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Diving Deeper, Flying Higher and Perceiving with Greater Insight

The Energies for April 2010

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

Beloved Family of Light, at this time of Change and Transformation, we see how so many of you are embracing the New Light and the Energy that comes to you in the Pulsations and Codes of Light from the Cosmic Heart. We see how you are stretching yourselves to grow and to evolve, and we applaud your progress. Now, we suggest that it is time to make another shift, and to allow yourselves to Dive Deeper, Fly Higher, and Perceive more truly with the eyes of Love and Wisdom, and to experience more of Who You Are at this time!Beloveds, this is not a difficult task, it is what you are allowing with the Activations of your Light Body and your DNA Light Codes. It is indeed time to move beyond the old ways of living and being and to embrace what is Possible and Probable in your New Earth Reality.

First, we will say, dive deeper into your Heart and Soul and into your Being, and experience the Depths of Love and Connection and Intimacy that are available to you in this New Energy. We have said before that this year of 2010 is a time when you will redefine Relationships and Partnerships and seek to align these with Divine Harmony and Will. And, within this Divine Harmony you will experience the powerful depths of Divine Love through your experience of the Soul and Spiritual aspects of your relationships and partnerships.

Beloved Ones, as you move into the Fifth Dimension you will redefine Partnership and Relationship to express a Love that is both Unconditional and Deeply Committed and Focussed in Intention. It will be a Love that honors both the Cosmic and the Individual aspects of Connection and Communion on Planet Earth.

We will suggest, Beloveds, that you might consider these suggestions for defining and expressing Love and Connection at a greater level of Joy and Intimacy. We would suggest that you consider the aspects of Intention, Commitment, Transparency and Grace, as defining the energy of Relationship from the Heart and Soul in the New Earth.

Firstly, Intention is an important facet of any Relationship. On the level of soul connection, souls are drawn or magnetized towards each other for a specific purpose related to their mutual growth. A wise soul will define and express an intention for any relationship or connection. "What is this connection about and how do I experience it?", may be questions that you will ask. Of course, Beloveds, Relationships change and grow over time, but the defined essence or intention is what guides the expansion and development of that relationship. If both souls are clear on their intention for their connection, then they are more likely to connect in Harmony and without needing to experience emotions such as fear and anxiety and manipulation, as well as expectations that will not be met over time.

Once the intention is defined, it should be honored through Commitment and Focus. This is an aspect of interpersonal connection that has been lost or poorly understood in your society. Commitment is an expression of a Choice, and does not imply possession or ownership. It does suggest that once an intention is defined through soul contract, then that intention must be honored with integrity. This creates Trust and Peace, which promotes Harmony and Joy. And this, in turn, creates a space for deeper connection and sharing in Love and Joy.

Then, Transparency is also an aspect of such a Relationship. There should be openess and honesty between the people in the Relationship. Where all is open and there are no secrets or hidden agendas, then Trust can flourish and deepen into intimacy on the level of the Heart and Soul. In the New Energy, where you are learning how to feel and perceive empathically, you will in any case soon "pick up" when someone is not honest and open and transparent. A Relationship that is open and honest creates a feeling of Freedom and gives the ability to "be yourself" without fear.

And, Beloved Ones, when a Relationship or Partnership operates in this way, then Divine Grace is present. Divine Grace is the energy of Absolute Unconditional Love, and it creates Joy, Peace and Harmony. In this New Earth, let it be your desire and intention to bring Divine Grace into your lives thorugh Relationships that create Divine Harmony. Go deeper into your Hearts and find that deep love and empathy that will allow you to create Relationships that are a Communion that gives rise to Divine Grace in your lives. This is the essence of Sacred Relationship.

So, Beloved Ones, imagine that you are like a Dolphin and that you are diving deep into the Ocean of Feelings and Emotions of Divine Love! It can be a playful and joyous expression of the Divine Light in your Heart!

Then, Beloveds, imagine that you are an Eagle, and that you can soar through the skies. What would you see as you fly higher and higher? Would you not see things differently? Would you not have a greater perspective on your life and how you live?

Indeed, the Soul may be likened to a free flying bird, and its nature is to rise up and see things from a higher perspective. This Higher Perspective can be aligned with the Feelings of the Heart and the Emotions to create an alignment of Body and Soul, or Heaven and Earth.

Beloved Ones, as you learn to redefine the way that you express Love and Relationship, learn also to rise above the physical aspects of life and to ask "What does my soul see and feel?" in this situation. Allow yourself to rise up and to see your life and your choices from the perspective of your Higher Self and Soul. As you become more proficient at this process, it will become natural to you and you will soon learn to live with a constant awareness of the perspective of your life from the "eyes" of the soul.

Flying higher in this way will assist you to always align your Choices and Decisions with your Soul and with the Divine Light within, creating a continuum of Light and Power that will express the Divinity of Who You Are.

Beloveds, we offer this information because so many of you are still in the process of struggling to define and manage your friendships and personal relationships. You tend to get caught up in old, third-dimensional patterns of fear, anger, ownership, lack and conflict, when you would prefer to be on the higher levels of Harmony and Joy. We will say, Beloved Ones, simply make the choice to raise your relationship energies into Divine Harmony and Joy and learn to see, from a Higher Perspective, what choices need to be made and how you can honor those choices in your lives.

For know, beloved family of light, that the Soul always desires to align you with Spirit, and desires that you see with the Eyes of Love and Wisdom, and that you express Divine Unconditional Love and Harmony in all that you do and experience.

**The Energies for April 2010**

In this month of April, the energies will be intense. The Sun will be in fiery Aries until the 20th of April, when it moves into Taurus. Mars will be in fiery Leo, creating an agressive and explosive energy for the first part of the month. The Feminine planet, Venus, will be happily in Taurus until the 25th, celebrating Love, Beauty, Grace and Harmony, as a counterbalance to the more fiery energies of Mars, and when the Sun crosses into Taurus on the 20th there will be a brief favorable window of opportunity for establishing the Higher Frequencies of Love and Harmony.

But, these energies will be challenged by Mercury retrograde from the 18th of April. As always, this aspect will challenge you to be more careful and to slow down a little. Then also, Saturn retrogrades in Virgo, creating a difficult aspect with Venus, suggesting also that some relationships will need to be restructured if Harmony is to be achieved.

Pluto retrogrades through Capricorn towards Sagittarius and the Galactic center, and will do so until September. This energy will also tend to bring up issues, and relationships that may have seemed completed will "return" to be transformed or finally released. It will be a Cosmic "second chance" for unresolved relationship issues.

The New Moon falls on the 14th of April, and falls in Aries. This is a Fire New Moon, when the energy is always a little volatile and unstable. It is a good time to ground your energies and focus on the Solar Light of Spirit that brings Divine Blessings for the New Age of Light.

The Full Moon falls on the 28th of April and is in Scorpio with the Sun in Taurus. A Water Moon is always a good time to explore the depths of consciousness and to "dive deep" into the world of feelings and emotions. As we suggested in this message, allow yourselves to dive deep into the Ocean of Love and then soar into the Heavens with the Scorpio eagle! It is time to stretch your wings and to be All That You Are.

We wish you Divine Harmony and Grace in the month of April!

"Awakening" by Deva Premal and Miten

© 2010-11 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License

You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.

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Methuselan Final Housecleaning! April 4/10

Sunday, 04 April 2010 19:26

through Zilanthrah, 24th March 2010

Greetings from the realm of sunshine, bluebirds, waterfalls and never ending peace. I am Methuselah and I greet you with fondness for all that you do.

I am aware of your recent experience with opening a doorway of Light for those ready to enter into the Light. This is occurring planetary wise on a regular basis due to new energies. The energies of Love, Light and Peace act as a catalyst for those who are ready and willing to move to their next level. It has worked well for some time, yet there are those, shall we say, stubborn ones, who continue to hang on by their fingernails to what has served them for so long.

These ones have not been affected by the loving prompting of the effective energies. For those of you who are willing to assist them in your own way, we advise that you do so and we honor you for your choice but remember that it is an option of your choosing.

Can you think of anyone in your lineage whom you can remember, perhaps as a child, whom you were not particularly drawn to? It is these folks whom I refer to as stubborn, for many of them throughout their lives hung on by their fingernails to the negative aspects of their lives. Some of them did not make the transition to the Light and chose to remain in the fourth dimension where they continue to have their way through the energy of those in physical bodies. They are aware of what is transpiring around them, as well as in the 3rd dimension. They are aware that there is a better place to be, however their negative energy is so well ingrained that they pass on their option of moving on to the Lighted realm.

