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2 July 2010 - 1:31pm

Channeler: Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

July 1, 2010


In the past few mailings I have been discussing the opportunity that is being provided this summe...

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Rewriting Our Hologram

Channeler: Suzan Caroll Ph.D

MARCH 2010

Step 20


Welcome back to the threshold of the sixth dimensional expression of our Arcturian Corridor. It is from this frequency/expression of our Corridor that you can re-enter the sixth dimension to rewrite the holographic projection for your current third dimensional reality. You have heard the “theory” that your third dimensional world is actually a holographic projection. 

The Truth is much greater than that, but a “holographic projection” is, indeed, a good metaphor for third/forth dimensional life. From our perspective in the eighth through tenth dimensions, which flow and intermingle as ONE, we perceive the fourth dimension as the “aura” of your third dimensional reality. Hence, when we speak of the third dimension, we include the fourth as the etheric emanations of the physical world. This fourth dimensional etheric reality connects you to the higher worlds of the fifth dimension and beyond.


The process of raising your Kundalini and opening your Third Eye activates your pineal gland, which is the hyper-dimensional stargate built into your human physiology. Kundalini activation is the result of balancing all of your chakras and raising the feminine force of Lady Shakti from your Root Chakra into Divine Unity with the masculine force of Lord Shiva in the Crown Chakra. This blending and balancing of your feminine and masculine energies, known as the Mystical Marriage, opens your Third Eye and fully activates your “pineal stargate.”

With the opening of your pineal stargate, you can accept the multidimensional, torsion waves directly into your daily consciousness and earth vessel. Furthermore, different DNA is turned ON or OFF by different frequencies of light. The third dimensional spectrum of light turns ON the 2% to 3% of your human genome DNA, which runs your Third-dimensional Operating System. This Operating System is based on the illusions of separation and limitation that arise from a strongly polarized reality. This system can only accept, integrate and utilize light that is limited to the small spectrum of the physical reality.

Since the fall of Atlantis, and especially during the last two thousand years of the Piscean Age, the higher dimensional light has been lost to most of humanity. However, now, you are entering the Golden Age of Aquarius and Gaia has moved into the flow of torsion waves emanating from the Galactic Center. These torsion waves of multidimensional light turn OFF your 3% of human genome DNA and turn ON your 97% of “Junk DNA” as they enter through the small quantum vortexes of the Junk DNA.

Once the multidimensional light is accepted and integrated into your earth vessel, it turns ON your new Multidimensional Operating System, which is stored in your Junk DNA. Then, the multidimensional light slowly takes precedence over the physical spectrum of light and the Third-dimensional Operating System of your 3% DNA begins to turn OFF. This is why so many of you have an ever-decreasing interest in the third dimensional reality and deeply long for the multidimensionality of the fifth dimension and beyond. Fortunately, during your transition, both Operating Systems will be operational, allowing you to simultaneously live in both realities.


Before the Mystical Marriage of your inner feminine and masculine energies and the opening of your Third Eye, your earth vessel can only perceive, integrate and utilize the limited light spectrum of the third dimension. Your First, Root Chakra accepts and reflects the spectrum of red light, which connects and grounds you to Earth. As your Kundalini rises, this red light merges into the orange light of the Second, Navel Chakra, integrating the frequencies of red and orange light. Then, as your Kundalini rises into your Third, Solar Plexus Chakra to merge the red and orange with the yellow frequency of light, you combine and integrate your “Lower Chakras.”

The combined frequency of light of your Lower Chakras then enters your Fourth, Heart Chakra to intermingle with the green frequency of light. Via your Heart Chakra, you connect your Lower Chakras with your “Higher Chakras.” The light of the first four chakras then moves into your Fifth, Throat Chakra to intermingle with the blue frequency of the third dimensional light spectrum. Your Kundalini then moves into your Sixth, Brow Chakra to unite the red through blue expressions of light with the indigo frequency of this chakra.

The Seventh, Crown Chakra resonates to violet light, which is the highest frequency in the third dimensional light spectrum. This violet light serves as a bridge to connect the white light, the unity of all colors of light, into your earth vessel. With Lady Shakti awaiting her groom in the Sixth, Brow Chakra, Lord Shiva in the Seventh, Crown Chakra calls forth the opening of the Pineal Gland Stargate to accept the multidimensional light of the higher through quantum frequencies of reality. The multidimensional light enters your Crown much as the groom (masculine, Lord Shiva) walks into the Chapel to await his bride (feminine, Lady Shakti).

The bride then walks down the aisle (through the pineal gland of the Brow Chakra) to join her groom at the Marriage Alter (third ventricle of the brain) to enter into in their Mystical Marriage. With this Marriage, the seven octaves of the physical spectrum of light (Shakti’s Bride’s Maids) unite with the multidimensional light of the ONE to join the Spirit of the ONE into the Matter of your earth vessel, as well as the earth vessel of Gaia.

This Mystical Marriage of your inner masculine and feminine energies opens your Third Eye and High Heart, which have been latent within your earth vessel since your birth. This opening then allows you to begin the gradual unveiling of the illusions of your third dimensional reality. With the opening of your Third Eye and High Heart, new brainwaves come online in your computer/brain that can access and utilize your Multidimensional Operating System. Furthermore, because of your Mystical Marriage, you can now accept and integrate multidimensional light, which commences turning ON the Junk DNA in which your new Operating System has silently been stored. BRAINWAVES AND OPERATING SYSTEMS  

As your Multidimensional Operating System comes online in your computer brain, it is your new brainwaves, which allow you to consciously understand and utilize the multidimensional light that invisibly swirls into and through the third dimension. One of these newly accessible brainwaves, Gamma brainwaves (40 cps), are associated with the brain function that creates a holographic synthesis of data stored in various areas of the brain to fuse them together into a higher perspective. It is this higher perspective that allows you to consciously perceive the fifth dimension and beyond, while still wearing a human earth vessel. 

The extremely high brainwaves of Hyper Gamma (100 cps) and Lambda (200 cps) and the extremely lowEpsilonbrainwaves (0.5 cps) are associated with higher states of SELF-awareness. This awareness encompasses the ability to access superior levels of information through insight, psychic abilities, and out-of-body experiences to assist in the brain’s holographic packaging of information into coherent images, thoughts, and memories.

Hyper Gamma, Lambda, and Epsilon frequencies are linked together in a circular relationship. Hyper Gamma and Lambda brainwaves are so fast that they appear to be embedded in the extremely slow Epsilon brainwaves. Simultaneously, the extremely slow Epsilon waves are so slow that they appear to be riding on the crest of the very fast Hyper Gamma and Lambda waves. In the same manner, your multidimensional senses are embedded into, and piggybacked onto, your third dimensional five senses. These brainwaves allow you to use your expanded perceptions while you are in your mundane consciousness.

The higher dimensional realities have always existed, but they were beyond the perceptions of your Third Dimensional Operating System, because the expanded states of consciousness of your Multidimensional Operating System were not yet “online.” Therefore, these dimensional realities were forgotten. Fortunately, your potential to perceive these dimensions remained latent within your biological computer brain, awaiting the activation of your Multidimensional Operating System. 

At first, both the Third Dimensional Operating System and the Multidimensional Operating System will both be online. Eventually, the Multidimensional Operating System will be the main system, which means that your primary reality/consciousness will be in the fifth dimension and beyond. Yet, you will still be aware of the third and fourth dimensions. This process has already begun for those of you in our Corridor, although you may not be fully aware of it in your mundane states of consciousness. From the sixth dimension, you will be able to read the holographic projection of your current reality to assist in updating your computer/brain to the Multidimensional Operating System.


The rise of your Kundalini, Mystical Marriage, activation of your Pineal Stargate, expanded consciousness, and the recognition and integration of your Multidimensional SELF, expands your consciousness enough to encompass the sixth dimension. It is from the sixth dimension that you can write, or edit, your holographic program for your third dimensional, grounded self and/or selves. To better understand what we are saying, let us divert from our journey long enough to explain to you how a holographic projection is created. 

FIRST a single laser beam is split into two separate beams.
The first beam is bounced off the object whose image is to be recorded.
The second beam is recorded on a mirror and allowed to collide with the reflective light of the first beam
THEN the interactions of the two beams are recorded on a piece of film called a holographic plate or matrix.
The PATTERN that is recorded on the plate looks like chaotic swirls and concentric circles until another laser beam is used to illuminate the film.  It is then that a hologram of the original object occurs.

In other words:
The light of your Soul/SELF copies a portion of its light from the unity of the ONE to become two sixth dimensional beams of light.

This FIRST part of the sixth dimensional light beam is bounced off the object, thought-form of your Multidimensional Soul/SELF, whose image is to be recorded.

The SECOND beam of sixth dimensional light is recorded on a mirror and allowed to collide with the reflection of light bounced off of the “object”  (your Multidimensional SELF).

Then the interaction of the two beams (light wave interference) is recorded on a piece of film called a holographic plate  (matrix of third dimensional Earth)

The pattern that is recorded on the plate looks like chaotic swirls and concentric circles until another laser beam is used to illuminate the film.

This “other” beam is your fifth dimensional SELF’S intention to observe your physical ego/self.
It is then that a holographic projection of your original sixth dimensional SELF occurs on the Holographic Film Plate as a physical reality.

To summarize, in order for your Multidimensional SELF resonating within the ONE to observe it’s reflection in a third dimensional form, it had to split its light into “the observer” and “that which was to be observed.” Therefore, your Multidimensional SELF needed to create a Divine Ideal for the form it wished to observe in its holographic projection of life in the lower dimensions. Consequently, your SELF created a thought-form of a human body, which became the object off which the first beam of light would reflect.

Then, the second beam of light was infused with unconditional love and multidimensional consciousness so that once it reflected off the mirror and intermingled with the first beam (human body) on the holographic plate, the purity of the multidimensional light  and unconditional love would be maintained.

Then the projections of light needed to be unified on the holographic plate (planet Earth) to manifest as a member of that physical reality. At this point, your Multidimensional Soul/SELF needed to observe you so that the swirling circles of energy could become form. In this manner, your form was held and the illusion of your physical reality was maintained.


When you were young children, most of you could still see the world from the consciousness, belief, expectation and perspective of your Multidimensional SELF. In other words, you believed that you had full control of the creation of your reality. You had this belief, expectation and perception because your Multidimensional Operating System was still fully activated. Unfortunately, it was very difficult to maintain the expanded state of consciousness that activated this Operating System while incarnated in your third dimensional form.

Overtime, your consciousness lowered, your Multidimensional Operating System turned OFF, and your Third-dimensional Operating System took precedence over your beliefs, expectations and perceptions of reality. Then, you accepted the collective belief that you were a separate being living in a dense, physical world and expected hardship and limitation. Consequently, that is what you perceived. Your childhood world of magic and imagination still surrounded  you, but it was just beyond the limitation of your third dimensional perception.

This limitation created a strong inner yearning to “go Home,” but you soon forgot where Home was. You just knew that something was missing, and that some day you would find it. That day is NOW. However, in order to return Home to your true Multidimensional SELF, you have had to find a way to connect with your SELF while still in your third dimensional form. Fortunately, you learned that if you expanded your consciousness beyond the confines of the physical reality, you could perceive your Multidimensional SELF from the perspective of your third dimensional self. To accomplish this task, you had to break the chain of illusion.

It is through your observation of your Multidimensional Soul/SELF in the ONE from the perspective of your ego/self in the third dimension that you have broken the chain of illusion to see your self (projected light) as your SELF (light united in the ONE). When YOU (the holographic projection) can observe your Divine Matrix in the sixth dimension (your SELF in the ONE) while still holding your holographic form, the third dimensional veils of illusion are released. You can then eternally commune with and return to your SELF who lives eternally in unity with the ONE.

