Tag: NEW TIME (page 2 of 2)

TRANSCRIPTION: Total Recall by Indigo Child Matias De Stefano


I don't know how true this is, but it's an interesting read.


Narrator: How does the universe work? Does good and bad exist? Do we really know all of humanity's history? How did the Human Being appear? Doe...

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A New Year and a New Beginning


a message from Celia Fenn

Friday, 7 January, 2011  (posted 11 January, 2011)

So, here we are at the beginning of the year of 2011. This is certainly a New Beginning in every way. The powerful shifts and transitions in 20...

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Beings from the Future are Here Now, Part 1

Channeler: DL Zeta

The shift in consciousness leading to the New Time began quite some time ago as a series of smaller shifts. These shifts began taking place in the hearts and minds of many beings over centuries, with the final staging of consciousness taking shape in the last hundred years. Large numbers of "beings from the future" began incarnating to the Earth in the late 1800s. Each decade since that time has seen a greater influx of beings arriving here to seed consciousness and pave the way for the New Earth. The essence of these beings’ role is anchoring greater light on the Earth to help accelerate the transformations taking place.

The Mechanism of Past-Time Incarnations

All timeframes on Earth exist simultaneously in adjacent dimensions. These timeframes exist into infinity. That is to say, every second that has ever existed lives on, encapsulated within its own segment of “time.” Since all timeframes exist simultaneously, a soul whose most recent incarnation ended in 2012 may be reborn in a past-timeframe dimension, such as 1850. Souls have always had the option to incarnate into past time. The difference now is that major energetic shifts happening now will result in greater numbers of souls choosing to incarnate into “past-time dimensions.” Some who have incarnated in the last 50-100 years have had incarnations in the time/space coordinate of the New Earth.

Reasons for Incarnating into “Past Time”

Individuals or soul groups sometimes incarnate into “past-time” periods. A past time period is one you perceive as the past in terms of linear progression. Time doesn’t manifest in a linear fashion, but the conscious mind, for organizing purposes, tends to order it this way. It may be that you are incarnated in 2007 and that lifetime ends in 2075. After a time, you choose to reincarnate into a time period most resonant with your needed learning experiences, which could be 2150, 1950, or 1750. This depends on your resonance and your planned future learning experiences. Sometimes entire soul groups have used this technique of incarnating into a "past" location along the time continuum. Time in this sense becomes a tool for growth and change.

“Past-time” incarnations fulfill several purposes that serve the evolution of the individual, the soul group, and all of humanity. This technique can be a signature of older souls nearing the end of their incarnational cycle, though there are other reasons souls choose to incarnate into past time.

Throughout history, souls have incarnated into timeframes where they could best gain needed experiences. These timeframes synchronistically offered them the best opportunity to share the talents and abilities they had developed. Imagine you’re graduating from a course of study and you discover there are certain lessons or courses missing from your transcript. You would choose to go back and complete these courses.

You would most likely choose the best time and place to obtain this course of study. In much the same way, acquiring certain understandings requires certain circumstances. For instance, if you are completing a lifetime in 2100 and you want to learn to love people who are very different from your own vibration, you would need to gain this understanding in a time period where contrasting energies predominate. If energies are more harmonious in 2100, you may need to incarnate into 1975, for example, to experience this contrast. Synchronistically, when an individual or soul group previously incarnated around 2100 chooses to incarnate into 1975, they’re able to serve as a bridging consciousness in a transition time on Earth. In other words, they would serve to weave the collective consciousness of 1975 into the cosmic fabric of future time.

Excerpt from The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.com/

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Energizing and Aligning with Fifth-Dimension Energies

Channeler: DL Zeta

As you energize and align with fifth-dimension energies, opportunities will arise to join with others to incubate the dream of the New Earth.

Building a Bridging Identity

Part of building this dream is creating a bridging identity able to “walk in two worlds,” so to speak. This dual self will continue to carry out the tasks associated with living in the reality where you are currently focused while at the same time, planting seeds in the new time with your focus, intention and desire. This bridging identity will be able to walk daily in both worlds, one manifest, the other unseen except in your inner world.

This bridging identity will allow you to merge more fully with energies of the new time. This identity will derive from a future self. To the degree that your resonance allows you to forge a union, this future self will be able to lend its energy and guidance. As you direct your intention and consciousness toward this future “you”, locating this self in the timeframe where it exists, you are able to blend with its thoughts and feelings.

Cultivating Skills of Blending and Harmonizing

In the future, "blending" is a technique that is common. You already do this to an extent. When you spend time with another, you harmonize your energies and blend with them. Often you will find you know things about this person that they haven't told you. You may begin to develop new skills based on their knowledge and understandings. This is an equal sharing as they draw on your knowledge and experience as well.

Intuitive counseling works in much the same way. For a short time, you step inside an intuitive’s consciousness and see yourself through the eyes of spirit. Healing can take place instantly as you view yourself with complete love and compassion. It is in this moment that you see your gifts and your woundedness side by side as well as the threads connecting them. As you receive the message of your sacred wound, you effectively step off the karmic wheel.

The Nature of the Sacred Wound

Early in each lifetime, a sacred wound is "stamped" on the consciousness, usually through a set of circumstances, though it can be a single incident. Sacred wounds can be created through illness, accidents, family turmoil, and seemingly insurmountable challenges. At the root, a sacred wound is a karmic lesson carried over from past lifetimes. Throughout the life, each person begins the quest to gain the understanding that will satisfy their karmic lessons this time around. Once this lesson is satisfied, one is able to effectively achieve emotional freedom and step off the karmic wheel. Once free of enslaving emotions and impulses, the conscious mind is free to join in partnership with the higher self to rewrite the plan for the rest of the life on Earth. This plan usually involves creating a way to use one's talents,earthly knowledge and spiritual wisdom to assist others with their own process of
awakening. Once a person’s consciousness awakens, they experience a natural desire to assist others in awakening.

Awakened Consciousness is the New Time

Imagine you "wake up" in a darkened room and see others sleeping around you. Upon closer examination, you see the room is filled with dust and cobwebs and the air is stale. Your first impulse is to throw open the doors and windows to let in fresh air and sunlight, then begin nudging the others awake.

When one person awakens and begins nudging others to awaken them, all the universe cheers. Much guidance and assistance is downloaded to the one who throws open the doors and windows of their consciousness to be the eyes and ears and hands and feet of spirit on Earth. This awakening allows you to become spirit incarnate on Earth. This is possible by embracing your sacred wound, opening to its message and using this wisdom to heal yourself throughout time. Once this is done, you're able to still step off the karmic wheel and unite Heaven and Earth.

Many souls chose to incarnate at this time when the elevated energies on the Earth plane would facilitate the awakening process. Many advanced souls were chosen to anchor the light at this time. Others came to represent other points along the energetic spectrum. This is a critical time when all of time is held in a microcosm where dark and light join hands in a way that allows human consciousness to take a great leap forward.

Excerpt from The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.com/

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Ready for Dimensional Living?

“A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.”  -Robert Burton
(And when you truly begin to understand and know multidimensional consciousness you imeaditly understand the impact every unaligned thought creates.  These basic ‘private’ thoughts have created much of our demise not re-membering the power we each hold.  ALL-ways OBSERVE | EXPLORE!)

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