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UFO Crash in Canada? No says military Canadian Forces

 Posts like these were circulating on Twitter and Facebook on Wednesday night, with people suggesting there was a UFO crash near Jackhead, Man. It was actually an airplane being used in a military training exercise, according to the Canadian Forces.

Excerpt from cbc.ca

Social media reports of a possible UFO sighting last night near Jackhead, Man., are not true, says the Canadian Forces, which attributed the bright light people saw to an airplane from a training exercise.

On Wednesday night (Feb 18th, 2015), several people said on Twitter and Facebook that they saw a bright light in the sky, fuelling speculation that it may have been an unidentified flying object.

The rumour became stronger when photos were posted of Canadian Forces vehicles in the area, with some people claiming the military was there to contain a UFO crash site.

But it was not a UFO at all, says Lt.-Col. Paul Davies, commanding officer 38 Territorial Battalion Group, which is involved in an Arctic Response Company Group training exercise on Lake Winnipeg this week.

Exercise Arctic Bison 2015
Members of the Arctic Response Company Group drive across frozen Lake Winnipeg during Exercise Arctic Bison 2015. (MCpl Cameron Skrypnyk/DND)

"There's no aliens, just my friends in the air force who are out there helping us on this exercise," Davies told CBC News on Thursday.
"I have the commander of that air force contingent sitting right beside me and, you know, he assures us that that was not a UFO, but that was him."

About 150 military personnel are taking part in Exercise Arctic Bison 2015, which includes the 38 Canadian Brigade Group, the 2nd Battalion of the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, the 4th Canadian Ranger Patrol Group, and 440 Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Force.

Davies said soldiers are training to deal with a plane crash and provide ground search and rescue support in the Arctic.

The bright light that people saw, he explained, came from an airplane that takes off very quickly.

"From a distance it may have looked like it was going straight up in the air, but it wasn't," he said. "It was just us out there playing our games."

The exercise wraps up on Sunday.

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Can’t blame cigarettes, junk food or pollution ~ Cancer Identified in 4,500-Year-Old Skeleton

Angela Lieverse has found one of the oldest human specimens to have cancer.

Excerpt from archaeology.org

SASKATOON, CANADA—Holes in the well-preserved bones of a man who died in Siberia 4,500 years ago show that he suffered from lung or prostate cancer that had spread throughout his body from his hip to his head. “This is one of [the oldest]—if not the oldest—absolute cases of cancer that we can be really, really confident saying that it’s cancer,” bioarchaeologist Angela Lieverse of the University of Sasketchewan told CBC News. She speculates that the hunter-gatherer may have developed lung cancer from inhaling smoke from wood fires, and other non-environmental factors. Unlike other men in his community, this man had been buried in the fetal position in a circular pit with an intricately carved bone spoon. “It’s a tragic story. It breaks your heart to think of what he went through,” she said. To read about another ancient cancer case in Siberia, see "MRI Shows 'Princess Ukok' Suffered From Cancer."

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Peace Through Synchronized Global Meditation

Lance Schuttler, Personable MediaWe live in a world today where the idea of group power is being rekindled and where it’s momentum is gathering. Humanity as a whole is remembering that it is thoughts and actions of kindness, honesty and equality for all that create positive change.One initiative that is expanding throughout religious and spiritual groups, as well as on blogs and other social media sites is globally synchronized meditation/prayer gatherings.To some, believing that tho [...]

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Heaven Letters April-04-2013

Heavenletter #4514 The Courage of Love , April 4, 2013
Gloria Wendroff

God said:
Your conscious experience of love has been a fragment. You have caught fragments of

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7 April 2012

Channeler: Maureen Quinn

From Maureen: Greetings, my very dear friends, on this energetically potent day between the first Full Moon of Spring and Easter! Much has been stirring in my own personal world since I sh...

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Heavenletter #4128 Be Your Own Hero , March 14, 2012


God said:

Everything is not as you have thought it was. You are not as you thought you were! You are, at the same moment, far more than you have ever credited yourself with and, in the same breath, well, you may not be as marvelou...

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Princess Kaoru Nakamaru of Japan: Please join me in this Event

Princess Kaoru Nakamaru of Japan: Please join me in this Event Related posts: PRINCESS KAORU NAKAMARU of Japan – Featured Guest Speaker at the PYTHAGORAS CONFERENCE Princess Kaoru Nakamaru of Japan, Chairperson of the International Affairs Instit...

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2012: A Message Of Hope For Humanity 2011


Interesting: She confirms the hollow earth theory...


Princess Kaoru Nakamaru from Japan delivers a message of hope and love for the coming 2012 Earth change. As always you decide 🙂

Come meet Princess...

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Courageous 2012 ANNOUNCEMENT by Princess Kaoru Nakamaru Japan

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HEAVEN #4056 The Magnificence and Beauty of You, January 2, 2012


God said:

You want All of Me, don't you? You don't want just some of God, a little bit here and a little bit there. The fact is that you do have All of Me. You have All of Me right now. You do not miss even one particle of...

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HEAVEN #3970 Rescue Yourself, October 8, 2011


God said:

When you are reacting, you are over-reacting. When you are upset, you have over-reacted. You made a situation something it wasn't really. There was a hint of something from the past, and you were reacting to the past...

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HEAVEN #3942 All the World Is a Stage, September 10, 2011


God said:

Your picture of the world is your picture of the world. The objective world does not exist. The subjective world exists for you. All matter is a thought that manifested itself into your supposed reality.

But, enough ...

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Interview with Sharula Dux from Telos by Joanna Cherry


Published on Sunday, 17 July 2011 17:18  

Interview with Sharula Dux by Joanna Cherry

Princess Sharula Dux is a woman known to me for many years. Her message is amazing, yet simple: she is from Telos, a Lemuria...

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