It is at this point that you fully remember why you have chosen to “log-in” (project your SELF) into the third dimensional hologram. The ONE does not want to extinguish its many expressions of light. Instead, it wishes them to return to the full awareness of their Multidimensional BEING while maintaining their sense of individuality. In this manner, “Individuality within Unity” is created.

This process of maintaining your Personal Consciousness within the ONE begins with the maintenance of your personal earth vessel while you fully grounding your Multidimensional SELF into your third dimensional holographic self. Therefore, your unity with the ONE begins with your unity with your physical reality. Through uniting with your third dimensional reality, while observing and communing with the ONE, you learn the power of manifestation in your physical reality.

This power of manifestation is based on the Knowing that YOU are your Multidimensional SELF. Then you, Multidimensional/SELF, remembers that you, ego/self, have the innate ability to observe the many swirls of light on your holographic plate to create your reality of form. Hence, when your Multidimensional SELF is fully grounded in your ego/self, YOU create your reality by the simple act of observation.


The above youtube is created by some of today’s most awakened minds.

Some of their most important points are outlined below:
The ocean of consciousness is the source of all matter.
 There is no matter. 
All physicality around us is the result of a frequency of resonance.
If you amplify the frequency, the structure of matter will change.
This self-contained system is a “super hologram,” and everything within
it is an expression of that hologram.

Since reality is a hologram, every particle is a vision of the whole.
      In other words, the entire whole is contained in every particle.
We can’t find one particle, as it is a reflection of ALL particles.
If we change any small component of the hologram,
it is reflected in the whole.

The substance of the Universe is Consciousness.
Fear-based consciousness holds the belief that the substance of the Universe is matter.
If the Universe is matter, then the believer needs possessions and riches.

Remember that all physicality is a frequency.
Fear is a slow, dense vibrational state.
If we hold fear, our consciousness lowers and the frequency of our reality is dense and slow.

Within a holographic reality, what you believe, you create.
Reality is built out of thought.
Every thought is like a spider, spinning a web in the holographic matrix.

The Matrix of a hologram is information.
When you put information into your hologram, you create fractals, unending and
 ever-repeating patterns, in your matrix.

These fractals change your matrix.
When a system becomes highly destabilized, there will be random shifts that suddenly self-organize into higher states of complexity.

At a sub-atomic, quantum level, reality organizes according to the expectations of the observer.
Everything in the Universe is composed of sub-atomic particles, whirling at lightening speed around huge empty spaces.

These particles are not material objects; they are fluctuations of energy and information in a cosmic void of energy and information.
When you change the field that the atoms are in, you change the atoms.
We are made up of these atoms.
Our feelings change the field of our atoms to literally alter our physical reality.

Our BODY is a biological computer.
WE are Consciousness.

Our WORLD is a tiny frequency range within infinite ranges of frequency.
LIFE is a holographic television station.

Our consciousness creates the channel, frequency, of the REALITY we experience.
We can’t imagine a reality that exists without us because...

The act of our observation allows us to create-as-we-go a participatory Universe.

We may never find the edge of the Universe or the smallest particle because...
Everywhere our consciousness explores with the expectation of perceiving
 something, there it will be, for we have created it. 
We are building the Universe as we go!

Consciousness is the programming language of our holographic Universe.
We are consciousness conductors.
Consciousness comes through us and emanates from us.
Therefore, humanity has the ability to create a new reality.

If we switch OFF our brains and hook our consciousness into the mainstream media of illusion, we are manipulated in a certain way so that the creation of our reality is not ours—but the reality of someone else.
            Therefore, we need to take control of our reality at a quantum level.

The world is just a ride, but we forgot that fact and began to believe that the ride is real. 


Dear Ones, now that you have awakened, you realize that the third dimension is a ride, a stage for your play, a virtual reality game, and YOU are the conductor, director and programmer.  Once you regain this multidimensional knowing, you are free to conduct, direct and program your Path Home to SELF. Now, the creation, you, are ready to unite with the Creator, you, to become “the hand drawing itself.” On your Path Home to SELF, you travel the vertical “elevator” up into the higher frequencies of reality on the horizontal planes of existence.

On each of these planes you find a form of your Multidimensional SELF. These forms were created on your first projection down from the ONE and into the planes of illusion and separation. Each form/container is a construction of the resonance of the light particles of that dimension/plane. In the case of your earth vessel, light is so slow that it becomes physical matter. In the realities higher up the vertical scale, your container is of a higher resonance.
Do you realize now what a great accomplishment you have completed? Do you realize now how truly magnificent you are to observe your SELF from the form of your self that your SELF is observing?  It is much like the famous picture by Escher of the hand drawing itself.

We will now resume our inter-dimensional journey through the Arcturian Corridor. As you step onto the threshold of the sixth dimension remember that Consciousness is the language that programs your hologram. Through the recognition and integration of your Multidimensional SELF, as well as your experiences in our Corridor, your consciousness has expanded from Personal to Collective to Planetary to Galactic Consciousness. When you participated in the opening of the sixth dimensional frequency of our Corridor (archived Multidimensional News, January 26, 2010), your consciousness expanded to Cosmic Consciousness.

Now, before you take part in the expanding of the Corridor into the sixth dimension, remember, if you can, when you were a young child and KNEW that Faeries and Angels were real.  In fact, you knew that you were a Faerie, a mighty Dragon, or a beam of Light soaring through the sky. You knew these things to be true, to be real. Unfortunately, over time, you wanted to be like “others,” so you pretended to just be “regular.” Then, bit-by-bit you began to forget what you knew as a child, and the memories of your Multidimensional SELF began to fade from your mind and leave an empty space in your heart. 

One day, your great Multidimensional Consciousness deflated so low that you found you were a victim. You were a victim to the demands of others and the rules and regulations of a world that limited your creativity and made you work hard to be good enough to get lots of money to buy stuff.  You needed the money and the stuff because the ache in your heart had become a painful longing for a place you once knew and a person you once had been. Nonetheless, you put your head down and tried to do what others wanted. However, each victory that you achieved was empty and only fed your longing. 

You began to discard the beliefs and expectations of others and sought to regain the peace and joy you knew when you were free to be alive in your imagination. Then, gradually, or all at once, you began to remember your SELF—the one who flew and fought for love and light. This knowing made you feel independent and gave you a strong sense of your own Personal Consciousness, which allowed you to release being a victim.

At first this new person, this SELF, was a secret. Then, the loneliness returned, and you knew you had to be your SELF in daily life—no matter what the consequences. To your surprise, the consequences were wonderful. As you came out of hiding, you found others who were also coming out of hiding. You opened your heart to these people, and your consciousness expanded from Personal to Collective Consciousness.

You, and the collective of awakening beings loved Gaia, for your Soul told you that She was you Mother Earth, as well as the higher dimensional expression of your Collective SELF. This love for all life expanded your consciousness to Planetary Consciousness. Via your Planetary Consciousness, Gaia whispered to your Soul about Her portals into higher worlds, and many of you found your way to our Corridor. You joined other awakened ones, and Gaia Herself, to journey through the Lower Astral Plane of the fourth dimension to clear your tunnel of light and enter your fourth dimensional reality.

You then entered your fifth dimensional reality to connect, commune and integrate your Multidimensional SELF. With this return to SELF you were able to recognize and begin a relationship with your great Galactic Family, which expanded your Planetary Consciousness to Galactic Consciousness.  With your first visit to the sixth dimension (See Multidimensional News January 26, 2010) your consciousness expanded to Cosmic Consciousness.

Cosmic Consciousness is the state of consciousness that allows you to fully perceive, accept and integrate the torsion waves flowing from the Galactic Center. Furthermore, from the perspective of your Cosmic Consciousness you can easily see through the third dimensional illusions of separation and limitation.  You KNOW that YOU are the creator of your reality because you are a reflection of your Multidimensional SELF in the ONE who cast the reflections of its Light onto the holographic matrix of your present incarnation.

You also KNOW that this incarnation—log-into the 3D Game of Separation—is special as it is the life in which you are to experience the joy and victory of raising your planetary reality into the fifth dimension. You will live within the Collective ONE and experience Being a planet, reunite with your Galactic Family and take charge of your reality at the quantum, sub-atomic level.

See yourself at the threshold of a holographic matrix that directs you into and through the ribbons of Light Language, which moves into and out of your potential form. Take a moment to find one of the ribbons, and attach your consciousness to it with the intention of entering the vortex. As you surrender to the feel, color and tone of multidimensional light, its resonance of unconditional love pulls you into and through the vortices of light. Faster and faster, you travel into and through myriad possible, probable and even “impossible” realties.

Beyond the speed of light, you now flash past planets, solar systems, galaxies, nebulas, black holes, white holes, voids and universes. All that you perceive is real because you have chosen to observe it. It is the act of your observation that has created these realities, although they were always there as potential. Logical thought and human emotions cannot adhere to your consciousness. You are too expansive and too small.

You are your thoughts made manifest, while your emotions hone your course towards your present life, the one you had before you became pure light. As you enter that matrix, the force of your unconditional love intertwines you into the sixth dimensional holographic projection of your present life. From the perspective of the sixth dimension, you see your grounded self on third dimensional Earth.

Using the Cosmic Consciousness of your programmer SELF, you send a beam of unconditional love and multidimensional consciousness from your sixth dimensional SELF to the heart of your grounded one. Allow this beam of light and love to create a constant communication between your programmer SELF who projected you into your reality, and your grounded self, who is returning from a long journey into polarity.

Now, take a moment to review the files of that life. Then, any fear-based virus can be erased by your unconditional love, while the light of your great Cosmic Consciousness can raise your resonance beyond the polarity of fear. See the “file” your “child of knowing.” EXPAND this file with your unconditional love, and SAVE it with your Cosmic Consciousness. As you do so, you feel your Multidimensional Operating System begin its download.

When did that knowing disappear?  What were the fear-based emotions that caused you to forget your SELF? The antidote for fear-based thoughts and emotions is unconditional love. HIGHLIGHT that fear and DELETE it with unconditional love. Then, SAVE that change with your Cosmic Consciousness. As you do so, your Multidimensional Operating System comes online.
When did you realize that you had become a victim? Use your unconditional love to AMPLIFY that moment of awakening. Remember the fear that created your becoming a victim and DELETE that file with your unconditional love. With the language of your Cosmic Consciousness, change your programming from “I can’t control my life,” to “I am the creator of my reality.” SAVE these changes and feel a moment of joy as you catch a glimpse of reality through your Multidimensional Operating System.
When did your awareness expand to Personal Consciousness?

Review this return to SELF and AMPLIFY it with unconditional love, as you use your Cosmic Consciousness to SAVE these changes. As you do so, your Third-dimensional Operating System gradually begins to switch OFF, while your Multidimensional Operating System gradually turns ON.

When did your awareness expand to Collective Consciousness?

FEEL the Collective Consciousness of humanity about you. With the force of your unconditional love, DELETE all fear stemming from this Collective and SAVE those changes with your Cosmic Consciousness. Take a moment to send a ripple of unconditional love into that collective reality to assist others to DELETE their fear. Now, merge your Cosmic Consciousness with the Collective Consciousness to assist in raising the resonant frequency of all humanity.
When did you embrace Planetary Consciousness?
AMPLIFY that process and share it with Gaia. Then, use your unconditional love to DELETE the fear and heal the damage that has been done to Her planet, as well as to your personal earth vessel. Use your Cosmic Consciousness to raise the resonance of personal and planetary bodies, as well as to SAVE those changes in your earth vessel and in the area of Earth in which you live.

