine mission. Your future is tied in with the total upliftment of the Universe, and you are as important as any other part of the plan.

Your participation in the changes requires no more than your dedication, in visualizing the happiness and joy they will bring to all life upon Earth. Stay in the Light and live your life to your best ability, as if you had already ascended. Spread love and harmony wherever and whenever you can, and allow any negativity to pass you by. You cannot fight it by approaching it at the same level of vibration, but you rise above it and surround it in love. This way you will be contributing to the overall vibration of the Earth, and indeed you will be helping lift it even higher. You will find that the more you think and act in the Light, the easier it will be to maintain your place at the higher level.

Remember Dear Ones that you are party to the cleansing of Earth, and it is your responsibility to do all you can to reverse the damage that has occurred over many years. We are of course doing our part although you may not necessarily be aware of exactly what we are doing. Much of our work goes unannounced, and it will not take place openly with your knowledge until we are able to work in unison with each other. Mother Earth continues to rumble away, and is waiting to finish her own preparations for Ascension. It is therefore becoming important that she is allowed to complete it very soon. There are reasons related to your safety that are holding back any increase in the cleansing operation, which must be completed in readiness for Ascension.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and bless you all and surround you in Light. May you be touched by it, and your consciousness awakened to a higher level than previously. Many higher Beings are also focusing their Light upon Earth, and it increases with your ability to ground it.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

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SaLuSa 14-April-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa 14-April-2010

The dark Ones continue to find that their covert actions are being revealed, and in a time of truth so will it continue. The extent and scale to which you have been used and manipulated, is beyond your full understanding. However, you will learn sufficient to know that something radical and far reaching must be done, to cut out the cancer of corruption that has spread all through politics and business. Such knowledge will ensure that whatever replaces it, is based upon honesty and fairness with the object of doing what is best for all. That a small number of people have amassed great wealth, while most of you work hard for less than your labors deserve must change. It indeed will change Dear Ones, and the plans are ready to be implemented. In so many ways you have been led to believe that you are subservient to those in power, and your rights have been deliberately eroded to keep you down. Again that will change and although it will take time to reverse the situation, eventually you will become sovereign Beings once again.

At a time when you have such a good system of communication, it is ironic that it is controlled by those behind the media who determine what you are allowed to know. What should be given a public airing is censored, and results in so many major topics of national interest being hidden away. There has not been such a thing as freedom of the Press to report on all matters of interest for a long time. Indeed reports are falsified to satisfy the aims Illuminati, and journalists comply rather than risk losing their jobs. When their lives and family are also threatened it takes a brave person to stand up to them. However, the truth does eventually come out, mainly thanks to the Internet and it needs protecting to ensure the principle of free speech. The false operations such as 9/11 are a good example of what the Internet can do to bring out the truth. It is true that it can also be used to counter truth with disinformation, but with discernment and intuition you will know what is true or not.

Some of you ask what can you personally do to help change things, and our response is to advise you to talk amongst yourselves so that the truth is known by as many as possible. If action groups can be formed all the better, and along with others you will continue to apply pressure for the full truth to be revealed. Otherwise individually concentrate on how you visualize the future where you are free and your sovereignty is restored, and you will be helping it to manifest. Of course we have a great input into such matters, and working with our allies behind the scenes to speed up matters so that our plan for your future can fully commence. Have no fear as to the outcome; it has been decided in the higher dimensions by great Beings who see the whole picture from their perspective. What has been decreed by them will come to pass, and all will be manifested by the time this cycle of duality has been completed. You are so near to major changes upon Earth, whilst the Sun and your solar system continue to move into a higher vibration. That is already being noted, but again such information is not readily made public but held back. There has been a policy of secrecy for many years, none more so than the findings of NASA who have deliberately set out to keep you from knowing about our activities and us.

Dear Ones, we are near to announcements that will reveal the truth about us. No amount of denial will make any difference, and the secrets about our involvement with you and your governments will come out. They have known of us for many, many years and have repeatedly refused our offers of help. The benefits that we are bringing you could have been yours a long time ago, and you have been stopped from progressing to satisfy the greed for wealth and power of the elite. It is time to remove the dark Ones and their cronies, and they will not be able to stop the tide of change that is sweeping through the corridors of power. Governmental changes are a high priority and we will ensure that the right people represent you when we openly arrive on Earth. Our ways are ones of peace and love for all life, and those in power that are not working on a higher vibration will be removed. We shall use legal means to bring about such changes, and there will be no hiding place or way to defeat justice. We know exactly what each individual has done during their time serving as your representatives, and hold the proof should it be needed.

