Tag: Nothing Lasts

Life in then Cosmos!

“I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.”

~A. Whitney Brown

“HAMANITIES NEW RECORDS”    illustration by SethD8 – 15 Feb 2007


Diane 7 February 2007

Your expectations are now rightly high as you cannot help but note the changes that are occurring all around you. It matters little what level they are taking place, the collective effect is one that can be felt and seen. Outwardly you see moves within the political circles, suggesting that a common consensus of opinion is developing. One that augurs well for bringing a halt to the escalation of the war in the Middle East. Inwardly you feel a releasing of the pressure brought about by negative energies that impound upon you. You find a resilience that comes of having built up a resistance through raising your vibrations.

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Discerning Yourself!

Diane | 06 September 06

From the source of the many messages you receive, you get a measure of what is being done on your behalf. It has been a feature of this period, that many people have been enabled to make contact with Beings that are off Earth. Never before have so many become awakened, and it is a sign of the growth of consciousness that is taking place. For those who knowingly work with their Higher Selves, it is a small step to open up a line to other Beings.

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Keeping Up!

St. Germain | 23 August 06

Matters seem to change so quickly that you are finding it hard to keep up with it all. Even then you cannot know the scheming and plans of the Illuminati any more than you know what plans we have to combat them. It is not that we totally keep our proposals or moves secret, as we do give you a broad outline of our intentions to ensure that Ascension comes to fulfillment. How we do it depends very much on you, and your reaction to each event taking place.

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Time Waits for No Man!

Diane | 21 August 06

Time waits for no man, and this is certainly true of the present period that you are experiencing. There is a goal to be reached in good time, so that the remaining years are fully productive and as planned conclude in Ascension. The scene has already been set, and many are well along that path. You are also seeing the last attempts of the dark to hold on to power and disrupt this process. Their attempts are tenuous and fragile, and as each truth is finding the light of day another crack is made in their crumbling empire.

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