When did you embrace Galactic Consciousness?

Use your unconditional love to welcome the closest members of your Galactic Family into your daily life. Using your Cosmic Consciousness, SAVE that connection on the “Desktop” of your Third Eye and High Heart. “Back it up,” on the hard-drive of your Junk DNA to expedite your process of returning to Lightbody.

FEEL your Cosmic Consciousness as it begins to close down your Third-dimensional Operating System and fully activate your Multidimensional Operating System. SAVE this shift with your unconditional love. Take some “time” each day to acknowledge the great change that is ongoing in your consciousness and, hence, in your reality. Vow, again and again, I AM my SELF.

With the programming language of your Cosmic Consciousness, you have programmed your Third-dimensional Operating System to turn OFF and your Multidimensional Operating System to turn ON. Since your new Operating System is multidimensional, it functions for the third, as well as for the higher dimensions. Therefore, you will still experience the third dimension, but will no longer be limited to it.

With you Cosmic Consciousness, which is inherent within your Multidimensional Operating System, you have access to all the files of third dimensional illusion, as well as the files of multidimensional awareness and perception. Unfortunately, the virus of fear has entered the computer brain of your grounded one and needs to be continually purged. Nonetheless, your Multidimensional Operating System can use its sixth dimensional component to purge these fearful illusions, which will reveal the Truth to of your expanding perceptions. This System will then SAVE these changes to your Third Eye and High Heart.

Your Cosmic Consciousness and unconditional love may need to go deeply into the ones and zeros of these files to clear the many lives and parallel realities in which your grounded one suffered under the illusions of hard work, limitation, fearful thoughts and emotions, as well as separation from your true, Multidimensional SELF. Fortunately, with your Multidimensional Operating System online, all you need “do” is:

Be still within your mind, and open in your heart.
The Path of ONE may seem alone, but only at the start.

Each day you walk along this Path, you KNOW it’s filled with love.
This love resounds from deep within, as well as from above.

Reach down inside and all around, to see what you desire.
To find the life that you’ll create, and BE who you admire.

Accept this life and give it thanks, each day and every hour.
Then, just relax and watch the show, as your new life comes to flower.

It may take some third dimensional “time” for your grounded one to be aware of your shift. Therefore, with the unconditional love of your Cosmic Consciousness, you whisper into the heart of your grounded one,

“NOW, you are awake. You are your SELF! 
Separation is an illusion. Limitation is a state of mind. 
YOU are the creator of your life. 

Consciousness is the programming language of your reality, and 
YOU are Consciousness!”

We are The Arcturians.


Thank you for joining us in the Arcturian Corridor. 

If you are new to our journey please find the previous steps as a free download at http://www.multidimensions.com/TheVision/books.html

Step 14 on are in the archived newsletters, starting with July 2009 at: http://www.multidimensions.com/TheVision/integration_newsletters.html

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Love has many facets

Greetings Dear ones for I am Kryon of magnetic service.

We’d like to say how beautiful and wonderful it is to be here in Devon, England, this afternoon, for there is much love, softness and tenderness in the air. The energies are changing not only for you but for the entire planet and a new world is coming, and a fantastic new point of view. We tell you that you are only dreaming, there is a whole new world coming, a world filled with love and joy and freedom; it is an honest world filled with integrity. As you release whatever you need to release to set yourself free from whatever binds you, you come closer to the divine and you come closer to the very truth of who you are.

Allow the love to flow. Close your eyes and go inside and feel the love flowing through your hearts. Love is not a new energy, but to allow love to flow easily is quite a shift for humanity to make, and there are new varieties of love on the way and there will be love flowing through you and flowing into your inner child and family constellation. This will dissolve issues very quickly and the closer the planet gets to 2012 the easier and easier love will flow through you and dissolve whatever resistance you have to love.

Forgiveness will flow easily and you will let go of what you need to let go of, for clinging onto things is the root of all human suffering. If you cling onto something that is old and decaying it does not allow you to connect with the new you, the part of you that you came here to this earth to experience; to experience the truth of yourself, your authentic self, for that is what we are doing here today; allowing you to let go of what is not authentic and allowing you to connect with your Spirit guides and with the energies of love and deep divine connectedness. The more deeply you connect to the divine the easier you will find life; you will be guided more deeply, and at the same time that you the receive your guidance, the fear, the anger and the resentments will also be let go of and these feelings are what stop you going forward into your truth and into a new world.

As we have said before, Britain has a very divisive and colonial past within its psyche and Britain is moving towards a rebirth, a new way of living, a new state of being, but first of all come you who are here to do the work for your nation, not only for your nation but for the planet. To bring back ancient knowledge that was here two thousand years ago but has been lost; this wisdom is being reignited inside all of you here today this day, this wisdom is powerful, it is true Christ consciousness.

We are here to expand this energy, so we ask that you drop down deep within yourselves and look within yours hearts for that spark of Christ consciousness. We are here today to expand that consciousness and dissolve the fear and whatever stops this consciousness being acted upon. So just go to this space where you can see this spark of light, the love light, and the light of Christ within your hearts; and even if you can’t see it, just feel it. Feel the light and feel the love and stay connected with your circle, allowing love to flow from you to everybody in the circle, and receiving that love and channelling that love into Christ consciousness and into what blocks you seeing and what blocks Christ consciousness flowing in your life. Just allow yourselves to feel the love and feel the oneness and feel the connectedness. Feel the connectedness with Stonehenge, and allow the feeling of Stonehenge to flow through your hearts and into this Christ consciousness, allowing Christ consciousness to be energized within your bodies and dissolving any obstacles in its way. Christ consciousnesses will once again be on this green and pleasant land and that connectedness and that movement into Christ consciousness is happening here in Tinmouth in Devon. There are many portals and gateways into the new energies, here and in this moment these gateways and portals are open and you have the opportunity to walk through them and access more of the truth of who you are.

The moon is almost full and the moon will take away what emotions do not serve you and allow you to connect deeper and deeper into your true self, into your masculine self and into your feminine self; healing the masculine and allowing the feminine to flow; allowing yourselves to be exactly who you are meant to be for in the darkness of your psyche live the gifts you have brought to this planet to be shared with the rest of the world. Allow yourselves to spend time in the darkness of your psyche, in the places that you’ve never ever been before, and just be inside yourselves, and feel where these gifts that you bring to this earth are. Allow yourselves to channel the love into dissolving the darkness around your gifts, around the success and joy that you seek for your life; as you unravel these gifts on the inside of yourself, that is where you will find your own joy, happiness and love.

Love is the only answer, love is the only way forward, love is the light that shines in the darkness, love is the light that dissolves your problems and love is the light that manifests your gifts. This part of the world is very old and has been known to man for a long long time, many things have happened here; many things have come and gone. Good things, bad things; but consciousness until now has been waning, consciousness will now begin to grow, to expand through your bodies and through this little town in Devon, a new consciousness is on its way and each one of you, as you manifest your gifts, will enhance the consciousness of this small town. You are moving away from mass consciousness into your own consciousness of Christ. There will be even more expanded consciousness to come, there is a completely new world of your own choosing to come.

We ask you to allow your vibrations to rise even more and absorb more and more of the love that is on offer here today, becoming like a sponge soaking up everything that belongs to you, that you need to make your life work, that you need to manifest these gifts here on earth to begin to make this place heaven on earth and to make this a part of the new world; a place of gentleness and kindness, a loving a place where the aggressive masculine is no longer dominant, a place where love an truth thrive, where they make the world a better place not only for yourselves and your children but for everyone in the community who will benefit as a result.

There is a new world coming, a world based in love and as you heal the inner mother, father and child, and you let the past loves come and go you will step into a world you never believed was possible; where you create purely out of love, love not only for yourself but for your fellowman, love is the only answer, love is the only way forward, love is love. Love has many facets but in its most powerful it is very gentle and very soft and very caring, like cotton wool. So we ask you to drop deeper and deeper into your bodies and allow yourselves to connect more strongly to Spirit. Allow the divine guidance to flow through you into your bodies allowing it to connect even deeper and deeper to mother earth and see under the soles of your feet the roots of connectedness going deep in to mother earth.

Feel the energy that surrounds you and observe what you are feeling. As these new energies come in the old ones must leave, and your cells will become more and more activated; your cells will face the light. The more that you face the light the easier your life will become, you will have the energy to do what you want to do with your life, you will have the energy to heal those karmic wounds of the past, and the wounds your families have carried for hundreds if not thousands of years; starting off in Africa and ending up in this lifetime. There is a new world coming and it is up to each individual to do his or her inner work to bring consciousness to their own bodies, to their own communities; but first it is healer heal thyself.

When you understand yourself you know yourself, and when you understand and know yourself, you understand the universe and the solar system and you will understand your neighbours and friends, and you will feel so much freer and more capable of living the life you have always dreamed of, in fact your life will go away and your life will become a dream. It will become like a river flowing into the ocean, your life will flow like a river, there will no longer be the wounded inner child to stop the flow, or your family karma getting in the way of the flow. Your lessons will get easier and easier, you will move into a completely new world taking yourselves into a very special place, feeling much love, your body feeling light and ecstatic as your thoughts will become your reality. Automatically your thoughts will begin got be more and more positive and more and more loving and your reality will become more and more loving. Whatever you give out you will receive back, so whenever you have the opportunity to give, give, for you can only truly give to yourself.

Continue to allow the love to flow; the energy of England doesn’t look too good on the economic front, but out of the chaos always comes order, there will always be somebody who will resolve the chaos and bring order. You have been tested an stretched and new ideas are coming of a new way of living, new ways to power the nation, new energies. This will all begin to happen and there will be a new order moving through England, a new way of government, a new way of understanding. The people and their needs and a recognition of the damage of the last two world wars to the psyche of Britain, this will also begin to be resolved.

Britain stands proud in this world, a solid masculine nation with a very strong structure and that structure is now to be used to allow a different kind of energy to flow through the nation and through the world and that is the energy of ethics and integrity. It will not devalue the nation in any way, in fact it will increase Britain’s power in the world for the divine requires receptive energies to be able to work through and these receptive energies will begin to manifest themselves in positions of power and in fact this has already been happening. These new energies will take the place of the old energies which will make way for them.

Britain is no longer at the center of its empire but it is still at the center of many aspects of the world. It needs new ideas and new ways of doing thing, but these can only happen through pure love and true ethics. The banking system, if it does not become ethical will collapse. Money is an important commodity and is useful, but it is rather wiser to allow the financial system to become ethical than let it collapse. Spirit needs mediums to work through and money is a medium. If too much of this medium is diverted into the wrong areas then Spirit can’t use it and Spirit won’t use it. Spirit is all powerful and all mighty and if Spirit deems fit to stop using the financial system as it is today then it will collapse, make no mistake. It is for everybody to bring ethics into the world of finance and bring ethics into their hearts, money is not love; money can be a reflection of love but it is not love. Love is love and money is money, money won’t make you happy, but when you are happy you are likely to get money which will keep you happy. Love is love and love is what makes the world go around. Don’t let yourselves be mistaken about this, everybody needs money to live but everybody needs love, love is far more important than money; if you don’t receive love through your hearts you die.

