Tag: millennium (page 1 of 2)

Striking Similarities Between Brain Cells and Our Universe

The two pictures below illustrate the similarities. The top picture shows the neural network of a brain cell; the bottom picture shows the distribution of dark matter in the universe as simulated by Millennium Simulation.

Excerpt from  themindunleashed.org

The structures of the universe and the human brain are strikingly similar.

In the Eastern spiritual discipline of Daoism, the human body has long been viewed as a small universe, as a microcosm. As billion-dollar investments are made in the United States and Europe to research brain functioning, the correlations between the brain and the universe continue to emerge.

The two pictures below illustrate the similarities. The top picture shows the neural network of a brain cell; the bottom picture shows the distribution of dark matter in the universe as simulated by Millennium Simulation.

The pictures show a structural similarity in terms of connections and distribution of matter in the brain and in the universe. The photo on the left is a microscopic view, the one on the right is a macroscopic view.

The brain is like a microcosm.

A study conducted by Dmitri Krioukov of the University of California and a team of researchers published in Nature last year shows striking similarities between neural networks in the brain and network connections between galaxies.

Krioukov’s team created a computer simulation that broke the known universe down into tiny, subatomic units of space-time, explained Live Science. The simulation added more space-time units as the history of the universe progressed. The developing interactions between matter in galaxies was similar to the interactions that comprise neural networks in the human brain.
Physicist Kevin Bassler of the University of Houston, who was not involved in the study, told Live Science that the study suggests a fundamental law governing these networks.

In May 2011, Seyed Hadi Anjamrooz of the Kerman University of Medical Sciences and other Iranian medical scientists published an article in the International Journal of the Physical Sciences on the similarities between cells and the universe. They explain that a black hole resembles the cell nucleus. A black hole’s event horizon—a sort of point of no return where the gravitational pull will suck objects into the black hole—also resembles the nuclear membrane.

The event horizon is double-layered, as is the nuclear membrane. Much like the event horizon, which prevents anything that enters from leaving, the nuclear membrane separates cell fluids, preventing mixing, and regulates the exchange of matter between the inside and outside of the nucleus. Black holes and living cells also both emit pockets of electromagnetic radiation, among other similarities.

The researchers wrote: “Nearly all that exists in the macrouniverse is mirrored in a biological cell as a microuniverse. Simply put, the universe can be pictured as a cell.”

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Very mysterious ancient artifacts unearthed at the Sha’ar Hagolan archeological site ~ Greg Giles

Clay, Neolithic period, Late 7th Millennium B.C.E., From Israel (excavated at Sha'ar Hagolan) On loan from the Israeli Antiquities Authority to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
Clay, Neolithic period, Late 7th Millennium B.C.E., From Israel (excavated at Sha'ar Hagolan). On loan from the Israeli Antiquities Authority to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

The Yarmukian culture was a Neolithic culture, the first culture in prehistoric Israel, dating to circa 6400–6000 BC. The archeological site was first discovered in the 1930's, but excavation did not begin until 1949 by a team from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, led by Moshe Stekelis.  The site was again excavated in 1989–90, 1996–2004), by another team from the same University and led by Yosef Garfinkel . The dig's official website can be found here.  

A large number of extraordinary figurines have been unearthed at this Neolithic site, artifacts that continue to puzzle modern day researchers.  

The official perspective concerning these pieces is that they are 'highly stylized' pieces of art, and may be symbolic of fertility. I will allow you to form your own opinions about these artifacts, but I will say that I feel it is at least possible these pieces are not 'highly stylized'  pieces of art, instead, as remarkable as it may seem, these figurines may have been crafted to depict just what the artists were looking at while they molded clay between their fingers. 
Greg Giles  

This is a figurine head, broken off from the rest of the piece.

Below is a figurine of what looks very much like a terrier breed of dog. Note this piece does not appear to be stylized at all, but an accurate representation of the popular breed. 

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War Is Destroying Syria’s Ancient Treasures, Satellite Photos Show

War Is Destroying Syria's Ancient Treasures, Satellite Photos Show
Satellite images show how much destruction has happened in Syria between December 2011 and July 2014. The Ministry of Justice building (red arrow) is damaged, as is the Khusriwiye Mosque (green arrow).

Excerpt from news.yahoo.com
By Laura Geggel, Staff Writer

Three years of heavy fighting have taken a toll on Syria's archaeological treasures. Five of the country's six World Heritage sites "exhibit significant damage," and some buildings are now "reduced to rubble," according to high-resolution satellite images examined by the nonprofit and nonpartisan American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

"Only one of Syria's six World Heritage sites — the ancient city of Damascus — appears to remain undamaged in satellite imagery since the onset of civil war in 2011," Susan Wolfinbarger, director of the Geospatial Technologies and Human Rights Project at AAAS, said in a statement.

Damage to the other five sites is extensive, the AAAS said. These sites include the ancient city of Aleppo, the ancient city of Bosra, the ancient site of Palmyra, a site with two castles (Crac des Chevaliers and Qal'at Salah El-Din), and the ancient villages of northern Syria (Jebel Seman, Jebel Barisha, Jebel Al A'la, Jebel Wastani and Jebel Zawiye.

The analysis showed widespread damage in Aleppo, one of the oldest continuously occupied cities in the world, which dates back to the second millennium B.C.

A before-and-after analysis from 2011 to 2014 indicates new damage to historic mosques, Koranic schools called madrasas, the Great Mosque of Aleppo, the Souq al-Madina, the Grand Serail of Aleppo, the Hammam Yalbougha an-Nasry, the Khusruwiye Mosque, the Carlton Citadel Hotel, the Khan Qurt Bey caravanserai and other historic buildings south and north of the citadel. 

The Great Mosque has extensive damage. Satellite imagery showed destruction of the roof and a destroyed minaret, or tall spire, as well as two craters on the mosque's eastern wall. Researchers saw the heaviest damage south of the citadel, but the area to the north, which has buildings from the late Mamluk to Ottoman periods (13th to 19th centuries) also showed signs of destruction.
The other World Heritage sites have damage ranging from mortar impacts near an ancient Roman theater in Bosra to newly constructed military compounds on an archaeological site. New roads and mounds of earth are scattered through the Northern Roman Necropolis in Palmyra.

Palmyra sits in a desert just northeast of Damascus. Its ruins combine Greco-Roman art with Persian influences, and UNESCO said it "contains the monumental ruins of a great city that was one of the most important cultural centers of the ancient world."

The AAAS released the analysis yesterday (Sept. 18), a day before the Smithsonian Institution's meeting to honor the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property. Researchers plan to discuss the damage and intervention efforts in Syria at the meeting.

"There is hope, and it lies with our Syrian colleagues because they are the stewards and caretakers of these sites, and they see the value in preserving and protecting them for future generations," said Corine Wegener, cultural heritage preservation officer for the Smithsonian Institution. "What they need from their international colleagues is some help to do that — training, materials and other support in the international arena for the notion that it is possible to mitigate and prevent damage to cultural heritage, even in the midst of conflicts."

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Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!


The Inner Earth & Realm of Aghartha

Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

The biggest cover-up of all time is the fact that there is a civilization of people living in the center of Earth, whose c...

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Feng Shui for Better Living

a message from The Brotherhood of Light channeled by Edna G. Frankel

Sunday, 4 July, 2010 

Greetings, dear ones, from the Brotherhood of Light! We are excited and delighted to be sharing e...

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Archeological Find of the Millennium!

