Tag: mighty (page 1 of 3)

Clearing Decree for Resolutions – With dictation – March-11-2018

Clearing Decree for Resolutions, with dictation, March 11, 2018

Christine: This is a decree I have composed for the lightworkers to use by repeating the words at the same time

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The Secret To A Meaningful Life In Just 7 ‘Magic’ Words

Excerpt from huffingtonpost.com Sometimes, it's the most fantastical, fictional characters that do the best job of teaching us about reality.New York Times bestselling author T.A. Barron spent decades creating the magical image of Merlin the wiza...

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NASA video illustrates ‘X-ray wind’ blasting from a black hole

This artist's illustration shows interstellar gas, the raw material of star formation, being blown away.Excerpt from cnet.com It takes a mighty wind to keep stars from forming. Researchers have found one in a galaxy far, far away -- and NASA mad...

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Monster Black Hole’s Mighty Belch Could Transform Our Entire Galaxy

This artist's illustration depicts the furious cosmic winds streaming out from a monster supermassive black hole as detected by NASA's NuSTAR space telescope and the European Space Agency's XMM-Newton X-ray observatory.
This artist's illustration depicts the furious cosmic winds streaming out from a monster supermassive black hole as detected by NASA's NuSTAR space telescope and the European Space Agency's XMM-Newton X-ray observatory.

Except from space.com

A ravenous, giant black hole has belched up a bubble of cosmic wind so powerful that it could change the fate of an entire galaxy, according to new observations.
Researchers using two X-ray telescopes have identified a cosmic wind blowing outward from the supermassive black hole at the center of galaxy PDS 456. Astronomers have seen these winds before, but the authors of the new research say this is the first observation of a wind moving away from the center in every direction, creating a spherical shape.
The wind could have big implications for the future of the galaxy: It will cut down on the black hole's food supply, and slow star formation in the rest of the galaxy, the researchers said. And it's possible that strong cosmic winds are a common part of galaxy evolution — they could be responsible for turning galaxies from bright, active youngsters to quiet middle-agers. 

Big eater

The supermassive black hole at the center of PDS 456 is currently gobbling up a substantial amount of food: A smorgasbord of gas and dust surrounds the black hole and is falling into the gravitational sinkhole.
As matter falls, it radiates light. The black hole at the center of PDS 456 is devouring so much matter, that the resulting radiation outshines every star in the galaxy. These kinds of bright young galaxies are known as quasars: a galaxy with an incredibly bright center, powered by a supermassive black hole with a big appetite.
New observations of PDS 456 have revealed a bubble of gas moving outward, away from the black hole. Using NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) and ESA’s (European Space Agency) XMM-Newton, the authors of the new research imaged the galaxy on five separate occassions in 2013 and 2014. The researchers say they can show that the photons of light emitted by the in-falling matter are pushing on nearby gas, creating the wind.
Scientists have studied these cosmic winds before, but the authors of the new research say their work goes a step further.
"It tells us that the shape of the wind is not just a narrow beam pointed in our direction. It is really a wind that is flowing in every direction away from the black hole," said Emanuele Nardini, a postdoctoral researcher at Keele University in Staffordshire, England. "With a spherical wind, the amount of mass it carries out is much larger than just a narrow beam."
According to a statement from NASA, galaxy PDS 456 "sustains winds that carry more energy every second than is emitted by more than a trillion suns." Such powerful winds could change the entire landscape of PDS 456, the researchers say. First, the wind will blow through the disk of matter surrounding the black hole — this disk currently serves as the black hole's food supply. The cosmic wind created by the black hole's appetite could significantly reduce or destroy the disk. In other words, the black hole cannot have its cake and eat it, too. 

Bright young things

With no matter left to fall into the black hole, the radiation would cease as well. The brilliant center of the quasar will dim. By diminishing the black hole's food supply, they may turn quasars and other "active galaxies" like PDS 456 into quiescent galaxies like the Milky Way. Theorists have proposed that cosmic winds could explain why there are more young active galaxies than old active galaxies.
"We know that in almost every galaxy, a supermassive black hole resides in the center," said Nardini. "But, most of the galaxies we see today are quiescent, they are not active in any way. The fact that galaxies today are quiescent — we have to find an explanation for that in something that happened a long time ago."
In addition to quenching the radiation from an active black hole, these cosmic winds may slow down star formation in galaxies. The cosmic wind could blow through regions thick with gas and dust, where young stars form, and thin out the fertile stellar soil.
"If you have a black hole with this kind of wind, in millions of years [the winds] will be able to quench star formation and create a galaxy like our own," Nardini said. Stars will still form in the Milky Way, but not at the high rate of many young galaxies.
It's possible that these cosmic winds are a central reason why most galaxies go from being brightly burning active youngsters to quiet middle-agers.