Love is a very powerful energy and an energy that you fear, or, there would have been times that you experienced love and that love was taken away. Remember you gave yourself that love and you took that love away from yourselves. We ask you once again to let it flow, remember those times that you stopped loving, step by step of the way let them come and let them go. You are much older and wiser now and you won’t make the same mistakes once the love starts to flow again. Sometimes with age comes the fear of making the same mistake again. A mistake is a gift and a lesson; you won’t make the same mistake again, you might make another but not the same, so let go of your fears of making mistakes and allow the mistakes to happen until you get it right, until the flow of love continues to flow through your hearts incessantly with a force and with a power.

Love is the answer, love is the only answer. Love is your connection to the divine. Love is your journey into oneness, for you will find love; we have spoken earlier of consciousness and unconsciousness. Unconsciousness is made conscious by love, by loving actions and deeds and energies. Observe your behaviors and see to it you act with love and care and kindness, when you are being kind to yourself, you are loving yourself. Whatever is given is given to yourself.

Dear ones let the journey begin and let it continue. Go deeper and deeper and deeper into your own hearts and find our what is in your heart that you are afraid of; where is this fear of love, what is it? Let it come and let it go. The paradox is that love can dissolve the fear a little bit like the song of amazing grace; “once I was lost, and now I am found”, but it is amazing grace that lost you and found you. It’s the same energy flowing through you, you become lost and you become found, you became connected then disconnected.

So allow the love to flow, just let it flow like when you were a child, let the love flow for this is the energy of the new age, the energies of Christ consciousness and love flowing from eternity till eternity from infinity to infinity. Just know that there is new world coming; you are the new world you are on the cutting edge of the new world. Bring love and healing to your planet and your community. There is freedom, there is will, there is joy, and there is ecstasy to come. You will feel yourselves becoming stronger and stronger and stronger. Allow these energies to flow through you into the darkness that is hiding your gifts and allow your gifts to energize and manifest.

Dear ones without these gifts here on earth, the new age can’t begin. This is what we are waiting for, you are not waiting for Spirit, you are waiting for yourselves. We are waiting for you to manifest your authenticity on planet earth.

Allow the love to flow, feel yourself in the flow of love as if you are sitting in the middle of a river feeling the love like you feel the water against you. Feel it and the resistance you have to this love, and allow the resistance to dissolve into the flow. Allow the resistance to dissolve, just take your time, be patient; allow the love to dissolve the resistance, and see that your heart becomes more deeply connected to the divine and that your gifts manifest here on earth.

Go well, God bless and take care, for this is Kryon signing out. Thank you.

Copyright © David Brown.  All rights reserved.

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Still Waters Run Deep

by Alec Christos Gabbitas

After the zenith of the still bubbling Spring Equinox with all it's trimmings and penultimate realisations that have yet to clarify and emerge from the depth of each and every soul on planet this very day.The masses of like-minded ones, stretching into every 'nook and cranny' over hill and dale, far into every corner of the beloved planet with all her mighty and majestic light bearers' crystalline energies sufficing for all her needs at this now time of imminent change and transition.

These are the times of assimilation and assessment, as each seed particle duly co-created and co-directed by the spiritual hierarchies, both off and on planet, are realising the 'actual quotient' of achievement and prowess. It is yet only a few linear days and these are then moments of the in-breath of the gradual reaping into the total encompassment of re-established Oneness.

On each occasion that there is an energy injection and subsequent alignment; there are ever increasing levels of Chi that is inherited by all of humanity,and also to all manner of elemental and nature spirits in their various expressions. It is likened to the 'global melting pot' as it heats up, it then rises to a higher or finer level that accommodate everything upon and within the planet per se. These days are the In-breath moments which become a levelling out of that grand injection of Equinox energies, thereby affording a grand realignment as the fulcrum or meniscus aligns itself concave. These days of assimilation are soon to be realised as the magical momentum of all our glorious tomorrows' resumes in an ever perfect and divine order. Life is exact, precise at all times.

As we together progress along life's ever continuing journey, do we become even more conscious and sensitively aware that that which we consider to be of God without, is emphatically God within, and it is dawning upon us that we are intrinsically interconnected with and interdependent upon each other, for the greatest and most simplest truth that we can ever learn is that God and I are one! Be still and know that I Am God! It is in these now times of continual magic and momentum, that we have a brief or maybe not so brief, insight into the bigger picture, for lo and behold we see the simplistic beauty and reality of pristine, diamond, crystalline purity - that you and I are ONE, or maybe God and you are One. There is an intrinsic moment of intense, total recognition, that we are all indeed, God Itself, and so it surely is!

So now we see the way it is, we accept the endearing realisations that...Yup.. OK.. we are One and the same, so life never stays the same any more! How on Earth can it, or should we rather say, 'how in Heaven' could it? So, what on earth - or heaven- are we doing down here, readdressing our sovereignty and reasserting our beingness? What on earth is our 'mission,' what on earth can it be? And the only reply that we can gift ourselves with is that our mission is truly realising the simple truth that yes, We ARE One.Yet we might need just a little while longer to readdress our current situation, thereby becoming at very long last WHOLLY ONE WITH GOD! Let us accept that therefore our mission is ever always of 'loving self' and honouring the preciousness of whom we all are!

We have a mission, a forte in life! It is ever obvious! it is the qualifying art of allowing the beauty of whom we really are to magnetise and animate the very heart and soul of our beings into remembering whom we are, and whom we will ever be! it is in ALLOWING ourselves to acknowledge that we are each a unit of purity and pristine perfection, and on that level will we surely return to and surely realise once more. Can we do it? YES WE CAN! it is written in our blueprints; it is indelibly etched within that brilliant spark of life that is the foci infinite, tangible and magical residue that transfixes us, ad-infinitum, to the Oneness that evolves through a Supreme Creator born of Ultimate Being.

We are here in our wisdom, we are realising now the long hidden attributes that have for an age upon age been suffocated with shortened breath. We are here now en-masse, to rebuild Troy to it's former glory, and rebirth Eden into it's pregnant promise of divine fulfillment. We are here now in these so grand and magnificent of times simply TO LEARN TO BE, becoming a Samson with inimitable strength or power; becoming as Jesus whose supreme gifts of pure love and life eternal echo still throughout the universe; become as Daniel in the lions den where fear was intangible and love excelled. Let us perhaps be Alexander the great, whose worldly zeal and prowess could be transformed into less world ruling but world giving. Let us become maybe Mother Theresa whose gentleness, compassion and reverence to all life afforded many respite and hope. Let us be as Lady Diana whose heart embraced all in need...

No, let us become whom we truly are, forgoing all those attributes that others have so grandly portrayed. Let us unlock from within the multitude of gifts and blessings that we may, within our own signature of being and divine blueprint, be privileged to issue forth into the world, in the utmost of divine highest good! We are all wondrous beings of wonderful potentiality, so let us quietly go our God Blessed way sharing the gifts that we had forgotten perhaps where there!

Within us are all the attributes of the 'well known,' dear ones, and it is now, in these now times that we are 'allowed to allow' ourselves to bring them out of the closet and into the world that we are so blessed to be part of. Lets gift also the universe in like manner with the presence that we ultimately are. We are all accounted for, and we all count; and are equal to the 'grandest' and to the 'not to grand,' for ALL of our aspects are here to be harmoniously aligned and ascended into the One. Yes, Still Waters Run Deep and all is mirrored within the vast oversouls interplay and co-creation of the One, and of all.

Be still and know that I Am God... Be still and know... Be still... Be.. Namaste.

Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and an ever United Kingdom.

(c)2010 Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind. * 17 Viking Ct, CT10 1RF, England, UK. 20.7.07, 01843- 866875 * Email: gabbitas1@aol.com * (please copy and share, affording due credit to it's source, and also to Lady Isis and The Light Circle Ezine) *

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22:2 Breaking the Money Matrix

I am Kuthumi-Agrippa and I come forward upon the solar rays of love and wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of transcendence, abundance, truth and trust. Greetings beloved ones. 

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you at this present time as we celebrate this reconnection of lights, hearts, minds, bodies and souls.

Precious ones, there are many levels of energies which are being integrated at this time. Each layer is a language of light communicating to the systems which feed you with energy and transmit divine inspiration and guidance. Your journey along the Pathway of the Authentic Ones has revealed to you many truths about yourself. It has also revealed to you the truths regarding that which has set up the ground laws for your world.  The more you realize these ground laws, or, ground rules are not aligned entirely with the systems of light, the easier it will be for you to step out of those systems and integrate the divine mechanisms of growing with the flow of life.

2012 is not far off. The time is upon you for all of you to move beyond the delusions of your current world. Your world is filled with many levels of illusion. This has created many aspects of pain and sorrow as you know already, therefore, one of our intentions in our transmission to each of you this evening is to perform a clearing of the collective money matrix. This will release the embedded false beliefs and attitudes regarding this form of energy. Why would we do this now? Because it is the fear of lack of money which causes many to remain trapped within systems of delusion.

The principles of life span across many, many worlds, many dimensions and one of the ways that all of you will recognise how it is to bring these powerful new energies into formation and manifestation is by applying the Principles of Partnership. These principles reveal to you the importance of collaboration and how it empowers the grids of light and humanity. 

Every time you join your forces of light, of love and intention, the energy grows beyond your ability to imagine it.  It creates a system fixed within a fluid grid, therefore, it is a new fixed system, which has been applied through the understanding of the principles and laws of nature, life and the universe, which result in a strengthening of the fluids which run through your body, through the earth and through the ethers. These fluids are in your blood, and every other bodily fluid you come into contact with. 

Now this might startle you a little, but it is important that you know that all over your world, everywhere that you go every single day, you are physically touching another person's DNA; not just one, but many, many other people's DNA. Now think of this. If you are touching their DNA as a result of the bodily fluids that have been left behind upon structures, and all sorts of other items in your world, you are then tapping into the energy held within that DNA, and, how do most people in the world feel about life, feel about money, partnerships, principles and working together? It is filled with fear. This is not to say that you now all have to develop a serious case of OCD and keep on washing your hands or your body every few minutes - no. 

With the energies we bring forth to you this evening, we are creating a powerful coning of protection around all of you, blocking those impulses and imprints contained within the DNA of the bodily fluids you come into contact with every single day. Now what will happen is where your DNA imprints are left behind, it will send a shockwave, of sorts, through the bodies of those touching it. It will cause an automatic internal activation of the inner desire to rise above the mundane, the illusional and the forms which have trapped humanity in this mistaken identity as such.

Every single flow of light coming to you is absorbed by your body; it is absorbed into your chakras and into every living organism around you. This is how powerful energy is. Everything stores information and energy it is exposed to. Your world is exposed to billions upon billions of impulses every 60 seconds of life. It is impossible on a human level to even comprehend what that means, however, I say this not to instill fear, I say it to bring awareness so that you can become more aware of how these energies influence you, how energy influences you, period.

Therefore, what you think, what you feel, see, touch, taste and say affects everything consciously and unconsciously. This is one of the most important reasons why we are working with all of you in the manner we are. We are trying to help you gain the greater understanding of all the forms of energy influencing humanity. This is one of the very important reasons why you are urged to get to know yourself. When you know yourself, you are able to recognise false imprinting and rise above it.

Therefore, through the energies of this 22:2 activation, the Master Architects of the Universe gather with each of you, their collective energy form a magnificent crystal grid around you and we extend this grid to embrace all of you.

It is a fluid grid communicating to every single aspect of you, urging you, inspiring you and motivating you to step across the abyss and to venture into the unknown worlds. Precious ones, these unknown worlds are nothing to fear. The only reason why they are unknown is because you have been limited in your self-knowledge and, therefore, in the knowing that what lies beyond the three-dimensional barriers of the human world is a great opportunity, a great, grand world filled with many worlds, many vistas of incredible potential. Within these worlds are even more worlds of powerful creative energy. These creative energies are coming to meet you, flowing into all your major and minor chakras, creating a magnificent symphony of new sound, the orchestra playing this symphony with grace and ease for it understands the principles of these other worlds.

