Tag: Lauren C. Gorgo (page 2 of 3)

The Transition Zone: Crossing Over


a message from Lauren C. Gorgo

Wednesday, 20 April, 2011  (posted 20 April, 2011)

Early last week I faintly heard these words one morning at dawn: "Hearken!  It is high time to release the wounds of the purific...

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Reassessing, Redirecting & Resetting


a message from Lauren C. Gorgo

Thursday, 7 April, 2011  (posted 8 April, 2011)

Before I juice you up with any of the hope-dope…aka, those rainbows and butterflies that always seem just slightly out of reach&hellip...

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The New Wave of LOVE


a message from Lauren C. Gorgo

Tuesday, 22 March, 2011

There is a deep soul-level silence that is palpably permeating the planet right now.  The human heart is opening and adjusting to the amplified frequencies of love, ...

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The Final Push: we’re crowning!


a message from Lauren C. Gorgo

Wednesday, 2 March, 2011

Uranus in Aries

So here we are again on the cusp of the astrological new year (when the sun enters the first degrees of Aries), the spring equinox in the north (the ...

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Return of the 12th Planet


25 February 2011 

Channeler:  Lauren C. Gorgo

Thursday, February 24, 2011


I received an interesting message the other day, from a group of archangels who I have not yet had the p...

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Greasing the Gears


a message from Lauren C. Gorgo

Tuesday, 8 February, 2011  (posted 9 February, 2011)

The potent equinoctial energies are beginning to softly bathe the planet (and our light bodies) with the frequencies of change and we ar...

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11th Phase Lightbody Ascension


a message from Lauren C. Gorgo

Tuesday, 1 February, 2011

(posted 2 February, 2011)

In the last article I wrote I mentioned that we were in the throes of some unprecedented geomagnetic activity due to a significant global ...

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On Digesting Calamity: a 5D view


a message from Lauren C. Gorgo

Thursday, 20 January, 2011  (posted 24 January, 2011)

"There has been a magnificent shift in the earth's balance extending from the western hemisphere to the east….an impact...

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2011: Stepping Up & Out


a message from Lauren C. Gorgo

Tuesday, 11 January, 2011  (posted 12 January, 2011)

"We would like to congratulate the warrior brigade for your collective emergence into true, authentic beings of ligh...

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Reorienting to the New Timeline

a message from Lauren C. Gorgo

Friday, 10 December, 2010  (posted 13 December, 2010)

Holy cow…I don't even know where to begin. I am still screwing my head on straight, so please bear with me as I tr...

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Welcome the New (7th) Day!

a message from Lauren C. Gorgo Tuesday, 2 November, 2010 (posted 5 November, 2010)

A transmission from the The Spiritual Hierarchy

Greetings from the collective.

Beloved lightworkers, starseeds, pathpavers, wayshowers, indigos, blue rays…...

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climing out of the rabbit hole

WARNING: This post is rated PG (Personal Guidance) by the Light-Worker Association of America. Some content may not be deemed suitable for many woo-woos, cloud-jumpers & self-proclaimed love-n-lighters. Personal Guidance is strongly Suggested. Contains: cutting sarcasm, brutal honesty & brief scenes of non-sugar-coated content.

WARNING: This post is rated PG (Personal Guidance) by the Light-Worker Association of America. Some content may not be deemed suitable for many woo-woos, cloud-jumpers & self-proclaimed love-n-lighters. Personal Guidance is strongly Suggested. Contains: cutting sarcasm, brutal honesty & brief scenes of non-sugar-coated content.

Surviving May

I don't have many words for the month of May, other than to say...up-yours.

Though the beginning of the month teased us with a short burst of creativity and connection, the last three weeks were like trying to kayak in quicksand. At any given moment we were given two choices: 1) to keep paddling, knowing quite well we were going NOwhere... OR ...2) get out of the kayak, sink and suffocate.

May was masochistically forcing us to stabilize in these increasingly volatile energies by helping us to deeply realize...in a visceral based way.... that we definitely could not bail-out of the work we signed up for while being barraged with any remaining fears we were hanging on to so we could effectively move on into the action-packed pace of the upcoming summer months (in the northern hemisphere).

