Tag: profound (page 2 of 6)

NASA Discovers Hidden Portals In Earth’s Magnetic Field

Our planet has come a long way in scientific breakthroughs and discoveries. Mainstream science is beginning to discover new concepts of reality that have the potential to change our perception about our planet and the extraterrestrial environment that surrounds it forever. Star gates, wormholes, and portals have been the subject of conspiracy theories and theoretical physics for decades, but that is all coming to an end as we continue to grow in our understanding about the t [...]

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Galactic Federation of Light Yeshua May-08-2013

Yeshua: Move Into Your True Center~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ May 8, 2013


Hello dear ones, I greet you today from a place very close

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Galactic Federation of Light Council of Light May-03-2013

Meredith Murphy — Message From The Council Of Light — Opening To Your Multidimensional Presence And Identity — 3 May 2013
Thanks to Méline Lafont: http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com/2013/05/meredith-murphy-message-from-council-of.html#more

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Abraham: THE MOST PROFOUND QUESTION – Esther and Jerry Hicks


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Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!


The Inner Earth & Realm of Aghartha

Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

The biggest cover-up of all time is the fact that there is a civilization of people living in the center of Earth, whose c...

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Project Blue Beam

By Serge Monast
Originally Published 1994

[Note: Serge Monast [1945 – December 5, 1996] and another journalist, both of whom were researching Project Blue Beam, died of “heart attackswithin weeks of each other although neither had a history of heart disease. Serge was in Canada. The other Canadian journalist was visiting Ireland. Prior to his death, the Canadian government abducted Serge’s daughter in an attempt to dissuade him from pursuing his research into Project Blue Beam. His daughter was never returned. Pseudo-heart attacks are one of the alleged methods of death induced by Project Blue Beam.]

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I am very pleased with this piece of artwork and alignment meditation visualization aid!

When preparing myself for collective lightwork I often create artwork to assist me in the visualization process.  I see what guides, spirits and beings are here to assist me on my journey and welcome them with love and gratitude.

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Fractal Floral Fantasia

Picture yourself walking through a forest when you come upon a clearing and suddenly before you, is a meadow burgeoning with wildflowers.

Here is the question: Was the meadow beautiful before you recognized it as such, or did it become beaut...

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Is this really what God wants?

a message from Neale Donald Walsch

Tuesday, 31 August, 2010  (posted 13 August, 2010)

My dear friends...

Sometimes I get notes from people wondering, first, if there even is a "God," ...

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Participate in the Light Coming: the time is NOW

a message from Meredith Murphy

Thursday, 8 July, 2010  (posted 9 July, 2010)

Qualities of the New Earth 

Hello you beautiful beings, and friends, members of the Family of Light.

I c...

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It’s July! Here are the Keys to Your New Porsche

a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Meredith Murphy

Thursday, 1 July, 2010  (posted 4 July, 2010)

Clearing away anything which does not fit with your “future” incarnation...

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Hot off the Press

....and straight from the Sources mouths, this chat between me an Annette just now:

annette zegt:
 and unfortunatly, my star, or twin ray (not twin soul) is blonde, and i cant re unite with him until my mission is done, cant be a muse to other men with him around,
Dre zegt:
 and when will you know? Dumb question, you just know, right?
annette zegt:
 when he arrives here
 as he is off planet

