Tag: physics (page 1 of 12)

The Quantum Resolution – And I Saw A New Heaven And A New Earth Well, It’s About Time… – Volume III #QR-02a

The Quantum Resolution Series. Readings: NEW TESTAMENT (KJV): Revelations 21: 1-7, LESSON 308: This Instant Is The Only Time There Is., SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: September 2002: The Chronic Complaint, TEXT: CHAPTER 1: Revelation, Time And Miracles [para 6],...

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The Quantum Resolution – A Joyous Entanglement With Jesus – Volume II #QR-01b

The Quantum Resolution Series. Readings: NEW TESTAMENT (KJV): Romans 7: 12-25, NEW TESTAMENT (KJV): Matthew 21:22, LESSON 235: God In His Mercy Wills That I Be Saved., ENTANGLEMENT: The Greatest Mystery In Physics: Page 27: Heisenberg's Uncertainty Pri...

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Ideas About Our Embryonic Stem Cells At Stanford University School Of Medicine – A Major Change In Our Space And Time – Episode II #SCHA-02b

The Stem Cell Healing Activation Series. Readings: WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT: To A Waterfowl, NATURE MAGAZINE: June 2006: Scientists Find Key To Stem Cell Immortality, ROBERT W. SERVICE: The Cremation Of Sam McGee, OUT OF TIME JOURNAL: Page 12: The Natural...

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The Joy Of The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle #GE-01

The Great Experiment Series. Readings: ENTANGLEMENT: The Greatest Mystery In Physics: Page 27: Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, TEXT: CHAPTER 21: Introduction [para 1-2], ENTANGLEMENT: The Greatest Mystery In Physics: Page 27: Heisenberg's Uncertain...

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I Am Sustained By The Love Of God – Entanglement: The Greatest Mystery In Physics #ET-04

The Entangled Teleportation Series. Readings: WORKBOOK: Part II: What Is Sin? [para 1-5], TEXT: CHAPTER 21: Introduction [para 1], SCIENCE ARTICLE: Understanding The Cosmos: Milky Way, Island Universe,, LESSON TITLES 41-50, TEXT: CHAPTER 19: The Fourth...

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I Am Sustained By The Love Of God – Entanglement: The Greatest Mystery In Physics – Episode II #ET-04

I Am Sustained By The Love Of God - Entanglement: The Greatest Mystery In Physics - Episode II #ET-04Watch at themasterteacher.tvThe Entangled Teleportation Series. Readings: WORKBOOK: Part II: What Is Sin? [para 1-5], TEXT: CHAPTER 21: Introduct...

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The Undoing Of Fear – Forgiveness Is The Action Of A Double Negative – Episode I #PL-07a

The Undoing Of Fear - Forgiveness Is The Action Of A Double Negative - Episode I #PL-07aWatch at themasterteacher.tvThe Power of Light Series. Readings: SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: The Edge Of Physics: Negative Energy Wormholes And Warp Drive [para 1-3],...

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Tesla’s Anti-Gravity Research in Use in Dozens of Secretive Military Projects

Just Up Ahead...and Right on Schedule -- Sirian High Council -- Patricia Cori

Christina Sarich, Staff WriterDoctor Richard Boylan, and numerous others have already let the cat out of the bag when it comes to anti-gravity space flight, so why do Boeing and Lockheed, two of America’s largest military industrial contractors, and the recipient of trillions in tax payer ‘black budget’ dollars still hide that they are operating at least 12 anti-gravity aerospace platforms?It seems that Boeing hides this advanced aerospace technology [...]

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High-Energy Cosmic Neutrinos Observed At The Geographic South Pole

An team of international experts has announced a new observation of high-energy neutrino particles using an instrument funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The particles from beyond our galaxy have been detected at the geographic South Pole, using a massive instrument buried deep in ice.The scientists from the IceCube Collaboration, a research team with headquarters at the Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, pub [...]

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The World Of Quantum Physics: EVERYTHING Is Energy

by John Assaraf,Nobel Prize winning physicists have proven beyond doubt that the physical world is one large sea of energy that flashes into and out of being in milliseconds, over and over again.Nothing is solid.This is the world of Quantum Physics.They have proven that thoughts are what put together and hold together this ever-changing energy field into the ‘objects’ that we see.So why do we see a person instead of a flashing cluster of energy?Think of a movie [...]

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Rare Quartet of Quasars Found in the Early Universe

This image shows a rare view of four quasars, indicated by white arrows, found together by astronomers using the Keck Observatory in Hawaii. The bright galactic nuclei are embedded in a giant nebula of cool, dense gas visible in the image as a blue haze. Hennawi & Arrigoni-Battaia, MPIA

Excerpt from smithsonian.com

The odds of success would make a Vegas bookie sit up and take notice. But in a one-in-10 million chance, astronomers surveying the sky have found a group of four tightly packed quasars in one of the most distant parts of the universe. The rare grouping may be a nascent galaxy cluster, and its unusually cold cradle of gas could prompt a re-think of how we model the early universe.

