Tag: new beginnings (page 1 of 2)

Who is Jesus to Ascended Consciousness?

By: Robert Burney"Jesus was a perfect Spiritual Being, a direct extension/manifestation from the ONENESS that is the God/Goddess Energy, having a human experience - just as we all are perfect Spiritual Beings having a human experience.""This Master Teacher was known as Jesus the Christ. The man Jesus was a perfect child of the Goddess and God energy - just as we all are perfect children of the God-Force!"This messenger added the most powerful ingredient to the process. He brought us our sec [...]

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Galactic Federation of Light Saul May-19-2013

What is occurring planetwide is something so new and so startling. . .
05/19/2013 by John Smallman

All of humanity is poised, expectant, sensing an intense energy of change

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Montague Keen Speaks of the Dark’s Attempts to Cull the Population ~ via veronica Keen

As channeled by Veronica Keen

Many people are having difficulty coming to terms with the information that is being made public at this time. What was suppressed is now leaking out. Your governments deliberately kept you in darkness and under control. Yes, there are beings from other planets amongst you. Many of them chose to live among you, so as to lead you forward into the Light and to release you from the burden which the Dark Ones imposed on you.

The population of the Earth had to increase enormously to prevent the dark takeover. The Dark Ones have responded in return, by using many methods to cull the population: through vaccination, medication, and altering the air you breathe and the food you eat. This is why this information is so important to understand. Do not agree to anything without thoroughly researching it. All the information you need is freely available to everyone.

The Dark Ones want you to be as sheep, blindly obeying your “Masters” orders. You, and you alone, are responsible for your life. You must take back this responsibility from the politicians and the medical profession, since they are being used to enforce the agenda. The thirteen who control all on Earth, have been successful until now. They are prepared to go to any lengths to create their New World Order. They manipulate every situation for their own ends. They own all forms of news information and entertainment, and they ruthlessly use them to MIND CONTROL the masses.

It is up to each one of you to free yourselves from this manipulation by refusing to buy into it. It is time for all of you to take control. Start with your own lives and the lives of those who are dependant on you. Share freely all information that will help others to see the full picture. Become the LEADERS; not the mindless, who conform to the agenda for their own extinction.

I have asked, many times, for you to learn to meditate. Then, you will be able to get whatever information is relevant to you, directly, without third party involvement. It takes time to perfect meditation, but those who have done this, have benefitted hugely from the experience and the information gained. The Spirit World will assist and guide you. We are ready and willing to help you.

Free yourselves from all restrictions that were imposed on you by Church and State. Your minds are yours, and yours alone. Use them to your own advantage. Why would so much be done to dumb down your minds by those who control you, if they were not frightened of you waking up and using your minds to see what is being done to you. As beings, you are far greater than those who control you and manipulate you. They are terrified that you will come to realise this fact. They are IN FEAR OF YOU.

Your controllers are not capable of LOVE. They do not have compassion, so they can kill without conscience. They are constantly finding new ways of killing that you would never suspect. You must understand that your ability to love and relate to all living things is your greatest weapon. Love will win the day. LOVE has a powerful energy that invades their darkness. This is why they try to destroy it. To them, money and possessions equal love. You, on the other hand, know that love is what makes life worthwhile. It lifts you and embraces you. It engulfs you and makes you happy and fulfilled. Look with love upon everything and you will find that it improves the quality of your lives enormously. Where there is love, there is no room for aggression.

The Earth itself is trying to help you understand this, too. It lives and suffers also, because of what is being done to it. It is trying to communicate this to you. You need to protect and care for the Earth as it supports your lives by producing food, plants, and trees. It supports your wildlife. It needs to be loved and cared for. Treat everything with love and it will respond. By helping each other, humanity will survive. Planet Earth will be reunited once more with the living universe. This is your greatest adventure.

Look with eyes wide open at all the restrictions upon your lives. Ask what you can do about them. Ask why you just accept, without question, all the laws that enslave you. Questions need to be asked, and reasons demanded, in a civilised and respectful way. This is being done in Ireland. There is no reason why others cannot follow the example. It has to start somewhere, so why should not the most sinned against country on Earth, lead the way forward.