It was, quite literally, a month of left-right punches every single time we stepped out of neutrality. If we even attempted to waddle to the extremes, voluntarily tasting the bitterness of duality one last time, we were given a swift universal upper-cut to remind us that we are no longer treading those polarized waters.

Translation: we were given many opportunities to transcend duality, to merge with the infinite in our pursuit of higher consciousness. These opportunities were laced with the temptations to venture back into the old ways of being and feeling and yet if/when we did, we were met with an overwhelmingly oppressive force of opposition. In other words, there really is no choice left but to move forward at this stage of the game...but all month long we were definitely baited into thinking that we had a choice (sike) just so we felt "in control" of our process. As if.

Last month was crafty, cruel and insidious. And thankfully, its over...but now we all need a shot and a prozac to deal with the PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) that accompanies these clearing cycles.

New ground

On the eve of June 1st...the first day out of that horrid month of May... and right before drifting off into insomnia land, I noticed quite a bit of ether-chatter penetrating my desperately-trying-to-be-still mind. "We have so much to share with you!" is what I was attempting to ignore in pursuit of a decent night's sleep... but as always, I just couldn't resist the ol' hook-n-reel.

My hope was that the invisibles were just as delighted to be out of May as we are and wanted to let us know just how ridiculous the month had actually been. But probably not. They are way less jaded than those of us trapped in these inflated flesh suits and chained to this particular point in time & space. As a result, they are always bursting through that very thin veil with relentless optimism.

But they did have some valid and enticing points...namely, that we just may be (finally) climbing out of that ridiculous rabbit hole, just as many of us have been feeling, expecting and anticipating the last few torturous months.

Could it be?

Well, they are asking US to decide. They say that we are walking on new ground but they want to know if WE feel it...if we feel the difference in our mental and emotional stability? If we can suddenly feel a greater distance between peaceful centeredness and the lower dimensions of chaos and fear.

I know for myself, the lower thought forms that used to torment and chase me around... up until this past Monday... are suddenly faded out and seem very far away. I mean, I can summons them if I really want to, but the distance is great enough that I don't feel I need constant protection and shielding.  This is really good sign.

Literally, as of the first day of June, you may have started feeling a general sense of calm, especially in comparison to May, but also a feeling like everything is finally in place, with a sudden side-dish of focused productivity.

Last month catapulted us into a new world, a new reality, new level of being and a new framework by which to operate. This month, many of us we will climb out of the hole and get our feet firmly planted on new ground. We may look at our familiar surroundings, but with feelings of unfamiliarity. Surely we entered the rabbit hole in the same location we are exiting... but nothing is, or ever will be, the same.

The new space by which we now inhabit has many portals to grand opportunities. Akin to a maze, I am being shown that we will be exploring many twists and turns and the accompanying excitement that comes with surprises and new beginnings around every corner. There is so much to be uncovered in this new space, and each of us with the light quotient required to access these portals of potential are beginning to realize our long-held dreams...and more!

Staying in Love

Though June promises many life-altering changes, it is still a month of transition and the good ol' foot in both worlds scenario. The 5D connections are increasing in length & depth... as is our focus and connection to creativity... however, we are still grounding, stabilizing and finishing up many physical changes.

It will therefore be another month of maintaining the balancing act, but with so much celestial support and many powerful astrological alignments, we will have WAY more connection and ability to move forward than last month (hopefully with milder symptoms), deeper integration of authenticity and even sudden blasts of new information/inspiration that will take us further into the making of our dreams as the next steps reveal themselves.

I am seeing June as an important segue between May and July. May was all about severing ties and separating ourselves from any and all chords binding us to 3d...July is about immersing ourselves completely in our new lives and ventures...and June is kind of like a gateway month, an amalgamation of both energies.

There will most likely be a visible split between realities (on a personal and collective level)...a balance of wrapping up past details while at the same time negotiating all those new ideas, opportunities, and projects that will be part of our new lives. There will also be clashing and erupting of outworn cycles and thinking for those still on their way down the rabbit hole, so anchoring in your center-point and staying in love will be very helpful.

Speaking of falling deeper down the rabbit hole, a very common question I receive often from many of you is..."how do I know where I am with regard to this universal process?" ...and the best way I can answer that is to say that climbing out of the hole should feel like the next "logical" step...it should just make plain sense on all levels: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical.

