Tag: probabilities

Rare & severe geomagnetic storm enables Aurora Borealis to be seen from U.S. tonight

Excerpt from mashable.com Thanks to a rare, severe geomagnetic storm, the Northern Lights may be visible on Tuesday night in areas far to the south of its typical home in the Arctic.  The northern tier of the U.S., from Washington State to Michiga...

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David Wilcock – The Solar System Is Moving Into A New Area Of Vibration

According to the research of David Wilcock, there is an impending shift going on within our solar system that will give us all the opportunity to make a quantum leap in consciousness.I was watching a "Contact In The Desert" video featuringDavid Wilcock and he brought up some information that is quite fascinating.The following is an excerpt from "The Brown Notebook" which is a channeling from Walt Rogers that was done in the 1950's.   Much of what was channeled is proving to be tr [...]

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Does Astrology Work? The Testimonial of a Scientist Turned Astrologer

Does astrology work ? It is quite a perilous exercise to write an article stating a few truths drawn from actual experience, a risky but interesting challenge for the author of this site. But without danger, where would the adrenaline be? It is so good to try to talk about astrology upstream, and not only to discuss how it functions, for a person who has spent a lot of time using its techniques.
This is what we have done for Astrotheme's visitors, trying to use everyday words devoid of technical jargon, with no historical or specialised argumentation, and with the only aim to reach to as many persons as possible, yet without proselytizing. Just a few judgments coming from experience, a pragmatic vision of this tool for knowledge, which is what astrology is all about.
For the illustration of this non-technical article, it became rapidly obvious that astronomy images are needed... The staggering sight of certain galaxies or nebulae is not only splendid but enables to open one's mind towards... more consciousness and a more intense feeling of being alive.
For the illustration of this non-technical article, it became rapidly obvious that astronomy images are needed... The staggering sight of certain galaxies or nebulae is not only splendid but enables to open one's mind towards... more consciousness and a more intense feeling of being alive.

Incidentally, this article was written in slightly more than two hours, with no preparation and no plan. For this subject, and for some reason which probably lies in my subconscious and comes from the desire for purity and complete spontaneity, I was most eager to express a sort of rough opinion, a testimony coming from… the guts and sheer experience; it is easy to realise it when a text is written as it comes, and for the author, it is a rewarding exercise because genuineness always has a unique sparkle. For the reader, it is also a token of sincerity.
Of course, the purpose is not to convince. Indeed, in politics as well as in spirituality, to change direction is a complex issue. As far as the quite bizarre field of astrology is concerned, irrational behaviours occur quickly, usually with a little disdainful smile from those who, obviously, have been beyond the naive propensity to believe anything, to dream blissfully, and to delude themselves about a necessarily silly system because it offers off the beaten path possibilities, which other human disciplines do not.
The list of the authors of scornful smiles towards astrology is quite long, just as long as the list of more open-minded people who, either have tried themselves to learn this tool which astrology is – which, like psychology or history, is not a science – and became convinced that it works or at least has some degree of efficiency, or because they no time or no interest, leave the door open, thinking "finally, why not?", after all, one does not know much, would it be solely in the area of the spouting of the thought – WHO handles thought at the moment it emerges... - or about physical laws for which the 21th century is mere prehistory, as all scientists know. Indeed, life is evolution, knowledge is not static, and the only mistake which must not be made is to gorge oneself with certainties, including that which consists in associating "too good" results with absolute scientific impossibility.
I believe that my experience is quite similar to that of everybody, i.e. that of a person who, a priori, before discovering it, was "against" astrology and considered it... crap meant for gullible people, or in the best case, an idle fancy with a tinge of poetry in which all the intellectual energy spent was finally used to create a nice virtual world and arouse pleasure.
Paradoxically enough, relatively few astrologers are interested in astronomy. This is not my case. I even dreamed I would become an astronomer when I was small, and nowadays I feel the need to have a telescope at home, even though... I seldom use it because, unfortunately, the sky above the region of Paris is too polluted.
Paradoxically enough, relatively few astrologers are interested in astronomy. This is not my case. I even dreamed I would become an astronomer when I was small, and nowadays I feel the need to have a telescope at home, even though... I seldom use it because, unfortunately, the sky above the region of Paris is too polluted.

As luck would have it, I was in the bookstore where I used to go several times a week to get all sorts of books according to my quite strong curiosity and my need to understand hidden things, and I stumbled on an astrology treatise, the famous one authored by André Barbault (André Barbault is a respected French astrologer and author who devised a computer-generated astrological portrait in the early '70s.).
As I flicked through the pages, I was a bit amused to see the natal charts of historical personages, quite rigorous rules, an apparently sound functioning, and I thought that for once, I ought to read an astrology book, and at least, this one does not seem too naive.
In addition, there were a few recipes for the compatibility of couples, and since I was in love of one of my school comrades, in that Terminale C class (In the French education system, the last year of secondary school with a maths option), I thought, well, I am going to have fun and see whether, according to astrology, my compatibility with this beautiful brunette, the sight of whom would pierce my heart, is good or not!
With a good dose of scepticism and quite negative preconceptions, I started to learn to erect a natal chart, interpret it, and become initiated into all the predictive techniques, synastry, and other relishes having the charm of that which is unknown.
Since this article is not a book, it is necessary to get to the heart of the matter. Actually, I realised quickly that among the concepts of signs, houses, planets, houses in signs, planets in signs, rulership, aspects, nature of the planets, etc. it would take some time before being rewarded, venturing into uncertain territory alone, and interpreting charts without opening astrology books every thirty seconds.
Indeed, to my view, the first obstacle for anyone willing to get an idea about astrology is the huge contrast between serious astrology on the one hand, and on the other hand, the ordinary media and its horoscopes by signs or by decans – which are of no value, it is necessary to say so, absolute void, and the biggest hoax because a natal chart cannot be reduced to the position of the Sun in one of the zodiacal signs. Absurd columns with equally stupid predictions – here again, and it is difficult to refrain from giving names, be it to quote people who saw Kerry as the winner of the American elections in Telestar (A popular French television weekly) or in other magazines, or in general a little bit everywhere because it cannot be repeated often enough that there are two types of astrology, that of horoscopes in magazines which are nonsense, a mere commercial lottery. From this perspective, it is easier to understand the disdainful smiles of those mentioned earlier, and I particularly think of Guy Carlier (A French TV presenter and humorist), whom I nevertheless find quite pleasant, and of Alain Gillot-Pétré (He was a French TV meteo presenter), a declared enemy of astrologers. I remember for instance a TV programme featuring Paco Rabanne (He became famous as a fashion designer. He is not an astrologer but a weird visionary, also quite nice), and gorgeous Elisabeth Tessier (A professional French astrologer whom the late President François Mitterrand consulted. The thesis she defended at La Sorbonne University was the subject of a hot controversy) who was castigated by Guy Carlier... Thus, there is a big discrepancy between junk astrology and genuine astrology. The latter consists in extracting information from an exact natal chart based on a date of birth and location, and whenever possible a time of birth, and to deduct relevant results from this chart.
The weird and unique feeling of infinity which emerges from the sky when one gazes into space is one of the numerous methods for starting a meditation on the purpose of one's life.
The weird and unique feeling of infinity which emerges from the sky when one gazes into space is one of the numerous methods for starting a meditation on the purpose of one's life.

Indeed, commercial astrology and horoscopes published in the media are nonsense and above all, unfounded, but genuine astrology, which includes several schools and requires many years of learning, is difficult to grasp.
Therefore, a lot of time is required because without learning by rote numerous dozens of basic notions, it is very difficult not to get lost. Of course, one can have fun, but if one expects some degree of proficiency or just wants to be able to follow the rules of this tool, one will have to spend several months studying.
I shall briefly address a few other obstacles which claim so-called scientific bases and may prompt doubts, discouraging people who are curious about astrology even before they get a chance to start studying it. I think for instance of such a statement as "astrology is bullshit since everyone knows that owing to the precession of the equinoxes, and when one says that the Sun is in Aries although in fact, it's been a long time since it has left this constellation." This is obviously stupid because by definition, in astrology, signs do not represent the constellations bearing the same name, but they refer to the immutable cycle of the seasons. Thus, the sign of Aries corresponds to the spring equinox in the Northern hemisphere, and not to the stretch of space occupied by the constellation of Aries.
But I will not elaborate any further on these technical details because they are not the focus of this article, the purpose of which is only to give a testimony and to state that astrology works, in the light of an experience and a practice which cover a span of thirty years plus.
So, after a few weeks, astrology became clearer for me. Actually, I understood that finally, there were three essential functions and a fourth one as the wild card, if I may say so. First, there is the astrology which analyses the personality, the character, the motivations, the typology, and the behaviour. Then, there is a second astrology, well-known, which checks the past and analyses the present by superimposing the positions of the planets at a given period on the planets of the natal chart, using various techniques such as transits, solar revolutions, progressions, etc. Lastly, there is the astrology which compares two charts in order to understand the relations between two individuals who may be more or less compatible.
After the feeling of infinite in space, the questioning about... whatever pre-existed automatically arises.  The sensation of the infinity of time, the research of the causes, and the voyage back beyond them necessarily makes a normally constituted human being feel dizzy. Such vertigo arouses a stronger desire to understand the meaning of all this and therefore, the commencement of spiritual quest.
After the feeling of infinite in space, the questioning about... whatever pre-existed automatically arises. The sensation of the infinity of time, the research of the causes, and the voyage back beyond them necessarily makes a normally constituted human being feel dizzy. Such vertigo arouses a stronger desire to understand the meaning of all this and therefore, the commencement of spiritual quest.

