Tag: intuitively

Future Tech Watch ~ High-tech mirrors to beam heat from buildings into space ~ May replace air conditioning

illustration of reflective panel on building


By Chris Cesare

A new ultrathin multilayered material can cool buildings without air conditioning by radiating warmth from inside the buildings into space while also reflecting sunlight to reduce incoming heat.

Stanford engineers have invented a material designed to help cool buildings. The material reflects incoming sunlight, and it sends heat from inside the structure directly into space as infrared radiation (represented by reddish rays).

Stanford engineers have invented a revolutionary coating material that can help cool buildings, even on sunny days, by radiating heat away from the buildings and sending it directly into space.

A team led by electrical engineering Professor Shanhui Fan and research associate Aaswath Raman reported this energy-saving breakthrough in the journal Nature.

The heart of the invention is an ultrathin, multilayered material that deals with light, both invisible and visible, in a new way.

Invisible light in the form of infrared radiation is one of the ways that all objects and living things throw off heat. When we stand in front of a closed oven without touching it, the heat we feel is infrared light. This invisible, heat-bearing light is what the Stanford invention shunts away from buildings and sends into space.

Of course, sunshine also warms buildings. The new material, in addition dealing with infrared light, is also a stunningly efficient mirror that reflects virtually all of the incoming sunlight that strikes it.

The result is what the Stanford team calls photonic radiative cooling – a one-two punch that offloads infrared heat from within a building while also reflecting the sunlight that would otherwise warm it up. The result is cooler buildings that require less air conditioning.

"This is very novel and an extraordinarily simple idea," said Eli Yablonovitch, a professor of engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, and a pioneer of photonics who directs the Center for Energy Efficient Electronics Science. "As a result of professor Fan's work, we can now [use radiative cooling], not only at night but counter-intuitively in the daytime as well."

The researchers say they designed the material to be cost-effective for large-scale deployment on building rooftops. Though still a young technology, they believe it could one day reduce demand for electricity. As much as 15 percent of the energy used in buildings in the United States is spent powering air conditioning systems.

In practice the researchers think the coating might be sprayed on a more solid material to make it suitable for withstanding the elements.

"This team has shown how to passively cool structures by simply radiating heat into the cold darkness of space," said Nobel Prize-winning physicist Burton Richter, professor emeritus at Stanford and former director of the research facility now called the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.

A warming world needs cooling technologies that don't require power, according to Raman, lead author of the Nature paper. 

"Across the developing world, photonic radiative cooling makes off-grid cooling a possibility in rural regions, in addition to meeting skyrocketing demand for air conditioning in urban areas," he said.

Using a window into space

The real breakthrough is how the Stanford material radiates heat away from buildings.

researchers Linxiao Zhu, Shanhui Fan, Aaswath Raman
Doctoral candidate Linxiao Zhu, Professor Shanhui Fan and research associate 
Aaswath Raman are members of the team that invented the breakthrough energy-saving material.
As science students know, heat can be transferred in three ways: conduction, convection and radiation. Conduction transfers heat by touch. That's why you don't touch an oven pan without wearing a mitt. Convection transfers heat by movement of fluids or air. It's the warm rush of air when the oven is opened. Radiation transfers heat in the form of infrared light that emanates outward from objects, sight unseen.
The first part of the coating's one-two punch radiates heat-bearing infrared light directly into space. The ultrathin coating was carefully constructed to send this infrared light away from buildings at the precise frequency that allows it to pass through the atmosphere without warming the air, a key feature given the dangers of global warming.

"Think about it like having a window into space," said Fan.

Aiming the mirror

But transmitting heat into space is not enough on its own.
This multilayered coating also acts as a highly efficient mirror, preventing 97 percent of sunlight from striking the building and heating it up.

"We've created something that's a radiator that also happens to be an excellent mirror," said Raman.

Together, the radiation and reflection make the photonic radiative cooler nearly 9 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than the surrounding air during the day.

From prototype to building panel

Making photonic radiative cooling practical requires solving at least two technical problems.

The first is how to conduct the heat inside the building to this exterior coating. Once it gets there, the coating can direct the heat into space, but engineers must first figure out how to efficiently deliver the building heat to the coating.

The second problem is production. Right now the Stanford team's prototype is the size of a personal pizza. Cooling buildings will require large panels. The researchers say there exist large-area fabrication facilities that can make their panels at the scales needed.

The cosmic fridge

More broadly, the team sees this project as a first step toward using the cold of space as a resource. In the same way that sunlight provides a renewable source of solar energy, the cold universe supplies a nearly unlimited expanse to dump heat.

"Every object that produces heat has to dump that heat into a heat sink," Fan said. "What we've done is to create a way that should allow us to use the coldness of the universe as a heat sink during the day."

In addition to Fan, Raman and Zhu, this paper has two additional co-authors: Marc Abou Anoma, a master's student in mechanical engineering who has graduated; and Eden Rephaeli, a doctoral student in applied physics who has graduated.

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The Light Side of the Dark Night of the Soul

by Kim Hutchinson Clayhut Healing CentreThe phenomenon known as the Dark Night of the Soul is something which many spiritual seekers experience on their journey to re-enlightenment. It can be a painful and frightening process, but it can also be liberating and empowering. It all depends on your perspective and your ability to remain detached. Peeling the Onion The word ‘night’ is misleading. This is a process, and thankfully so. I doubt you would want to experience [...]

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Finding the Jewel

"You live now with unprecedented opportunities to evolve spiritually. It may seem to be the worst of times, with chaos and catastrophes seemingly at every turn. You may question how you can advance when your world is so full of hate. You may wonder how, in the window of 2012, with its many question marks, you can achieve the kind of realization modeled by the Buddha.

You may doubt that the jewel of enlightenment can be yours this life. For just a moment now, set aside these doubts.

Let go of your preconditions, your impatience, and your judgments about what is possible.

Trust the Divine Intelligence

Trust that there is a Divine intelligence within you that can guide you along the path of enlightenment. This wise part of you can connect you with insights about the baggage you will want to let go of in this current cycle. It can help you to prioritize your energies, your focus, and your actions in the world. It can lead you to the people, teachers, and transpersonal help you need to view yourself and your life differently.

You can discover new resources, new applications for transformational tools, and simple methods to greatly accelerate your forward movement. You can learn to connect more with the synchronicities of life, and with eternal time rather than linear time.

Here are 5 things you can do daily to progress rapidly:

1. Monitor your emotions, thoughts, and body. Each will give you very helpful clues about what is out of balance and why.

2. Set specific intentions for what you want to have, be and do. State these intentions in a positive way, rather than negative. Example: I am feeling more and more confident each day.

3. Take action on the things you say you want to create. Act on one thing at a time, allowing your intuitively guided wisdom to help you prioritize. Even if all you did in one day was to take the 1-mile walk you intended to, acknowledge yourself for doing that.

4. Find one or more simple practices to help you open your awareness. These can be straightforward spiritual practices like deep breathing, moments of silent contemplation, or just being as loving as you can in each moment with your words and actions. The important thing is consistency and finding something you will do daily. You will want to have your "practice" in your mind and awareness during the day, allowing it to become a part of your routine.

5. Begin and end each day with some positive and loving thoughts. Loving thoughts include those of gratitude. Remember that your inner state will determine how you experience your day as well as your sleep state. Therefore, be as loving as you can towards yourself. Allow that self-love to grow over time, creating an energy field inside of you and around you, effortlessly broadcasting from you in all directions. This love will begin to attract fortunate circumstances, opportunities, and the love you seek from others and your world.

As you continue the journey of rediscovering your Divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12."

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Why Be Intuitive?

“Look...what you do is very interesting,” someone recently said to me. “But I have a life to live and I really can’t see myself as a professional psychic. Madame Ruby is just not me. It’s too airy-fairy.”

The fact is, recognizing and developing your intuitive abilities has many practical, down-to-earth uses in one’s life. Developing this ability is similar to the time you learned to read books: your goal was not to be a professional “book reader”, you just wanted to experience the thrill books have to offer.

