Tag: lifetimes (page 1 of 5)

Here We Are

Originally posted on Ben Naga: HERE WE ARE We know, we know not Mystery tempers boredom Lifetimes tick away

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Has Cancer Been Completely Misunderstood?

A Failed War On Cancer Sayer Ji, Green Med InfoEver since Richard Nixon officially declared a war on cancer in 1971 through the signing of the National Cancer Act, over a hundred billion dollars of taxpayer money has been spent on research and drug development in an attempt to eradicate the disease, with trillions more spent by the cancer patients themselves, but with disappointing results.Even after four decades of waging full-scale “conventional” (s [...]

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Journal Verifies That the Vaccinated Are Transmitting Disease

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent DiseaseOfficials at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say the best way to prevent pertussis is to get vaccinated. However, more data continues to present itself suggesting that may be completely false. A new study published in BMC Medicine by Santa Fe Institute Omidyar Fellows Ben Althouse and Sam Scarpino points to a different, but related, source of the outbreak — vaccinated people who are infectious but who do not dis [...]

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How 40,000 Tons of Cosmic Dust Falling to Earth Affects You and Me

Picture of The giant star Zeta Ophiuchi is having a "shocking" effect on the surrounding dust clouds in this infrared image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope
In this infrared image, stellar winds from a giant star cause interstellar dust to form ripples. There's a whole lot of dust—which contains oxygen, carbon, iron, nickel, and all the other elements—out there, and eventually some of it finds its way into our bodies.
Photograph by NASA, JPL-Caltech

We have stardust in us as old as the universe—and some that may have landed on Earth just a hundred years ago.

Excerpt from National Geographic
By Simon Worrall

Astrophysics and medical pathology don't, at first sight, appear to have much in common. What do sunspots have to do with liver spots? How does the big bang connect with cystic fibrosis?
Book jacket courtesy of schrijver+schrijver

Astrophysicist Karel Schrijver, a senior fellow at the Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory, and his wife, Iris Schrijver, professor of pathology at Stanford University, have joined the dots in a new book, Living With the Stars: How the Human Body Is Connected to the Life Cycles of the Earth, the Planets, and the Stars.

Talking from their home in Palo Alto, California, they explain how everything in us originated in cosmic explosions billions of years ago, how our bodies are in a constant state of decay and regeneration, and why singer Joni Mitchell was right.

"We are stardust," Joni Mitchell famously sang in "Woodstock." It turns out she was right, wasn't she?

Iris: Was she ever! Everything we are and everything in the universe and on Earth originated from stardust, and it continually floats through us even today. It directly connects us to the universe, rebuilding our bodies over and again over our lifetimes.

That was one of the biggest surprises for us in this book. We really didn't realize how impermanent we are, and that our bodies are made of remnants of stars and massive explosions in the galaxies. All the material in our bodies originates with that residual stardust, and it finds its way into plants, and from there into the nutrients that we need for everything we do—think, move, grow. And every few years the bulk of our bodies are newly created.

Can you give me some examples of how stardust formed us?

Karel: When the universe started, there was just hydrogen and a little helium and very little of anything else. Helium is not in our bodies. Hydrogen is, but that's not the bulk of our weight. Stars are like nuclear reactors. They take a fuel and convert it to something else. Hydrogen is formed into helium, and helium is built into carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, iron and sulfur—everything we're made of. When stars get to the end of their lives, they swell up and fall together again, throwing off their outer layers. If a star is heavy enough, it will explode in a supernova.

So most of the material that we're made of comes out of dying stars, or stars that died in explosions. And those stellar explosions continue. We have stuff in us as old as the universe, and then some stuff that landed here maybe only a hundred years ago. And all of that mixes in our bodies.

Picture of the remnants of a star that exploded in a supernova
Stars are being born and stars are dying in this infrared snapshot of the heavens. You and I—we come from stardust.
Photograph by NASA, JPL-Caltech, University of Wisconsin

Your book yokes together two seemingly different sciences: astrophysics and human biology. Describe your individual professions and how you combined them to create this book.