These three types of astrology, or rather, these three functions of astrology, are the three major sections of this discipline. The fourth one, which I referred to as the "wild card" earlier, is mundane astrology which forecasts or explains certain global events such as wars and peace between countries, periods of growth or periods favourable for the evolution of a given area – science, humanism, religion, spirituality, etc. - assassination attempts, natural disasters, inventions, etc.
For all four sections, it is clear that people don't have the same propensity to "believe" or not. Many people have no problem acknowledging that astrological portraits are mind-boggling because they are so accurate. I leave out the cases which present no problems, i.e. most of them, or the cases of people of good faith, again the majority, and I address only the case of sceptical people.
Regarding forecasts, it is slightly more delicate. Recalcitrant people are usually more numerous, and there are even some astrologers who want to limit astrology to the functions of personality analysis and are adamant about this. The good-looking and talented Françoise Hardy (A famous French composer and singer of the '60s. She authored a book on astrology) is one of those people. The other sections of astrology seem too risky or difficult to them, unless they deem them... impossible for x reasons known to themselves only.
Regarding couple's compatibility, also referred to as synastry, the subject is less known and better accepted because if one considers that astrology can analyse the personality, why couldn't it analyse two personalities and see if those two get along well or not...
Astrology is a mere set of efficient techniques for those who practice it and those who seek advice from it. However, although astrology and spirituality are disjoint, questions on human being, which the former necessarily indirectly arises, create... a bridge towards the quest for Reality.
Astrology is a mere set of efficient techniques for those who practice it and those who seek advice from it. However, although astrology and spirituality are disjoint, questions on human being, which the former necessarily indirectly arises, create... a bridge towards the quest for Reality.

Lastly, there is mundane astrology, which is the most difficult one. It must be acknowledged that using astrology to forecast global events equates to taking up an almost impossible challenge. Certain facts are mind-boggling, but I would only say that, to my view, this field pertains to research, and it is important that one does not believe what one reads here and there... Those who talk rubbish are definitely more numerous than those who really make predictions. Does this mean that mundane astrology does not work? Not necessarily, but there still is a long way to go. It is probably too early for our time, at least this is my opinion, formed after 35 years of experience and hindsight.
Let's get back to astrology learning. Once the two obstacles mentioned above are overcome, i.e. the venom of the ignorant mass and its bitter judgment, castigating with a conceited smile any effort made towards the shameful direction in which astrology is, and the fact that many long months will have to be spent to understand and master the concepts and the rules – actually, in my view, this is not enough, and I believe that after a whole year of reading and practice, one gets a good idea. After 5 years, one is able to make a few interpretations, after 15 years, one has good bases, and after 30 years, although one still keeps on learning, one has some good reflexes which enable to avoid making mistakes. It is after this period that amazement starts...
Bewilderment starts with the portraits. The hurdle lies in establishing the hierarchy of values and discarding whatever is superfluous. Indeed, the beginner tends to look at tons of details and get lost in a whole set of numerous meanings. Once this difficulty is solved, it is true that, if the sceptical person has paid the price and dedicated his time to learning, he usually loses his incredulity and the self-satisfied smile of the person who cannot be taken for a ride...
Having said this, unless one is particularly sensitive and vulnerable, getting to know oneself better, or having an idea about the meteorology, is rather helpful for evolving more rapidly. So, astrology would not be useless.
Having said this, unless one is particularly sensitive and vulnerable, getting to know oneself better, or having an idea about the meteorology, is rather helpful for evolving more rapidly. So, astrology would not be useless.

I wish to reassure those who are starting to learn. Actually, within a few days, as one reads the charts of acquaintances, one finds it mind-boggling. But once all the notions are well understood, one rapidly enjoys astrology and its batch of wonderments.
This is precisely what happened to me after a few months. Then, if one does not want to stop while on such a good path, one buys books and learn... during years. To me, astrology is a tool, and not a religion or something important. It is one discipline among others, such as history or psychology. Of course, it is more helpful and somehow prompts to ask questions upstream. This is what constitutes its charm, even though in no circumstances, does it answer these questions.
Astrology is anything except a spiritual path, a religion, or a moral code. It is just a tool which enables to understand our personality, our compatibility with people, and, with caution, to forecast climates, the meteorology of our evolution.
Some people have understood that astrology worked well and prefer… to avoid predictions. However, they are very few. There is indeed the auto-suggestion issue whereby the very fear of an unfortunate event might trigger it. Although there may be some truth in it, the amount of risk is minimal.
Some people have understood that astrology worked well and prefer… to avoid predictions. However, they are very few. There is indeed the auto-suggestion issue whereby the very fear of an unfortunate event might trigger it. Although there may be some truth in it, the amount of risk is minimal.

In my experience, right from the beginning, I observed that it worked. As everyone, one starts to read the charts of one's close friends and relatives, then one looks at the compatibilities, and above all, one plays at being God and analyses the future after having analysed the past. To understand the past, using the transits or any other techniques with a view to validating the rules, constitutes the best method.
Regarding this last point, my opinion is simple: forecasts work fine, provided that two major conditions, absolutely impossible to ignore, are met:
This recalls the nice philosophical tale of Samarkand which can be summed up as follows: a Vizier walks across the city to work at the Sultan's palace. He sees an ominous woman dressed in black, the sight of whom makes his blood curdle... As she gets nearer, he notices her glare and her expression and understands that she is Death. He is in a state of terror and thinks that she is coming to take him... more below
This recalls the nice philosophical tale of Samarkand which can be summed up as follows: a Vizier walks across the city to work at the Sultan's palace. He sees an ominous woman dressed in black, the sight of whom makes his blood curdle... As she gets nearer, he notices her glare and her expression and understands that she is Death. He is in a state of terror and thinks that she is coming to take him... more below

The first one is that when you analyse a period of time, many interactions or influences are noticeable. But all of them are far from being equally important. One thing that we must never hesitate to say is that "strong" events are obvious, even though the way in which they will manifest does not always exactly match what we think. Nevertheless, the general tendency can be described accurately, assuming the practitioner is seasoned enough.
Regarding minor, or "average" events, caution is required. There is a "scattering" of results, as if some people were more or less sensitive to certain transits etc. There are evidences that astrology should not be thrown out the window. The effects of very important forces at play are practically always noticeable. This is something I have observed on thousands, or perhaps tens of thousands cases, and each time, it is mind blowing because it completely rules out a vision at random of the period concerned. One must experience it to believe it: it is the number of disconcerting facts, totally incompatible with coincidence, which prompts to understand that one is not wasting time with this discipline. If one remains humble enough to accept that for less important events, or forces at play, there is some degree of uncertainty, and that one deals with probabilities of more or less favourable tendencies regarding such or such point, then, one remains on the safe side.
Does it mean that astrology is deterministic and fatalistic? No, definitely. Everything unfolds as if there was a "tendency", some sort of more or less imposed, yet partial, structure. It seems that free will enables to react differently to the planetary climates undergone, and as the old saying goes, "The stars impel but do not compel". Many questions obviously arise on this subject, but the purpose of these lines is to share my practical experience, in all simplicity, without starting to give a structured explanation for each concept addressed, which would require several books.
Thus, he is terrified and starts to run like a madman to the palace, where he arrives out of breath to see the Sultan. "What's wrong with you my friend?" said the Sultan. "My Lordship, I saw Death! She came to fetch me, I am very sure... I don't want to die, I am too young, I have a family. Would you allow me to take a dozen days off and go somewhere very far because I don't want her to find me, I don't want to die!" "No problem", answered the generous and nice sultan. "You have always been loyal and reliable. Go to Samarkand, it is such a beautiful city, it will take your mind off things.
Thus, he is terrified and starts to run like a madman to the palace, where he arrives out of breath to see the Sultan. "What's wrong with you my friend?" said the Sultan. "My Lordship, I saw Death! She came to fetch me, I am very sure... I don't want to die, I am too young, I have a family. Would you allow me to take a dozen days off and go somewhere very far because I don't want her to find me, I don't want to die!" "No problem", answered the generous and nice sultan. "You have always been loyal and reliable. Go to Samarkand, it is such a beautiful city, it will take your mind off things.

The other necessary and unavoidable condition, too often overlooked by many practitioners, is that our destiny develops only according to... what we are and therefore, according to what the natal chart describes, a natal chart which evolves, I need to underline this. Astrology obviously integrates this notion of evolution. There is no static state, no irreversible or fatalistic conditioning. A natal chart is mobile, and the human being is meant to blossom according to his basic characteristics, definitely with some degree of free will.
In plain words, it means that the astrological natal chart is fundamental. Predictive techniques use two charts, the natal chart, which represents our personality, our earthly self with its usual features: affectivity, intellect, capacity of action, inter-personal capacity, vitality, sexuality, behaviour, psychological facets, blockages, etc.
The Vizier sets off straight away with a few servants, a dozen camels. During four days and four nights, he hastily heads towards mythical Samarkand, fleeing the woman in black and running away from what he believes to be his fateful destiny. After four days, he eventually reaches Samarkand, a splendid city bathing in an extraordinarily beautiful light... He quickly takes a bath, changes clothes, and, without taking any rest, he gets out to have a mint tea and visit the city.
The Vizier sets off straight away with a few servants, a dozen camels. During four days and four nights, he hastily heads towards mythical Samarkand, fleeing the woman in black and running away from what he believes to be his fateful destiny. After four days, he eventually reaches Samarkand, a splendid city bathing in an extraordinarily beautiful light... He quickly takes a bath, changes clothes, and, without taking any rest, he gets out to have a mint tea and visit the city.