Washed out by the recent rains, I came across this artefact this morning on the way to work. It was found near a pasture, with grazing cows and all, but definitely did not originate with this species. For that, optical corrosion dating indicates it was there for far too long:


more later, still writing as research continues.....

Preliminary Conclusion:

This must be what we would like to call Junk Transformer DNA: The striplike configuration and repetitive pattern indicate a tendence to return to their former spiral shape. However, logic dictates that in order to reach a higher information density, the material needs to be spatially folded rather than torqued. Normal biological DNA would leave by far too much space unused, so it stands to reason that this mechanical form of DNA is no longer helical but linear in shape, with regular indentations to allow for folding at specific intervals. 

Notice please the symbolic numeral codes used, and their self-similarity in the left digits:

These codes are numerical, and decimal. We would gather that this race has not yet reached it's full potential, since higher compression rates are definitely achievable using higher cardinality, or just larger character sets. Since these codes just increment regularly, we figure this particular strain of DNA does not have any significant function within the grander scheme of things.

The dark holes on the left are obviously start markers, indicating where the higher values can be found.  The fold at the right side indicates a halfway reference, signifying to the double redundancy these systems are equipped with. On the back there are similar markings for the backup system. 

We are excited at the prospect of trying to clone this system from the remaining partial codes. Our knowledge that the Cosmos is fractal and holographic, we figure that enough information can be gleamed off the sample to facilitate reconstruction....

(S)He'll be back !

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A New Spin on Earth

This channel showed the group at their best with a very direct channel to the citizens of planet Earth. Normally I would call this one "Earth Shattering" but I think we will find other words now, especially after this message. The spoke of the recent earthquakes and how it has shifted the earth to a new rotational axis that has changed our experience of time and gravitational pull. They said several interesting items that they said our sciences now agree with and several that they don't yet know. It will take us years to uncover all the events that took place in that one series of adjustments.

They spoke of what was ahead for humanity and directly ahead for our economies and especially the US. At one point they warned the leaders of planet Earth of what is ahead. They likened this a wave of energy coming in rearranging everything in its path. They talked of the sexual energy entering the planet as they described three years ago. This is why everywhere you look in the news there is some sexual incident being uncovered.

They also said the economies of the world will take another hit soon as the US will soon experience great difficulty unless it balances. At one point the group spoke directly to the leaders of the planet warning of the severe effects of polarity thinking. They challenged each of us to search for these beliefs within ourselves and all begin to look for ways we are alike instead of separate. The ride is less scary if we all hold hands.

Big hugs. Have a great month!


(You can watch the video version of this channeling)

Greetings from Home

We visit with you this day to tell you about what is taking place on planet Earth. First, let us share with you, dear ones, that you have already changed the outcome of planet Earth. You have already shifted the highest potential, for humanity is no longer limited by what you used to call your highest potential. There are opportunities now to find passion in ways that you only dreamt were possible. Each and every one of you has come with a part of Home that you need here to put this grand puzzle together in order to create Home on Earth. Some of you think you do not have anything. What do you have to say that has not already been said by someone else? Every one of you has a very unique piece of that puzzle and all of those puzzles are needed right now. Yet, it is becoming difficult. Not only are you transitioning and evolving incredibly fast, but so is the Earth.

Most of the changes that have already happened have set into motion some things which will affect all of you over the next 100-200 years. So, let us explain a little bit of what is ahead in a couple of different areas and how this will affect each of you personally. Let us go back a few weeks and talk about the Earthquake in Chile which was,one of the largest earthquakes you have had in this millennium.  Not only has it changed the face of Earth, but it has shifted more than you know and has actually confirmed a few predictions previously made. One of these shifts is that the atomic clocks on Earth will soon need constant adjustment. Your atomic clock is no longer accurate on planet Earth.

Inner Earth is Growing

The inner core of Earth is what you call metal. It is actually an iron core. The next level, which is actually a very good part of the Earth, is what you would call molten or liquid metal. This liquid metal has always allowed the inside of the Earth to travel at a different rate of speed than the outside of the planet. Although the inside of the Earth is actually spinning faster than the outside, recently it has sped up and is moving even faster. It could even be said that the inside of the Earth is pulling the rest of the Earth into its orbit. This has been known for a very long time. However, what we wish to tell you is that this energy is now changing and has been speeding up. Your sciences do not agree with this yet, but we will tell you what they do agree with and what they do not. They have not found this to be true, but we are telling you that it is absolutely true.

The other thing that is happening is that this ball of molten metal has been growing. As it reaches certain levels it hits pockets of emptiness, or pockets that have formed through volcanic activity. This is what you are starting to see as the eruption of the Ring of Fire. There is much more to come. You are going to see activity in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. You will also see further activity in the Atlantic Ocean, but it will be less at this point. These are triggers and things we spoke about so very long ago. Now they are happening and your world is changing on a regular basis.

New Human Templates

Understand, dear ones, you are at a similar point where the dinosaurs disappeared from planet Earth but that is not going to happen to humans. Two things are happening: the Earth is changing to house a higher vibration not only of herself, but of humans, animals and every other part of it. The entire game is changing to begin a new game at a higher vibration. Secondly, your physical re-wire—your own physical bodies—are changing so that you can carry more of your own light and your higher self. Only a very small portion of your higher self is housed within the body for the temporary duration that you call a lifetime. Literally, only a small piece of it does…it is easy for you to see that you have one higher self and 11 aspects on Earth. So, 11 parts of your higher self goes into each one. However, the vast majority of your higher self does not fit into any of these aspects, including all of them together. That is about to change. You are now going to be able to carry more light than ever before in your physical body without having to go Home and without having to rid the Earth of the human race.

You will make this evolution while you are standing, walking, sleeping, playing, and loving on planet Earth. That has never been done before. That is the reason that all eyes in the universe are upon planet Earth right now. The six parental races that helped you form these physical bodies that you hold right now are back again to help. The interesting part is that they are fighting over who can help the most. But they are all here to work with you, because you are no longer limited by the same 500 human templates that you had in the beginning. You are no longer limited to that, which is part of the reason that your physical bodies are changing and your emotional bodies are growing.

Does Anyone Really Know What Time It Is?

We wish to tell you that the Earth has changed its relationship to time. Your relationship to time will also change, and what you do not know about it at this point is that you have control over how that changes. If you do not take charge in any way, the default answer is that time will shrink. Time has a natural tendency to shrink anyway. It is the nature of humanity because everything is relative. If you go back to when you were one day old, that one day is 100% of your lifetime. If you go back to the time when you were one year old that one day is only a very small percentage of your lifetime, so it has a tendency to naturally shrink as you age. Now we tell you that even the atomic clocks are noticing the difference. Big changes have happened as a result of the shift in Chile. Number 1: The Earth has changed axis; it is not on the same axis it was before. It has already shifted and your scientists are scattering frantically trying to figure out by how much and how we can measure it accurately, as they have noticed a major difference. It has been reported all over the world because the sun used to enter a window at a certain time of day and it now it is on a different schedule. Those times have changed throughout the entire world. Your scientists are looking for answers to describe what has taken place, but let us give you the short answer so that you can see what is happening.

We told you the molten part of the Earth has become larger inside the Earth and that part has been growing over the last few hundred years—especially over the last 60 years. As that has grown, the Earth itself is not as solid as you thought it was. The earthquakes in Chile and the earthquakes around the Ring of Fire, including the one in Haiti, have caused a shift of the planet not only on the axis. It has actually elongated the planet a little bit, almost as if was squished in the middle and got a little bit longer. Again, this is a point your scientists do not agree on, but we tell you that the process of making the planet just the slightest bit longer has also made it smaller around the middle. This means it rotates faster which is changing your relationship to time as we speak.

