Tag: media outlets (page 2 of 3)

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/18/12


There are many programs that will soon be underway, and it is through these programs that humanity will be brought together as one. There will be many different programs launched, and people from all over the world and from all w...

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Message from the Councils of Light 2/17/12


Posted: 17 Feb 2012

Hold to Howard Hughes’ ‘A few Principles of Thought’. There are 21 councils that exist and take a leading role in the affairs of your planet. We, in turn, voice our concerns and our opi...

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Message from the Galactic Federation 1/16/12


Channeled by Greg Giles

More people are awakening every day and are beginning to search for and find the clues that are plentiful throughout your world. We see so many of you collecting these clues and putting the pieces together ...

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NESARA History – True Story

{mainvote} This is a repost... EagleEyes   Tuesday, August 31, 2010 Fourwinds10 With all their power and money the bankers thought themselves to be above the law, but cracks were now appearing in their foundations. Angry Americans were beginning...

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Interview with Thrive Documentary Maker, Foster Gamble


Yesterday, Sterling Allan had the opportunity to conduct an hour long interview with the maker of the Thrive documentary, Foster Gamble. During the conversation, many topics were discussed including free energy, the issues facing our ...

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Pleiadian Messages 11/15/11


15 November 2011

Channeler: Greg Giles

The path of your lives has not been one that many would consider easy or fulfilling. We have seen you struggle greatly at times and wish you to know that it was not an easy task to observ...

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Bloomberg TV Features E-Cat on HotZone


Bloomberg's EnergyNow program aired a segment Friday about Andrea Rossi's recent test of the world's first one megawatt, E-Cat cold fusion plant. It seems that the mainstream media is starting to wake up to the reality of ...

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California’s largest doctor group calls for marijuana legalization


Monday, 17 October 2011 17:15

By Eric W. Dolan

The California Medical Association, the state’s largest doctor group, on Friday adopted a resolution to support the legalization of marijuana for medical uses, according to ...

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Energy Forecast – The Sparks Ignite


1 August 2011

Channeler: Emmanuel Dagher

Hi my amazing friend,

There is a great sense of anticipation and electricity in the air. We are right on the cusp of major global revelations that will make it even clearer we are m...

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Disclosure is in Full Swing


24 May 2011

By Quinn

If you haven’t been paying attention to the hundreds of media outlets or you’ve been living under a rock for the past year or so, then this blog post is a good place for you to get informed on ...

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Online craze over looming “comet doomsday”


This article says that the spaceship behind the comet Elenin is an April Fools joke. I believe that. But I still think there is more to this 'comet'. Andy Lloyd (http://www.darkstar1.co.uk/) has studied this sub...

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Energy Forecast – Full Throttle


a message from Emmanuel Dagher

Monday, 9 May, 2011

Hi my amazing friend, Have you noticed how amplified the energies are right now both in our immediate space and around the world? Monumental changes that used to take years t...

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Rossi Cold Fusion Validated by Swedish Skeptic’s Society


Yet another test of Andrea Rossi's Energy Catalyzer (E-Cat) has been performed on a 4.5 kW version near the University of Bologna. This time a new set of observers were present, one of which is the chairman of the Swedish Skeptics...

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