Understanding and utilizing your intuitive abilities leads to a greater awareness of your Personal Power. A person in communication with their inner guidance system becomes more keenly aware of what is true for them and what is not. In today’s culture, we have access to more information than ever before. Much of this information is true for someone, but may not necessarily be accurate for you. It may work well for them, but it may not work for you at all. It is helpful to recognize the difference.  

Employing your intuitive abilities is like having software that filters your incoming email and places in the junk folder those pieces you’re not interested in; that data that doesn’t resonate with your truth. That handy piece of software is already available to you. It came as standard equipment, bundled with your hard drive. The art is finding it, turning it on and managing it.

“But wait a minute,” you say. “I don’t need intuition. My information comes from reliable sources; magazines, friends, books, the government. They wouldn’t mislead me.”   Well, most likely that’s correct. They may not be intentionally misleading you, but their truth may not be yours. When you utilize your intuitive abilities, whether that ability is clairvoyance, telepathy or clairaudience, you will recognize whether the information your friend gives you is aligned with your greater good long before you get entangled with it. Wouldn’t your life be a whole lot easier if you had that skill? This skill already exists within you...it’s just been hiding under a belief system that isn’t yours! It’s there for the asking.

You already are intuitive

Let me give you some additional examples of how this valuable ability may benefit you.

  •  You will find yourself in Present-Time vs. in the future or past. Because you are operating in Present-Time you are able to clearly see your options and the appropriate response for each situation in which you find yourself.
  • This clarity will increase your self-esteem
  • You will begin to walk through life with Presence and Certainty. This doesn’t mean in arrogance. This is a gentle, pervasive knowing that you are in management of your life
  • You will find doubt and fear begin to disappear and your ability to take charge of your business life and personal life increases very quickly
  • The games that you play with others - such as judgment, victim, intimidation, control, blame, competition - begin to end
  • You begin to recognize and change the beliefs that you have (up until now) allowed to operate your life. Have you ever said, “I sound just like my mother.”? Where do you think you learned to respond that way? Yikes! When you turn on your ability to intuitively see these energy patterns, they begin to change.

Intuition is as natural as breathing or eating. By making it a part of your conscious mode of operation, you will become enlightened. Jesus said, “Make thine eye single and you will see the light (your truth).” He was talking about clearing out all the noise that keeps you from experiencing your natural spiritual abilities and then deliberately using them to clearly see your own truth.

Once we have cleared out an amount of this noise (the untrue beliefs) we begin to see the “Light.” In other words, the light of truth (our truth) soon becomes what we live by and what we allow to guide our decisions. The twists and turns of life become easier and less dramatic or stressful because that inner guidance system within us is turned on directing us to take this turn or that.

The work we’ve done in clearing out the noise in the channels (see previous articles on the Grounding Cord and other tools) allows this light and the corresponding adjustments to easily enter. One must clear the old leaves out of the rain gutters in order for the rivers of rain to easily pass through without jamming the works and causing a mess. The work we, as a community, have been doing around the world has surprised and amazed even me. The ease and delivery of this information has been smooth and transformative, allowing more of this Light to enter.  Opening to and developing your intuition and other spiritual abilities will allow you to see and experience that Light. You will also discover how great you are.

Jim Self is an author, international speaker, and teacher of  the Tools for Mastering Alchemy. This work is in co-creation with Archangels, Ascended Masters and Teachers of Light. Free DVD and Free Tele-Classes. Jim is presenting Free in-person classes and the weekend seminar, Creating the Personal Power Field around North America. www.MasteringAlchemy.com or 775-851-8950 ~ Copyright: You may share this article with your friends as long it is kept whole and our website is included. Thank you.

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Questions Re: the “Higher” Self

Melora through Joanna Neff (Jyoti Alla-An) 

Following is an edited transcription of a Melora session in which both my and a friend's questions about our relationship with our respective Higher Selves are answered. It is clear that even if we don't/can't sense Higher Beings, it doesn't mean that they are NOT there! So it is with our Higher Self. By including more personal aspects of this session, I am letting readers and clients know that I undergo my own spiritual struggles from time to time. What Melora refers to at the end of the article is that since I had not worked with Melora directly for almost two years, I wasn't at all sure she would "be there" for me for this session. Right before we began, I felt the old, familiar Melora energy very strongly, and then I knew we would have a powerful session.

(from a session with a friend on 7/12/09)

MELORA: We are Melora, and we welcome you today. Your question prompts us to say something about the relationship with one's Higher Self. People who believe that they should follow whatever their Higher Self "wants" for them are opening themselves up to enslavement, either by their Higher Self or by some being masquerading as their Higher Self . . . like an astral entity. You all are allowed free will, and you can trust yourself to make decisions as a being. You can trust that you have the right to make those decisions for yourself in this embodiment, to be happy with those decisions and not to worry about whether your Higher Self approves.

Now, in our discussion of soul hierarchies-and in our discussion of the Higher Self's role-we have explained that the Higher Self does indeed get these "spiritual brownie points" earned by the sufferings and travails of the embodied versions of you. We don't mean to sound sarcastic about this, but in the Earth zone-because of the density and the darkness-suffering seems to be the only way that people's souls can advance.

However, in reality, suffering is not really required for soul advancement. We hope you are understanding our answer. Suffering only seems to be what purifies people, that advances them or makes them grow. It is not really the Higher Self that created the situation in which only suffering advances the Soul. Thus, you have the right to trust yourself to keep advancing at the Soul level without suffering.

The next step in that deductive process, or that rational line of thought, is that your Higher Self would embrace choices you make that would liberate you and make you feel wonderful. It's only those in embodiment, and those "historic" and experiential illusions that all the great saints had to suffer or to be martyrs . . . that is at the most extreme degree. Those beliefs have a grip on many, or most, people, and those beliefs can be resolved and changed by your free will and your intention.

Our Jyoti is showing us the character Scarlet O'Hara in "Gone with the Wind": "As God is my witness, I will never be hungry again!" Those moments of life-changing, gut-wrenching commitment and intention enable you to manifest what you really want. Until you have that level of commitment, you will go back-and-forth, as on a see-saw.

ER: Speaking of Higher Selves, in a way it's almost like they're wanting us to make our own decisions, because that's how they experience things through us. It's not like we come in with everything already pre-set. We may have some kind of thoughts about some of the things we want to accomplish in this lifetime, but there's quite a bit of freedom to attain that in different experimental ways. Do I understand that correctly?

MELORA:Yes! We have said that in your Soul Group, for example-and your Soul Hierarchy-as that expresses at "your end" of the hierarchy, in embodiment in third-dimension, you do have motifs as a group or as a hierarchy and issues that you want to explore when you come into embodiment in every lifetime. So, for example, the Pallas Athena motifs would be Freedom, civilized behavior, the arts, Truth, Courage . . . do you see? You will come into embodiment with these being impressed at the Soul level, but then once you get there, anything can happen. As a result of those impressed motifs that you have chosen to explore, you will attract certain experiences to you, but those experiences have not been selected ahead of time.

ER: In my soul group or hierarchy, what are some of the motifs that we're trying to embody or that kind of characterize our lineage.

MELORA: It is interesting that what we're being given as a motif for you is more what's holding you back. For example, you can say somebody is stubborn and judge that as "bad," but the flip side of that is that they're also very loyal. If you throw out stubborn, you throw out loyal. Answering your question has to do with something that is similar to that, regarding what's holding you back.

There is such a drive for integrity in the way you conduct yourself and appear to be to others whom you serve. We realize this is very convoluted, but we will give you some examples to try to explain. At the core of what we're trying to describe here is your requirement for dignity and to be treated with dignity. At the same time, you have a desire to "let your hair down" and not be up on a pedestal, because you have found how much pressure is involved in maintaining that-and that the dignity is not worth the loss of freedom and expansiveness that your Soul would really like to experience. And so at the core of the dignity motif would be integrity of being.