Quasars are among the brightest objects known—according to NASA, each one gives off more energy than 100 mature galaxies combined. But quasars are found only in the far reaches of the universe and can't be seen with the naked eye. Because of the time it takes light to travel that far, detecting such distant objects is akin to seeing back in time, so astronomers think quasars are the seeds of young galaxies, powered by gases falling into the supermassive black holes at their cores. As matter falls inward and gets close to the speed of light, it emits radiation that we can pick up with telescopes.

The quasar phase doesn't last long, only about a thousandth of a galaxy's lifetime. After that, the brightness dies down as the inflow of matter slows, says study leader Joseph Hennawi, an astrophysicist at the Max Planck Institute in Germany. Seeing any two quasars close together while they are still bright is a chancy business, so his team wasn't sure what they'd find when they set out to survey quasars using the W.M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii. To their surprise, they quickly pinpointed four of them in close proximity, cosmically speaking. The quartet is huddled up in an area of sky less than 600,000 light-years across that sits about 10 billion light-years from Earth.

"The authors found it by investigating the environment of just 29 bright quasars," says Michele Trenti, a senior lecturer at the University of Melbourne's School of Physics. "So at face value it seems like winning the lottery with a handful of tickets."
That's not all that was strange about this quasar quartet. The foursome was found inside a cloud of cold, dark gas, and the team's observations suggest that similar clouds surround about 10 percent of the tens of thousands of known quasars. That's odd, because according to current theories, quasars in groups like this should be surrounded by hot plasma, or ionized gas, at a temperature of about 10 million degrees.

“What this means is that there is some physical process that the models aren’t capturing,” says Hennawi, whose team reports the discovery this week in Science.

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Astrophysicists Can Now Make Weather Forecasts For Distant Planets

Exoplanet day/night cycle
Cloudy mornings and scorching hot afternoons: the Kepler space telescope has provided weather forecasts for some distant exoplanets.

Excerpt from techtimes.com

A telescope observing distant planets has found evidence of weather patterns, allowing astrophysicists to "forecast" their conditions.

Analyzing data from NASA's Kepler space telescope, a team of astrophysicists at universities in Canada and Great Britain has identified signs of daily weather variations on six exoplanets.
They observed phase variations as different parts of the planets reflected light from their host stars, in much the same way that our moon cycles though different phases.

"We determined the weather on these alien worlds by measuring changes as the planets circle their host stars, and identifying the day-night cycle," said Lisa Esteves from the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of Toronto.

"We traced each of them going through a cycle of phases in which different portions of the planet are illuminated by its star, from fully lit to completely dark," added Esteves, who the led the team on the study.

The scientists have offered up "forecasts" of cloudy mornings for four of the planets, and clear but scorching hot afternoons on two others.

They based their predictions on the planets' rotations, which produce an eastward motion of their atmospheric winds. That would blow clouds that formed over the cooler side of one of the planets around to its morning side — thus producing the "cloudy" morning forecast.

"As the winds continue to transport the clouds to the day side, they heat up and dissipate, leaving the afternoon sky cloud-free," said Esteves. "These winds also push the hot air eastward from the meridian, where it is the middle of the day, resulting in higher temperatures in the afternoon."

The Kepler telescope has proven to be the ideal instrument for studying phase variations on distant exoplanets, according to the researchers.

The massive amounts of data and the extremely precise measurements that the telescope is capable of permits them to detect even tiny, subtle signals coming from the distant world, and to separate them from the almost overwhelming light coming from their host stars.

"The detection of light from these planets hundreds to thousands of light years away is on its own remarkable," said co-author Ernst de Mooij from the Astrophysics Research Centre from the School of Mathematics and Physics at Queen's University, Belfast.
"But when we consider that phase cycle variations can be up to 100,000 times fainter than the host star, these detections become truly astonishing."

There may come a day when a weather report for a distant planet is a common and unremarkable event, the researchers added.
"Someday soon we hope to be talking about weather reports for alien worlds not much bigger than Earth, and to be making comparisons with our home planet," said Ray Jayawardhana of York University in England.

This study was published in The Astrophysical Journal.

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Consciousness Does Not Compute (and Never Will), Says Korean Scientist

Daegene Song's research into strong AI could be key to answering fundamental brain science questions Excerpt from prnewswire.com Within some circles in the scientific community, debate rages about whether computers will achieve technological singulari...

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