By superimposing the chart – or planets' positions – of the period analysed on the natal chart, one identifies the forces at play, in hierarchy and categories, which have an intrinsic meaning but which, at the same time, depend mainly on the natal chart; this is what is often referred to as "resonance" with the natal chart.
Let's take a concrete predictive case using transits for instance. One of the rules of thumb for predictions is to understand that transiting influences will fully manifest only if they are also found in the natal chart. Let's consider the difficult case of a transit of Uranus squaring natal Mars, with Mars in the 2nd House in Aries, and Uranus in the 11th House in Capricorn. These two planets are the most energetic ones, and at some time, their square triggers a blow-up in terms of behaviours or events, because the balance is too hard to maintain by the chart owner and meant to explode since the vibration does not correspond to his nature. Therefore, this explosive transit indicates that there is a probability that the financial area, or the way one earns a living, undergoes a very strong and unexpected jolt when the transit becomes exact or during Uranus' various passages as it retrogrades and squares natal Mars. This jolt may involve friends – it would be necessary to look at the rulerships. Now, there are two alternatives: if Uranus and Mars are connected in the natal chart, transiting Uranus will resonate with the natal chart, and it is most likely that important events, or the way they are felt by the chart owner, will be strongly experienced. The other alternative is that Uranus and Mars are not linked to each other in the natal chart, in which case it is clear that the effects of transiting Uranus, though violent, will have a less significant impact than in the first case.
The sun lights up the picturesque narrow streets, females are good-looking, and the shadows stretching their darker shape at this time of the afternoon increase the charm of the mythical city. The Vizier walks, deliriously happy to have escaped his fate. As he strolls and looks aside, he does not watch his steps and bumps into somebody! He immediately turns around and, to his stupefaction...
The sun lights up the picturesque narrow streets, females are good-looking, and the shadows stretching their darker shape at this time of the afternoon increase the charm of the mythical city. The Vizier walks, deliriously happy to have escaped his fate. As he strolls and looks aside, he does not watch his steps and bumps into somebody! He immediately turns around and, to his stupefaction...

Similarly, a stern, wise and sometimes slightly solitary Saturnian, meaning a person with Saturn in his planetary dominant, who has an upcoming transit of Jupiter passing over his Venus will not turn into Julio Iglesias or Rocco Siffredi during the few weeks of this very nice transit!
Provided these two conditions are met, i.e. some level of analogy with the natal chart, and caution whenever the influences at play are not very strong, astrology never disappoints, or almost never, as far as predictions are concerned.
Regarding couple's compatibility, there are very important rules. It is not because a synastry is exceptionally good that it means, on the one hand, that one will fall in fall, and on the other hand, that the relationship will be successful. Let me explain:
When one analyses the chart of a couple, one actually analyses three charts: the natal chart of each partner and the chart of the relationship. The latter is compared to the two natal charts and assessed using various possible techniques (composite chart, mid-space / mid-time chart, mutual planets-houses interactions, etc.). In addition of course, one must take into account the planetary climate of each partner, which is not simple.
In couple's compatibility, here are the principles that must be borne in mind:
Firstly, a fantastic compatibility between two persons never implies that they will fall in love with each other. Indeed, synastry only reflects how easy a relationship is in various areas. Conversely, a disastrous synastry does not mean that two persons will not fall in love with each other!
It is important to highlight the above because a host of visitors wonder and sometimes e-mail us asking "I met with so and so, our rate was 80% but nothing happened, the relationship has not materialised, etc.", which is normal! Astrology, at least synastry, is unable to determine whether two persons will love each other. Love eludes the comparison of charts!
Once again, if and only if, a relationship has already started, synastry will tell whether it will flow smoothly or not. In my view, that's already quite considerable!
A gorgeous and very pale lady, all dressed in black, stares at him with an almost astonished look and said, "Well, well, it's you, you are early. I did not expect you before several days yet." As she takes him by the hand, the Vizier, in a state of complete terror and at the same time strangely resigned, does not resist and follows Death, in great distress and without any possibility to rebel.
A gorgeous and very pale lady, all dressed in black, stares at him with an almost astonished look and said, "Well, well, it's you, you are early. I did not expect you before several days yet." As she takes him by the hand, the Vizier, in a state of complete terror and at the same time strangely resigned, does not resist and follows Death, in great distress and without any possibility to rebel.

Now, like with predictions, it is necessary to take natal charts into account. It is simple to understand: if in his natal chart, anyone has a difficult affective structure, as in the case of a man having an exact Saturn-Moon square, with the Moon in the 7th House and Saturn in the Midheaven, and for instance, Venus square Pluto. His marriage should a priori take place late – if he ever marries, which is not quite sure – and the context of the marriage should not be very easy. Besides, it is most likely that in the affective area, he imagines nice things and that in real life, he undergoes a few disappointments. Although it is true that there are no such things as good charts or bad charts, there are still a few tendencies which are noticeable on the manifested plane.
Let's imagine that this gentleman meets a lady with whom the compatibility is extraordinarily good. What would happen?
If he falls in love, and his feelings are reciprocated, the odds are that things will not develop smoothly. Actually, because the synastry is good, which is the hypothesis we have chosen, in order that his destiny unfolds according to his natal chart, certain obstacles will crop up. Such hurdles probably obey some necessity in terms of evolution etc., but this is another topic... Nevertheless, the relationship is most likely to be pleasant and easy. The rest of the context will have to be assessed: what are the active transits of the moment for both partners, what is the natal chart of the lady in question, etc.
As we can see, a relationship is a whole entity, a juxtaposition of five factors which already form a whole when taken separately: two natal charts, two forecasts or current planetary climates, and one synastry or couple report.
The analysis of these five factors is the only process which enables to understand and offer predictions about what is to follow, and even then... solely if the magical spark is born between them. Regarding the spark, let's say that transits enable to forecast whether the chart owner is likely to fall in love during the considered period.
It is true that one can try to bail out of what is deemed ineluctable, especially during loaded periods such as under Uranus' tensed transits. However, as one believes that one is escaping one's fate, one might also jump into it with one's feet together even faster!
It is true that one can try to bail out of what is deemed ineluctable, especially during loaded periods such as under Uranus' tensed transits. However, as one believes that one is escaping one's fate, one might also jump into it with one's feet together even faster!

The lines above emphasise, I hope, how difficult it is to make a diagnosis and the large scope of the work it requires.
My experience, once again with regard to this third section – since we have already addressed personality analysis and predictions – is that astrology works, provided that the natal chart is taken into account along with transits, progressions and solar revolution influences.
Which experience? It is simple. When one is interested in this tool, one quite quickly makes interpretations, thousands of charts in several years. Therefore, each time one gets the confirmation that "heavy" or major events occur according to the rules used, and that in most cases, portraits are quite accurate although of course, certain scattered charts are much more difficult to interpret than others. One also knows that humility is a must and that for lighter things, i.e. minor aspects, less important or fast transits, one really deals only with probabilities, but... that's already quite appreciable.
The last section, that of mundane forecast, is unrewarding. I will not enter into the details of the methods used, and I will only say that once again, my experience is quite a pessimistic one. Individual astrology offers results ranging from satisfactory to very satisfactory, but mundane astrology seems risky to me and, to state it clearly, not yet perfected enough.
There may be a fifth section, that of prediction of success for business companies, projects, etc. The principle is to take the exact date of creation of a project as its moment of birth and cast a chart exactly as it is done for a human being. This method can also be applied to an animal, why not.
As expounded in this article, my experience prompts me to think that there are two types of outer events: the fundamental ones, which are very rare through a lifetime, and the others. The former seem to bear some form of determinism affecting the way events unfold, because the way we experience them in our inner self is a different thing and gives our free will every latitude in making decisions, including that to grant them importance or not.
As expounded in this article, my experience prompts me to think that there are two types of outer events: the fundamental ones, which are very rare through a lifetime, and the others. The former seem to bear some form of determinism affecting the way events unfold, because the way we experience them in our inner self is a different thing and gives our free will every latitude in making decisions, including that to grant them importance or not.

The fans of this technique are often optimistic. Now, in my opinion, the real difficulty lies in identifying the exact date and time of the beginning of the project or a company. Let's take for instance the creation of a company, and why not, in France, the most difficult country regarding this topic, owing to all kinds of administrative hurdles: firstly, the date, time, and place of the "idea". Then, the determination of the name of the company. There may be also the date at which all the partners reached an agreement. Or the date at which the company's capital was deposited into the bank, or the date of the application or the official registration of its statutes! Or else, the date at which the premises for its head office are found...
Actually, if one ponders a little bit more, for every case, the same questions apply because the exact date and time are not really significant. The same holds true also for the birth of a country, etc.
As a result, examples are not easy to study, even though they are interesting for the astrologer as a matter of curiosity. I believe that great caution is needed in this area.
Getting back to the example given at the beginning of this article, you may want to ask about the young lady, "So, was she compatible with you?" According to the analysis of the time, no! And actually, nothing happened, except in my head. Thus, astrology started to work well in those remote days despite the sadness of the conclusion.
More seriously, the purpose of these lines is to say that the irrational refusal of some people, be they scientists or not, to consider that there might be something accurate in this discipline constitutes a real sign of laughable blockages on their part.
These questions would take us too far… Nevertheless, the Samarkand tale is a classic which tends to show the limits of free will in the field of real experiences. It is important to add that, as far as death is concerned, even though there are techniques which try to determine its date, no serious astrologer will claim to be able to do so. Why? Because, and it cannot be reiterated strongly enough, astrology describes a climate and probabilities, and nothing else. I would also add that this is at the same helpful, crucial, and an excellent thing. Nothing would be worse than absolute fate and shutting the door on hope.
These questions would take us too far… Nevertheless, the Samarkand tale is a classic which tends to show the limits of free will in the field of real experiences. It is important to add that, as far as death is concerned, even though there are techniques which try to determine its date, no serious astrologer will claim to be able to do so. Why? Because, and it cannot be reiterated strongly enough, astrology describes a climate and probabilities, and nothing else. I would also add that this is at the same helpful, crucial, and an excellent thing. Nothing would be worse than absolute fate and shutting the door on hope.