These ones that you might have known as a child are one example, for there are multitudes of discarnate entities from times before yours and from times of ancient days. Some of you have techniques that work well for you and we suggest that you spend time with the intention to help these ones move on. If you are not accustomed to doing this, we recommend that you go into a meditative state where you feel peace and love in your hearts with the intention of assisting these ones to their next stage of evolution. Know that when you form your intention to do this, you will be surrounded with Celestials beings, with Masters and Angels who wish to assist. There is nothing to fear, you are protected and the energy of the discarnate ones cannot affect you. Otherwise you would not be directed to do so.

Know that, if you choose this option, any relatives or friends existing in the 4th dimension will have no choice, as they are aware that there is a better place for them and that it is now the time for their next stage of evolution. They simply will leave.

It is not a difficult task, it is a matter of being willing and setting aside the time. You may be surprised at how easily this occurs and with the fulfillment that this will bring you. After all, serving Spirit in the way of helping to heal your ancestors is a high one. And you are highly capable of doing this.

You may know of humans who assist discarnate entities to move on as well as assist those who have passed on but are not yet aware that they are deceased. Some do this as part of their divine service.

There has been cleansing on Planet Earth for many a year now and these ones whose turn it is to step to the Light must come sooner or later. And now is the time. It will help to raise the frequency of the planet in a way that is observable and obvious from our realm.

We ask that you assume this responsibility and commend you for your choice. As the evolved masters that you are, you are capable of this and much more. See it as a favor you do for your family and others. Zoltair, will you please express your thoughts aloud?

Zoltair: Thank you Methuselah. Are you saying that we are shaking loose a new reality for our entire lineage?

Methuselah: Yes, put simply. And for the lineage of others as well. Create a doorway or a tunnel that is the conscious bridge connecting the 3rd and the 5th dimensions. This is how the discarnate entities shall cross over. There are other ways to assist and if you are directed by another method, please follow your intuition. Rely on guidance from Spirit and know that your intention of seeing these loved ones crossing to the Light is most important. Be sure to raise your vibration by allowing the highest feeling of Love and peace into your heart. Have it be a joyous celebration. All life is sacred and these ones are sacred and deserve a helping hand. It is worthy of celebration.

Zoltair: Are we including incarnated people such as brothers, sisters, friends or also those who have left through the death process?

Methuselah: We refer to all that you have mentioned. As far as living relatives, many humans carry discarnate entities with them. These ones shall be helped to the Light. Some may have become attracted and attached to your siblings during this lifetime. Some have been here since time immemorial, so know that your assistance will be as a key log, once it begins, there will be a parade of entities who are deceased humans and there will be a parade of discarnate ones who are living through the physical actions, thoughts and emotions of the incarnate ones.

Zoltair: Will this also apply to our neighbors and their lineage as well?

Methuselah: When you set out with the intention to assist in this way, if you have within your mind to assist your neighbor, it shall be so. You shall assist with not only housecleaning of relatives living and deceased, and neighbors, but perhaps an entire community.

Be aware that this may apply to each of you, you can do this for yourself, which is most important, for if you carry any negative energies which no longer serve you, it is time to let them know that their services are no longer necessary. See this as a final housecleaning of sorts.

Zoltair: I will make a determined effort to do this.

Methuselah: Determination is a word that we love hearing from our human kin. Know that all reading this will have an opportunity to serve in a magnificent way as it is almost beyond comprehension as to the undertaking that you will be doing and covers a vast amount of discarnate entities and energies whose time has come. They simply must move on.

If someone interested in participating requests your technique or techniques that others utilize, we encourage you to share. With honesty of your intent, energy and loving support, it will be successful. Know also that when assisting discarnate ones to the Light, guides and angels of the human being assisted will come forth to add their energies of love and support. Their stubbornness will be lessened and their transition will be easier. The weight that unhappy humans carry will be much lessened for them. They will see their way with more ease. It shall bring a lightness and grace into all aspects of their life. Even as I speak, we are aware that they are lining up. So by my comments, you know to take the time for another round. Open the door to the Light and allow them, with Love, to the next level of their journey.

Z & Z: We thank you Methuselah .

Methuselah: You are most welcome. I am Methuselah and I bid you a good day.

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Questions Re: the “Higher” Self

Melora through Joanna Neff (Jyoti Alla-An) 

Following is an edited transcription of a Melora session in which both my and a friend's questions about our relationship with our respective Higher Selves are answered. It is clear that even if we don't/can't sense Higher Beings, it doesn't mean that they are NOT there! So it is with our Higher Self. By including more personal aspects of this session, I am letting readers and clients know that I undergo my own spiritual struggles from time to time. What Melora refers to at the end of the article is that since I had not worked with Melora directly for almost two years, I wasn't at all sure she would "be there" for me for this session. Right before we began, I felt the old, familiar Melora energy very strongly, and then I knew we would have a powerful session.

(from a session with a friend on 7/12/09)

MELORA: We are Melora, and we welcome you today. Your question prompts us to say something about the relationship with one's Higher Self. People who believe that they should follow whatever their Higher Self "wants" for them are opening themselves up to enslavement, either by their Higher Self or by some being masquerading as their Higher Self . . . like an astral entity. You all are allowed free will, and you can trust yourself to make decisions as a being. You can trust that you have the right to make those decisions for yourself in this embodiment, to be happy with those decisions and not to worry about whether your Higher Self approves.

Now, in our discussion of soul hierarchies-and in our discussion of the Higher Self's role-we have explained that the Higher Self does indeed get these "spiritual brownie points" earned by the sufferings and travails of the embodied versions of you. We don't mean to sound sarcastic about this, but in the Earth zone-because of the density and the darkness-suffering seems to be the only way that people's souls can advance.

However, in reality, suffering is not really required for soul advancement. We hope you are understanding our answer. Suffering only seems to be what purifies people, that advances them or makes them grow. It is not really the Higher Self that created the situation in which only suffering advances the Soul. Thus, you have the right to trust yourself to keep advancing at the Soul level without suffering.

The next step in that deductive process, or that rational line of thought, is that your Higher Self would embrace choices you make that would liberate you and make you feel wonderful. It's only those in embodiment, and those "historic" and experiential illusions that all the great saints had to suffer or to be martyrs . . . that is at the most extreme degree. Those beliefs have a grip on many, or most, people, and those beliefs can be resolved and changed by your free will and your intention.

Our Jyoti is showing us the character Scarlet O'Hara in "Gone with the Wind": "As God is my witness, I will never be hungry again!" Those moments of life-changing, gut-wrenching commitment and intention enable you to manifest what you really want. Until you have that level of commitment, you will go back-and-forth, as on a see-saw.

ER: Speaking of Higher Selves, in a way it's almost like they're wanting us to make our own decisions, because that's how they experience things through us. It's not like we come in with everything already pre-set. We may have some kind of thoughts about some of the things we want to accomplish in this lifetime, but there's quite a bit of freedom to attain that in different experimental ways. Do I understand that correctly?

MELORA:Yes! We have said that in your Soul Group, for example-and your Soul Hierarchy-as that expresses at "your end" of the hierarchy, in embodiment in third-dimension, you do have motifs as a group or as a hierarchy and issues that you want to explore when you come into embodiment in every lifetime. So, for example, the Pallas Athena motifs would be Freedom, civilized behavior, the arts, Truth, Courage . . . do you see? You will come into embodiment with these being impressed at the Soul level, but then once you get there, anything can happen. As a result of those impressed motifs that you have chosen to explore, you will attract certain experiences to you, but those experiences have not been selected ahead of time.

ER: In my soul group or hierarchy, what are some of the motifs that we're trying to embody or that kind of characterize our lineage.

MELORA: It is interesting that what we're being given as a motif for you is more what's holding you back. For example, you can say somebody is stubborn and judge that as "bad," but the flip side of that is that they're also very loyal. If you throw out stubborn, you throw out loyal. Answering your question has to do with something that is similar to that, regarding what's holding you back.

There is such a drive for integrity in the way you conduct yourself and appear to be to others whom you serve. We realize this is very convoluted, but we will give you some examples to try to explain. At the core of what we're trying to describe here is your requirement for dignity and to be treated with dignity. At the same time, you have a desire to "let your hair down" and not be up on a pedestal, because you have found how much pressure is involved in maintaining that-and that the dignity is not worth the loss of freedom and expansiveness that your Soul would really like to experience. And so at the core of the dignity motif would be integrity of being.

