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Separation and Devotion by Archangel Uriel and Archangel Aurora

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 05/04/10

The Light of the Archangels and the Creator flows through our being now in your direction; we are transported to a great place of stillness and peace as this sacred light flows through our being. We hope that you are able to experience and open to our light also as we offer it to you with the purest quality of generosity and bounty. We are guardians of the Creator energy and the Angelic energy, therefore we are your guardians as you manifest as the Creator on the Earth.

The Creator’s love is abundant within all, we as Archangels are here to safeguard your Creator energy and encourage your immense source of Creator abundance until the time as a true realisation and manifestation occurs; until you accept yourself as the Creator wholly in body, soul, mind, emotions and consciousness. Allow us to be your bridge of connection, the light that inspires and energises you, guiding you forward to move from darkness, insecurity, separation and fear to unity, wholeness, love and peace. There is so much for you to discover as the Creator in manifestation on the Earth and the inner planes, and an abundance of energy and consciousness to accept and explore freely. Allow yourself to realise the intentions, actions and consciousness of separation in order to expand your energies and awaken the light of the Creator within you.
We are the united voice of Archangel Uriel and Archangel Aurora; we come to you as representatives of the Creator’s soul and hold numerous Creator qualities. We work closely with the sixth ray energies of the Creator, Master Lanto and of course the angelic kingdom. We are the carriers of the Creator’s qualities of devotion, truth, honesty and trust. These are such sacred qualities that all hold within them and yet because of their simplicity and power they can sometimes be neglected or ignored. While every soul holds the Creator’s qualities of devotion, truth, honesty and trust, not all place these qualities into actions within their realities or expand them beyond the pulsation of their hearts and souls. If this is achieved we see a tremendous alteration in the energy of a person, a new found power and a strength that is unbreakable. These qualities are connected to and manifest from the quality and energy of love, but they are such powerful qualities as they build a person’s connection with the Creator and allow an embodiment of the Creator. We wish for you to understand that it is your actions that energise and encourage your spiritual growth, holding a greater power sometimes than your spiritual practices and techniques. We must always remember that it is life itself that is a person’s process of growth and journey of connection with the Creator rather than their beliefs, practices and meditation level. This is so valuable to remember because we feel that as more and more people awaken on the Earth many are feeling as if they are being left behind or as if there is a mammoth learning process for them to achieve, but by focusing on your daily life you begin to realise that you are the Creator and that all that you desire for yourself is already within you. Allowing yourself to act with devotion, truth, honesty and trust throughout your day will allow you to achieve more than you could ever imagine spiritually because you will become these sacred qualities and therefore will return to your natural form of existing as the Creator.
When we hold the quality of devotion we can become devoted to our own needs, this is required in order to build our self belief and trust in our own intentions and connection with the Creator. Many people would see devotion to ones needs as a selfish act but when devotion manifest from love it is only a loving positive result that materialises. Devotion must also be placed with the Creator’s soul; to devote oneself to a unity with the Creator. Again this may be seen as a selfish act but by focusing on your connection with the Creator you are raising your vibration, realising your truth which is the Creator and inspiring or boosting the realisation within others. Devotion can also be placed in friends, family, loved ones, guides, the Earth and your reality around you. When devotion is placed in these areas we see devotion as an attachment of love. This form of devotion can seem generous and giving of yourself to others but in a different light it can also appear self-centred as there may be a sense of clutching to another for personal needs. We are analgising devotion in this way in the hope that you realise that devotion can come from a fear of separation. Devotion is to be attached where as separation is to be isolated. In our natural form we are the Creator and therefore one with all, but until we realise ourselves as the Creator we will feel the quality of separation within our lives, this is only natural and is a powerful learning process of growth. When devotion is born from love and from the soul of the Creator then its intentions and actions are pure but when devotion is born from separation this is when we can distract ourselves from our embodiment as the Creator. Our devotion must be a love for ourselves, the Creator and every soul around us whether we see them as good or bad through our perspective. A simple way of embodying the devotion of the Creator is to be conscious of acting with unconditional loving devotion throughout your day; this will actually dissolve fears, feelings, pains and limitations of separation.
