Tag: oneness (page 1 of 14)

The Production Of The Story Of A Course In Miracles – A Lesson In Integral Yoga An Adventure In Space-Time ‘On Location’ Lesson 170 ‘There Is No Cruelty In God And None In Me’ – Oneness University – Episode II #JWD-04

The Journey Without Distance Series. Readings: OUT OF TIME JOURNAL: Page 37: The Illuminate Spiritual Genius Of Sri Aurobindo, VREKHAM: Beyond The Human Species [Excerpt], LESSON 170: There Is No Cruelty In God And None In Me, VREKHAM: Beyond The Human...

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The Production Of The Story Of A Course In Miracles – The Oneness University Episode #JWD-03

The Journey Without Distance Series. Readings: LESSON 163: There Is No Death. The Son Of God Is Free., LESSON 167: There Is One Life And That I Share With God

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Mike Quinsey ~ Channeling his Higher Self ~ 30 March 2018


Mike Quinsey ~ Channeling his Higher Self ~ 30 March 2018

The vibrations are picking up quite quickly and are already having an effect that

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I Am The One Self United With My Creator – Celebrating The Homecoming Of The Teachers Of God – The Oneness University Episode #FR-05

I Am The One Self United With My Creator - Celebrating The Homecoming Of The Teachers Of God - The Oneness University Episode #FR-05Watch at themasterteacher.tvThe Final Revision Series. Readings: LESSON 182: I Will Be Still An Instant And Go Home...

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The Production Of The Story Of A Course In Miracles – A Lesson In Integral Yoga- An Adventure In Space-Time ‘On Location’ – Lesson 170 ‘There Is No Cruelty In God And None In Me’ – Oneness University – Episode II #JWD-04

The Production Of The Story Of A Course In Miracles - A Lesson In Integral Yoga- An Adventure In Space-Time 'On Location' - Lesson 170 'There Is No Cruelty In God And None In Me' - Oneness University - Episode II #JWD-04Watch at themasterteacher....

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The Production Of The Story Of A Course In Miracles – The Light Of Love Is Our Key To Happiness – The Oneness University Episode #JWD-03

The Production Of The Story Of A Course In Miracles - The Light Of Love Is Our Key To Happiness - The Oneness University Episode #JWD-03Watch at themasterteacher.tvThe Journey Without Distance Series. Readings: LESSON 163: There Is No Death. The S...

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Who is Jesus to Ascended Consciousness?

By: Robert Burney"Jesus was a perfect Spiritual Being, a direct extension/manifestation from the ONENESS that is the God/Goddess Energy, having a human experience - just as we all are perfect Spiritual Beings having a human experience.""This Master Teacher was known as Jesus the Christ. The man Jesus was a perfect child of the Goddess and God energy - just as we all are perfect children of the God-Force!"This messenger added the most powerful ingredient to the process. He brought us our sec [...]

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The Unstoppable Awakening of Humanity

by Zen GardnerWe’re undergoing an amazing transformation. Absolutely diametrically opposed to the constant, gradual attempt by elitists to shut down humanity via eons of engineered subjugation, we’re being consciously and vibrationally liberated by the very nature of the Universe in spite of all their efforts.It’s not readily apparent to most, but it’s very clearly there.It’s subtle and yet obvious at the same time. Knowledge of this change or shift in conscio [...]

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10 Qualities Every Human Being Should Have

Luminita Saviuc, Purpose Fairy“I decided, very early on, just to accept life unconditionally; I never expected it to do anything special for me, yet I seemed to accomplish far more than I had ever hoped. Most of the time it just happened to me without my ever seeking it.” ~ Audrey HepburnIf you ask me, there are certain qualities each and every human being should have. Qualities that have the power to help each and every one of us to connect with our own selves and the wor [...]

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30 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Thích Nhất Hạnh

Luminita Saviuc, Purpose FairyWhen I think of Thích Nhất Hạnh, words like – stillness, love, compassion, peace and oneness, come to mind. And even though these are some really beautiful and powerful words, they somehow can’t really express the beautiful, pure and loving feelings that I get from reading Thích Nhất Hạnh’s books and watching his beautiful videos.Thích Nhất Hạnh is someone who’s wor [...]

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Heaven Letters June-21-2113

Heavenletter #4592 Meanwhile, June 21, 2013
Gloria Wendroff

God said:
The word meanwhile is a stop-gap. There is no meanwhile. There is no interim. There is no pause.

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Heaven Letters June-19-2013

Heavenletter #4590 Oneness-ville, June 19, 2013
Gloria Wendroff

God said:
Sometimes My messages reach you so strongly, and sometimes My messages seem to be immersed in the fogs

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Galactic Federation of Light~Morpheus June-17-2013

Morpheus June-17-2013
Beloved Masters,
Golden rays of light infiltrate your being as you are receiving this message, sending you divine love and spiritual connection. You are in alignment with the highest

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