The true history of Ireland is hidden in the Vatican. When this comes to light, then the real history of your world will be available to all of you for the first time in nearly 2000 years. It is not possible to keep it hidden forever. It is time the truth was revealed and humanity moves forward in truth and light. Everything that Man needed to know and understand, was known back then. People were at one with Nature. They understood how the planet worked and they connected with other planets. Then, at one disastrous gathering of the corrupt, plans were made to take control of Mankind and to take over Planet Earth. All that was truth and light was destroyed. The enslavement of Mankind began and continues to this day.

Here is your task. You have returned to Earth in order to restore the truth and light, and this you will do. It will be done peacefully. Love will be your guiding light. This is a time for decisions to be made. The right decisions, that will benefit humanity and Planet Earth. The evil assault on humanity must cease forthwith.

My dear, life is difficult right now. Try to keep calm and controlled. Much is done to try to cause you fear. See it for what it is. Those who are with you, are with you one hundred percent. Circumstances are created to cause you worry and distress, but you must rise above them. The end result will surpass all expectations. Then, you will quickly forget all the suffering you endured along the way.

This is a critical time for your world. Keep calm and do not be drawn into the false information being put forward in an effort to start World War III. You want PEACE, not WAR ! Stand together for peace. You are the 99% and you must never forget that. You have a voice, so use it. We in Spirit stand with you, so you are not alone.

Appreciate all that Nature provides for you. Springtime is about new beginnings. This is Mankind’s NEW BEGINNING. Go forward with confidence because you are on the right track.

My love, I wish that I was still beside you, to comfort and support you. I am only a thought away. I never leave you. Love endures, my dear.

I am your adoring, Monty.

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Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace Beloved Ones, As the long winter months are coming to an end in the Northern Hemisphere, new beginnings are waiting to unfold. There is a sense of renewal and rejuvenation in t...

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Always Live Through Your Pure Heart


Message from Archangel Gabriel Channeled by: Julie Miller December 28, 2011

Your divine and life purpose dear ones is progressing at your own pace back to merging once again with God. So far it has been a windy road that seem...

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Winds of Calm, Winds of Chaos, Winds of Change…. Lee Harris


Wednesday, 5 October 2011 Winds of Calm, Winds of Chaos, Winds of Change....

October is an 'entry month' in energetic terms. This month we enter the year of 2012 energetically and thus an energy of new beginning will exi...

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New Moon Sept 27 Energy Scope -Divine Balance Of flowing Oneness

GODDESS-OF-LIGHT We are back to complete new beginnings. The past couple weeks have been all aboutencompassing and applying into action our new comfort zone. While in all connectionsthis new comfort zone being that of ancient ways of the heart in unco...

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September Energy Forecast – Opening the Dream door…and keeping it open.


Why are you here?

September can be a month for feeling renewed purpose in your life, especially in those of you who have felt passionless for a while. This will be a month of openings, opportunities and new beginnings, as life beg...

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August 28th through September 3rd

alpha life trends ... Sailing out of the old harbor bay bound for the open ocean and a new way of life... This week, August 28th through September 3rd, provides the surge of new beginnings taking us into a new month. With Mercury turning direct late ...

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10-10-10 Beginnings & Endings

a message from Jennifer Hoffman

(posted 9 October, 2010)

[I'm not doing all 10-10-10 articles found here today, just these two]

On Sunday we celebrate the date 10-10-10, a symbol of new beginnings that we are so ready...

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10-10-10: Starting Over, One Level Up

26 September 2010 - 5:31am

B Y   D A N I E L   J A C O B

We're nearing another numerological LANDMARK, aren't we? It's called the 10-10-10. October 10, 2010. Whereas October 10, 2001 represented "New ...

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A New Day

a message from Stefanie Miller - A Magical World

Tuesday, 21 September, 2010 

I woke up quite early this morning. I took my dogs out for a walk and felt a gentle breeze in the air. The same breeze I felt ...

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Mayan Messages: Purpose of Polarity

18 August 2010 - 11:38am

As Received by Theresa Crabtree

DAY 41 ==================================

As the first Day Keeper in the Tzolkin calendar, one of my aspects is New Beginnings. In conjunction with Tun 2, we create a unique blen...

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