Iris: I'm a physician specializing in genetics and pathology. Pathologists are the medical specialists who diagnose diseases and their causes. We also study the responses of the body to such diseases and to the treatment given. I do this at the level of the DNA, so at Stanford University I direct the diagnostic molecular pathology laboratory. I also provide patient care by diagnosing inherited diseases and also cancers, and by following therapy responses in those cancer patients based on changes that we can detect in their DNA.

Our book is based on many conversations that Karel and I had, in which we talked to each other about topics from our daily professional lives. Those areas are quite different. I look at the code of life. He's an astrophysicist who explores the secrets of the stars. But the more we followed up on our questions to each other, the more we discovered our fields have a lot more connections than we thought possible.

Karel: I'm an astrophysicist. Astrophysicists specialize in all sorts of things, from dark matter to galaxies. I picked stars because they fascinated me. But no matter how many stars you look at, you can never see any detail. They're all tiny points in the sky.

So I turned my attention to the sun, which is the only star where we can see what happens all over the universe. At some point NASA asked me to lead a summer school for beginning researchers to try to create materials to understand the things that go all the way from the sun to the Earth. I learned so many things about these connections I started to tell Iris. At some point I thought: This could be an interesting story, and it dawned on us that together we go all the way, as she said, from the smallest to the largest. And we have great fun doing this together.

We tend to think of our bodies changing only slowly once we reach adulthood. So I was fascinated to discover that, in fact, we're changing all the time and constantly rebuilding ourselves. Talk about our skin.

Iris: Most people don't even think of the skin as an organ. In fact, it's our largest one. To keep alive, our cells have to divide and grow. We're aware of that because we see children grow. But cells also age and eventually die, and the skin is a great example of this.
It's something that touches everything around us. It's also very exposed to damage and needs to constantly regenerate. It weighs around eight pounds [four kilograms] and is composed of several layers. These layers age quickly, especially the outer layer, the dermis. The cells there are replaced roughly every month or two. That means we lose approximately 30,000 cells every minute throughout our lives, and our entire external surface layer is replaced about once a year.

Very little of our physical bodies lasts for more than a few years. Of course, that's at odds with how we perceive ourselves when we look into the mirror. But we're not fixed at all. We're more like a pattern or a process. And it was the transience of the body and the flow of energy and matter needed to counter that impermanence that led us to explore our interconnectedness with the universe.

You have a fascinating discussion about age. Describe how different parts of the human body age at different speeds.

Iris: Every tissue recreates itself, but they all do it at a different rate. We know through carbon dating that cells in the adult human body have an average age of seven to ten years. That's far less than the age of the average human, but there are remarkable differences in these ages. Some cells literally exist for a few days. Those are the ones that touch the surface. The skin is a great example, but also the surfaces of our lungs and the digestive tract. The muscle cells of the heart, an organ we consider to be very permanent, typically continue to function for more than a decade. But if you look at a person who's 50, about half of their heart cells will have been replaced.

Our bodies are never static. We're dynamic beings, and we have to be dynamic to remain alive. This is not just true for us humans. It's true for all living things.

A figure that jumped out at me is that 40,000 tons of cosmic dust fall on Earth every year. Where does it all come from? How does it affect us?

Karel: When the solar system formed, it started to freeze gas into ice and dust particles. They would grow and grow by colliding. Eventually gravity pulled them together to form planets. The planets are like big vacuum cleaners, sucking in everything around them. But they didn't complete the job. There's still an awful lot of dust floating around.

When we say that as an astronomer, we can mean anything from objects weighing micrograms, which you wouldn't even see unless you had a microscope, to things that weigh many tons, like comets. All that stuff is still there, being pulled around by the gravity of the planets and the sun. The Earth can't avoid running into this debris, so that dust falls onto the Earth all the time and has from the very beginning. It's why the planet was made in the first place. 

Nowadays, you don't even notice it. But eventually all that stuff, which contains oxygen and carbon, iron, nickel, and all the other elements, finds its way into our bodies.

When a really big piece of dust, like a giant comet or asteroid, falls onto the Earth, you get a massive explosion, which is one of the reasons we believe the dinosaurs became extinct some 70 million years ago. That fortunately doesn't happen very often. But things fall out of the sky all the time. [Laughs]

Many everyday commodities we use also began their existence in outer space. Tell us about salt.