As humans on the Earth separation is so powerful because your soul essence is contained within a physical matter, your mind is focused on physical matter all around you and your connection with the Creator seems distant because you have not yet realise how to recognise the Creator within and around you. If every person from their birth was taught or encouraged to recognise the energy, soul and consciousness of the Creator within everything around them then life on the Earth would be a completely different reality. Separation would be reduced and fear would be dissolved, love would be the power within and around all.
It is important to realise where you place the energy and quality of devotion and why you feel the quality of devotion. It is essential to realise where your devotions come from and to discover your understanding of separation with the Creator’s soul. Many people do not even realise that they feel a separation in their life because they disguise it with other qualities, emotions, situations and experiences. If we view devotion as unconditional love or an attachment that is loving but also free (meaning that the attachment can come and go without any upset building within you) then we are able to understand devotion more fully within our realities. When we speak of devotion we realise that devotion holds the qualities of truth, honesty and trust, these are divine Creator qualities that when embodied and enacted on the Earth allow a greater integration with the soul of the Creator. By stating these three qualities as separate and additional qualities to devotion we are emphasising their importance. To be honest and truthful are qualities that are taught to Earth children, but these qualities aren’t explored as fully as they could be. One could teach others to be honest with those around them and their self, to be honest with the Creator and to accept the honesty of the Creator, or to be truthful to others, with themselves, the Creator and to accept the truth of the Creator. These are such simple principals and yet they are not evaluated or enacted enough. Many people deceive themselves with the power of their mind and even conceal themselves from the Creator, as they are more fearful of acceptance of the truth than of separation from the truth. This is something that we wish for you to contemplate. Are your truthful and honest with yourself? Are you ready to accept the truth and honesty of the Creator?
A powerful energy which manifests from love and devotion is trust, this is something that we see so readily in the innocence of many children and yet trust can be discarded when one reaches adulthood. If we do not have trust in ourselves, in the Creator and those around us then we only have fear of ourselves, of the Creator and those around us, consequently we experience an enhanced emotion of separation and isolation. The quality of trust is a bond that builds bridges of light between people, energies, situations and yourself and the Creator. To trust is to live your life holding the Creator’s qualities of honesty and truth alongside love and devotion. I realise that I am encouraging you to analyse your own energies and that there will be many people who do not feel this is needed or appropriate but it is our wish to assist you in discovering more about yourself as this will aid your acceptance of the Creator within and around you.
To live your life with the innocence of a child is not to be weak or vulnerable but to hold a tremendous power within you, a connection and embodiment that is so pure and strong as it is an embodiment of the Creator’s soul. It is of most importance to be honest and truthful with yourself and those around you as this will allow you to place your devotion and trust where it is needed.
We ask that you begin your embodiment of the Creator by allowing us to channel into your being the four sacred qualities of the Creator that we have discussed with you today. You will discover that through the acceptance of these sacred qualities you will dissolve the barriers of separation between yourself and the Creator and replace them with a bridge of connection which will strengthen the more that you enact and radiate these qualities in your reality and existence on the Earth.
Allow yourself to sit peacefully and to gain a meditative state, trust that you are safe and protected. Then simply repeat the words that we offer you,
‘Beloved Archangel Uriel and Archangel Aurora, I honour your masculine and feminine angelic energies and invoke you to shower me in your loving light as you draw close around me. It is my desire to exist as an embodiment of the Creator on the Earth, I ask you to assist me in achieving this in a way that is appropriate for me. Please awaken the Creator presence within me and the Creator qualities of devotion, truth, honesty and trust, let these qualities shine brightly from my heart and soul, manifesting in my reality and through my actions in the purest of ways. I ask that you channel your energy deep into my soul, body and aura, let the light that you share with me flow directly from the Creator’s soul through you holding the sacred qualities of devotion, truth, honesty and trust.
I am Devotion, I am Truth, I am Honesty, I am Trust, I am the Creator.
Allow the energies of the Creator to flow freely overseen by Archangel Uriel and Archangel Aurora, Thank you, let blessings be.’
It is now time for you to sit in peace and allow yourself to be open to the energies within and around you.
Allow yourself to be constantly reminded of our words throughout your day and make a constant effort to enact our words within your reality as a process of growth and wholeness with the Creator.
We hope that our communication has been of benefit to you,
With eternal love,
Archangel Uriel and Archangel Aurora