Now, where we are, we are not as hard on you as you are on yourself about what integrity means. In this world, what happens is that you have all this propaganda from the church and society-socially current delusions, and whatever. Whenever you fall for those structures, it goes against your being-ness. In a way, you have yourself shackled because of looking at the reflection back from things that are not really appropriate to tell you about whether you're in integrity or not.

ER: Yes. Could you give me another example?

MELORA: We will keep going, and of course everything about you is complex.

ER: [laughs] Thank you.

MELORA: We're trying to get there. Integrity of Spirit requires you to love yourself (not out of ego), and so if you're kind to all of these people but you're not kind to yourself, you come out of integrity with yourself. It's not okay to mistreat yourself any more than it would be okay to mistreat others.

Back to integrity, what we're receiving is that your concept of integrity places a burden of behavior upon you in certain situations-especially professional situations-that fills you with tension and that makes you feel constricted. Even though you need to feel the dignity, you need to feel the respect, and you need to feel that you're serving, it's kind of been backfiring for a long time. It's not really giving you what you need, and it's not really expressing who you are as a being in integrity. What we're receiving is that the more you pay attention to, and respond to, your being-ness regarding this motif, the more happy rewards you will get.

All of the impediments to your being-ness have to do with 3rd-dimensional concerns, and so trusting yourself, as a being, that you will be able to actualize your dreams is the sticking point here.

ER: Definitely. And then one last question for me about my guides: I have a duality here. I feel like I'm always in contact with them, but then I don't think I am at all. I think I work with them so much with my inner . . . that I think they're such a part of me that I don't even feel them anymore or acknowledge them anymore. I know that sounds totally crazy, and I can't put it into words.

MELORA:You know, our Jyoti has discussed this with us before, and we have said that your guides are always there, whether you're aware of them or not. This might apply to our Jyoti's question. We'll see. Your guides may not be the same guides that you used to have, and so you are perhaps feeling that they're not there because they're not the ones you're used to. There are so many stimuli around you, and so much information coming in that you're intuitively receiving, and so forth, that there's just kind of a lot of static, and you just need to "tune into that station"-the frequency of those guides-on purpose. And all you have to do is ask.

There's a main guide with male energy-an almost monk-like energy, but not in any oppressive sense. This guide is choosing this energy and form as a quasi-religious figure: someone you would call "Father" and that you would trust, but not the stereotypical Catholic monk. More like Francis of Asissi that you trust as a being and would call "Father." That's what the energy of this guide feels like. It really is someone you would go to, not as a father confessor but as someone to ask advice of and counsel from.

ER: I would like to address some of the questions that my friend, Jyoti, has in regards to this incredible sense, sometimes, of separateness--

MELORA: All the time . . .

ER: --or aloofness from her Higher Self . . . whether this is an intentional thing. If you could clarify that for us a little bit more.

MELORA: Yes. We would be happy to do so. We heard two things right off the bat. The first was how many times in our Jyoti's lifetime people have mistakenly considered her to be aloof and indifferent, when actually she is quite the contrary. We could call it an introversion that is energetic and not just an expression of our Jyoti as more introverted than extroverted. It is a whole different way of perceiving reality and reacting to reality when you're an introvert, versus when you're an extrovert. And yet this is the way she perceives her own Higher Self to be: indifferent and aloof.

The second thing is that our Jyoti's concept of her Higher Self and her attempts, if you will, to connect to her Higher Self, largely are intellectual-largely come from her mind, not her heart. These attempts also reflect a total lack of nurturing and parenting in her current lifetime. So her reality, for example, practically since birth, has been: "They don't care about me; they don't like me. " There's no parental connection that allows her to look at herself as having any sort of parental-type connection or to accept the possibility of that. (This is not the answer she was expecting.) And so, her Higher Self would respond if our Jyoti could approach her Higher Self from her heart, which is a very difficult thing for her to do. The belief that "they're just not there" is so deeply entrenched.

In a conversation with a so-called "psychic" reader on the phone about three months ago, our Jyoti became very frustrated when the woman said, "All you have to do is reach toward your Higher Self." And our Jyoti said: "I am tired of reaching toward my Higher Self. I want her to reach toward me!" And, as with the answer to your question about whether your guides are really there, we would say to our Jyoti that her Higher Self is very much there. She even asked once: "Is my Higher Self retarded or something?" Remember that one? [laughs] (Her Higher Self does not begrudge that comment.)

So, really, the victory for our Jyoti in this entire lifetime is to learn to open her heart and not be afraid just to "step off the cliff" and "go for broke."

ER: That's easier said than done.

MELORA: Of course.

ER: When you're in this incarnate body and you've been mutilated in the past, it's really hard to bring your heart out on a platter-the sense of trust is huge. How can Jyoti's Higher Self, and her guides, and the people like us who love her, support her on this journey. It's sure not an easy one, from where we see it.

MELORA: The truth is that our Jyoti is afraid that she'll just break apart. She's afraid that if she lets go to that extent, she'll be annihilated-and not even from outside herself. Kind of implode. It's something that she needs to deal with gradually but regularly, so that she can work through it. It is probably the pain-at the core-that she's afraid of and that she masks constantly. But she has made it much bigger than it really is in the sense of fearing going to that core-fearing the feeling of what's really under there that's she's tried so hard for so many years to heal . . . and that we're feeling so intensely with her now. It is something that she needs to do and that she keeps avoiding doing.

ER: Is there any technique that is available to us that--

MELORA: She's saying "amnesia." [laughs]

ER: "Amnesia." [laughs] Anything that might be helpful for her? To kind of approach this in a systematic, comfortable way?

MELORA: No. We're hearing that this feeling of disconnect from her Higher Self is a pivotal sign, or a pivotal emblem, of the problem itself. We're sensing that it would be easier for our Jyoti, sincerely and intensely, from her heart, to ask for that connection with her Higher Self and not say: "You owe this to me" and "Why aren't you reaching back toward me?" and some four-letter words. Like a temper tantrum of a child that is not getting what it wants. That is the unhealed child in her that is really mad and hurts.

ER: Could a form of Jyoti that is the adult intercede?

MELORA: She has tried this, but it hasn't worked so far.

ER: It doesn't have to be right now, but if you could clarify this--

MELORA: What we would like to attempt here is . . . we say "attempt" because, if you understand the strange situation of our speaking through Jyoti while we say we would like to connect her with her Higher Self . . . It's a kind of schizophrenic thing, but our Jyoti's become used to it over our years of working with someone else who is asking questions for her in her behalf. Give us a moment.

We are endeavoring to give our Jyoti a visual representation of her Higher Self-not just her usual impression of "a blank wall"-to give herself some kind of form, so that she can relate to her Higher Self. Up until this point, she has decided that she might as well not have a Higher Self, do you see. This disconnection is so extreme that it is as though she cannot even imagine she has a Higher Self.

We are giving her physical sensations as well-what you have when there's a real person there with you. [long pause while I experience my Higher Self] Okay. That's helping. [another long pause while I experience my Higher Self for the first time] All right. We did not want to interrupt her experience by commenting while it was going on.

The breakthrough here for our Jyoti, who always claims she's not very visual, is that she was given a very powerful visual representation of her Higher Self coming toward her . . . with beautiful light and a sense of movement, and with the gown and robes flowing back and away from "the form" of her Higher Self. And our Jyoti was seeing the light and feeling angelic kinds of energies. The important thing is that we are making this real for our Jyoti, because she used to feel nothingness when she would think of her Higher Self or try to contact her Higher Self.

This was an impressive entrance of her Higher Self as we helped our Jyoti feel her Higher Self's energy. It is definitely a female Higher Self, with beautiful golden blonde hair. No angel "wings" but a sense of power-great power-and yet a calm center, andshe was just flying toward our Jyoti. Flying through space and time to our Jyoti, and then enfolding her in her arms. And our Jyoti is saying: "That's enough-enough for right now." But we know this is a big breakthrough, and so we can start here and continue with this as time goes on.

