Sunday, 04 April 2010 19:26

through Zilanthrah, 24th March 2010

Greetings from the realm of sunshine, bluebirds, waterfalls and never ending peace. I am Methuselah and I greet you with fondness for all that you do.

I am aware of your recent experience with opening a doorway of Light for those ready to enter into the Light. This is occurring planetary wise on a regular basis due to new energies. The energies of Love, Light and Peace act as a catalyst for those who are ready and willing to move to their next level. It has worked well for some time, yet there are those, shall we say, stubborn ones, who continue to hang on by their fingernails to what has served them for so long.

These ones have not been affected by the loving prompting of the effective energies. For those of you who are willing to assist them in your own way, we advise that you do so and we honor you for your choice but remember that it is an option of your choosing.

Can you think of anyone in your lineage whom you can remember, perhaps as a child, whom you were not particularly drawn to? It is these folks whom I refer to as stubborn, for many of them throughout their lives hung on by their fingernails to the negative aspects of their lives. Some of them did not make the transition to the Light and chose to remain in the fourth dimension where they continue to have their way through the energy of those in physical bodies. They are aware of what is transpiring around them, as well as in the 3rd dimension. They are aware that there is a better place to be, however their negative energy is so well ingrained that they pass on their option of moving on to the Lighted realm.

These ones that you might have known as a child are one example, for there are multitudes of discarnate entities from times before yours and from times of ancient days. Some of you have techniques that work well for you and we suggest that you spend time with the intention to help these ones move on. If you are not accustomed to doing this, we recommend that you go into a meditative state where you feel peace and love in your hearts with the intention of assisting these ones to their next stage of evolution. Know that when you form your intention to do this, you will be surrounded with Celestials beings, with Masters and Angels who wish to assist. There is nothing to fear, you are protected and the energy of the discarnate ones cannot affect you. Otherwise you would not be directed to do so.

Know that, if you choose this option, any relatives or friends existing in the 4th dimension will have no choice, as they are aware that there is a better place for them and that it is now the time for their next stage of evolution. They simply will leave.

It is not a difficult task, it is a matter of being willing and setting aside the time. You may be surprised at how easily this occurs and with the fulfillment that this will bring you. After all, serving Spirit in the way of helping to heal your ancestors is a high one. And you are highly capable of doing this.

You may know of humans who assist discarnate entities to move on as well as assist those who have passed on but are not yet aware that they are deceased. Some do this as part of their divine service.

There has been cleansing on Planet Earth for many a year now and these ones whose turn it is to step to the Light must come sooner or later. And now is the time. It will help to raise the frequency of the planet in a way that is observable and obvious from our realm.

We ask that you assume this responsibility and commend you for your choice. As the evolved masters that you are, you are capable of this and much more. See it as a favor you do for your family and others. Zoltair, will you please express your thoughts aloud?

Zoltair: Thank you Methuselah. Are you saying that we are shaking loose a new reality for our entire lineage?

Methuselah: Yes, put simply. And for the lineage of others as well. Create a doorway or a tunnel that is the conscious bridge connecting the 3rd and the 5th dimensions. This is how the discarnate entities shall cross over. There are other ways to assist and if you are directed by another method, please follow your intuition. Rely on guidance from Spirit and know that your intention of seeing these loved ones crossing to the Light is most important. Be sure to raise your vibration by allowing the highest feeling of Love and peace into your heart. Have it be a joyous celebration. All life is sacred and these ones are sacred and deserve a helping hand. It is worthy of celebration.

Zoltair: Are we including incarnated people such as brothers, sisters, friends or also those who have left through the death process?

Methuselah: We refer to all that you have mentioned. As far as living relatives, many humans carry discarnate entities with them. These ones shall be helped to the Light. Some may have become attracted and attached to your siblings during this lifetime. Some have been here since time immemorial, so know that your assistance will be as a key log, once it begins, there will be a parade of entities who are deceased humans and there will be a parade of discarnate ones who are living through the physical actions, thoughts and emotions of the incarnate ones.

Zoltair: Will this also apply to our neighbors and their lineage as well?

Methuselah: When you set out with the intention to assist in this way, if you have within your mind to assist your neighbor, it shall be so. You shall assist with not only housecleaning of relatives living and deceased, and neighbors, but perhaps an entire community.

Be aware that this may apply to each of you, you can do this for yourself, which is most important, for if you carry any negative energies which no longer serve you, it is time to let them know that their services are no longer necessary. See this as a final housecleaning of sorts.

Zoltair: I will make a determined effort to do this.

Methuselah: Determination is a word that we love hearing from our human kin. Know that all reading this will have an opportunity to serve in a magnificent way as it is almost beyond comprehension as to the undertaking that you will be doing and covers a vast amount of discarnate entities and energies whose time has come. They simply must move on.

If someone interested in participating requests your technique or techniques that others utilize, we encourage you to share. With honesty of your intent, energy and loving support, it will be successful. Know also that when assisting discarnate ones to the Light, guides and angels of the human being assisted will come forth to add their energies of love and support. Their stubbornness will be lessened and their transition will be easier. The weight that unhappy humans carry will be much lessened for them. They will see their way with more ease. It shall bring a lightness and grace into all aspects of their life. Even as I speak, we are aware that they are lining up. So by my comments, you know to take the time for another round. Open the door to the Light and allow them, with Love, to the next level of their journey.

Z & Z: We thank you Methuselah .

Methuselah: You are most welcome. I am Methuselah and I bid you a good day.

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