Natalie Glasson, Wisdom of the Light, www.wisdomofthelight.com

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Operating Outside of the System’s Protocol

During the past several weeks I have stepped into levels of understanding about the nature of creation, taking me even further outside the normal protocols of reality as experienced by collective consciousness. Such interception has a profound effect on every action in one’s life even the most mundane of everyday actions. This is all relative of course as we all experience a shift in our reality as we are impacted by the minutest change.   

This becomes interesting as others will express to you that they understand what you mean or what you are experiencing yet you know that they don’t. How can that be determined? For myself I determine the possibility that such a person truly understand my current position simply by an observation of their action, by their language, their belief system and their thought process. This does not mean however that their experience is disqualified or of less value than mine but it simply means that we are on two different wavelength of experience.

The content of upcoming lectures clearly expresses the direction of information unfolding within me at this time. Many continue to wonder how it is that I am able to access this information and my response is generally the same, “I do not have a lid on what the potentials are, I am not afraid to see what it is that we are or how we were designed”. Now I do know that a number of people will be quick to say that they too do not have a lid on creation nor are they afraid to discover what it is that we are but their actions and their responses tell me otherwise. While I may not be from this neck of the woods in terms of Earth as we know it to be I am here just like you and I know what my objectives are at this time in the game and that would be to continue to spread out into forever but from an ever expanding consciousness instead of a sleeper.  

The issue is that humans are afraid of being disqualified from being what they think they are, but what I am showing is that yes consciousness is the ultimate force in charge but these bodies and this experience is a construct ran by cycles which operate like computer programs. Our universe is a system of program streams written to provide a specific kind of outcome or experience. However this can all be overridden if we will allow ourselves to truly examine the truth of what we currently are and what we continue to be unless we awaken. The engineering of this reality construct and programs are relentless and are cleverly written so no matter how you attempt to transcend them they loop you into yet another simulation.

Now let me engage you further in the new realizations that have come about in my consciousness.  Humans fear the thought of being insignificant or not special so concepts outside of our comfort zone of indoctrinations are quickly tossed aside for more comforting concepts. However it is the discovery of the kinds of information that we shy away from that actually hold the key. Throughout all historical texts pertaining to spirituality or human existence it is noted that very few will find the door at any one time in any given cycle of evolution. This conclusion becomes more evident each day as people scramble to hold on the old beliefs inserted into their minds and within the overall human program by more aware forces both on the planet and outside of our planet’s terrain.  I

t is necessary to recognize that all that we create in the name of technology is mirrored from the engineering of our own construct as physical beings. We are also mirroring the design formula of the universal system and all inclusive systems known as planets; galaxies, solar systems etc. The entire procession operates based on cycles to which we are tied. These cycles are on a timer which creates a domino effect of cycles from beyond zero point right through to this third dimension. However these cycles are program streams no different than a computer program. We naturally want immediately imagine that this spiral of cycles descending from beyond zero point is the totality of all creation; it is not! It is simply a separate program stream directly related to a specified reality with its own unique protocols. That program stream is coded based on a “what if” blueprint for a human being! Not every experience in core consciousness involves the model of a human being or the human experience. Therefore humans are generated from a specific set of programs. Who generates these programs? Well this is where system lords/engineers come into play or system architects. These are simply aspects of core consciousness operating at various levels of the descending program stream. They operate based on the original imagination of the “what if” consciousness; the processing of potentials and possibilities endlessly exploring itself.

