Tag: protest (page 1 of 2)

Urgent: Ongoing Meditation for the Situation in Washington D.C.

This is the moment that has the same historical impact and significance as the storming of the Bastille which started the French Revolution:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storming_of_the_Bastille Many pro-Trump protesters have managed to enter the ...

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Progress Report

 Our meditations have managed to somewhat stabilize the positive path towards the Event. A few days before exact Eris-Pluto heliocentric square meditation on August 31st, cloudships and rare multiple rainbows appeared in Taiwan:   The So...

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Progress Report

 Our meditations have managed to somewhat stabilize the positive path towards the Event. A few days before exact Eris-Pluto heliocentric square meditation on August 31st, cloudships and rare multiple rainbows appeared in Taiwan:   The So...

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Greg Giles ~ The Hidden Agenda of the Galactic Federation Show ~ Part 1

  War in Ukraine   A quick word on Conspiracies: (Thanks to threeworldwars.com) There are three ways of exposing a Conspiracy: 1. One is for any of the participants in the conspiracy to break...

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Think the Anti-GMO Movement is Unscientific? Think Again

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info“Anyone that says, ‘Oh, we know that this is perfectly safe,’ I say is either unbelievably stupid, or deliberately lying. The reality is, we don’t know. The experiments simply haven’t been done, and now we have become the guinea pigs.”  ~ David Suzuki, geneticistNow that the mainstream media is catching on to the public sentiment against GMO food, or at least against unlabeled GMO food, to the tune o [...]

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Flashmob banking protest in Sevilla Spain


Thanks to Eleanor for the link to this video.

The special thing about this "flashmob" is that it is a form of protest against the financial system.


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Heavenletter #4153 The Tree You Want to Climb , April 8, 2012


God said:

Be open to life. Let life show up. It may not be as you expect. It may be quite different from what you expect, yet life appears, and life is to be welcomed. Love life, and yet not hold on to it. Life is a chimera. Life ...

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HEAVEN #4015 One Big Flower, November 22, 2011


God said:

This thing of love is a bond. It is a bond that builds, and it is a bond that frees. Because there is Oneness, love is huge. Love may have many petals yet it is One Big Flower. Love is so big that it fills up the Univers...

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Djwhal Khul: Peaceful Protest


Djwhal Khul Spirituality Article Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon (Complimentary every week)

“Peaceful Protest”

October 27, 2011

(Channeling begins)

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi delek.

Alright. My to...

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For Dutch and European readers: ESM, de nieuwe Europese dictator


For Dutch and European readers only (video below is in German Dutch subtitled). Please sign the petition! And inform as many people as you can about his! It's very important!

If this treaty is signed that means that Brus...

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Wall Street protest movement spreads to cities across US, Canada and Europe

The Guardian Occupy Wall Street protests reach Boston, LA, St Louis and Kansas City, and are planned in cities across US and abroad It began as the brainchild of activists across the border in Canada when an anti-consumerism magazine put out a call in...

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The manuscript of survival – part eight


30 August 2011 -

Chapter ten Today´s topic might be a bit hard to swallow for some, but it is indeed of the highest importance. We refer of course to the fact that you as a species have never been the only sentinent beings...

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HEAVEN #3838 You Need to Know the Love in Your Heart , May 29, 2011


God said:  

When I gave you the gift of life in the world, you eagerly accepted the gift. Now you have second thoughts. Now you talk behind My back, so to speak. Of course, you may rant and rave at Me, and you are sure that...

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