Obviously, it is easy to understand its cause, which is certainly somehow the issue of how astrology works.
Here, I have talked about concrete topics and experience, and not at all about the "why". Actually, being a scientist myself, in the beginning, what I wanted to know above all was whether astrology worked.
Over 35 years of experience have answered my question although after six months or one year, I already got the answer, thus positive, just in case some visitors would directly start to read from this point on.
The topic of why it works is completely different. Here are my impressions, given in a personal capacity: at first, I would consider astrology to be a small square of life, a bit like a helpful discipline, but without –let's say, directly – spiritual connotation.
It is efficient, useful, but it offers no answer to the real questions of life, under no circumstances. What are we, what are we made of, what is Reality? Beneath thought, feelings, sensations, there is the consciousness of being, which is the only real thing, upstream. The intellect is unable to understand itself. A blind man cannot describe the colour red. Similarly, the intellect can but go round in circles when it comes to asking "who am I?", since we are not our thought and we are upstream of it or... of them, because one can rather talk about thoughts in the plural, which are like bees continuously buzzing, with an actor behind who undergoes and at the same time has the illusion of control... Of course, there is a link between these thoughts and our consciousness to exist, but... I should stop here... This is just to show that astrology answers none of these questions, that its field applies to the earthly sphere, to human psychology, to the explanation of behaviour, to the cautious forecast of the meteorology of events, and to the assessment of the smoothness, if any, of a relationship in a couple.
There is also the topic of the astrologer who analyses his future. Can he really change it? The wisest answer is that yes, one can strengthen the periods of invulnerability and thus, one's successes etc. One can also be careful and thus lessen the impact of risky periods, for practically all events.
There is also the topic of the astrologer who analyses his future. Can he really change it? The wisest answer is that yes, one can strengthen the periods of invulnerability and thus, one's successes etc. One can also be careful and thus lessen the impact of risky periods, for practically all events.

I would say, and I believe so, that this is already quite considerable. The fact that it works is sufficient in itself, even though one would like to understand the whys in terms or physics or energy etc.
Second reflection: we know only four forces in the universe: strong interactions (the cohesion forces of atomic nuclei), weak interactions (the cohesion forces of nuclei and particles), gravitational forces, and electro-magnetic forces. We are able neither to define the consciousness of being, nor to give a definition of thought and of ourselves. To imagine giving an answer to the whys of the functioning of astrology would require a better understanding of these two planes: the first one is that of physics, which is not as advanced as it is believed to be. The second plane is that of knowledge of human nature, which does not seem too advanced either...
The first answer is that indeed, there is no known physical explanation as of today.
There are statistics, sometimes disputed, and astrologers' experience dating back to the dawn of time – and the different schools, etc. which I have not addressed here of course – which are dismissed by detractors of astrology who are so stupidly and mechanically indoctrinated with their own certainties that they self-intoxicate themselves with their own rubbishes when... they do not act in bad faith.
Regarding major events, which can probably be counted on the fingers of the two hands throughout a lifetime, I think that the astrologer himself cannot avoid a few compulsory chapters of his destiny. This may be found disgruntling or laughable, but those who make numerous predictions are aware that it is difficult, or practically impossible, to escape very powerful configurations, be they harmonious or tricky. It should be borne in mind that what is tricky brings about awareness whereas on the contrary, what is felt as nice often yields spiritual numbness. Nothing is good, and nothing is bad; there is only a succession of tests, happy or unfortunate, and the will, or lack of, to increase one's consciousness of existing with them.
Regarding major events, which can probably be counted on the fingers of the two hands throughout a lifetime, I think that the astrologer himself cannot avoid a few compulsory chapters of his destiny. This may be found disgruntling or laughable, but those who make numerous predictions are aware that it is difficult, or practically impossible, to escape very powerful configurations, be they harmonious or tricky. It should be borne in mind that what is tricky brings about awareness whereas on the contrary, what is felt as nice often yields spiritual numbness. Nothing is good, and nothing is bad; there is only a succession of tests, happy or unfortunate, and the will, or lack of, to increase one's consciousness of existing with them.

Of course, if anyone says to you "You practice astrology because you are in a fog, your mind is weak, you are indoctrinated, or you are Machiavellian, you do it for money, you are a poor insane person", there is nothing to answer since this blindness probably stems from a very irrational behaviour and above all from a pre-determined choice.
Some detractors of astrology, perhaps less obtuse than others, may imagine, during a too short-lived stroke of intuition, that not all astrologers are in a complete fog, not all malevolent, not all interested in power or money, and even that the majority do not waste their time, simply because hands-on experience has shown them the evidence, that is does work, provided due caution is observed as mentioned earlier.
Therefore, for these people, the following problem remains: "Well, let's suppose that it works and that there is some truth in it, but since there are no explanations to it, it cannot work, can it?"
A logical mind would answer back "It works of course. It is not because we don't know yet why, that it can't work, since on the contrary experience proves that it does work..."
Besides, the fact that one possesses a few assets like knowledge of astrology, or the mere fact of seeking advice from it, is part of the protections which can be found in the natal chart. The person who never doubts anything, who remains narrow-minded and keeps on his superior smile in front of concealed knowledge –astrology is not the only one – this person usually has several tensions in fixed signs in his natal chart. Indeed, fixed signs are excellent and often endow with a strong will and persuasion power, to the detriment however of open-mindedness, or rather, the swiftness to precisely adjust to whatever is new to him. Once adjustment is achieved, he will become a fierce defendant of the very cause which he fought in the first place, at least in the best cases (smile).
Besides, the fact that one possesses a few assets like knowledge of astrology, or the mere fact of seeking advice from it, is part of the protections which can be found in the natal chart. The person who never doubts anything, who remains narrow-minded and keeps on his superior smile in front of concealed knowledge –astrology is not the only one – this person usually has several tensions in fixed signs in his natal chart. Indeed, fixed signs are excellent and often endow with a strong will and persuasion power, to the detriment however of open-mindedness, or rather, the swiftness to precisely adjust to whatever is new to him. Once adjustment is achieved, he will become a fierce defendant of the very cause which he fought in the first place, at least in the best cases (smile).

The tradition does not hesitate to put forward such answers as "As above, so below.". This explanation is based on symbolism, the human being partly incarnated and partly spirit, and there is a connection between these two worlds, etc. But obviously, this is not an explanation.
Astrology works although we still don't have its explanation in terms of forces. My opinion is that it will come. It constitutes an interesting subject, but not a fundamental one. The main point is to avoid talking nonsense and to be pragmatic. It seems to me that being open-minded is the only correct attitude.
Although one can live without astrology, its offers much help to those who practice it or to those who seek advice from it. It is already very appreciable. Indeed, although astrology claims neither to give an answer about the purpose of life, nor to be absolutely reliable, and in spite of the fact that the explanation of its functioning is unknown... it nevertheless delivers obvious results.
This is what justifies its practice. To my view, the only good attitudes are, either to use it with caution if it is helpful on a punctual basis or more, or to ignore it and ask "Why not, but in any case, I am not interested." The only totally ridiculous attitude is to display the self-satisfied smile of those who cannot be taken for a ride...

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You Hold ‘The Key’


a message from The Council of Light

channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Within the realm of all possibilities is where you sit, where you weave, where you sculpt, where you pre-design, and re-design.  Within ...

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Experiencing Timeline and Identity Shifts

25 August 2010 - 5:10pm

Channeler: DL Zeta

Many reality threads exist within the energetic field of each person’s life. At any given time, some threads exist as a close vibrational match to your existing...

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Helios and Vesta: Be the Love and Light Each Day

Channeler: Marlene Swetlishoff

April 19, 2010

Helios and Vesta: Be the Love and Light Each Day

Beloved Ones of the Light,

We are so honored to speak with you this day! Know that we, of the Central Sun, hold each of you in the highest esteem and that we add our great Light and energies to your endeavors to anchor the Great Light upon and within the Earth. Your efforts are creating miracles and as you continue, the most wondrous probabilities and possibilities are beginning to manifest within the Cosmos. Your Light and determination to assist all to Ascend is noted and honored. Know that great good is being accomplished.


We from the Higher realms always honor the free will of the people of the Earth and so when you offer the Invocation to the Great Light, we joyfully renew our efforts on behalf of all on Earth and for the Earth. Keep on with this Call, Dearest Lightworkers, for it is one that is honored throughout the galaxies. By making this Call you are co-creating Heaven on Earth. No one who chooses the Light of God that never fails that lives within their heart and soul will be left behind. You are to be commended for your determination that this be so!

The greater Light and frequencies are ever bringing up all that which has been hidden and is now being exposed to the Light for revelation, review, and transmutation. There are many lessons being learned by all and a greater unification is taking place. You are beginning to understand how only one person can make a big difference in the World. Your individual Light is in turn adding to the greater Light. The Legions of Light who have gathered to assist at this time are responding with joyful enthusiasm to your Calls, for when you make your Calls, you give permission on behalf of Humanity, for these responses to take place.

