Tag: projection (page 2 of 2)

Holographic projection of Kate Moss

Just to show you what today's holographic technology is capable of. This was in 2006.


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Your Multidimensional Operating System

Channeler: Suzan Caroll Ph.D

APRIL 2010

See Blog for latest radio shows http://suzanneliephd.blogspot.com/
including Higher Perspective with Ronald Cole


Welcome back to our Arcturian Corridor. We wish to take a moment to review our process in Step 20. * Then, we will assist you in the use of the new, Multidimensional Operating System that you downloaded in that Step.

In order for the light of your Multidimensional SELF to observe it’s great light in a physical form, it had to split that light into “the observer” and “that which was to be observed.” Your conscious, intelligent, unconditional loving SELF, who resonates to the ONE, then needed to create a Divine Ideal for the form it wished to observe in its holographic projection of life in the lower dimensions. Consequently, your SELF created a thought-form of a human body, which became the object off which the first beam of light would reflect. **

The second beam of light was then infused with unconditional love and multidimensional consciousness so that once it reflected off the mirror and intermingled with the first beam (human form) on the holographic plate, the purity of the original light (Multidimensional SELF) would be maintained.

The light was projected onto the holographic plate of planet Earth. At this point, your SELF needed to observe you so that the swirling circles of energy of your conscious light could become form. In this manner, your form was held and the illusion of your physical reality was maintained.

This process is repeated again and again for every third, fourth dimensional reality in which your Soul/SELF chooses the experience of being in third dimensional form. When you gain Mastery within the form of even one of these realities, you can consciously return to your fifth dimensional Lightbody and travel inter-dimensionally with the power of your multidimensional consciousness and unconditional love.


Your Multidimensional Operating System, which was downloaded in Step 20, has the primary goal of guiding you into Mastery of your present reality. As a Master of Energy you can fully embrace your Multidimensional SELF who will return you to your true, multidimensional reality.

The youtube below will add insight to this statement: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g79UaJ8s8K4

Brief Summary of Youtube:
Your many multidimensional realities are extensive fractals and subjective fundamental patterns expressing your holographic rays. Since you already exist in many dimensions, your being is timeless.  Every element of focus you have ever had, still exists.

The illusion of time does not dissipate energy; it only focuses it. All that you have experienced in all of your sojourns into form still exists in the NOW of the ONE. Once you can perceive reality from this perspective, your ideal of time changes from something that was past, present or future into the arena of experience. As a Multidimensional Being, you move into the consciousness of the perceiver that moves from one experience to another, rather than from one time to another.

A Master can move through experiences without being bound by the “River of Time,” for a Master lives within all the moments in-between. As you regain this innate Mastery of your Multidimensional SELF, there is nothing that you cannot experience again and again, for you are operating within the no-time of the Multidimensional Universe.


Your Multidimensional Operating System also allows you access to a new form of consciousness, which is as delicate as an Angel’s wings and as strong as a mountain. This state of consciousness intermingles who you are on your transmuting planet with the true SELF to whom you are returning. Your multidimensional consciousness releases any emotional “hooks” to the third dimension that may interfere with your process of allowing all that is leaving to be replaced by all that is becoming. This new state of consciousness stems from your Junk DNA, which is constantly being activated by your Multidimensional Operating System. Your new consciousness assists you in expanding into the fifth dimension while remaining grounded on Earth.

For the sake of conversation, we will call this consciousness “Integrative Consciousness,” for it allows you to integrate into your awareness all that you want to remain in your life while you enter the marvelous adventures of New Earth. In other words, your Integrative Consciousness allows you to easily release that which is now complete, so that you can fully embrace that which was formerly beyond your perceptions. This release assists you in integrating the “past” and the “future” into a cohesive reality of NOW.

Your Integrative Consciousness also helps you to remember any pertinent information/experiences from your myriad past lives and parallel realities, so that you can intermingle them into your new reality. In this manner, nothing necessary for your return to SELF will be forgotten or lost. In fact, Integrative Consciousness allows you to exerience no sense of loss at all during your shift into your true, Multidimensional SELF, as it assures you that you retain all your primary lessons, experiences, loves and creations as you become New Earth.

Just as the information now stored in a device you can hold in your hand once had to be stored in computers so large that they filled entire rooms, your Integrative Consciousness can gather and store all the pertinent data/experiences from all the realities that you have ever manifested in ALL your third and fourth dimensional realities.

You do not constantly peruse the information that is stored in your hand-held computer devise, but you know it is available should you need it. In the same manner, you will not constantly be in conscious contact with all the information in your Integrative Consciousness, but you can access it whenever it is needed. The energy of Pluto in Capricorn, which will be in transit until 2024, will facilitate your ability to release that which is over while you keep that which allows your rebirth.

Your Integrative Consciousness also assists you in integrating your Personal, Collective, Planetary, Galactic and Cosmic Consciousness into the ONE awareness of the many versions of your SELF. In other words:

Your Integrative Consciousness perceives you as an individual
Within the collective of all humanity

Within the collective of planet Earth

Within the collective of your Solar System

Within the collective of your Galaxy
Within the collective of the Universe.

All of these collective realities exist within the Great Collective of Cosmic Consciousness:

Hence, your Individual Consciousness 
is surrounded by your Collective Consciousness, 
Which is surrounded by your Planetary Consciousness, 
Which is surrounded by your Solar Consciousness, 
Which is surrounded by your Galactic consciousness, 
Which is surrounded by your Cosmic Consciousness.

Most importantly, your Integrative Consciousness merges your spark of individual love with the unconditional of love of the ONE. This merging of humans’, conditional love into spiritual, unconditional love allows you to hold all of your myriad realities within your awareness through the great magnetic force of unconditional love. Unconditional love is the glue that binds all reality into a cohesive ONE. In fact, it is unconditional love that holds the myriad expressions of SELF within your Integrative Consciousness.


Allow your imagination to turn your vision inward to the inside of your earth vessel. Think of your earth vessel as you would think of any vessel, an object that YOU enter so that you, consciousness/light, can move around in an environment. For example, your home/vessel stores your body/vessel, which stores your consciousness/light. You are NOT your house or your earth vessel, for these objects are used to store the YOU that is consciousness and light.

Take a moment to look inside the vessel of your body to see YOU, consciousness/light, just as you would look inside your house. You know the house that provides protection for your earth vessel very intimately. However, how much do you know about your earth vessel that provides a third dimensional form for your consciousness/light? To better know the inside of your body:

Imagine that your are standing at the doorway to your heart...
Closely examine the inner vision of your heart...
Closely examine the doorway into your heart...
Just as you would enter the door to your house, enter the door to your heart...
As you enter this door, see a long stairway that leads up to your High Heart...

As you walk up these stairs, the glow of your Three Fold Flame guides you...
See your ATMA, your Three Fold Flame, and step into it...
FEEL and Merge with your innate Wisdom, Power and Love...
As you do so, you are instantly transported into your Third Eye...

Within your Third Eye, you turn inward to see the electrical circuitry of your brain’s synapses firing with your every perception and thought...
Look up towards your Crown to see the Opened Pineal Stargate pulling in multidimensional light and unconditional love...

Move to the center of your Computer Brain where the Kundalini Earth energy that has risen into your Third Eye intersects with the Flow of the ONE through your Pineal Stargate...
YOU are now the programmer of your computer/brain...
With the great force of your consciousness/light, turn ALL systems of your Multidimensional Operating System ON...


Turning on your Multidimensional Operating System places you in the birth canal of your new life. Because you are in the birthing process of your new life, you may be experiencing great fatigue. You may feel so close and yet so far. Your new synapses tell you that you are different, but your remaining illusions tell you that life appears to be the same, so just go back to “business as usual.”  This conflict between the two messages builds doubt, which increases your fatigue. 

You are so tired, so very, very tired. But what are you tired of? First, you are tired of the 3D Game. You have gone through it so many lifetimes and done, redone and done again the same dramas.  Second, you are tired of waiting for the shift to happen. You want it to happen NOW. It is then that your New Operating System kicks in to remind you that it is only your belief that limits you to the third dimension. Your Multidimensional Operation System reminds you that all you need to change is your consciousness.

When you raise your consciousness, you move up the vertical spectrum of possible realities toward the resonance of the fifth dimension. Each time a multidimensional circuit is turned ON and a third dimensional synapse turns OFF, your expanded perceptions are activated and you can perceive the higher dimensional expressions of your reality that have previously eluded you. When you can consciously perceive these higher frequencies of reality, you can place your attention and intention on them. Then, it will be much easier to release the limitations and hard work of your third dimensional life.

Now that you know the truth of your magnificent, multidimensional nature, you can no longer accept the restriction put upon you by an outdated system of beliefs that focuses on struggle and fear. You rebel against those limitations and are finding the courage to create the reality of your dreams. You still feel the onslaught of fear emanating from the Collective Consciousness of those who wish to control others.

However, you can also feel the unconditional love of your SELF, as well the widening stream of unconditional love that is also Flowing from the ONE. It is this Flow of unconditional love that assists you in raising your consciousness, beliefs, expectations and perceptions into the reality of fifth dimensional Earth. With this beacon of hope and love shinning in your aura, you are beginning to find time to be with those who are near to your heart and to do what you love.

As illusions crumble and false prophecies are uncovered, you see the slow collapse of old third dimensional systems. You are entering such a deep confidence in your SELF that you are coming out of the “hiding” that was necessary before you awoke. You no longer fear what others think of you, nor do you need their approval or praise. You are an “Island unto your SELF” in that all your needs are met from the vertical realties that fill you with unconditional love.

Meanwhile, the horizontal reality of the third dimension remains as a place in which you serve and assist others to awaken and become their SELF, just as you have. At night your dreams are filled with life in the fifth dimension, and you awaken with messages to assist you in your daily life. On the other hand, you may also use your dreamtime to clear out issues from childhood, past lives or alternate realities that beg to be cleared from your aura. In this case, you may awake tired, anxious or depressed.

It is then that you go into meditation, take a walk, or talk to a loved one to re-find your Center. YOU are the Center, not only of your physical body, but also the Center of your physical reality. You are creating this reality with your every thought and emotion. You are the Master of your destiny, as well as the destiny that you share with every human and non-human member of Gaia’s Earth. In fact, YOU are Earth, for you are Gaia, the Consciousness of your planet.

When you begin your day, you find your Center and follow its Flow into the highest expression of your Being. Because you trust your SELF, you calmly relax into the movement of your breath and step into that Flow of the ONE to receive the guidance that it gives you.

Feel that guidance now...

Absorb it into your every cell and atom of your being, into our aura and into your daily life.  Share this guidance through the emanation of your presence as you slowly go public with the gifts of your expanding reality. You remember again and again throughout your day to call upon the unconditional love of the ONE to release all fear and attract love, peace and joy.  Allow your fatigue to remind you of that which you are tired of doing and of whom you are tired of being.  Respect that message and follow the Flow of the love on which it travels to find the Path to the Life You Love to Live.

The long, third dimensional winter of separation and limitation is fading into a memory, and spring is beginning to bloom. That which is complete is leaving your life to make space for the re-birth of whom you truly ARE. Release that which no longer functions in your life and allow Pluto to pull it from the structure of Capricorn to prune the flowers that have completed their life cycle. In this manner, you make a space in which your new life can be born. YOU are Awakening now, and the long night is ending.  Before you a glorious adventure is dawning.


Gradually, the first two sprouts sneak above the damp fertile soil. Lovingly, the light of the sun caresses them, urging them to open wide to their new reality. Too long, the young plant has hidden beneath the earth, afraid to face an unknown world of light. The darkness of its earthen reality was familiar and comfortable.

Yet the two small arms have peered up from the safety of the only world they have known to venture into the light. “What will become of them?” whisper the roots who cling to the familiar. “We may never know,” they all agree. “Nonetheless, together, we will hold firm to create a base for the part of us that has ventured into an unknown land.”

To their surprise, the roots did know because they felt the flow of light sent down to them by their brave pioneer. Gradually, this added light fed the roots to make them bigger, deeper, and stronger. Mystically, they could feel the movement of their leaves as they grew taller and more plentiful each day.

Together, they rejoiced at the birth of their first flower. How did they know of this birth? The leaves told them. Yes, the land above was no longer unknown to the roots, for they constantly communed with the rest of their SELF.

Slowly, the roots expanded into new underground territory to intermingle with other roots. They also formed a center root that dug deep into the core of Mother Earth. Just as the auxiliary roots intertwined with other roots to create a network just below the surface, the center roots communed with each other via the fertile soil that connected them.

One day, the roots discovered that they were no longer just a plant. “We have Become ONE. We are now a garden,” their plants joyfully communed to them. As the roots communed with the other roots in their network, they further learned that each system of roots supported a different plant, which bloomed different flowers at different times. But blissfully enough, each root, each leaf, each plant, and each flower was ONE within the garden that they had become.

The roots were proud of their plants, but so wished that they could see the garden of which they were a part. “Go inside your self,” whispered the Sun. “Travel up your own roots into your stem, out past the leaves, and up into your flower.”

“Our flower?” they said. “We are not flowers. We are just roots.”

“Ahh,” cooed the Sun. “I come down into you, the roots, so that the flowers can bloom. So please, come up to me so that I may thank you for your service.”

“Our service?” the roots asked in one voice.

“Yes, dear roots, you are the parents of your plant. You first conceived it while you where just a seed. You gestated the seed through the long, cold winter, and in spring, you were the ones who formed a support system when your flower was just a seedling.

“You pulled the water and minerals from the soil to nurture your plant, and you empowered it with your strong foundation. You are the reason there is a garden, for you were able to release a part of you, your seedling, so that it could go off into an unknown land. You neither judged nor reprimanded it. In fact, you supported what you did not understand.

“You see dear roots, you are the inner life that allows your flower to bloom in the glory of my Sun. Without you, there would be no plant, no flower and no garden. Because you were courageous enough to experience what you did not understand, you will receive the vision of my light!”