Remember that all that exist are concepts.  The idea of a ruling God is derived from these engineers/architects. They however maintain their position while incorporating aspects of their consciousness into this experience we call the third dimension. These are the life forms on the planet we call human beings; the you and the me along with all forms of life on the planet including the planet itself!

In steps our obsession with Ascended Masters and guides. They are all programs coded into the general experience of the planet. Not only are they a program construct but they were incorporated during a certain cyclic shift in human evolution as watchers/guardians and regulators of reality as perceived by humans. Once humans made their way onto the planet operating from a diminished mindset in these physical bodies some thought it essential to position certain archetypes into the game experience. So we were wired/programmed with the savior/lord and master/god program which we hold dearly to at this time. This is perhaps the most limiting program designed for a human being. Next came the death program to which humans are wired.

Although these bodies are robotic and designed with a deeply rooted set of programs they can be overridden however the programming is so deeply rooted that one looks forward to an expiration at the end of a determined cycle. With the aid of much of these programmed inserts to which humans look for guidance in the past 15-20 years humans have been more strongly encouraged to look forward to the afterlife. A sudden surge of near death experiences were wired into the experience no different than the countless themes that have come and gone in these cyclic processions. Humans are more confident than ever that they should go towards the light. What is the light? This is another space of existence that one’s consciousness is ushered into. There was a surge of books and experiences by those having near death experiences and going towards the light, this allowed them to return and encourage others that it’s ok…it feels really good…go ahead and “expire”.

Well once again in this shrewd game with all of its trickery and twists and turns humans do not exist long enough in their bodies to override a certain set of programs which have their own expiration dates if only we could hang on long enough to acquire enough memory/knowledge. It is why you must “expire” so soon for this disallows you to discover more of what you can be. I will not bombard this article with the science to support my conclusions but I hope to share that aspect in upcoming lectures.

There are some that will disqualify what I am presenting and that is ok…you see the system counts on the fact that the majority will disregard this truth but I am providing it none the less for those who will recognize what it is that I am sharing; those who will find a resonance. Again you may ask how do I know these things, I will tell you this much I have not acquired this knowledge from channeling any external forces but rather from a place within me that maintains an aware existence in all potentials and in all pockets of that which exists and that which does not exist. I am technically no different than anyone. This is what I share with you and perhaps it is your time to move about in a more profound manner.

This kind of unfolding knowledge which I have touched on is not doubt shifting my life to OPERATING OUTSIDE OF THE SYSTEM’S PROTOCOL. This is challenging as things crumble around you yet you cannot reach for the same solutions for those solutions are only associated with who you were prior to this heightened level of understanding. So what do you do when your world seems to fall apart around you, well this is where you begin to reflect on the new knowledge and hold stead fast to knowing that you are becoming even more of a magician. You begin to recognize that you are entering a new field of thought and with that occurring a new reality must be created, new people, new concepts a new life. Is there fear? Yes because you are wondering into uncharted territory and it does not matter how many times you may have experienced a shift they are all different and where you end up will hopefully be different than the old patterns you left behind.

Although you will continue to observe the outer world the emotional impact of these disasters and survival displays and the general motion of the world is seen, felt and experienced differently. You do not pray for peace and you do not pray for unity but instead you see a reality/people that/who do not need to be saved but rather to be given compassion if that is felt and honor them for their bravery in being part of such an experience. We all graduate from many levels of experiences but we simply do not all discover the door at the same time. This is simply the nature of the game. I know that there are many preaching about humanity moving collectively towards a brighter day…well again this is all based on perception so there will be collective shifts into various constructs and concepts of existence and none will be the wiser as to their advancements or setbacks. Yes that’s the nature of the game, wherever you lay your hat is truly your home so why would you question anything. What I have learned is that you keep moving…moving in unlimited awareness, no limiting belief systems, no ritualistic practices that keep you trapped for years without you adding dimension to those practices.

