The Turn of the Wheel
Spring Equinox ~ March 20 - 23
Air ~ East ~ Green ~ Light and Dark are Equal
Strength ~ Birthing ~ Growth ~ New Beginnings

This is the time of springs return; the joyful time, the seed time, when life bursts forth from the earth and the chains of winter are broken. Light and dark are equal; it is a time of balance, when all the elements within us can be brought into a new harmony. The Prince of the Sun stretches out his hand, and Kore, the Dark Maiden, returns from the Land of the Dead, cloaked in the fresh rain, with the sweet scent of desire on her breath. Where they step, the wild flowers appear, as they dance, despair turns to hope, sorrow to joy, want to abundance. May our hearts open with the spring!

Blessed Be - Starhawk

Dearest Beloveds....

In a world awash with information from so many sources, determining what is of real value to take the time to read or pay attention to, becomes a real concern. From many outside sources and observing our own intensely transformational processes within, it is easy to garner that we are in accelerated times of planetary evolution. In this process, one of the essential messages from many indigenous elders, (who are certainly our guides through this process of planetary birth), is this: Gather in community! Meet to share, care for, support and celebrate with each other! Create a heart community. Make a "hive"..a unified field of awareness to draw strength from and offer your creativity to.

Create opportunities to gather and concretely vision a positive future together, listen to dreams, dance, sing, cooperate in and joyfully celebrate the process of mid-wifing a new world together. Our need for strong community inter-connections has never been greater and we will be grateful that we have strengthened those bonds through celebrating together, our unified choice to LOVE. There is NO GREATER REASON TO COME TOGETHER THAN TO CELEBRATE LOVE!

Even if there are only two or more meeting to celebrate life and our soul choices, an exponential multitude of possiblity emerges when we gather. So let's! In whatever form, use this Spring Equinox time to gather together (etherically and physically) a few of your "anam cara"..(soul family) to celebrate our wholeness, our love, to celebrate the bodhi mandala of possibility erupting and to encourage the new green shoots that we want to nurture and grow together!

Spring Equinox is a time that nature celebrates in it's perfect balance of light and dark. And because of this natural feature of balance at this time of year, it is a wonderful time to feel directly the pulse of life quickening in all things, and to use this accelerated growth "Turn of Gaia's Wheel" as an "acupuncture point" of enhanced power, to consciously seed new beginnings, new intentions in the fertile soil you have composted and cultivated with winter transformational processes.

I, myself, will be celebrating this Turn of the Wheel in Japan with my anam cara there and of course, I will be holding my heart family close, wherever I celebrate. Sending you joy jiggles and the sound of singing birds and the deliciously delicate scent of cherry blossoms to fill your hearts with the promise of a fruitful spring and summer!

In in Joy of Love Eternal.. your sister..ariel

PS: On the note of gathering to celebrate Love, please mark your calendars for Sat. evening June 19th for our community Summer Solstice celebration (for the next turn of the wheel) at the Dakini Temple (where the Sanctuary of the Open Heart launch was held. 235 Washington Ave., Point Richmond, CA) Watch for an email with more details and the exciting BUZZ on that community celebration shortly..stay tuned!


Spring Equinox Wisdom
The winter, harsh and long for some of us, is now fading. Gaia is waking from Her frozen slumber in the northern hemisphere and it is time to rejoice in life, warmth and a renewal of the spirit. This is a point of perfect balance on the journey through the wheel of the year. Night and day are of equal length and in perfect equilibrium; the sacred feminine and sacred masculine, inner and outer are in perfect balance, yet the light is growing stronger day by day. The nature is coming alive, the Sun is gaining in strength and days are becoming longer and warmer. It is time for the hopes and plans we made at Imbolc to become action. We can start working towards physically manifesting our visions now! The energy is expansive and exuberant, it is the first day of spring!

It is time to celebrate as we give birth to all things fresh and new. It is time to celebrate the arrival of spring, the renewal and rebirth of the nature herself, and the coming lushness of the summer. This is a great time to renew ourselves, our thoughts, our dreams, our visions! To renew our relationships! This is an excellent time of the year to begin anything new or to completely revitalize anything!

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