More and more, with or without your conscious knowing, you are lapsing into your alternate, multidimensional realities. Because you are new to your Multidimensional Operating System, you think that you have “forgotten” some THING, or “spaced out.” In fact, you are in the act of remembering some ONE, your SELF.This expanding remembrance of your SELF makes it increasingly difficult for you to be limited to the reality of your earth vessel.

You are like a child with a new toy. You want to play with this toy and forget about the work your mother has told you to do. Fortunately, once you adapt and become proficient with your Multidimensional Operating System, you will be able to easily perform your 3D tasks, while you simultaneously soar through your new realities. Then, you will be watching your physical self from your Multidimensional SELF. From this higher perspective, you will understand that you are not leaving your third dimensional reality yet. Instead, you are expanding your reality to embrace the higher dimensions while still holding your physical form.

Eventually, your consciousness will resonate to such a high frequency, that you will “let go” of your clay vessel to fully embrace your true form of light. At that point, you will concentrate more on your new, multidimensional reality and less on the limitations of your old, physical reality. This transition can be as simple as gradually falling asleep and slowly waking. However, when you wake up in your new life, it will be your true reality and the illusions of your physical life will be experienced as a long dream.

You will not awake alone, for Gaia, as well as all Her inhabitants who have supported the creation of Her new form, shall be with you. You will also rejoin your Galactic Family, for your entire Galaxy is now ready to return to its higher expression. Remember, our One, that from the perspective of your awakening, fifth dimensional SELF, you are able to maintain constant contact and interaction with all your realities without being limited to only one. You are now endeavoring to connect with your fifth dimensional SELF, but your fifth dimensional SELF has always been in connection with you.

When you take on a third dimensional form, the speck of your Being that chooses to enter that form still exists in unity with your Multidimensional SELF. Then, once the YOU in the third dimension awakens, you can experience both your third and fifth dimensional realities simultaneously. Then again, the perception of multidimensional worlds while still in your earth vessel requires that you download and integrate the multidimensional consciousness of your Multidimensional Operating System before you can experience multiple realities.

A way in which you already live in multiple realities is when you are reading a good book.  When you are reading a book that you deeply enjoy, it travels with you in your mind like another reality. You may be at work or doing dishes and momentarily shift your primary attention to the story of the book. At the same time, you are still performing your physical task.

Instead of reliving a part of your book, you may be replaying a video game in your mind. In reality, your third dimensional experience is the “video game” that your Multidimensional SELF logged-into. Unfortunately, when you forgot that you were “in a game” you began to think that the video game was real and the vague memory of your SELF was just your imagination. Of course, your imagination IS real, for imagination is fifth dimensional thought.

Much like you can log-out of a video game, while the game still continues without your primary attention, you can log-out of the 3D Game and log-in to the fifth dimension, while the 3D Game continues to run. In fact, that is what you do when you “space out,” sleep, meditate or fall into your imagination. You already live in multiple realities. You just label it as “using your imagination” rather than “following your fifth dimensional thought patterns into alternate realities.”

Just as all the television channels are always running all the time, but you can only watch one channel, all your realities are running all the time, but you can only watch one. Actually, you can “surf” from one channel to another. Or, maybe, you have multiple televisions or a wide screen television where more than one channel can play at once. The large, screen television that can display multiple channels functions like your new Multidimensional Operating System. Within this Operating System, you can watch and participate in numerous stations/realities at the same time.


Just as your physical self can talk to a friend, drive a car, listen to the radio and drink water at the same time with no difficulty, your fifth dimensional SELF can consciously participate in multiple realities within the ONE moment of the NOW. It is the ability to break free of the illusion of time and space that allows you to participate in multiple realities. Just as you can drive, eat, talk and listen within a single third dimensional moment, you can exist in multiple realities within the fifth dimensional NOW. To have an experience of what we are saying, we are you to:

Create an image of yourself reading this message in your present reality then...
ADD the image of walking in a fifth dimensional forest in another reality...
Now ADD the image of navigating your Starship in another reality...

Allow your imagination to hold three images at once:
Reading this message...
Walking in a fifth dimensional forest...
Navigating your Starship...

To the extent that you are still using your Third Dimensional Operating system, these three pictures are in different areas of your mind. That is fine for this part of the exercise.

Now, “press play” to allow these pictures to come alive with movement, experiences, thoughts and emotions...

Perhaps you are experiencing some anxiety, doubt or excitement as you simultaneously hold three different “videos” in your mind. You are likely using your mind as one of those televisions that presents three stations on the same screen. Therefore, first, view them one at a time.

Tune into the experience, emotions and thoughts of reading this message...

Tune into the experience, emotions, thoughts and perceptions of walking in a fifth dimensional forest...

Tune into the experience, emotions, thoughts and perceptions of navigating your Starship...
We ask you now to activate your Multidimensional Operating System, just as you did in the previous exercise...

Feel how all of these “pictures” are moving independently of each other, yet all of them live as ONE in your consciousness...

Now take your primary consciousness out of “reading this article” and place it into “Walking in the fifth dimensional forest”...

Imagine that you are walking in a 5D forest—while you are navigating your Starship in another reality—while reading this message in yet another reality...

Now, put your primary consciousness into “navigating your Starship”—while you also walk in the fifth dimensional forest—while you are reading this message in the third dimension...

At first, this exercise may “hurt your brain,” until you become accustomed to perceiving more than one reality at a time. Fortunately, within your Multidimensional Operating System, your expanded perceptions are gradually coming online. Your expanded perceptions greatly facilitate your ability to intimately experience the inter-dimensional realities that are wafting through your ever-expanding reality.

In fact, YOU are the creator of your many multidimensional realities. Unfortunately, many of you have forgotten that fact. Therefore, the first adjustment you will make with the power of your Multidimensional Operating System is to turn OFF the DNA that limits you to third dimensional perceptions and turn ON the DNA that activates your multidimensional perceptions.

From your “Programmer Position” in the center of your computer/brain, make sure that the multidimensional Junk DNA that stores your expanded perceptions is turned ON and the limitations of your 3% third dimensional DNA is turned OFF. You may wish to start this exercise with the inner vision of your heart, just as you did before. In this manner, you can assure that you enter the place in your consciousness, as well as in your computer/brain, where YOU are the Programmer of your reality.

You can choose to believe this experience is “an interesting exercise,” or you can choose to believe that you have the ability to control your own DNA. All of you on Gaia at this “time” have graduated into a higher level of the 3D Game of Separation and Limitation. However, you know that only if you can remember that you are a holographic projection of your Multidimensional SELF. It was YOU who chose to send a spark of your total light to be unified on the holographic plate of planet Earth for the experience of assisting in Gaia’s planetary ascension.


Click here to listen to the message Blessings on Your Awakening
(Long version with special information for being a channel.)

Because you have downloaded and turned ON your Multidimensional Operating System, you can begin to remember and maintain the state of consciousness in which  “you are the programmer” of your 3D experience.  See your earth vessel from the viewpoint of your Multidimensional SELF, so that you can view the two main programming Centers of your earth vessel, your High Heart and Opened Third Eye.

Your Opened Third Eye uses the multidimensional light to program and run your computer/brain; whereas your High Heart uses the great force of unconditional love to run, maintain and heal your earth vessel. These control centers function as ONE unit to receive the multidimensional light and unconditional love that guides you back to your true, Multidimensional SELF.

Connect with your High Heart to receive the unconditional love from your Multidimensional SELF...
Allow this love to protect you and give you courage to open the Stargate Portal of your pineal gland...

Open your inter-dimensional Portal of your Crown to receive a multidimensional light message from HOME...
Display this message on the inner mind screen of your Third Eye...

Integrate the words/pictures of your message with your unconditional love and integrative consciousness, so that you can receive and understand the highest frequency components of the messages that you receive. In this manner, you can learn to BE your Multidimensional Lightbody SELF in your daily life.

Even if your message is as simple as “Have a Nice Day,” allow your unconditional love to fully embrace the many ways in which you could have a nice day. From this simple message, you can begin to open a channel of ongoing communication between your grounded, human/self and your celestial, Multidimensional/SELF.

BLESSINGS ON YOUR AWAKENING - YOUTUBE VIDEO- http://www.youtube.com/user/suzannelie#p/u/4/frfUOZQ0ADU
Please visit our blog at:


* Step 20
** Diagram on Carroll/Lie’s site.

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The Nature of the Soul

by Owen Waters

Your soul is your immortal inner being. It existed before time began and it will always exist, even when you merge back in your ultimate spiritual home as a conscious aspect of Infinite Being.

Out of the 12 levels or density layers of existence, we, in this physical realm, are in 3rd density. The soul is in 5th density, and Infinite Being is beyond the 12th. Your soul is your individualized spiritual presence, operating in 5th density and it maintains communication with the souls of everyone with whom you interact in daily life.

The soul world of 5th density is non-physical, our dense physical world is in 3rd density, while 4th density – the afterlife or spirit world – is quasi-physical. The term quasi-physical means that the spirit world is solid to its residents, even though they are etheric or ghost-like when compared to our dense physical structures. Spirits can, and do, bump into each other in the spirit realms because they are solid relative to each other.

Life in the spirit world is much like life in our dense physical world, except that there are certain freedoms that come with having a less dense body. The ability to levitate is one such freedom and, better still, spirits can project themselves almost instantly to another location and suddenly appear there. It just takes mental focus and – whoosh – they appear at the target location.

You don’t see people wearing spectacles in the spirit world because their sense of sight works as a direct perception rather than through their eyes in the way that we use our eyes. They can focus telescopically on distant objects to make them appear near, and they can focus microscopically on a nearby object, right down to its atomic structure. Their sense of hearing, too, can be focused to pick up sounds at great distances.

When we in the physical world are able to replicate the principles behind ‘astral projection’, we, too, will have instant transportation to other locations. Then, it’ll be bye-bye to cars, trucks, trains, planes and rocket ships.

5th density is the start of non-physical existence, so your soul is a non-physical sphere of consciousness. It has the freedom to relocate both in time and space but it spends most of its time catering to the needs of its physical, incarnate self.

In 5th density, when one soul meets another they recognize each other, not from any physical appearance, but from their unique signature vibration. Each soul emits a unique signature tone which is a form of mental energy that is perceived as a subtle sound.

Your soul is the recorder and cataloger of all of your experiences as you add your contribution to the vast array of human experience on earth. A major portion of your soul consciousness lives right here in 3rd density with you, tending to your every spiritual need. As your inner self, your soul knows you better than anyone else in the world does, and it\'s available for consultation 24/7. The limiting factor is how much your physical mind will allow and accept intuitive, soul-originated thoughts.

In order to live a life inspired by intuitive, inner wisdom you need only make a decision to do just that. Open up your awareness to the whisperings of your intuitive nature. Practice following your innermost hunches. Make a note of them so that you can look back later and see how accurate they have become.

Most of all, don’t be deterred if your hunches seem inaccurate during your early attempts. It happens that way to most people. Just keep practicing and very soon your hunches will start turning into a resource so valuable that you’ll wonder what you did without it.

*If you enjoyed today's article, forward it to a friend! They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Owen Waters is the author of "Freedom of the Spirit: Four Powerful Steps to Spiritual Freedom". This deeply insightful e-book combines some of today's most proven and time-tested spiritual practices into one powerful and effective package.

Available now for immediate download at:

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All Is Choice: Finding empowerment

This channeling concerns a group question regarding the well known channeled phrase "All Is Choice".

You may have already noticed in thinking about the statement "All Is Choice" on a big picture, theoretical basis, it is not all that useful in a practical sense.  It can be comforting to have that as a basis or background, but the human mind finds it impossible to maintain a real connection to that idea when also faced with mundane, day to day activities.

In other words, when you pick up your coffee cup to take a sip, it is not that useful to you in that moment to imagine how that small action fits into the overall arc of your life as a projection of a soul. How does taking a sip of coffee serve you in the larger sense?  It's almost impossible to grasp that - and then the question arises: "how does the act of taking a sip of coffee affect me, either positively or negatively, in terms of the overall arc of my life?"   From that moment, from the human perspective, it's almost impossible to tell.

And so for some, a sense of "bullshit" can erupt from this.  The human mind invents reasons to stave away inner chaos.  The concept of "all is choice" can be used to push away feelings and to rationalize acts or feelings about acts in a way that's typically not very useful to a person. An intellectualolder soul can have strong feelings about an act, but step back to intellectualize under an "all is choice" motto in order to be "loving" and deny negative feelings.

While stepping back and becoming part of that larger perspective is part of the old soul experience, there's a not so fine line there. When that stepping back is done to create a denial of what's being felt in the present than that is not particularly useful.

Our suggestion about how any person can view their life in terms of choice in a way that's empowering would be to instead of looking at things at the macro level to look at the micro level and to connect emotion to every moment:

As I pick up my coffee cup to take a sip, what am I feeling?  Am I feeling energized?  Am I feeling frustrated?  Am I feeling hurried because I need to gulp down a whole cup of coffee before I leave for my day?  Am I feeling complacent?  Am I feeling bored?

That's only a small fraction of the kinds of feelings that someone can feel in the simple act of picking up coffee cup to take a sip.  The more you are present and aware of what you feel in a given moment, the more you will feel connected to your own empowerment regarding choice.

Choice within Simple Actions

Let's examine this more.  We will go back to the coffee cup analogy. In that act of picking up the coffee cup, you have all kinds of choices. Perhaps they might be in some ways dependent upon or connected to other factors. If you're in a hurry, then you might pick up the coffee cup in a certain forceful way. If your mind is engaged in something else and you reach out with a fumbling hand because you decide you want a sip of coffee while you're staring at your laptop screen, that's another way of being present in that moment.

A small word of caution: while it is possible to be mindful and aware of what you were feeling in every given moment, that again is not necessarily useful to the human experience. In other words, you can get anal about it: "I'm sitting in a chair.  What am I feeling now?  I'm leaning back a little.  What am I feeling now? I glance out the window.  What I am feeling now? ... "   And you can get caught up, lost in the midst of intellectualizing.  You would be trying to feel instead of allowing the feelings to be present. There's a balance.