Now that our Jyoti has this image, she can close her eyes and feel what it feels like and imagine it, which is often the way we have counseled clients in the past. This is a very positive, good first step, and we thank you for inquiring in our Jyoti's behalf.

ER: Any messages that her Higher Self wants to give Jyoti? Not extensive, but any words of wisdom?

MELORA: Well, our Jyoti wishes to keep this private, because the thing she abhors the most is crying in front of other people. And kindness melts her down. We thank you, but this is something she will need to be committed to: taking time to explore this and to feel all of the love that is really there for her but that she hasn't believed is there for her, in spite of her calling her Higher Self "retarded." In fact, as you can imagine, her Higher Self is quite the opposite.

ER: [laughs]

MELORA: Our Jyoti wouldn't be as smart as she is if her Higher Self were "retarded." We thank you for helping our Jyoti by asking these questions.

ER: It's because we love Jyoti.

MELORA: And did you have any other questions for yourself?

ER: Would it be appropriate to ask for help in meeting my Higher Self?

MELORA: Absolutely! Since you are so visual, this should be a lot easier for you than for our Jyoti, although she is more visual...

ER: --than she gives herself credit for.

MELORA: All right. If you would start breathing very deeply--as deeply as is comfortable. Don't force it. When you let your breath out, let it out totally, so that you can get rid of the carbon dioxide and other toxins as you breathe out. So breathe as deeply and comfortably as comfortable. What is the question of your heart that you want to convey to your Higher Self. If this is private, you can just tell us so, and then just think of it or sense it, and then we will help direct that to your Higher Self.

ER: I am sensing it.

MELORA: What we would like you to see to start out with is a beautiful female hand in the sky, and you will see the rest of the form later. But reach toward that beautiful hand. It's not a disembodied hand; it's attached to someone. [laughs] You will begin to see the shape and form of your Higher Self as you take the hand of your Higher Self and as it comes toward you in time and space in this beautiful sky. Are you seeing that? That the hand is attached to a beautiful form?

ER: Um hmm.

MELORA: The form now starts to become clearer. It's as though the form of your Higher Self is coming out of the clouds, and you are able to see more and more of this form. And please tell us if that is happening for you.

ER: Very much so.

MELORA: If you wish, describe the form of your Higher Self as you are experiencing her.

ER: She looks very Asian, actually, which surprises me.

MELORA: It shouldn't. What about your devotion to Quan Yin and what about your children?

ER: Yeah. That's true. Hello!

MELORA: Hello. All right. And now we would like you to feel all of your senses. Is there are scent? There's a floral scent, isn't there?

ER: Yeah. You know, it almost smells like linden. I love linden/freesia flower. It's kind of a linden and almost a honeysuckle smell. Kind of that sweetness, you know?

MELORA: And are there sounds associated with your Higher Self-a rustling of clothing?

ER: Yeah. Yeah. It's like she's dancing-not just dancing but just kind of this beautiful flowing motion. Almost like a martial arts form . . . like kung fu. Not in a fighting style-

MELORA: Right. As an art.

ER: Round motions, like circles.

MELORA: Like Tai Chi?

ER: A little quicker and faster than Tai Chi.

MELORA: What you're experiencing now is a description of how you realize your dreams: movement from here to there. And you see it does not have to be like martial arts. You don't have to be a warrior in order to go from here to there. Be an artist with what you already know and who you already are. She's smiling. [laughs] Very affectionate energy there.

ER: Very much so. I feel like a little kid, and she's just so smiley and accepting of who I am.

MELORA: It's almost as though she's performing for you, putting on a little show for you to entertain and uplift you, and to show you the artistry of your Soul. We keep hearing this phrase.

ER: Wow! This is really special. Thank you.

MELORA: It is the artistry that will take you there-not your brain, not your intellect, but the dance, the movement. And we're hearing that she requests that you bring your children and husband in and that you all dance with her. See what happens.

ER: [laughs] It's like a reunion. And she's gotten bigger.

MELORA: She would like you to join hands with your children and your husband in a circle. She's going to provide energy to support this dance. She wants you to feel the shift from having this feel kind of odd and then natural to having it be open, joyful and expansive. Please tell us if and when you get to that point.

ER: Almost there.

MELORA: Just enjoy it with all of your senses; just open your heart to it.

ER: There's a little resistance and fear from [her son].

MELORA: So have your Higher Self come over to him, embrace him or enfold him, and just feel that tension resolving. And have him look into her face and see beyond his being a boy in Boulder, Colorado, and see her with his Soul-and see his many lifetimes and feel the connection with the Asian spirit-the Asian, Zen understanding of the flow of life.

ER: Much better.

MELORA: Um hmm. Because he's Westernized, he will have forgotten temporarily that Asians do not look at "this is the beginning" and "this is the end." The angles go away and nature, and the flow of things and the movement of things, all continue . . . not so much the sense of past, present and future of the Western mind. Your movement as a being from "here" to "there" is just movement-not a beginning and not an end.
And now we are being asked to bring your mother into the middle of the circle that you're forming with your husband and your two children. We would like you to see her transformed, and you know this doesn't mean that suddenly she's going to become well in this lifetime.

ER: Exactly.

MELORA: But we would like you to see her take on a radiance as she becomes liberated from this lifetime that has been so difficult for her. See the radiance of her as a being, now, grow brighter and brighter. And tell us if this is happening for you.

ER: Um hmm.

MELORA: Just stay with that so that you can be assured that this is really what you're moving toward with her and what you are wishing to help facilitate for her: her liberation. And has she transformed in any way?

ER: Um hmm.

MELORA: Good. We would like you to look at yourself and see if the same thing has happened to you: see your radiance come up, not that you're going through transition, but see your radiance come up as you dance around your mother in a circle with your husband and your children. Then see the radiance of your children and your husband come up just like Christmas lights! This is very powerful, isn't it?

ER: Very much so. [sighs]

MELORA: We would like you to experience that your Higher Self gives all of you a blessing. [pause] What form, or forms, are the blessings taking? Is she bringing incense. Is she bestowing light, color?

ER: [pause] More like a globe around all of us, including my Mom.

MELORA: All right. And see this as protective and not constrictive, and so let the "globe" not be too solid. Have it be protective but not the kind of protection that would keep everything out. You want all these wonderful things to be coming in now to support. We're seeing the globe more as the support for your family as a group.

ER: It's [the globe] almost like that movie with Jodie Foster, with everything moving in all directions. It's cool.

MELORA: Very good, and it is about going "home." This was so in that movie as well. All right, and just so that we can gently "disconnect," have all of you say goodbye to your wonderful Higher Self. She is, of course, honoring all of you-those you love so much. Now see them go back to wherever they were before. Now you and your Higher Self are together. Get as close to your Higher Self as you feel comfortable. Let her hold you if that is comfortable. Just feel what it feels like to be nurtured by her and loved by her. We see you almost as a small child: five years old, looking up into her face.

ER: That's exactly it.

MELORA: Let yourself feel all that love . . . "and healing," she said. And healing.

ER: It's kind of cool: She's giving me back some of the fire I've lost.

MELORA: Mmm. Stay with that.

ER: [sighs]

MELORA: See if she has a message for you. It's more fun if you can find it out for yourself, but if you need our help we are, of course, here for you.

ER: Um, probably a little help...

MELORA: Don't give up so soon. [laughs] Stay with it.

ER: I see fireworks or something.

MELORA: What does that feel like?

ER: Joyous.

MELORA: Good. It's not something for your brain to interpret. It's like "Yippee!" A celebration, and fireworks are AWESOME! Sometimes loud, even-hard for a Libra.

ER: A double-Libra.

MELORA: Loud and boisterous joy . . . joy with abandon . . . and light . . . exploding.

ER: --which is pretty happy.

MELORA: Does that surprise you?

ER: No. I guess not, but I wasn't sure.