Lady Vesta and I are most honored by your Calls and send forth our energies and our Love in response. Our hearts are filled with joy and gladness to look upon the children of God and see the Love and the Light that shines out from each heart that radiates outwards in great concentric circles to encompass all. We join with you in these efforts. We surround each Lightworker making these Calls with our great Love and protection. You are precious to us and we hold you close to our hearts. Beloved Children, continue on in your quest to establish Heaven on Earth and it shall be so before you know it!

Love is the greatest force in the entire Universe and nothing can withstand its influence. Be the Love and the Light in the World each day, no matter what personally transpires for you, and by so doing, you make your stand for all that is right and good. We send to you our great Love with heartfelt thanks!

Helios and Vesta

Great Cosmic Light Invocation: http://www.therainbowscribe.com/greatcosmiclight.htm

©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbows

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SaLuSa 16-April-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

Every soul is being given the opportunity to resolve any outstanding karma, and since you are in your last lifetime on Earth some of you are living hectic lives. Karma is normally worked out when the best conditions present themselves, and do not necessarily occur in the life immediately after the one in which it was incurred. It is a major factor that determines your life plan, and more often than not is related to personal relationships. Each of you sets out in life looking for happiness and fulfillment, but often there is disappointment. Dear Ones, if you have failed to succeed in some aspect of your life, consider that it was planned and intended to give you lessons that are of value to you. After all, nothing that is important to your life plan happens by chance.

At our dimensional level we have long overcome the need for karma, and if we make the wrong choices we recognize them and make amends immediately. For us personal relationships are based on love and respect for each other. We recognize our Oneness with all that is, and acknowledge the divine essence that all life carries. Our caution concerns decisions that are made that effect many souls, such as our involvement with your future. The outcome is not always clear, but based on our experience and ability to read the future probabilities we are confident that little can go wrong. When an advanced civilization intervenes with one that is still evolving, much care is necessary to ensure that it does not interfere with their path of evolution.

On Earth, at almost every turn you have decisions to make and you are prone to build up karma. However, once you understand the purpose of life and acknowledge the fact that you are all One, you will approach life with a greater understanding. It is not necessarily bound up in religious beliefs, as sometimes these can have the opposite effect by isolating you from other people. Again such souls are working out their karma through such experiences, and in the scheme of things every experience adds to your total consciousness, accumulated through all of your lifetimes.

When you finally ascend you may be absolutely certain that you have succeeded in overcoming duality, and you will truly be looked upon as a Master. You are amongst the bravest of souls to have honed your spiritual awareness, by going through each experience in person. You may wonder what happens to those memories of the negative ones, as many have left you scarred for life. Please be aware that as your consciousness rises, you will set aside such memories and eventually only recall your triumphs and successes. You cannot in fact carry the lower vibrations into the higher levels, and that is the Law. Whenever you carry heartache and sadness, know that it will not remain forever and that the energies of love and happiness will replace them.

Life can seem cruel and very unfair, but remember that you have created your own reality. You cannot escape the Universal Law, but in no way are these in the form of punishment. In fact behind them is the great energy of Love and Light that is the life force of All That Is. Your progress is in your own hands but as we often remind you, the pathway you chose is one that you have decided upon. That is in accordance with the freewill you have been granted, so that you are not restricted in your choices. However you are not expected to necessarily know exactly what is the best path to take, and there are always greater Beings of wisdom and understanding that will guide you if you ask. Even now, although we are fully conscious Beings we consult them if we are uncertain as to the best course of action. Bear in mind we are dealing with the future of planets and their civilizations, just as we are with you. It is a great responsibility and care must be taken when decisions are made. At this time you stand at the gateway to Ascension, and once the changes commence that will bring it into being, they must take you to it with as little inconvenience as possible. Clearly in view of the massive changes to be made, we want it to go smoothly and it is why our plan is reviewed quite often. The timing must be right and we will not move until it is seen to be certain that it will succeed.

When you think about the worldwide problems that exist, and the extent of the changes that are coming know that it is quite an undertaking even for us. However, we have unlimited resources and have complete confidence in our ability to deliver the plan. Once we can openly visit you, your doubts and frustrations will disappear, as you will quickly realize that we are the Creator’s representatives on a divine mission. Your future is tied in with the total upliftment of the Universe, and you are as important as any other part of the plan.

Your participation in the changes requires no more than your dedication, in visualizing the happiness and joy they will bring to all life upon Earth. Stay in the Light and live your life to your best ability, as if you had already ascended. Spread love and harmony wherever and whenever you can, and allow any negativity to pass you by. You cannot fight it by approaching it at the same level of vibration, but you rise above it and surround it in love. This way you will be contributing to the overall vibration of the Earth, and indeed you will be helping lift it even higher. You will find that the more you think and act in the Light, the easier it will be to maintain your place at the higher level.

Remember Dear Ones that you are party to the cleansing of Earth, and it is your responsibility to do all you can to reverse the damage that has occurred over many years. We are of course doing our part although you may not necessarily be aware of exactly what we are doing. Much of our work goes unannounced, and it will not take place openly with your knowledge until we are able to work in unison with each other. Mother Earth continues to rumble away, and is waiting to finish her own preparations for Ascension. It is therefore becoming important that she is allowed to complete it very soon. There are reasons related to your safety that are holding back any increase in the cleansing operation, which must be completed in readiness for Ascension.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and bless you all and surround you in Light. May you be touched by it, and your consciousness awakened to a higher level than previously. Many higher Beings are also focusing their Light upon Earth, and it increases with your ability to ground it.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

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Cassiopaea.org and Cassiopaea.com and Quantum Future.net are the websites founded by Theoretical Physicist Arkadiusz Jadczyk and his wife, amateur historian and writer, Laura Knight-Jadczyk.

Quantum Future Physics is the website devoted to the work of Professor Jadczyk.  There you will find information relating to Event Enhanced Quantum Theory, Quantum Jumps, EEQT and the Five Platonic Fractals., Transdimensional Transfer Techniques, Jacques Vallee, Quantum Fractals , Critical notes on Richard Hoagland and Tom Bearden, Critical notes on Val Valerian's "Matrix III", ideas about Knowledge and Freedom, technical papers on  "Quaternions and Monopoles", and most exciting of all, the views of a theoretical physicist on Physics of the Mysterious

Professor Jadczyk is fascinated by the problems of the foundations of quantum theory, and its relation to the philosophy of science and theories of knowledge, consciousness and mind.  In the past he has worked on algebraic methods of quantum theory, differential geometric methods of field theory, theories of gravitation, Kaluza-Klein theories of hidden dimensions, and supersymmetry, non-commutative geometry. The interested reader can have a look at his CV and List of Publications.

Laura Knight-Jadczyk: is the author of 13 books: Amazing Grace, which is an autobiography of the soul, The Secret History of the World, a radical reassessment of history, science, religion and myth, which contains the results of her search for the underlying principles of our reality, 9/11: The Ultimate Truth, The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction and the seven volume Wave series. She is currently working on a volume to follow The Secret History of the World.

As a consequence of Laura's scientific approach to researching the history and practical applications of psi phenomena and metaphysics, including her controlled experiment in channeling, the Cassiopaean Experiment, she was brought into contact with Ark. For more insight into that phase of Laura's life see, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, Thomas French's article in the St. Petersburg Times. Mr. French spent over five years following Laura and her work at the end of which time he wrote:

"After all this time, I cannot begin to tell you what is truly happening with Laura. I do know that she remains as intriguing as ever. From the moment I met her, she has made me consider possibilities that would not have occurred to me otherwise. She has forced me to see and think in new ways."

That is Laura's greatest gift, and one that she shares freely with her readers. Be prepared to challenge and examine everything you ever thought and believed as she brings the logic of a mathematician, the vision of a mystic, and the compassion of a mother to the quest for the solutions to the problems of Man and the Universe.

Ark writes: The name Cassiopaea was given by a consciously "channeled source” which Laura accessed in 1994 after two years of experimental work.  The source identified itself by saying “we are you in the future.” Modern physics does not provide us with practical means for this type of communication, and theories on this subject are not well developed; they are, in fact, inconclusive and controversial.

When interpreting “we are you in the future in an oversimplified way, we are faced with causal paradoxes. On the other hand, from the theoretical papers published in physics journals we can learn that, with a proper and careful interpretation, and taking into account quantum uncertainties, communication into the past cannot be dismissed as impossible. Improbable perhaps is the right word, but there are many things that are improbable and yet happen.

The more improbable is a given phenomenon, the more information is carried by its occurrence, the more we can learn by its study.

That is why we did not dismiss the “we are you in the future” as impossible and therefore ignorable. Instead we decided to continue the “communications” as a form of a controlled experiment in "superluminal thought transfer” – even if it was clear that the term should be considered as a tentative indication of only one out several possible interpretations.

The information received from this experiment is presented in the context of broad ranging historical, scientific and other metaphysical material and offers the clues that have led to the world view and inferences presented by us in our numerous publications on this website and in print. Perhaps it is only our own “subconscious mind” that presents itself as a “source,” but even if it is so, does that tell us more? Do we really know what “unconscious mind” is and of what is it capable?

The reader might wish to begin with The Wave Series"The Wave" is a term used to describe a Macro-cosmic Quantum Wave Collapse producing both a physical and a "metaphysical" change to the Earth's cosmic environment theorized to be statistically probable sometime in the early 21st century. This event is variously described by other sources as the planetary shift to 4th density, shift of the ages, the harvest etc., and is most often placed around the end of 2012. The Wave Series begins with a UFO abduction account, a transcript of an actual hypnotic regression session, that refers to a global cataclysmic change. Please note that we do not, however, subscribe to the notion that such events can be exactly predicted as to whether or when they might occur. Quantum physics talks about statistical probabilities, not prophetic certainties.