Not everyone that we're speaking to can join in what's referred to as an "old soul perspective" of stepping back and becoming distant. And that's okay - it's not necessary in order to feel empowered in your own life or feel good about what's going on in the world.

When we are referring to empowerment in this instance, we mean feeling that you yourself have the ability to make changes in your life as you see fit.  The very first step in that is assessing where you are in a given moment.  This is why we talk about the micro level, or bringing in an element of mindfulness.

The most useful way to apply that concept is when you feel the "big feelings" - when you feel a fair amount of emotion.  That's when you rest in that and simply ask "what am I feeling?" from within your presence - from outside your intellect.  Allow the feeling to be there while you rest in it.

Question:  I recently had an experience where my child was misbehaving and getting very angry, screaming and not listening.  I felt a very strong impulse to spank him until he "behaved", but then I caught myself because I know that is very bad for him.  I guess my own childhood pain came out - I don't know.  But then I got very tense and pushed away the feelings, but I still noticed him being very frightened of me and seemingly feeling threatened.  I guess by stuffing away those violent feelings, I was also being unloving.  This relates to the nature of choice to me - both were fairly automatic.  Either I behave like my parents did to me or I try to repress and do the opposite, but somehow create a similar dynamic.  I didn't feel I had any other choice.

This situation is a moment of big emotion.  The parent, feeling all this welling up inside them, has a moment to create that change from how they themselves were treated as a child. So the parent can assess this, starting with the knowing of "I'm feeling this big emotion."

Realize first that immediate action is not necessary. In other words, following through with that spanking energy is not necessary.  Removing or changing the emotion is not necessary.  If there is a big emotion there then this is a time for the parent to sit with that emotion for a moment without taking action.  Allow it to be there.   The action arises from believing that the emotion can't be there.  It wants to move through and out.  Tensing is another way of saying that the emotion cannot be there - and it also communicates to the child that their own mirroring emotion should not be there.

Again, this is an invitation for the parent to truly be with that emotion without moving into action.  This "action" can be external or internal, such as tensing or rationalizing.  Understand that this moving into action is likely a pattern for that person that came from their own childhood (such as with the pattern of self destruction).  Whether or not they tense themselves and try to try to deter any tendencies that feel negative, or they go ahead and strike the child:  those are two opposites of the same spectrum of non-acceptance.  The trick them would be to simply sit with the emotion and to let it be there without taking action.

Once the parent does that, other perceptions begin to come up: realizations that this is a connection to my own life. Realizations that I don't need to perpetuate this with my child, that there are other choices available now that the need to push an experience away has dissolved.  Emotions are simply energy.  They are an experience.  From our perspective, all emotions are good emotions, as energy itself has no value judgments attached.  But people can feel disempowered by emotions when they have not been encouraged to actually feel them.  Surrendering to the experience of an emotion is a tremendously empowering act.

The child's experience is a little different.  A child is naturally feeling a little bit disempowered, especially in western cultures, because of the physical dynamic that already exists. In other words, they're a small person and surrounded by big people who make the rules, provide the structure and play the "authority figure". There's already an atmosphere of not feeling that they have a choice.  But also within the child is a beautiful invitation to create a sense of choice in the midst of what could feel like a disempowering situation. The choice is about feeling.   The child too has the impulse to take action:  Do I cower and cover my head?   Do I run away?  Do I try to smile to defuse the situation?  Those are all potential actions.  But the child too can simply be with the emotion.

A child naturally does this at a very early age, but in the western culture is largely educated away from this.  This is true in the modern world in many Eastern cultures as well. The role of "parental authority" is a factor in 90% of the cultures around your world now.

We can offer a practical exercise beyond the theoretical which we've already given you that can increase your ability to feel connected to the choices in your own life.  We've already talked about stepping back while feeling and allowing yourself to feel when a big emotion comes up.  Again, that's useful situation by situation as it comes up for you.

In order to assist, provide support and create a pattern of energy movement within you now that can become a foundation for you whenever those big emotions come up so that you can practice what we've already told you, we can offer this.

This exercise is best if done seated and your spine is relatively straight. If you are accustomed to a particular meditation posture this is a good opportunity to take a particular posture but it's not necessary; you can be seated in a chair. 

[We offer the audio recording of this with beautiful background music which you may download to aid you in this exercise.]

Click Here to Download or Subscribe and download via iTunes


Closing your eyes, take a deep breath and allow it to float out if you.  Take another deep breath, hold it for a moment and allow it too to float out if you.  As you release that breath, imagine your conscious awareness expanding.   Every time you breathe in and breathe out your awareness expands. In other words, rather than being tightly placed inside your head, perhaps, it moves to a space outside yourself. You can start with a space that extends about a foot away from your body.

Just as you breathe out, allow your breath to float into that space about a foot on all sides of your body and allow your awareness to extend to that distance.  It's especially important to bring your awareness up over your head to that distance.

Now you can imagine that your awareness has expanded to a place that's up above and slightly outside of your physical body. This causes you to have the sensation that your movements would be slower, more flowing than you are accustomed to.  You feel wiser, perhaps.

Understand that within the space you may also incorporate all your emotion world by stepping up and back and out just slightly. You have the opportunity to include an awareness of more of yourself than you are accustomed. Yet this is not a  place of overwhelm. This is where you can be with those big emotion's without being overwhelmed by them.

If the idea of choice and empowerment has been particularly troubling to you - in other words if at times in your life you have felt buffeted by the winds of chance - then we would suggest taking a few moments of each day to perform this exercise.  Understand that when those big emotions come up for you this is the place that you can rest in while you are allowing yourself to be present within those emotions. And when we say "be present with" we are not suggesting that you become detached from and intellectual about them.  But we are suggesting that from this space you can see them for what they are. You can allow them into you without creating a need for action.

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Rewriting Our Hologram

Channeler: Suzan Caroll Ph.D

MARCH 2010

Step 20


Welcome back to the threshold of the sixth dimensional expression of our Arcturian Corridor. It is from this frequency/expression of our Corridor that you can re-enter the sixth dimension to rewrite the holographic projection for your current third dimensional reality. You have heard the “theory” that your third dimensional world is actually a holographic projection. 

The Truth is much greater than that, but a “holographic projection” is, indeed, a good metaphor for third/forth dimensional life. From our perspective in the eighth through tenth dimensions, which flow and intermingle as ONE, we perceive the fourth dimension as the “aura” of your third dimensional reality. Hence, when we speak of the third dimension, we include the fourth as the etheric emanations of the physical world. This fourth dimensional etheric reality connects you to the higher worlds of the fifth dimension and beyond.


The process of raising your Kundalini and opening your Third Eye activates your pineal gland, which is the hyper-dimensional stargate built into your human physiology. Kundalini activation is the result of balancing all of your chakras and raising the feminine force of Lady Shakti from your Root Chakra into Divine Unity with the masculine force of Lord Shiva in the Crown Chakra. This blending and balancing of your feminine and masculine energies, known as the Mystical Marriage, opens your Third Eye and fully activates your “pineal stargate.”

With the opening of your pineal stargate, you can accept the multidimensional, torsion waves directly into your daily consciousness and earth vessel. Furthermore, different DNA is turned ON or OFF by different frequencies of light. The third dimensional spectrum of light turns ON the 2% to 3% of your human genome DNA, which runs your Third-dimensional Operating System. This Operating System is based on the illusions of separation and limitation that arise from a strongly polarized reality. This system can only accept, integrate and utilize light that is limited to the small spectrum of the physical reality.

Since the fall of Atlantis, and especially during the last two thousand years of the Piscean Age, the higher dimensional light has been lost to most of humanity. However, now, you are entering the Golden Age of Aquarius and Gaia has moved into the flow of torsion waves emanating from the Galactic Center. These torsion waves of multidimensional light turn OFF your 3% of human genome DNA and turn ON your 97% of “Junk DNA” as they enter through the small quantum vortexes of the Junk DNA.

Once the multidimensional light is accepted and integrated into your earth vessel, it turns ON your new Multidimensional Operating System, which is stored in your Junk DNA. Then, the multidimensional light slowly takes precedence over the physical spectrum of light and the Third-dimensional Operating System of your 3% DNA begins to turn OFF. This is why so many of you have an ever-decreasing interest in the third dimensional reality and deeply long for the multidimensionality of the fifth dimension and beyond. Fortunately, during your transition, both Operating Systems will be operational, allowing you to simultaneously live in both realities.


Before the Mystical Marriage of your inner feminine and masculine energies and the opening of your Third Eye, your earth vessel can only perceive, integrate and utilize the limited light spectrum of the third dimension. Your First, Root Chakra accepts and reflects the spectrum of red light, which connects and grounds you to Earth. As your Kundalini rises, this red light merges into the orange light of the Second, Navel Chakra, integrating the frequencies of red and orange light. Then, as your Kundalini rises into your Third, Solar Plexus Chakra to merge the red and orange with the yellow frequency of light, you combine and integrate your “Lower Chakras.”

The combined frequency of light of your Lower Chakras then enters your Fourth, Heart Chakra to intermingle with the green frequency of light. Via your Heart Chakra, you connect your Lower Chakras with your “Higher Chakras.” The light of the first four chakras then moves into your Fifth, Throat Chakra to intermingle with the blue frequency of the third dimensional light spectrum. Your Kundalini then moves into your Sixth, Brow Chakra to unite the red through blue expressions of light with the indigo frequency of this chakra.

The Seventh, Crown Chakra resonates to violet light, which is the highest frequency in the third dimensional light spectrum. This violet light serves as a bridge to connect the white light, the unity of all colors of light, into your earth vessel. With Lady Shakti awaiting her groom in the Sixth, Brow Chakra, Lord Shiva in the Seventh, Crown Chakra calls forth the opening of the Pineal Gland Stargate to accept the multidimensional light of the higher through quantum frequencies of reality. The multidimensional light enters your Crown much as the groom (masculine, Lord Shiva) walks into the Chapel to await his bride (feminine, Lady Shakti).

The bride then walks down the aisle (through the pineal gland of the Brow Chakra) to join her groom at the Marriage Alter (third ventricle of the brain) to enter into in their Mystical Marriage. With this Marriage, the seven octaves of the physical spectrum of light (Shakti’s Bride’s Maids) unite with the multidimensional light of the ONE to join the Spirit of the ONE into the Matter of your earth vessel, as well as the earth vessel of Gaia.

This Mystical Marriage of your inner masculine and feminine energies opens your Third Eye and High Heart, which have been latent within your earth vessel since your birth. This opening then allows you to begin the gradual unveiling of the illusions of your third dimensional reality. With the opening of your Third Eye and High Heart, new brainwaves come online in your computer/brain that can access and utilize your Multidimensional Operating System. Furthermore, because of your Mystical Marriage, you can now accept and integrate multidimensional light, which commences turning ON the Junk DNA in which your new Operating System has silently been stored. BRAINWAVES AND OPERATING SYSTEMS  

As your Multidimensional Operating System comes online in your computer brain, it is your new brainwaves, which allow you to consciously understand and utilize the multidimensional light that invisibly swirls into and through the third dimension. One of these newly accessible brainwaves, Gamma brainwaves (40 cps), are associated with the brain function that creates a holographic synthesis of data stored in various areas of the brain to fuse them together into a higher perspective. It is this higher perspective that allows you to consciously perceive the fifth dimension and beyond, while still wearing a human earth vessel. 

The extremely high brainwaves of Hyper Gamma (100 cps) and Lambda (200 cps) and the extremely lowEpsilonbrainwaves (0.5 cps) are associated with higher states of SELF-awareness. This awareness encompasses the ability to access superior levels of information through insight, psychic abilities, and out-of-body experiences to assist in the brain’s holographic packaging of information into coherent images, thoughts, and memories.

Hyper Gamma, Lambda, and Epsilon frequencies are linked together in a circular relationship. Hyper Gamma and Lambda brainwaves are so fast that they appear to be embedded in the extremely slow Epsilon brainwaves. Simultaneously, the extremely slow Epsilon waves are so slow that they appear to be riding on the crest of the very fast Hyper Gamma and Lambda waves. In the same manner, your multidimensional senses are embedded into, and piggybacked onto, your third dimensional five senses. These brainwaves allow you to use your expanded perceptions while you are in your mundane consciousness.

The higher dimensional realities have always existed, but they were beyond the perceptions of your Third Dimensional Operating System, because the expanded states of consciousness of your Multidimensional Operating System were not yet “online.” Therefore, these dimensional realities were forgotten. Fortunately, your potential to perceive these dimensions remained latent within your biological computer brain, awaiting the activation of your Multidimensional Operating System. 

At first, both the Third Dimensional Operating System and the Multidimensional Operating System will both be online. Eventually, the Multidimensional Operating System will be the main system, which means that your primary reality/consciousness will be in the fifth dimension and beyond. Yet, you will still be aware of the third and fourth dimensions. This process has already begun for those of you in our Corridor, although you may not be fully aware of it in your mundane states of consciousness. From the sixth dimension, you will be able to read the holographic projection of your current reality to assist in updating your computer/brain to the Multidimensional Operating System.


The rise of your Kundalini, Mystical Marriage, activation of your Pineal Stargate, expanded consciousness, and the recognition and integration of your Multidimensional SELF, expands your consciousness enough to encompass the sixth dimension. It is from the sixth dimension that you can write, or edit, your holographic program for your third dimensional, grounded self and/or selves. To better understand what we are saying, let us divert from our journey long enough to explain to you how a holographic projection is created. 

FIRST a single laser beam is split into two separate beams.
The first beam is bounced off the object whose image is to be recorded.
The second beam is recorded on a mirror and allowed to collide with the reflective light of the first beam
THEN the interactions of the two beams are recorded on a piece of film called a holographic plate or matrix.
The PATTERN that is recorded on the plate looks like chaotic swirls and concentric circles until another laser beam is used to illuminate the film.  It is then that a hologram of the original object occurs.

In other words:
The light of your Soul/SELF copies a portion of its light from the unity of the ONE to become two sixth dimensional beams of light.

