Tag: North America (page 2 of 6)

New research reveals civilization is older than previously thought

September 14, 2014 - What if everything you've been taught about the origins of civilization is wrong? Be it that certain pieces of our history have been intentionally hidden, or that we have yet to discover and realize the true story of our past, new archaeological and geological discoveries are revealing that sophisticated civilizations have likely existed in prehistoric times. Until recently, the archaeological community has spread the view that the beginnings of human c [...]

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112 Million Year Old Secret Dinosaur Tracks Soon to be Opened for Public Viewing

 Written by Betty Laseter mainenewsonline.com As old as 112-million-year-old dinosaur tracks will open for public this fall near Moab. More than 200 tracks were kept secret from the public for pas...

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Power Path ~ New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse Update May 20, 2012


17 May 2012

Channeler: Lena Stevens


Dear Friends,

The New Moon and partial solar eclipse is Sunday May 20, at 5:48 PM Mountain Daylight Time. This is a very intense time that can bring breakage, conflict...

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Monjoronson Talks About Population & Earth Changes

Monjoronson Talks About Coming Changes!

Lesson preceded by centering and construction of the merkaba. There were numerous celestial beings present, some standing behind each one of us, with their hands on our shoulders. A ball of brilliant white light descended into the middle of the group. The merkaba whirred into action like a big dynamo and we connected the heart line, mind line, and became “one with each other, in mind and heart.” The group then used the merkaba for good, by bending its energy beam to wherever it was needed—for healing, abundance, prosperity, correct action, fulfillment, etc. We were surrounded by light and wisdom, an abundance of the universe radiated into each of us. Some of our work is to radiate that abundance back out into the world to those who need assistance and wisdom.

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Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation, May 8th 2012


9 Ix, 7 Moan, 8 Manik

Dratzo! We return! A great foreboding is pervading the ranks of the dark cabal. Those in charge of bringing this once-invincible force to heel have started the final countdown for releasing a legal 'wre...

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4 May 2012

By Soluntra King


THE 1st MAY IS THE WINTER OR SUMMER QUARTER IN THE CELTIC CALENDAR The first day of Winter in the Southern Hemisphere and the first day of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere. IN THE SOUTH...

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AA Metatron – via James Tyberonn: The Magic of Mount Shasta


    Greetings Masters! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you in Unconditional Love !  Dear Ones, the most powerful vortexial point in North America, is Mt Shasta. Shasta exists in 44 Dimensions and that wil...

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The Enigma of Grimes Point: A Special Channeled Message from Metatron through Tyberonn

(Reno Press Release ) "A Nevadan who died more than 10,000 years ago is at the center of a battle over who will control the ancient history of North America. In about a month, the Bureau of Land Management is expected to decide if a partially mummified...

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Quantum Consciousness: The Nature of Time – Changing the Past In Mer-Ka-Na


Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Greetings, I am Metatron, Lord of Light and I greet you all within this precise vector of timeless space. I embrace you in unconditional love.

The physical system in ...

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Creation’s Perfect Alchemical Force


Channeler: Judith K. Moore

February 23, 2012

JKM 2-23-12 Creation's Perfect Alchemical Force Utilizing the Power of the Cosmos and the Dynamics of Quantum Consciousness for Gaia Judith at the hospital in Denver at 6:30 a...

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The Recalibration of the Human Being KRYON


15 February 2012

Channeler: Lee and Kryon

Red Deer, Alberta, Canada January 7, 2012

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. It seems like only a moment ago that I told you there would be changes in the room, ...

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From Starship Athabantian: ~Everything about You, Humanity, and The Earth is Changing~


How many times do you have to be told that things will not continue as they are? How many times do we have to say that all will change? How often do we have to say that you will not just float through the transformation without being ...

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Hilarion comments on Karma of Japanese Tsunami; Housing Crunch and Kim Jong-il


Channeler: Jon Fox

Hilarion: Because this energy becomes stronger and clearer and this sort of vibrational interchange from all the levels becomes stronger and clearer, an energy gets started on your planet that really can't...

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