Now, where we are, we are not as hard on you as you are on yourself about what integrity means. In this world, what happens is that you have all this propaganda from the church and society-socially current delusions, and whatever. Whenever you fall for those structures, it goes against your being-ness. In a way, you have yourself shackled because of looking at the reflection back from things that are not really appropriate to tell you about whether you're in integrity or not.

ER: Yes. Could you give me another example?

MELORA: We will keep going, and of course everything about you is complex.

ER: [laughs] Thank you.

MELORA: We're trying to get there. Integrity of Spirit requires you to love yourself (not out of ego), and so if you're kind to all of these people but you're not kind to yourself, you come out of integrity with yourself. It's not okay to mistreat yourself any more than it would be okay to mistreat others.

Back to integrity, what we're receiving is that your concept of integrity places a burden of behavior upon you in certain situations-especially professional situations-that fills you with tension and that makes you feel constricted. Even though you need to feel the dignity, you need to feel the respect, and you need to feel that you're serving, it's kind of been backfiring for a long time. It's not really giving you what you need, and it's not really expressing who you are as a being in integrity. What we're receiving is that the more you pay attention to, and respond to, your being-ness regarding this motif, the more happy rewards you will get.

All of the impediments to your being-ness have to do with 3rd-dimensional concerns, and so trusting yourself, as a being, that you will be able to actualize your dreams is the sticking point here.

ER: Definitely. And then one last question for me about my guides: I have a duality here. I feel like I'm always in contact with them, but then I don't think I am at all. I think I work with them so much with my inner . . . that I think they're such a part of me that I don't even feel them anymore or acknowledge them anymore. I know that sounds totally crazy, and I can't put it into words.

MELORA:You know, our Jyoti has discussed this with us before, and we have said that your guides are always there, whether you're aware of them or not. This might apply to our Jyoti's question. We'll see. Your guides may not be the same guides that you used to have, and so you are perhaps feeling that they're not there because they're not the ones you're used to. There are so many stimuli around you, and so much information coming in that you're intuitively receiving, and so forth, that there's just kind of a lot of static, and you just need to "tune into that station"-the frequency of those guides-on purpose. And all you have to do is ask.

There's a main guide with male energy-an almost monk-like energy, but not in any oppressive sense. This guide is choosing this energy and form as a quasi-religious figure: someone you would call "Father" and that you would trust, but not the stereotypical Catholic monk. More like Francis of Asissi that you trust as a being and would call "Father." That's what the energy of this guide feels like. It really is someone you would go to, not as a father confessor but as someone to ask advice of and counsel from.

ER: I would like to address some of the questions that my friend, Jyoti, has in regards to this incredible sense, sometimes, of separateness--

MELORA: All the time . . .

ER: --or aloofness from her Higher Self . . . whether this is an intentional thing. If you could clarify that for us a little bit more.

MELORA: Yes. We would be happy to do so. We heard two things right off the bat. The first was how many times in our Jyoti's lifetime people have mistakenly considered her to be aloof and indifferent, when actually she is quite the contrary. We could call it an introversion that is energetic and not just an expression of our Jyoti as more introverted than extroverted. It is a whole different way of perceiving reality and reacting to reality when you're an introvert, versus when you're an extrovert. And yet this is the way she perceives her own Higher Self to be: indifferent and aloof.

The second thing is that our Jyoti's concept of her Higher Self and her attempts, if you will, to connect to her Higher Self, largely are intellectual-largely come from her mind, not her heart. These attempts also reflect a total lack of nurturing and parenting in her current lifetime. So her reality, for example, practically since birth, has been: "They don't care about me; they don't like me. " There's no parental connection that allows her to look at herself as having any sort of parental-type connection or to accept the possibility of that. (This is not the answer she was expecting.) And so, her Higher Self would respond if our Jyoti could approach her Higher Self from her heart, which is a very difficult thing for her to do. The belief that "they're just not there" is so deeply entrenched.

In a conversation with a so-called "psychic" reader on the phone about three months ago, our Jyoti became very frustrated when the woman said, "All you have to do is reach toward your Higher Self." And our Jyoti said: "I am tired of reaching toward my Higher Self. I want her to reach toward me!" And, as with the answer to your question about whether your guides are really there, we would say to our Jyoti that her Higher Self is very much there. She even asked once: "Is my Higher Self retarded or something?" Remember that one? [laughs] (Her Higher Self does not begrudge that comment.)

So, really, the victory for our Jyoti in this entire lifetime is to learn to open her heart and not be afraid just to "step off the cliff" and "go for broke."

ER: That's easier said than done.

MELORA: Of course.

ER: When you're in this incarnate body and you've been mutilated in the past, it's really hard to bring your heart out on a platter-the sense of trust is huge. How can Jyoti's Higher Self, and her guides, and the people like us who love her, support her on this journey. It's sure not an easy one, from where we see it.

MELORA: The truth is that our Jyoti is afraid that she'll just break apart. She's afraid that if she lets go to that extent, she'll be annihilated-and not even from outside herself. Kind of implode. It's something that she needs to deal with gradually but regularly, so that she can work through it. It is probably the pain-at the core-that she's afraid of and that she masks constantly. But she has made it much bigger than it really is in the sense of fearing going to that core-fearing the feeling of what's really under there that's she's tried so hard for so many years to heal . . . and that we're feeling so intensely with her now. It is something that she needs to do and that she keeps avoiding doing.

ER: Is there any technique that is available to us that--

MELORA: She's saying "amnesia." [laughs]

ER: "Amnesia." [laughs] Anything that might be helpful for her? To kind of approach this in a systematic, comfortable way?

MELORA: No. We're hearing that this feeling of disconnect from her Higher Self is a pivotal sign, or a pivotal emblem, of the problem itself. We're sensing that it would be easier for our Jyoti, sincerely and intensely, from her heart, to ask for that connection with her Higher Self and not say: "You owe this to me" and "Why aren't you reaching back toward me?" and some four-letter words. Like a temper tantrum of a child that is not getting what it wants. That is the unhealed child in her that is really mad and hurts.

ER: Could a form of Jyoti that is the adult intercede?

MELORA: She has tried this, but it hasn't worked so far.

ER: It doesn't have to be right now, but if you could clarify this--

MELORA: What we would like to attempt here is . . . we say "attempt" because, if you understand the strange situation of our speaking through Jyoti while we say we would like to connect her with her Higher Self . . . It's a kind of schizophrenic thing, but our Jyoti's become used to it over our years of working with someone else who is asking questions for her in her behalf. Give us a moment.

We are endeavoring to give our Jyoti a visual representation of her Higher Self-not just her usual impression of "a blank wall"-to give herself some kind of form, so that she can relate to her Higher Self. Up until this point, she has decided that she might as well not have a Higher Self, do you see. This disconnection is so extreme that it is as though she cannot even imagine she has a Higher Self.

We are giving her physical sensations as well-what you have when there's a real person there with you. [long pause while I experience my Higher Self] Okay. That's helping. [another long pause while I experience my Higher Self for the first time] All right. We did not want to interrupt her experience by commenting while it was going on.

The breakthrough here for our Jyoti, who always claims she's not very visual, is that she was given a very powerful visual representation of her Higher Self coming toward her . . . with beautiful light and a sense of movement, and with the gown and robes flowing back and away from "the form" of her Higher Self. And our Jyoti was seeing the light and feeling angelic kinds of energies. The important thing is that we are making this real for our Jyoti, because she used to feel nothingness when she would think of her Higher Self or try to contact her Higher Self.

This was an impressive entrance of her Higher Self as we helped our Jyoti feel her Higher Self's energy. It is definitely a female Higher Self, with beautiful golden blonde hair. No angel "wings" but a sense of power-great power-and yet a calm center, andshe was just flying toward our Jyoti. Flying through space and time to our Jyoti, and then enfolding her in her arms. And our Jyoti is saying: "That's enough-enough for right now." But we know this is a big breakthrough, and so we can start here and continue with this as time goes on.

Now that our Jyoti has this image, she can close her eyes and feel what it feels like and imagine it, which is often the way we have counseled clients in the past. This is a very positive, good first step, and we thank you for inquiring in our Jyoti's behalf.

ER: Any messages that her Higher Self wants to give Jyoti? Not extensive, but any words of wisdom?

MELORA: Well, our Jyoti wishes to keep this private, because the thing she abhors the most is crying in front of other people. And kindness melts her down. We thank you, but this is something she will need to be committed to: taking time to explore this and to feel all of the love that is really there for her but that she hasn't believed is there for her, in spite of her calling her Higher Self "retarded." In fact, as you can imagine, her Higher Self is quite the opposite.