This FIRST part of the sixth dimensional light beam is bounced off the object, thought-form of your Multidimensional Soul/SELF, whose image is to be recorded.

The SECOND beam of sixth dimensional light is recorded on a mirror and allowed to collide with the reflection of light bounced off of the “object”  (your Multidimensional SELF).

Then the interaction of the two beams (light wave interference) is recorded on a piece of film called a holographic plate  (matrix of third dimensional Earth)

The pattern that is recorded on the plate looks like chaotic swirls and concentric circles until another laser beam is used to illuminate the film.

This “other” beam is your fifth dimensional SELF’S intention to observe your physical ego/self.
It is then that a holographic projection of your original sixth dimensional SELF occurs on the Holographic Film Plate as a physical reality.

To summarize, in order for your Multidimensional SELF resonating within the ONE to observe it’s reflection in a third dimensional form, it had to split its light into “the observer” and “that which was to be observed.” Therefore, your Multidimensional SELF needed to create a Divine Ideal for the form it wished to observe in its holographic projection of life in the lower dimensions. Consequently, your SELF created a thought-form of a human body, which became the object off which the first beam of light would reflect.

Then, the second beam of light was infused with unconditional love and multidimensional consciousness so that once it reflected off the mirror and intermingled with the first beam (human body) on the holographic plate, the purity of the multidimensional light  and unconditional love would be maintained.

Then the projections of light needed to be unified on the holographic plate (planet Earth) to manifest as a member of that physical reality. At this point, your Multidimensional Soul/SELF needed to observe you so that the swirling circles of energy could become form. In this manner, your form was held and the illusion of your physical reality was maintained.


When you were young children, most of you could still see the world from the consciousness, belief, expectation and perspective of your Multidimensional SELF. In other words, you believed that you had full control of the creation of your reality. You had this belief, expectation and perception because your Multidimensional Operating System was still fully activated. Unfortunately, it was very difficult to maintain the expanded state of consciousness that activated this Operating System while incarnated in your third dimensional form.

Overtime, your consciousness lowered, your Multidimensional Operating System turned OFF, and your Third-dimensional Operating System took precedence over your beliefs, expectations and perceptions of reality. Then, you accepted the collective belief that you were a separate being living in a dense, physical world and expected hardship and limitation. Consequently, that is what you perceived. Your childhood world of magic and imagination still surrounded  you, but it was just beyond the limitation of your third dimensional perception.

This limitation created a strong inner yearning to “go Home,” but you soon forgot where Home was. You just knew that something was missing, and that some day you would find it. That day is NOW. However, in order to return Home to your true Multidimensional SELF, you have had to find a way to connect with your SELF while still in your third dimensional form. Fortunately, you learned that if you expanded your consciousness beyond the confines of the physical reality, you could perceive your Multidimensional SELF from the perspective of your third dimensional self. To accomplish this task, you had to break the chain of illusion.

It is through your observation of your Multidimensional Soul/SELF in the ONE from the perspective of your ego/self in the third dimension that you have broken the chain of illusion to see your self (projected light) as your SELF (light united in the ONE). When YOU (the holographic projection) can observe your Divine Matrix in the sixth dimension (your SELF in the ONE) while still holding your holographic form, the third dimensional veils of illusion are released. You can then eternally commune with and return to your SELF who lives eternally in unity with the ONE.

It is at this point that you fully remember why you have chosen to “log-in” (project your SELF) into the third dimensional hologram. The ONE does not want to extinguish its many expressions of light. Instead, it wishes them to return to the full awareness of their Multidimensional BEING while maintaining their sense of individuality. In this manner, “Individuality within Unity” is created.

This process of maintaining your Personal Consciousness within the ONE begins with the maintenance of your personal earth vessel while you fully grounding your Multidimensional SELF into your third dimensional holographic self. Therefore, your unity with the ONE begins with your unity with your physical reality. Through uniting with your third dimensional reality, while observing and communing with the ONE, you learn the power of manifestation in your physical reality.

This power of manifestation is based on the Knowing that YOU are your Multidimensional SELF. Then you, Multidimensional/SELF, remembers that you, ego/self, have the innate ability to observe the many swirls of light on your holographic plate to create your reality of form. Hence, when your Multidimensional SELF is fully grounded in your ego/self, YOU create your reality by the simple act of observation.


The above youtube is created by some of today’s most awakened minds.

Some of their most important points are outlined below:
The ocean of consciousness is the source of all matter.
 There is no matter. 
All physicality around us is the result of a frequency of resonance.
If you amplify the frequency, the structure of matter will change.
This self-contained system is a “super hologram,” and everything within
it is an expression of that hologram.

Since reality is a hologram, every particle is a vision of the whole.
      In other words, the entire whole is contained in every particle.
We can’t find one particle, as it is a reflection of ALL particles.
If we change any small component of the hologram,
it is reflected in the whole.

The substance of the Universe is Consciousness.
Fear-based consciousness holds the belief that the substance of the Universe is matter.
If the Universe is matter, then the believer needs possessions and riches.

Remember that all physicality is a frequency.
Fear is a slow, dense vibrational state.
If we hold fear, our consciousness lowers and the frequency of our reality is dense and slow.

Within a holographic reality, what you believe, you create.
Reality is built out of thought.
Every thought is like a spider, spinning a web in the holographic matrix.

The Matrix of a hologram is information.
When you put information into your hologram, you create fractals, unending and
 ever-repeating patterns, in your matrix.

These fractals change your matrix.
When a system becomes highly destabilized, there will be random shifts that suddenly self-organize into higher states of complexity.

At a sub-atomic, quantum level, reality organizes according to the expectations of the observer.
Everything in the Universe is composed of sub-atomic particles, whirling at lightening speed around huge empty spaces.

These particles are not material objects; they are fluctuations of energy and information in a cosmic void of energy and information.
When you change the field that the atoms are in, you change the atoms.
We are made up of these atoms.
Our feelings change the field of our atoms to literally alter our physical reality.

Our BODY is a biological computer.
WE are Consciousness.

Our WORLD is a tiny frequency range within infinite ranges of frequency.
LIFE is a holographic television station.

Our consciousness creates the channel, frequency, of the REALITY we experience.
We can’t imagine a reality that exists without us because...

The act of our observation allows us to create-as-we-go a participatory Universe.

We may never find the edge of the Universe or the smallest particle because...
Everywhere our consciousness explores with the expectation of perceiving
 something, there it will be, for we have created it. 
We are building the Universe as we go!

Consciousness is the programming language of our holographic Universe.
We are consciousness conductors.
Consciousness comes through us and emanates from us.
Therefore, humanity has the ability to create a new reality.

If we switch OFF our brains and hook our consciousness into the mainstream media of illusion, we are manipulated in a certain way so that the creation of our reality is not ours—but the reality of someone else.
            Therefore, we need to take control of our reality at a quantum level.

The world is just a ride, but we forgot that fact and began to believe that the ride is real. 


Dear Ones, now that you have awakened, you realize that the third dimension is a ride, a stage for your play, a virtual reality game, and YOU are the conductor, director and programmer.  Once you regain this multidimensional knowing, you are free to conduct, direct and program your Path Home to SELF. Now, the creation, you, are ready to unite with the Creator, you, to become “the hand drawing itself.” On your Path Home to SELF, you travel the vertical “elevator” up into the higher frequencies of reality on the horizontal planes of existence.

On each of these planes you find a form of your Multidimensional SELF. These forms were created on your first projection down from the ONE and into the planes of illusion and separation. Each form/container is a construction of the resonance of the light particles of that dimension/plane. In the case of your earth vessel, light is so slow that it becomes physical matter. In the realities higher up the vertical scale, your container is of a higher resonance.
Do you realize now what a great accomplishment you have completed? Do you realize now how truly magnificent you are to observe your SELF from the form of your self that your SELF is observing?  It is much like the famous picture by Escher of the hand drawing itself.

We will now resume our inter-dimensional journey through the Arcturian Corridor. As you step onto the threshold of the sixth dimension remember that Consciousness is the language that programs your hologram. Through the recognition and integration of your Multidimensional SELF, as well as your experiences in our Corridor, your consciousness has expanded from Personal to Collective to Planetary to Galactic Consciousness. When you participated in the opening of the sixth dimensional frequency of our Corridor (archived Multidimensional News, January 26, 2010), your consciousness expanded to Cosmic Consciousness.

Now, before you take part in the expanding of the Corridor into the sixth dimension, remember, if you can, when you were a young child and KNEW that Faeries and Angels were real.  In fact, you knew that you were a Faerie, a mighty Dragon, or a beam of Light soaring through the sky. You knew these things to be true, to be real. Unfortunately, over time, you wanted to be like “others,” so you pretended to just be “regular.” Then, bit-by-bit you began to forget what you knew as a child, and the memories of your Multidimensional SELF began to fade from your mind and leave an empty space in your heart. 

One day, your great Multidimensional Consciousness deflated so low that you found you were a victim. You were a victim to the demands of others and the rules and regulations of a world that limited your creativity and made you work hard to be good enough to get lots of money to buy stuff.  You needed the money and the stuff because the ache in your heart had become a painful longing for a place you once knew and a person you once had been. Nonetheless, you put your head down and tried to do what others wanted. However, each victory that you achieved was empty and only fed your longing. 

You began to discard the beliefs and expectations of others and sought to regain the peace and joy you knew when you were free to be alive in your imagination. Then, gradually, or all at once, you began to remember your SELF—the one who flew and fought for love and light. This knowing made you feel independent and gave you a strong sense of your own Personal Consciousness, which allowed you to release being a victim.

At first this new person, this SELF, was a secret. Then, the loneliness returned, and you knew you had to be your SELF in daily life—no matter what the consequences. To your surprise, the consequences were wonderful. As you came out of hiding, you found others who were also coming out of hiding. You opened your heart to these people, and your consciousness expanded from Personal to Collective Consciousness.

You, and the collective of awakening beings loved Gaia, for your Soul told you that She was you Mother Earth, as well as the higher dimensional expression of your Collective SELF. This love for all life expanded your consciousness to Planetary Consciousness. Via your Planetary Consciousness, Gaia whispered to your Soul about Her portals into higher worlds, and many of you found your way to our Corridor. You joined other awakened ones, and Gaia Herself, to journey through the Lower Astral Plane of the fourth dimension to clear your tunnel of light and enter your fourth dimensional reality.

You then entered your fifth dimensional reality to connect, commune and integrate your Multidimensional SELF. With this return to SELF you were able to recognize and begin a relationship with your great Galactic Family, which expanded your Planetary Consciousness to Galactic Consciousness.  With your first visit to the sixth dimension (See Multidimensional News January 26, 2010) your consciousness expanded to Cosmic Consciousness.

Cosmic Consciousness is the state of consciousness that allows you to fully perceive, accept and integrate the torsion waves flowing from the Galactic Center. Furthermore, from the perspective of your Cosmic Consciousness you can easily see through the third dimensional illusions of separation and limitation.  You KNOW that YOU are the creator of your reality because you are a reflection of your Multidimensional SELF in the ONE who cast the reflections of its Light onto the holographic matrix of your present incarnation.

You also KNOW that this incarnation—log-into the 3D Game of Separation—is special as it is the life in which you are to experience the joy and victory of raising your planetary reality into the fifth dimension. You will live within the Collective ONE and experience Being a planet, reunite with your Galactic Family and take charge of your reality at the quantum, sub-atomic level.

See yourself at the threshold of a holographic matrix that directs you into and through the ribbons of Light Language, which moves into and out of your potential form. Take a moment to find one of the ribbons, and attach your consciousness to it with the intention of entering the vortex. As you surrender to the feel, color and tone of multidimensional light, its resonance of unconditional love pulls you into and through the vortices of light. Faster and faster, you travel into and through myriad possible, probable and even “impossible” realties.

Beyond the speed of light, you now flash past planets, solar systems, galaxies, nebulas, black holes, white holes, voids and universes. All that you perceive is real because you have chosen to observe it. It is the act of your observation that has created these realities, although they were always there as potential. Logical thought and human emotions cannot adhere to your consciousness. You are too expansive and too small.

You are your thoughts made manifest, while your emotions hone your course towards your present life, the one you had before you became pure light. As you enter that matrix, the force of your unconditional love intertwines you into the sixth dimensional holographic projection of your present life. From the perspective of the sixth dimension, you see your grounded self on third dimensional Earth.

Using the Cosmic Consciousness of your programmer SELF, you send a beam of unconditional love and multidimensional consciousness from your sixth dimensional SELF to the heart of your grounded one. Allow this beam of light and love to create a constant communication between your programmer SELF who projected you into your reality, and your grounded self, who is returning from a long journey into polarity.

Now, take a moment to review the files of that life. Then, any fear-based virus can be erased by your unconditional love, while the light of your great Cosmic Consciousness can raise your resonance beyond the polarity of fear. See the “file” your “child of knowing.” EXPAND this file with your unconditional love, and SAVE it with your Cosmic Consciousness. As you do so, you feel your Multidimensional Operating System begin its download.

When did that knowing disappear?  What were the fear-based emotions that caused you to forget your SELF? The antidote for fear-based thoughts and emotions is unconditional love. HIGHLIGHT that fear and DELETE it with unconditional love. Then, SAVE that change with your Cosmic Consciousness. As you do so, your Multidimensional Operating System comes online.
When did you realize that you had become a victim? Use your unconditional love to AMPLIFY that moment of awakening. Remember the fear that created your becoming a victim and DELETE that file with your unconditional love. With the language of your Cosmic Consciousness, change your programming from “I can’t control my life,” to “I am the creator of my reality.” SAVE these changes and feel a moment of joy as you catch a glimpse of reality through your Multidimensional Operating System.
When did your awareness expand to Personal Consciousness?

Review this return to SELF and AMPLIFY it with unconditional love, as you use your Cosmic Consciousness to SAVE these changes. As you do so, your Third-dimensional Operating System gradually begins to switch OFF, while your Multidimensional Operating System gradually turns ON.