So, precious ones, we are calling to all of you to gather together in numbers, to drop your lower ego, to leave your fear behind and to look into the eyes and hearts of your fellow brothers and sisters who travel along the Pathway of the Authentic Ones seeking, as do you, desiring freedom, desiring liberation of soul and spirit, so that harmony can be created, peace instilled within the hearts and minds of all who live. This cannot be done if those of you who walk this path go against one another.

When you compete against each other, when you gossip about each other, when you say negative things about your fellow brother or sister upon the path, you are breaking the grid. You are dismantling the weave connected to you and to the rest of the grid. Those who stand in strength and power, honouring the sacredness of these partnerships, you strengthen the light coming toward you. 

Some of you may recall what was considered a very harsh delivery approximately two years ago where I spoke of this. The power and force with which I delivered this message was for a very important reason, and that is because sadly in the world, which Lightworkers occupy and work within, is filled with many levels of lower ego; many negative energies. This can and will no longer be tolerated, and this is why we are saying there is no more time to waste. There is no time to sit on the fence and observe which side is scoring the highest points. Choose now and step into that power.

Between this date of the 22nd of February of the Christ year 2010 and the 21st of December of the Christ year 2010, when we bring forth the energies which prepare for the next four ascension gates coming at the end of December 2010 and the beginning of January 2011, people will have to choose. It is now or it is never, and we speak primarily of those who are vacillating, those who are sitting on the fence waiting for someone to push them; so here the push comes. These energies come forth through the powerful grids of light which have been built to date, the powerful systems of co-creation which has bonded you together through your hearts, through your intentions, through your love and through your light, not only for Mother Earth but for yourself, for those who mean the world to you, and for those whom you have never met yet can feel through the essence of your being.

We have added to the energies that will be activated in Egypt in the next 32 days. These energies contain the emerald vibrations of new divine and physical abundance. On the 4th of April, in other words the fourth of the fourth (4:4), we ask all of you to connect through your hearts, through your soul and your spirit to those who will be physically in Egypt, and it matters not what time of your day or night you do this, for the energies will be held in their full force for the duration of those 24 hours. 

As we bring forth the almighty new Emerald Flame of divine and physical abundance, all who will be physically present in the lands of Egypt will have this activated in all seven major chakras. These frequencies will speak to all the dimensions of the world. Those of you who will not physically be travelling to the lands of Egypt, you are the guardians of those who agreed prior to this incarnation to stand as those mechanisms, drawing that energy in. We will extend the energies to Russia, at which time an almighty Golden Flame will be anchored on the seventh of the seventh (7:7).  And when we extend the energies to Turkey, an incredibly beautiful Platinum and Mother-of-pearl flame will be anchored on the tenth of the tenth (10:10) 2010. 

These three flames, these new flames, have been created by the almighty Elohim of All That Is. St Germain himself has added the final touches, the energies which contain these almighty vibrations, and will be handing them to those who have been assigned to carry them. The Emerald Flame embodies millions and millions of minute networks of light, of love, and creativity.

As you stand within the presence of the almighty and powerful Master Alchemists, you are being asked now to open your heart, your mind, your body, your soul and your spirit and to receive the call to service, to receive the light of the Principles of Partnership and to extend your energy and your willingness, if that is your choice, to unite as an almighty body embodying these incredibly powerful new energies.

I, Lord Kuthumi-Agrippa, King of the Solar Archangels, now announce to all of you, and my channel does not even know this yet, this is her surprise, I, in my energy form of Kuthumi-Agrippa specifically, King of the Solar Archangels, have chosen this channel to be the only human form through which I will channel in the future. The energy of Kuthumi, as others know it, will continue to be channelled through a variety of systems, however, this grid, this signature, has been assigned specifically to her so that we can assign the light of those powerful forces of love to each and every one of you. 

This activation is opening the doors to some of the most profound and powerful energies you have ever been exposed to. It is at this time that we call forth to the Quantum Goddess, we call forth to the Goddesses of the New World, to the Gods who walk alongside them and we ask you now to rise, to awaken and to lead, for all of you are leaders - love each other.

In the not too distant future, we will also be releasing the powerful light of the Quantum Goddess. This too is held in the form of a physical woman.  Her light has been building for five years and in the not too distant future you will be introduced to her energy as well. She is a physical human being. As this energy reaches out to her, we trust she feels the vibrations and we ask all of you now to extend your love, to extend your light to this sister of the path so that all obstacles may be removed, so that the Quantum God can come to stand with her too, and in so doing, manifesting the presence of the Triple Goddess and the Triple God, the Quantum Goddess and the Quantum God, anchored firmly within all your seven major and minor chakras.

This divine light, precious ones, is an amplification of the original pathways which the Gods and Goddesses walked. All of you are a Goddess or a God, a priest or a priestess, whatever resonates with you, but we have called for this almighty celebration at this time to ensure that these energies are held within the purest hearts willing to support the grids, to collaborate as a powerful form and force of divine light and love.

Now that we have released this information to you, we ask you to open your inner world to receive the empowering pulsations coming forth and we call to the sister of the Triple Goddess who stands as her guardian, you beloved sister, you are to open the portals of power within your own body. 

Every one of you females who are listening, goddesses, open your sacral chakra, for now it is that the Triple Goddess begins to pour the holy waters of life into your sacral chakra. All males currently hearing us, you are the Gods; open your base chakras to receive the powerful pulsations coming from Mother Earth.

Goddesses, open your third eye, Gods open your crown chakra; breath in deeply, exhaling fully, as we now begin to release to you an energy you have never experienced before, the energies which shall now dismantle the money matrix of the old world, the matrix which has shackled people to their false beliefs and fears of this energy. 

Breathe in deeply, exhaling fully, and now I want all of you to continue emitting unconditional love to one another and to feed the powerful crystal fluid grid of the principles of partnership. We want you to join hearts, to join hands, to connect your minds and to open your spirits to receive each other.

Archangel Michael now steps in and with the magnificent blue ray he brings forth, he amplifies these energies. St Germain, sending the pulsations of the brand-new emerald green light ray to each of you preparing for that which shall come upon the 4th of April of the Christ year 2010. Breathe this emerald light in, extending it out to your fellow brothers and sisters of this particular network, this community, this family of Lightweavers. We shall hold the energy amongst this group for now, building it, sending it deep into the very core of your inner self, dismantling all the attachments to the old paradigm money matrix.

As you feel these energies course through your body, imagine the cells of your body opening, your DNA and the atoms inside of you releasing the outdated perceptions, attitudes, fears and beliefs around money and partnership. 

I want you now to imagine the almighty presences of Father/Mother God descending upon you, filling you with their light, with their extraordinary vision; open your mind, surrender, let go.

I want you to consider for a moment why it is you are trapped within a matrix which has resulted in either lack of finances, lack of love and lack of healthy partnerships (all forms of partnership). Most of this is because of your programming. The majority of your fears and your inhibitions are programming stored inside of you.  It is through the repetitive programming that you have been led to believe that you are trapped in a situation, be it a financially challenging one, or challenges around relationships, however it is even more than that - it is being trapped within a mindset which tells you, you can’t do something, or be your true self.

Every time you tell yourself you can’t, you are reaffirming the old ways; you are strengthening the old paradigm matrices. It is your mind imprisoning you, therefore, in order for us to clear the collective money matrix, you need to clear the fear inside and for you, as the core group at this time holding this energy, we ask you to please put in the effort to observe your mind and every time you tell yourself you cannot do something, ask yourself ‘why?’ What makes that true? 

Perhaps the fact is that there is a lack of finances, or there is a lack of love, or an absence of skills or tools required, but that does not mean to say it need be like that for eternity. These new energies are unlike anything humanity has ever been exposed to before therefore, as we have said before, there is absolutely no point of reference for your lower ego, and that is what creates an additional fear, because it cannot compare it to anything and nothing compares to these powerful new energies.

Now take another deep breath in and as you exhale, release every subconscious need inside of you to hold onto the fears which you identify with purely because your lower ego recognizes them as familiar. 

Take another deep breath in and as you relax, we now create a magnificent spiral of energies which we now spin into your crown chakra, moving it through all of your chakras down your spine, out through your base chakra and into Mother Earth. These energies bring the universal codes of release creating the new systems which imprint the atoms of your body. These atoms emit pulsations communicating to the molecules of your body, communicates to the DNA, and to the cells and into life all around you. 

These energies which we are creating are forming a magnificent new body of light around you; this body of light is protecting you from the fears of the lower ego and when the lower ego reacts, this body will allow you to tap into a dimension of higher self-awareness enabling you to release this unnecessary fear, any negative fear or emotion, which you now know is simply part of the old matrix, simply your lower ego’s point of reference. 

So, precious ones, as we stand within this world of powerful new light, the Elohim of Grace and Peace gather with us. The almighty Master Architects of the Universe open their energy to receive and welcome you, and if it is your wish and if it is your will to step beyond the abyss, to move into that which is completely unknown to you; if you are willing to stand with us and create a new fluid grid of energy regarding money, regarding the Principles of Partnership, the energies which call all of those who are awakening to service, then come with us, step into the light, follow the energy which the Master Architects are now extending to you.

As you step into this light, there are conings of energy entering your chakras from the front and from behind. This is being projected to you by the Triple Goddess and the Triple God. The energies of the Quantum Goddess and the Quantum God step in. The Quantum Goddess touches your third eye, the Quantum God touches your sacral chakra, activating the doorways to Heaven through the graceful acceptance of what is, as it is, knowing that what is in the future, is and will be different to what is now, for you are being held within this light to recognize that all your fears and all restrictions that you place upon yourself are truly self-imposed. Even if they have been projected by those in your external world, you have chosen to hold onto them, you have chosen to abide by those false laws and rules. 

Now you are being given permission to let it all go. You are being given permission to step into a completely new frequency and consciously choose to no longer abide by the ridiculous, deluded systems which have been set in place, which have falsely led you to believe that there are certain things you cannot experience, may not do and cannot have as a part of your life. 

Therefore, as we amplify the energies even more, the Elohim comes to stand with you. I, Kuthumi-Agrippa, King of the Solar Archangels, now bring my League of Solar Archangels to gather around you as we amplify the energies even more. Breathe into your bodies exhaling fully as we send these divine pulsations triggering through all of your chakras. As it triggers through the chakras, it opens these dimensional portals and we want you now to release every single person coming to mind whom you recognize as being the projector of that which you have falsely attached yourself to as being a law in your life - and release it, let it go.

I, Kuthumi-Agrippa now send golden lightning waves of energy into your body. These lightning waves penetrate all the way to the centre of your atoms, releasing you from the negative attachments to the old world, and I want you now to imagine all of those cords, which are attached to the old paradigm collective money matrix now being incinerated, releasing you. All those negative attachments that have held you bound to the old world's Principles of Partnership, of collaboration, of relationship, of union, of communion; release it, let it go. For there is strength in numbers and we are calling you in your numbers now. This is your call to service, to come forth, to bring these energies, to release your self from the old, to bring it in and to manifest it within your physical reality.