ER: [laughs]

MELORA: Our Jyoti wouldn't be as smart as she is if her Higher Self were "retarded." We thank you for helping our Jyoti by asking these questions.

ER: It's because we love Jyoti.

MELORA: And did you have any other questions for yourself?

ER: Would it be appropriate to ask for help in meeting my Higher Self?

MELORA: Absolutely! Since you are so visual, this should be a lot easier for you than for our Jyoti, although she is more visual...

ER: --than she gives herself credit for.

MELORA: All right. If you would start breathing very deeply--as deeply as is comfortable. Don't force it. When you let your breath out, let it out totally, so that you can get rid of the carbon dioxide and other toxins as you breathe out. So breathe as deeply and comfortably as comfortable. What is the question of your heart that you want to convey to your Higher Self. If this is private, you can just tell us so, and then just think of it or sense it, and then we will help direct that to your Higher Self.

ER: I am sensing it.

MELORA: What we would like you to see to start out with is a beautiful female hand in the sky, and you will see the rest of the form later. But reach toward that beautiful hand. It's not a disembodied hand; it's attached to someone. [laughs] You will begin to see the shape and form of your Higher Self as you take the hand of your Higher Self and as it comes toward you in time and space in this beautiful sky. Are you seeing that? That the hand is attached to a beautiful form?

ER: Um hmm.

MELORA: The form now starts to become clearer. It's as though the form of your Higher Self is coming out of the clouds, and you are able to see more and more of this form. And please tell us if that is happening for you.

ER: Very much so.

MELORA: If you wish, describe the form of your Higher Self as you are experiencing her.

ER: She looks very Asian, actually, which surprises me.

MELORA: It shouldn't. What about your devotion to Quan Yin and what about your children?

ER: Yeah. That's true. Hello!

MELORA: Hello. All right. And now we would like you to feel all of your senses. Is there are scent? There's a floral scent, isn't there?

ER: Yeah. You know, it almost smells like linden. I love linden/freesia flower. It's kind of a linden and almost a honeysuckle smell. Kind of that sweetness, you know?

MELORA: And are there sounds associated with your Higher Self-a rustling of clothing?

ER: Yeah. Yeah. It's like she's dancing-not just dancing but just kind of this beautiful flowing motion. Almost like a martial arts form . . . like kung fu. Not in a fighting style-

MELORA: Right. As an art.

ER: Round motions, like circles.

MELORA: Like Tai Chi?

ER: A little quicker and faster than Tai Chi.

MELORA: What you're experiencing now is a description of how you realize your dreams: movement from here to there. And you see it does not have to be like martial arts. You don't have to be a warrior in order to go from here to there. Be an artist with what you already know and who you already are. She's smiling. [laughs] Very affectionate energy there.

ER: Very much so. I feel like a little kid, and she's just so smiley and accepting of who I am.

MELORA: It's almost as though she's performing for you, putting on a little show for you to entertain and uplift you, and to show you the artistry of your Soul. We keep hearing this phrase.

ER: Wow! This is really special. Thank you.

MELORA: It is the artistry that will take you there-not your brain, not your intellect, but the dance, the movement. And we're hearing that she requests that you bring your children and husband in and that you all dance with her. See what happens.

ER: [laughs] It's like a reunion. And she's gotten bigger.

MELORA: She would like you to join hands with your children and your husband in a circle. She's going to provide energy to support this dance. She wants you to feel the shift from having this feel kind of odd and then natural to having it be open, joyful and expansive. Please tell us if and when you get to that point.

ER: Almost there.

MELORA: Just enjoy it with all of your senses; just open your heart to it.

ER: There's a little resistance and fear from [her son].

MELORA: So have your Higher Self come over to him, embrace him or enfold him, and just feel that tension resolving. And have him look into her face and see beyond his being a boy in Boulder, Colorado, and see her with his Soul-and see his many lifetimes and feel the connection with the Asian spirit-the Asian, Zen understanding of the flow of life.

ER: Much better.

MELORA: Um hmm. Because he's Westernized, he will have forgotten temporarily that Asians do not look at "this is the beginning" and "this is the end." The angles go away and nature, and the flow of things and the movement of things, all continue . . . not so much the sense of past, present and future of the Western mind. Your movement as a being from "here" to "there" is just movement-not a beginning and not an end.
And now we are being asked to bring your mother into the middle of the circle that you're forming with your husband and your two children. We would like you to see her transformed, and you know this doesn't mean that suddenly she's going to become well in this lifetime.

ER: Exactly.

MELORA: But we would like you to see her take on a radiance as she becomes liberated from this lifetime that has been so difficult for her. See the radiance of her as a being, now, grow brighter and brighter. And tell us if this is happening for you.

ER: Um hmm.

MELORA: Just stay with that so that you can be assured that this is really what you're moving toward with her and what you are wishing to help facilitate for her: her liberation. And has she transformed in any way?

ER: Um hmm.

MELORA: Good. We would like you to look at yourself and see if the same thing has happened to you: see your radiance come up, not that you're going through transition, but see your radiance come up as you dance around your mother in a circle with your husband and your children. Then see the radiance of your children and your husband come up just like Christmas lights! This is very powerful, isn't it?

ER: Very much so. [sighs]

MELORA: We would like you to experience that your Higher Self gives all of you a blessing. [pause] What form, or forms, are the blessings taking? Is she bringing incense. Is she bestowing light, color?

ER: [pause] More like a globe around all of us, including my Mom.

MELORA: All right. And see this as protective and not constrictive, and so let the "globe" not be too solid. Have it be protective but not the kind of protection that would keep everything out. You want all these wonderful things to be coming in now to support. We're seeing the globe more as the support for your family as a group.

ER: It's [the globe] almost like that movie with Jodie Foster, with everything moving in all directions. It's cool.

MELORA: Very good, and it is about going "home." This was so in that movie as well. All right, and just so that we can gently "disconnect," have all of you say goodbye to your wonderful Higher Self. She is, of course, honoring all of you-those you love so much. Now see them go back to wherever they were before. Now you and your Higher Self are together. Get as close to your Higher Self as you feel comfortable. Let her hold you if that is comfortable. Just feel what it feels like to be nurtured by her and loved by her. We see you almost as a small child: five years old, looking up into her face.

ER: That's exactly it.

MELORA: Let yourself feel all that love . . . "and healing," she said. And healing.

ER: It's kind of cool: She's giving me back some of the fire I've lost.

MELORA: Mmm. Stay with that.

ER: [sighs]

MELORA: See if she has a message for you. It's more fun if you can find it out for yourself, but if you need our help we are, of course, here for you.

ER: Um, probably a little help...

MELORA: Don't give up so soon. [laughs] Stay with it.

ER: I see fireworks or something.

MELORA: What does that feel like?

ER: Joyous.

MELORA: Good. It's not something for your brain to interpret. It's like "Yippee!" A celebration, and fireworks are AWESOME! Sometimes loud, even-hard for a Libra.

ER: A double-Libra.

MELORA: Loud and boisterous joy . . . joy with abandon . . . and light . . . exploding.

ER: --which is pretty happy.

MELORA: Does that surprise you?

ER: No. I guess not, but I wasn't sure.

MELORA: There's a coyness-almost a flirtatiousness but, of course, higher beings don't really flirt. It has to do with how they express joy and how they express affection. And so she has this coy little smile, and we see the fan coming up to cover the face a little bit because she's smiling behind the fan. There's a playfulness. That's it. That's what it is, and definitely Asian.
The word "artistry" keeps coming, so what we will give you for your homework is to explore your own artistry. "How am I an artist?" "Why does that word keep coming up," and "Why is it that Melora said that artistry-not your mind--is what will help you realize your dreams."

ER: Does artistry include writing?

MELORA: Artistry includes everything that expresses you as a being. It's not about work; it's not about a profession. It's about your qualities as a being and your expressing them.

ER: Interesting.

MELORA: It's a totally different way of functioning in the world.

ER: Yeah, it really is.

MELORA: A lot more fun. [laughs]

ER: [laughs] Melora, you are incredible! Thank you: both you and Jyoti.

MELORA: It is our very, very great pleasure.

ER: This is one of the most transcendent experiences I've ever had.

MELORA: Well, we wish to assure our Jyoti that we are indeed here. It's not a matter of "Melora is back." Melora never went away. And so our Jyoti had said before the session: "I will totally let go of my ego; I will not have my personality involved when Melora comes through." It has been our very great pleasure to serve you in the Light, and we are Melora.