The dark Ones have had their opportunities to have a change of heart and move towards the Light. It is their choice as to where their future lies, and we seek nothing other than their removal from office. Like any soul, they will one day judge themselves, and there is no retribution or punishment except that they may answer to Mans laws. You have learnt much through the cycle of duality, and it has served its purpose in bringing you to understand the opposites and still rise up. You are clearly spiritually stronger than when you started your epic journey through the darkness and lack of Light. It is in fact quite remarkable that given the loss of your true identity you have still managed to find your way back, and today stand at the door of Ascension. It is truly a wonderful achievement and you are to be applauded for it.

Keep your focus as ever on the future, and the past will take care of itself. Your energy is best used in this way, as the more of you who do so the quicker your vibrations will rise up. It will also increase your protection against any intrusion from the dark Ones, and you will easily ward it off. As you rise up your consciousness levels increase and a stronger link is formed with your Higher Self. This is just but one step on the path to super consciousness and your return to the higher dimensions, where your awakening will be complete. Even now your awareness is growing and you are becoming more intuitive. You will gradually find that you do not need outside help to the extent you did previously. These are sure signs that you are progressing very quickly, and you will undoubtedly succeed in reaching Ascension.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and delight in giving messages to you, as it helps create a bond between us that will a carry us all far. We have so much in common that it will not take you too long to reach our levels, and that will restore you to where you should be as one of us. Let your imagination run free and you will pick up much that is on its way to you. Your happiness and freedom is to be returned to you, before you leave Earth.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.


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SaLuSa 09-April-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

We find that the sense of expectation of a major change is growing, and that is very encouraging as it means more of you are aware of what is planned for your future. In any event there are so many who sense that changes are happening, even if they are not so well informed as to the nature of them. The collapse of the old ways could have hardly have passed by without being noticed, and all in all it means that people are very receptive to the idea of receiving something new. They will not yet see it coming through the present world governments, as there needs to be a complete change within the administration and personnel before it can go ahead. There may be rumors and speculation as to what is in store, but only the higher sources will be able to clearly define the details of the plan. Although it has been amended where necessary, it has generally speaking kept to its central aims which are the key requirements for your upliftment.

The coming Ascension has been the subject of many teachings and messages for a very long time, as the end times have been clearly defined since this cycle began so long ago. It is the whole purpose of everything that has been taking place, and the plan has been played out so that you have gained the maximum benefit from it. Dear Ones it is about experience so that your spiritual evolution moves further forward. It has been about opposites such as good and evil as you would define it, and duality having all but run its course it is time to bring it to an end. Although some souls go through the same experiences many times, there is always something to be learnt. Often there are groups of you that come together for that very purpose, and you help each other to progress. You play your parts fully immersed in the characters that you choose, and as far as you are concerned it is an absolute reality.

Through many lives you set yourself up in all different types of roles, and truly you are all excellent actors on the stage of life. The problem for some souls is that they become so deeply involved with their characters, that they leave no room for their inner self to surface. It is hoped that each soul has those moments of sudden realization that they are more than they seem. After all they carry their God spark with them at all times, and their Light cannot be completely subdued. Some will deny God, but often that comes from learning of an angry and revengeful God that is to be feared. That is the image of a false God and has no place where you are concerned. God is and always will be the totality of all Love, because Love Is. If you follow spiritual messages, there are few that depict God and the Higher Beings in anyway except as full of Love and Light. At their levels in the higher dimensions it cannot be any other way as only the Truth can exist. God gets the blame for so many things, and that can only arise from a misunderstanding as to what God is. Regrettably some teachings play upon the idea of an angry God that metes out punishment, and it is used as a way to keep people in a continual state of fear and obedience.

Go confidently into the future knowing that God is All Love, and no matter how far you stray from the true path of understanding, it will always remain so. After your sojourn upon Earth you are always welcomed back with open arms, even if you have transgressed and carry guilt. That is in fact unnecessary as all is viewed as experience, and through further opportunities you can overcome your weaknesses without self-punishment. On one level you are all equal, and it is only Man that chooses to see others as different or separate to himself. Duality of course encourages that view, but how to overcome it is the challenge that it presents. View all souls as from the same source and a part of God, and you will realize that they are as much a part of you, as you are them.