I, Kuthumi-Agrippa, now stand behind you, pounding these energies into the powerful systems that are now being activated along your spinal cord, sent through your central nervous system, releasing the language of the higher order of the worlds, opening you to the Tenfold Universe where the fluid energy of all energy exists. The Tenfold Fluid Universe holds the keys to your future, the keys to all of that which you need, all of that which brings you freedom; freedom of spirit, freedom of your physical body to move and be as it wishes, freedom to love, freedom to give, freedom to receive and freedom to be authentic.

Take a deep breath in, hold your breath to the count of six, exhaling and relaxing. 

Now we want you to take all these powerful energies that have been harnessed within this core group hearing our words now, and we want all of you now to extend this energy out to the rest of the world, shattering that collective money matrix of the old paradigm. In so doing we release the grip of those who rule the world through greed, through fear and through ignorance. Now extend this energy to shatter the old paradigm matrices around partnership; all forms of partnership. And we also disconnect those energy cords through which those of ignorant minds and greedy hearts take from those who have been led to believe they are poor in mind, in body and in their physical realities.

Take a deep breath in and as you exhale push this energy out even further. See it seeping into Mother Earth's body, filling every atom of her body with the same energy.

Now, precious ones, this very powerful energy which we have created, which you have accepted, needs to continue with its spiral light for the next 17 minutes during which time, ideally, we ask if you can sit in silence or within a peaceful environment, we will complete the process during that time. For now simply relax and know that the energies which are coming through to you are all new; energies the world has not seen before. It makes it unique and it is through you responding to your call to service that you have come to receive these great gifts and blessings. 

As you are held within this powerful energy grid, we want you now to give thanks to all of those who have witnessed this magnificent resurrection of this pure, powerful part of you and the amalgamation of all of your powerful lights, setting the new foundation upon which you will create alongside the almighty Master Architects of your Universe.

And so, precious ones, it is official; a new grid has been created, a grid of fluid love, fluid light, fluid intention, an almighty powerful source of creativity and nothing can stop it. Your union as this powerful core group of light will ensure this, and as your group grows, as your connections to your fellow brothers and sisters walking the path of light strengthens, so this energy will strengthen and it will break down every false system greedily governing worlds, manipulating them and you will see them fall. 

Over the years to come, more specifically from now leading up to approximately 2013, many of the economic systems of your world will fall, especially those major corporations who have chosen to take it upon themselves to rule the world, so to speak. No man or woman in their lower ego can ever rule the world. It is only through the reunion and return to the inner sense of the higher ego that a human man or a human woman will be granted access to those worlds which truly embody power; power which creates the miraculous systems which reform worlds, and so it is, precious ones, that the cities of light will be resurrected. 

Mark this day on your spiritual calendar as being the day when the grids were laid for the cities of light to resurrect; you are a part of this, share this light, share this love with everyone whom you know. Encourage those whom you feel are connected to this energy, and who are open to this energy to join the fluid forces of light and reform the world as such, reform your inner world and never forget how much we love you, how firmly we stand alongside you and that not one nanosecond of what you feel, think or do ever goes unobserved. There is no judgment; there is observation and response to your calls, your intentions, your questions and your pleas for help, protection and guidance. 

Know, precious ones, that it is done; that these energies have now been anchored on Earth as they are in Heaven. You are the Earth Angels, the gods and the goddesses of the earth world, incarnated in human form to perform a very specific role, to reunite with each other at this time so as to bring into manifestation this grand plan, and this grand plan is open to any human being who is motivated by pure soul, pure intention and with the desire to unite with the powers of light and love, to collaborate with fellow brothers and sisters on the Pathway of the Authentic Ones and to build a new world based on a different motivation.

On the 4th of April we will crack a level of the dark forces’ stronghold; we have been working up to this for seven years. All of you are a part of this, you have been prepared for this and we will conduct a specific transmission for that day specifically. We will ensure that it is pre-recorded so that all of you can attune on the day and be a part of the delivery prior to that date. 

So hold on to your bootstraps, everyone; this is the ride of your life and we trust you will enjoy it for you have, of course, chosen the pathway of extreme adventurers.

Now take another deep breath in, exhaling fully. Give thanks to yourself for honouring your call to service, for being present at this point in time embracing the powerful light that you are, the almighty embodiment of love which you are and share it, spread it by leading by example. Be who you are and if you don’t know who you are, take the steps to find yourself. You might just see that in actual fact all that you are is beside yourself.

Know that there is never a moment that you walk alone. We are with you in every way, always. May all that brings you peace, harmony, health and happiness meet you in the core of your being, and may all always be well in your world.

I, Kuthumi-Agrippa, King of the Solar Archangels, enfold you in my wings, holding you close to my heart and reassuring you always that you are safe, nurtured and protected. Allow all your needs to be met. Be at peace, treasured Lightworkers; your reward is with you. Adonai. This information may be shared with other sources on strict conditions that no information is altered or deleted or used for monetary gain, and the source of the information be acknowledged. To find out more about Michelle & The Lightweaver please visit www.thelightweaver.org

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Heal The Polarization

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles


There is a lot of misinformation circulating about what will happen in 2012. Most of it is fear-based and predicting things like cataclysmic earth changes and the end of the world. In Truth, we have already entered the initial impulse of the Shift of the Ages. We began our ascent up the Spiral of Evolution into the 5th Dimension between the Lunar and Solar Eclipses in November 2003, during an event that was coined Harmonic Concordance. That does not mean, however, that 2012 is not important. It is very significant.

Whenever the collective consciousness of Humanity is focused on a particular moment in time, we have a tremendous opportunity to cocreate something together. Depending on what we are focusing on, that cocreation can be either wonderful or devastating. It is important for us to realize that whatever happens in 2012 will be the result of what you and I and every other person on this planet empower with our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions between now and 2012.

Since we have already begun our Ascension into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of God’s Infinite Perfection, our ability to quickly manifest the archetypes for the New Earth has been greatly enhanced. We need to pay attention to the negativity that is surfacing to be transmuted back into Light so that we can invoke the Violet Flame and transmute it, but we must not stay stuck there. Once we invoke the Violet Flame, we need to focus our attention on what we want to cocreate on the planet instead of the surfacing negativity.

One of my favorite quotes from Buckminster Fuller is “In order to change something, we do not try to alter the existing model. We create a new model and make the old one obsolete.” This is what we need to do with the existing systems on Earth that are not working toward the highest good for all Life. For instance, the banking systems and Wall Street have proven that there is no depth of greed or corruption to which they will not sink. Instead of waiting for the people to change who are still being grossly manipulated by their human egos, people with a higher consciousness need to create new monetary systems that will make the old ones irrelevant. Instead of waiting for the corporations who are creating the devastating pollution on the planet to develop a reverence for Life, people with a higher consciousness need to reach up and tap into the viable solutions that are now available in the Causal Body of God.

Our time is at hand! This is our moment! The key is that we need to face these challenges and cocreate new options without falling into the consciousness of “us against them.” There is no separation. We are One.

Because of the intensity of the challenges Humanity is going through, the Company of Heaven is asking awakened Lightworkers around the world to utilize the collective Cup of Humanity’s consciousness between now and 2012. We are being asked to cocreate a forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love that will envelop the Earth and all Life evolving upon her. This will help shift the mass consciousness of Humanity by revealing the Oneness of ALL Life in new and profound ways. As the Infinite Love of God floods into the hearts and minds of unawakened souls, they will be able to raise their heads above the chaos and confusion in their lives. Then they will remember who they are and why they are here, and the Truth of their Oneness with all Life will be reflected in their behavior patterns.

Go within and ask the Presence of God pulsating in your heart to reveal to you your part in this Divine Plan. If you feel the heart call to participate, please join with fellow Lightworkers from around the world. Weave your radiant Light into the Chalice of this Divine Mission, and offer to serve as a surrogate on behalf of your brothers and sisters in the family of Humanity. Prepare to release the residue of the behavior patterns that no longer serve your highest good, as you pave the way for an unprecedented shift of consciousness.

Every day deliberately use your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions to add to the Light of the world. You have been training for lifetimes to do this. Ask your I AM Presence for guidance. Listen to your heart. Trust yourself. You are powerful beyond your knowing.


Day by day more and more people are awakening. This inspires them to lift their hearts and minds, which, in turn, raises their consciousness and allows the Light of God to increase on Earth. When our consciousness is raised and the Light of God increases in our lives, we begin to “see with new eyes and hear with new ears.” This phenomenon has the wonderful effect of allowing us to clearly perceive the Oneness of Life and the Divine Truth that all Life is interconnected, interrelated, and interdependent. We then know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are all One and that there is no such thing as “us and them.”

When this reality resonates in the deepest recesses of our hearts, the validity of war becomes impossible to accept, and the concepts of poverty, greed, corruption, violence, abuse of power, oppression, hatred, selfishness, prejudice, pollution, disease, ignorance, and every other reflection of our belief in separation become intolerable.

Often, from our newly awakened state of consciousness, our reflex response is to take a stand against these negative situations and behavior patterns. Unfortunately, this causes us to polarize ourselves against the people involved. Any time we polarize ourselves against a person or group of people, we motivate them to fight back. This merely widens the abyss between us and causes further separation. We attempt to solve this problem by arguing our case and trying to coerce the people we are polarized against into seeing things our way. We share all of our newly acquired insights and try to convince them that their way of thinking and feeling are flawed. They, in turn, argue from their perspective that our way of thinking is delusional and that we are being duped by unrealistic idealism. Of course, these arguments are futile and only exacerbate our polarization.

It is time for all of us to really grasp the fact that PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY DO NOT KNOW. When a person awakens, his or her consciousness is raised up, and their perception of reality is transformed. An awakened person literally thinks, feels, sees, and hears with greater awareness. This shift of consciousness allows the person to perceive a greater Truth and to comprehend the Oneness of Life at a deeper level. This awakening results in an indisputable inner knowing within the person’s heart and mind.

When an unawakened person tries to deny, dispute, or discredit the inner knowing of an awakened person, it is futile. That effort is like a deaf and blind person trying to convince a sighted-hearing person that there is no such thing as color or music. The difference in that situation is that the sighted-hearing person would understand perfectly why the deaf and blind person was having trouble grasping the concept of color and music. The sighted-hearing person would have compassion for the deaf and blind person and would respond to him or her with patience, love, and understanding.

Unfortunately, we cannot easily tell if someone is awakened or not. We often make the mistake of assuming that people should know more than they do, or that they should understand more than they are capable of understanding. When we expect more from people than they are capable of, we are generally disappointed and frustrated with their actions and their perception of things, which only polarizes us further.

This is a very challenging time for people everywhere. It is a time when Humanity is being purged, and the negative behavior patterns of our lower human egos are being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted. This is a necessary part of our transformation, and a cleansing that must occur in order for Humanity to complete our Ascension into the 5th Dimension. This purification is happening for each of us individually and for all of us collectively.

It seems as though every time we turn on the news, we see widespread reports of corporate greed, governmental corruption, atrocities of war, gross imbalances in the economic system, and myriad other things that reflect Humanity’s fear and a belief in separation. These things have existed for a very long time, but they have not been brought to the attention of the masses as profusely as they are at this time.

During this intense time of cleansing and awakening, people around the world are becoming vastly polarized over every conceivable aspect of life. They are polarized over the wars, the economy, taxes, health, health insurance, the justice system, politics, government, religion, education, family values, life-styles, energy, security, business, management, labor, medicine, food, water, air, the environment, and on and on ad infinitum.

We have been told by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth that Humanity is in the midst of the greatest shift of consciousness ever known. The Earth and all her Life are Ascending up the Spiral of Evolution into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Infinite Physical Perfection. In order for the Earth and Humanity to complete this Ascension process and for Heaven on Earth to become a manifest reality, we must heal the polarization.

