Tag: process (page 4 of 38)

The Power Of Love To Heal – The Stem Cell Research In The Resurrection Of Our Body – Episode II #SCR-01b

The Power Of Love To Heal - The Stem Cell Research In The Resurrection Of Our Body - Episode II #SCR-01bWatch at themasterteacher.tvThe Stem Cell Regeneration Series. Readings: OUT OF TIME JOURNAL: Page 12: The Natural Process Of Miraculous Healin...

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The Power Of Love To Heal – The Stem Cell Research In The Resurrection Of Our Body – Episode I #SCR-01a

The Power Of Love To Heal - The Stem Cell Research In The Resurrection Of Our Body - Episode I #SCR-01a

The Power Of Love To Heal - The Stem Cell Research In The Resurrection Of Our Body - Episode I #SCR-01aWatch at themasterteacher.tvThe Stem Cell Regeneration Series. Readings: UW STEM CELL RESEARCH WEBSITE:What Are Embryonic Stem Cells?; Why Are E...

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  It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are up...

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The Production Of The Story Of A Course In Miracles – The Light Of Forgiveness Is Our Key To Happiness – Episode III #JWD-02

The Production Of The Story Of A Course In Miracles - The Light Of Forgiveness Is Our Key To Happiness - Episode III #JWD-02Watch at themasterteacher.tvThe Journey Without Distance Series. Readings: WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY: Definition Of Perception, ...

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What You’ll Never Read About Virus-Research Fraud

Jon Rappoport, GuestThe Rabbit HoleThere are very few investigators on the planet who are interested in this subject. I am one of them. There is a reason why.In many articles, I’ve written about the shocking lack of logic in the curriculum of advanced centers of learning. When I attended college, I was fortunate to have a professor who taught logic, and taught it in a way that appealed to the minds of his students. In other words, for those of us who cared, we could not only ab [...]

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5 Ascension Insights Most People Aren’t Talking About: Insight #5

By Mercedes Kirkel INSIGHT #5: BECOMING YOUR OWN GUIDE One of the most important signs of going through the ascension process is that more and more, you begin to trust your own process. Even more importantly, you start to trust yourself as the guide of that process.   You shift from feeling worried about what’s […]

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5 Ascension Insights Most People Aren’t Talking About: Insight #3

By Mercedes Kirkel INSIGHT #3: DON’T ASSUME YOUR PROCESS WILL LOOK LIKE ANYONE ELSE’S   Most, if not all, of the difficult symptoms people experience in the ascension process are signs of purification. As our energy system opens to stronger and higher frequencies, any blocks we have in our energy circuits are getting blasted with […]

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Solar System Status Update

The Oort cloud, which extends a few light years beyond the outer Solar System, is full of motherships of the Galactic Confederation, a large gathering of representatives of hundreds of thousands of positive races from throughout the Galaxy:https://en.w...

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Dept. of Defense Agency DARPA Confirms Thought to Computer Technology Research

New effort aims for fully implantable devices able to connect with up to one million neurons

(Note from Greg: Implantable devices does not in any way imply mechanical or physical implants are necessary. Ex-CIA scientist Dr. Robert Duncan states in his book Project: Soul Catcher, wireless implantable brain to computer technology already exists and is in use.)  

From DARPA's official website

A new DARPA program aims to develop an implantable neural interface able to provide unprecedented signal resolution and data-transfer bandwidth between the human brain and the digital world. The interface would serve as a translator, converting between the electrochemical language used by neurons in the brain and the ones and zeros that constitute the language of information technology. The goal is to achieve this communications link in a biocompatible device no larger than one cubic centimeter in size, roughly the volume of two nickels stacked back to back.

The program, Neural Engineering System Design (NESD), stands to dramatically enhance research capabilities in neurotechnology and provide a foundation for new therapies.

“Today’s best brain-computer interface systems are like two supercomputers trying to talk to each other using an old 300-baud modem,” said Phillip Alvelda, the NESD program manager. “Imagine what will become possible when we upgrade our tools to really open the channel between the human brain and modern electronics.”

Among the program’s potential applications are devices that could compensate for deficits in sight or hearing by feeding digital auditory or visual information into the brain at a resolution and experiential quality far higher than is possible with current technology.

Neural interfaces currently approved for human use squeeze a tremendous amount of information through just 100 channels, with each channel aggregating signals from tens of thousands of neurons at a time. The result is noisy and imprecise. In contrast, the NESD program aims to develop systems that can communicate clearly and individually with any of up to one million neurons in a given region of the brain.

Achieving the program’s ambitious goals and ensuring that the envisioned devices will have the potential to be practical outside of a research setting will require integrated breakthroughs across numerous disciplines including neuroscience, synthetic biology, low-power electronics, photonics, medical device packaging and manufacturing, systems engineering, and clinical testing. In addition to the program’s hardware challenges, NESD researchers will be required to develop advanced mathematical and neuro-computation techniques to first transcode high-definition sensory information between electronic and cortical neuron representations and then compress and represent those data with minimal loss of fidelity and functionality.

To accelerate that integrative process, the NESD program aims to recruit a diverse roster of leading industry stakeholders willing to offer state-of-the-art prototyping and manufacturing services and intellectual property to NESD researchers on a pre-competitive basis. In later phases of the program, these partners could help transition the resulting technologies into research and commercial application spaces.

To familiarize potential participants with the technical objectives of NESD, DARPA will host a Proposers Day meeting that runs Tuesday and Wednesday, February 2-3, 2016, in Arlington, Va. The Special Notice announcing the Proposers Day meeting is available at https://www.fbo.gov/spg/ODA/DARPA/CMO/DARPA-SN-16-16/listing.html. More details about the Industry Group that will support NESD is available at https://www.fbo.gov/spg/ODA/DARPA/CMO/DARPA-SN-16-17/listing.html. A Broad Agency Announcement describing the specific capabilities sought is available at: http://go.usa.gov/cP474.
DARPA anticipates investing up to $60 million in the NESD program over four years.

NESD is part of a broader portfolio of programs within DARPA that support President Obama’s brain initiative. For more information about DARPA’s work in that domain, please visit: http://www.darpa.mil/program/our-research/darpa-and-the-brain-initiative.

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The Nature of Conspiracy & How it is Exposed

 Conspiracy: an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons. (dictionary.com)  While I near completion on my next blog entry entitled, The Hidden Agenda of the Galactic Federation Progra...

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How Will The World End? – Episode I

How Will The World End?The Natural Process Of Miraculous HealingEpisode IThe Manual for Teachers Serieswww.themasterteacher.tv

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Cintamani Update

  Since I have released intel about the Cintamani stone, many pieces of this sacred stone have found their way into the hands of dedicated Lightworkers and Lightwarriors and will serve as transmitters of energies of compression breakthrough at the...

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Weekly Event Meditation

  It is still of the utmost importance for as many people a possible to join our Weekly Meditation each Sunday. The light forces have instructed us to change Weekly Liberation Meditation into Weekly Event Meditation to change focus from the proces...

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