As time progresses all things will become clear, and you are already beginning to enter a period where anything other than the truth will be revealed to be transmuted. These are of the lower vibration and have no place in the future. As you are certainly noticing, the moves to reveal the truth about Man and his experiences are gaining momentum. We can say quite definitely, that by the time you come to the end of this cycle all stones will have been overturned. Nothing will remain hidden regardless of how much it has previously been covered up. In view of this it would help your progress, if you took a totally and truthful approach to all matters. Start putting it into action and become that which you really are, a Being of Love and Light. With time it will become easier to do so, as your levels of consciousness are rising much more rapidly.

Dear Ones, everything is being done to help you move ever onwards, and you should be able to focus more easily on your future and not be not be distracted. Tame those emotions that sometimes get out of control, and you will actually feel all the better for it. When you get upset you disturb not just the harmony of your body, but the energies around it. Such imbalances can even make you feel ill, and it takes time to recover. If it happens try to centre yourself as quick as you can, and surround yourself with the pure light of the green healing ray. It will help return you to a peaceful and relaxed state, and speed up your recovery. Think upon it for a moment as to why Man is normally surrounded by so much greenery, and trips to the countryside can be so uplifting. On a clear day, why does the beauty of a blue sky seem so peaceful as you lie down and peer into it?

In the higher dimensions you will be absolutely surrounded by beauty, and energies that are conducive to peace and stillness that has no equal on Earth at present. Any effort you put in now to move in the direction of Ascension will be more than worth it, as what you have now is little compared to what shall be yours very soon. No more shall you go through the experience of death, and ill health will be a thing of the past. Lack will be a word you will never use again, and life will be a heavenly experience in every sense of the word.

I am SaLuSa of the Galactic Federation, and we so want you all to rise up when the opportunity presents itself. Become the loving souls you really are, and leave the physical dimension for your real home in the stars.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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Wake Up!

Channeler: sheryl pedersen

A message from Mother Mary

You are all moving into a time of rapid change and I just wanted to share a few words of encouragement so that this does not catch you off guard.

A download of light energy and light codes has been happening,accelerated around the time of your solstice. This has been affecting many of you in different ways, the most noticeable for many has been highs and lows of emotional energy. Many have been shifting rapidly between extremes with no real reason that you know of. You may cry at the slightest thing and be really upset and then quickly shift into feeling so happy you think you may burst.

This is a result of the light energy waves that pull many of you along in an emotional way, through ups and downs. For each of you this experience will be different depending on how ready your physical body is to handle this type of light energy wave.

I want to assure you that nothing is wrong with any of you. Everything is right, in fact it is perfect for this time in your evolution. Indeed from our perspective, most of you are actually ahead of schedule in your spiritual progressing that you designed for yourself.

Now for a sort of warning for so many of you. Be prepared for all that is not light to be coming to the surface and into your awareness for healing. This is a supreme wake up call happening across your planet to shake up your complacency and move you into action. It is important that you get all of the crap so to speak out of the way and get on with what you really came here to do. Your soul work is needed NOW, thus the somewhat urgent wake up call.

What will happen for many of you is that seemingly out of the blue an issue will surface. You will most likely feel this as a very strong uncomfortable feeling in reaction to something another says or does or a situation in the world. This is the wake up call, that strong uncomfortable feeling. This is a clue that there is something within you that is ready to be healed.

For those of you that work with me directly in any capacity, know that I am not fooling around at this time. You have been sent subtle clues of the healing that needs to happen and if you have been ignoring them, you will be getting a very strong and firm wake up call. This may come as a message from a being in spirit, or may be triggered by events in your life. And, if you don't hear the call the first time, be assured that it will be repeated in a louder and bigger way so that we indeed get your attention.

Some will perceive this to be a punishment of some sort or unfair in some way. That is not the intention nor has spirit any intention to cause harm to anyone. We just want you to be aware of what is happening inside of you that you are not always consciously aware of. Sometimes it is necessary for you to feel pain which is the greatest motivator for you humans to take action. You so much want to be free of pain and these wake up calls are an opportunity for you to move fully into the glory and brilliance of who you really are.

And know also that you planned these wake up calls for yourself before you came here on the planet. You knew in a general way what you were coming to do and what issues you would be dealing with . This is your life lesson and life purpose. This is part of your plan for your soul in this incarnation.

You made sure that we would assist with setting the alarm clock to go off at a certain time if you fell asleep, which many of you have done. We are just assisting with helping create the situations for the alarm clock to go off. And if you ignore it the first time it rings, there is another and another ring until you do wake up.