I do hope that I was able to bring a bit more clarity to the direction of information that I will be presenting as I gain even more insight into an even more profound level of awareness yet to come.

©2010 Sonia Barrett

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Keys to Higher Consciousness: Interpreting your Life as Symbol

Channeler: DL Zeta

An important part of opening to channel is sharpening your skill at interpreting the downloads you receive. There's a part of you that works at the subconscious level to transfer the energetic impulses of a download into words and images that hold meaning for you.

This part of you will use your knowledge, understandings and experiences to help you translate the information you channel. The conscious mind of a channel routinely colors and filters the information received. The less filtering and coloring of intuitive downloads, the more “pure” the channel. The more adept you are at understanding symbols, the less you need to work with channeled information from a conscious perspective. It in other words, once you're able to consciously understand symbols, your inner translator is able to give you raw, unedited downloads encoded in symbols. By becoming fluent in the messages your inner translator sends you, you become adept at the language of your subconscious -- the language of your soul.

This fluency over time helps you become telepathic with your higher self. It can be compared to learning a person’s native language in order to gain deeper insights into who they are and what they are about. It’s easy to see how this fluency is more productive that using gestures and broken sentences to get your message across. Fluency allows you to better understand the context and subtle meanings contained in a message. It is not unlike remembering and interpreting your nightly dreams. As you look at each person, each location, each object in a dream, you expand your understanding and the subtle complexities of the message reveal themselves to you.

To become adept in the language of your soul, practice remembering and interpreting your nightly dreams. In addition, at the end of each day, write down happenings of your day that stand out in your mind and interpret these just as you would the images of your nightly dreams. Both practices will yield important information and insights for your daily life. They will also help you develop an ongoing dialog with your higher self and become adept at understanding the downloads it sends you.

Excerpt from Channeling into the Next Dimension: A Handbook for Opening Your Psychic Senses by DL Zeta & Peter Phalam http://www.celestialvision.org/channeling-into-the-next-dimen/
For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.com/

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Born Again, and Again, and Again…

by Owen Waters

Have you ever wondered how many incarnations make up a complete set of human experience here on earth? To many, the answer comes as quite a shock.

The older you get in this life, the closer you come to gaining mastery over the main lessons of this particular life. These are lessons that you planned at a soul level before you were born. When you look back on your life, it sometimes seems that it all went by in a flash.It seems like just yesterday that you were still young enough to feel like you knew a lot about life. Now you’re older, and you’ve learned much more since, it become obvious that there’s a whole lot more to human life than anyone can learn or experience in one short incarnation.

When I lived in Los Angeles in the 1980’s, I used to look forward to visiting a past life regressionist every Tuesday afternoon. Once a week for several months, I’d be guided into a deep, altered state and recall scenes from whichever past life my soul consciousness wanted me to discover next.

Eventually, after many weeks, the novelty wore off, but I was always amazed at the wide variety of experiences that I’ve been through to build a good understanding of the experience of being a physical human on Planet Earth.

Gaining a wide-ranging experience of all the varieties of human living with its triumphs and failures takes a lot more than one life. Typically, a complete tour of human experience on earth takes 288 incarnations.

That’s a shocker, isn’t it?

Here we are, living in a culture which, for the most part, believes that this one life is all there is. Meanwhile, the real situation is that we’ve been around the wheel of reincarnation more times than we care to remember.

Here’s why there are as many as 288 lives in a complete set of human experience. There are twelve astrological signs and twelve stages of reincarnatory life experience. These stages of experience range all the way from ‘Inexperienced Human’ to ‘Mastery of the Human Experience.’ So far, that amount of variety requires 12 times 12, or 144, lives.

Then, there is the need to experience both the yin and yang versions of everything, which is typically achieved by making the choice to be either male or female for each incarnation. When you multiply 144 times 2, it equals 288.

Sooner or later, the young and inexperienced soul becomes, in human terms, an ‘old soul.’ Then, they start tying up the loose ends in their own history of experiences in preparation for graduation into the next stage of experience in the long and fascinating journey back to the ultimate source from which we all came.