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Must-See Geminid Meteor Shower Peaks This Weekend: An Observer’s Guide

2014 Geminid Meteor Shower Sky Map

Excerpt from

The spectacular Geminid Meteor shower hits peak activity this weekend. Though competing with some unfortunate moonlight, the shower still should make for a must-see astronomical event.

While moonlight will somewhat hinder this year's Geminid meteor shower, intrepid observers with good weather and low light pollution should still be able to catch a good meteor show Saturday (Dec. 13) night.

"If you have not seen a mighty Geminid fireball arcing gracefully across an expanse of sky, then you have not seen a meteor," note astronomers David Levy and Stephen Edberg. 

Even if you can't see the meteor display from your part of the world, you can watch them online. The online Slooh Community Observatory will host a live webacst of the Geminid meteor display on Saturday night beginning at 8 p.m. EST (0100 Dec. 14 GMT).You can also watch the Slooh webcast directly:http://live.slooh.com/. NASA meteor expert Bill Cooke will also host a live Geminids webchat on Saturday night from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. EST (0400 to 0800 GMT), as well as a live webcast.
You can watch the webcasts of the Geminid shower live on Space.com, starting at 8 p.m. EST, courtesy of Slooh and NASA. The Italy-based Virtual Telescope Project will also host a Geminds webcast, beginning at 9 p.m. EST (0200 GMT).

Although the bright moon will be high in the sky by 11:30 p.m. local time Saturday (Dec. 13) (during the shower's peak), skywatchers can still catch a potentially incredible show before the moon creeps above the horizon, washing out the sky. Stargazers might be able to see an average of one or two Geminid meteors per minute Saturday before the moon rises.

By around 9 p.m., the constellation Gemini — the part of the sky where the meteors seem to emanate from — will have climbed more than one-third of the way up from the horizon. Meteor sightings should begin to really increase noticeably thereafter. By around 2 a.m., the last-quarter moon will be low in the east-southeast, but Gemini will stand high overhead. So you might still see a good number of meteors in spite of the moon's presence.

A brilliant shower

The Geminids are, for those willing to brave the chill of a December night, a very fine winter shower, and usually the most satisfying of all the annual showers. They can even surpass the brilliant August Perseid meteor shower.

Studies of past displays show that the Geminid shower is rich both in slow, bright, graceful meteors and fireballs, as well as in faint meteors, with relatively fewer objects of medium brightness. Many Geminids appear yellowish in hue; some even appear to form jagged or divided paths.     

These meteors travel at a medium speed and appear to emanate, specifically, from near the bright star Castor, in the constellation of Gemini, the Twins, hence the name "Geminid." In apparent size, that's less than half the width of the moon. As such, this is a rather sharply defined radiant as most meteor showers go. It suggests the stream is "young," perhaps only several thousand years old.

Generally speaking, depending on your location, Castor begins to come up above the east-northeast horizon right around the time evening twilight comes to an end. As the Gemini constellation begins to climb the eastern sky just after darkness falls, there is a fair chance of perhaps catching sight of some "Earth-grazing" meteors. Earthgrazers are long, bright shooting stars that streak overhead from a point near to even just below the horizon. Such meteors are so distinctive because they follow long paths nearly parallel to the Earth's atmosphere. 

Because Geminid meteoroids are several times denser than the comet dust that supply most meteor showers and because of the relatively slow speed with which the Geminids encounter Earth (22 miles or 35 kilometers per second), these meteors appear to linger a bit longer in view than most. As compared to an Orionid or Leonid meteor that can whiz across your line of sight in less than a second, a Geminid meteor moves only about half as fast. Personally, their movement reminds me of field mice scooting from one part of the sky to another.

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Some like it hot ~ NASA Stumbles Upon A Dead Star That’s 10 Million Times Brighter Than The Sun

bright star
This image of the super-bright pulsar (shown here in magenta) was made using observational data from three telescopes, including NASA’s NuSTAR.

Excerpt from

Think our sun is bright? NASA says its NuSTAR space-based X-ray telescope has detected a dead star that pumps out as much energy as 10 million suns.

