Tag: MRI

Can’t blame cigarettes, junk food or pollution ~ Cancer Identified in 4,500-Year-Old Skeleton

Angela Lieverse has found one of the oldest human specimens to have cancer.

Excerpt from archaeology.org

SASKATOON, CANADA—Holes in the well-preserved bones of a man who died in Siberia 4,500 years ago show that he suffered from lung or prostate cancer that had spread throughout his body from his hip to his head. “This is one of [the oldest]—if not the oldest—absolute cases of cancer that we can be really, really confident saying that it’s cancer,” bioarchaeologist Angela Lieverse of the University of Sasketchewan told CBC News. She speculates that the hunter-gatherer may have developed lung cancer from inhaling smoke from wood fires, and other non-environmental factors. Unlike other men in his community, this man had been buried in the fetal position in a circular pit with an intricately carved bone spoon. “It’s a tragic story. It breaks your heart to think of what he went through,” she said. To read about another ancient cancer case in Siberia, see "MRI Shows 'Princess Ukok' Suffered From Cancer."

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Intermittent fasting promotes brain health


by Michelle Bosmier

(NaturalNews) According to a new study carried out at the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore, fasting for one or two days each week may help improve the condition of individuals suffering from Alzheimer&...

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Your Brain is NOT a Computer!


© 2011 By Gary Vey of ViewZone.com

Your Brain is NOT a Computer!

It is common to think of the human brain as a kind of super-computer. Certainly there are many analogies. Computers have the ability t...

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Amygdala – The amazing brain music adventure

Source: http://viewzone.com/amygdala/indexx.html

By Neal Slade

I want you to think of the best time you have ever had in your life........Got it?

Now, multiply that experience, that feeling, times ten. Multiply it times a hundred, o...

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CIA implanted electrodes in brains of unsuspecting soldiers, suit alleges

By David Edwards Monday, November 29th, 2010 -- 12:02 pm A group of military veterans are suing to get the CIA to come clean about allegedly implanting remote control devices in their brains.

It's well known that the CIA began testing substance...

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Crazy but True: Humans outperform computers!

This, you may find hard to believe, especially given the title of the article. But in fact this was told to me by my superior, as an anecdote of computer lore worthy of mentioning to anyone remotely interested: the principal players involved are a h...

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A New Day

a message from Stefanie Miller - A Magical World

Tuesday, 21 September, 2010 

I woke up quite early this morning. I took my dogs out for a walk and felt a gentle breeze in the air. The same breeze I felt ...

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