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How to Find your life Purpose – part 1

Channeler: Pablo Morano

As we settle our energies together the purpose grows clearer.

The ideas become dim less and the motion is set forward in time.

As we get ready to answer the question about the soul’s purpose and how to find it, we gather the manifestation of many wanting to have a clearer perception of this.

“How do I know what’s my passion?” You asked.

It should be so clear! But the way your society has been designed makes it hard to grasp.

Since you were born you become conditioned to the fact that there are things that you can and cannot do. An order needs to be maintained, and so schools what really do is prepare people to maintain that status quo. Yes, some of you get creative, but you do it, nevertheless, within the rules of what can be accepted as new and what goes into craziness.

You are taught that life is what happens to you and not that you have the power to steer life, so when you hear things like the Law of Attraction you wonder: “why it does not work for me? This must be something crazy that is not true.”

Yet the ones of you who have actually been able to use it, because you have already found your passion, your thriving point, your vortex, know how easy it is to use it!

So the main topic here remains the fact of how can I recognize what I really want? Because, you know I want so many things, and I can be such a multitasker.

So the first step is to ask you, have you really been in touch with your true self? Has there been a time when you could really see it? Perhaps when you where a child before all the mental programming and life imitation from your parents begun to sink in?

Others might have had an “a-ha!” moment somewhere in their lives, but did not really pursue what the intuition told you and kept their curse instead of breaking away.

If you cannot get it right now, do not worry, the idea is to see and get a grasp of what the real connection with your soul, your spirit is, beyond your mind and your heart, untied from the mental activity and the emotions.

Did you know you can get addicted to both?

Anyway, try to focus on the most joyous moment of your life and see if you can recognize that connection, take a deep breath and let it sink back to you, and open the door for the intuition to rise again.

This is the pureness of the moment, there is no past nor future, just now, and this is what you need to be able to tune into to hook into the connection with your true self.

Bear with yourself for a while as you read this and the ideas start to flood the mind, and the connection begins to grow.

It is the moment to start compartmentalizing your life in a way that you can see how your body, mind, emotions and spirit work together so you can process the world that you create and your existence in a way that allows you to find your life purpose, by listening to the one part of you that knows it for sure with its true wisdom, and not the parts that think they know what you want.

Life is about empowerment and we smiles at the idea of the beings that thrive beyond their human form as they walk on earth.

This is the second part of the series, and they should be complemented by work from the channeller as he will be able to teach this in a form that will better fit the establishment of communications.

For now, we say goodbye.

We are jakob.

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Happy, Joyous and Free!

I am on a quest for the Truth. My journey has led me to discover a great deal about myself and the world around me. I have come to see, know and understand many of the great mysteries that eluded me before. Why was I like that before? Why did I have troubles in various aspects of my life? Why did I feel pain and suffering? Why could I not accept or receive Love, nor give it unconditionally? These are but a few of the questions I have had, there are more of course, but the point is... I want to know!I have always looked at babies with fascination as they are so open and receptive, as well as filled with knowledge. I wonder what they could tell us if they could speak immediately after being born? WOuld they tell us of the wonders of it all? There has been research into near-death experiences, but could there possibly be research that could discover what new-life experience is like? Perhaps... But for now, I look at babies with continued awe. Look into their eyes, into the depths of their knowing and you can see it. Past the subterfuge, created by unknowing parents bent on doing the best they can to raise a child in the world today.

They know, babies do... I can see it in their eyes. This is what I am remembering. I am remembering a time, a place where Love is all there is. There is no fear, anger, hatred, violence, greed and deception. Where compassion, joy and bliss are the natural states of being and all recognize that. Where people are connected in Spirit and long to help one another, as though helping themselves. A place where all is perfect and right knowledge prevails.

This place does exist as a dimensional reality, I am certain of this. However, the current situation in the world today has precluded most from seeing this. To say that it has happened over time and from acceptance by most participants is true, I believe. However, I don’t believe that is all there is. I have come to see that we can bring that dimension into our current reality, a “Heaven on Earth” as it were, just by shifting our awareness to the higher frequencies. By cleansing ourselves of the detritus built up over a lifetime of unconscious acceptance to the way things are.

This is what my journey is all about. Reclamation of my Soul Sovereignty and non-acceptance of the current state of affairs. I refuse to believe any more that the way things appear to be is the way it is going to stay. By healing myself with Soul Retrieval, I am coming into a wholeness of being that is showing the way to continued growth and healing. I am working the energy as it comes in, questioning why things are happening and being guided to the answers.

This is truly an unplugging from the Matrix as it were, a knowing that I can and will make a difference in my life and a knowing that if I live my life to my Soul’s Purpose, it will be a happy, joyous and fulfilling experience. It is always exciting, and as long as I stay in Love and Kindness and Total Personal Responsibility, I am better able to interact with the world around me. In fact, carrying the peaceful vibrations seems to have an impact on those around me and they too have begun to experience things differently.

So, I continue... And know, deep inside I know this is the right path. It is liberating... Far more liberating than other paths I have walked in my life. Actually, the other paths I followed degraded my energy so much as to require a great amount of healing and work. This is what I am writing about... The breaking free of the “Norm” to become the authentic expression of my Soul. So, it is challenging... and to some it may sound as though I am sick or depressed or any other societal/medical definitions. But therein lies the conundrum, this is what I am trying to break free of.

There was a time many years ago, that I turned to my doctor and said I was having problems adjusting to a traumatic experience, stacked upon other traumatic experiences. She pulled out a questionnaire and left me alone to answer the questions. 30 minutes went by... you know doctor’s offices, and when she returned looked at the answers and proclaimed “you have clinical depression”... She whipped out the prescription pad and voila, I was to be cured! Take these and we’ll reconnect in a month. But be sure to come in immediately if you are feeling angry, suicidal, aggressive or otherwise not right... Wow...

Dutifully, I took the remedy... What happened. Well, it actually got worse for a while. I did have suicidal thoughts, I was angry and aggressive and was actually worse off and kinda scared. I called, got appointment and out came the pad again. Marc, Prozac is not going to work for you, but don’t worry we will try this... and if that doesn’t work, then there are other pills that we can try...

Well, suffice to say... Eventually I got to the place where I was numb. The pills took out the highs and lows and I was just numb. Nothing really mattered and I DIDN’T HAVE MY POWER... That went on for a while, but eventually I saw that it wasn’t giving me what I truly needed.

This practice that I have found works. It is based in and promotes SELF-EMPOWERMENT through DIRECT EXPERIENCE. It is holistic and inclusive and I decide what is to be done for my highest good. I am the pilot of this ship... Some days I flounder in rough seas and others the wind is at my back and I cover great distances. But I look back on the last 3 years and my growth has been remarkable. I am different thanI was in so many ways.

I am happy, joyous and free. Even during the challenging times I prevail... Because of my effort, my insights and my quest for the Truth. I am getting better, stronger and vibrant. This I like, this I love... My life is perfect in all ways and I am so thankful and grateful. Thank you Creator!!!!!

Blessings everyone!

Love and Kindness, Marc

New Posts available at the Buffalo Diaries


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Planting The Garden Of Your Soul

Channeler: Shanta Gabriel

An Equinox Message from Archangel Gabriel

Dear Ones,

Planting the Spring Garden of your Soul inspires the Grace of the Angels to work in your daily life. You will be making clear intentions for the requirements you need to be happy so you can harvest a more bountiful future. The northern latitudes are experiencing the season of spring, of New Birth and Renewal. It is the optimum time to plant a personal garden within your being. This timely action will bring great rewards as you till the soil of your life, elevate your thoughts and enhance the beauty around you on many levels.

What does it mean to plant the Spring Garden of your Soul? It is really very simple. What are the qualities you most want to see manifest in your life? What are your goals and dreams for a joyous future? What needs have to be met so you can be happy? These are the seeds to plant within the garden of your being.

When you plant the seeds of growth and renewal, it can be a fun, creative and positive way to promote a joyous, abundant life. Consider those things you most want to have thriving in your interior garden. Maybe you would like to plant the tiny seeds that lea to Abundant Prosperity? Perhaps you want Harmony in all your relationships? What about planting the seeds for Health and Well Being deeply within your heart so they can grow with zest and vibrancy? The soil of joyous potential exists within you and awaits your attention.

Are you too busy to plant your Soul’s garden?