When did your awareness expand to Collective Consciousness?

FEEL the Collective Consciousness of humanity about you. With the force of your unconditional love, DELETE all fear stemming from this Collective and SAVE those changes with your Cosmic Consciousness. Take a moment to send a ripple of unconditional love into that collective reality to assist others to DELETE their fear. Now, merge your Cosmic Consciousness with the Collective Consciousness to assist in raising the resonant frequency of all humanity.
When did you embrace Planetary Consciousness?
AMPLIFY that process and share it with Gaia. Then, use your unconditional love to DELETE the fear and heal the damage that has been done to Her planet, as well as to your personal earth vessel. Use your Cosmic Consciousness to raise the resonance of personal and planetary bodies, as well as to SAVE those changes in your earth vessel and in the area of Earth in which you live.

When did you embrace Galactic Consciousness?

Use your unconditional love to welcome the closest members of your Galactic Family into your daily life. Using your Cosmic Consciousness, SAVE that connection on the “Desktop” of your Third Eye and High Heart. “Back it up,” on the hard-drive of your Junk DNA to expedite your process of returning to Lightbody.

FEEL your Cosmic Consciousness as it begins to close down your Third-dimensional Operating System and fully activate your Multidimensional Operating System. SAVE this shift with your unconditional love. Take some “time” each day to acknowledge the great change that is ongoing in your consciousness and, hence, in your reality. Vow, again and again, I AM my SELF.

With the programming language of your Cosmic Consciousness, you have programmed your Third-dimensional Operating System to turn OFF and your Multidimensional Operating System to turn ON. Since your new Operating System is multidimensional, it functions for the third, as well as for the higher dimensions. Therefore, you will still experience the third dimension, but will no longer be limited to it.

With you Cosmic Consciousness, which is inherent within your Multidimensional Operating System, you have access to all the files of third dimensional illusion, as well as the files of multidimensional awareness and perception. Unfortunately, the virus of fear has entered the computer brain of your grounded one and needs to be continually purged. Nonetheless, your Multidimensional Operating System can use its sixth dimensional component to purge these fearful illusions, which will reveal the Truth to of your expanding perceptions. This System will then SAVE these changes to your Third Eye and High Heart.

Your Cosmic Consciousness and unconditional love may need to go deeply into the ones and zeros of these files to clear the many lives and parallel realities in which your grounded one suffered under the illusions of hard work, limitation, fearful thoughts and emotions, as well as separation from your true, Multidimensional SELF. Fortunately, with your Multidimensional Operating System online, all you need “do” is:

Be still within your mind, and open in your heart.
The Path of ONE may seem alone, but only at the start.

Each day you walk along this Path, you KNOW it’s filled with love.
This love resounds from deep within, as well as from above.

Reach down inside and all around, to see what you desire.
To find the life that you’ll create, and BE who you admire.

Accept this life and give it thanks, each day and every hour.
Then, just relax and watch the show, as your new life comes to flower.

It may take some third dimensional “time” for your grounded one to be aware of your shift. Therefore, with the unconditional love of your Cosmic Consciousness, you whisper into the heart of your grounded one,

“NOW, you are awake. You are your SELF! 
Separation is an illusion. Limitation is a state of mind. 
YOU are the creator of your life. 

Consciousness is the programming language of your reality, and 
YOU are Consciousness!”

We are The Arcturians.


Thank you for joining us in the Arcturian Corridor. 

If you are new to our journey please find the previous steps as a free download at http://www.multidimensions.com/TheVision/books.html

Step 14 on are in the archived newsletters, starting with July 2009 at: http://www.multidimensions.com/TheVision/integration_newsletters.html

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Another View of the Polar Shift

Beloved ones, as these waves of Love now bombarding the world come into your life and shift you, as they turn upside down everything you have perceived as your reality and your identity as a human being, as they create in your life the polar shift from the world of duality to the world of only Love -- the change will be so dramatic that the only way to accomplish it is to give yourselves to Me, to fall into the arms of My Love, to surrender your current orientation.

Only as you let go of what currently is, can you make way for pure Love to enter and to make of you that which Love will. As your world shifts on its axis, trusting Me will bring you the most exquisite joy as your heart opens to the pure reality that there is only God and only Love here, and that everything else truly has been a play -- a dream of limitation created by the mind, a dream that you are ready to awake from. I Am here to hold you as you do.

Yet to do this requires a passionate decision. It requires the choice for Love to be your reality, your choice, that you might hold to Me as the waves of Love come and be clear and joyous as you see the change as every limited box that you have lived in, every perception of less than Love falls away and all that the ego fought to receive, you are free to give as part of this tsunami of Love that seeks the conduit of your glorious heart.

You will find that you experience such exhilaration as freedom calls you Home to your true identity as the vast and glorious consciousness of the Love I Am, and gives you access to the power of Creation itself, power beyond the imagining of the little mind, but power that only Love directs. It is power that when life on Earth shifts to the heart and all the ways of selfishness dissolve, that you might stand free as the open vast and giving heart, the center of the universe, the hologram.

You will be amazed as you reclaim who you truly are as the ecstatic outreach of My living heart. The world shall become the most intricate mandala of interwoven hearts of peace and consciousness that leaps beyond the boundaries of a physical world.

So the shift to the heart to which I call you now is dramatic, profound and brings the experience within you that sources every answer to every question, that the reality of Love makes it unnecessary for this shift to be mirrored or reflected in the outer world as some dramatic and difficult change.

The world is the reflection of your hearts and as you give yourself to Love, then all you see is shown to you through your heart's perception as a world of perfection, beauty and infinite grace in which the outcome of every movement is good. The experience of every moment as Love and the peace beyond the understanding of the mind is your ever-present Home as you rest within Me, allowing your heart to be the transparent and open heart of God that Love may shine itself forth to bring a world of unity and endless joy and gratitude for the gift of life that is ever given to you Now. It shall continue to be given that it may be amplified by your glorious heart continually.

This brings us once again to your choice. You are the Will of Love made manifest, a Will that has been obscured by the ego which has turned everything Love values backward. But the shift to the heart shall make your world "right" again, as the axis of your reality becomes the Vertical, as you step into the flow of life that is the eternal song of endless joy and the ecstasy of Love. Love will create through you a world of such beauty, it is beyond the imagining of the mind.

Are you willing to give your heart to Love, to allow these waves of Love to bring you freedom from all the ways that you have armored yourselves and hidden the vast and glorious magnificence of your true being? You did this in order to fit in to the consensual reality of life in the world as it is currently seen. I promise you the world of Love already exists. It is only a radical shift in perception away. It is the simple change from viewing the world from the two eyes of duality focused through the ego's dream of who you are… to the experience of the present and eternal explosion of joy that is the heart's reality and your identity as the vast unlimited vehicle of this Love.

The vision of the heart, the single eye of the Spirit of which Jeshua spoke will show you, beloved ones, a world so different that you will truly feel your axis change as you give yourselves to this pulsing River of Love that Love may not only do its work through you but give to you the vision of the instrument that Love created, the vehicle that Love can use that is your heart.

So, please, come Home to Me and take this leap in trust. Fall back into the ocean of this perfect Love. Give yourself the experience of true freedom, even if for only a moment, for that moment will change your life. That moment is the experience of the Now. It is the birth of all Creation awakening to itself and in one second, the change can come if you allow it.

Take back into yourself all the perceptions of fearful change that have been painted on the ego's canvas of the world. Bring them to your heart, trusting Me, and let Me show you what they really mean, that the shift of the polarities or the axis of the Earth symbolizes the shift from head to heart. It symbolizes the radical shift to trusting Me so profoundly that all separation between us ends and you are Home, Home in the endless cosmos of Love. Through your heart you see the world that Love creates and nothing else.

Take back all illusions to fearful states and all projections of ego of a future that contains any difficulty at all. Let Me show you how such difficulties can only occur when this Love meets a barrier erected out of fear. And yes, I know, beloved ones, that it is not easy to trust if you see the world through the lens of your human self. If you judge even the next moment from the past experience of duality that holds both Love and its opposite, then it is hard if not impossible to let go.

But if you allow this Love to turn your world to something else and to give you the experience Now of life through the heart, then I promise you it will be effortless to give yourself to this glorious flow, to become the conscious Twin Flame heart, the being who holds within the keys to all Creation that you become the force of Love through which Love manifests, and that the world you see is the truth of only Love. That is what I Am and thus, what you are and your heart will show you.

So, as you shift to your heart and let your heart turn your world upside down, you will find the prediction of the "end of time" is valid, but not as a human suddenly without clock or calendar. Instead it will be as a being of Light and Love for whom the galaxy, the cosmos, the All of God is your Home and who lives forever in the eternal Now that is the only moment where life is.

Let yourself recognize that every flood, every tsunami, every hurricane is the reflection of the fearful state of ego in its response to this great in-rush of Love that it places outside of itself and makes fearful that you might remain in this limited state, obeying the will of ego to believe in a world in which Love and other than Love are at war -- which in the truth of the heart is not possible.

As enough of you allow this polar shift to occur, fall back in trust into the ocean of Love I Am, as enough of you allow the world you live in to turn around, to become the flow of endless outward giving…then the magnetic power of your collective heart will create enough pull to flip the others, effortlessly and gently, into a whole new view, a whole new experience of what life is when seen through the single eye of the heart and perceived as Love's reality.

So everything the ego presents as pictures of collective possibilities of other than Love as you enter this time of change…bring it within. Bring it to Me and let Me show you what the truth is, the truth of Love that only the heart can recognize and you will find yourselves dwelling in the deep peace and ecstatic joy of the true reality of Love that is truly beyond the understanding of the mind and beyond the world perceived by the collective consciousness created by the ego mind.

Dearest ones, please welcome it! Welcome it all… Welcome the polar shift of your reality. Welcome this rushing, endless tsunami of Love. Welcome the end of the dream of dualistic time. Open your heart and step into the mystery of this change, surrendered to Me, that I might give you the fullness of your true identity as the heart of God.

As you find yourselves experiencing these waves of Love, they will show you life in its sparkling glory and bring to you the perfect communion with All That Is, with every molecule, with each dancing electron…that you might rejoice in the endless communion of the unity of life that the heart sees and the joyous experience of being that which holds in consciousness the very energies of Creation, the masculine and feminine entwined in a powerful and endless dance of co-creation beyond imagining.

Beloved ones, as you allow this shift, then you will also find that the heart then infuses the mind with Love and the ego's perception of separation disappears. Thought becomes the flow of the living Spirit and every word is an expression of the highest Love and the joyous life of God that we share.

Through the heart and this profound shift, all separation between us ends but what truly happens, what you will find is that the separation was never there. It was only an illusion, the result of a decision to perceive other than Love, to live other than this truth of God that has always been, shall always be, is ever alive in this glorious Now. Love is your true reality and I Am your Real identity. You are My heart always.

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Our Inner Relationship Review

At the risk of sounding repetitive once again, "relationship" in all forms is up for deep and significant review during the month of April. The energy alignments in March were indeed "vibrational upgrades" and now in April we will feel the deepest call to observe our inner relationship within every aspect of our lives.

Sounds heavy and in truth deep personal review is a journey that requires time and due diligence. Every aspect of our outer lives is a form of relationship for we are "in relationship" to and with everything. Our body, our work, our friends, our family, our emotions, thoughts, and beliefs. Many have been feeling the pull to withdraw and recalibrate since the equinox on March 21st. There is never just one event or timing, but we do like to give a linear timeline to how we are feeling our way through our lives.

The codes of light received during the month of March created a deeper level of awareness and change, where everything felt different yet seemingly looked the same - a place of having to bridge points of reference that are deeper than ever before. The perception we hold of ourselves as we straddle our 3D/5D relationship has indeed required a renewed commitment to our ascension process.

Our sense of time is changing dramatically as it has over the past several years. I've certainly felt the bubble of time wrap around me the past couple of weeks, feeling quiet and wanting only to just be and not do. We are integrating great waves of higher frequency and it is now a time to observe everything in our outer lives as an indicator of our inner vibrational relationship and partnership. 

April is a month of intense energy that will effectively reformat our inner relationship within our heart space, and will in turn create opportunity to see more clearly the outer relationships and partnerships we are currently experiencing. The question of "how am I feeling in this moment" is the most profound key to understanding the vibrational match we have with the thought or feeling of the people in our lives. We are constantly redefining in this new energy what feels good and uplifting, through the filter of our old beliefs or perceptions of who we are and who or what we are a vibrational match too.

Within the context of our relationships we often project our beliefs of what it is supposed to look like and feel like based on our experiences and expectations. We do this with all forms of relationships. April will intensify the part of any projection that is holding a vibrational match that is an old pattern or belief we have held about ourselves and those in our lives. This timing will be a profound opportunity to see what is continuing to show up as being old and outmoded or something new and joyful. It is easy to fall into harsh personal criticism when old patterns appear to still be part of our now - but in is simply another opportunity to choose to change and let go.

The inner review through our heart will allow the old judgments to be less charged with emotional baggage and offer a clearer vision of the tremendous opportunity each moment holds for clearing the way for new feelings of joy as we re-evaluate and release any sense of limitation or fear.

Our lightbody is holding the new frequency and vibration codes and is threading the new energy slowly into our physical, emotional, mental and spirit bodies. This can feel overwhelming and physically draining. Many I have spoken too and worked with are complaining of fatigue, body pain, headaches, stomach upsets and a sense of feeling disconnected. Brain fog and the inability to put our thoughts into a recognizable form are also occurring.

We are transforming many layers of our personal reality as the integration waves continue to bring forward a sense of urgency or feeling stuck. Polarity once again at it greatest teaching tool. Our response or reaction to the integration will be a key component of how we manifest the hidden teaching held within our thoughts. We are evolving quickly and shaking free old collective perceptions and patterns. April is a month of action but at a deep inner level where we must be present and mindful of the emotional triggers that can move us deeper into our evolutionary impulse.