All of you reading this and all of you who attend the live sessions that we do in Kingston are high spiritual beings who have particular work that you came here to do and now is the time to do it. You will begin to see so much more resources to help you identify why you are here and what you are to do, again your life lesson and life purpose. We are rapidly training individuals to do this work so that you are prepared to start your mission helping the planet transition smoothly into the 5th dimension.

I am available to work with all of you at any time, all you need to do is ask and I will be there with you to guide you through this process for it may be a challenge for those of you who have experienced great pain in their lives. It is time to bring all that is not light to the surface so that it may be cleansed and released to reveal the brilliance of who you are.

We are here to support you and guide you. Some may feel the need to reach out to other people to help them in this transition and individuals are being trained and prepared to do this work with you. Just let us know that you are ready to let go of the past and live in your brilliance and we will guide you in the perfect direction.

And a reminder that this process of being woken up is done with the intention to do no harm, but with the intention to bring you to a place of peace and joy beyond your current understanding. It is just time to stop sleeping and wake up to a new world of possibility and purpose.

Blessings, Mary, your divine mother


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Our Father lives eternally in infinite joy because He sees only the perfection and beauty in each one of us

03/31/2010 by John Smallman

Oneness with our divine Creator is the most magnificent and generous gift that He could give us, a divine sharing with His children of His infinite, unconditional, and eternal Love, which is the power and energy of creation. No greater love is possible than the Love with which our Father envelops and suffuses us. The more we grow in conscious awareness of the infinite magnificence of our divine Father’s Love for us, the more awestruck we become at the incomprehensible generosity He offers us in every moment of our existence.

There is nothing we can think, or say, or do that could possibly thank Him adequately or show Him our appreciation of His divine gift to us. All that we can do is to accept it and say “Thank you Father.” Then we must willingly share it in every moment with everyone everywhere so that we may all awaken into the glory of His Presence and into the boundless brilliant light of eternal day, where our every wish is instantly granted for our unending joy.

It is time for you to leave the nightmare and journey forward towards your heavenly home. It is the divine destination where your arrival is enthusiastically awaited by the multitudinous host of loving angels and guides who have been assisting you on your long, frequently very painful, and apparently hazardous trek. The illusion is finished, you have learnt all that it can teach you, and the moment for its dissolution is approaching.

The lesson that you have been learning is to love all and to forgive all, and that is what our Father has been demonstrating so perfectly since He created us. It is the path to infinite joy. Our Father lives eternally in infinite joy because He is infinitely loving and forgiving, and sees only the perfection and beauty in each one of us — there is nothing else but that in each of us.

You have pretended otherwise and constructed a horrendous imaginary reality in which you tease, torture, and attempt to destroy your heavenly sisters and brothers. All that that has brought you is unending pain and suffering. No one has enjoyed it, and yet you continue to maintain it, while forcefully and belligerently claiming that there is no other way — that God demands that you suffer to appease Him, and that you are His holy instruments directed to invoke and deliver His punishments on those you judge have offended Him! But you are the ones who are offended (God cannot be offended!) because you have invented and promulgated insane limits and restrictions on behavior so that you may project your own sense of guilt onto others and then punish them in the name of God!

God is unconditional indiscriminate Love which He happily shares in every moment with every single one of His beloved children who truly can do no wrong. Soon they will awaken and experience the ecstasy of knowing this in everlasting bliss. All is well, God’s children will awaken, and the illusion will sink forever back into the nothingness from which you made it. Be ready for the grand celebration that has been prepared to mark this most holy occasion.

With so very much love, Saul.


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Life’s Gifts and Life’s Tragedies – Making sense of it all

We begin today a three-part series:

Life's Gifts and Life's Tragedies - Making sense of it all

Last week, in previewing this series, I offered the observation that there are people who believe that certain other people "deserve" to have pain and suffering in their life. A few years ago there were those who even said that AIDS was "God's punishment" for lives in ways that were not in accordance with God's Will. Others have made the same argument about different forms of pain and suffering. It's God's Will. It's God's punishment.

Is that how it works? People do "bad" things and God punishes them? He gives them pain and suffering here on earth, then sends them to hell after they die?

What about the pain and suffering of wonderful people, like my grandmother, who suffered a stroke and lived the last years of her life in much suffering and debilitation? What was God's purpose there?