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Owen Waters is the author of "Freedom of the Spirit: Four Powerful Steps to Spiritual Freedom". This deeply insightful e-book combines some of today's most proven and time-tested spiritual practices into one powerful and effective package.

Available for immediate download at:

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March 2010 – Finding Your Peace Within Chaos

The theme for the month of March is Chaos.

March is a month of seeming contradiction. You are perhaps familiar with the adage that March “comes in like a lion and out like a lamb”? This is a reference to weather but could also be applied to the winds of change permeating your very existence. In other words, what appears calm on the surface is seething and roiling underneath, and what appears chaotic is in actuality forming a new, more stable foundation.

Let us examine our theme of Chaos. When defined, one finds that chaos is in actuality quite structured.  In other words, it is unpredictability within a highly defined and perhaps rigid set of rules. Would you not say that this is your world, in part? In your universe there are certain rules within which, at times, there is certain unpredictability. Even the very appearance of individuals within the human race is subject to this: there is a general set of ‘rules’ (DNA structure, for example) within which there are endless – and seemingly unpredictable – variations. Chromosomal abnormalities. Cancer markers that are never triggered into actual cancer. Endless variations in size, color, personality and other peculiarities of the human manifestation that don’t seem subject to any rules. This is the hallmark of your world – this seeming contradiction – yet many of you have endless difficulty with the fluidity of choices available to you at any given time.

This seeming contradiction is part of what is going to be becoming stronger and more apparent as time goes by. How will this manifest in ways easily perceivable?

Physical manifestation of energetic chaos

1. Increased weather “events”. We have talked before about climate changes and extreme weather, have we not? You may expect, subject to region, further such extreme events over many areas, some widespread.  Drought is beginning this month across parts of India, Africa, and the southwestern part of the US. At the same time, extra precipitation is expected across much of western and southern Europe, the South Pacific, the central and Eastern US, the Caribbean, and much of South America. This precipitation could arise in the form of hurricane-like weather. Or other extreme events.

2. Earthquakes and volcanic activity. As above, so below. Look for increased visibility and awareness of Pacific Rim (especially the South Pacific, also possibly Alaska) activity this month as well as isolated earthquakes in areas not generally known for them (central US, eastern Europe). It is likely that a fairly devastating quake takes place in a populated area within the next 60-90 days.

3. Discoveries of genetic aberrations or new species are likely to be found in the animal kingdom. Animals and plants are, of course, subject to this chaotic energy as are people and the earth as a whole. While it is true that the animals, plant, and mineral kingdoms respond to such change with greater apparent aplomb, change affects all. What will be likely, then, are overt and tangible effects to the energetic shifts, resulting the “new” species, flocks of “deformed” species found regionally, or other similar discoveries.

Intrapersonal manifestation of energetic chaos

1. People “snapping.” This can be on a low level (increased arguments between spouses and children) or on a wider level (employees ‘going postal’, random attacks, mob situations, etc). It can be helpful to remember that this is occurring worldwide, not just in your neighborhood, and that the statistical likelihood of being a part of such an occurrence is relatively low. If this is a fear for you, please try the following:

Standing near a table or waist high horizontal surface, stand with feet hip width apart while your hands rest on this surface.

Take a moment to breathe and remember your particular fears surrounding this potential occurrence. Imagine while you do so that the charkas in your hands and feet are opening fully to embrace the energy of your planet: your home, the Earth. 

Feel the enormous loving energy pouring in to you now through your hands and feet. Your hands may feel warm and tingling. Feel the pulsating aliveness of your planet, the place you call home and that you, along with billions of others, are creating. Feel the love inherent in this energy of your creation. Feel the safety inherent in this energy of your creation.