It is important to remember that everything that is present in our current everyday lives is a symptom or symbol of our vibration and frequency. Nothing is being experienced that isn't a direct correlation to our thoughts and beliefs. We are digging deeper and deeper into the unaddressed core aspects of our relationships within our divine blueprint. It takes great courage to cleanse and reveal to ourselves the masters we truly are and accept the responsibility that we alone create and change. 

Our heart is our greatest teacher and wisdom keeper. It nourishes and supports the truth of our soul journey without judgment and points us in the direction of moving forward. The action of April will be to observe our thoughts and feelings as if under a powerful microscope. The moment we observe ourselves in relationship to our reality, we effect change - by the mere point of observation. April asks the question "what do you truly want" and then offers the energy to take the steps to bring the vibrational match of our intention into our reality. We know what we want by how it feels - if it feels uplifting, joyful and allowing it is a vibrational match to our heart. If it feels anything less than that - then we have a magnificent opportunity to take whatever action or steps feel right - without judgment or blame.

We are greatly influenced by the cosmic alignments of each month. In April, there we have Mercury Retrograde from April 17th to May 11th. This alignment supports the deep internal review and the pull to feel quiet and contemplative. Many will feel the need for a course correction as the deep creates the impetus for new conclusions.

The New Moon on April 14th and the Full Moon on April 28th both foster a time to explore and dive deeply into our emotions and calibrate the opportunity to expand further into our true transformation.

Kind, Gentle and Allowing is the once again the operative energy for this month of change and growth. It is important to take whatever measures necessary to feel supported as we embrace more light within our consciousness. Much learning is occurring as we surf our relationships and as always the most important relationship we have is with ourselves.

The pulsing waves of divine feminine light are merging deeply within each of us creating a platform for the perfected balance of sacred feminine and sacred masucline frequency and vibration. This platform or foundation is held within everything person, place or thing upon our beloved Mother Earth and is encapsulating the internal individual changes with that of the collective. Our universe is always expanding as are we, even if it feels during this month of review like we are contracting. Focus on your personal expansion, knowing we are loved and honoured for the courage it takes to be the masters we truly are.

Every relationship is changing at this monumental time and each one offers us a window of deep understanding. Enjoy the coming days of review and focus on the intention to feel joy and expansion.

Remember that laughter is the quickest way to feel our soul and a smile given or received- the kiss of an angel. We are all connected in this magnificent timing and journey together.

Keep Shining your Gorgeous Light !

With Love and Blessings in Service


Copyright © Shala Mata 2009

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Andromeda, feels like home to me…..

Andromeda Galaxy

The Andromeda Galaxy, also known as Messier 31, M31, or NGC 224; often referred to as the Great Andromeda Nebula in older texts, is a spiral galaxy approximately 2,500,000 light-years away in the constellation Andromeda.

It is the nearest spiral galaxy to our own, the Milky Way. As it is visible as a faint smudge on a moonless night, it is one of the farthest objects visible to the naked eye, and can be seen even from urban areas with binoculars. It is named after the princess Andromeda in Greek mythology.

Andromeda is the largest galaxy of the Local Group, which consists of the Andromeda Galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy, the Triangulum Galaxy, and about 30 other smaller galaxies. Although the largest, Andromeda may not be the most massive, as recent findings suggest that the Milky Way contains more dark matter and may be the most massive in the grouping.

The 2006 observations by the Spitzer Space Telescope revealed that M31 contains one trillion (1012) stars, several times more than the number of stars in our own galaxy, which is estimated to be c. 200-400 billion.

While the 2006 estimates put the mass of the Milky Way to be ~80% of the mass of Andromeda, which is estimated to be 7.1 X 1011 solar masses, a 2009 study concluded that Andromeda and the Milky Way are about equal in mass.

At an apparent magnitude of 3.4, the Andromeda Galaxy is notable for being one of the brightest Messier objects, making it easily visible to the naked eye even when viewed from areas with moderate light pollution. Although it appears more than six times as wide as the full moon when photographed through a larger telescope, only the brighter central region is visible with the naked eye.

Observation History

The earliest recorded observation of the Andromeda Galaxy was in 964 CE by the Persian astronomer, Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi (Azophi), who described it as a "small cloud" in his Book of Fixed Stars. Other star charts of that period have it labeled as the Little Cloud.

The first description of the object based on telescopic observation was given by Simon Marius in 1612.

Charles Messier catalogued it as object M31 in 1764 and incorrectly credited Marius as the discoverer, unaware of Al Sufi's earlier work.

In 1785, the astronomer William Herschel noted a faint reddish hue in the core region of the M31. He believed it to be the nearest of all the "great nebulae" and, based on the color and magnitude of the nebula, he incorrectly guessed that it was no more than 2,000 times the distance of Sirius.

William Huggins in 1864 observed the spectrum of M31 and noted that it differed from a gaseous nebula. The spectra of M31 displayed a continuum of frequencies, superimposed with dark absorption lines that help identify the chemical composition of an object. The Andromeda nebula was very similar to the spectra of individual stars, and from this it was deduced that M31 had a stellar nature.

In 1885, a supernova (known as "S Andromedae") was seen in M31, the first and so far only one observed in that galaxy. At the time M31 was considered to be a nearby object, so the cause was thought to be a much less luminous and unrelated event called a nova, and was named accordingly "Nova 1885".

The first photographs of M31 were taken in 1887 by Isaac Roberts from his private observatory in Sussex, England. The long-duration exposure allowed the spiral structure of the galaxy to be seen for the first time. However, at the time this object was commonly believed to be a nebula within our galaxy, and Roberts mistakenly believed that M31 and similar spiral nebulae were actually solar systems being formed, with the satellites nascent planets.

The radial velocity of this object with respect to our solar system was measured in 1912 by Vesto Slipher at the Lowell Observatory, using spectroscopy. The result was the largest velocity recorded at that time, at 300 kilometres per second (190 mi/s), moving in the direction of the Sun.

Island Universe

In 1917, Heber Curtis observed a nova within M31. Searching the photographic record, 11 more novae were discovered. Curtis noticed that these novae were, on average, 10 magnitudes fainter than those that occurred within our Galaxy. As a result he was able to come up with a distance estimate of 500,000 light-years (3.2X1010 AU). He became a proponent of the so-called "island universes" hypothesis, which held that spiral nebulae were actually independent galaxies.

In 1920 the Great Debate between Harlow Shapley and Heber Curtis took place, concerning the nature of the Milky Way, spiral nebulae, and the dimensions of the universe. To support his claim that Great Andromeda Nebula (M31) was an external galaxy, Curtis also noted the appearance of dark lanes resembling the dust clouds in our own Galaxy, as well as the significant Doppler shift.

In 1922 Ernst Opik presented a very elegant and simple astrophysical method to estimate the distance of M31, his result (450 kpc (1,500 kly)) put Andromeda Nebula far outside our Galaxy.

Edwin Hubble settled the debate in 1925 when he identified extragalactic Cepheid variable stars for the first time on astronomical photos of M31. These were made using the 2.5 metres (98 in) Hooker telescope, and they enabled the distance of Great Andromeda Nebula to be determined. His measurement demonstrated conclusively that this feature was not a cluster of stars and gas within our Galaxy, but an entirely separate galaxy located a significant distance from our own.

Andromeda plays an important role in galactic studies, since it is the nearest spiral galaxy (although not the nearest galaxy).

In 1943, Walter Baade was the first person to resolve stars in the central region of the Andromeda Galaxy. Based on his observations of this galaxy, he was able to discern two distinct populations of stars based on their metallicity, naming the young, high velocity stars in the disk Type I and the older, red stars in the bulge Type II. This nomenclature was subsequently adopted for stars within the Milky Way, and elsewhere. (The existence of two distinct populations had been noted earlier by Jan Oort.) Dr. Baade also discovered that there were two types of Cepheid variables, which resulted in a doubling of the distance estimate to M31, as well as the remainder of the Universe.

Radio emission from the Andromeda Galaxy was first detected by Grote Reber in 1940. The first radio maps of the galaxy were made in the 1950s by John Baldwin and collaborators at the Cambridge Radio Astronomy Group. The core of the Andromeda Galaxy is called 2C 56 in the 2C radio astronomy catalogue.

In 2009, the first planet may have been discovered in the Andromeda Galaxy. This candidate was detected using a technique called microlensing, which is caused by the deflection of light by a massive object.


Based on its appearance in visible light, the Andromeda galaxy is classified as an SA(s)b galaxy in the de Vaucouleurs-Sandage extended classification system of spiral galaxies. However, data from the 2MASS survey showed that the bulge of M31 has a box-like appearance, which implies that the galaxy is actually a barred galaxy with the bar viewed almost directly along its long axis.

In 2005, astronomers used the Keck telescopes to show that the tenuous sprinkle of stars extending outward from the galaxy is actually part of the main disk itself. This means that the spiral disk of stars in Andromeda is three times larger in diameter than previously estimated. This constitutes evidence that there is a vast, extended stellar disk that makes the galaxy more than 220,000 light-years (67,000 pc) in diameter. Previously, estimates of Andromeda's size ranged from 70,000 to 120,000 light-years (21,000 to 37,000 pc) across.

The galaxy is inclined an estimated 77° relative to the Earth (where an angle of 90° would be viewed directly from the side). Analysis of the cross-sectional shape of the galaxy appears to demonstrate a pronounced, S-shaped warp, rather than just a flat disk. A possible cause of such a warp could be gravitational interaction with the satellite galaxies near M31. The galaxy M33 could be responsible for some warp in M31's arms, though more precise distances and radial velocities are required.

Spectroscopic studies have provided detailed measurements of the rotational velocity of M31 at various radii from the core. In the vicinity of the core, the rotational velocity climbs to a peak of 225 kilometres per second (140 mi/s) at a radius of 1,300 light-years (82,000,000 AU) light-years, then descends to a minimum at 7,000 light-years (440,000,000 AU) where the rotation velocity may be as low as 50 kilometres per second (31 mi/s).

Thereafter the velocity steadily climbs again out to a radius of 33,000 light-years (2.1x109 AU), where it reaches a peak of 250 kilometres per second (160 mi/s). The velocities slowly decline beyond that distance, dropping to around 200 kilometres per second (120 mi/s) at 80,000 light-years (5.1x109 AU). These velocity measurements imply a concentrated mass of about 6 x 109 M in the nucleus. The total mass of the galaxy increases linearly out to 45,000 light-years (2.8 x109 AU), then more slowly beyond that radius.

The spiral arms of Andromeda are outlined by a series of H II regions that Baade described as resembling "beads on a string". They appear to be tightly wound, although they are more widely spaced than in our galaxy.

Rectified images of the galaxy show a fairly normal spiral galaxy with the arms wound up in a clockwise direction. There are two continuous trailing arms that are separated from each other by a minimum of about 13,000 light-years (8.2E+8 AU). These can be followed outward from a distance of roughly 1,600 light-years (100,000,000 AU) from the core. The most likely cause of the spiral pattern is thought to be interaction with M32. This can be seen by the displacement of the neutral hydrogen clouds from the stars.

In 1998, images from the European Space Agency's Infrared Space Observatory demonstrated that the overall form of the Andromeda galaxy may be transitioning into a ring galaxy. The gas and dust within Andromeda is generally formed into several overlapping rings, with a particularly prominent ring formed at a radius of 32,000 light-years (2.0x109 AU) from the core. This ring is hidden from visible light images of the galaxy because it is composed primarily of cold dust.

Close examination of the inner region of Andromeda showed a smaller dust ring that is believed to have been caused by the interaction with M32 more than 200 million years ago. Simulations show that the smaller galaxy passed through the disk of Andromeda along the latter's polar axis. This collision stripped more than half the mass from the smaller M32 and created the ring structures in Andromeda.

Studies of the extended halo of M31 show that it is roughly comparable to that of the Milky Way, with stars in the halo being generally "metal-poor", and increasingly so with greater distance. This evidence indicates that the two galaxies have followed similar evolutionary paths. They are likely to have accreted and assimilated about 1-200 low-mass galaxies during the past 12 billion years. The stars in the extended halos of M31 and the Milky Way may extend nearly one third the distance separating the two galaxies.


M31 is known to harbor a dense and compact star cluster at its very center. In a large telescope it creates a visual impression of a star embedded in the more diffuse surrounding bulge. The luminosity of the nucleus is in excess of the most luminous globular clusters.

In 1991 Tod R. Lauer used WFPC, then on board the Hubble Space Telescope, to image Andromeda's inner nucleus. The nucleus consists of two concentrations separated by 1.5 parsecs (4.9 ly). The brighter concentration, designated as P1, is offset from the center of the galaxy. The dimmer concentration, P2, falls at the true center of the galaxy and contains a 3-5x107 M black hole.

Scott Tremaine has proposed that the observed double nucleus could be explained if P1 is the projection of a disk of stars in an eccentric orbit around the central black hole. The eccentricity is such that stars linger at the orbital apocenter, creating a concentration of stars. P2 also contains a compact disk of hot, spectral class A stars. The A stars are not evident in redder filters, but in blue and ultraviolet light they dominate the nucleus, causing P2 to appear more prominent than P1.

While at the initial time of its discovery it was hypothesized that the brighter portion of the double nucleus was the remnant of a small galaxy "cannibalized" by Andromeda, this is no longer considered to be a viable explanation. The primary reason is that such a nucleus would have an exceedingly short lifetime due to tidal disruption by the central black hole. While this could be partially resolved if P1 had its own black hole to stabilize it, the distribution of stars in P1 does not suggest that there is a black hole at its center.

Artist's concept of Andromeda galaxy core showing a view across a

mysterious disk of young, blue stars encircling a supermassive black hole.

Discrete Sources

Multiple X-ray sources have been detected in the Andromeda Galaxy, using observations from the ESA's XMM-Newton orbiting observatory. Robin Barnard et al. hypothesized that these are candidate black holes or neutron stars, which are heating incoming gas to millions of kelvins and emitting X-rays. The spectrum of the neutron stars is the same as the hypothesized black holes, but can be distinguished by their masses.