The publishing of the Cassiopaean communications in The Wave Series and the establishing of the network of dialogues among those interested in this material - later to become the Quantum Future Group - was followed almost immediately by numerous attacks on Ark and Laura from various individuals. These events led to her writing of the Adventures With Cassiopaea Series, which includes in-depth studies of psychopathy, COINTELPRO and Secret Government projects.  Here you will find details about Nobel Prize Winner John Nash and Game Theory, Ira Einhorn and the creation of the New Age Counter Intelligence Program, Andrija Puharich, Alternative Three, Mind Control Research, the Philadelphia Experiment and the suicide of Morris Jessup, cyclical cataclysms, cometary impacts and meteorite showers, and most important of all: the problem of psychopaths in our society. Our page on Psychopathy is one of the most popular on the site which attests to the fact that psychopathy is epidemic in our times.

Don't forget The Signs of the Times is an ongoing News Resource Project that is updated daily. Be sure to check it out for all the latest News, Current Events, and in-depth commentary.

The Signs of the Times is an alternative news and news commentary page. We scour the web daily, analysing a large range of mainstream media and alternative media reports to bring our readers details of the latest world news and global current affairs as they happen. Our news analysis, research and investigation cover areas such as politics, social affairs, religious affairs, history, archeology, science, weather, earthquakes, volcanos, meteorite sightings, anomalous occurrences and much much more. We also conduct our own independent investigations and present the results here on the Cassiopaea website for the benefit of our readers. If you are interested in the events surrounding 9/11, you'll want to check out our American Coup d'état page, as well as Laura's book: 9/11: The Ultimate Truth


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+ Light, Dark and Managing our Soul Matrix!

“Light always casts forth the Shadows, yet the Shadows define the Light!”

“Amyelichenfantalistic!”                                                                                     SethD8 – 23 Jan. 2007

We are going to have a discussion with you on what light is, what dark is, what the light can do, what the dark can do, how the light casts forth the shadows, and how you can defend yourself from the dark Overlords.

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Mission 1017 Explained!

In the great game of creation you are a Wayshower. In this position you are contracted by higher intelligences to manifest constituency. Wayshowers are to integrate one million followers into the space of the fifth dimensional awareness upon the Solar Alignment of Arcturus.
The Arcturian Alignment is the first major move of the Wayshowers in the game to create the new world of the Fifth Sun. At this point of time and space Ultraviolet is the most powerful cosmic energy stream of the Galaxy. The highest intelligences of this Universe through our twin universe record that an Ultraviolet beam of energy will enter this planet through the Arcturian Doorway. At this Libra 24 point in alignment with Arcturus this stream will invoke a massive increase in fifth dimensional light transmission. The planet will experience and pass through a highly charged membrane of photons which will expand, intensify and increase all thoughts, feelings and actions.

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10 Ways to Shift Reality!

by Cynthia Sue Larson

Our thoughts and feelings change the world around us, whether we’re aware of it or not. We’ve all had days when we can’t find our car keys because they aren’t where we know we put them, or we discover one sock is missing from our load of clothing that just came out of the dryer. At times like these, it can feel like “Shift Happens! #@$! ”

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Seth Speaks Newsletter – Vol. XXIII

Seth Speaks Newsletter

Volume XXIII

Riverbeing 1 by Tracy Marshall


In This Abreviated Blog Issue XXIII:

September 11th Foretold by Susan M. Watkins

Seth – “An Integral Conscious Creation Myth” Part 12 of 15 by Paul Helfrich

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Message from Porf June 29 2006

Porf Fills in History!