We encourage all of you to play with this concept you call time. Go back to some of your basics, for you have all studied ways of controlling time and learning how to project time into the future. You know that so much of it is held within your own belief systems. You believe it is accurate and you must live by this. The atomic clocks will not work for much longer, because they will need so much adjustment for what is ahead on planet Earth and some of the changes that are taking place. Embrace them. Do not fear these changes, for your reaction is actually what the earth needs to settle. Your reaction is the stability that you offer as Lightworkers not only with the Earth, but with other people around you.

A New “Wobble’’

These changes and the ones to come may create great fear throughout many different places. You are the ones that can hold that energy, the ones that can help to make it very positive evolution. Let us tell you this as well…because of the planet changing her axis slightly, what happened is that there is now a wobble. There has always been a wobble in the Earth’s rotation. It is nothing secret. It has always been known, but now that the wobble has changed and this can create a circumstance for you that we wish to tell you about.
As we mentioned before, you have these up and down periods that you are all going to be experiencing. But now it has become much stronger than we ever thought possible. Some of the physical reactions to this new wobble will be experienced as emotion. At times it will be uplifting, such as joy or exhilaration, while other times you may feel depressed as if you cannot seem to get out of bed. Those are simply normal cycles, because you are a part of the Earth and she is a part of you. As she is going through these changes they mimic and mirror themselves in your bodies. This is part of how you can help to ground this change and center this energy with her. Know that has affected you and find the ways it can affect you positively.

Riding the Wave

There are points on this planet where you can now launch yourself. This has been done before through using astronomy and astrology to help find the perfect time to start your new business or a new project. You would always know the rotation of the sun around different planets, their alignment and how that could or could not support you. Now in addition to that, there is an entire wave of energy that slides the rug beneath your feet and shifts it in such a way as to send a wave down its length. The pull of that carpet will create high and low spots, as well as spots where you can launch yourself very effectively or be wrapped up in it and shut down. Once you are aware of these highs and lows you can learn the timing needed to make the highest use of it. We ask you to be very aware of how you are feeling, where that passion is and how you get this in the outside world, as well as your effect on other people around you. That will tell you whether you are doing your work or not. Position yourself so that instead of being wrapped up in this carpet as the big wave comes through, and instead of being overwhelmed and having to protect yourself from it, you are in just the right spot to be launched by it. That is why you are here.

You are the ones that carried the secrets from Home—from Lemuria and Atlantis—in hopes that humanity would ever reach a stage where you could come back and do it again. You are here. You made it. Each one of you has this opportunity right now to step into this energy and to position yourself at that launching point. We will tell you, dear ones, it takes tremendous courage to do that for you can see the energy moving. Some of you might want to put your little toe in, but you are not so sure about jumping into the water completely. We will come along and push you, if you only try to put your toe in. It is time. Each and every one of you came with specific timings that you wanted to be here at this exact time, because this is the time of the big shift. This is the when it is said that the shift is really going to hit the fan.

It is the time where you are going to be finding things changing in every place that you have been talking about for centuries on this planet. You find yourself in a position to put yourself on that curve. This is on a personal basis for each and every one of you, for if you try to use the normal standards that you have used for your own evolution they are not going to work the same way. In other words, you cannot count the vibrational lines of your evolution the way it used to be done. During these times we ask you to be kind and understanding of each other, as tempers can flare easily.

Economics of Earth

We also wish to speak of economics on planet Earth. You have many systems in place that have allowed you to exchange energy and to exchange money. You have a system called the stock market. We are so fascinated by that, for is so interesting to us that you have built an entire system based on the perception of perception of perception. We would never have dreamt to do that. It took humans to invent this entire process. Because of that, you have a perception of perception which is what your economies have been based on. You have gone through one of these ripples, dear ones, and it has affected the entire planet. You have had an economic event on planet Earth and it is one of these ripples that have gone through. We tell you, there are more of these ripples coming. In fact, there is a big one that is liable to come very soon. We cannot tell you when it is, because you are the ones that have the perception that determines when it is going to be. We also tell you that it does not need to be negative, for it can be a positive event. That is entirely up to you, but what we do tell you is that change is imminent in this area.

You had opportunities as this wave came through which took the air out of the balloon. All of a sudden this overinflated balloon shrank down to practically nothing. Now you are perceiving an economic recovery. You are seeing it because you perceive it. That is the way your system works—because you want to perceive it. That is exactly what is happening, yet the underlying fundamentals that had a chance to change during that explosion did not actually change. For that reason, until you see some fundamental changes in the way you do business on planet Earth you will experience more difficulties in these areas.

We also wish to reach into an area that the Keeper loves to stay away from, and we are going to talk about politics for just a moment. You are seeing a very interesting thing happening. It is occurring all over the world, but you can see it in the United States very clearly. It has happened since the incredible pull into polarity. As the new field of triality starts to come in and you have three positions from which to view things instead of just two. You have a new perception to see everything from. Yet it is difficult to truly grasp that new perception, to trust it, to understand what it means and how it works. We tell you that many of you are going through your a time where your own perception, ideas, and relationships are going to change, but that also happens on an economic level throughout the world. One thing you have all learned from this recent economic stretch is that all of your economies are connected. That is incredibly beautiful, dear ones, because it really means that you can no longer have a world war. Who would you be bombing? Yourselves? That is perfect because the blending together is what will change all of this. There are many high level officials that are now looking for this to happen, but the changes on planet Earth are occurring very radically and very quickly. Not only does this include the changes in the planet, but the changes in you, as humans, are also happening very rapidly. Because of that the economic systems that have supported you are likely to experience another one of these. However, if you know about it and are aware, you can put yourself in the highest position to create something positive instead of something negative. There will be difficulties with your systems on planet Earth. Now, how do you fix them? How do you change that? We can tell you what it looked like in the days when these systems worked, when you had empowered societies and that was the essence of the society. It was not, “How do we make money? How do we support ourselves? How do we live better?” Instead it was, “How do we empower the people around us?” That was the key element that existed in the days of Lemuria. It happened so clearly that there was no need for laws and you only had customs. It was incredibly beautiful and those days are returning.

The Soul of Business in the New Energy

You have a challenge in the way you define business so far, so let us speak first of the challenge because each person who makes up one of these collectives that you call business has a soul. The overall corporation whether it is made up of one person, five people or 500 makes no difference, for that company has a soul because it has an energy that acts as one. The moment you identify that place in the world, you can change the whole prospect of the company from the top down…all the way. What we are telling you is that companies that have only been in business for the purpose of making money will no longer be able to do that, because you are finding out it is an empty shell. There is no soul there. In the future we see a time when in order for governments to issue a permit for starting a business, it will also require that the company has a consciousness and that the company will do the best for humanity even if it is against their own profit. The company will bear the same responsibility that each and every one of you has as you walk down the street and past other people. That has not happened at this point on planet Earth. Now is the time to consider what you can do at your individual level wherever you work, whatever companies you own, or in whatever structures whether it is government or religion. These are the collectives of humans that will have to evolve very quickly.

