Tag: negative energies (page 1 of 2)

Mike Quinsey ~ Channeling his Higher Self ~ 30 March 2018


Mike Quinsey ~ Channeling his Higher Self ~ 30 March 2018

The vibrations are picking up quite quickly and are already having an effect that

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Messages from Ker-on & Atmos 17/18 Jul 06

Ker-On  | 17-July-06


We could always see that events would get worse before they got better. Out of the situation that now faces you in the Middle East, will come the opportunity to move politicians towards the understanding that the people involved seek a peaceful outcome. There is a lot of pressure from inside the countries not to just stop the confrontation from escalating, but to bring a halt to it for all time. Out of a difficult and delicate situation you will find it is possible to prevent it drawing in other countries.

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Wes Annac: My Collective Guides on Pyramidal Technology, Artificial Timelines and the February Cluster of Synchronistic Dates


Feb 22

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Wes: In order to establish this communication with my ascended guides in an unfiltered way, I now make the decree that only beings of the highest and purest Christed consciousness be around...

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The Quality of Mercy with Ascended Master, Lady Portia


The Quality of Mercy with Ascended Master, Lady Portia Channeled by: Julie Miller August 15, 2011

Its always a beautiful day regardless of weather when there is opportunity to speak to you dear children.

There are man...

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Serve From Your Being


a message from Archangel Uriel channeled by Jennifer Hoffman

Monday, 6 June, 2011  (posted 19 July, 2011)  

The relationship between spiritual and material is the partnership between divine and human. It is a sacred...

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DL Zeta – Virtual Reality Shifts are a Doorway into Fifth-Dimensional Timelines


It is possible at any time to visualize and begin aligning with the version of your reality that allows you to exist along fifth-dimensional timelines. As you gradually shift to higher-vibrational realities, struggle falls away from y...

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Arcturian Group Message – March 21, 2011


by REENA on MARCH 21, 2011

Acturian Group Message

MARCH 19, 2011

Arcturian Group speaks

Greetings dear ones, we come again to talk with you about the many things you are experiencing and are about to experien...

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SaLuSa 11-February-2011


Matters continue to hot up and without a doubt opportunities to forge ahead are coming up. We have shown the dark Ones our determination to commence our activities, and that will lead to some noticeable events signaling the...

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James Gilliland – December 7th shift

December 7th Shift

I was told in meditation there would be another big push of energies by the Pleiadians on December 7th. The November 23rd shift lasted 6 days and was a clearing to prepare for this next wave. We were inundated with emails f...

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Truths & Myths Revealed: Q & A Session with Metatron

a message from Metatron channeled by Tyberonn

Friday, 19 November, 2010 

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Question: A reader has sent in the following question, and is in termoil over the ...

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Ker-On – 08 September 2008

The intent of people to change the direction of their lives is altering the mass consciousness to such a degree, that it can now be seen as having a noticeable effect. The most important factor is the awakening that is helping others, and adding power to your resolve to find ways of bringing changes about. Not everyone understands what is happening around them, but they have felt the different energies that are building up. It comes to them in a sense of excitement knowing that something is stirring upon Earth.

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Life in then Cosmos!

“I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.”

~A. Whitney Brown

“HAMANITIES NEW RECORDS”    illustration by SethD8 – 15 Feb 2007


Diane 7 February 2007

Your expectations are now rightly high as you cannot help but note the changes that are occurring all around you. It matters little what level they are taking place, the collective effect is one that can be felt and seen. Outwardly you see moves within the political circles, suggesting that a common consensus of opinion is developing. One that augurs well for bringing a halt to the escalation of the war in the Middle East. Inwardly you feel a releasing of the pressure brought about by negative energies that impound upon you. You find a resilience that comes of having built up a resistance through raising your vibrations.

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Beginning to Notice our Evolution!

“The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking.~John Kenneth Galbraith

“Official Evolution Notice!”   Illustration by SethD812 Feb 2007

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