Tag: perceptions (page 2 of 5)

Changing Perception of Realities


Channeler: Suzan Caroll Ph.D


Changing Perception of Realities

It was April 26th, 2012. My husband was driving us along the coast next to the ocean. We ‘d had a wonderful, relaxing trip and there was beautiful ...

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7 Soul Perceptions of Spiritual Awakening

Keys to Soul Evolution book excerpt      Telepathic channeling from Simion We are Simion, The Evolutionary Collective. The ability to sense with your soul perceptions will evolve with practice and at first involves a great deal of trust in senses t...

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Cosmic Awareness Newsletter 2012-01


7 March 2012

Channeler: Will Berlinghof

Well...Anasazi1 just made me realize that there was no Cosmic Awareness message posted here recently,so here's the most recent one avaiable right one,as the CAC newsletter is for mem...

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The Pleiadian High Council: The Cosmos is Written into your DNA


Feb 29

Thanks to Lisa (Wolfke74) for the Image

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

We of the Divine order of Ascended souls who have assigned ourselves to the Earth task for the purposes of seeing the ascension of this beau...

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Pleiadian High Consuls "Just So You Know"


7 February 2012


3rd Dimensional Pleiadians: Two arms, two legs, body, head; the Pleiadian ears are somewhat lower than yours, but Pleiadians are so much genetically like you that they consider you to be t...

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What You Put Out Is What You Get Back by Deborah Sorkin, MD


Your Thoughts, Every Thought has the Potentiality to Manifest into Form. Energy modulated by thought, word, deed or action is a dynamic exchange of information.

Resonance provides the mechanism for this dynamic exchange. Very ...

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Happy New Year 2011

I was the kid next door’s imaginary friend. – Emo Phillips

This is the last piece of artwork for 2010. “SVENJK” here is how I am feeling going out this year.  With fullness, gratitude and luck.  I think this spirit mantra is my new years resolution it has the essence and encoding of what and who I am choosing to be written all over it, literally all over it.

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The Sirian Councils of Light, Coming to a One Tone


Ray Dawn

Hello to you, We are from the Sirian Councils of Light and Truth Eternal. We are here to be with you in sharing of our knowledge together. We are here to bring upliftments, it is in order. We w...

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WHEN THE STRING BREAKS (HD) | Seth’s Body of Visual Art ‘95-2010

Don’t forget to love yourself. ~ Soren Kierkegaard



Seth Dennon’s Body of Visual Digital Artwork 1995 thru 2010

    Animation of selected visual artworks from 1995 thru 2010  by  Seth Dennon. This animation mostly contains digital work, 268 pieces to be exact presented in a 10 minute animated piece set to a techno beat. It includes most work from the following series of works:

The Early Works

The Middle Works

The Galactic Federation of Light Series

Arch Faces Series

Fractal Beings Series

If you follow my work it tells a very interesting story within the animation, sit back and let the art speak to you!

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When the String Breaks! – Artworks of Seth Dennon Animation

Art is science made clear. ~ Jean Cocteau


When the Strings Breaks is an animation of selected visual artworks from 1995 thru 2010. by me, Seth. This mostly contains digital work (some 268 pieces) I could cram into 10minutes. If you follow my work, it tells a very interesting story with the animation, sit back and let the art speak to you and let me know what story comes to you in the comments.

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When the String Breaks! – Artworks of Seth Dennon Animation

Art is science made clear. ~ Jean Cocteau


When the Strings Breaks is an animation of selected visual artworks from 1995 thru 2010. by me, Seth. This mostly contains digital work (some 268 pieces) I could cram into 10minutes. If you follow my work, it tells a very interesting story with the animation, sit back and let the art speak to you and let me know what story comes to you in the comments.

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Joyful, Joyful Life!

a message from Goddess of Creation channeled by Shelly Dressel

Sunday, 18 July, 2010  (posted 30 July, 2010)

 As with so many of the Goddess's channels, this one is filled with many di...

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Participate in the Light Coming: the time is NOW

a message from Meredith Murphy

Thursday, 8 July, 2010  (posted 9 July, 2010)

Qualities of the New Earth 

Hello you beautiful beings, and friends, members of the Family of Light.

I c...

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