Growing out of Polarity

This is a time where you can make a lot of these changes to result positively, rather than experiencing the cycles of fear and challenge. When you had an election in the United States, dear ones, you could not decide who was going to be president. One moment you found an extra vote over here and the next moment you found an extra vote over there. That started a stretch into polarity that was almost as if you were grasping for it. You started to move into a field of triality, but grasped for that old, familiar part. You hung onto it so tightly, that the whole world was laughing at your election and what was happening with it. Did it make any difference who won? Not really, because the reality of it showed the duality and the difficulties. In the United States you have not evolved past that, but now is the time to start doing this quickly. Dear ones, especially those in the United States, you have a very short time-frame that you can take hold of this and make something of it. We pray that the leaders can hear some of this message, because you have stretched so far into polarity that you do not know where the middle is any more. It is very important to come back to a point where nobody is right and nobody is wrong. It is a time to start figuring out how you and your neighbors are alike, instead of how you are separate. It is time to start figuring out how you can empower your people instead of spending your energy trying to lead them. Re-member, you have some of the greatest spirits on Earth and they are just waiting to go to work and spread light on this planet. If you make a space for that to happen, you will see great changes throughout all of planet Earth. It is happening now. It is taking place in many cultures, very quietly for most. Make your voices heard.

Now, how does each one of you deal with it? You say, “What can I do? I am not a leader of a nation. I am not a politician.” Dear ones, every one of you has a strong hold in the field of polarity. Every one of you believes something is right or something is wrong. It is so interesting to watch your news now, because the fight has gone on so long that no one can even re-member what the original argument was all about. So much fear has been created intentionally to dissuade all of the information on planet Earth that you are all in danger of losing your grip on reality, because you are believing and buying into the fear. Enough! You can see what is happening. There are no more secrets on planet Earth. Trust your heart. Do not allow yourself to get wrapped up in fear, for that is a luxury you can no longer enjoy…no longer afford. It is time to get serious about what you wish to do on this planet. It is time to know that you have the power to create your reality. It does not matter where you are in this ripple, what is taking place with planet Earth, what is happening with your relationships, your job, your home life, or your work life. You have an opportunity to put yourself at the pinnacle, and to actually do what you came here to do. We are behind you 1,000 percent, because our job is not to be here to tell you which way to turn or what to do. Our job is to help you re-member who you really are, because you came here with a very specific purpose. We love you more than you could ever know. It is not easy taking your wings off and pretending to be a human. You walk into many walls that way and we love you for it, for this job can only be done in the way in which you will do it.

We leave you with three little reminders. Treat each other with the greatest respect you have. Nurture one another and empower each other every chance you get. Play well together.


The group

(You can watch the video version of this channeling)

Copyright 2000 - 2008 Lightworker. www.Lightworker.com This information is meant to circulate and may be freely disseminated, in whole or in part with the following conditions: Use of this material signifies that the user agress to the following conditions: 1. The words "Copyright 2000 - 2008 Lightworker. www.Lightworker.com" will be included with all published material. 2. User agrees that all rights, including copyrights of translated material, remain the property of Lightworker. If you translate this material we reserve the right to share that translation with credit to you as translator, on the Lightworker site to make it available to all. Further information from the Group may be found at: http://www.Lightworker.com. Thanks for helping to spread the Light!

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Sneak Preview……

Today, I feel urged to to reveal a little of the novel I'm currently writing. Not sure what it will accomplish, but the urge is there, and it feels good. "Make It Real" is a so-called braided tale weaving three timelines into a timeless piece of reflection:

  • My 2007 past self, in the form of the novel Going Within, which I wrote back then. It's name turned out to be aptly appropriate, for it is now Going Within the new Make It Real novel.
  • My 2010 now self, which comments on things as I write this novel.
  • My 4444 future self, an android, who addly enough bears the name of 'Sander R.B.E. Beals', the 'author' of this book for those who don't know any better....

Comment I got from a fifteen year old as I told him the outline of the story: "This book is going to change a lot"  and me, daft as I am, said "Why?, it is almost half finished"  Turned out he meant that it would change many of those reading it....  And you know what they say about kids.  And no, he wasn't one of my kids.......

Love your Light, 


P.S. I still come up short on my list of E-mail addresses to present to the publisher as receivers of the mailing about that book. Especially since I do not specifically wish to invite my colleagues to join. This story might be a bit too close to home to involve them. However, if they pass the barriers I will be putting up, then their knowledge of it is apparently what should happen.

4444AD, Day 223, 12:34, Home

I'm flat on my back, relaxing as I'm working. The two by two meter vidcloth on the ceiling displays various windows, from various eras. Top left is my vision feed of March 12th, 2010. I have the accompanying audio on the speakers, and “Day sixteen: Loser” plays, not interfered by anything else in the vicinity. I just love seeing myself be busy creating. The video feed gets interrupted by the screen saver kicking in: photos of an intimately familiar lady fill that top left corner. I leave it be, and switch to another, apparently me in a train. Nobody in  view, just empty seats opposite me.   
I remember how I felt back then, being busy with the idea of the neural network I'd envisioned seeing myself create. I know I can't actually make myself achieve anything better back then, but I can make myself feel better about it. I flip open the plans of the quadrionic mind in my mind's eye, and study them for the next few minutes. By focusing the energy of that activity on my past incarnation, I can strengthen his belief in the fact that he will, in due time, achieve his goal. Just as I eventually did in 2042....
Seda steps into the bedroom, seeing me enjoy myself. She bounces onto the bed next to me, and immediately succeeds in getting my mind off myself. Hey, some people have that effect on me, what can I say? “And, where has my most favorite girl in all the world been hanging around?” I ask her. She tells me she's been walking around town, collecting interesting things from an antiques shop she frequents on a regular basis. Roberto, the antiquarian, told her he had some really nice needlework from around the turn of the second millennium. She jumps off the bed, and steps into the corridor, only to return with four almost square frames. They depict four angels, delicately embroidered on white linen. Two are relatively colorful, a third is done in distinct autumn-like colors. The forth and final one apparently depicts wintertime. A quick reference to the vidcloth on the ceiling gives the game away: the design is indeed a quartet, and these are called the Four Seasons. My vision enhancer highlights a slightly off-colored patch in the corners of the needle works. In icy blue, nearly indistinguishable from the surrounding whiteness, some sort of code is embroidered: MS2000. I now begin to appreciate the weird familiarity of the female foursome: I have seen them before! Rather than letting the raw power of the Google vision search loose on it, I'd rather let my mind do the work involved. The vision search is a descendant of the Google image search, which searches for imagery based on text. Vision Search does quite the opposite: based on a single image, it retrieves images of the same subject, or similar ones, to enable the user to gather context data on something they've only seen once.
And then it hits me: around 2000, my dad in that life embroidered these  ladies, proud to have done it in only 555 hours! I flip over the frames, and indeed: one of them has a small label on it, specifying the name of the works, the period they were made in, and the telltale 555 hours.
It is always nice to find stuff from your own past. It reminds you of the timelessness and the interconnectedness of things, which reminds me:
While Seda goes down to the kitchen to make her famous macaroni with synthetic (but no less tasty) chicken and sweet & sour, I go with her and read some more in my manuscript, so attentively sent to me by Denisa.....

