Tag: Laura (page 2 of 3)

Laura Tyco – TAUK with Sfhs – 27 March 2012 – On Decloaking, Disclosure, Abundance and Ascension


Mar 27


Laura: Good day Sfhs, I believe you would like to share a new message.


Sfhs: Yes a new message for your readers today, Laura. Times and preparations for great changes are in plain sight. The arrests are...

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Laura Tyco: TAUK Message from God 18 March 2012 – Ascension Notes


There is broken sentence there... I have no idea what it should be...


Posted: 19 Mar 2012

Laura: Good evening, I have a burning question, which a friend also happens to have: “ will our raise in conscious...

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Private Message from SaLuSa and Allendale to Laura Tyco 21 Feb 2012


Posted: 22 Feb 2012 01:08 AM PST

Laura: Please read all channeled messages with discernment, all messages can be interfered with by the channelers’ mind or by lower dimension entities. Message channeled by Laura Tyco ...

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Private Message SaLuSa to Me – 15 Feb 2012 – Light Quotient


Posted: 15 Feb 2012

Laura: Please read all channeled messages with discernment, all messages can be interfered with by the channelers’ mind or by lower dimension entities.

Message channeled by Laura Tyco


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Message from God ~ 6 Feb 2012 ~ Awaken Dreams


Laura: Good evening, dear God. I am glad to be able to talk with you. I was wondering if you would like to comment on our common efforts last night to meet on a spaceship with Galactic beings, on Dreamwalker’s suggestion. ...

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Sharing on Dreamwalker Dream Experiences


Posted: 05 Feb 2012 07:18 AM PST

Ok, I have received several memories from our trip left. I invite people to share their memories on Indy Info blog, in the comments section for us all to compare and have an impression of others...

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Laura Tyco: A Message from God – Inner Shift – 26 Jan 2012


Posted: 26 Jan 2012

Laura: Thank you for coming in contact with me, dear God. Thank you for your love and protection. Please if you care to give a message for all of us. . God: Thank you for your work, dear Laura. T...

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SaLuSa to Me – TAUK Personal Message from SaLuSa 23 Jan 2012


Laura: Good afternoon SaLuSa. So nice to chat with you again today. . SaLuSa: Good afternoon, Laura. What is on your mind today, dear friend? . Laura: hum.. well, I wonder about energy low, I feel rather tir...

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SaLuSa to Me – 4 Jan 2011 – The Awakening


Jan 4th 2011

Channeled by Laura Tyco

Happy New Year to all! Many of you have already begun to enjoy the new energies of 2012. Things will continue at more or less this pace from now on, depending on planetary alignments als...

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Private TAUK with My Higher Self – 13 Dec 2011 – Self Introspection


Posted: 13 Dec 2011

By Laura Tyco

Energies are out of balance in human bodies very often. Is there a way of self diagnostic for this matter you ask Laura? It is a very tricky exercise, because one has to be able to use self...

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Incommunicado? You’ve God IT!

Even if I don't: Touchy just dropped the bombshell of her Everlasting insomnia on me, having not been able to replenish herself from the nightly drip feed. With her supplier keeping me company on the fabricated one night stand, Netty had been pining a...

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Oops, forgot the homework!

In the spirit of Subliminals 101, let's see how well you guys and gals suck at your environment. What wisdom can we gain from this refrigerator magnet stuck to my Cool Giant by LVS (Laura Valerie Slabber)

See you Monday!


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Arghh, another Arghument!

I was looking forward to a nice relaxed Sunday, mainly because the kids and their mum were going to go shopping with grandma in Apeldoorn, leaving me my home for the remainder of the day. Well, they still went, but not until a heated argument about ...

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