Dre zegt:
 but then it is still not done because nothing ever ends......
annette zegt:
 as im sure yr is too
 nope just the start for me
 did you not watch the outkast vid
Dre zegt:
 was watching Angel-A, the whole movie, of which Guest posted a part
 watched it briefly at work (unlike youtube that wasn't stopped by the firewall), but forgot it coming home.
annette zegt:
 you will understand
 after u watched it,
Dre zegt:
 oh, I will, already understood quite a lot today I think
annette zegt:
 just put yrself in womans role
Dre zegt:
 I already did watching it partly
annette zegt:
 well she is me
 except i help others do what i do, so i can retire
Dre zegt:
 does that mean I'm the alien looking like Wesley Snipes in Demolition Man?
annette zegt:
 nope yr the earth person
 yr female is coming
Dre zegt:
 male / female, what's in a role, who'se on a roll?
annette zegt:
 but you have to do the work, an d get up to her vibration, which u only get by helping others
Dre zegt:
 yet somehow, I feel that urgency is the issue here, whetehr or not to succumb to it
annette zegt:
 when u amuse others it amuses you, so all are amused,
Dre zegt:
 you are a clear teacher, Annette. I imediately dig the teachings
 they make sense....
annette zegt:
 when everyone learns to love  and help each other, its the only way to lift yrselfs up, higher vibration people cant do it for us, we have to do it for our selves or we learn nothing
Dre zegt:
 so I just continue to make people wonder about there being more.....
annette zegt:
 when we raise up to match them, then our twins can rejoin us
 where do u think she is?
 she is higher up guiding you all the way, even sent me to help
Dre zegt:
 she said Rotterdam when she left, but her facebook page now claims Budapest I think
annette zegt:
 nope yr not getting it,
 she in facebook, is just yr outline of who yr getting back
  just a vague image
 beleive me
 yr higher self never incarnates at the same time as you
Dre zegt:
 I know hter is this 'ambiguity' when I think / feel of her. Seda is the 3D model last encountered, but she is EVERYWHERE
annette zegt:
  only one of u can come down lower, its a safe gard in case you get too caught up
Dre zegt:
 So I'm in deep cover and she's my backup....
annette zegt:
 but they can send bits of them selves down to be with u,
 on all yr previuos incarnations, but u are in last one in 3d, so you have to get yr vibrations up, then she can come, we can now raise up the earth, too, so we dont have to leave
Dre zegt:
 makes sense....
annette zegt:
 there are 3 vibration on earth at mo, 3d/4d 4/5d and 5d
 im 4/5 holding door open, for as many a sposs
Dre zegt:
 I/m 3/4.....
annette zegt:
 yes, can you see why, i cant go back down to 3/4
 but we both have 4
Dre zegt:
 4 being the web that connects us
annette zegt:
  which is holding doors open, im reaching down so are you, too get as many up as possible
Dre zegt:
 true, I'm aiming for the true 3's, the sleepers
annette zegt:
 yes, and im passing down the info from 5
Dre zegt:
 no interest in getting up where I can no longer reach them
 we're dimension straddlers
annette zegt:
 but doors will close very soon, for 3/4
Dre zegt:
 so by then I must become 4/5 or stay 3
annette zegt:
 4/5 will need to stay till 2013, to stablise people
 nope you cant go back down
 yr 3/4
 door will close and you will stay over on 4
 wouldnt recomend 3.
 its going to get ruff
Dre zegt:
 but the higher door will be open longer so I've got more than 2013 right?
annette zegt:
 then its easy
 but for me, was very hard, i had to pull myself higher than the earths vibrations
Dre zegt:
 And I was thinking it's easy already.....  
 but then I'm swimming in water that's comfortably warm
annette zegt:
 but for others the earth will ground them and gradually bring them up as she will be 5d soo as 3d closes
Dre zegt:
 so even 3D gets it better
annette zegt:
 no it closes end of
Dre zegt:
 but they are still on 5D earth, or is that 3D also?
annette zegt:
 just like the butterfly leaves the empty cocoon
Dre zegt:
 hadn't heard that one....
annette zegt:
 3d earth will be but an empty cast
Dre zegt:
 do you figure we should post this chat on moorelife?
annette zegt:
 the earth is sheding her old skin to make way for the new, and only those alinned to her new skin will stay safe, untill her skin harden
 2112 here
Dre zegt:
annette zegt:
 if you like, but i take no credit as always, i just tell it as i know it
 source is my source
Dre zegt:
 that would be in the intro..... of course
annette zegt:
 but nobody should be panicing, as if yr reading it yr already 3/4
Dre zegt:
annette zegt:
 3d people are the ones loosing it and taking people with them, love them more,
Dre zegt:
 nobody ever gets info they are not supposed to Know
annette zegt:
 thats right,
 and id love feed back, because we all have our oppinions, which is whats makes us individual,
Dre zegt:
 OK, once we finish I'll post it
annette zegt:
 and to let every one know as yr posing this, i do not channel or hear voices in my head, i just know this stuff, it comes straight out
Dre zegt:
 as do I, have done all my life, although the amount of things I Know is increasing
annette zegt:
 untill we are all in 5d, then id advise to be carefull if u channel
 3d earth grid is still opperational, till you can close it off
Dre zegt:
 me? littl'ol me? chucks!
annette zegt:
 if you want signs that yr thinking is correct, ask nature to help
 a bird tweeting to u is one
Dre zegt:
 just like I'd figured out, lately.... thanks
annette zegt:
 or a butterfly or a feather at yr feet as yr thinking something profound
Dre zegt:
 hear the birds every morning on the way to work
annette zegt:
 say hi to them in yr head, and see the differnce
 but bet u do that already lol
Dre zegt:
 I've even done it out loud lately
annette zegt:
 me too
 ok post his, as i feel like we are being watched
Dre zegt:
will do

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