After a day where my horoscope panned out like the Texas Hold'em on a really weird day, I had to succumb to having my laptop snatched away from under my eager fingers. No harm done though, because my dying TV subscription presented me with Forrest Gump on its death bed. And if you believe that I'd already had a day of supersyncs, Forrest performed the end sprint which made me feel like the champion!

I only noticed tonight, how any movie I view has it's secret of my success: the higher the sync count during the movie, the more I appreciate it. And Forrest had my cosmic Geiger counter racing like there's no tomorrow! The novel I just wrote might very well land me in jail on charges of plagiarism, because Selina who left her exploits for me to find on the Web is a dead ringer for Jenny, the Gaian Goddess who rules Forrests Life. And that is not in the externals like the hair, eyes and general appearance, but in the past behaviour, which basically is all we see of anybody: Just think about it, if light speed is finite, we'd only see other people in the past, not in the Now...

And it doesn't stop at Jenny: Even Forrest is a poster child for the Big Friendly Giant born February 23rd, 1963, at 63 centimeters length. I too keep is Stupidly Simple, I just love to KISS. Add to that the whole shrimp allegory, which stands both for the male incompetence and the female virtues, and you have a recipe that had the cup of syncs already running over!  On top of that my own Goddesses were doing school work on the Kite Runner, so the high speed trinity was complete: Both Forrest, Me and our little kite runner running their socks off.

Forrest Gump is the sad story of the deaths of just about everyone except Forrest. His friends and family get picked off like the soldiers in Vietnam, or the choclates in the various boxes that Jenny is presented with. Miss Pandora is a smarter version actually, because I don't think I've seen her open a box during the entire movie...  at least not the choclate boxes, although it is implied that sweets were on the menu for whoever came close to her.

And then there's Sergeant Dan: complains about all his Veteran Mates believing in Christ, while he wants nothing to do with him, yet at the same time his appearance evolves into a very good likeness of the enlightened being he so scorns. Add to that his Captain Ahab impersonation in the mast of the Jenny, and in the end his likeness to the guy we had on moorelife the other day, and you see that everyone grows, whether its willingly or kicking and screaming! No arms (being an ex-veteran), no legs (having lost them in war), but he miraculously re-emerges as a half-droid with titanium legs at the end of the movie...

That were just the main spoilers, but there is so much more in this movie! Like Back to the Future was loaded with syncs, Forrest Gump has a very humoristic take on Life:  (courtesy of IMDB')

Forrest Gump: Will you marry me?
[Jenny turns and looks at him]
Forrest Gump: I'd make a good husband, Jenny.
Jenny Curran: You would, Forrest.
Forrest Gump: ...But you won't marry me.
Jenny Curran: [sadly] ... You don't wanna marry me.
Forrest Gump: Why don't you love me, Jenny?
[Jenny says nothing]
Forrest Gump: I'm not a smart man... but I know what love is.

Now with me and my goddess, the whole conversation was more like Neneh Cherry's Seven Seconds (of silence), but yes it was a sync!

I could go on all night, and if I did I probably could have tied it in with so many events in my life you'd probably think I was Forrest in another life. But my 17 seconds are almost up, so here's the Cure, which is another one of my BS Events (Big Sync, not Bull Shit):

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