"You might think of this pulsar as the 'Mighty Mouse' of stellar remnants," Dr. Fiona A. Harrison, professor of physics and astronomy at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena and the principal investigator of the NuSTAR mission, said in a written statement.

The super-bright pulsar--the brightest ever recorded--is located about 12 million light-years from Earth in the Messier 82 galaxy. It's an example of a class of mysterious celestial objects known as ultraluminous X-ray sources, or ULXs.

"We took it for granted that the powerful ULXs must be massive black holes," Dr. Matteo Bachetti, an astrophysicist at the University of Toulouse in France and the lead author of a new study about the pulsar, said in the statement.

The X-rays are believed to be generated by the material as it heats up while falling into a dense object, in this case a pulsar.

"How much visible light is emitted is actually an interesting thing to know," Bachetti told The Huffington Post in an email.

In any case, the surprising discovery has scientists scratching their heads.

"This is going to challenge theorists and pave the way for a new understanding of the diversity of these fascinating objects," Dr. Jeanette Gladstone, a University of Alberta astronomer who wasn't involved in the research, said in the statement.

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The Meaning of Peace in the Bhagavad Gita

V. Susan Ferguson, ContributorThe superb Sanskrit text, The Bhagavad Gita, is an amazing guide and in my view the ultimate ‘user’s manual’ for the human adventure. This ancient text is a dialogue between two mighty warrior heroes: Krishna and Arjuna. Krishna represents the God within us all, who is always waiting patiently to guide us – if we can listen. Arjuna is the greatest warrior of the time and Krishna is his charioteer, his guide in the battle of life. He wil [...]

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Galactic Federation of Light Hilarion 04-28-13.mp3

Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

April 28-May 5, 2013

Beloved Ones,

As a new day dawns on the horizon, more is asked of

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Heaven Letters April-16-2013

Heavenletter #4526 The Beauty of Embarrassment, April 16, 2013
Gloria Wendroff

God said:
Never mind when you get embarrassed. Embarrassment can only be ego’s vanity. You are embarrassed

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Heaven Letters April-13-2013

Heavenletter #4523 The Beautiful Flowers and the Beautiful Stars , April 13, 2013
Gloria Wendroff

God said:
You would prefer all you care about to be permanent. You

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Heaven Letters April-09-2013

Heavenletter #4519 Majesty Is within Your Reach, April 9, 2013
Gloria Wendroff

God said:
Blessed are you who search for Me, and blessed are you who do not

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Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!


The Inner Earth & Realm of Aghartha

Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

The biggest cover-up of all time is the fact that there is a civilization of people living in the center of Earth, whose c...

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by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