We are from the generation of Tibetan connected to the salutary historical system, which is an offshoot of Ramadan. My name is Porf and I will be doing most of the translation.
We have nothing to do with the Anunnaki race of people. They did ask us if we would give you an unbiased opinion of some key historical facts that have taken place in your inundated frequency. Our responsibility is to help you mentally clear a path that will permit patterns of clarity into your mentality, allowing you to be aware of what perfection is.
In order to pass through prismatic motion, which is a vibrational light prism that the dimensional consciousness is changing into which allows an energetic view of the new conscious ladder that you are stepping onto, you must be in control of all your automatic response systems. Many of you are aware of this, at this time.
Also, I'm going to repeat what you have been told. It is not you who are not waiting for the planet to change into a fifth dimensional
sequence; it's the planetary system waiting for you to move into a fifth dimension since it already knows how.
What do you think this 2012 interaction is all about? All the talk is about everything going into a new dimension. In actuality, everything going on at this time will be finished by 2012.
Another thing most of you have heard, that I'm going to repeat, is to remember that all conflicts entering into your circle of containment are presenting themselves to you at this time for you to learn allowance of energy. Remember this when people that you interact with become adversarial. It has nothing to do with somebody purposely trying to defraud you. This interaction can only enter into your life zone if you need this adversarial action to become part of your experience.
This is not our job to explain universal laws because this is what you're working on right now. We thought we would add a little to it. Basically, we are what you call historians. What we would like to do is present a picture of creation that has never been fully understood by the frequency that you preside in.
The only history that you know is the last three to five thousand years. Much of it has been misdirected. A lot of the reason for this
is the iconoclastic type people that tried to rule the world by telling their own story of historical facts. Many of these facts have
some validity, but the overall view of what has transpired in your past has been extremely misrepresented. One of the reasons is that a 3-D understanding of anything is limited to small pieces of the puzzle.
Now we have a captive audience that understands the multiple processes that take place for life to exist. Take for an example, a square block of wood, with six sides. Look at it. You only will see three sides at a time. When you rotate this block, you understand that there are more than three sides, but you'll still only see three sides at a time, which is only part of the picture. Some people will not even rotate the block, so they stay in the third dimensional view. The information we're giving you now would not interact with the consciousness that they preside in. So be prepared to turn the block.
The first thing that needs to be addressed is this stupid aging thing you have inundated yourself with. You have a perfectly functional physical vehicle that has been designed to basically function forever.  You then shut it down and do not let it do the job it was designed to do. This was accomplished by destroying your male and female connection with the mother planet. As you reconnect, as many of you are at this time, you will understand the real process of perfection. Start living it at this point and you will draw to you your counterpart, the one who is your true physical and spiritual mate. At this point you will make a complete balance.
The first thing that will go is this ridiculous aging concept that you were programmed to believe. You were first brought to mother earth's frequency approximately 68,000 years ago, not including the time loops you have been rerunning in a groundhog movie-like way. You know the movie that I am referring to.
You just think it is a silly story, but it was intentionally introduced, as are many different films, to the subconscious to open
up new avenues of concepts and reform. There are two groups that have their fingers in the film industry. One tries to control the masses with fear. The other opens up avenues of probability for you to explore.
Yes, that is us restructuring the intercom system of your computer. I understand there has been many changes to your verbal actuator device from every source of life. Oh well, it is our turn now. Have you noticed how quiet your processor is running? We have developed a system to balance it to the frequency that you're working with. It was basically working its ass off to keep up with your information. I think it will be OK now.
Before we go any further, I want to answer some questions that I am being asked. I am supposed to be some sort of a historian, but I will answer these questions first. “What is pain?” This is a very very good question.
When you are out of balance and your body starts physically breaking down, it sends you a message to where this inflection is taking place. Therefore, when you feel pain, instead of thinking that something is wrong, mentally focus on the point that is in pain. When you reach this point, understand what the discomfort really is. See that you have an unbalanced thought. In most cases you're allowing someone or something to make you feel out of balance or negative. Once you allow any situation or other person to gain your power point, you start losing your clarity. At this point discomfort, weakness, depression starts to set in.
Now let me see if I can get my empathic engineer to trust what I am presenting to him as historical facts. He knows what I am talking about because he has this big concern of misdiagnosing the information that he is being introduced to.
One of the most confusing aspects of comedic times is learning to understand that no matter what information you receive, the same information can seem like an entirely different story. This all stems from the view of what level of inept probabilities you are
experiencing.Anunnaki creational patterns.
I know, what the hell is that? Always remember your friend's favorite saying. “Everything in creative form is a vibrational frequency that is the result of a thought.” What a thought does is take the microns of energy, the responding pieces of non matter, and place it into a functional picture that fits whatever belief pattern you have inherited, from whatever program you have experienced in any vibrational form that is in a non-conscious creative condition. In other words, you're running around creating without realizing that you have the power do so.
The reason I'm going through all this rhetoric is that when you're explaining anything that is out of your immediate vibrated frequency, everyone who sees the picture will have a somewhat different explanation due to the vibrated pattern that this person draws to them. These are from whatever experience they have had in an elliptic viewpoint of whatever is being presented.
Confused? Let's try this! Everything you see visually or feel intuitively has only one channel to go through to process that which
you have stored of acquired experiences. Stop.let's see if I can get through!
For example, if you use a dictionary to find a word that is not included, the first thing you say is, “There is no such a word!”  Well, what does this mean? It means that whoever inspired the dictionary into a creative pattern of learning only had enough knowledge to fill one small book.
So, what about the rest of the information that is out there? You cannot be introduced to this information because the dictionary does not have a word that explains whatever you're seeking. This is what a third dimensional view does. It stops looking if it has no reference points to cause it to continue.
Now that you're expanding your points of reference, many of you are able to see a picture that could not be presented before. How many times have you heard somebody say, “Why don't the UFOs just land on the White House lawn and communicate with us?” My answer is this. They would be glad to if you would acknowledge their existence.  However, because you ran out of dictionary, you have no place to draw upon. So, you just shut everything down.
One thing I must say is that it will not be long before many of you will experience this new process. Actually, all that's in the way for many of you right now is still fear. Just keep on working on this and you will have amazing results.
Next, my friends and I will introduce a pattern of thought to you at a level of understanding that will have to be carefully processed. You are not allowed to go into a fear pattern of right and wrong. As long as any of these inept processes are in motion, they will interfere with staying in synchronicity with the velocity of the planetary alignments that allow dimensional change to rapidly fall into place.
In the beginning God created the earth. OK, right off the bat, creation has no beginning or end. Everything is in a constant flow,
regenerating itself. If there was a beginning where would it start from? If there was an end, what would be its destination? Where would it go?
If you look at everything in a third dimensional projection, you would only see three sides of a square block, believing of course, that everything has a beginning and end. Now you are working past this old concept, even though you can only see three sides of the block at one time. At least you are aware that there are three more sides.
Guess what? Once you find all six sides, creation will exponentially align itself to a process that will continue into infinity, which is
unbounded by space, time or quantity. It allows you to see the never-ending sides of the block.
I understand this goes past everyone that has a physical body and uses brain cells to cognate and process data. So let's just back up and use the six-sided block concept. This is where we will introduce this new information from. See how complex it can get to just get started with the history of a physical realm of existence? So what we will do, since we're working in time and space, is try to work from the biggest picture in this area. Sometimes it is necessary to drift in and out in order to get answers to some questions.
I was just asked a question if Atlantis and Lemuria were part of what we are today? Yes they are! Also there was Anoxia, Tryoden and Emesela, before that, and the list goes on and on. Humans have come and gone on this planet continuously. There never was a time when man was not. Many times humans had to return and experience technological restarts and some of these restarts are what you see in your historical fossil beds. This doesn't allow you much clarity on the historical facts of your ancestors.
If you could travel from planet to planet and see the infinite amount of different coagulations of atmospheric processes that are taking place, it would be quite overwhelming to comprehend. Each planet has a specific quality of uniqueness that the others do not.
Mother Earth has hers in its Elines Basela, which you refer to as gold. This is the energetic force that keeps all creative energies in flow, allowing the planet to function in a parallel expression of its original blueprint. This is why recently you have been told that any gold that has been taken off the planet immediately will replace itself, so that it can follow that original blueprint. I do not want
to get into the process of gold or we will never get any farther.
When different species of life realized the energy field that gold produces and what could be done with it, they came in droves to
harvest this precious commodity. I think this would be a good place to start. It is far enough back to give you a historical picture and give you a start on understanding what really took place in your history.
There are not many physical beings that have to deal with the load you carry on planet Earth. It seems like you created a special domain to come and experience everything in one place. It all stems back to when you each arrived here from many different planets and cryonic paths. At this point you were introduced to the earth's force field, which allows you to be able to adapt to the frequency of this planet.
To clarify a question, “Yes you can travel to other planets, but if you're not adapted to that frequency, in other words, if you do not
have a vibrational match to that planets frequency, you will not experience what the true aspects of life are in that domain.”
OK, now back to our train of thought. There was a group of people at that time that transported many different physical beings from many different planetary structures to create the life process that you're involved in at this time. They were basically brought here against their will to perform different projects for the Sumerians, who transported them to this planet.
When you look at the different races on your planet, it doesn't seem like that many. But actually, there are hundreds because the first arrivals interbred for thousands of years and looked like a single race. Now the second arrivals are in the process of doing the same. What the Sumerians did without realizing it, is allow these different races to combine their energetic fields. This combination gave them a conscious understanding of spiritual knowledge that can only be interacted into the system with a “We” complexity of creative thinking.
So there are two conducted processes going on in the same frequency. One of them is a group of beings that want to confiscate the precious metal from the earth's life form for their own benefit. They have brought many different cultures to your planet for this to take place.  The overall view of the original intent is to allow all these different human species to blend together producing a tremendous creative mental force that has not been attainable in this frequency, to this point.
In the last hundred years, without you realizing, mankind has spiritually risen above any point prior to this physical life's
experience. Each race of people that has been brought to your planet has brought a unique and precious commodity to enlighten the mental force field that inhabits the earth plane at this time.
For thousands of years mankind has gone through many trials and tribulations, allowing this segment of life force to adjust and
understand how to process thought without being controlled by others.  If you notice, all the way through your history there's always somebody or something in control.
Now if you pay attention, you'll see this is starting to change. This allows the new children to come in and prepare themselves to teach a new world an entirely new process of survival. These children would not be able to integrate into the system unless the system had prepared itself for it.
After many years of bringing different races of beings to the earth,  the Sumerians devised a method to keep track of the earth's progress by erecting Pyramid's in a certain order. This would allow them a visual advantage of earth's progress. As you were told earlier, the sole reason for bringing in millions of different beings from all over the Galaxy was to harvest all the gold that was available, as well as create a system that would be self-sustaining allowing the Samaritans to be in full control. They could then go back to their planet and everything would run automatically. They would not have to stay here to oversee the progress.
Well, for thousands of years this worked pretty well until they decided to build a tracking device using the geometric Pyramid energy. This allows all annonic wave motions to be detected from great distances since they only return approximately every 3,500 years; this is when their planet was aligned to allow this. After each trip they could return home with their precious commodity.
Now if you notice, all throughout the history that you know of, gold has been the most precious and sought after commodity in existence. So when the Sumerians first set up housekeeping and created a system that allowed everyone to survive in, they injected into your system a tremendous and overwhelming desire for gold. This desire is still is in place to date.
When they made the decision to erect the Pyramid's, the slave labor that they brought here had no means of constructing such a tremendous monolithic monument. Therefore, they introduced the process of levitation. This allowed these great mammoth shapes to be erected. This all worked very well for them. The Sumerians gave them the technology and taught them the means to erect these structures. They then returned to the 10th planet.
When they returned approximately 3500 years later, they noticed that they were starting to lose control because the technology they had given the slaves was being used in ways that weren't conducive to their project. So now they had to introduce a new process that wouldn't stop the progress of gold mining. At this point they created fear and added religion, governments, kingdoms, and even sports, because they knew the tremendous egotistical passion these people had.  These things would put them back in control. This is where the enlightened ones started their venture. This venture was later called the Illuminati.
Now, I want to inject a little wisdom into your intellect so that you will not start forming a negative mental image of all of this information. We're keeping this story in the highest collectible conscious frequency that we can. This allows us to tell a factual story. This is a process, a part of history that took place without a right or wrong concept as part of its demeanor.