Draw this energy, along with the live connected to it, up through your hands, feet, arms, and legs. Allow the energy to meet and mix in your root chakra. Feel your center of consciousness drop a few inches as you do so. Feel any tightness on your heart area now dissipate. Feel the immense sense of perpetual, eternal safety wrap your being in a soft, warm blanket. Feel how this sense of safety was created by you, along with billions of others, in the creation of your world as you know it to be. Remember that you carry with you a bubble that includes this sense of safety and protection.

Feel it now and rest in your ability to re-create this sense any time you wish.

2. Relationship hurdles. This is a huge month of growth for people involved in all sorts of relationships.  Long-held patterns may be released this month. Expect things to re-surface so they can be released.

Welcome these issues rather than attempting to submerge them again.

Those who are less self-aware will have greater difficulties relationship-wise this month, but if it is your practice to be aware of these patterns, then you should have little difficulty allowing them to simply drift away into the winds of change that surround you. Understanding, too, that any seeming surface disruption is for many a sign of healing underneath that is long-lasting and permanent in nature. This relates to all sorts pf relationships, from intimate connections to family dynamics to work relationships, as well as the relationship to Self that each of you possesses. Again, look for outward conflict as a sign of inner healing and change.

3. Spiritual depth. For those of you seeking greater self awareness, this is a month in which you can easily accelerate your growth. We would caution against becoming stuck in linear terms to describe such growth (‘evolving’, ‘moving forward’, ‘ascension’, etc), but at the same time there are exponential possibilities this month that will allow you great enhancement of whatever path you are presently choosing and such terms can be useful in this manner.

Practices to assist in flowing with, not against, the energy of Chaos

You can, of course, enhance your sensation of flow in relation to the energy that is around you at this time. This is not, of course, to allow you to “control” your experience or outcome, but is more designed to help you feel movement in a pleasurable way.

1. Practice an energy movement exercise. This could be tai chi, qigung, or some forms of yoga or meditation – anything where energy is consciously and deliberately moved through the body. This is very much a month in which to let go of conscious thought and allow your other wisdom (of the body, of the soul) to surface. Even if you have mental resistance against such exercises – and we would suggest daily use to enhance the effects – this is a case where “just doing it” is the most helpful approach. A side benefit, of course, is that after 30 days of such practice is becomes a habit, which in our perception would only continue to be beneficial.

2. Drink water. More than ever, this is an important practice. Pure, filtered water, preferably from a source local to you, is best. A liter per 50 pounds of body weight.

3. Breathe. Again, this is such a basic practice that is welcome at any time. Try simply breathing as fully as possible when you first awaken. Not only are you more relaxed at this time, making it easier to actually “get” a full, deep breath, but it will help create the tone for the day and energize and fully awaken your body. Spending 3-4 minutes in contemplative, deep breathing upon awakening will greatly enhance your abilities to flow with this month’s energy.

In addition to these practices, we suggest going within to seek answers to long-held questions. We are, of course, available to those who seek our advice and will continue to make our presence known to an ever-increasing number, but we also support your abilities to seek the inner guidance that is always inside you.

May you rest in the seeming contradictions.

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What’s the first thing you notice …

Greetings Dre',

What's the first thing you notice when you are enjoying a State of Gratitude?

Give yourself a deep breath, relax the eyes and feel the warmth of an awakened Heart glowing inside.

This is what I notice, what happens for me.  Perhaps you experience something similar, too?  Maybe a wholly unique set of experiences unfolds when you are living in a state of Gratitude.
Now, let's understand this:  Each of us has a unique way of accessing this state.  We have our own set of steps, an inner path that leads us to a place of perfection, ecstasy and pure possibility.

So how did I come to recognize this pathway into the landscape of pure possibility?

Through our growing global network of Change Agents, we were connected to Devon White -- founder of Spiral Entrepreneurs, creator of the Human Operating System, and member of our Go Gratitude family.

You know when you meet someone for the first time, and feel like you've known them for All Time?  It is like this with Devon White.

Devon is a true brother of the Heart.  Over the course of a few weeks, we began a discourse on our shared paths, awakening the inner genius, what it takes to truly make a difference in the world and how we can support one another's missions to make this vision a reality.