'From one marvel to the next'

Thinking back, I wonder why our hosts arrived on foot when they could just as easily have flown right to where we were standing. When asked, Mayra gives a simple explanation: “Two beings on foot pose much less of a threat than a flying saucer carrying the same two people. Hence our preference for walking the extra distance”. Now there’s a train of thought I can wholeheartedly agree with. I thank her for the explanation, and go back to my own thoughts, that wander to the design of the floater that we are in. Sure, its mind-controlled interface is spectacular enough, but otherwise it’s very minimalist in design: a large metal disc-shaped object, with a depression at the center. Around it, seven seats are placed. Come to think of it, it looks suspiciously like the wild water rides that we use on the outside of the globe. Only this one floats on air instead of water, and it’s a much smoother ride. It has no apparent roof structure, so I ask Kayim about it. He explains that inside, the weather does not have its ups and downs like outside, for there are no seasons. There is occasional rain, but the people here don’t really mind that, and the same force field that floats the floater also keeps out the excess water. As we approach the city, I take a closer look at it: it consists almost entirely of spheres of various sizes, some buried halfway in the surface. Lots of green in between, making it a great place to live in, I imagine. The spheres are different shades of color, giving the impression of soap bubbles from afar.
We land on the edge of the city, next to a modest globe. I can now spot an entirely glass surface surrounding it, which can be seen to be divided into six distinct levels. The top level seems to have no real ceiling, more like a greenhouse. We enter the structure at ground level, and step onto a disc that’s in the core of the building. You can look up and see all the floors, just like an elevator that has no walls. The disc starts to rise, and I see Melanie trying to scare me to death: she holds out her arm, and steps to the side of the platform to allow the next floor to chop it off. Her plan is foiled, because of some unseen barrier that won’t allow anything to cross the edge of the platform as long as it is moving. Mayra notices also, and laughs at my youngest.
We stop on the next floor, and find it divided into four quarter-circle rooms. “These are the working areas,” Mayra explains: “They are on the lower levels because of the frequent transporting of goods in and out of them. Because of their being on the lower half of the sphere, they are usually lit by artificial means”. I see what she means, but for the life of me cannot discover any source of internal light. Still, the rooms seem better lit than any I’ve seen on the surface. We get onto the disc again, only to stop briefly at the next level, which is divided into six pie-shaped rooms.
Each one has two discs on the floor, and two discs on the ceiling directly above them. One of the rooms clearly demonstrates the purpose of the discs: another Inner Earth person is suspended in between two discs. As we approach, he effortlessly swings into an upright position, and steps forward to meet us. “I’ve been waiting for you since I finished preparing our meal. My name is Sinan.” Further talking reveals that he is the mate of Mayra, and Kayim is their son. They live together in this house, which seems somewhat large for the three of them. Mayra explains that they have been appointed hosts of the access point that we came through, so they sometimes have guests from the surface, hence the six bedrooms. The seven of us step onto the central disc again, and ascend to the next level, which also has six pie-shaped rooms. “These are for various activities,”, Mayra explains: “Kayim has his musical studio in one of these”. Laura can’t wait to hear her new friend: “Will you please play us something?”, she asks in her sweetest voice. Kayim obliges, and takes the seat behind a desk that features various colored crystals. They light up the moment he sits down, and his hands above the array of crystalline light start making subtle movements. The end result is one of the sweetest compositions I’ve ever heard. All of us stand there and listen intently, until the spontaneous concert is finished. When it does, we outsiders all applaud Kayim, with Laura cheering as well. “Who wrote that marvelous piece?”, she wants to know. Kayim smiles, taking a bow: “I just improvised a little, so you could say I 'wrote' it...”, he says.
We go up another level, and come to another set of four rooms, with large, tilted windows all around the circumference of the building. Three of the four rooms are home to various plants, growing in shallow tanks containing a greenish, luminous substance. “This is our hydroponics area. It grows all of the fruits and vegetables we consume.”, Mayra explains. She goes on to tell us that the plants that thrive best on real sunlight are closest to the windows, whereas the more rugged plants get by on artificial light. Finally, the ones that don't require light, like mushrooms, are grown in a subterranean level at the base of the sphere. The one remaining room on this level is the kitchen, which has its own dedicated access to the dining table above, which we will see shortly.  Sinan gestures towards the central disc again, to introduce us to the final level of the structure: the living area.
The four of us stand  in awe of the sight we behold: a large circular floor, that is topped by an equally large glass dome. Basically, this dome is the top sixth part of the sphere, leaving the entire floor permanently lit by the smoky central sun. We can see the entire city, and the landscape that surrounds it. ”That's something different from the street view you get from your average city home.”, I say to Gea. She looks at me, and just smiles quietly. Mayra calls our attention to a round table, with a big gaping hole in the middle. As we look on, a plateau displaying the most delicious dishes surfaces, inviting us to the table. Around it we find simple but adequate stools, that automatically adjust their height to the size of the person sitting on them. We all sit down, when Sinan invites us to quietly contemplate the origins of the food we are about to eat. I look over the dishes, and realize that no matter how different they are from the foods of the outer world, their origins are the same: it is all part of the All, just as we are.
Sinan wishes us a healthy meal, and puts some food on his plate. As I ask him to hand me one of the green eggs that are in his vicinity, the central plateau of the table rotates, so I can easily take one myself. “How did you do that?”, I ask. Mayra explains that it is the same mechanism that controls the floater outside. She invites me to try it myself, because it isn't that hard. I notice a delicious piece of fruit across the table, and decide to give it a go. I concentrate on choosing the fruit, and the plateau revolves to the point where I can reach in and get it. Of course the girls can't wait to perform their own experiments on it. Unfortunately, they both formulate their requests at the same time, and the end result is that the table voices its objection against this conflict by a short somewhat irritated sound. Kayim laughs, and tells Laura to let her sister go first. Melanie, seated right next to me, chooses her food with care, and then mentions to me that Laura has already learnt her first words of Solara Maru, from Kayim. I look across the table, and see the two of them exchanging meaningful looks.
I ponder the apparent design choices of the Inner Earth people: their homes seem  built for maximum efficiency.  Distinguishing them from the houses of neighbors appears to be totally irrelevant. Mayra explains that the spherical shape has been chosen because it leaves a minimal surface for a maximal content, thus minimizing the exchange of energy  with the environment. Not that they really need it of course, because the season-less weather keeps the outdoor temperature always around twenty degrees centigrade. “We prefer the beauty of optimal solutions to the aesthetics.” Sinan says. I state that even though aesthetics is not their main concern, they haven't lost their eye for beauty. When everybody seems to have had enough, the plateau slowly sinks back to the kitchen level. Mayra points out that the remains of  our copious meal will be recycled into the substance that feeds the hydroponics area.
As we stand up, Sinan again draws our attention to the table. The plateau has returned, and the large circular surface becomes the scene where a scale model of the city appears. Even my untrained eye recognizes the configuration of spheres, some large and some small. But the differences between big and small are much smaller than between houses and office buildings up top. Mayra explains that massive office buildings are not needed here, as most of the people work from their homes. In fact, most won't call it work, because basically it is just doing what they love to do. The only reason things seem so out of proportion on the outside, is because there everything is controlled instead of trusting that nature will find the right way. “Call me an anarchist, but that reasoning doesn't sound half bad”, I thought.  Since consumption here is on a much lower level than outside, big stores are also not needed. Life inside isn't all about money, certainly not. The necessities of life are provided for all, and to acquire luxury items, people trade instead of spending their days doing things they don't like.
With the model, Sinan wants to show us which sights we will be visiting tomorrow. On the left, he points to a fairly large globe, half buried in the forest. This is the city's swimming pool, that has been chosen as an item on our trip because it is markedly different from the surface swimming pools: you simply cannot drown there, because the “water” is far denser, causing you to float easier. “Like the Red Sea!” Melanie interjects. “But it isn't that salty” Kayim asks her. “Help, I didn't bring my swim gear!” Laura utters with panic in her voice. “Don't worry” Mayra says: “We can pretty much make you any apparel you find suitable.” So apparently, there's nothing to stop us from having a nice swim tomorrow. Sinan points out that this will happen tomorrow afternoon. The morning will be spent with the Elders, who will give us a bit of a history lesson.
I ask Sinan if there is a possibility to access the Web on the outside. I would very much like to update my site with a story of our exploits on the inside. Sinan leads me to a round seat, which envelops me with a spherical ‘screen’ the moment I sit down. It is projected around the seat, and is pressure sensitive. On the edge of the seat is a keyboard, which can be augmented by use of the dictation unit. It doesn’t take me long to get the hang of it. Once Sinan has shown me how to get to the outer web, I quickly find my own site, and am somewhat hesitantly typing and talking away to let our readers know how exciting it is down here.
As I finish, I notify Linda and Carlo. They are on holiday themselves, so I mail them, and send SMS-es to both their cellphones. I tell them something like “no matter what you hear, we're OK”. That ought to cover any rash actions by the hotel staff, or other people. Gea is up next, and takes the seat.
An hour or two later, even though the internal Sun is still high in the sky, it is the moment of sleep. Mayra leads us to the bedrooms a little lower, and gets us something to wear while in ‘bed’. I am very curious about the force field that acts as a mattress, will it be easy to lie on? We first go into the room designated to the girls. Mayra demonstrates how you can just walk onto the lower disc, after which you will be slightly lifted up to the levitation center of the field. After that, it is easy to position your body any way you like. The kids get into their nightly attire, step onto the pads, and immediately start doing rolls, and other tricks. I wonder how long they will be doing that before falling asleep. As for the lack of night, the windows have their own mechanism to remedy that: they slowly fade from transparent to dark gray, creating a great nightly look. Mayra, Gea and me leave the kids to their tricks, and go into two other rooms, one for Gea and one for me. After I’ve dressed for the night, it is my turn to try the ‘bed’. I step onto it, and feel myself being slightly lifted. It is a weird sensation, because there seems to be no extra pressure from below, like when you’re sitting on a bed. It is more the absence of weight, without the lack of oxygen normally found in outer space. But it also does not seem to be quite like normal weightlessness, for there is a certain friction between the force field and my body, that makes it easy to move around. I experiment a little, but it doesn’t take much time to find my optimum position. I doze off quickly, forgetting all about my peculiar surroundings.
But it doesn't last long. Not seven minutes later, I wake up terrified, because I just realize that I forgot my pills! I get dressed again, and think about why oh why I don't keep the bottle in my pocket at all times. Since our trip to the pyramids was only supposed to last a few hours, I'd plain forgotten about it, since I didn't need them till bedtime anyway.
I step onto the landing, and almost bump into Mayra. She sees the worried look on my face, and asks what is wrong. I explain the predicament of missing medication to her, and she looks me into the eyes: “Fortunately, we do have a remedy, a permanent one even”, she smiles. She leads me to the lower level, speaks some words I haven't heard yet, and grabs what seems like a futuristic motorcycle helmet from a closed container. “Here, put this on”.
I do, and Mayra pushes the shiny red button that is now on my forehead. A weird sensation, a tingling starts right below the button, inside my skull. “What is it doing,” I ask. Not that I'm scared or anything, because during my manic episodes I've felt similar sensations. “Basically, it does what you would call a defragmentation of your neural net.” Mayra volunteers. She goes on to say that where I come from, the Lithium would be used by the brain to perform a similar function itself. This just is more thorough, and will last me about a year. If needed, she can even have me taken to see a doctor, who will cure it permanently....  After that, I have no problem getting back to sleep.