On a psycho-spiritual you should feel like there is nothing left to uncover, that all options have been exhausted and no stone has been left unturned. You would have faced every fear at least 14,000 times, left behind all of your be-lie-fs and delusions, become completely simplified & transparent, healed all relationships...especially with yourself...and feel so burned out that nothing can really phase you anymore. You basically would have been boiled down to your authenticity, comfortable with yourself in all ways and to the point that you could care less about most things.

In other words, your ego will have been pulverized by your higher self and beaten into a proverbial pulp where you arrive at complete surrender to what is. In fact, you should be void of resistance on all levels (mostly from exhaustion) and able to go with the flow feeling supported and in faith of your highest good.

On a physical level, you should see things wrapping up and finalizing in your life (endings you have been diligently working toward) and should have at least a vague idea of whats next for you...even if this means spiritual retirement or a time of PLAY...but for many this will be a time of birthing new creations, forming new partnerships, starting new jobs and/or businesses, moving to new geographic locations, all of the above, etc...and for the most part you could have been working toward and planning for this in a physical way for a long time while stringing along the slow-moving pieces to your overall cosmic puzzle.

For the bridgers, your next-level creations should be about to birth in the physical world, or maybe even birthed already, and there is most likely some form of visible understanding of how this will play out for you...at least in part. At the very least, the skeleton of your contributions will have been created and waiting for universal support to fill in the "how", but you may have all of the connections, partners, and systems in place and ready to move forward with the incoming tide.
Most are somewhere in the middle.

Physical Happenings

My definition of miracles has certainly changed. With all this lower chakra cleansing, a miracle to me now is being able to sleep two hours without getting up to pee. Late April and all of May (coupled with a visit to webMD) had me completely convinced that I have prostatitis, when in fact we are just dumping and eliminating toxins.

Seriously people...we are kicking up so much debris in the lower three (physical based) chakras that it can be confusing, disconcerting and frightening at times....which is partly the point since we are releasing lots of fear-based realities of survival and thwarted expressions of creation.

Many of us have been living in a state of constant healing crisis since 2001, yet each time we go thru one, its so easy to be convinced that we are actually getting sicker, when really we are healing. It's such a mind game. To me, there is not much difference between healing and sickness since they both suck, so it's a constant struggle to determine which way I'm headed. To eliminate this confusion, I just chalk everything up to healing and get out of my way. This has saved me dozens of times.

The most intense symptoms the last 6 weeks or so have been pouring out from the 1st and 2nd chakras as we physically bolt ourselves into the new earth. This means we're still clearing our intestinal & urogenital systems and this can be quite uncomfortable. Bloating, urgency, frequent elimination, lower back pain, lower abdominal cramping, menstrual irregularities, yeast flare ups, kidney soreness, leg pain & numbness, feet pain & numbness, feeling heavy from the waste down, etc.

The heart center, our new earth communication devices, are still expanding, adjusting and preparing for the full expression of our authentic selves (throat center) which is creating the usual heartburn/indigestion/acid reflux, pain behind the heart (middle of back), bronchitis, shortness of breath, palpitations, increased heart rate, and throat clearings (sore throat, earache, neck stiffness/aching, etc.)

We are also burning off lots of old energies/connections/realities in dreamtime which can create bouts of insomnia/restless sleeps coupled with deep/far away sleeps where we wake up confused and soaking wet from night sweats. Those are my favorite.

But on the positive side you may be finally climbing out of that depressive/fatigued funk you were in, starting to feel some joy/peace/love...or finding the ability to create again.   If not, you will soon.  Overall, we will be able to accomplish many more physical things this month as compared to last.

Depending on where you are on your journey, these symptoms will begin lessening and fading out for some, increasing in intensity for others. For those that are finishing up the reconnection and rewiring phase (those leading the new timeline), I am hearing that we will still be physically balancing and adjusting for much of the month of June, but apparently will stabilize around the solstice/eclipse portals.  As always, we will know more as we get closer.

All in all, be sure to give yourself and each other a big pat on the back for making it thru one of the most difficult and challenging months of the journey.

You warriors have some hard core staying power...

still kickin',

(Lauren C. Gorgo has just released a new updated version of her e-book 12 Essential Steps to Discover Your Divine Blueprint: A Guide Book for the Soul. It's also available from her the Telepathic Training E-course and more.)