One thing led to another and Devon flew out to meet with us -- face to face and heart to heart.

Until spending a few days with Devon recently, and listening to his powerful meditation, the Inner Game, I was unaware of HOW I reached this state.  I just knew I was there.
In a powerfully moving, soul sparking session, Devon guided me through an awakening: a conscious journey along the path I use to enter center and live in Gratitude.  At the end, a flood of tears flowed freely and a powerful feeling of ecstasy breathed through my entire being.  Devon calls this the Default state.

What is the Default state?
A state of total possibility, the deepest and most powerful form of who we are born to BE.

Many of us recognize this state, experiencing it as a wave: sometimes in the flow, at other times remembering to return to this flow state.  Many more are able able to trigger this state AT WILL, and are now seeking to stabilize the experience of accessing the True Self -- the Default state -- in every moment, at anytime, anywhere.

Meditation, conscious intent and a habit of choosing to Go Gratitude have all facilitated a deepened mastery of living from center - our natural born Default state.

Theologue by Alex Grey
In addition to these daily practices, we now have another tool to enrich our lives, access the inner genius and fully live our authentic Truth.  Thank you, Devon. Thank you!

It has impacted our lives, our mission, and our forward motion in such a deep and profound way, we're excited and honored to make the Inner Game available to you, our Beloved family of Gratitude!
Simply click on the link below to download and begin your journey into the Inner Game.  Enjoy the experience of being able to access the Default state, AT WILL, anytime and any place!

 In alignment with our deeply held belief that *everyone* will be empowered, inspired and will benefit from this tool, we're offering it on a "Choose your own price" basis.

Normally, the Inner Game, goes for $147. We recognize each of us lives at various stages of financial freedom, and it is our intent to get this into as many hands (and hearts!) as possible, so we are leaving the offering amount up to you.

Whatever this may be, the choice yours.
Most importantly, just do it!  Give yourself the gift of moving inward and onward, outward and upward with full access to your Inner Genius and the Default State.

What better gift can you give to the world, to your family, to YOU?

We're excited to hear about your experiences, insights and ah-ha's! ... and look forward to sharing more programs, gifts and opportunities that continue to surface as we collectively choose to embody our True Selves, and in short:

Go Gratitude!
Many blessings and a heart hug to all!

in Love and Gratitude,

Stacey Robyn
and the ground crew of Go Gratitude!

p.s.  Everything is energy.  Our symbol of Gratitude is a reflection of this, an energetic gateway to Love.  We call it the Inner 'G'.  Inner Gratitude = Inner Game.

So, why is mastering our Inner Game vital?

The True Self is endowed with the gift of Creation.  Each and every one of us has this.  It is simply up to each of us HOW we will use it, and to accept Responsibility for what we create in the world.

Will we use it to honor and empower one another?  To co- create a Loving world where all Life (including Mother Earth) is nurtured and respected?  To fully embody our True Self, allowing our inner genius to birth a world that works for everyone?

This is a choice each of must make.  One Heart at a time ... we are coming together, in responsible action, to make a difference. For this generation, for our children, our childrens children ... unto the seventh generation.

Let's come together and play the Inner Game ... the time is NOW, Beloveds.  The time is NOW!

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Seeing the Edge of Visibility


Most men are within a finger’s breadth of being mad.

~ Diogenes the Cynic


This comment was shared with me by a dear friend of mine in Boston around me trying to further understand my artwork and where it comes from, I think we have a good lead here.

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Omega Comm. No. 350

Date: September 07, 2006

Time: Thursday Afternoon (1pm)

Begin as usual by visualising a disc of light beneath your feet, a circular energy disc. More and more this becomes important to clear your energy field and to assist you to be in your own space, separate from everything that is happening around you and in the world. The energy warms the soles of your feet and then rises up through the soles of your feet into all of you and around you so that you sense you are enclosed in a column of energy.

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