MELORA: There's a coyness-almost a flirtatiousness but, of course, higher beings don't really flirt. It has to do with how they express joy and how they express affection. And so she has this coy little smile, and we see the fan coming up to cover the face a little bit because she's smiling behind the fan. There's a playfulness. That's it. That's what it is, and definitely Asian.
The word "artistry" keeps coming, so what we will give you for your homework is to explore your own artistry. "How am I an artist?" "Why does that word keep coming up," and "Why is it that Melora said that artistry-not your mind--is what will help you realize your dreams."

ER: Does artistry include writing?

MELORA: Artistry includes everything that expresses you as a being. It's not about work; it's not about a profession. It's about your qualities as a being and your expressing them.

ER: Interesting.

MELORA: It's a totally different way of functioning in the world.

ER: Yeah, it really is.

MELORA: A lot more fun. [laughs]

ER: [laughs] Melora, you are incredible! Thank you: both you and Jyoti.

MELORA: It is our very, very great pleasure.

ER: This is one of the most transcendent experiences I've ever had.

MELORA: Well, we wish to assure our Jyoti that we are indeed here. It's not a matter of "Melora is back." Melora never went away. And so our Jyoti had said before the session: "I will totally let go of my ego; I will not have my personality involved when Melora comes through." It has been our very great pleasure to serve you in the Light, and we are Melora.

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Arrival of the Universal Timekeepers

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A great shift in perception, precipitated by recent global events, has created an opening for a new wave of energy to permeate the planet and by which a new group of enlightened souls can now be born into it.

This has great and timely ramifications for the planet and her people, for these souls are the gatekeepers of ascended consciousness. They are the universal timekeepers of new earth and hold the frequency of exoneration for all who are aligned with the new ways of being and existing.

Essentially, this means that the energy of freedom...the kinship with grace...is now wholly available in and around your sphere and holds the fluid field of potential for the bio-energetic ascension of the human form.

Biological Ascension

Those who are activated and aligned with 5th dimensional frequencies and higher are settling into position, preparing on a cellular level to transcend the limitations of earthly form.  The cells of the human body, which are mostly water, contain the genetic blueprint for biological ascension.  This blueprint is activated when enough of the cell mass is bathed in the light of higher consciousness and the energy vortices have opened sufficiently enough to sustain it.

For those who have adequately increased their light quotient by eliminating fear, this will be a time of transference.  What we mean by this is you will be transferring your carbon-based blueprint to the ascended crystalline blueprint necessary to hold and contain the higher dimensional frequencies that you are now operating within.

This moment of transference is one by which the physical body will adapt to in order to upgrade to the workings of the new human form.  For those in the process of this biological restructuring, we understand that it is rather taxing on the body to make the changeover, however, there is much more to this than meets the eye.

From a deeper, energetic perspective, what is happening is quite miraculous, for each of you are changing over to an entirely new way of existing and operating within the multidimensional matrix of your holographic realities and points of perception.  This new operating system will offer you the ability to do many wondrous and seemingly miraculous things, those which will also be present in the high vibrational children being born on the planet this day and onward.

Birthing, Raising & Teaching the New Children

The purpose of your awakening is not only to clear the way for humanity to follow in the footsteps of the great harbingers of peace, but to be and represent the future of the earth as physical guides to lead the new children who call for you.

The physical activation for those hosts who will be birthing, raising, and/or teaching the advanced souls from this new ray of light will be recognizing an increasing desire for, and connection to, children.  This increasing desire marks the clarion call for all those with contracts to care for and protect these precious and openly loving children from the harsh ways of the old dismantling world.   In some cases you, the guardians, will introduce these fully connected beings into physical existence on the earthly realm for the first time.

This is not only a great honor given exclusively to those who have earned the level of spiritual maturity to guide these masterful souls, but a great responsibility as well, for their gifts of the future must be well honed and protected from outside influences of negativity and fear.  Those with activated contracts to care for these children will intuitively feel a fierce sense of guardianship over these souls, and this is for good reason.

The vibration of earth has risen sufficiently enough for these souls, teachers, and parents-to-be, and you who will be guardians are now safely at the dimensional border waiting at the gate of ascended consciousness to welcome more of your soul family to the earth.  This is a joyous time of great celebration, not only for the caretakers of these new children of light, but for the entire human family.  These children bring with them many enlightened gifts for the evolution of earth and humanity...rejoice in your accomplishments dear way showers!

The Wisdom Keepers

Furthermore, we would like to make it known that those who have increased their vibration to the advanced level and crystalline bio-circuitry have reached a planetary activation level which was the result of the first and second waves of light who incarnated to clear the grids and to anchor and carry the 5th dimensional frequencies.  This planetary activation made possible by this group of souls warrants a true celebration, for it will be because of you that these new children, and thereby the new frequencies, are available to all.

For this great feat of accomplishment, the first wave warriors of light will retire and move up to maintain the collective consciousness as the wisdom keepers.  This group has seeded and sealed the planet with light, maintained their soul integrity through great hardships and now that critical mass has been achieved, these masters in disguise will be seen and acknowledged for who they truly are.

At last, those with their soul lights turned on will no longer fear extinguishment in the face of great darkness and resistance to truth.

And finally we would like to make clear that the arrival at biological ascension is something of great magnitude.  For those who have followed their inner guidance to this moment, you are the way and the light.  There are no words to define your experience, no words to fill the amount of gratitude that is held for each of you by the keepers of light.  We would like to extend our heartfelt love and thankfulness for your selfless dedication and service to the One, and we look forward to rejoicing with each of you in the fulfilling lives you are soon to lead.

Indeed, blessings and virtue always follow great honor.

Until next time, we are the Pleiadian High Council, bidding you farewell and good tidings.

Telepathic Transmission thru Lauren C. Gorgo at ThinkWithYourHeart.net

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Waiting Game!

Ker-On | 22 August 06

Everyone seems to be playing the waiting game, and we are no exception. Our input into matters is carefully weighted, and we endeavor to create the situation that will lead us to our goal, without what could be conceived as unnecessary interference. Our approach is on many fronts, all leading to our success in completing the most important and imminent part of our plan. We weaken the dark opposition, so that they are eventually able to be removed with the minimum of fuss. We do so because they no longer truly represent you, carry out your wishes or attend to your needs.

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Message from St. Germaine – 28 July 06

St. Germain | 28 July 06


Dear Ones what is happening in the Middle East is bringing about a mass revulsion by people throughout the world. It has become the focal point of all your feelings and desire to see change. It is painful to see the suffering and senseless carnage, which is against all their instincts and love for their fellow human Beings.

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Message from Porf June 29 2006

Porf Fills in History!