Karel: Whatever you mention, its history began in outer space. Take salt. What we usually mean by salt is kitchen salt. It has two chemicals, sodium and chloride. Where did they come from? They were formed inside stars that exploded billions of years ago and at some point found their way onto the Earth. Stellar explosions are still going on today in the galaxy, so some of the chlorine we're eating in salt was made only recently.

You study pathology, Iris. Is physical malfunction part of the cosmic order?

Iris: Absolutely. There are healthy processes, such as growth, for which we need cell division. Then there are processes when things go wrong. We age because we lose the balance between cell deaths and regeneration. That's what we see in the mirror when we age over time. That's also what we see when diseases develop, such as cancers. Cancer is basically a mistake in the DNA, and because of that the whole system can be derailed. Aging and cancer are actually very similar processes. They both originate in the fact that there's a loss of balance between regeneration and cell loss.

Cystic fibrosis is an inherited genetic disease. You inherit an error in the DNA. Because of that, certain tissues do not have the capability to provide their normal function to the body. My work is focused on finding changes in DNA in different populations so we can understand better what kinds of mutations are the basis of that disease. Based on that, we can provide prognosis. There are now drugs that target specific mutations, as well as transplants, so these patients can have a much better life span than was possible 10 or 20 years ago.

How has writing this book changed your view of life—and your view of each other?

Karel: There are two things that struck me, one that I had no idea about. The first is what Iris described earlier—the impermanence of our bodies. As a physicist, I thought the body was built early on, that it would grow and be stable. Iris showed me, over a long series of dinner discussions, that that's not the way it works. Cells die and rebuild all the time. We're literally not what were a few years ago, and not just because of the way we think. Everything around us does this. Nature is not outside us. We are nature.

As far as our relationship is concerned, I always had a great deal of respect for Iris, and physicians in general. They have to know things that I couldn't possibly remember. And that's only grown with time.

Iris: Physics was not my favorite topic in high school. [Laughs] Through Karel and our conversations, I feel that the universe and the world around us has become much more accessible. That was our goal with the book as well. We wanted it to be accessible and understandable for anyone with a high school education. It was a challenge to write it that way, to explain things to each other in lay terms. But it has certainly changed my view of life. It's increased my sense of wonder and appreciation of life.

In terms of Karel's profession and our relationship, it has inevitably deepened. We understand much better what the other person is doing in the sandboxes we respectively play in. [Laughs]

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Time travel and teleporting ‘a reality for today’s children’

Excerpt from telegraph.co.uk

By Rhiannon Williams

Travelling through time, invisibility cloaks and teleporting could all happen within today's children's lifetimes, experts have predicted

Children could be travelling between centuries as soon as the year 2100, while teleportation could become a regular occurence by around 2080, professors from Imperial College London and the University of Glasgow have said. 
"The good thing about teleportation is that there is no fundamental law telling us that it cannot be done and with technical advances I would estimate teleportation that we see in the films will be with us by 2080,” said Dr. Mary Jacquiline Romero from the School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow. 
“Teleporting a person, atom by atom, will be very difficult and is of course a physicist's way, but perhaps developments in chemistry or molecular biology will allow us to do it more quickly. The good thing about teleportation is that there is no fundamental law telling us that it cannot be done and with technical advances I would estimate teleportation that we see in the films will be with us by 2080,” she said. 
“Time travel to the future has already been achieved, but only in tiny amounts. The record is 0.02 seconds set by cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev. Whilst that doesn't sound too impressive, it does show that time travel to the future is possible and that the amount of time travel couldn't be far greater," he argued. 

“If you travelled through space on a big loop at 10 per cent the speed of light for what seemed to you like six months, approximately six months and one day would have passed on Earth. You'd have time travelled a day into the future. Travel at the same speed for 10 years and you'll time travel nearly three weeks into the future. I would say we are looking at 2100 as a very optimistic timescale for travelling weeks into the future.” 

Invisibility cloaks, as featured in Harry Potter, could be "entirely feasible" within the next 10 to 20 years, Professor Chris Phillips, Professor of Experimental Solid State Physics at Imperial College London said. 

Harry tests his invisibility cloak for the first time

“One way to create an ‘invisibility cloak’ is to use adaptive camouflage, which involves taking a film of the background of an object or person and projecting it onto the front to give the illusion of vanishing, " he added. 