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SaLuSa 16-March-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

Time marches on gathering speed, and it is bringing the changes ever nearer. No time has in fact been lost, although we would have liked to commence First Contact earlier. However, regardless of what you see happening around you, we place ourselves in a position where we can move into action at short notice. There is a clear defined plan for your future, but we can easily accommodate any changes necessary. We follow all events taking place on Earth, and as a result can adjust our actions accordingly. However, there is a core plan which shall manifest and take you through to Ascension as intended. As the dark Ones continue to lose their power and authority, so the chances of them escaping the inevitable collapse of their power base is unavoidable. Stubbornness and arrogance motivate their resistance to admitting defeat, but it shall be so. In ways that are legal and carry the authority of the Galactic Federation they will be removed.

In a manner of speaking, life goes on as before in spite of the many problems facing you. However one thing is for certain, it shall not return to the previous period that started at the commencement of this Millennium. Since that time you have progressively lost your way, and through contrived situations have been steadily subjected to draconian laws. The dark Ones played their hand realizing that time was not on their side, but have failed to achieve world control as intended. Their attempts to do so have left you with few rights and subject to rigid controls, that have taken away your freedom. Have no fear all of that will change, and the unjust and unnecessary laws will be repealed. The path to Ascension is to be cleared of any attempts to prevent it from manifesting, and be sure Dear Ones, that when a divine edict is given it is the Law of the Creator.

We know that some of you wonder if every soul on Earth has the same opportunity to ascend, and you think of those who are living a simple life away from the influence of the West. You may not be too surprised to learn that in their own way, they are nearer to God and Mother Earth than you are. They live in a way that respects nature and all life, and understand its cycles and the energies all around them. Their needs are few, and when they leave there is no trail of damage and pollution. They may not have your awareness of the end times, but lead a highly spiritual life and have every opportunity to ascend. It is not wealth or intelligence that is necessary to create your own pathway, but your spiritual wealth and knowledge and its application to your way of life. After all you do realize that upon leaving the Earth, you cannot take anything of material value with you. Furthermore, there is no such thing as rank or importance in the higher realms such as you experience on Earth. In Spirit souls are equal except that their Light will determine which level they are entitled to be in. Of course there are Masters in the higher realms, but their spiritual achievement to reach such a level in no way elevates them over anyone else, but they do command great respect and acknowledgement.

The Earth has proved to be a distraction to your spiritual advancement, but when you succeed in finding your true Self your achievement is all the more commendable. You have had so much difficulty in deciding who you can trust or otherwise, and there have always been those who would mislead you for their own gain. It was not too long ago that only the priests were privileged to interpret the scriptures, and you had to rely upon them for guidance. As has been proven, it has not always been accurate when compared to the truth. The pathway of those seeking it has therefore been extremely difficult, and ultimately you have had to use your own discretion as to what to believe. Also bear in mind that in the course of many incarnations you will have had lives touching upon the different religions and beliefs. Subconsciously all that you have learnt forms your present beliefs, even if you have no awareness as to how it came about. You are therefore continually reassessing your beliefs, and gradually you make positive spiritual progress.

In this present age you have so much information at your fingertips, and can follow whatever path takes your fancy. You may even be spoilt for choice, but this is where your intuition will serve you well. It will not mislead you, but direct you to the experiences you need at the time. This is why it is important to be open minded and able to assimilate knowledge without being tied down by it. Be ever ready to move on when a new idea or understanding comes your way. Also remember that once you are on a spiritual path, you will attract Guides or Teachers to yourself who will help you make decisions. The truth is quite simple and uncomplicated, and can be summed up as Love Is All That Is. Applying it to your life in duality has been your sternest test, and if you are succeeding you have surely found the key to understanding. You can only take one thing at the time, and one of the ultimate achievements is to live in the Now.