We are from the generation of Tibetan connected to the salutary historical system, which is an offshoot of Ramadan. My name is Porf and I will be doing most of the translation.
We have nothing to do with the Anunnaki race of people. They did ask us if we would give you an unbiased opinion of some key historical facts that have taken place in your inundated frequency. Our responsibility is to help you mentally clear a path that will permit patterns of clarity into your mentality, allowing you to be aware of what perfection is.
In order to pass through prismatic motion, which is a vibrational light prism that the dimensional consciousness is changing into which allows an energetic view of the new conscious ladder that you are stepping onto, you must be in control of all your automatic response systems. Many of you are aware of this, at this time.
Also, I'm going to repeat what you have been told. It is not you who are not waiting for the planet to change into a fifth dimensional
sequence; it's the planetary system waiting for you to move into a fifth dimension since it already knows how.
What do you think this 2012 interaction is all about? All the talk is about everything going into a new dimension. In actuality, everything going on at this time will be finished by 2012.
Another thing most of you have heard, that I'm going to repeat, is to remember that all conflicts entering into your circle of containment are presenting themselves to you at this time for you to learn allowance of energy. Remember this when people that you interact with become adversarial. It has nothing to do with somebody purposely trying to defraud you. This interaction can only enter into your life zone if you need this adversarial action to become part of your experience.
This is not our job to explain universal laws because this is what you're working on right now. We thought we would add a little to it. Basically, we are what you call historians. What we would like to do is present a picture of creation that has never been fully understood by the frequency that you preside in.
The only history that you know is the last three to five thousand years. Much of it has been misdirected. A lot of the reason for this
is the iconoclastic type people that tried to rule the world by telling their own story of historical facts. Many of these facts have
some validity, but the overall view of what has transpired in your past has been extremely misrepresented. One of the reasons is that a 3-D understanding of anything is limited to small pieces of the puzzle.
Now we have a captive audience that understands the multiple processes that take place for life to exist. Take for an example, a square block of wood, with six sides. Look at it. You only will see three sides at a time. When you rotate this block, you understand that there are more than three sides, but you'll still only see three sides at a time, which is only part of the picture. Some people will not even rotate the block, so they stay in the third dimensional view. The information we're giving you now would not interact with the consciousness that they preside in. So be prepared to turn the block.
The first thing that needs to be addressed is this stupid aging thing you have inundated yourself with. You have a perfectly functional physical vehicle that has been designed to basically function forever.  You then shut it down and do not let it do the job it was designed to do. This was accomplished by destroying your male and female connection with the mother planet. As you reconnect, as many of you are at this time, you will understand the real process of perfection. Start living it at this point and you will draw to you your counterpart, the one who is your true physical and spiritual mate. At this point you will make a complete balance.
The first thing that will go is this ridiculous aging concept that you were programmed to believe. You were first brought to mother earth's frequency approximately 68,000 years ago, not including the time loops you have been rerunning in a groundhog movie-like way. You know the movie that I am referring to.
You just think it is a silly story, but it was intentionally introduced, as are many different films, to the subconscious to open
up new avenues of concepts and reform. There are two groups that have their fingers in the film industry. One tries to control the masses with fear. The other opens up avenues of probability for you to explore.
Yes, that is us restructuring the intercom system of your computer. I understand there has been many changes to your verbal actuator device from every source of life. Oh well, it is our turn now. Have you noticed how quiet your processor is running? We have developed a system to balance it to the frequency that you're working with. It was basically working its ass off to keep up with your information. I think it will be OK now.
Before we go any further, I want to answer some questions that I am being asked. I am supposed to be some sort of a historian, but I will answer these questions first. “What is pain?” This is a very very good question.
When you are out of balance and your body starts physically breaking down, it sends you a message to where this inflection is taking place. Therefore, when you feel pain, instead of thinking that something is wrong, mentally focus on the point that is in pain. When you reach this point, understand what the discomfort really is. See that you have an unbalanced thought. In most cases you're allowing someone or something to make you feel out of balance or negative. Once you allow any situation or other person to gain your power point, you start losing your clarity. At this point discomfort, weakness, depression starts to set in.
Now let me see if I can get my empathic engineer to trust what I am presenting to him as historical facts. He knows what I am talking about because he has this big concern of misdiagnosing the information that he is being introduced to.
One of the most confusing aspects of comedic times is learning to understand that no matter what information you receive, the same information can seem like an entirely different story. This all stems from the view of what level of inept probabilities you are
experiencing.Anunnaki creational patterns.
I know, what the hell is that? Always remember your friend's favorite saying. “Everything in creative form is a vibrational frequency that is the result of a thought.” What a thought does is take the microns of energy, the responding pieces of non matter, and place it into a functional picture that fits whatever belief pattern you have inherited, from whatever program you have experienced in any vibrational form that is in a non-conscious creative condition. In other words, you're running around creating without realizing that you have the power do so.
The reason I'm going through all this rhetoric is that when you're explaining anything that is out of your immediate vibrated frequency, everyone who sees the picture will have a somewhat different explanation due to the vibrated pattern that this person draws to them. These are from whatever experience they have had in an elliptic viewpoint of whatever is being presented.
Confused? Let's try this! Everything you see visually or feel intuitively has only one channel to go through to process that which
you have stored of acquired experiences. Stop.let's see if I can get through!
For example, if you use a dictionary to find a word that is not included, the first thing you say is, “There is no such a word!”  Well, what does this mean? It means that whoever inspired the dictionary into a creative pattern of learning only had enough knowledge to fill one small book.
So, what about the rest of the information that is out there? You cannot be introduced to this information because the dictionary does not have a word that explains whatever you're seeking. This is what a third dimensional view does. It stops looking if it has no reference points to cause it to continue.
Now that you're expanding your points of reference, many of you are able to see a picture that could not be presented before. How many times have you heard somebody say, “Why don't the UFOs just land on the White House lawn and communicate with us?” My answer is this. They would be glad to if you would acknowledge their existence.  However, because you ran out of dictionary, you have no place to draw upon. So, you just shut everything down.
One thing I must say is that it will not be long before many of you will experience this new process. Actually, all that's in the way for many of you right now is still fear. Just keep on working on this and you will have amazing results.
Next, my friends and I will introduce a pattern of thought to you at a level of understanding that will have to be carefully processed. You are not allowed to go into a fear pattern of right and wrong. As long as any of these inept processes are in motion, they will interfere with staying in synchronicity with the velocity of the planetary alignments that allow dimensional change to rapidly fall into place.
In the beginning God created the earth. OK, right off the bat, creation has no beginning or end. Everything is in a constant flow,
regenerating itself. If there was a beginning where would it start from? If there was an end, what would be its destination? Where would it go?
If you look at everything in a third dimensional projection, you would only see three sides of a square block, believing of course, that everything has a beginning and end. Now you are working past this old concept, even though you can only see three sides of the block at one time. At least you are aware that there are three more sides.
Guess what? Once you find all six sides, creation will exponentially align itself to a process that will continue into infinity, which is
unbounded by space, time or quantity. It allows you to see the never-ending sides of the block.
I understand this goes past everyone that has a physical body and uses brain cells to cognate and process data. So let's just back up and use the six-sided block concept. This is where we will introduce this new information from. See how complex it can get to just get started with the history of a physical realm of existence? So what we will do, since we're working in time and space, is try to work from the biggest picture in this area. Sometimes it is necessary to drift in and out in order to get answers to some questions.
I was just asked a question if Atlantis and Lemuria were part of what we are today? Yes they are! Also there was Anoxia, Tryoden and Emesela, before that, and the list goes on and on. Humans have come and gone on this planet continuously. There never was a time when man was not. Many times humans had to return and experience technological restarts and some of these restarts are what you see in your historical fossil beds. This doesn't allow you much clarity on the historical facts of your ancestors.
If you could travel from planet to planet and see the infinite amount of different coagulations of atmospheric processes that are taking place, it would be quite overwhelming to comprehend. Each planet has a specific quality of uniqueness that the others do not.
Mother Earth has hers in its Elines Basela, which you refer to as gold. This is the energetic force that keeps all creative energies in flow, allowing the planet to function in a parallel expression of its original blueprint. This is why recently you have been told that any gold that has been taken off the planet immediately will replace itself, so that it can follow that original blueprint. I do not want
to get into the process of gold or we will never get any farther.
When different species of life realized the energy field that gold produces and what could be done with it, they came in droves to
harvest this precious commodity. I think this would be a good place to start. It is far enough back to give you a historical picture and give you a start on understanding what really took place in your history.