There are a lot of challenging things taking place on the planet at this time, but on July 17th and 18th, 2010, hundreds of thousands, and most likely millions, of people around the world participated in various activities of Light that were dedicated to cocreating a template for Unity Consciousness.  The Company of Heaven has assured us that our unified efforts were God Victorious, and now there is a template for Unity Conscious pulsating in, through, and around every particle and wave of Life on this planet.
So where do we go from here? Well, our responsibility now is to focus on the Light and to continually empower our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions with Divine Love and Reverence for ALL Life. Today I would like to share some information with you that is being given to us by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The intent of this information is to help us see the bigger picture, so we can navigate through these wondrous but very confusing times.
As the Light of God increases on Earth, it pushes everything that conflicts with that Light to the surface to be healed and transmuted into its original perfection. We have just experienced a tremendous influx of Light through the global activities involving the cocreation of the template for Unity Consciousness. Now everything that conflicts with Unity Consciousness is being pushed to the surface to be healed. This includes the obsolete fear-based patterns of separation and duality.
This phenomenon can make it appear as though the accelerated influx of God’s Light is making things worse, but nothing could be further from the Truth. That is an illusion. The Beings of Light have given us the following information because it is very important that we clearly understand what happens when we invoke the Light of God. They do not want us to become discouraged. They want us to "keep on keeping on," even in the face of apparent adversity.
Once again, it is vital that we remember we are all One. There is no separation. In order for us to move forward in the Light, we must first transmute the human miscreations we created in the past. That means that anything that conflicts with the Light of God must come to the surface to be healed and transmuted back into its original perfection. This is what is meant by the statement "All that is hidden must now be revealed."
Regardless of how deplorable our human miscreations are, the energy that comprises those gross mutations was originally pure Light from the Heart of God. You and I and every other person responsible for creating those miscreations must transmute that energy back into pure Light. This is true for every single human miscreation. Anything that is not reflecting the harmony and balance of the patterns of perfection in the Causal Body of God is a human miscreation. This includes poverty, disease, hatred, prejudice, corruption, greed, violence, war, religious fanaticism, abuse of power, and every other physical manifestation that is less than the perfection of Heaven on Earth.
When we invoke the Light of God through our prayers, meditations, invocations, decrees, affirmations, or any other way, our Father-Mother God respond and the Light of God increases on Earth. This frequency of God’s Infinite Perfection floods the planet and enters the core of purity in every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life.
Regardless of how dark or contaminated our human miscreations are, the energy within the core of that miscreation still pulsates with its original Divine Potential. That is true for every person, place, condition, or thing existing on this planet. For instance, in the core of every expression of poverty still pulsates the Divine Potential for God’s Infinite Abundance. Within the core of every facet of disease still pulsates the Divine Potential of vibrant health. Within every manifestation of war is the Divine Potential of peace. Within every electron of hatred is the Divine Potential of love. This is true for people as well. No matter how far a person has fallen or how depraved or degenerate he or she may seem, that person still has the full Divine Potential of a Beloved Child of God blazing in their Heart Flame. 
The reason it sometimes appears as though things are getting worse after we invoke the Light of God is because of what happens when the Light enters the core of purity. When the Light of God enters the core of purity, it activates the original Divine Potential that is still encoded within that particle of Life. Everything that conflicts with that potential is then pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted back into Light. This is a necessary part of the process that has to be successfully accomplished in order to clear the way for the tangible manifestation of the Divine Potential.
What this means very practically is that when we invoke prosperity, the Light of God enters the core of purity in every electron of energy in our lives that conflicts with prosperity. This Light activates the Divine Potential in that energy, which is God’s Infinite Abundance. Then the vibration of God’s Abundance pushes to the surface every thought, word, action, or feeling that is responsible for manifesting our poverty. As the patterns that created our poverty surface to be healed, it often looks like things are getting worse, but that is never the case.
This illusion is caused by the fact that we can easily see the patterns associated with our poverty that are being pushed to the surface to be healed. What we cannot see as easily, is the powerful Light of God that is pushing those distorted patterns to the surface in order to clear the way for our prosperity. With the limited perception of our fearful human egos, we end up focusing our attention on the surfacing patterns of poverty instead of the patterns for God’s Infinite Abundance.
Now with the influx of Unity Consciousness that is flooding the Earth, the patterns that conflict with that wondrous Light are being pushed to the surface. Those are the obsolete patterns of our fear-based separation and duality. We must be cognizant of this fact and pay close attention to what we are empowering with our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions.
It is critical for us to remember that we create our Earthly experiences through our thoughts and feelings. If we focus on fear, separation, and duality, that is what we empower and sustain in our lives. It is just that simple. Through our lack of understanding, we have created a vicious circle for ourselves. That is why these "end times" have been referred to in many teachings as "The time of screaming and the gnashing of teeth."
It is time for us to learn how to transmute the surfacing negativity in a more effective way, while staying focused on the positive things we are invoking. The Company of Heaven has given us guidance and wonderful tools that will help us to do just that. One of those tools is the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection.
In the Earth’s natural orbital process known as the Precession of the Equinox, we have moved into the forcefield of Aquarius. This constellation resonates with the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection. This will be the predominant activity of Light on the Earth for the next 2,000 years.
The Violet Flame is comprised of the Sapphire Blue Ray of our Father God’s Divine Will, Power and Authority, and the Crystalline Pink Ray of our Mother God’s Transfiguring Divine Love, Adoration and Reverence for Life. This Sacred Fire reflects the perfect balance of our Father-Mother God.
The Violet Flame is a tool more powerful than our finite minds can conceive. When used consistently, it will transmute every electron of precious life energy we have ever misqualified at any time, in any existence, both known and unknown. It works as an atomic accelerator. It raises the frequency of all discordant energy into vibrations of healing and harmony. When we invoke the Violet Flame and empower it with feelings of forgiveness for our own mistakes and those of others, it works miracles.  
You do not have to fully comprehend every facet of the Violet Flame in order to use it effectively. All you have to do is ask your I AM Presence to take command, and then invoke this wondrous gift from the Heart of our Father-Mother God.
Let’s join together in Unity Consciousness and invoke the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection on behalf of ourselves and every, man, woman, and child on Earth. I have stated this activity of Light in the first person, so that you will experience this individually and personally, but KNOW that you are also serving as a surrogate on behalf of every person evolving on this planet

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