Tag: metaphysics (page 2 of 34)

The Power of Nonviolent Acts of Humiliation

Archangel Gabriel: Bask In The Wonder Of Life Go Deep, Soar High, Follow Your Love, And The Joy Of..

​Gary ‘Z’ McGee, Staff WriterRise of The Coup Warriors:“Counting Coup is a robust exhibition… it serves to examine how the tactics of mundane survival can be subversive, even as blatantly courageous as the actions of old: riding one’s horse pell-mell at an enemy who wants you dead, touching him with your bare hand, and turning around and speeding off, leaving your foe astonished and confounded by the nerve of your valor.” ~Kathryn M. Davis [...]

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World’s Smartest Physicist Believes Consciousness Will Remain a Mystery

Gaia and Green Man November-25-2015

Buck Rogers, Staff Writer“Knowledge about the universe is one of the most satisfying things that we can achieve. As humans we have our limitations that we can’t avoid, but within our limitations we do the best we can. We don’t know how far we can get or how close we can come toward finding what might be the final understanding of it, but trying to get as close as we can to it certainly enriches our lives while we’re here. ” – Edward WittenCons [...]

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Stand Up For Your Beliefs Amid Disagreement to Change Your World

Josh Richarson, Prevent DiseaseGoing with the flow might appear easier than sticking up for yourself when confronted with unanimous disagreement. But as uncomfortable as it may be to walk as the lone dissenter, it not only reinforces core values, it also creates a ripple effect where others take notice.A new University at Buffalo study that assessed bodily responses suggests that standing up for your beliefs, expressing your opinions and demonstrating your core values can be a positi [...]

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The Science of Why Humans Constantly Compare Themselves to Others

Josh Richardson, Prevent DiseaseHuman beings have a tendency to compare themselves to others and it is as automatic as any other human emotion. But the negative effects of comparisons keep us from our growth and embracing our greatest abilities to share with others.Comparisons are often unfair, biased and almost always puts our focus in a place outside of ourselves. Ratings of our own abilities are strongly influenced by the performance of others, according to a study published in&nb [...]

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Indigenous Tribes Just Lost the ‘Biggest Environmental Case in the World’

Christina Sarich, Staff WriterA court debacle labelled the ‘biggest environmental case in the world’ just sided with Big Oil. A New York Federal Appeals Court has ruled that Ecuadoreans who were concerned over the health of their rainforest after a 23-year battle with the Chevron subsidiary, Texaco, for polluting vast swaths of Lago Agrio in the Ecuadorian jungle, cannot hold the company financially culpable.Texaco is accused of dumping contaminated water into p [...]

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International Bankers Make Moves to Open the Pacific Front of WWIII

​Makia Freeman, ContributorUS-China tension in the last few months has sharply increased, with both nations exchanging some heated dialogue over the contested issue of the South China Sea. Although the prospect of the US and China actually engaging in battle is still an abstract idea, the notion became a little more concrete recently with the decision of the RAND corporation (long-time New World Order think tank) to release a study entitled War with China –&nbsp [...]

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Inside the Mind of a Minion in the Matrix

Phillip J. Watt, ContributorWhether it’s more of an innocent or willful ignorance, or even a mixture of both, the masses at large are lost in a control system that shapes their minds according to specific agendas.We’re all exposed to it. We’re all part of it to one degree or another.In rebellious stride, greater numbers of people are becoming more conscious of both the philosophical and systemic realities that are beyond this matrix of belief-control. Even so, we mu [...]

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4 Ways to Defy the Forces of Tyranny and Affirm the Forces of Freedom

Gary ‘Z’ McGee, Staff Writer“Something has ended. Everyone can feel it. It is a sort of interregnum. A miserable lull, backlit everywhere by the sense of declension and fires flaring across the planetary terrain of struggle.” ~ Joshua CloverDuring this time of troubled transition, we need those with unprecedented ambition and creative resolve to step up to the plate of a new way of being human in the world. We need those with the ability, and th [...]

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The Communist Manifesto More Applicable in U.S. than the Constitution

Isaac Davis, Staff WriterUpon completion of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, one of the founding fathers of the United States of America, Dr. Benjamin Franklin was asked by an interested citizen, “Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?.” His reply has become famous in the annals of American history: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”He said this because he knew all too well that a constitutional republic was a historically uni [...]

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Consciousness is Rising, Even in the Animal Kingdom

Christina Sarich, Staff WriterHuman beings were first indisputably known to use tools in Africa more than 2.5 million years ago, a sign of elevated consciousness. Tool using is heralded as a crucial step in the development of our species. Now, in this time of huge energy influxes into the Universe, we see even animals developing a more refined consciousness.Julian Huxley, a luminary of biology, believed the evolutionary arrival of humans was so profound [...]

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Is Money the Root Of All Evil or Just the Evil Banksters Who Manipulate It?

Catherine J. Frompovich, GuestOne of the main issues, which ought to be up front and center in the 2016 election cycle, is that of banks and banksters running and ruining countries and the global economy.Their money games are trickier than any sleight of hand or magic rabbit-out-of-a-hat trick regarding fiat money they force-feed upon everyone, except those at the top of an elite pyramid they’ve created for themselves at the expense of everyone whom they consider belo [...]

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The Chilling History of Monsanto’s Rise to Power

Dr. Mercola, GuestIn the featured video, journalist Abby Martin discusses Monsanto’s rise to power and how the company has managed to saturate the global environment with its toxic chemicals, largely through immoral means.In May, the University of San Francisco revealed the results from a testing project that began in 2015. The tests, commissioned by the Organic Consumers Association (OCA), found that 93 percent of Americans have detectable levels of the chemical glyphosate in [...]

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Psychopath for President?

David Ludden Ph.D., GuestThe Psych Club at my college was hosting a colloquium on “The Psychology of Superheroes,” and they asked me if I’d join the panel discussion, posing as my favorite comic book character.“I don’t know anything about superheroes,” I told them. And it’s true. I never read comic books as a kid, and I have no interest in the superhero action movies that Hollywood endlessly rolls out.“Then what about a supervillain?&rd [...]

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