There are not many physical beings that have to deal with the load you carry on planet Earth. It seems like you created a special domain to come and experience everything in one place. It all stems back to when you each arrived here from many different planets and cryonic paths. At this point you were introduced to the earth's force field, which allows you to be able to adapt to the frequency of this planet.
To clarify a question, “Yes you can travel to other planets, but if you're not adapted to that frequency, in other words, if you do not
have a vibrational match to that planets frequency, you will not experience what the true aspects of life are in that domain.”
OK, now back to our train of thought. There was a group of people at that time that transported many different physical beings from many different planetary structures to create the life process that you're involved in at this time. They were basically brought here against their will to perform different projects for the Sumerians, who transported them to this planet.
When you look at the different races on your planet, it doesn't seem like that many. But actually, there are hundreds because the first arrivals interbred for thousands of years and looked like a single race. Now the second arrivals are in the process of doing the same. What the Sumerians did without realizing it, is allow these different races to combine their energetic fields. This combination gave them a conscious understanding of spiritual knowledge that can only be interacted into the system with a “We” complexity of creative thinking.
So there are two conducted processes going on in the same frequency. One of them is a group of beings that want to confiscate the precious metal from the earth's life form for their own benefit. They have brought many different cultures to your planet for this to take place.  The overall view of the original intent is to allow all these different human species to blend together producing a tremendous creative mental force that has not been attainable in this frequency, to this point.
In the last hundred years, without you realizing, mankind has spiritually risen above any point prior to this physical life's
experience. Each race of people that has been brought to your planet has brought a unique and precious commodity to enlighten the mental force field that inhabits the earth plane at this time.
For thousands of years mankind has gone through many trials and tribulations, allowing this segment of life force to adjust and
understand how to process thought without being controlled by others.  If you notice, all the way through your history there's always somebody or something in control.
Now if you pay attention, you'll see this is starting to change. This allows the new children to come in and prepare themselves to teach a new world an entirely new process of survival. These children would not be able to integrate into the system unless the system had prepared itself for it.
After many years of bringing different races of beings to the earth,  the Sumerians devised a method to keep track of the earth's progress by erecting Pyramid's in a certain order. This would allow them a visual advantage of earth's progress. As you were told earlier, the sole reason for bringing in millions of different beings from all over the Galaxy was to harvest all the gold that was available, as well as create a system that would be self-sustaining allowing the Samaritans to be in full control. They could then go back to their planet and everything would run automatically. They would not have to stay here to oversee the progress.
Well, for thousands of years this worked pretty well until they decided to build a tracking device using the geometric Pyramid energy. This allows all annonic wave motions to be detected from great distances since they only return approximately every 3,500 years; this is when their planet was aligned to allow this. After each trip they could return home with their precious commodity.
Now if you notice, all throughout the history that you know of, gold has been the most precious and sought after commodity in existence. So when the Sumerians first set up housekeeping and created a system that allowed everyone to survive in, they injected into your system a tremendous and overwhelming desire for gold. This desire is still is in place to date.
When they made the decision to erect the Pyramid's, the slave labor that they brought here had no means of constructing such a tremendous monolithic monument. Therefore, they introduced the process of levitation. This allowed these great mammoth shapes to be erected. This all worked very well for them. The Sumerians gave them the technology and taught them the means to erect these structures. They then returned to the 10th planet.
When they returned approximately 3500 years later, they noticed that they were starting to lose control because the technology they had given the slaves was being used in ways that weren't conducive to their project. So now they had to introduce a new process that wouldn't stop the progress of gold mining. At this point they created fear and added religion, governments, kingdoms, and even sports, because they knew the tremendous egotistical passion these people had.  These things would put them back in control. This is where the enlightened ones started their venture. This venture was later called the Illuminati.
Now, I want to inject a little wisdom into your intellect so that you will not start forming a negative mental image of all of this information. We're keeping this story in the highest collectible conscious frequency that we can. This allows us to tell a factual story. This is a process, a part of history that took place without a right or wrong concept as part of its demeanor.
If the reader of this information has any problem or connection with the concept of right or wrong, this information will not be allowed to inject into their mentality. This is nothing to do with whether you believe it or not. We are not concerned about how you process this in your belief system. All we are telling you are that if you're experiencing a disorder or mental conflict of how any of this information is portrayed, everything in your mental storage will shut down.
Let us go back to when you were first brought to Mother planet. When the word mother is used before the word planet, it means she has the capability to reproduce whatever she needs to keep survival in contact. When what you call the human race first arrived to Mother Earth, they were first taught how to manifest so they could create an environment that fit their needs. This was necessary because of the tremendous difference and variety from what they originally came from.
They brought many different ideas and processes from their original planets. Because they had the ability to manifest, they started rebuilding and duplicating what they had left behind. This is why there are so many different and plentiful new varieties of animals.  They also had to connect with the God force, which is the spirit world, so that they could line up each animal to match the sole purpose from the higher realms that each animal came in to be.
In other words, even though humans created animals, the original design and purpose had to originate from a creative intent. Understand that this is a new concept for you. The whole idea of this information is to train your mind to float with this information without having an opinion one way or another. This comes from an old Teradyne traditional prayer that goes like this; Mazade porede la paneled bucha pravaset tre, lile comred to corset . Is always keeps you in a place of allowance without control.
Teradyne is the group of people that was brought here in the very beginning of human transformation. This group has had the job of keeping in place a spiritual overtone so humans do not lose touch with the original creative force of humanity. Even though there is a historical view of what has transpired on the planet Earth, there is also a bigger creative power that put everything in place.
This has nothing to do with religion because religion is based on nothing more than a belief system that people tend to create. The result is the many of them that now exist, and will exist until the true meaning of creation is comprehended.
The true understanding of creation can only be comprehended when all beings in physical form have the same understanding of a creative force. This then allows everything to go back to one; this is the whole understanding of the God experience. In other words, nothing can function in perfection if all the parts are not there. This is what you're in the process of injecting into your consciousness; allowing all the nomenclature of understanding to create a view of knowledge which will allow you to step into a higher frequency of experience.
Yes! I will answer the question, “Does this continue forever?” My answer is, “Yes, only if you preside in time”. Remember, their never was a time when man was not. This is a metaphysical expression explaining that other aspects of life can take place without the use of time. Time was introduced into the third dimensional process of life so physical beings could learn to relate to a structured society. This is why people studying quantum physics have difficulty shifting to these new aspects that don't relate to time because they can only relate to their understanding of time.
Another aspect I would like to make clear is that everything we are discussing about your history is all based on the third dimensional viewpoint. There are many factors that are constantly working with all of you, all the way from cross-dimensional consciousness giving spiritual input introducing this third dimensional information to you.  There are many other levels of communication putting in their combined injection of knowledge.
When humans first experimented with cross consciousness between animal and human, as in many of the mythical stories you've heard, it actually took place, but not in the physical reality that you preside in. At one time mankind could phase in and out of these different vibrational experiences of life. This is where the half human-half animal aspects have their derivative roots.
The myopic understanding of Rainagod, the figure in Egypt which you have named the sphinx, is a good example of the connection between these two different vibrational systems. It was originally constructed by the Sumerians as a testimony of ownership, similar to how you would plant a flag today. They constructed an illusion of consciousness exchange to prove that they have the process of interlocking human and animal life force.
The Sphinx also is a landmark of where they have their akashic library, currently unexposed underground. It can be visited if you're properly identified as having Sufi thought patterns.
I understand your struggle with getting this information. Don't feel alone. We are so limited with these aspects of communication, but that's all we have, so we'll deal with it. What many of you are trying to do at this time is reconnect with this human and animal connection because of the tremendous understanding that interlocks between the two.
You know, I was just thinking how much information you have been deprived of because of the third dimensional connection you have with
the universe. Each one of the subjects that we introduced to you has a huge story in themselves. This might sound strange, but sometimes I am confused how far to go. I know you're looking at us as an overseer of all knowledge because of the tremendous information we comprehend. However, we still have our limitations on certain aspects.
To be truthful with you, the bigger the understanding of creation you see the more you realize what a small piece you really have. Staying humble actually draws in the understanding of knowledge. All there is is the understanding that we're all working to obtain.
Another misunderstood concept of history is the story of the Ark of the Covenant. What this represents is a collection of energetic