There are approximately 460 globular clusters associated with the Andromeda galaxy. The most massive of these clusters, identified as Mayall II, nicknamed Globular One, has a greater luminosity than any other known globular cluster in the local group of galaxies.

It contains several million stars, and is about twice as luminous as Omega Centauri, the brightest known globular cluster in the Milky Way. Globular One (or G1) has several stellar populations and a structure too massive for an ordinary globular. As a result, some consider G1 to be the remnant core of a dwarf galaxy that was consumed by M31 in the distant past. The globular with the greatest apparent brightness is G76 which is located in the south-west arm's eastern half.

In 2005, astronomers discovered a completely new type of star cluster in M31. The new-found clusters contain hundreds of thousands of stars, a similar number of stars that can be found in globular clusters. What distinguishes them from the globular clusters is that they are much larger ­ several hundred light-years across ­ and hundreds of times less dense. The distances between the stars are, therefore, much greater within the newly discovered extended clusters.

Future Collision of the Milky Way with Andromeda

The Andromeda Galaxy is approaching the Sun at about 100 to 140 kilometres per second (62 to 87 mi/s),[56] so it is one of the few blue shifted galaxies. The Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way are thus expected to collide in perhaps 2.5 billion years, although the details are uncertain since Andromeda's tangential velocity with respect to the Milky Way is only known to within about a factor of two.

A likely outcome of the collision is that the galaxies will merge to form a giant elliptical galaxy. Such events are frequent among the galaxies in galaxy groups. The fate of the Earth and the Solar System in the event of a collision are presently unknown. If the galaxies do not merge, there is a small chance that the Solar System could be ejected from the Milky Way or join Andromeda.

Andromeda's Satellite Galaxies  Wikipedia
Like the Milky Way, Andromeda Galaxy has satellite galaxies, consisting of 14 known dwarf galaxies.

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WE the PEOPLE…Founders Think, Speak and Act Now!

  “If you think nobody cares if you are alive, try missing a couple of car payments.” ~Earl Wilson

We the People?

There is NO more Perfect Time for True Change than this very Moment NOW!

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Greetings from the Angelic Realms!

There are a few things that We would like to address in regards to money and abundance. We have noticed that many of our Lightworker friends have been struggling with paying their bills and with remaining in the Universal Flow of Abundance, in general, and We have some helpful guidelines in regards to this. It is important for you to first establish that there really is a Universal Flow, a “Universal Bank,” if you will, which essentially contains everything that your heart desires!

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Seth Speaks Newsletter – Vol. XXIII

Seth Speaks Newsletter

Volume XXIII

Riverbeing 1 by Tracy Marshall


In This Abreviated Blog Issue XXIII:

September 11th Foretold by Susan M. Watkins

Seth – “An Integral Conscious Creation Myth” Part 12 of 15 by Paul Helfrich

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Arcturians an Introduction

We Are the Arcturians

We are the Arcturians, and I am Juliano, one of the commanders of the contingent that is overseeing the Earth connection. We have a very strong interest in the Earth, for we view ourselves as the midwives of your spiritual birth into the fifth dimension. You would not expect a human baby to be born into the third dimension without assistance to both the mother and the baby. Therefore, we have been designated as powerful helpers for you in your birthing process. We are like a magnet that is attracting your spiritual energy into the higher realms.

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Message from Porf June 29 2006

Porf Fills in History!