These vast exalted ideas actually require very little time during your busy life, full of commitments and deadlines. In fact, the small amounts of time you give to planting and nurturing your interior garden will enhance every area of your life with a bountiful return. It is said that when a person takes one step towards the Divine, this Higher Power will take ten steps toward you. As you remember that you are a part of all Creation, a new sense of gratitude wells up in your heart. This gratitude carries the sparks of Divine Light that uplift your spirit and become the catalyst for new growth within your life. As you look at the flowering of Nature around you, it can remind you that the same beautiful new growth is taking place within your very being.

Let your imagination soar as you bring forth those magical qualities in which you wish to live. Nothing is too large to dream in order to manifest a happier life. Feeling the joy of creating something fun by dreaming big will raise your vibrational frequency and when this occurs the energy field around you expands. Doors will open that you have not imagined possible. It is your open mind, and a heart unencumbered by doubt and self-criticism, that attracts new growth and evolution into your life. Planting the Spring Garden of your Soul inspires all the help you need to live life in a more joyful way and have your needs met with grace and ease.

How to plant the Garden of your Soul

Since every new project requires some thought and planning, when you begin your inner garden, make it creative and fun. It could be a beautiful work of art with lots of color, magazine pictures or a painting. The shape your interior garden takes could be a pattern that inspires you. You may even decide just to make a list of those qualities of consciousness you want to experience in your life. The action of writing will assist the energy of your garden. The Angels of Creativity are available to work with you in this project, and can inspire you so it will be fun. When your inner spirit is stimulated in this way, new life flows into your mind and heart, and you feel uplifted. This increased energy flow attracts more joy and you feel happier, which in turn, brings more creative ideas and a sense of wellbeing. It is the beginning of an upward spiral that blesses this garden within you with new empowered energy. Your life will begin to change in surprising ways.

When you see old patterns of thought and action manifesting, and you begin to feel stuck in problematic energies, consider them to be compost for your new garden. Ask the Angels working in your life to help you pull these weeds and transmute old ways of behavior with Divine Light. This will help feed the garden of your soul with loving energy. It is like adding a little water every day to help work the compost of old ways into the fertile soil of your garden. Soon you will see the new sprouts of a different way of being. Rejoice in this vibrant growth knowing that as you respond differently to old situations, you will receive fresh, positive results in every area of your life. By focusing a little bit every day on what you want to see manifest in your life, you provide a new structure so your interior garden will thrive.

Bask in the Sunlight of Divine Illumination

The Spring Garden of your Soul has amazing potential to bring you the life you want to experience. Opening yourself to new thoughts and behaviors attracts assistance in ways you never knew existed. This beautiful garden thriving within you becomes a Beacon of Light. Many people will want to experience your inner garden and help it grow so it will feed more people. This new growth and thriving space within you reaches out to bless the world, and in turn you will be blessed. As your garden comes into fruition, you will find your life nourished in bountiful ways. The company of Heaven awaits you as you begin planting these seeds for your new life. Bask in the sunlight of Divine Illumination. Breathe it in deeply and let it nurture the new growth within you. Know the Angels will joyously assist you in weeding out the old ways that no longer work so your garden will thrive with new life.

You are never alone. You are continuously blessed and are being guided as you open to a new way of being. Let all the frantic activity in your life drop away as Divinely inspired action takes root within the garden of your life. The fullness of your being will enrich your life’s purpose, so your next steps become very clear. There is a flowering beginning all around you, and within your heart. Allow yourself to be loved and nourished as you plant the Spring Garden of your Soul. This process is bringing a beautiful balance into area of your life.

You are a precious being, worthy of all you aspire to receive. Know deep within your heart that all is well.

And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
For Archangel Gabriel
Copyright: March 17, 2010
The Gabriel Messages

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Birthpangs of the Mother

Posted here as a video before, but some might prefer reading it.....

~ Re-minders from Home ~

From Steve Rother:

This month the group had a message about the Earth and the magnetic fields that we
all live within. They explained how it would affect humans in general and how we could
prepare. They said the magnetic field has lost more than 10% in the last 100 years. The group talked about the cycle of the Earth shifting magnetic poles about every 500,000 years and how we are now overdue. They did say the Earth will not shift poles as we
have already changed that, yet there is still a lot of work to do and the Earth will go through magnetic fluctuations which may cause strange phenomenon and be felt emotionally by sensitive humans. Oh, how fun!

They said that this decrease in magnetism is a contributing factor to the overall human enlightenment now taking place, and that there was something special about the three years before and the three years after the final dip which will be in the year 2012.


Big hugs. Have a great month!

Greetings from Home

The Re-wire of Humanity

This day we share with you much that is going on. Your physical bodies are changing every day in order to carry more of your own light. The physical re-wire you are going through as individuals is now starting to spread throughout every part of the entire planet as you have reached a collective, critical mass. We have mentioned a bit of the re-wire process and told you about some of the physical properties that will be changing and some of the things that will be taking place with every one of you as this goes forward. You will see a huge increase of sexual energy, life-force energy on this planet, in a lot of different ways. Over time, you will begin having conscious control over certain sets of muscles that you have not had conscious control over before. You will find that you can be conscious breathers instead of unconscious breathers. You will find that you will have more ability to tap into not only into your own telepathy, but on conscious levels you will be able to tap in through each other quite clearly and very easily. In order to get to this process, there are many physical changes that your bodies must go through. It is an evolutionary step and does not actually happen overnight, but when you look back at it 100 years down the road it will look as if it happened overnight. Let us tell you about the process so you can see what is taking place, because much of your preparation is happening on a time schedule that will put you at the right place at the right time. You are not the only one that is changing. The Earth herself is changing as well.

We have mentioned before that you are literally going through a re-wire process so that your energetics can hold more of your own spirit than the physical body has ever been able to hold before. When you first took the body, there was a huge portion of yourself that would not fit into the physical body. You left that portion behind in the other dimension you call Home. You actually connect to Home through this part of yourself, which you have called your Higher Self. It is that part of you which lives outside of your physical body. More of that part of you is now going to be in the physical body. The children being born every day are bringing these attributes in. Their eyes are getting brighter and you are starting to see more energy coming from them, and more capabilities. You will also see them communicating telepathically in ways that you have never done before. But yet, you are evolving into that exact process.

New Human Templates

The children being born now do not have to go through that same evolutionary process, for they are being placed well above the curve. The rest of you here are the ones of you evolving to catch up. This was always limited on planet Earth. The template that you have chosen to house your spirit during this incarnation is a limited template. The illustration we give you is that it only holds a portion of your soul. In the beginning there were 500 of these templates and you chose one. It was probably the same one you chose the last lifetime and the same one you chose before that, for you have a tendency to be creatures of habit even as souls. You choose the same type of template because you get comfortable with it. You choose male or female. You ask, “How am I going to work this incarnation? How am I going to do my magic this time? Is it going to be easier for me to learn my lessons as a female, or is it going to be easier for me to learn my lessons as a male?” Most of the time as creatures of habit you choose the one you have become comfortable with and stay with it for many, many incarnations until there is a reason to change.

Creating Home Here on Earth

The Earth herself is adapting. If you look at your physical body as you re-wire and you consider what we are telling you in that much of your energetic system is now going to house much more of your spirit, the exact same thing is true of planet Earth. She is re-wiring as we speak and has been for some time in order to hold more of the energetics, in order to hold more of spirit from Home on planet Earth. If you were going to create heaven on Earth, you are going to need Earth’s cooperation. That is what is happening. She is starting to evolve faster than you ever thought possible.

Watch the Pacific Ocean

We have mentioned many times that the Earth is not sick. She is pregnant and moving through a birthing process, and you are starting to see the labor pains begin. We made a prediction several years ago and we repeat it again today because it is on the verge of unfolding. Watch the Pacific Ocean, for that is where the energetic openings will first happen on planet Earth. It may very well be in the form of seismic or volcanic activity, but watch the Pacific Ocean and the Ring of Fire which was actually the birthplace of planet Earth. Watch the evolution as the Earth starts going through her own birthing cycles. It will become more intense; it will be more difficult. There will be times when huge portions of the population will leave. You have seen this in recent weeks, and you will see it again. It is not that anyone is doing anything right or wrong. It is not that those people who left were not of high enough vibration to stay here. In fact, many of them were of such high vibration they could not stay much longer and they simply took that opportunity for a way out. There will be a balancing on planet Earth of energetics in many different ways. All of those people who are leaving in order to make this happen are coming back as Crystal Children with some incredible attributes. They are coming back because for them to take that route is easier than raising their vibration consciously, which is the route you are taking right now. Yet none of this would be possible if you here were not making strides to do that. That is the piece that will help every person on planet Earth when you evolve yourself to where you gain your own spiritual confidence.