"We’re actually not that far away from this becoming a reality – rudimentary technology versions of this have already been created – but the main problem is that the fibre-like structures in the adaptive camouflage need to be so tightly woven that it’s incredibly labour intensive. With developments such as 3D printing allowing us to create previously impossible materials, it’s entirely feasible that we could see a ‘Harry Potter’-like invisibility cloak within the next 10 to 20 years.” 

The research was conducted by the Big Bang UK Young Scientists and Engineers Fair, which compared the predictions of scientists to that of a panel of 11-16 year-olds. 

While their speculation was largely in line with the experts' expectations, the children thought time travel could be feasible by 2078. They also dramatically overestimated when they might be able to become space tourists - anticipating it might take another 30 years, when commercial space flights are due to launch in 2015.

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The Unstoppable Awakening of Humanity

by Zen GardnerWe’re undergoing an amazing transformation. Absolutely diametrically opposed to the constant, gradual attempt by elitists to shut down humanity via eons of engineered subjugation, we’re being consciously and vibrationally liberated by the very nature of the Universe in spite of all their efforts.It’s not readily apparent to most, but it’s very clearly there.It’s subtle and yet obvious at the same time. Knowledge of this change or shift in conscio [...]

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How Living Your Best Life Will Save the World

Randi G. Fine, Contributor“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” GhandiMany of us feel helpless when we hear about the inhumane atrocities that are occurring around the world. We have witnessed unfathomable cruelty – evil.  We live in terror of the possibility that this evil will soon pervade our own homelands.We desperately pray to God to save us. We throw our hands up in despair asking, “Where is God when we need him [...]

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Do We Plan Our Lives Before We Are Born?

Nikkie Gray, Collective-EvolutionThe theory that we plan our lives was something I had never heard of before 2011. Up until that point, I could not have even imagined such a thing. Even after hearing about it 3 years ago, it took me quite a long time to let this concept into my paradigm. How I stumbled upon it wasn’t even through my avid research of the afterlife and reincarnation. It came to me through a vision I had. Before the vision, I believed in reincarnation. The idea of it ha [...]

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Galactic Federation of Light The Arcturian Group May-05-2013

The Arcturian Group by Marilyn Raffaele

Greetings dear ones. We come today to tell you of the many changes we see happening in your world. Light energy is

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Galactic Federation of Light Jesus May-03-2013

There is a rush on as you all work overtime
May 3, 2013 by John Smallman

Here in the spiritual realms, the realms where form is also possible but

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Galactic Federation of Jesus April-24-2013

Fear is an illness, and it is healed by Love, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance
April 24, 2013 by John Smallman

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Galactic Federation of Light Arcturian Group April-06-2013

Published on April 06, 2013
Marilyn Raffaele — The Arcturian Group

Again we greet you dear ones, those who read these messages, for we see you as students

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My Higher Self ~ Abundance and Poverty Consciousness


March 11, 2013

by Healing and Love

MoneyA lot of people have been asking me questions regarding their finances, and more specifically, how to improve them.  I asked my higher self for a response.  Hope you enjoy this response from my higher self.

“There is so much fear and misunderstanding about money that even though you think you need money, you may in essence be blocking its natural flow to you.  This may have been caused by your human ego.  Your human ego may have manipulated you through poverty consciousness for a long time, and for many past lifetimes.

This may be the root of all of your issues and problems regarding money.  This poverty consciousness now has to be released to the light for clearing in this ascension lifetime.  This poverty consciousness may have caused you to be very obsessed with money, which then made you greedy and caused you to hoard money at any cost and through any means.  This is a bad vibration to have as it is based on fear;  fear of not having enough money to survive and have your needs paid for.  The human ego poverty consciousness then caused you to believe that there is not enough money for you to live in a comfortable state causing you worry, stress and anxiety (all lower vibrations).

Remember that what you think about, worry about and what you do will be manifested in your reality.  This in turn may have manifested in homelessness, hunger, and other limitations or lacks in your life regarding money and financial security.   Do not worship money or worry that it will run out or worry that you will not have enough to live.  Money is energy.  Also understand that you cannot take your money with you when you leave this life.  God’s abundance is your birthright and God’s supply has no boundaries of all things that are good and plentiful.  This includes money.