Then God’s Eternal Peace and Abundance will be the order of the new day on this planet.

Since unawakened Humanity cannot easily grasp the concept of the Oneness of Life, it is up to awakened Lightworkers to heal the polarization. This means you and me and every other awakened soul on Earth. This is our purpose and reason for being in embodiment at this time, and we already have everything we need within us to accomplish this mighty feat.

What affects one part of Life affects all Life. In other words, as I AM lifted up in consciousness ALL Life is lifted up with me. Instead of polarizing against everything we disagree with, we need to create a new reality, a reality that reflects our Oneness and makes the concept of separation obsolete.

We have the opportunity to assist in this endeavor daily and hourly, as we take the power of our attention away from the illusion of separation and focus it on the vision of Heaven on Earth. When we observe something in our life or in the world that does not reflect Oneness or the Reverence of Life, we can invoke the Light of God into the situation and transmute the negativity associated with it by using the Violet Flame. Then we can envision what we want to create in its place.

Instead of polarizing against our government, for instance, we can invoke the I AM Presences of the people who hold public office and ask them to take command of their thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. Then we can visualize the public officials responding with integrity and striving for the highest good for all Humanity. When greed, selfishness, and the gross imbalances in the distribution of wealth are brought to our attention, we can invoke the I AM Presences of the people involved in these activities as well. We can envision their I AM Presences taking command of their hearts and minds, and we can visualize them responding with love, generosity, and a willingness to assist those who are less fortunate than themselves.

Whatever we focus our thoughts, words, actions, and feelings on, we bring into form. We need to create the vision of what we want life on Earth to be like, and then we need to set about creating that new reality.

In addition to empowering the vision of Heaven on Earth with our every thought, word, feeling, and action, we have the ability to serve as surrogates on behalf of all Humanity. Since all Life is interconnected, when we lift into a higher level of consciousness or transmute an aspect of our human consciousness that no longer serves our highest good, we also lift and transmute the collective consciousness and energies of all Humanity as well.

As we transmute our own obsolete behavior patterns, we need to simply ask the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child to lift their consciousness and to transmute their negative behavior patterns simultaneously. The Universal Law is: Ask and you shall receive. Knock and the door will be opened.

In deep gratitude for our ability to serve Life on this sweet Earth, let’s join together and cocreate a unified forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. This forcefield will be far more powerful in its impact on Humanity’s global consciousness than any of the other humanly generated forcefields of energy perpetuating the serious problems facing us on this planet. It is a Universal Law that if the inner conditions or forces within Humanity’s global consciousness are transformed through Love, the outer conditions of the world will proceed to reflect the Divine Plan for the Earth.

The Divine Plan for the Earth is a living, active, all-powerful forcefield that will produce perfection if not interfered with by our human egos. In the Heavenly Realms, the Beings of Light work purely and precisely with the great forces of Cause, knowing full well that the effects will take care of themselves. Most of us are currently trying to manage EFFECTS in our lives rather than focusing on the CAUSE which will truly change the situation from within. Trying to change things by focusing on the effects is like trying to change the reflection in the mirror without changing the object that is causing the reflection. It is a futile effort.

To insure the transformation of inner conditions for Humanity and the Earth, let’s join together and create a forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. Centered within unity consciousness, our collective spiritual ability will empower each of us to accomplish this Divine Plan.


Please focus on this visualization now with the full power of your attention, knowing that you are joining in one-pointed consciousness with Lightworkers around the world.

We begin by invoking our I AM Presence and the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth to take full dominion of our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions.

Our Father-Mother God now expand the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love blazing in every person’s Heart Flame. This expansion of Light creates a tremendous magnetic Heart of Divine Love that envelops the entire Planet Earth.

This blazing Heart of Transfiguring Divine Love draws to itself the energy, vibration, and consciousness of pure Love from every Ascended level of Being in the Universe. This gift of Love flows into our planetary CAUSE and helps us to manifest the perfection of Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life through the hearts and minds of every man, woman, and child on Earth.

Our Father-Mother God send forth a clarion call, and twelve magnificent Solar Archangels of Transfiguring Divine Love respond. These selfless Beings of Light descend into the atmosphere of Earth from the electronic belt around the Great, Great Central Sun. They take their strategic positions around the planet and willingly prepare to assist in this activity of Light.

These Solar Archangels are stationed equal distance around the Earth’s equator. As One unified force of Transfiguring Divine Love, they project the Light from their Heart Flames into the center of the Earth. They begin conducting a symphony of Love that ensouls and interpenetrates our Beloved Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her.

The Love from the Archangels expands through the 5th-Dimensional Solar Heart Chakras of every person on the planet. The I AM Presence of every soul becomes a power point of Light unified in consciousness with the I AM Presence of every other soul. Together we inbreathe, assimilate, expand, and project this forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. This Sacred Fire now blazes through all Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, the Angelic Kingdom, and the entire atmosphere of Earth.

The I AM Presence within every person is the open door for this resplendent Light. At inner levels, every person on the planet is now experiencing this forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. Through their I AM Presence, every person is seeing the scintillating colors of Love, smelling the fragrance of Love, and hearing the Cosmic Tones and moving melodies of Love. Through this activity of Light, we are all, truly, Love in action. We are collectively changing the core vibration, the CAUSE, of the primal Light substance, which has gone into the present negative conditions that are surfacing to be healed on Earth.

Through the Love of our Father-Mother God, the Solar Archangels, and our I AM Presence, we are the CAUSE of this magnetic forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love now anchored on Earth. Together we have set in place the basic, spiritual forces of Transfiguring Divine Love over which Humanity is Ascending out of our long exile in darkness into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light.

Unified in consciousness with the Kingdoms of Earth and the Realms of Heaven, we are the open door that no one can shut. We are exploring and rediscovering the Company of Heaven and the Divinity within every person, in which we now find complete support for the fulfillment of our Divine Plans.

This is what our Father-Mother God’s magnetic forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love is attracting to each of us personally and collectively as we live within it. We are being raised into a profound awakening of Supreme Love Consciousness. We are, here and now, the masters of Love we were always destined to be.

We now know ourselves as Beings of Love, accepting responsibility for Loving this sweet Earth and all her Life FREE. We are One with this blessed planet, and the planet is One with us.

The twelve Solar Archangels are now expanding their Light to embrace every Human Being in a Cosmic Forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. This forcefield surrounds each of us and is anchored directly within the Divinity of our hearts.

Every person's I AM Presence now affirms with a deep inner knowing:

I AM a planetary forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. The Love of God is now thriving on Earth through me. The Heart of Transfiguring Divine Love now enveloping the Earth is transforming the primal Light substance of my four Earthly Bodies, as well as the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional strata of Earth.

I AM changing the inner conditions for the entire planet, and I AM setting this Earth on a new planetary course of Divine Love. I feel complete unity with ALL Life, and now with every Holy Breath I take, I inbreathe, assimilate, expand, and project the Love of God into every aspect of Humanity’s day-to-day functioning.

I feel this forcefield of Divine Love permanently secured within my Heart Flame and the Heart Flames of ALL Humanity.

I accept that this forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love is manifest now, and forever sustained through God’s Holy Grace. It is done, and so it is. Beloved I AM.

I now breathe in deeply and return my attention to the room. I become aware of my physical body by gently moving my fingers and my toes. As I exhale, I open my eyes and begin breathing normally. (pause)

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

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Your “Survival Kit” for the Ascension Journey

Message from the Archangel Michael accompanied by Ashira*

Archangel Michael

Now let us begin.  It is coming toward you at a speed which is simply hard to imagine even; this new human existence which is being formed by the elevation of your own beings into the soul oriented, personality-less human.  At times you find yourselves awakening to things which you imagine to be the most amazing experience that you have ever known and I tell you now, you are just beginning to sense what is possible for yourselves and amidst the energies you are orienting to lately: YOU ARE SENSATIONAL.  And you have hardly begun to realize this.

I use this word, so sexy and filled with charisma for that is the kind of larger than life zing that your emerging energies will radiate when tapped and flowing through you, residing in you cells and permeating your energy field.  It will create a radiance of self that is magnetic, profoundly comforting as you embody so much love, and powerfully creative.  What a mix!  You are dawning upon the beginning of a new age on the planet Earth and the awakening of this magnificence within you will open the doorway to transformation of your planet and your structures, your process and your systems, your experiences, your relationships, your “families” your way of choosing and collaborating – all of culture and lifestyle will evolve; and rapidly to align with these new frequencies…being layered upon the dimension in which you focus.

The only invitation that is needed by you to match these expansive energies and bring them into being in your own experience, is oddly enough, appreciation of your seemingly exhausted, drained and highly un-cooperative much of the time body!  Your physical vessel, despite its seemingly stick-in-the-mud ability to move forward and “lacking” the same passion and ambition you have experienced in the past, IS despite all evidence to the contrary, coming along with you!  That is, after all, the experiment!  To bring your body forth into an integrated fashion; to shed the personality and instead of once and a while tuning into your intuition, also known as your soul’s guidance, you will instead release all that is NOT soul, and the soul will shine through the physical vessel and the emergence of this will be nothing short of sensational!  {But I am stealing Ashira’s thunder…}


We are Ashira, unified in light and love and here to herald the new age…and the Archangel Michael speaks of that which we sing of, and YES, this metamorphosis will result in the emergence of the New Human. 

{Smile}  These letters should be shimmering and radiating light…don’t you think Michael? 

Archangel Michael

Yes I do!  {Smile}


The new human comes into being so that Earth, may create new.  The planet and you are one and the same from a cellular and organism perspective, you even share a unified consciousness—attuned to one another and deeply influenced by one another.  Resilient and informed, the planet and you live in a highly creative and collaborative existence already.  It is only for you to realize that the glory you see around you in nature also is the glory of your physical vessels, and the Archangel Michael and I have come together at this time, blending our perspective to invite you realize what will ease and accelerate all that is transpiring:

The time has come to embrace your bodies.

Archangel Michael

You have SUCH disdain for these amazing physical forms.  IT is SO cliché in your experience to realize that you despise your bodies that speaking to you of this in such a way that truly penetrates that high tolerance you have adjusted to for hating your bodies so much, is an enormous challenge even for me. {Smile}

Aha!  I’ve got your attention now…good!

Beyond the essence of who you are is an all inclusive energy, beyond form and even beyond thought.  This layer of consciousness would be hard for you to even conceptualize, but it is highly creative and vibrant and it is this layer of consciousness in which manifestations happen almost immediately, that we ask you to consider when realizing your body.  The consciousness in your body is connected to this layer and receives communication and information well before you consciously do.

Let us re-introduce you to your body and share some of the amazing testimonial from our fellow galactic leaders, ascended masters, and others deeply devoted and attuned to the ascending energy of your planet and remind you of the awe you might allow yourself to feel for your body.

This body is, already, in another dimension, highly revered.  The Earth would not be nearly so delicious a destination were it not for the body’s ability to sense and give the inner sense, the soul, an experience of the planet that is distinct, nuanced and multi-dimensional itself.

We ask you then, to realize that your body is the vessel for your soul to ascend and participate in this glorious chapter upon the Earth as she shifts in space, aligning with the center of the Milky Way and arises into a consciously unified energy field, creating thereby a new platform for creation for all of the Omniverse and in so elevating all of you, elevate the entire Omniverse in an ongoing and nearly continuous ripple throughout the All-That-Is of late, invigorating everything.

And who or shall I say, WHAT bears the brunt of so much of this beautiful, splendid, awe-inspiring among all non-physical beings, squeal for joy thing which we are all following with rapt attention?  YOUR BODY. 

