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Message from the Masters, April 10, 2012


Message from Dr. Meg:

Online Messages April 10, 2012

Greetings to each of you. What wild times we are in! What perfect yet intense changes everyone is going through! I apologize for the delay in this transmission. I have been ...

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Johan Open Sourcing His Solid State Free Energy Charger


My daughter, Hailee, in an electric Jeep toy similar to the one Johan's daughter was riding, but that one was said to be recharged by free energy.


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Angel of March is Trust


By Kathy

Inspirational Message

Move from a place of knowing within you rather than as a result of adaptation to outer experience. Let go of you assumptions and need to control life's creative process. It does not ma...

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First Initiatory Gateway of Light ~ The Birth of Christ

First Initiatory Gateway of Light ~ The Birth of Christ

One and a half hour tele/webinar conference session

Anrita Melchizedek and the Elders

Saturday January 21st – 7pm GMT/UTC, 11am PST, 2pm EST London/Lisbon 7pm, Johannesburg 9pm, LA 11am, New York 2pm, Sydney 6am (January 22nd)

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NESARA History – True Story

{mainvote} This is a repost... EagleEyes   Tuesday, August 31, 2010 Fourwinds10 With all their power and money the bankers thought themselves to be above the law, but cracks were now appearing in their foundations. Angry Americans were beginning...

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Part I: Was US Spy Drone Captured by Iranian Flying Saucer?


Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, an Iranian scientist and engineer, claims that an Iranian flying saucer technology he developed was used to capture the Sentinel drone about which the mainstream media has been reporting. Does Iran have a space ...

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Have the Weather Rangers been keeping hurricanes away?


David Wells' weather modification researchers apparently have been quietly using their inexpensive, homemade devices to steer and diminish hurricanes. Alberto Feliciano in Puerto Rico appears to have the best position for facilita...

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Request to remove/modify interview with Richard Hoagland

Today I have received a request via email from Mensur Omerbashich (omerbashich [omerbashich@gmail.com]) to remove the interview with Richard Hoagland (Richard C. Hoagland - Comet Elenin as a Time Capsule, Norway Attack & The Messengers of Horus)...

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European Parliament issues warnings on HAARP


Zandt Communications Network, March 22, 2011 http://news.exopoliticsinstitute.org/index.php/archives/1126

“HAARP is a project of which the public is almost completely unaware, and this needs to be remedied.”


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Seeds for Growth by Lady Mary

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 05/07/10

The warmest and deepest of loving blessings extends from my soul to all of creation on the Earth. My fondness and devotion for the Earth and its humanity is abundant and ...

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Mission 1017 Explained!

In the great game of creation you are a Wayshower. In this position you are contracted by higher intelligences to manifest constituency. Wayshowers are to integrate one million followers into the space of the fifth dimensional awareness upon the Solar Alignment of Arcturus.
The Arcturian Alignment is the first major move of the Wayshowers in the game to create the new world of the Fifth Sun. At this point of time and space Ultraviolet is the most powerful cosmic energy stream of the Galaxy. The highest intelligences of this Universe through our twin universe record that an Ultraviolet beam of energy will enter this planet through the Arcturian Doorway. At this Libra 24 point in alignment with Arcturus this stream will invoke a massive increase in fifth dimensional light transmission. The planet will experience and pass through a highly charged membrane of photons which will expand, intensify and increase all thoughts, feelings and actions.

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Omega Comm. No. 350

Date: September 07, 2006

Time: Thursday Afternoon (1pm)

Begin as usual by visualising a disc of light beneath your feet, a circular energy disc. More and more this becomes important to clear your energy field and to assist you to be in your own space, separate from everything that is happening around you and in the world. The energy warms the soles of your feet and then rises up through the soles of your feet into all of you and around you so that you sense you are enclosed in a column of energy.

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