We are from the generation of Tibetan connected to the salutary historical system, which is an offshoot of Ramadan. My name is Porf and I will be doing most of the translation.
We have nothing to do with the Anunnaki race of people. They did ask us if we would give you an unbiased opinion of some key historical facts that have taken place in your inundated frequency. Our responsibility is to help you mentally clear a path that will permit patterns of clarity into your mentality, allowing you to be aware of what perfection is.
In order to pass through prismatic motion, which is a vibrational light prism that the dimensional consciousness is changing into which allows an energetic view of the new conscious ladder that you are stepping onto, you must be in control of all your automatic response systems. Many of you are aware of this, at this time.
Also, I'm going to repeat what you have been told. It is not you who are not waiting for the planet to change into a fifth dimensional
sequence; it's the planetary system waiting for you to move into a fifth dimension since it already knows how.
What do you think this 2012 interaction is all about? All the talk is about everything going into a new dimension. In actuality, everything going on at this time will be finished by 2012.
Another thing most of you have heard, that I'm going to repeat, is to remember that all conflicts entering into your circle of containment are presenting themselves to you at this time for you to learn allowance of energy. Remember this when people that you interact with become adversarial. It has nothing to do with somebody purposely trying to defraud you. This interaction can only enter into your life zone if you need this adversarial action to become part of your experience.
This is not our job to explain universal laws because this is what you're working on right now. We thought we would add a little to it. Basically, we are what you call historians. What we would like to do is present a picture of creation that has never been fully understood by the frequency that you preside in.
The only history that you know is the last three to five thousand years. Much of it has been misdirected. A lot of the reason for this
is the iconoclastic type people that tried to rule the world by telling their own story of historical facts. Many of these facts have
some validity, but the overall view of what has transpired in your past has been extremely misrepresented. One of the reasons is that a 3-D understanding of anything is limited to small pieces of the puzzle.
Now we have a captive audience that understands the multiple processes that take place for life to exist. Take for an example, a square block of wood, with six sides. Look at it. You only will see three sides at a time. When you rotate this block, you understand that there are more than three sides, but you'll still only see three sides at a time, which is only part of the picture. Some people will not even rotate the block, so they stay in the third dimensional view. The information we're giving you now would not interact with the consciousness that they preside in. So be prepared to turn the block.
The first thing that needs to be addressed is this stupid aging thing you have inundated yourself with. You have a perfectly functional physical vehicle that has been designed to basically function forever.  You then shut it down and do not let it do the job it was designed to do. This was accomplished by destroying your male and female connection with the mother planet. As you reconnect, as many of you are at this time, you will understand the real process of perfection. Start living it at this point and you will draw to you your counterpart, the one who is your true physical and spiritual mate. At this point you will make a complete balance.
The first thing that will go is this ridiculous aging concept that you were programmed to believe. You were first brought to mother earth's frequency approximately 68,000 years ago, not including the time loops you have been rerunning in a groundhog movie-like way. You know the movie that I am referring to.
You just think it is a silly story, but it was intentionally introduced, as are many different films, to the subconscious to open
up new avenues of concepts and reform. There are two groups that have their fingers in the film industry. One tries to control the masses with fear. The other opens up avenues of probability for you to explore.
Yes, that is us restructuring the intercom system of your computer. I understand there has been many changes to your verbal actuator device from every source of life. Oh well, it is our turn now. Have you noticed how quiet your processor is running? We have developed a system to balance it to the frequency that you're working with. It was basically working its ass off to keep up with your information. I think it will be OK now.
Before we go any further, I want to answer some questions that I am being asked. I am supposed to be some sort of a historian, but I will answer these questions first. “What is pain?” This is a very very good question.
When you are out of balance and your body starts physically breaking down, it sends you a message to where this inflection is taking place. Therefore, when you feel pain, instead of thinking that something is wrong, mentally focus on the point that is in pain. When you reach this point, understand what the discomfort really is. See that you have an unbalanced thought. In most cases you're allowing someone or something to make you feel out of balance or negative. Once you allow any situation or other person to gain your power point, you start losing your clarity. At this point discomfort, weakness, depression starts to set in.
Now let me see if I can get my empathic engineer to trust what I am presenting to him as historical facts. He knows what I am talking about because he has this big concern of misdiagnosing the information that he is being introduced to.
One of the most confusing aspects of comedic times is learning to understand that no matter what information you receive, the same information can seem like an entirely different story. This all stems from the view of what level of inept probabilities you are
experiencing.Anunnaki creational patterns.
I know, what the hell is that? Always remember your friend's favorite saying. “Everything in creative form is a vibrational frequency that is the result of a thought.” What a thought does is take the microns of energy, the responding pieces of non matter, and place it into a functional picture that fits whatever belief pattern you have inherited, from whatever program you have experienced in any vibrational form that is in a non-conscious creative condition. In other words, you're running around creating without realizing that you have the power do so.
The reason I'm going through all this rhetoric is that when you're explaining anything that is out of your immediate vibrated frequency, everyone who sees the picture will have a somewhat different explanation due to the vibrated pattern that this person draws to them. These are from whatever experience they have had in an elliptic viewpoint of whatever is being presented.
Confused? Let's try this! Everything you see visually or feel intuitively has only one channel to go through to process that which
you have stored of acquired experiences. Stop.let's see if I can get through!
For example, if you use a dictionary to find a word that is not included, the first thing you say is, “There is no such a word!”  Well, what does this mean? It means that whoever inspired the dictionary into a creative pattern of learning only had enough knowledge to fill one small book.
So, what about the rest of the information that is out there? You cannot be introduced to this information because the dictionary does not have a word that explains whatever you're seeking. This is what a third dimensional view does. It stops looking if it has no reference points to cause it to continue.
Now that you're expanding your points of reference, many of you are able to see a picture that could not be presented before. How many times have you heard somebody say, “Why don't the UFOs just land on the White House lawn and communicate with us?” My answer is this. They would be glad to if you would acknowledge their existence.  However, because you ran out of dictionary, you have no place to draw upon. So, you just shut everything down.
One thing I must say is that it will not be long before many of you will experience this new process. Actually, all that's in the way for many of you right now is still fear. Just keep on working on this and you will have amazing results.
Next, my friends and I will introduce a pattern of thought to you at a level of understanding that will have to be carefully processed. You are not allowed to go into a fear pattern of right and wrong. As long as any of these inept processes are in motion, they will interfere with staying in synchronicity with the velocity of the planetary alignments that allow dimensional change to rapidly fall into place.
In the beginning God created the earth. OK, right off the bat, creation has no beginning or end. Everything is in a constant flow,
regenerating itself. If there was a beginning where would it start from? If there was an end, what would be its destination? Where would it go?
If you look at everything in a third dimensional projection, you would only see three sides of a square block, believing of course, that everything has a beginning and end. Now you are working past this old concept, even though you can only see three sides of the block at one time. At least you are aware that there are three more sides.
Guess what? Once you find all six sides, creation will exponentially align itself to a process that will continue into infinity, which is
unbounded by space, time or quantity. It allows you to see the never-ending sides of the block.
I understand this goes past everyone that has a physical body and uses brain cells to cognate and process data. So let's just back up and use the six-sided block concept. This is where we will introduce this new information from. See how complex it can get to just get started with the history of a physical realm of existence? So what we will do, since we're working in time and space, is try to work from the biggest picture in this area. Sometimes it is necessary to drift in and out in order to get answers to some questions.
I was just asked a question if Atlantis and Lemuria were part of what we are today? Yes they are! Also there was Anoxia, Tryoden and Emesela, before that, and the list goes on and on. Humans have come and gone on this planet continuously. There never was a time when man was not. Many times humans had to return and experience technological restarts and some of these restarts are what you see in your historical fossil beds. This doesn't allow you much clarity on the historical facts of your ancestors.
If you could travel from planet to planet and see the infinite amount of different coagulations of atmospheric processes that are taking place, it would be quite overwhelming to comprehend. Each planet has a specific quality of uniqueness that the others do not.
Mother Earth has hers in its Elines Basela, which you refer to as gold. This is the energetic force that keeps all creative energies in flow, allowing the planet to function in a parallel expression of its original blueprint. This is why recently you have been told that any gold that has been taken off the planet immediately will replace itself, so that it can follow that original blueprint. I do not want
to get into the process of gold or we will never get any farther.
When different species of life realized the energy field that gold produces and what could be done with it, they came in droves to
harvest this precious commodity. I think this would be a good place to start. It is far enough back to give you a historical picture and give you a start on understanding what really took place in your history.
There are not many physical beings that have to deal with the load you carry on planet Earth. It seems like you created a special domain to come and experience everything in one place. It all stems back to when you each arrived here from many different planets and cryonic paths. At this point you were introduced to the earth's force field, which allows you to be able to adapt to the frequency of this planet.
To clarify a question, “Yes you can travel to other planets, but if you're not adapted to that frequency, in other words, if you do not
have a vibrational match to that planets frequency, you will not experience what the true aspects of life are in that domain.”
OK, now back to our train of thought. There was a group of people at that time that transported many different physical beings from many different planetary structures to create the life process that you're involved in at this time. They were basically brought here against their will to perform different projects for the Sumerians, who transported them to this planet.
When you look at the different races on your planet, it doesn't seem like that many. But actually, there are hundreds because the first arrivals interbred for thousands of years and looked like a single race. Now the second arrivals are in the process of doing the same. What the Sumerians did without realizing it, is allow these different races to combine their energetic fields. This combination gave them a conscious understanding of spiritual knowledge that can only be interacted into the system with a “We” complexity of creative thinking.
So there are two conducted processes going on in the same frequency. One of them is a group of beings that want to confiscate the precious metal from the earth's life form for their own benefit. They have brought many different cultures to your planet for this to take place.  The overall view of the original intent is to allow all these different human species to blend together producing a tremendous creative mental force that has not been attainable in this frequency, to this point.
In the last hundred years, without you realizing, mankind has spiritually risen above any point prior to this physical life's
experience. Each race of people that has been brought to your planet has brought a unique and precious commodity to enlighten the mental force field that inhabits the earth plane at this time.
For thousands of years mankind has gone through many trials and tribulations, allowing this segment of life force to adjust and
understand how to process thought without being controlled by others.  If you notice, all the way through your history there's always somebody or something in control.
Now if you pay attention, you'll see this is starting to change. This allows the new children to come in and prepare themselves to teach a new world an entirely new process of survival. These children would not be able to integrate into the system unless the system had prepared itself for it.
After many years of bringing different races of beings to the earth,  the Sumerians devised a method to keep track of the earth's progress by erecting Pyramid's in a certain order. This would allow them a visual advantage of earth's progress. As you were told earlier, the sole reason for bringing in millions of different beings from all over the Galaxy was to harvest all the gold that was available, as well as create a system that would be self-sustaining allowing the Samaritans to be in full control. They could then go back to their planet and everything would run automatically. They would not have to stay here to oversee the progress.
Well, for thousands of years this worked pretty well until they decided to build a tracking device using the geometric Pyramid energy. This allows all annonic wave motions to be detected from great distances since they only return approximately every 3,500 years; this is when their planet was aligned to allow this. After each trip they could return home with their precious commodity.
Now if you notice, all throughout the history that you know of, gold has been the most precious and sought after commodity in existence. So when the Sumerians first set up housekeeping and created a system that allowed everyone to survive in, they injected into your system a tremendous and overwhelming desire for gold. This desire is still is in place to date.
When they made the decision to erect the Pyramid's, the slave labor that they brought here had no means of constructing such a tremendous monolithic monument. Therefore, they introduced the process of levitation. This allowed these great mammoth shapes to be erected. This all worked very well for them. The Sumerians gave them the technology and taught them the means to erect these structures. They then returned to the 10th planet.
When they returned approximately 3500 years later, they noticed that they were starting to lose control because the technology they had given the slaves was being used in ways that weren't conducive to their project. So now they had to introduce a new process that wouldn't stop the progress of gold mining. At this point they created fear and added religion, governments, kingdoms, and even sports, because they knew the tremendous egotistical passion these people had.  These things would put them back in control. This is where the enlightened ones started their venture. This venture was later called the Illuminati.
Now, I want to inject a little wisdom into your intellect so that you will not start forming a negative mental image of all of this information. We're keeping this story in the highest collectible conscious frequency that we can. This allows us to tell a factual story. This is a process, a part of history that took place without a right or wrong concept as part of its demeanor.
If the reader of this information has any problem or connection with the concept of right or wrong, this information will not be allowed to inject into their mentality. This is nothing to do with whether you believe it or not. We are not concerned about how you process this in your belief system. All we are telling you are that if you're experiencing a disorder or mental conflict of how any of this information is portrayed, everything in your mental storage will shut down.
Let us go back to when you were first brought to Mother planet. When the word mother is used before the word planet, it means she has the capability to reproduce whatever she needs to keep survival in contact. When what you call the human race first arrived to Mother Earth, they were first taught how to manifest so they could create an environment that fit their needs. This was necessary because of the tremendous difference and variety from what they originally came from.
They brought many different ideas and processes from their original planets. Because they had the ability to manifest, they started rebuilding and duplicating what they had left behind. This is why there are so many different and plentiful new varieties of animals.  They also had to connect with the God force, which is the spirit world, so that they could line up each animal to match the sole purpose from the higher realms that each animal came in to be.
In other words, even though humans created animals, the original design and purpose had to originate from a creative intent. Understand that this is a new concept for you. The whole idea of this information is to train your mind to float with this information without having an opinion one way or another. This comes from an old Teradyne traditional prayer that goes like this; Mazade porede la paneled bucha pravaset tre, lile comred to corset . Is always keeps you in a place of allowance without control.
Teradyne is the group of people that was brought here in the very beginning of human transformation. This group has had the job of keeping in place a spiritual overtone so humans do not lose touch with the original creative force of humanity. Even though there is a historical view of what has transpired on the planet Earth, there is also a bigger creative power that put everything in place.
This has nothing to do with religion because religion is based on nothing more than a belief system that people tend to create. The result is the many of them that now exist, and will exist until the true meaning of creation is comprehended.
The true understanding of creation can only be comprehended when all beings in physical form have the same understanding of a creative force. This then allows everything to go back to one; this is the whole understanding of the God experience. In other words, nothing can function in perfection if all the parts are not there. This is what you're in the process of injecting into your consciousness; allowing all the nomenclature of understanding to create a view of knowledge which will allow you to step into a higher frequency of experience.
Yes! I will answer the question, “Does this continue forever?” My answer is, “Yes, only if you preside in time”. Remember, their never was a time when man was not. This is a metaphysical expression explaining that other aspects of life can take place without the use of time. Time was introduced into the third dimensional process of life so physical beings could learn to relate to a structured society. This is why people studying quantum physics have difficulty shifting to these new aspects that don't relate to time because they can only relate to their understanding of time.
Another aspect I would like to make clear is that everything we are discussing about your history is all based on the third dimensional viewpoint. There are many factors that are constantly working with all of you, all the way from cross-dimensional consciousness giving spiritual input introducing this third dimensional information to you.  There are many other levels of communication putting in their combined injection of knowledge.
When humans first experimented with cross consciousness between animal and human, as in many of the mythical stories you've heard, it actually took place, but not in the physical reality that you preside in. At one time mankind could phase in and out of these different vibrational experiences of life. This is where the half human-half animal aspects have their derivative roots.
The myopic understanding of Rainagod, the figure in Egypt which you have named the sphinx, is a good example of the connection between these two different vibrational systems. It was originally constructed by the Sumerians as a testimony of ownership, similar to how you would plant a flag today. They constructed an illusion of consciousness exchange to prove that they have the process of interlocking human and animal life force.
The Sphinx also is a landmark of where they have their akashic library, currently unexposed underground. It can be visited if you're properly identified as having Sufi thought patterns.
I understand your struggle with getting this information. Don't feel alone. We are so limited with these aspects of communication, but that's all we have, so we'll deal with it. What many of you are trying to do at this time is reconnect with this human and animal connection because of the tremendous understanding that interlocks between the two.
You know, I was just thinking how much information you have been deprived of because of the third dimensional connection you have with
the universe. Each one of the subjects that we introduced to you has a huge story in themselves. This might sound strange, but sometimes I am confused how far to go. I know you're looking at us as an overseer of all knowledge because of the tremendous information we comprehend. However, we still have our limitations on certain aspects.
To be truthful with you, the bigger the understanding of creation you see the more you realize what a small piece you really have. Staying humble actually draws in the understanding of knowledge. All there is is the understanding that we're all working to obtain.
Another misunderstood concept of history is the story of the Ark of the Covenant. What this represents is a collection of energetic
forces that help introduce new creative concepts into the reality that draws it in using the heading of “I need to know”. We will get into this more at a later time. It becomes very involved.
Wow! We just had an interesting experience connecting with the different entourage of life that you have been studying with for the past few years as it has come through your computer. You have had much more exposure than we realize.
OK, now that we see a somewhat different picture, I will explain a few more concepts that will help you understand our purpose in presenting ourselves and this information to you. By the way, I know now you understand about the soft electron force field that is directly interacting with your computer. This is one of the reasons you were directed to extend your house so the computer would be placed in this strategic area. This is why sometimes that irritating sound is omitting from your transponder.
I want to explain one more factor before we get back to our history lesson. This is back to being controlled, which I know you understand and work at all the time. There's one aspect that is overlooked where right and wrong still flourish and is still in control. This is the concept of staying healthy.
There are many of these concepts out there which are absolutely worthless unless they match your vibration. There is no right or wrong way to eat. Each person has to understand where they are in their belief system and pursue their habits according to this. Remember how many times you've been told everything is qualified by whenever you believe. If information is somebody else's belief, how can it help you?
OK! I am finished preaching to you. The reason I do this occasionally is that the more clearly I can enhance the reader, the more I can introduced the information I am passing on to you.
There are so many different stories to share with you that you have never had a clue existed; but because of where you live in time and space, there is not enough time to fit everything in. What I would like to happen is have people ask questions and work from that perspective. The main reason we have presented this information to you is to shift your thinking out of the old controlled nonsense that the system has been feeding you for years, which is all based on fear.  Once you start realizing and understanding that there is something in control over the whole planetary system, you will realize that all this control system did is switch to fear, blaming its own power, which still kept you in fear.
Everything is blamed on the government or on some secret organization that controls the money, or some low-frequency that drives you crazy, or different chemicals put out by jet engines. All you have to do in a world full of fear is put this information out, in some written form and a good percentage of the populace will believe it. What you have now is back to full control. All they do is find out what game you are playing and what belief system you have, and then they make up stories of fear and introduce them into that belief system through the media.
If you are in control of the news media and the educational system, you pretty much have control of the entire planet. Some of you
remember when radio and television was first introduced into the system. No matter how poor a country or person was, they were able to afford these two items. This made it very easy to control the masses.
Take 9-11 for an example. Nothing in history has put more people in fear than the process they used for this venture. The reason they are getting so nervous is because they're starting to lose control. Basically, in the big picture, this venture is backfiring on them. They even used the date to match the emergency number.
This was all carefully calculated with a fear based conclusion. Everything was screwed down and controlled tightly, using the Muslim, Christian, Buddhist and many other religions, giving them the perfect control over humanity, as you know it.
The reason I am bringing this to your attention is so that you realize not to blame the Arabs or anyone for the situation the planet is in, at this time. What is happening is a last-ditch effort for the powers to be to stay in control. THE POWERS TO BE ARE NOT THE RESIDENTS OF YOUR PLANET. STAY AWAY FROM ANY BLAME. THIS JUST GIVES YOUR POWER AWAY. Most of this is controlled by the SUMERIAN race which we've talked about earlier.
Now this is a big one for you. What they did and are doing is all in perfection. So, look at the broad scale of everything. This is whereyour mind must venture to. See perfection in everything with no blame. Once you get to this point, the Christ consciousness is allowed to enter into your power point of awareness.
I know you have been told how the power point works. It basically works off nonresistance. The reason some of the great masters reached this point of enlightenment is because they were in control of their point of power and were able to start functioning in perfection by using the Christ consciousness.
Religions really don't have much information. They did hold a very important part of creation and that is why many of them stayed
connected to the source. The source understands that mankind cannot have the answers and really doesn't care. What the source goes by is the love feeling that is held in place. This allows a spiritual development to take hold. This actually now is a big part of the world's switchover; understanding truth and information that they have been using for years, but which was not a non-truth; it was just way short of the big picture.
In other words, if you had not have gone through the spiritual part of your incarnations with religion, you would not be where you are today. This was all set up by the original creator who understands that it has to follow its own blueprint to a final result.
A blueprint cannot be changed. It can be held back for some period of time, but once the gate is open again, it will continue on and follow its destination in perfection. No matter how disrupted anything in universal energy looks, it still is all perfect and the way it is happening is the way it was designed to.
Many of you have heard this a lot, but it still has to be said until people totally adhere to it and live it. The reason we are presenting this information to you is not to change your belief system but just to add to it. No matter what you have believed to this point, it is all true at some level. Once you get the entire story it will all make sense to you.
At some point this will allow you a mental freedom that was not attainable prior to this understanding. Once you have attained mental freedom you reach utopia. This is what the goal of physical form is at this point.
All mental freedom is nothing but allowing everything to be perfect. There is a man in your life experience at this point who has pretty well obtained this point. You can use him as an example. No, you figure it out! There is no lie, there is no truth. Everything is in the illusion that you are presiding in. It is in progress; a perfect experience of expansion.
No matter how bad or awful anything looks, the result of the experience is what you'll benefit from once you learn to experience
life in this manner. Do not see the bad situations as negative or positive, but as a way to get your attention. Learn to apply this to
the situation at hand and realize that without these different experiences your life adventure would be worthless.
This is the goal; handle everything that comes to you with eagerness and acceptance. Look forward to experiencing anything. Once you reach this point, all matter ceases as a disruptive pattern in your life, allowing a serene experience of life that's unattainable any other way. Thank you, Saint Germaine for your input.
Next we will talk about some of our early teachers that started your mental expansion. This was prior to Atlantis. The one you know as Thoth, who decided to incarnate at this time in a physical form and isnow walking among you as a child, at a certain point in the very near future will present himself to the masses.———— OK ! We have a situation here. We did not realize the connection you already have with this child. Give us sometime to check and see if he's the same one we're talking about.———————— boy did that one sneak in.
It looks like from here that we're talking about the same entity. I don't know if it's a good idea to print this. Let us leave it for now
we might have to delete this at a later point. What is your opinion?  I was just asked why this was a surprise to us, aren't we part of the spirit world? No we are not anything to do with the spirit world we still are a spiritual being with a physical connection not like yours but we still have to digest facts to see the bigger picture.
I understand you think we are infallible but we are just basically historians. Everything is pretty much the same as you are, except we have no veil between the physical and spiritual. You have to work much harder to see truth because of this veil, but in the long run it is worth the extra effort because of the tremendous knowledge that you have acquired through understanding without seeing.
Let me show you an analogy on this process. Would you follow a blind man who took you up a steep dangerous trail who never trips or falls and does this every day flawlessly? Or would you rather have a person with full vision who is constantly falling and getting hurt every time the ventures out on the trail?
Understand that we have the capability of interceding into your lives but we still have our limitations. Since you received an affirmative on leaving that piece in your ledger, we will go along with you and leave it in. I'm going to get off the track here a little bit and see if I can work through the receiver of this information's belief system about wasting anything.
Stop! The reason you can't understand what I'm saying is because you have a big block on this information. Now try it again! Most of you have been so programmed on how not to waste anything, especially food. I know, just flow with it! Think about it. How can anything be wasted if everything is constantly replacing itself? The only thing that can stop it is fear. If you have a fear of wasting, you stop the replacement flow.
Let's take food as an example. Everything you eat is grown from Mother Earth. The more that's used, the more she can produce. This is the same with currency. The more you spend, the more you draw to you—UNLESS— you have fear about it. I understand this is one of the hardest lessons to learn.
There is a famous saying, I worked so hard for this money and I have to be careful how I spend it, so it will last. This whole sentence does nothing more than stop the flow. Remember, everything is an illusion. Most of you have heard this before; it is time to start applying it.
This is going to be one of the biggest challenges you will have, getting out of a controlled environment/the third dimensional
viewpoint. You hear so much talk about the lack of, instead of the abundance of. I don't even know where to tell you to start, other
than to look at the law of attraction and understand the concept of this pattern. The new frequency that you are currently evolving into has to be a complete match to you so you can operate within these new energy patterns.
Sharing with you this information has been very enjoyable and we hope to get back with you soon so we can share with you one of this information.
– Porf

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