If all of this is so, then why do so many people have financial issues?  Why are so many people suffering financially?  Please understand that in this NOW, you are everything that you have ever created in all past lifetimes, as you are a multidimensional being.  This includes the collective consciousness.  This is why you may be experiencing poverty.  This is why the collective consciousness is suffering collectively financially.  Just look at what is happening in your economies around the world.  It has to come up for release; the fear, the worry, the lack.  So to eliminate your poverty thinking and lack thinking and your poverty consciousness thinking, do not vibrate with poverty consciousness.  How do you do this?

You must watch your feelings, your actions, and your words with respect to money.  Do not worry and do not have feelings and thoughts that are fear based with respect to money.  If you vibrate with poverty consciousness energy, there will be financial problems for you.  You have to raise your vibrations regarding money and poverty consciousness to abundance consciousness.  You do this with gratitude and trust.  God’s intention is for you to have abundance consciousness, not poverty consciousness.  Do not worry that you will starve, and do not worry that you will not make the payment on your mortgage or other things that are due to be paid.  Worry is a very lower dimensional vibration and lowers your consciousness level immensely.  Worrying about money is poverty consciousness and will cause you to have poverty.

Release any subconscious memories which tell you money causes you pain or that it is bad or causes you to worry about money.  You must eliminate poverty consciousness and apply abundance consciousness in your life.

Again, please stop worrying about not having enough money (This cannot be stressed enough), and focus on gratitude for the money that you do have.  This is the key and will change your outcome with respect to money.

Gratitude will bring you more of what you are grateful for into your life. Gratitude is about being thankful for everything that you receive in your life, no matter what form it takes, no matter how large or small.  It is an effective tool for showing appreciation to yourself and to others and for opening up your heart.  When you open up your heart, your consciousness rises.  If you embody gratitude and practice this in your life, it is very healing and then you will be able to tap into the flow of abundance consciousness and receive the loving vibrations of that abundance consciousness from God, namely money.  Then things may change for you financially.

Remember you are a Devine Son / Daughter of God and God does not want his children to be poor and to worry about being taken care of.  Have gratitude for all the supporting and loving people you have in your life; have gratitude for your health and for anything that is happening in your life.  Have gratitude for all the beings around you, the plants, the trees, the animals, the birds, everything that has a consciousness (even that ant crossing the driveway).  All are part of One Consciousness and all are here to learn.  Honor ALL life.  Do not be mad that you do not have enough money or that you can’t pay the bills.  Remember that you are manifesting your thoughts and emotions.  If you think you are poor, the universe will give you more of it.  When you are truly able to feel this gratitude in your heart, then it will enable you to receive love in your heart and thus move past a lot of negative emotions, and money will start to flow for you.

For as long as you are in a state of gratitude, then abundance will pour into your lives as will love.  God and the Universe support you and you are always guided.  No matter how bad things appear to you financially, if you can come into your heart and reach a space of gratitude from your heart, then doors will open up, you will be guided and the way will be clear for you to the next step in your life.  But just like you are practicing gratitude, you must also practice trust.  When you ask for something and if it does not come right away, do not get mad or discouraged.  Trust with all your being in full faith that what you asked for will eventually come.   You have to believe and trust and live your life as if it is already there.

Also, in order to receive, you have to give.  When you give you receive a hundred times fold.  If you have no money to give, give with your heart.  Give your time by volunteering.  It is the intent to give that matters.  Again, money is just energy and comes back to you.  When you give away money, it comes back to you.  Do not hoard it.  Trust that you will receive it back.  You will.  It is a change in attitude that is required to have abundance consciousness.

Every time you spend your money, regardless of what you buy, bless it with gratitude for the service it is providing you. Bless it for the food you receive, the utility bills that pay for your utilities, etc…Then just let it go, knowing that it is just a source of energy which will return to you.  This will not prevent the block of the flow of God’s abundance.  Understand and recognize that money is providing a service that you should accept with appreciation and gratitude. Remember that you are responsible for creating your prosperity.

If you have fear and if you have poverty consciousness, you will be poor.  The Universe will give you what you are feeling, thinking, saying and doing.  Open up to abundance consciousness to change your financial situation and have gratitude.  You will be much happier and much richer, financially and spiritually!”


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