The earthquake in Chile three weeks ago is what brought this all up for me again---and the tsunami in Hawaii that "never was," even though for a while there we all thought (my wife and I were on the Big Island at the time) that we were in major trouble...

Why were some people in harm's way, and others not? How does Fate decide these things? Is there some rhyme or reason? Is there some point or purpose?

No. There is not, and we must become clear that there is not. Not in the sense that most people mean when they think of there being some "point" to it all.

For there to be some "point," there would have to be a person, a being, who would GIVE it all a "point." There is no such person or being. Some people disagree with me on this. They say that the Person or Being is God. I am saying that God is not a "person" or "being," with likes and dislikes, frustrations and resentments, a need to judge and a need to punish, and an agenda for humankind and for each person on the earth.

I am suggesting to you that "God" is an ineffable Essence-what the Upanishads call Brahman-that permeates the Universe; that IS the Universe, and all things, seen and unseen. I am suggesting that Brahman is Pure Intelligence, and that Brahman is a Process. I am suggesting that it is the Process called Life.

Life does not have a preference about how Life expresses Itself. Life always was, is now, and always will be---therefore Life is not worried about the thing we call "death," and demonstrates no concern about it. If you die, you die. If you live, you live. In both cases you continue to Be.

You cannot NOT Be, and therefore Life (God) has no concern, worry, or agitation about whether you are going to Be or not. Nor does Life have a preference in the matter of how your Being is expressed. Only you do. Because you think that you Are, and the truth is, you Are Not.

That is, you think that you are "you," and the truth is you are not who you think you are, you are not "you," but rather, that which comprises you. The "you" that you think you are is merely a conglomeration of that which comprises you, globbed together in a particular form. Put in CwG terms: You are an Individuation of Divinity, a Singularization of The Singularity. You are a Process, not a Person. And that Process will continue forever. It is called Life. In this case, Life manifesting in the form that you call "you."

Even that form is not a form for more than one millionth of a nano-second. That's why I have said "you are a Process, not a Person." The "you" that You Are is constantly changing form. Like a flame burning atop a candle. Is the flame the same flame in Hour 2 as it was in Hour 1? It is the same flame even from moment to moment? No. It cannot be. By the very nature of what the flame IS, the flame is not. For the flame burns itself out even as it is being what it is. It is thus ending its Present Form in every Present Moment.

A flame is the outward manifestation of the using up of fuel. When the fuel is gone, the flame disappears. In the case of Who You Are, the fuel is never gone, so the flame that is You never disappears. Yet it equally never stays the same. In this sense, "you" are not. You are only what you are Right Now. And then, Right Now. And then, Right Now. You can't stay the same for even one one-millionth of a nano-second. So who are you, anyway...?

There is a continuity to "you," even though "you" are different and changing in every moment. What is this Continuity? Is it Atman (the Soul)? If so, does Atman have a role to play in determining whether you die in an earthquake or are one of those spared in the "tsunami that never was"? What determines who lives and who dies?

I am going to give you a startling answer to that question. There is no such thing as `living' and `dying.' One might as well ask, "What determines who is `being' and who is not `being.'?" Yet nothing is not Being, therefore there is nothing and no one `determining' who is being and who is not.

Okay, you might say. But certainly there is such a thing as changing form. We may all live forever, we may all Always Be, but who or what determines the Form that we take from time to time? Those who died in the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile lived on, but changed Forms. Those who lived through the "tsunami that never was" in Hawaii lived on in the same Form. Who or what decides which Form the Beingness takes from time to time?

I am going to give you a startling answer to that question. There is no such thing as `time,' therefore the Being that You Are takes All Forms At Once. It is merely a question of which Form you are paying attention to, which Form you are choosing to experience, in that part of Always that you call Now.

The Formulation of Brahman that called itself the people in Haiti and Chile who "died" in the earthquakes focused its attention on physicalization and de-physicalization (that is, "living" and "dying") in the way that it did during those earthquakes in order that Brahman Itself might Know Itself in Its Own Experience AS THAT.

This is all part of a holy process that CwG calls "God godding", or, if you please, Brahman Being. Being what? Being everything. All at once. Being life. Being death. Being good. Being bad. Being fast, being slow; being up, being down; being big, being small; being male, being female; being all of It. Being, literally, All Of ItSelf All At Once.

Phew. Okaaaay...

So what does that mean about how we, here and now, are experiencing life? You tell me.