Whatever you consider life is about, there is nothing wrong in experiencing pleasure or even wealth. It is how you acquire it and how you use it that is important. Spiritually you can lose or gain, and it is a fact that the more wealth you accumulate the greater responsibility falls upon you. Some become greedy and hoard money and valuables, whilst others will invest in people for the good of all. Money will not create happiness, but simply security in a material world. Imagine being in the higher dimensions where money has no use and is unnecessary, because that is what you will experience. Of course that is possible because all of your needs are supplied for free, and in many instances you will create what you need for yourself. We know that the idea of bartering is active in some areas of your world, and it shows what can be achieved without money. All of these things enter your mind, and sometimes it brings you to desire something different to the traditional way of doing things.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and Dear Ones you know life is one experience after another and it moulds your future. Sometimes you benefit from another souls journey, but often you choose to experience things for yourself. When you become part of a group consciousness, then you shall benefit from every soul that is part of it. Sharing is a very spiritual gesture that comes with awakening to the Oneness of all life. We love to share with you for the happiness it gives us and being of service to you.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey.

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The New Decade

Beloved friend, peace be with you. I am the one you have known as Joseph, Earthly father to the one you know as Jeshua and beloved husband of the one you now call Mother Mary. I had my own life, my own identity as Joseph, and I lived that lifetime happily in the Essene community. After releasing the body in that lifetime, there were other lifetimes when I collected much wisdom, the same as you are doing now, and I brought the wisdom once again into an incarnation which you now have called St. Germain.

It is from the vantage point as St. Germain that I would speak with you now, for there is a message from the Council of One that has been given to me to pass along to you. You have heard me speak of the Council of One. It is truly the council of all of the higher souls, the souls that have come into awakening.

Even though you have focus upon your present personality and lifetime, you are part of the Council of One, for in truth there is no separation. We are all One. We are All of the divine one Mind. As you have heard it said, you are the expression of the one creative Principle come forth into various realities to try out different scripts, to try out how it would be to create, and vast and myriad have the creations been and will continue to be, even outside of what you see now this reality to be, even outside of what you would define as a physical reality.

The realities will continue, and that is why the Council of One has asked me to speak with you now as you embark upon a new decade. You have come through the experience of moving into a new millennium some ten years ago in your arbitrary timing, where there were many prophecies, including many negative prophecies, because this reality believes in duality, where there can be good and the opposite of good. Some of the prophecies were quite dire.

Well, you came into this new millennium and guess what? The computers still worked, the washing machines still worked, the telephones still worked, and you kept waiting for a few months into the new millennium for disaster, perhaps, to come from the skies, forgetting that you are the creative ones who bring forth everything, and you are the ones who then judge whatever comes forth, whether it be good or medium or not so good.

You also came into a new century, and you wondered as you moved into the new millennium and embarked upon the new century, “What is this century going to bring?” You looked back to the previous century and you saw an evolution of awareness that was quite tumultuous, quite representative of the belief in duality, for there were the world wars, as they were called, where many countries were engaged on one side and on the other side, believing in separation and believing that new technology would solve everything.

But you also looked back at previous centuries and there was hope and optimism that truly you could be moving into another Golden Age. Now, you have known some five centuries or so ago an Age of Enlightenment, an age when there was much of evolutionary thought that went beyond the dark, the so-called Dark Ages.

Then there was a balancing in this reality where if you have something on one hand, pretty soon you are going to have something on the other hand to balance it out, so that you have come through some centuries since the Age of Enlightenment to a place where the enlightenment and the darkness have interchanged with each other at various times. 

So the first decade of the new century of the new millennium has been a working out, a review, if you will, of what has been in the past centuries.

You are now moving into the next decade of this new century and new millennium, and it is going to be one of excitement for you. There is going to be a winding down of some of the conflicts that you have seen going on, because the younger generations are going to be tired. Even though the habitual generational thinking has been all that they have known and all that they have been taught, they are going to begin to ask, “Is there not another way?”

In the next decade you will be interacting with ones that you see face to face and you are going to be interacting with other ones that are as a potential face to face, ones you have known in other lifetimes and constellations, who have agreed to meet up with you once again at a specified time within this reality. Furthermore, you will be interacting with ones that are within the mind and within the memory.

Sometimes you feel a presence around you that perhaps you can identify as a friend who has released the body or a loved one who has released the body or an ascended master whom you have read about, and you feel, “But this one cannot be here with me.” But this one is. Where else would they go? They are within your field of energy as you are within their field of energy. This awareness is going to be the most important part of the new decade: knowing the energy that you are and the energy of all ones, whether they are in physicality or in mind, Intelligence—capital “I”.

Awareness of Energy is going to be the most pivotal point of the next decade. You are going to feel and experience the world in a different way, and others are going to know it because of how you go in your life, knowing that you are truly not the body, you are not the personality, you are the energy of an ascended master radiating forth the Intelligence.

You are all ascended masters who have agreed one more time that you will descend into this reality that is not your home, that is not the place where you want to abide forever, but you have agreed that you will bring your energy and your Light and your laughter into this reality that believes itself so seriously to have to judge, to have to struggle.

This next decade is going to be a movement into knowing non-separation. You are going to see separation still with some worldly affairs. You are still going to see separation of bodies. But you are also going to understand that the bodies are not solid. They are forever changing as your energy patterns change.

You have the technology for reading the auras already, for having the photographs that show the change in the auric pattern as you have different emotions or as you think different thoughts. And the photographs are proof for you, because this reality yet wants to see the proof out there before the understanding and truth is then accepted within.

The new decade is going to fine-tune a knowing, the same knowing that you feel when you hug another one and you are in love with that other one, where you know yourself to be One with that other one—just for an instant, perhaps, or longer. When you are in that embrace, truly what you have done is to bring the energy fields together even closer, into a place where you can feel—if you tune in to it—the vibrational level of Oneness.

This decade is going to see a change in how you view yourself, how you view others, and how you view the world situation. You are not going to deny the Earthly conditions. If you are in a position where your help is needed, you will give the physical help, you will give the golden coins if that is what is needed, you will help ones as your guidance tells you to do.

In this next decade, because you are going to understand the great ball of energy that you are—and I do not mean that you are overweight—you are going to feel yourself totally, happily alive, and you are going to be very intuitive as to others’ energy, where they feel themselves to be.

Now, this is already happening, but it is going to increase. As this awareness increases, you are going to also know how to keep your balance, to keep your feeling of joy in the face of others who are finishing or completing their dramas. You will not be disruptive to their dramas, but you will keep your own balance within yourself.

Your planet, this most beautiful planet that we have brought forth, is changing. You have noticed some of the climate changes. You have noticed the intensity of some of the storms and the change in weather patterns. You have either been experiencing it where your dwelling place is or where the loved ones and friends are dwelling.

There has been an intensity of energy patterns swirling around this planet. Those patterns come from the collective consciousness. Those patterns…where else could they come from if all is One? come from you—you as the collective. They also come from your directive; in other words, you can direct a storm away from wherever you are if you know that you can do this, and you can.

For other ones, they may decree that they want to know the adrenaline rush of a storm. And if you want to do that, there is no judgment. It is an experience. But if you do not want to experience the intensity of a storm—call it a tornado, a thunderstorm, even a snowstorm—if you do not want the hurricane coming to your dwelling place, you can direct it out to sea, up into the upper atmosphere. You can direct it, because it is connected to your energy. All is One.