Remember of course, that your soul is well acquainted with all of these aspects of non-duality, unified consciousness, love, light, etc.  It is the cells and the consciousness within the cells of your body which is rising to the occasion and as such giving you a grand and glorious entrance as one of the few, the proud, the New Humans!

Without your body, which by the way, you created—chose the gene pool and the parents, chose the “birthplace” and the time/space moment to enter the game—you would be one of us, out here, watching the game, blessed and honored that such brave beings are making all of this possible, sending them love and strength, signs and encouragement, messages and healing energies…but you would not be the center of our awe filled attention.  This is the result of this amazing amalgamation between you, the inspired and select soul, and this amazing body you chose specifically for this journey.  THIS JOURNEY—the Ascension Journey. 

You choose a body which is robust, deeply resourced, resilient, informative…perfectly suited for your experience.  So, now that we’ve established and applauded your choice of body and the body’s own amazing consciousness in so many wise and constantly attuning cells, let us turn our attention to the most significant alignment process underway—that of you and your body.

Your body is already acclimating to the emerging and evolving Earth energies.  There is no need even for conversation or a memo—your body IMMEDIATELY gets what’s happening on the Earth, what energies are coming in, what those energies are instructing the body to do—release this, give rise to that—and the body is all over this activity pretty much in unison with the energies even beginning to move toward you.  There is instantaneous communication between your body and All-That-Is.

So, if you are wondering what’s up with the planet, what’s up with the energies lately, in addition to listening to your heart, reading channeled messages, talking with others sharing the path, paying attention to your dreams, journaling, divining with the Tarot or the I-Ching…why not also, if you are not already, spend some time getting to know your body’s point of view on things?

You spend so much time understanding your emotions, your relationships, learning to “quiet” your mental state, working with your light bodies…how well do you know your vessel?  How easily can you repair it, yourself, when it is feeling a little out of whack?  When it sends you a signal it’s on overdrive do you notice?  Giving it a rest? 

Ah my beloved ones…the clues are so much closer than you typically think or notice.  All is within your grasp.  All is within your experience.  Go beyond surrendering to the process…go out and meet it.

Your body invites you to join it in ascending with the Earth.  It is well on its way, the connection to All-That-Is clear and sustained…perhaps there are some things that will assist you in attuning yourself to your body. {Big smile!}

Now isn’t that easy and wonderful?  A little kit for how to manage through all of this, right with you all the time.  And you don’t even need to know the details…they will all become clear in hindsight.  Just let go, listen to your body, look out of those beautiful eyes and enjoy the ride.

Oh, and every once in a while, take notice of your audience…cause we’re loving the whole thing and are happy to live vicariously through you, and enjoy the giant waves you’re sending our way.  The surfing has been mighty excellent thanks to all of you.

Joy Joy Joy.  Just thought I’d cheer for a minute before I close by reminding you…I AM the Archangel Michael, here with Ashira who is serenading you as we speak, just to remind you, that YOU, my sensational friends, are profoundly and in all ways, already loved.  Take note of this. {Ashira likes my pun}.  We certainly hope you are having at least as much fun as we are.

© 2009-2010, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications http://www.expectwonderful.com – You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the following conditions: You must give author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work.  For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get the permission of the copyright holder.  Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by the author.

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The “A team “

Received by Alec Christos Gabbitas

March 6. 2010

Greetings to you all from the 'A' team which is as ever ready to communicate with you in these trying and quite testing times that you are working through. There is much to be taken on board and yet much more that will be presenting you with even further moments of shock and/or associated heartache. These ever continuing shifts and the repercussions of same are always challenging to the soul whose heart is open to the pain and ensuing discomfort to others. As you are now working mostly on a collective level are you then sharing the load of seeming catastrophes, so in one aspect are the pains relieved to a minor or minimal degree. Many hearts creating a cradle of loving support for your fellow travellers whose role it is to honour perhaps the ultimate sacrifice.

Greater scenes are to be experienced and supported collectively by planetary light workers, whose unconditional love and firm inner resolve are the healing balm and foundation of these mighty rescue efforts, equalled 'man to man' by the numerous fleets of light/mother ships that are lending their collective love, light and expertise. Seen with the 'mystical' eye would it be quite some 'light show' in the heavens, as all are double parked and overseeing that which is taking place, thus lending their supportive spiritual and technical muscle as the occasion so permits. Their work, unobserved by planet earth dwellers at this present or now moment of time, is of a true guardianship role that silently and surely awaits in the heavens in the shape of the Galactic Federation of stars and planets,and the intergalactic / inter dimensional councils or Flight Commands.

Time, as known upon beloved planet earth, is rapidly collapsing and ever in a continual filtering into a 'no time or null zone,' which is par for the course. The heavens are filled with our beloved fellow travellers, they whom we call the Ascended Masters and/or the Great White Brotherhood. Archangels, Angels, Devas, Fairies and Elementals, with multi-energies of other Lords and Ladies within the great hierarchal structures and with the Elohim, Time lords, Karmic Lords and so forth. All merge and blend into an exceedingly multipurpose and competent 'A' team that patrols and animates your mighty local universe with an air of pure unconditional love. They light up the ethers with an harmonic pulse within the sacred geometries of the day, embellishing the great tapestry of life in and with its myriads of life-forms and multi universal life equations.

Metatronic Keys of mystery, enhanced more so by the Cube of Metatron with dynamic crystalline energetic's that are spiraling forth into life's eternal dream, and thus reinforcing the soon to be receding Merkaba. This is to be systematically transforming into more refined, more precise relevant crystalline light bodies which will be more appropriate for the ever heightening energies of crystalline expansive light bodies.The three expansive steps will be to the Merkiva, then to the Merkava and then further to the Merkana. Crystalline and crystal clear as the Metatronic Keys play out in perfect precision and momentum, and as ever in perfect harmony, expansive into ever greater climes and geometries.In days of old when so much was in transition and progression, was the deity of Metatron linked with an ultimate reverence to him being called the 'Father' figure!

Archangel Metatron is also one of the deity whom channeled through to our scribe of today, Alec Christos Gabbitas, and along with Sanat Kumara and several other deity's of the day was shared in detail the location of the crystal portals that were closed down at the end times of Atlantis. In precise, intrinsic manner were the exact locations transferred through, giving him the sequence and times of the 18 dimensional and 9 inter dimensional crystal portals to be reopened or rebooted.He (we) redefined in precision the crystal grid system of the planet and it was once more 'up and running!' The first portal to be open was Ithica in the Greek Islands, supported by Maitreya and Melchizidek and Michael, and the many beings of Greek deity and the hosts of heaven itself! The trigger point of the Crystal Portal Activations was in Alaska in 2000 AD.

Life is but one continuous sequel of events, in harmonic momentum and all in the great divine scheme of events, in highest good. When you accept whom you are beloved friends, you will recognise the beauty and the perfection that you truly ARE, and in total truth you have such a 'pedigree of grandness' that you will be overwhelmed with whom you really and truly are! This is no way an egotistic or heady acclamation but a simple introduction to you of beauty and love that is your central function of being.You are the chosen ones, yes, we have shared this with you before, and we shall again as we together enjoin and walk this pathway home.You are beautiful - warts and all! See your selves just shining from out your eyes, feel yourself in every call of a bird in the trees, listen to yourself as you tarry awhile by the stream as it's tinkling melodies echo on the ripples. Recognise yourself as you observe the gull in happy flight perceiving it's elegance and rhythm flight upon the thermals. See yourself in the eyes of the little child and it's purest laughing innocence beaming back at you. Allow yourself the gift of feeling JOY - for JOY is the so precious love that enhances every atom of your wonderful pristine being!

You are the most loved commodity in the universe, believe it 'cos it's true! Believe in yourself as we believe in you, for in you do we see a mirror image of ourselves. Allow yourself the love that you so easy gift to others in so many unplanned little things, for you my friend are truly worth it...who says?..God says..and he told me so! You have surpassed all that was 'expected' of you and you are in fact quite a bit up front, paving the way,clearing a path, making splashes or ripples where NO ONE has ever before achieved! You are the sunshine in our lives and you are the moonbeams to so many others.You are the star that continually shines putting to shame the stars up in heaven. We think that you have done A OK, 'cos 'til now you've held your ground and paved the way. There's no one has the 'up' on you, because your blooming wonderful and THAT IS TRUE!

Your light and grace is ever evident and as the sun rises on another glorious day and opportunity, the skies fill with a rich ambience and a special kind of love that reflects the beauty and the gift that you, yes YOU, have co-created! A time has come when the forces of the universe watch and wonder at the joy that is in store for you. A time has come when the muscle and spiritual power of you all, the lightworking fraternity with beloved Mother Earth, has held forth on high the true divinity of your sacred prowess and the sheer grit that has no equal and no cause to regret or rue the day.Word flows around the universe(s) that a new day is being born, a new start is being prepared, a new life is seen to be in the making and a new Being will surely manifest out of sheer pristine love and understanding. For so it is... and so shall it surely be....

We are the A team, we are your fellow travellers who assist you in Ascension.

(c)2010 Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind. * 17 Viking Ct, CT10 1RF, England, UK. 20.7.07, 01843- 866875 * Email: gabbitas1@aol.com * (please copy and share, affording due credit to it's source, and also to Lady Isis and The Light Circle Ezine) *

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“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.”




“I (WE) AM!” an illustration by SethD8 – 25 Feb 07

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Spiritual Weariness?

By Dr Joshua David Stone

Many lightworkers on this Planet are feeling a little“Spiritually Weary or Fatigued”! This chapter is dedicated to discussing, understanding and trying to remedy this most interesting issue!Let me begin first by saying this is a “multi-faceted” issue that must be approached from a “multi-faceted perspective!”There is a small part of this understanding that is normal for everyone. I say this not in terms of feeling anything negative, but rather everyone knowingand understanding on some level we are visiting here. We have all come from GOD and Heavenly Realms in our Creation, so it is normal for everyone to have a Spiritual Desire to return home so to speak! This is not to say, however, that we cannot fully 100% enjoy Earth Life, for we can, and we need to fully Realize GOD on all levels!

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Accepting Truth!

Ag-agria | 30 August 06

Mountains are there to be climbed and the one you know as duality has been a formidable task. Over millennia of time you have overcome all obstacles, and now face the final challenge to reach the top. It has been an intensely trying time, but like all climbers who see their goal in sight you now move on with a renewed vigor and purpose. Even those around you who do not have your knowledge about what is taking place, sense the changes. However, it can be unsettling for them as they realize many of their cherished beliefs are changing.

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Spraeding Light Begins with Me & You!


St. Germain  | 11 August 06


As you realize the focus on Earth is in the West and their involvement in the Middle East. What happens very much dictates the way in which the future arrives, and whether there is a general awakening of humankind. Wherever people are in the world, they cannot fail to be affected by the events that dominate the news. The war can be stopped with goodwill on both sides, but on a broader front it still leaves the unresolved problem of how to ensure that more terrorists are not born of hate or despair.

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Transmuting Dark Energies? It all starts with You!

Diane  | 07 August 06


Dear Ones, in the Heavens a gathering is taking place of great Beings. They come from many different groups, that are responsible for ensuring that Humanity is the beneficiary of changes that are now far advanced and are appropriate for the time you are in. There is a movement towards exposure of the Illuminati plans for mankind, and the covert actions that have been taking place for a long time. It is essential that you learn of the way you have been manipulated and used, in manifesting the dark agenda that has led you to the edge of a major disaster.

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