Tag: prince (page 2 of 4)


In the rear-view mirror we can watch it happening. Time has not yet begun. God gives its (+1) power to left brain dominance and says "Go to it Adam", build me a male dominated civilization. Through Window 8.3 we see Moses, the Hebrew Child who was rais...

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The ‘Lion People’ Make Their Presence Felt On Earth


10 January 2012

Hello dear family

We, the Lion People (Lyran Feline origin) wish to introduce ourselves. We have waited patiently watching and observing the Ascension Process here on your beautiful planet Earth, as you call it...

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A Message from the Illuminations: The Third Order of Angels of the First Choir


Channeled by: Julie Miller December 29, 2011

Blessings dear ones. It gives me great pleasure to speak to all of you, not as the Archangel Sandalphon but as the Prince Regent of the Illuminations, which is the Third Order of Ang...

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HEAVEN #4012 Of Course, Generosity, November 19, 2011


God said:

Stay away from buying too many appurtenances. They take up too much of your time. Buying things can be a hobby, and when you finish, what will you occupy yourself with then?

You, who want so much say in your life, of...

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HEAVEN #3970 Rescue Yourself, October 8, 2011


God said:

When you are reacting, you are over-reacting. When you are upset, you have over-reacted. You made a situation something it wasn't really. There was a hint of something from the past, and you were reacting to the past...

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The Myth, the Hero and the Lie


20 September 2011

Teacher: Tom Kenyon

This is very lengthy...but on the bottom there is an exersice of how to integrate our shadow-self,which feels very effective to me.I hope that it may serve you, Love Johanna

The co...

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HEAVEN #3946 Under the Umbrella of God’s Love, September 14, 2011


God said:

Look at you, here in My arms. Look at you, under the umbrella of My love.

Look at you, walking the Earth, and revealing Me here. You are part of a parade of love. You are the marching band of My heart. You take Me wi...

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Faery energy to save the day! (but not for too long, as days rot after 3 weeks)


18 August 2011

Channeler: El Anora

Stand up soldier! Stay straight! Come on now, buck up! Man up! BAH, that’s not fun, that’s not life, that’s not love! Gentle we are, kind we are, fun we are, changeable we a...

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AA Metatron: The Total Supramental Arrival in Christ, The Truth


Channeler: Jean Luc Ayoun

Lord Metatron August 7, 2011

Ehieh. Asher. Ehieh. Véhuiah. Véhuiah. Véhuiah.

I am Metatron Lord and give thanks to your presence.

Seed Stars, thanks to y...

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Chance or Fate?


Wednesday, July 13, 2011  

Communiques is a channeled message from the One Mind and the One Thought, the only conscious that is the One. We would wish to be seen as you speaking to yourself. It is our hope and our intent...

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Message From Ishtar – The Return of the Divine Feminine


6 August 2011

Channeler: Inanna

O gentle and tender souls of your beloved Inanna's Ishtars heart Do not seek to sacrifice your sacred love in forsake of love This lioness does not so desire to slaughter or quell her ki...

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HEAVEN #3886 Let Us Not Forget Your Heart , July 16, 2011


God said:  

I cannot say enough how important you are. Important to Me and important to the world. And, yet, I do not want you to think about your importance very much, for that will make you feel self-conscious. Better to ...

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Eric Hansen’s Water Fuel Hydroxy Manifesto


Career mechanic, Eric W. Hansen, reveals his understanding of the hydroxy (HHO) technology, explaining how to use Frederick Well's plans to run an engine on nothing but water through resonance of the electrolysis cell chambers, as...

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