The intensity of the storms that you see happening now and the swirling of the climate change that is happening is coming from the collective consciousness that is sometimes throwing a temper tantrum, and so you see the out-picturing of that energy. It may be coming from confusion within the collective consciousness and so it is out-pictured, again, as a clearing, as a storm that will come through and will clear the energy.

Now, there are climate changes that are happening. There is global warming, and it is due to humankind. Yes, you are the reason for the global warming, but that is not said in judgment as a negative thing. It is said to allow you to understand how powerful you are, how you bring forth changes, how you have asked for evolutionary changes in what grows upon this planet, what form of the animal life is going to be upon the planet. For truly, as one species may seem to leave the planet, another species is born. There is never a vacuum. There is always a change which is happening.

So you can take responsibility for the global warming. The global warming comes because you are stepping up your vibratory rate as the collective. And, again, there is no judgment in it. It is an experience.

Nothing is ever lost. The form may change. The species may change, and things may look different, feel different. Your historians have told you of the ice ages, and you have evidence of the glaciers and the glacial rubbish, the rocks that have been left behind by the glaciers of other times. So this is not something that you are bringing about as disaster. It is part of what you have decreed that you will know as change, because the collective consciousness of the human is one that desires to know change. 

If truth be told, and I will tell it, all of creative Intelligence wants to know change. You are the extension of the one creative Principle; therefore, you are going to keep on creating. There is nothing wrong with change. Flow with it. Welcome it. Look for new species of flowers, trees, plants, animals, even humankind. Know you that in what you would call prehistory the human form—you do know this, because some of your scientists have taught you this, although there are ones who do not believe in evolution, as it is called—you had heavy fur covering on the body. You still have some of that left. Some of the men, you still have some of the heavy fur covering around the chin.

So in this next most wonderful decade that you are just now walking into, there is going to continue to be an evolution of humankind – not especially in the appearance but in recognizing and acknowledging that which you are in energy. Because truly, no matter how much makeup the woman or man puts on, how much of the raiment you change and put on, the energy that you are is going to be obvious. Everyone will feel and know if it is a loving energy or if it is a confused energy or an angry energy, and there will be no hiding it.

The awareness is going to be accentuated in your next decade, because ones are going to feel—especially those of you who are already the sensitives—are going to be feeling energy within themselves, and you will be able to catch yourself as you begin to perhaps close down, or as you perhaps feel a bit of the rising of the volcano of energy.

Begin to build up a self esteem, and begin to feel then the expansion of your energy, where you feel at peace with yourself and you feel at peace with others, because truly no one can touch your peace. You are the only one who can affect your peace, and that is only temporary.

More and more you are going to come truly alive as the energy that you are, as the walking, moving, loving, living Energy that you are.

Your energy truly reaches the farthest galaxies, because there is no separation in Mind—capital “M”. There is no separation. It is all creative Principle.

So be it.

- Joseph/St. Germain
in expression through Judith

Copyright © 2007 Oakbridge University. Oakbridge material is copyrighted but free to anyone who wants to use it as long as proper credit is listed, including our website address www.oakbridge.org.

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Beginning to Notice our Evolution!

“The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking.~John Kenneth Galbraith

“Official Evolution Notice!”   Illustration by SethD812 Feb 2007

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So We May Speak in Common Terms!

Glossary of Some Important Terms

The Holy Ones

Angels: Divine messengers of Mother/Father God. Immortal Beings of Light, or Divine Spirit. Entrusted to orchestrate the means by which Divine Plan will be carried out. Archangels: Highest ranking Beings of Light in Angelic Realms. In charge of the many tasks needed to carry out Divine Plan of Mother/Father God. Ascended Master: Being of Light that has had past life or lives on Earth During Earth time, achieved full consciousness of highest level, merging spirit and body into Oneness that transcended all elements of Physical Creation. This Oneness created Angel-like Being that broke the strictures of karma and was able to serve as holy example for all humanity. Ascended Masters now serve on Holy Councils that assist humanity with its present Ascension process. Council of the Nine: Guardians of the Great Blue Lodge of the Great Blue Light of Sacred Creation. One of the Chief Councils of Lord Siraya. In this galaxy, the sacred Blue Lodge is housed in the Sirius-B star system. Creation: Infinite and continuous work of Mother/Father God. Consists of two aspects: Physical Creation (the human realm) and Spiritual Creation (the infinite dimensional realms of Spirit). Unfolds according to Divine Plan. Deva Kingdom: Physical Elementals who aid Angelic Realms and Councils of Elohim in formulating and maintaining many elements that make up Physical Creation. Divine Plan: Holy and divine blueprint of Mother/Father God. Through it, the many Creations are carried out. Elohim: Chief inter-dimensional Creator Beings. Take sacred spiritual energies given by Angelic Realms and help Angels to formulate and maintain Physical Creation, according to Divine Plan. Jesus Christ: Very high Ascended Master of Light. Came to teach humanity about workings of Love and its corollary — power of forgiveness. Showed how to use his teachings to ascend. One of the great prototypes for full consciousness sent to Earth by our loving and compassionate Mother/Father God. Lord Buddha: Very high Ascended Master of Light. Came here to teach humanity about workings of Compassion and how to use it to break constant cycle of Karma and thereby ascend. One of the great prototypes for full consciousness sent to Earth by our loving and compassionate Mother/Father God. Lord Kuwaya: Aspect of Mother/Father God in charge of overseeing primary energies of Creation that are needed to carry out Divine Plan. Supervises, along with Lord Siraya, unfolding of Divine Plan. Lord Metatron: One of major Archangels, as well as Chief Elohim. Assigned by Mother/Father God to be in charge of this present Creation, which is sixth of ten Creations provided for by Divine Plan. Lord Michael: Magnificent Being of Light and major Archangel. Duty is to inform the many Archangels how best to carry out Mother/Father God’s divine Plan. Lord Siraya: Aspect of Mother/Father God in charge of sacred Lineage and Councils of Heaven, that carry out Divine Plan. All Divine minions of Heaven follow his holy pronouncements. Mother/Father God: Supreme Creative Force or Supreme Light of Creation. Consists of three immortal and powerful creative aspects, of which only two — Lord Siraya and Lord Kuwaya — have been revealed. God’s purpose is to unfold Creation according to Divine Plan. Spiritual Hierarchy: Sacred structure that represents holy lineage of Heaven. Consists of the Angelic Realms, the Deva Kingdom, the Ascended Masters, the many Orders of the Elohim and the numerous Divine Councils of the Time Lords. Time Lords: Great Beings of Light whose orders are represented by many Divine Councils. In charge of Time, which, along with Light, is one of the two elements that compose Creation.

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Why 2012?

The End of the Mayan Calendar is scheduled for December 21, 2012 (give or take a year). The possibilities of what this “end” might mean is an increasingly hot topic on the Internet, in conferences, printed articles, and in discussions all over the globe. This is because it just might be an incredibly important moment in history — e.g., the end of history!
the Mayan Calendar is not your average, run-of-the-mill calendar. It is, among other things, reputed to be the most accurate in the world. This is due in part to the fact it is also a relatively complicated calendar, using cycles of 13 and 20 (weird!), relating to the cycles of other planets (e.g. Venus), and in general incorporating some 22 (at last count) different sub-calendars, such that every contingency can be accounted for.

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