forces that help introduce new creative concepts into the reality that draws it in using the heading of “I need to know”. We will get into this more at a later time. It becomes very involved.
Wow! We just had an interesting experience connecting with the different entourage of life that you have been studying with for the past few years as it has come through your computer. You have had much more exposure than we realize.
OK, now that we see a somewhat different picture, I will explain a few more concepts that will help you understand our purpose in presenting ourselves and this information to you. By the way, I know now you understand about the soft electron force field that is directly interacting with your computer. This is one of the reasons you were directed to extend your house so the computer would be placed in this strategic area. This is why sometimes that irritating sound is omitting from your transponder.
I want to explain one more factor before we get back to our history lesson. This is back to being controlled, which I know you understand and work at all the time. There's one aspect that is overlooked where right and wrong still flourish and is still in control. This is the concept of staying healthy.
There are many of these concepts out there which are absolutely worthless unless they match your vibration. There is no right or wrong way to eat. Each person has to understand where they are in their belief system and pursue their habits according to this. Remember how many times you've been told everything is qualified by whenever you believe. If information is somebody else's belief, how can it help you?
OK! I am finished preaching to you. The reason I do this occasionally is that the more clearly I can enhance the reader, the more I can introduced the information I am passing on to you.
There are so many different stories to share with you that you have never had a clue existed; but because of where you live in time and space, there is not enough time to fit everything in. What I would like to happen is have people ask questions and work from that perspective. The main reason we have presented this information to you is to shift your thinking out of the old controlled nonsense that the system has been feeding you for years, which is all based on fear.  Once you start realizing and understanding that there is something in control over the whole planetary system, you will realize that all this control system did is switch to fear, blaming its own power, which still kept you in fear.
Everything is blamed on the government or on some secret organization that controls the money, or some low-frequency that drives you crazy, or different chemicals put out by jet engines. All you have to do in a world full of fear is put this information out, in some written form and a good percentage of the populace will believe it. What you have now is back to full control. All they do is find out what game you are playing and what belief system you have, and then they make up stories of fear and introduce them into that belief system through the media.
If you are in control of the news media and the educational system, you pretty much have control of the entire planet. Some of you
remember when radio and television was first introduced into the system. No matter how poor a country or person was, they were able to afford these two items. This made it very easy to control the masses.
Take 9-11 for an example. Nothing in history has put more people in fear than the process they used for this venture. The reason they are getting so nervous is because they're starting to lose control. Basically, in the big picture, this venture is backfiring on them. They even used the date to match the emergency number.
This was all carefully calculated with a fear based conclusion. Everything was screwed down and controlled tightly, using the Muslim, Christian, Buddhist and many other religions, giving them the perfect control over humanity, as you know it.
The reason I am bringing this to your attention is so that you realize not to blame the Arabs or anyone for the situation the planet is in, at this time. What is happening is a last-ditch effort for the powers to be to stay in control. THE POWERS TO BE ARE NOT THE RESIDENTS OF YOUR PLANET. STAY AWAY FROM ANY BLAME. THIS JUST GIVES YOUR POWER AWAY. Most of this is controlled by the SUMERIAN race which we've talked about earlier.
Now this is a big one for you. What they did and are doing is all in perfection. So, look at the broad scale of everything. This is whereyour mind must venture to. See perfection in everything with no blame. Once you get to this point, the Christ consciousness is allowed to enter into your power point of awareness.
I know you have been told how the power point works. It basically works off nonresistance. The reason some of the great masters reached this point of enlightenment is because they were in control of their point of power and were able to start functioning in perfection by using the Christ consciousness.
Religions really don't have much information. They did hold a very important part of creation and that is why many of them stayed
connected to the source. The source understands that mankind cannot have the answers and really doesn't care. What the source goes by is the love feeling that is held in place. This allows a spiritual development to take hold. This actually now is a big part of the world's switchover; understanding truth and information that they have been using for years, but which was not a non-truth; it was just way short of the big picture.
In other words, if you had not have gone through the spiritual part of your incarnations with religion, you would not be where you are today. This was all set up by the original creator who understands that it has to follow its own blueprint to a final result.
A blueprint cannot be changed. It can be held back for some period of time, but once the gate is open again, it will continue on and follow its destination in perfection. No matter how disrupted anything in universal energy looks, it still is all perfect and the way it is happening is the way it was designed to.
Many of you have heard this a lot, but it still has to be said until people totally adhere to it and live it. The reason we are presenting this information to you is not to change your belief system but just to add to it. No matter what you have believed to this point, it is all true at some level. Once you get the entire story it will all make sense to you.
At some point this will allow you a mental freedom that was not attainable prior to this understanding. Once you have attained mental freedom you reach utopia. This is what the goal of physical form is at this point.
All mental freedom is nothing but allowing everything to be perfect. There is a man in your life experience at this point who has pretty well obtained this point. You can use him as an example. No, you figure it out! There is no lie, there is no truth. Everything is in the illusion that you are presiding in. It is in progress; a perfect experience of expansion.
No matter how bad or awful anything looks, the result of the experience is what you'll benefit from once you learn to experience
life in this manner. Do not see the bad situations as negative or positive, but as a way to get your attention. Learn to apply this to
the situation at hand and realize that without these different experiences your life adventure would be worthless.
This is the goal; handle everything that comes to you with eagerness and acceptance. Look forward to experiencing anything. Once you reach this point, all matter ceases as a disruptive pattern in your life, allowing a serene experience of life that's unattainable any other way. Thank you, Saint Germaine for your input.
Next we will talk about some of our early teachers that started your mental expansion. This was prior to Atlantis. The one you know as Thoth, who decided to incarnate at this time in a physical form and isnow walking among you as a child, at a certain point in the very near future will present himself to the masses.———— OK ! We have a situation here. We did not realize the connection you already have with this child. Give us sometime to check and see if he's the same one we're talking about.———————— boy did that one sneak in.
It looks like from here that we're talking about the same entity. I don't know if it's a good idea to print this. Let us leave it for now
we might have to delete this at a later point. What is your opinion?  I was just asked why this was a surprise to us, aren't we part of the spirit world? No we are not anything to do with the spirit world we still are a spiritual being with a physical connection not like yours but we still have to digest facts to see the bigger picture.
I understand you think we are infallible but we are just basically historians. Everything is pretty much the same as you are, except we have no veil between the physical and spiritual. You have to work much harder to see truth because of this veil, but in the long run it is worth the extra effort because of the tremendous knowledge that you have acquired through understanding without seeing.
Let me show you an analogy on this process. Would you follow a blind man who took you up a steep dangerous trail who never trips or falls and does this every day flawlessly? Or would you rather have a person with full vision who is constantly falling and getting hurt every time the ventures out on the trail?
Understand that we have the capability of interceding into your lives but we still have our limitations. Since you received an affirmative on leaving that piece in your ledger, we will go along with you and leave it in. I'm going to get off the track here a little bit and see if I can work through the receiver of this information's belief system about wasting anything.
Stop! The reason you can't understand what I'm saying is because you have a big block on this information. Now try it again! Most of you have been so programmed on how not to waste anything, especially food. I know, just flow with it! Think about it. How can anything be wasted if everything is constantly replacing itself? The only thing that can stop it is fear. If you have a fear of wasting, you stop the replacement flow.
Let's take food as an example. Everything you eat is grown from Mother Earth. The more that's used, the more she can produce. This is the same with currency. The more you spend, the more you draw to you—UNLESS— you have fear about it. I understand this is one of the hardest lessons to learn.
There is a famous saying, I worked so hard for this money and I have to be careful how I spend it, so it will last. This whole sentence does nothing more than stop the flow. Remember, everything is an illusion. Most of you have heard this before; it is time to start applying it.
This is going to be one of the biggest challenges you will have, getting out of a controlled environment/the third dimensional
viewpoint. You hear so much talk about the lack of, instead of the abundance of. I don't even know where to tell you to start, other
than to look at the law of attraction and understand the concept of this pattern. The new frequency that you are currently evolving into has to be a complete match to you so you can operate within these new energy patterns.
Sharing with you this information has been very enjoyable and we hope to get back with you soon so we can share with you one of this information.
– Porf

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Message from St. Germain 10-July-06

St. Germain Wisdom!


I wish to remind you that in your present role on Earth, you are an aspect of yourself chosen to play out particular events that are important to your evolution. You bring with you unfinished business, and also situations that you have previously enacted one way, and now desire to play differently. These are decisions you make between incarnations, with a view to advancing along your evolutionary path. Each and every one of you goes through these times of decision-making.

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