No, I mean that literally. You tell me. By your thoughts, your words, and your actions, you tell me, every day of your life, what that means. You are also telling yourself. You are literally telling your own mind what to think about all this. You're doing it right now. Watch yourself. You are reading this, and you are telling your own Mind what to think about what you're reading. Or, you are saying to yourself, "I just don't know what to think."

Translation: Nothing has any meaning save the meaning you give it.

Now, let me say here that I embrace the Upanishadic tradition and teaching of Atman---the Soul; a part of us that lives forever, retaining its Essence and dropping its Individual Expression of that Essence during Samadhi (Oneness with the All), then picking up its Individual Expression again, then dropping it again, over and over through all Eternity in a Divine Rhythm that perpetuates Perpetuity Itself.

I embrace the notion that the purpose of it all is to allow God to know Itself in its own experience, as I have said before. This is done through the process of Individual Souls evolving and experiencing more and more of what they Always Are. I believe that Souls pick and create the Right and Perfect circumstances allowing them to do this.

To put all this simply, some Souls "die" and some Souls "live" because it is perfect for them to do that in that portion of All Time that they call Right Here, Right Now. When they "die" they realize that they have not "died" at all, but continue living forever. Then they decide (after reemerging from the moment of Samadhi) what aspect of Who They Are they wish next to experience---either as their "old self" (the person they were before they "died") or as a new and other self (the concept known as reincarnation as another individual being).

Explaining this further, I understand that souls have the ability to return to the Timeline of Forever Always at any point, in any Form they wish---including the Form they just left behind. Put simply, you can live as the "you" that you imagine your Self to be again and again, experiencing Life in a hundred thousand different moments in a hundred thousand different ways, until you have experienced and expressed the Self in this particular Form at the level of absolute Divinity. And even then you can keep coming back to experience that as long as you wish.

Or...you can come back in another Form (i.e., as another person) and experience Life in that Form as many times as you wish. You ultimately realize that you are Life in All Forms All The Time. You are Always All, and you are All All Ways.

In other words, you are God, godding.

Okay, that's a lot of esoterics for one week. But how to make any of that work for us in any practical way during This Life, Here and Now? That is the question. And that's what we'll look at in Part II of this series, next week.

In the meantime, suggested reading: HOME WITH GOD IN A LIFE THAT NEVER ENDS.

Love and Hugs,

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What a wonderful world… or is it?

We live in a wonderful world---and that does not mean that our world is not faced with enormous challenges. We live wonderful lives---and that does not mean that our lives are not filled with enormous challenges. Our world is, and our lives are.

What, then, is the purpose and the point of all this? Why are we being put through all that we are being put through? And why are some, but not others, subjected to unparalleled pain and suffering---to say nothing of sudden and "undeserved" death?

I use that term because I was reading in the newspaper the other day of the remark of a prosecuting attorney arguing before a jury about the death of a woman who had been strangled in her garage by 15-year-old boy who said that all he wanted was to steal her car. Said the prosecutor about the woman: "She did not deserve to die."

Who does?

I mean, what does that phrase mean?

I suppose there are some killers, now on death row, of whom there are those who would say: "they deserve to die." But do they, really? And even if you think that they do, let's get back to the "pain and suffering" experience. Does anybody "deserve" to have pain and suffering in their life?

How does all this work here? What are the "rules" here on earth that make some people "deserving" of death, and other people not; that make some people "deserving" of pain and suffering, and other people not?

Yes, there are people who believe that certain other people "deserve" to have pain and suffering in their life. A few years ago there were those who even said that AIDS was "God's punishment" for lives in ways that were not in accordance with God's Will. Others have made the same argument about different forms of pain and suffering. It's God's Will. It's God's punishment.

Is that how it works? People do "bad" things and God punishes them? He gives them pain and suffering here on earth, then sends them to hell after they die?

What about the pain and suffering of wonderful people, like my grandmother, who suffered a stroke and lived the last years of her life in much suffering and debilitation? What was God's purpose there?

The earthquake in Chili two weeks ago is what brought this all up for me again---and the tsunami in Hawaii that "never was," even though for a while there we all thought (my wife and I were on the Big Island at the time) that we were in major trouble...

Why were some people in harm's way, and others not? How does Fate decide these things? Is there some rhyme or reason? Is there some point or purpose?

We shall look at these things in the weeks ahead as we begin a three-part series:

LIFE'S GIFTS AND LIFE'S TRAGEDIES: Making sense of it all
Part 1 next week. Be sure to be with us!

Love and Hugs,

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