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The New Holographic Matrices (Pleiadian High Council)

Lauren C. Gorgo
In your world affairs many are beginning to realize that the truth can no longer be repressed by the few who wish to dominate the land. A tide has turned and the current is too strong to swim against and many are losing the strength to resist the unyielding cosmic flow.

It is, however, with great honor and prestige that the mighty and the few who begin to rise to the surface now will be noticed for their glory in lieu of selfishness or greed. The story of the past can no longer precipitate the planning for the future, for the future beckons new perspective, new levels of consciousness that are rising to serve the planet as a whole.The new stewardship of earth will be governed by those who have attained high levels of light and love within, those who emanate and radiate that light outward to restructure the very particles of matter in existence.

This new type of leadership is coming of age and all those who awaken to serve the new direction of the planet will be swept up in the momentum of the great upward spiral of evolution. Some of the changes will seem simple in nature, yet comprehensive in scope. Some will seem revolutionary.

The new stewards of the land are gearing up to lead the mass population to their destiny now, a destiny which has deep roots in ancient ways. These members of the galactic brigade for a new earth are seeded with the bio-genetic codes of the future and the once dormant receptors encoded within the strands of your deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) are now enlivened.

Activated by consciousness, these genetic triggers are timed by specific levels of electromagnetic frequencies which are now permeating the planet’s bio-sphere, emanating from earth’s central core and radiating from the new sun.

Adamantine Particles

The new earth is comprised of crystalline Adamantine particles that are restructuring the very form of matter as humanity awakens to the pure vibration of love. These particulates contain within them the intelligence of divinity in form; new ways of being and living in love.

All matter is composed of intelligent elementary particles responsive to consciousness. The particles of ages past held within them codes of survival mechanisms that resulted in polarity through separation consciousness. Adamantine particles have contained within them the encoded intelligence of harmony, wholeness, of resurrection and unity consciousness.

To access these intelligent codes one must give & receive pure love through the sacred vessel of the high heart. The high heart, directed & regulated by the thymus gland in the physical body, is the center for receiving and radiating the energy of love. This center must be fully charged, fully open and capable to surrender to the higher will to manifest spirit into form.

The higher will is the will of the highest good for all and is contained within the genetic blueprint of each and every incarnate. The purpose of the high heart is to map out the path of universal love for each and every living being through magnetic resonance.

The cocreation of divine love can only be accessed and magnetized through the purity of consciousness which is how those with pure heart will mold and restructure the new earth. What this means on a global scale is exponential, for the technological advancement of the species will be made available through these particles of pure intent for the purposes of global upliftment.

The restructuring process will be precipitated by a consistent flow of new intelligence that will permeate any lower existing thought forms contained within the grids of those holographic reality structures.

Those with pure intent will have access to this revolutionary intelligence contained within the advanced particulates of light and rendering much of the old planetary systems obsolete while serving to advance the species through higher intelligence.

Those with contracts to serve on higher planes of existence will in fact be anchoring the new vibrations of earth through the awakened DNA within their human biology. This will serve two purposes…. to fulfill contracts of service through the formation of information super-highways for galactic technology, and to form new holographic matrices for those preparing to embark upon the journey of ascended 5th dimensional living and being.

Many who have attained high levels of truth through the cleansing of toxic karmic debris will be serving in the final frontier. The final frontier is the code given to those who chose to bridge the gap between worlds, rather dimensions, as the examples and way-showers of the pure potentiality available through the matrices of universal love.

These way-showers will be stationed in visible locations as the pioneers of new earth. You who see clearly will be given tools to share your visions with the world. You who know the light and the way will be given the resources to implement those visions into form.

The time has come for those awakened warriors to take the first step in action of ascended living. The first brigade will lead by example and all who follow will continue to pave the way for the future of humanity. As the torch is passed along in service to mother earth and her inhabitants, the light will illuminate every dark corner and revitalize all in its path.

We serve as the council of light overseeing planetary affairs to propel the advancement of the human species through bio-genetic recoding.

Exciting times are upon you!

In gratitude,
Lauren C. Gorgo

Original Source: http://manifestwiththemasters.blogspot.com

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