Overstretched Templates

The Keeper has mentioned about you finding your voice and discovering that place that is the voice of your Higher Self. That is you on purpose and what really resonates as truth throughout every part of your being. Connect and share that piece whenever possible, for that is the one piece that you brought from Home and you now have more capability of giving than ever before. Each one of you has chosen one of 500 templates available to this planet. It is the reason that you sometimes see someone who looks like or even acts like someone you know. They came from the same template. The good news is that there are only 499 people that you have to learn to get along with. But here you are no longer limited by the 500 templates, for that is part of your evolutionary change and the physical re-wire that is happening to your bodies right now. You are outgrowing the templates that originally housed your physical bodies and your energetics during this lifetime. Now they have the capabilities of new attributes, new properties, and new energetics in the same physical body you were born with. This is the opportunity for you to go through an evolutionary step and be re-born without going Home. That is exactly what has been predicted by many on this planet for a very long time. Why would you doubt it? Of course, now it is happening to you and that is the beautiful part because now what takes place is that you are being birthed to a New Earth.

The Earth is going to continue to go through some changes. The Ring of Fire surrounding the Pacific Ocean will see more movement in the years 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 than ever before on this planet. You will see different anomalies take place. You will see the shifting of energy and all of it can be lessened and controlled—none of it needs to be negative, none of it needs to be catastrophic. It can all be an evolutionary step forward. The way you do it is simple: you feel you. Yes, you can feel the sadness and you can feel the trauma. Anytime there is trauma on planet Earth, it sets up a wave of energy that is felt by every single human being. It is easy for you to get wrapped up in a trauma and in the drama around it. It is easy for you to say, “What a shame! How horrible!” You feel your heart sink and then walk around all day in that half-lit mode. That is actually harmful to your physical bodies and serves no purpose whatsoever. The idea of what we wish you to do is to celebrate these changes of planet Earth. Look at this in one simple perspective: you had a tragedy in this place you call Haiti, but look how the world responded as one. Everyone wanted to do something—whatever they could do to try to ease the pain, to connect. That lesson in humanity was worth more than all the lives that were given in order to make that happen.

Wake Up Call

You now have the capability to connect on very deep levels with heart energy right from the beginning. These are pieces that each and every one of you must learn because you are not born in bodies that were capable of this. You are now adapting to new possibilities and new energies, which will also bring a new relationship to everything around you. During that time, know that many times you will be in this higher position where you can help to bring other people up. That is why you are there. Please do not lower your position, do not feel sadness, and do not feel the weight of the world on your shoulders. Instead, feel the opportunity to help. Feel the opportunity to be on purpose and to spring into action in some way, because that is the piece you came here for. It would be a shame if you spent all these years on planet Earth waiting for this opportunity and then sleep right through it. The wake-up call is now. The alarm clock is ringing and you have a choice. You can reach over shut it off and pretend it didn’t ring, or you can hit the snooze button and pretend to wait, or you can jump into action.

It will happen to every human on planet Earth. Every one of you is going to go through this evolutionary change that will be difficult, because humans perceive change as difficult. However, you can change your perception before it happens and when you see activity in the Pacific Ocean, the lungs of planet Earth. When you see activity around the Ring of Fire, know that her lungs are stretching and new pieces are being built. This is not about the destruction of planet Earth any longer, instead it is about building a new environment for empowered humans. The Earth is doing her job. What are you doing? That is the question that she is asking you now for you are a part of each other. She needs your help. The connection between humans and Earth is much stronger than anyone ever thought possible but it is here, now. The effects of these shifts do not need to be negative. You can wipe these things out with your thought patterns and especially if you add one to the other.

The Power of Light

The way you count on planet Earth is to add 1 to 2, to 3, to 4, to 5, increasing by one the entire time, but that is not the universal constant when it comes to connecting energetic fields. When you connect energetic fields, it becomes exponential: 1 to 2 to 4, to 8, 16, 32 and so forth very quickly to the point at which it begins growing at incredible rates. Those are the harmonics of your vibration, because harmonics can be combined on top of other harmonics and can bring things into harmony on this Earth that has never existed before. You are creating it now and the opportunities are here in front of you.

Dear ones, this shift is not going to be easy. You are already seeing part of the challenges, and yet it can be the most joyous, beautiful shift that has ever happened throughout the universe. We ask you to take your part. Hold your energy, hold your highest hopes and dreams of everything you want in your life, every piece you deserve and are thankful for. Create the new world with your thoughts right now and watch your body evolve into it. It is an amazing process and never before has this happened on planet Earth. You are setting history with every breath you take. Do it well. Do it on purpose. Do it with the full consciousness that you are a spirit pretending to be a human and that you have something of value. You will find your purpose on planet Earth. You will be the highest you can be and we are so incredibly proud of you. It is not easy being a human; it is not easy for us to watch you being a human. There are times when you cannot find yourself. You look in the mirror and you have tears because sometimes you feel so alone, and yet you do not understand that we are right behind you. We hold you sometimes when you sleep. We see that you are having a bad dream and softly touch the corners of your cheeks to help you smile, so we can help change your reality a little bit because you have given us permission to do so. Now, you take that and do it for yourselves and each other. Touch each other the way that the angels touch you. Empower every person you see around you. You no longer have anything to fear from this, for it is not a race to see who gets there first. Nobody gets there until the last person arrives.

We are in this together and know that we are here waiting for you. The moment you wipe the sleep from your eyes, we are there to remind you of who you really are. We are so honored to be in your presence, for you are masters of the Gameboard and we are honored to be here. We know the pain you have experienced and we honor you for that pain; you will see this pain quite differently when you arrive Home. We know it is very difficult for you, but no one else can do it. It took the bravest of the angels to take off your wings to come down and play, yet here you are. Welcome Home. Know that we are with you every second of every day if you so choose. Also know that you are doing a fantastic job and we are incredibly proud of you.

It is with the greatest of honor that we leave you this day with three little reminders. Nurture one another every chance you get. Treat each other with the greatest respect. Play well together.


The group

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Arrival of the Universal Timekeepers

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A great shift in perception, precipitated by recent global events, has created an opening for a new wave of energy to permeate the planet and by which a new group of enlightened souls can now be born into it.

This has great and timely ramifications for the planet and her people, for these souls are the gatekeepers of ascended consciousness. They are the universal timekeepers of new earth and hold the frequency of exoneration for all who are aligned with the new ways of being and existing.

Essentially, this means that the energy of freedom...the kinship with grace...is now wholly available in and around your sphere and holds the fluid field of potential for the bio-energetic ascension of the human form.

Biological Ascension

Those who are activated and aligned with 5th dimensional frequencies and higher are settling into position, preparing on a cellular level to transcend the limitations of earthly form.  The cells of the human body, which are mostly water, contain the genetic blueprint for biological ascension.  This blueprint is activated when enough of the cell mass is bathed in the light of higher consciousness and the energy vortices have opened sufficiently enough to sustain it.

For those who have adequately increased their light quotient by eliminating fear, this will be a time of transference.  What we mean by this is you will be transferring your carbon-based blueprint to the ascended crystalline blueprint necessary to hold and contain the higher dimensional frequencies that you are now operating within.

This moment of transference is one by which the physical body will adapt to in order to upgrade to the workings of the new human form.  For those in the process of this biological restructuring, we understand that it is rather taxing on the body to make the changeover, however, there is much more to this than meets the eye.

From a deeper, energetic perspective, what is happening is quite miraculous, for each of you are changing over to an entirely new way of existing and operating within the multidimensional matrix of your holographic realities and points of perception.  This new operating system will offer you the ability to do many wondrous and seemingly miraculous things, those which will also be present in the high vibrational children being born on the planet this day and onward.

Birthing, Raising & Teaching the New Children

The purpose of your awakening is not only to clear the way for humanity to follow in the footsteps of the great harbingers of peace, but to be and represent the future of the earth as physical guides to lead the new children who call for you.

The physical activation for those hosts who will be birthing, raising, and/or teaching the advanced souls from this new ray of light will be recognizing an increasing desire for, and connection to, children.  This increasing desire marks the clarion call for all those with contracts to care for and protect these precious and openly loving children from the harsh ways of the old dismantling world.   In some cases you, the guardians, will introduce these fully connected beings into physical existence on the earthly realm for the first time.