If the reader of this information has any problem or connection with the concept of right or wrong, this information will not be allowed to inject into their mentality. This is nothing to do with whether you believe it or not. We are not concerned about how you process this in your belief system. All we are telling you are that if you're experiencing a disorder or mental conflict of how any of this information is portrayed, everything in your mental storage will shut down.
Let us go back to when you were first brought to Mother planet. When the word mother is used before the word planet, it means she has the capability to reproduce whatever she needs to keep survival in contact. When what you call the human race first arrived to Mother Earth, they were first taught how to manifest so they could create an environment that fit their needs. This was necessary because of the tremendous difference and variety from what they originally came from.
They brought many different ideas and processes from their original planets. Because they had the ability to manifest, they started rebuilding and duplicating what they had left behind. This is why there are so many different and plentiful new varieties of animals.  They also had to connect with the God force, which is the spirit world, so that they could line up each animal to match the sole purpose from the higher realms that each animal came in to be.
In other words, even though humans created animals, the original design and purpose had to originate from a creative intent. Understand that this is a new concept for you. The whole idea of this information is to train your mind to float with this information without having an opinion one way or another. This comes from an old Teradyne traditional prayer that goes like this; Mazade porede la paneled bucha pravaset tre, lile comred to corset . Is always keeps you in a place of allowance without control.
Teradyne is the group of people that was brought here in the very beginning of human transformation. This group has had the job of keeping in place a spiritual overtone so humans do not lose touch with the original creative force of humanity. Even though there is a historical view of what has transpired on the planet Earth, there is also a bigger creative power that put everything in place.
This has nothing to do with religion because religion is based on nothing more than a belief system that people tend to create. The result is the many of them that now exist, and will exist until the true meaning of creation is comprehended.
The true understanding of creation can only be comprehended when all beings in physical form have the same understanding of a creative force. This then allows everything to go back to one; this is the whole understanding of the God experience. In other words, nothing can function in perfection if all the parts are not there. This is what you're in the process of injecting into your consciousness; allowing all the nomenclature of understanding to create a view of knowledge which will allow you to step into a higher frequency of experience.
Yes! I will answer the question, “Does this continue forever?” My answer is, “Yes, only if you preside in time”. Remember, their never was a time when man was not. This is a metaphysical expression explaining that other aspects of life can take place without the use of time. Time was introduced into the third dimensional process of life so physical beings could learn to relate to a structured society. This is why people studying quantum physics have difficulty shifting to these new aspects that don't relate to time because they can only relate to their understanding of time.
Another aspect I would like to make clear is that everything we are discussing about your history is all based on the third dimensional viewpoint. There are many factors that are constantly working with all of you, all the way from cross-dimensional consciousness giving spiritual input introducing this third dimensional information to you.  There are many other levels of communication putting in their combined injection of knowledge.
When humans first experimented with cross consciousness between animal and human, as in many of the mythical stories you've heard, it actually took place, but not in the physical reality that you preside in. At one time mankind could phase in and out of these different vibrational experiences of life. This is where the half human-half animal aspects have their derivative roots.
The myopic understanding of Rainagod, the figure in Egypt which you have named the sphinx, is a good example of the connection between these two different vibrational systems. It was originally constructed by the Sumerians as a testimony of ownership, similar to how you would plant a flag today. They constructed an illusion of consciousness exchange to prove that they have the process of interlocking human and animal life force.
The Sphinx also is a landmark of where they have their akashic library, currently unexposed underground. It can be visited if you're properly identified as having Sufi thought patterns.
I understand your struggle with getting this information. Don't feel alone. We are so limited with these aspects of communication, but that's all we have, so we'll deal with it. What many of you are trying to do at this time is reconnect with this human and animal connection because of the tremendous understanding that interlocks between the two.
You know, I was just thinking how much information you have been deprived of because of the third dimensional connection you have with
the universe. Each one of the subjects that we introduced to you has a huge story in themselves. This might sound strange, but sometimes I am confused how far to go. I know you're looking at us as an overseer of all knowledge because of the tremendous information we comprehend. However, we still have our limitations on certain aspects.
To be truthful with you, the bigger the understanding of creation you see the more you realize what a small piece you really have. Staying humble actually draws in the understanding of knowledge. All there is is the understanding that we're all working to obtain.
Another misunderstood concept of history is the story of the Ark of the Covenant. What this represents is a collection of energetic
forces that help introduce new creative concepts into the reality that draws it in using the heading of “I need to know”. We will get into this more at a later time. It becomes very involved.
Wow! We just had an interesting experience connecting with the different entourage of life that you have been studying with for the past few years as it has come through your computer. You have had much more exposure than we realize.
OK, now that we see a somewhat different picture, I will explain a few more concepts that will help you understand our purpose in presenting ourselves and this information to you. By the way, I know now you understand about the soft electron force field that is directly interacting with your computer. This is one of the reasons you were directed to extend your house so the computer would be placed in this strategic area. This is why sometimes that irritating sound is omitting from your transponder.
I want to explain one more factor before we get back to our history lesson. This is back to being controlled, which I know you understand and work at all the time. There's one aspect that is overlooked where right and wrong still flourish and is still in control. This is the concept of staying healthy.
There are many of these concepts out there which are absolutely worthless unless they match your vibration. There is no right or wrong way to eat. Each person has to understand where they are in their belief system and pursue their habits according to this. Remember how many times you've been told everything is qualified by whenever you believe. If information is somebody else's belief, how can it help you?
OK! I am finished preaching to you. The reason I do this occasionally is that the more clearly I can enhance the reader, the more I can introduced the information I am passing on to you.
There are so many different stories to share with you that you have never had a clue existed; but because of where you live in time and space, there is not enough time to fit everything in. What I would like to happen is have people ask questions and work from that perspective. The main reason we have presented this information to you is to shift your thinking out of the old controlled nonsense that the system has been feeding you for years, which is all based on fear.  Once you start realizing and understanding that there is something in control over the whole planetary system, you will realize that all this control system did is switch to fear, blaming its own power, which still kept you in fear.
Everything is blamed on the government or on some secret organization that controls the money, or some low-frequency that drives you crazy, or different chemicals put out by jet engines. All you have to do in a world full of fear is put this information out, in some written form and a good percentage of the populace will believe it. What you have now is back to full control. All they do is find out what game you are playing and what belief system you have, and then they make up stories of fear and introduce them into that belief system through the media.
If you are in control of the news media and the educational system, you pretty much have control of the entire planet. Some of you
remember when radio and television was first introduced into the system. No matter how poor a country or person was, they were able to afford these two items. This made it very easy to control the masses.
Take 9-11 for an example. Nothing in history has put more people in fear than the process they used for this venture. The reason they are getting so nervous is because they're starting to lose control. Basically, in the big picture, this venture is backfiring on them. They even used the date to match the emergency number.
This was all carefully calculated with a fear based conclusion. Everything was screwed down and controlled tightly, using the Muslim, Christian, Buddhist and many other religions, giving them the perfect control over humanity, as you know it.
The reason I am bringing this to your attention is so that you realize not to blame the Arabs or anyone for the situation the planet is in, at this time. What is happening is a last-ditch effort for the powers to be to stay in control. THE POWERS TO BE ARE NOT THE RESIDENTS OF YOUR PLANET. STAY AWAY FROM ANY BLAME. THIS JUST GIVES YOUR POWER AWAY. Most of this is controlled by the SUMERIAN race which we've talked about earlier.
Now this is a big one for you. What they did and are doing is all in perfection. So, look at the broad scale of everything. This is whereyour mind must venture to. See perfection in everything with no blame. Once you get to this point, the Christ consciousness is allowed to enter into your power point of awareness.
I know you have been told how the power point works. It basically works off nonresistance. The reason some of the great masters reached this point of enlightenment is because they were in control of their point of power and were able to start functioning in perfection by using the Christ consciousness.
Religions really don't have much information. They did hold a very important part of creation and that is why many of them stayed
connected to the source. The source understands that mankind cannot have the answers and really doesn't care. What the source goes by is the love feeling that is held in place. This allows a spiritual development to take hold. This actually now is a big part of the world's switchover; understanding truth and information that they have been using for years, but which was not a non-truth; it was just way short of the big picture.
In other words, if you had not have gone through the spiritual part of your incarnations with religion, you would not be where you are today. This was all set up by the original creator who understands that it has to follow its own blueprint to a final result.
A blueprint cannot be changed. It can be held back for some period of time, but once the gate is open again, it will continue on and follow its destination in perfection. No matter how disrupted anything in universal energy looks, it still is all perfect and the way it is happening is the way it was designed to.
Many of you have heard this a lot, but it still has to be said until people totally adhere to it and live it. The reason we are presenting this information to you is not to change your belief system but just to add to it. No matter what you have believed to this point, it is all true at some level. Once you get the entire story it will all make sense to you.
At some point this will allow you a mental freedom that was not attainable prior to this understanding. Once you have attained mental freedom you reach utopia. This is what the goal of physical form is at this point.
All mental freedom is nothing but allowing everything to be perfect. There is a man in your life experience at this point who has pretty well obtained this point. You can use him as an example. No, you figure it out! There is no lie, there is no truth. Everything is in the illusion that you are presiding in. It is in progress; a perfect experience of expansion.
No matter how bad or awful anything looks, the result of the experience is what you'll benefit from once you learn to experience
life in this manner. Do not see the bad situations as negative or positive, but as a way to get your attention. Learn to apply this to
the situation at hand and realize that without these different experiences your life adventure would be worthless.
This is the goal; handle everything that comes to you with eagerness and acceptance. Look forward to experiencing anything. Once you reach this point, all matter ceases as a disruptive pattern in your life, allowing a serene experience of life that's unattainable any other way. Thank you, Saint Germaine for your input.
Next we will talk about some of our early teachers that started your mental expansion. This was prior to Atlantis. The one you know as Thoth, who decided to incarnate at this time in a physical form and isnow walking among you as a child, at a certain point in the very near future will present himself to the masses.———— OK ! We have a situation here. We did not realize the connection you already have with this child. Give us sometime to check and see if he's the same one we're talking about.———————— boy did that one sneak in.
It looks like from here that we're talking about the same entity. I don't know if it's a good idea to print this. Let us leave it for now
we might have to delete this at a later point. What is your opinion?  I was just asked why this was a surprise to us, aren't we part of the spirit world? No we are not anything to do with the spirit world we still are a spiritual being with a physical connection not like yours but we still have to digest facts to see the bigger picture.
I understand you think we are infallible but we are just basically historians. Everything is pretty much the same as you are, except we have no veil between the physical and spiritual. You have to work much harder to see truth because of this veil, but in the long run it is worth the extra effort because of the tremendous knowledge that you have acquired through understanding without seeing.
Let me show you an analogy on this process. Would you follow a blind man who took you up a steep dangerous trail who never trips or falls and does this every day flawlessly? Or would you rather have a person with full vision who is constantly falling and getting hurt every time the ventures out on the trail?
Understand that we have the capability of interceding into your lives but we still have our limitations. Since you received an affirmative on leaving that piece in your ledger, we will go along with you and leave it in. I'm going to get off the track here a little bit and see if I can work through the receiver of this information's belief system about wasting anything.
Stop! The reason you can't understand what I'm saying is because you have a big block on this information. Now try it again! Most of you have been so programmed on how not to waste anything, especially food. I know, just flow with it! Think about it. How can anything be wasted if everything is constantly replacing itself? The only thing that can stop it is fear. If you have a fear of wasting, you stop the replacement flow.
Let's take food as an example. Everything you eat is grown from Mother Earth. The more that's used, the more she can produce. This is the same with currency. The more you spend, the more you draw to you—UNLESS— you have fear about it. I understand this is one of the hardest lessons to learn.
There is a famous saying, I worked so hard for this money and I have to be careful how I spend it, so it will last. This whole sentence does nothing more than stop the flow. Remember, everything is an illusion. Most of you have heard this before; it is time to start applying it.
This is going to be one of the biggest challenges you will have, getting out of a controlled environment/the third dimensional
viewpoint. You hear so much talk about the lack of, instead of the abundance of. I don't even know where to tell you to start, other
than to look at the law of attraction and understand the concept of this pattern. The new frequency that you are currently evolving into has to be a complete match to you so you can operate within these new energy patterns.
Sharing with you this information has been very enjoyable and we hope to get back with you soon so we can share with you one of this information.
– Porf

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