Tag: psychiatrist (page 2 of 2)

Cellular Memory in Organ Transplants


Leslie A. Takeuchi, BA, PTA

In my experience as a physical therapist assistant, I have come to acknowledge the relevance of thoughts, emotions and spiritual beliefs to healing. I recognize the art of physical therapy to be based u...

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Psychiatric researcher pleads guilty to research fraud

by David Gutierrez, staff writer

(NaturalNews) A psychiatrist on the payroll of GlaxoSmithKline has been sentenced to 13 months in prison after pleading guilty to committing research fraud in trials of the company's antidepressant Paxil on children...

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Instead of just feeling Gr8, this Great Mind of course wants to know what makes it tick... Much like Russell Crowe in 'a Beautiful Mind'. If you don't know it, take my advice: just Do it!

Who caused this great feeling? Well, who didn't?

Of cou...

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Light In, No Garbage Out?

Am I actually daring enough to say I always make sense? Not bloody likely! No, this is about something very crappy, or rather NOT crappy. Lately I have been going about my days in a very matter of fact way. Life is what it is, and regardless of that, ...

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Why take a pill at all?

I still don't quite get it. I mean coming to understand the Matrix is one thing, but what's with this fanatic thrust to avoid anything that is part of it? Surely, to get more people out, you have to at least spend part of your time in there, if only to be able to reach them? Sure, take care of yourself properly, and armed with all this knowledge you can do that, but avoiding all that is of the Matrix surely creates a similar separation as those in the Matrix avoiding anything that is without?And is is not as if avoiding the Matrix altogether is a task easily performed anyhow: of all the numerous companies that exist worldwide, part are Matrix, while others are New World. Often, if you open up to the world, you develop a certain feel for this: like the new netbook I bought a few weeks back, not because of a given set of technical specs, but merely because of it's type: Acer Aspire One. This may seem ridiculous to you, but sofar it is the most suitable machine for me at this present time. But specwise, it is about half of what I had before. I guess growing up, really growing up, you learn to utilize your toys better, thus being able to do with less.

I know I'm recovering from being overworked, and people like my psychiatrist will probably think I was just seeing things, but if you ever stop by a busy freeway, have a go at watching all the painted trucks go by. Odds are, you'll begin to see a pattern there, like I did. I'll not give you a breakdown right here right now, but you'll definitely start to see what is Matrix and what isn't, your discernment will see to that, if properly used. Specifically watch for recurring patterns in that stream, for as you know, deja vu is an indication of changes in the Matrix...

Browsing around the supermarket is also an experience that might enlighten you: watching the sheer overkill of different products, and remembering they'll need a hefty piece of real estate to produce each and every one of them, one soon begins to wonder if there is any space left on this globe for us to live on. Especially if you think about the fact that a bottle of shampoo needs two factories: one for the bottle, and one for the shampoo. And that is for simple products, like packs of biscuits, or pre-sliced ham. Have you ever noticed by the way how very regular all these packages are? I mean, sliced ham is always a given diameter, even though when slicing a ham yourself, you'd know the ham to have a tapering end, starting big and ending smaller.....

Let's not even talk about complex stuff like cell phones: thousands of parts, many of which have to be cast specially. Sure, one factory could make several parts at the same time, but most of the stuff is too darn tiny to be assembled by human hands. Thus, a sizeable production line is needed to do most of the assembly. And we all know how many new models come out every month worldwide, forcing a redesign of an assembly line as part of the process. Somehow, these numbers just don't seem to add up....

Not wanting to add to this complexity, one would figure that buying secondhand stuff is far more environmentally friendly: there is no additional production process involved, it helps those that do wish to buy new things to remove the clutter in their lives, and most of the outlets selling secondhand articles are not in it for the money in the first place. And you think it is difficult to find what you want from those secondhand sales? Why, only two weeks ago I wished for a dresser, seeing an empty space in my living room. Last weekend a female friend asked me to go with her to a church sale, and there it sat: almost exactly the measurements I'd wished for, and even the style matched my desires! And that's not luck, just the Cosmos at work!

But the Cosmos is not biasing us to keep outside the Matrix: my daughter Laura wanted a new (as in factory-delivered) phone, and mentioned it to me in passing. I didn't have the cash on hand, but when we went for groceries yesterday I checked my account. And surely, there were 80 euros there which I hadn't been expecting! No Cosmos saying "I won't let you have this", even though it was a new product.

The basic advice I can give? If it feels good to you, it is good for you, no matter what anyone else says. In the end it is all your creation, right? So enjoy it, even if other call some of it the Matrix. Remember, just as there are untold versions of Reality, there are untold versions of the Matrix. And no one can tell you when you've stepped into that inner part, except you.

Love your discernment,


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