Tag: Light and Love (page 2 of 2)

SaLuSa – 01 October 2008

Sometimes the appropriate response to reality is to go insane. – Philip K. Dick

Dear Ones a beautiful wave of Light is sweeping over the Earth and will continue to do so as there is a new awakening, hastened by the emergence of joy and happiness at the first public announcement of our arrival. How much it will reveal is up to your response in the meantime. We not only observe but also register the upsurge of a heightened energy full of expectation as to the future. The chaos now being experienced by you is the period of cleansing that shall see opportunities for a totally new approach to your needs. No longer are the old ways acceptable, and it would be a waste of your energy and resources to resurrect the format upon which your financial markets were based. It will be a time of concern for many of you, but remember that in the long run all of your needs will be satisfied.

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Ela – 13 August 2008

I could prove God statistically. – George Gallup


13 August 2008

The Galactic Federation is a gigantic organization that serves your Universe. Certain Star Nations such as ours from Arcturus have a more direct connection with Earth, having been involved with your civilization for thousands of years. We are not just the peacekeepers, but also seek to ensure that the plan for all galaxies within it, flow with the plan for its growth. We can travel quickly and efficiently within the different dimensions, and can reach our destination quite easily regardless of its distance from us. In fact neither time or distance are such important factors as upon Earth.

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Ag-agria – 01 September 2008

For those of you who are abreast with the news of what is happening in the world, it is no surprise to find that it’s collapse is far reaching. However, what is becoming apparent, is the powerful energy generated by the people who are seeking changes that will move them onto a new level of being. The old ways are suddenly being seen as inadequate and unfulfilling, and unable to deliver what people desire. There is tiredness amongst you from being repeatedly embroiled in issues of war and confrontation. It is no longer acceptable, and your patience with your authorities is running out. You have realized that life should provide you with much satisfaction and would do so, as long as you were not having to consistently fight for acknowledgment of your entitlement to a happy and joyful life.

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Ker-On – 08 September 2008

The intent of people to change the direction of their lives is altering the mass consciousness to such a degree, that it can now be seen as having a noticeable effect. The most important factor is the awakening that is helping others, and adding power to your resolve to find ways of bringing changes about. Not everyone understands what is happening around them, but they have felt the different energies that are building up. It comes to them in a sense of excitement knowing that something is stirring upon Earth.

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“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.”




“I (WE) AM!” an illustration by SethD8 – 25 Feb 07

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+ Light, Dark and Managing our Soul Matrix!

“Light always casts forth the Shadows, yet the Shadows define the Light!”

“Amyelichenfantalistic!”                                                                                     SethD8 – 23 Jan. 2007

We are going to have a discussion with you on what light is, what dark is, what the light can do, what the dark can do, how the light casts forth the shadows, and how you can defend yourself from the dark Overlords.

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Spiritual Weariness?

By Dr Joshua David Stone

Many lightworkers on this Planet are feeling a little“Spiritually Weary or Fatigued”! This chapter is dedicated to discussing, understanding and trying to remedy this most interesting issue!Let me begin first by saying this is a “multi-faceted” issue that must be approached from a “multi-faceted perspective!”There is a small part of this understanding that is normal for everyone. I say this not in terms of feeling anything negative, but rather everyone knowingand understanding on some level we are visiting here. We have all come from GOD and Heavenly Realms in our Creation, so it is normal for everyone to have a Spiritual Desire to return home so to speak! This is not to say, however, that we cannot fully 100% enjoy Earth Life, for we can, and we need to fully Realize GOD on all levels!

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Light, Dark? It all begins with You!

Ker-On | 14 August 06


What is happening before your very eyes is the polarizing of the positive and negative energies. Two paths have been open ever since the cycle of duality commenced, and now each of them are drawing even further apart. This is quite normal, and fully expected at this time as the cycle closes.

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Msg from SaLuSa – 04 Aug 06

SaluSa | 04 August 06

Without a doubt this month is one of great importance, and over the next few weeks there will be developments brought to your attention. They will show you signs that open up a path to change as you have expected. There are two directions being clearly opened up, one is more of the same chaos and destruction that you are now experiencing. The other is the intensity of the Light that is now growing more rapidly than at any other previous time.

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Msg. from Diane – 02 Aug 06

Diane | 02 August 06

The clouds of darkness have covered the Earth for a long time. However, the Light has gradually dispersed them and now it shines through the gloom and despair. Soon it will blaze with all of its glory and no longer will the shadows of darkness remain. It is your destiny to see the last vestiges of a period of darkness disappear from your midst. It is also your privilege to be present and help manifest the new, as the old is completely cleared away.

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Messages from Ker-on & Atmos 17/18 Jul 06

Messages from Ker-on & Atmos


Ker-On  | 17-July-06


We could always see that events would get worse before they got better. Out of the situation that now faces you in the Middle East, will come the opportunity to move politicians towards the understanding that the people involved seek a peaceful outcome. There is a lot of pressure from inside the countries not to just stop the confrontation from escalating, but to bring a halt to it for all time. Out of a difficult and delicate situation you will find it is possible to prevent it drawing in other countries.

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Introducing the Seth D8 Digiverse Portal!

The ”Digiverse” started out as an idea I had about connecting people, ideas and the such from different social networking sites.  Making a presence on (then three) sites and interlinking them so there would be links to content on the other sites.  So when synchronicity kicks in the information one needs to create an experience is just a click away.   I truly believe that the way, is the way, is the way.  Holding no attachment, judgment or possession over on thing, feeling and so forth. Each person is on a journey of self awareness weather they realize it or not, therefore I feel it is important to plant seeds where ever I go so someone else can begin to perceive their next grand experience.   So, I linked up my 3 profiles on the social networking sights I belonged to, then it dawned on me. I have content on over 23 websites, all of which is public accessible!  Why not link all of my entire ”Digiverse” to one easy to use site for people to explore if they wish?   So the ”Seth D8 Digiverse Portal” was born.   What's There? The ”Digiverse Portal” Contains all of the following links to content all over the web:

  • All of My Social Networking Site Profiles
  • All of My Blogs
  • All of my Art Web Projects
  • All of My Art
  • All of my Music Mixen
  • All of My “Must See” Videos
  • All of My Word Clouds for each Blog
  • A Light Grid Frappr
  • Even More Web Resource Links
  • All of my Webstore Site Links
  • and of course A Web Blessing of Light and Love
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