Tag: metaphysics (page 1 of 34)

Why Corporate Media Won’t Tell You What’s Being Done to the Amazon

Dylan Charles, EditorSome 90% of the world’s media is controlled by a mere six corporations. The business model of this industry is dependent on advertising revenue, which means that the content they produce must serve well the bottom lines of advertisers, or more significantly, content cannot be of detriment to the profits of corporate advertisers.This is the reason why so much of the most important news in our times goes un-noticed and under-reported on, most n [...]

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In 2013 a Rothschild Insider Warned of an Elite Planned Race War in America

Lucas Dare, Staff Writer“I’ve just been told the current scenario is this whole race war thing… that’s the plan at the moment.” ~James Casbolt aka Michael Prince, May 2013As if following a script or some explicit stage direction, the narrative of racism and division is being pushed by mainstream media, and the idea of an American race war is edging further into public consciousness. No one among the ranks of the citizenry stands to gain anything at [...]

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Occult Politics – Business as Usual for Election 2016

Nathaniel Mauka, Staff WriterFor many who are just waking up to the level of deep state tinkering perpetrated through US presidential ‘elections,’ the Hillary Vs. Trump scandal is an attention-grabbing, yet distracting façade creating a great hullabaloo out of a mind-controlling, prototypical occult agenda. ​A History of Deceit We could stop our investigation at the whistleblower statements of hacker, Clinton Eugene “Clin [...]

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Depression: It’s Not All in Your Head

Kelly Brogan, M.D., Green Med Info​No, it’s not “all in your head.” Depression and all of its relatives are manifestations of glitches in the immune system and inflammatory pathways—not a neurochemical deficiency disorder. ​Psychiatry: A Very Special Specialty Psychiatry, unlike other fields of medicine, is based on a highly subjective diagnostic system. Essentially you sit in the office with a physician, and you are labeled based on the doctor&r [...]

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Modern Education is Pavlovian Conditioning

Jay Dyer, ContributorAssessing the problems in American public education and academia elicits standard responses that are generally trite and multitude. “Lack of funding,”, or “adequately trained teachers,” often round out the usual replies, yet system-generated solutions to the perceived problems are always external in nature (especially given the problems are themselves system-generated). The diagnosis of the causes are also consistently external, leadi [...]

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The Insane Things the 1% is Doing With the Wealth They’re Stealing From Us

Alex Pietrowski, Staff WriterFor decades, independent researchers and real investigative journalists like Bob Chapman warned us about the financial bubble that was being created by the world’s political and financial elite. It was intentional, another planned cycle of boom and bust made possible by central banking institutions in corroboration with corrupt legislators and regulators, designed to create a debt bubble that would ultimately make it (supposedly) [...]

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9/11 Patriotism Psychosis Dominates NFL Opening Day

Bernie Suarez, GuestWith the National Football League (NFL) season now officially begun and with opening day Sunday taking place today September 11th all over America, the NFL and all of its sports media pundits are jumping on this opportunity to sell the 9/11 official story, especially the emotional memory attached to the event. All around the league teams and players are doing notable things to sell the official story to the young generation. Sadly, or should I say deceptively, all [...]

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The Multi-Dimensional Self

Jeff Street, GuestWhether you know it or not, you are a multidimensional being of staggering proportions. You are more than meets the eye, much more — more than your body, more than your soul, in fact, you are an integral part of the Universe. You are present on many levels of reality simultaneously and more powerful than you have ever imagined. Are you ready to expand your concept of selfhood to include higher selves, other/parallel selves, and probable selves? If so then, let [...]

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9/11 and the Art Of Blaming Others: Isn’t 15 Years of the PsyOp Enough?

Bernie Suarez, GuestSeveral years back, when pressed by an activist about the need for true justice and accountability for the events of September 11, 2001 9/11 commissioner Bob Kerry stated that 9/11 is a “30-year-old conspiracy.” But what exactly did Kerry mean by this? I believe there are only two possibilities. Either he meant that:a- The 9/11 event took 30 years to plan or,b- He meant that the investigation time-period is expected to last for 30 years.I bel [...]

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What Happened to the New Age? Sorting Truth from Nonsense

Richard Smoley, New DawnNot long ago I was walking through the aisles of a New Age fair in the suburbs of Chicago. All the usual suspects were there: booths for Baha’i and Eckankar; ladies selling essences and fragrances; bodyworkers offering ten minutes of chair massage; psychics inspecting the etheric fields of their subjects. Like most New Age events I have gone to over the past decade, the fair had a tired quality to it.I could simply be jaded. I’ve been going to such [...]

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Why Are There So Many Psychopaths in Positions of Power?

Sheldan Nidle - August-30-2016 Galactic Federation of Light

Anna LeMind, GuestA 2010 study that examined a sample of 203 individuals from different companies’ management development programs revealed something interesting. It was found that about 3% of business managers scored in the psychopath range while the incidence of psychopathy in the general population is approximately 1%. So why are there so many psychopaths in senior management positions? ​The Study A more recent study, published in 2014 in the Journal o [...]

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Objective Reality vs. Perceived Reality

John Perkins, EvonomicsMy success as chief economist at a major international consulting firm was not due to the lessons I learned in business school. It was not due to the competence of my staff of brilliant econometricians and financial wizards.Those things may have helped at times. But there was something else that made it all happen. That something else was the same something else that elevated George Washington, Henry Ford, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King Jr, [...]

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The Emerging ‘Mark of the Beast’ System

Steven Tritton, New Dawn“Sleepwalking into the Surveillance Society”Modern technology has created a brave new electronic and borderless world. Surveillance and biometric capturing technologies have advanced significantly in recent years. ID programs have modernised with the likes of ID smartcards linked to huge databases enabling fast and secure electronic authentication among other surveillance functions.Advances in digital technologies have made it possible now to const [...]

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