This is not only a great honor given exclusively to those who have earned the level of spiritual maturity to guide these masterful souls, but a great responsibility as well, for their gifts of the future must be well honed and protected from outside influences of negativity and fear.  Those with activated contracts to care for these children will intuitively feel a fierce sense of guardianship over these souls, and this is for good reason.

The vibration of earth has risen sufficiently enough for these souls, teachers, and parents-to-be, and you who will be guardians are now safely at the dimensional border waiting at the gate of ascended consciousness to welcome more of your soul family to the earth.  This is a joyous time of great celebration, not only for the caretakers of these new children of light, but for the entire human family.  These children bring with them many enlightened gifts for the evolution of earth and humanity...rejoice in your accomplishments dear way showers!

The Wisdom Keepers

Furthermore, we would like to make it known that those who have increased their vibration to the advanced level and crystalline bio-circuitry have reached a planetary activation level which was the result of the first and second waves of light who incarnated to clear the grids and to anchor and carry the 5th dimensional frequencies.  This planetary activation made possible by this group of souls warrants a true celebration, for it will be because of you that these new children, and thereby the new frequencies, are available to all.

For this great feat of accomplishment, the first wave warriors of light will retire and move up to maintain the collective consciousness as the wisdom keepers.  This group has seeded and sealed the planet with light, maintained their soul integrity through great hardships and now that critical mass has been achieved, these masters in disguise will be seen and acknowledged for who they truly are.

At last, those with their soul lights turned on will no longer fear extinguishment in the face of great darkness and resistance to truth.

And finally we would like to make clear that the arrival at biological ascension is something of great magnitude.  For those who have followed their inner guidance to this moment, you are the way and the light.  There are no words to define your experience, no words to fill the amount of gratitude that is held for each of you by the keepers of light.  We would like to extend our heartfelt love and thankfulness for your selfless dedication and service to the One, and we look forward to rejoicing with each of you in the fulfilling lives you are soon to lead.

Indeed, blessings and virtue always follow great honor.

Until next time, we are the Pleiadian High Council, bidding you farewell and good tidings.

Telepathic Transmission thru Lauren C. Gorgo at ThinkWithYourHeart.net

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Messages from Ker-on & Atmos 17/18 Jul 06

Messages from Ker-on & Atmos


Ker-On  | 17-July-06


We could always see that events would get worse before they got better. Out of the situation that now faces you in the Middle East, will come the opportunity to move politicians towards the understanding that the people involved seek a peaceful outcome. There is a lot of pressure from inside the countries not to just stop the confrontation from escalating, but to bring a halt to it for all time. Out of a difficult and delicate situation you will find it is possible to prevent it drawing in other countries.

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Artistic Acceptance – My Journey


Artistic Acceptanceby Seth D8 July '06

+ Since about 1991 I have been on a journey of artistic acceptance.  It all started out my freshman year in high school.  I never had interest in the art, nor did I even conceive of myself being an artistic person.  I was a very outspoken, proactive and fashionable individual, but never as far as art was concerned.   I was taking a introduction to art class, taught by Lynn Saad, because I had to take credits for art in order to graduate.  Believe me when I say I had no interest in taking the class electively.  During the first have of the trimester I spent most of time socializing or making an excuse to get out of class.  I litterly did nothing, I was, I mostly always am, disengaged because I had no interest and did not serve me.   One day Mrs. Saad came over to have the, your failing and you better get your act together talk.  She brought me into another studio, which was empty, to have the talk.  She told me I was currently failing the class and there was no reason why that would be the case.  I quite rudely told her there was probably a slim chance of me getting a “D” because “I was not an artist or even inclined to be an artist!”   Mrs. Saad just looked at me, waited for me to finish, and with a warm loving smile began to speak.  She told me that everyone, yes, everyone is an artist.  The very simple act of living life gives you every skill you need to be an artist.  So if you are living, you are an artist of your life.  The only thing that translates what we recognize as an artist is their willingness to put their life into another form in any way they see fit.   She then grabbed a blank canvas and some acrylic paint and instructed me to stay in the empty studio.  She said observe your thoughts, what is the first thing that comes to mind, I want you to use this paint and just put it on the canvas.  Don't hold any judgment or attachment to what it looks like, just create.  I don't want you to come into the other room until you have create something.   I sat there for about 10 minutes all pissed off that this teacher was making me paint something.  I kept having all these feelings of superiority and judgment rise in me.  I had a ton of self doubt and my mind was swirling.  Then I just decided to give it a shot, what was the worst thing which could happen, I waste a canvas and some paint.   I took the paint brush an drew a crude outline, in black, of a face.  Then I began to color it in.  Some where between the black lines and starting to color it in with color I began to perceive my artistic side for the first time.  I wasn't sure where it was coming from, I just kept painting, and layering color after color.  My god, a really nice image was starting emerge.  After about 30 minutes I was finished.  I had just created an astonishing painting of a abstract man in a suit with wild multi colored hair.  I couldn't believe I had just painted the painting I was looking at!   I went and got Mrs. Saad and showed her the painting.  And again, with that caring loving smile, she said “See, I told you everyone is an artist”.  I brought the painting home after school and showed it to my parents.  They where amazed and promptly hung it on the wall above the couch where we all sit and watch T.V. everynight.  It still hangs there to this day.   I learned something valuable that day, that yes, everyone is an artist in their own right, it just their ability to perceive it that differentiates us.  I also quite quickly and deliberately began exploring everything about creating art in any form.  I was so excited about my new self discovery and on developing what was obviously my distinct style from my first painting.   I have always been a very prolific person, especially as a developing artist.  I took more art classes in high school.  I also, with the encouragement of Mrs. Saad, took two week long art seminars taught by north west artist.  One was for painting and the other was for print making.  During my senior year in high school I went into the running start program and began classes at a community college for both high school and college.  The program I was in focused on printing technologies and digital imaging.   This program was more geared towards getting you ready to work in the pre-press area of the printing industry, rather than on artistic development.  It was good because I quickly mastered the latest imaging technology and understood the technical requirements of producing an image from an electronic format to an actual piece of paper.   During my young adult life I went through spurts of creativity creating a series here and a series there, but still I hadn't fully built my awareness around the fact that I was an artist.  I just honestly felt that I was just a guy who could manage to make things look good on paper.  This continued over my 20's till this beginning winter, when I had officially turned 31.   I was really pondering where I wanted to create my life next, from my mid teens till now I had achieved so much.  I had owned my own company, been an executive for a multi-national printing company and I even managed to be a professional body pierce for a couple of years.  I spent allot of time observing myself, what made me the most joyous I could be and as little disturbance to my inner peace as possible?   Well, I do like creating images…But to do that as life's work I would have to be an artist right?  The experience of my entire life to this point finally had built enough awareness to realize that, YES, I AM AN ARTIST!  If I am an artist then I should really start BEING an artist.  My whole consciousness shifted and a completely new world suddenly opened up for me to see.   My spiritual life had progressed during all of this life living as well, so I decided to apply my spiritual beliefs around my new being an artist.  This period is allot like my coming out of the closet about my spiritual beliefs as well. I begun creating new imagery as quickly as I could perceive it.  I was always patiently observing ensuring that I wasn't holding attachment, possession or judgment towards anything I was creating on paper or in my life.  Observing my highest thoughts and instantly putting those thoughts into action without even a second guess.   WOW!  has it been an amazing year so far.  I am constantly perceiving new ideas, concepts and ways of being.  My artistic style has progressed along the same path.  I began building a artistic and spiritual presence in my world.  I have created multitudes or art sported around the world.  I have invaded as many spheres on the internet and community as I can possibly handle.   I have been sharing my creations and beliefs across the world landscape as not to leave anyone out.  I recognize that people are still living in the illusion of separation, so I must to live in that world at times as well.  This is why I have chosen to have so many blogs and places to view my creations, I can see that each of these sites speaks to a different audience, so the only way to break down the illusion of separation in to exist in all these separate sites at the same time, yet adjusting my style to fit their needs.   Since I have begun the process of truly realizing and being an artistic, expressive, no holds bar transparent person my life and perception of my universe has grown by leaps and bounds.  It is a very real situation to constantly amaze myself by what I have created.  I am truly reinventing myself to an even grander version in every moment their is.  I am so astounded by the possibilities which exist for me to perceive and experience sometimes I can hardly control my self.  But like devote person, I continually observe my universe, follow my highest thoughts and keep creating,, creating to my hearts content.   This has been my artistic acceptance up to this point. I encourage you to just start out the way I did and discover how to put your life into another form.  


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